I just had a dental implant done last week and once it is healed I will be having the crown placed. Two questions...does dental insurance typically cover the crown placement? and how soon after the implant will I know if my body rejects it?
Unfortunately I know no insurance companies that cover implants. If they cover the crowns they didn't mine. First off did you know your body won't reject the implant but the implant can possibly not "take" and have to be removed to be replaced after the area heals.It isn't often that an implant has problems anymore. You might feel an odd sensation though which if you do don't panic it is good news. You might feel a ping of pain in the implant area that goes quickly away. Think of snapping your leg with a rubber band, hurts but the pain leaves quickly. (yet a rubber band hurts worse than what I am trying to describe) This is the process of the bond bonding to the titanium. It isn't extreme pain either just so that you notice. I have a mouth full of implants and you can write to me if you want an implant buddy who has been there.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
implants for dentures/insurance coverage?
I am looking for dental insurance that covers mini dental implants for dentures?
Well, as far as I know... Dental insurances do not currently cover dental implants. Because it is the latest, greatest and more expensive procedure, dental insurance companies don't like to put the money out for that. They would rather pay out for a partial denture or bridge. They do cover the prosthetic (crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.) needed after the placement of the implant(s) at their percentage. Average insurance companies cover prosthetic at 50%-75%. 100% if you're lucky. Do remember that some insurance companies have a "12 month waiting period," meaning you must have coverage by that dental insurance company for 12 consecutive months BEFORE they cover the costs of major work, like dentures. I would suggest to go online, search for dental insurances and speak to a customer representative. They would are MORE than happy to speak to a potential customer. Just ask about "dental implant coverage." I hope this information is helpful! =) Let me know if you need anymore info! Good luck!
Well, as far as I know... Dental insurances do not currently cover dental implants. Because it is the latest, greatest and more expensive procedure, dental insurance companies don't like to put the money out for that. They would rather pay out for a partial denture or bridge. They do cover the prosthetic (crowns, bridges, dentures, etc.) needed after the placement of the implant(s) at their percentage. Average insurance companies cover prosthetic at 50%-75%. 100% if you're lucky. Do remember that some insurance companies have a "12 month waiting period," meaning you must have coverage by that dental insurance company for 12 consecutive months BEFORE they cover the costs of major work, like dentures. I would suggest to go online, search for dental insurances and speak to a customer representative. They would are MORE than happy to speak to a potential customer. Just ask about "dental implant coverage." I hope this information is helpful! =) Let me know if you need anymore info! Good luck!
What should I do about my tooth? I have a molar on my upper right quadrant that has a temporary cap on it.?
Some of it has broken off. It is the last one in the cornner of my mouth. IF I have it pulled will it affect me adversely over the long term??? I am a poor college student with no dental insurance. Thanks for any help.
Do you have dental schooling at your university? If so, you may want to check into seeing if they can repair your tooth. They do not charge what dentist charge. If not, make a few calls, and see what type of payment plan you could make. Removing a molar and not replacing, it could affect your other teeth's alignment in time to come, not to mention your eating. I am sure there is a dentist out there that would set you up on a payment plan. Good luck to you.
Do you have dental schooling at your university? If so, you may want to check into seeing if they can repair your tooth. They do not charge what dentist charge. If not, make a few calls, and see what type of payment plan you could make. Removing a molar and not replacing, it could affect your other teeth's alignment in time to come, not to mention your eating. I am sure there is a dentist out there that would set you up on a payment plan. Good luck to you.
Is a chipped tooth a pre-existing condition?
My husband chipped his tooth and came to find that the dental portion of his insurance would not cover it...I have Aflac dental ins and I'm pretty sure that they would cover it. I wanted to switch him to my policy...however, is the tooth considered a "pre-existing" condition whereas they would not cover it?
Dental insurance doesn't usually have a preexisting conditions clause. That being said, if it's considered cosmetic only, it will unlikely be covered. If it is covered it will be a only a small percentage. However, if it is going to cause the loss of the tooth or some other health issue, they will cover their normal portion. Keep in mind dental plans in general only cover at best about 50% and most are lower than that. A lot of people make the mistake of expecting dental insurance to work similar to their medical plans and it can be frustrating when you find out how little it covers. Hope that helps
Dental insurance doesn't usually have a preexisting conditions clause. That being said, if it's considered cosmetic only, it will unlikely be covered. If it is covered it will be a only a small percentage. However, if it is going to cause the loss of the tooth or some other health issue, they will cover their normal portion. Keep in mind dental plans in general only cover at best about 50% and most are lower than that. A lot of people make the mistake of expecting dental insurance to work similar to their medical plans and it can be frustrating when you find out how little it covers. Hope that helps
Will the National Health Insurance program require the Homeless to buy health insurance?
If all US Citizens will be required by Federal Law to buy and have health insurance, then will the bag ladies and guys with tin cups on the corner have to collect more handouts to pay their premiums? More importantly, will doctors and hospitals be required to admit and treat them to keep them up to a national standard for acceptable health? Will the effects of hunger, severe cold and heat, dental problems and other effects due to neglect be covered? How will they be punished for not buying insurance? If not participating in the Economy becomes a Federal Crime, will the Government have to put an end to Homelessness? What will this mean for the ideology of Freedom as our primary Right under Constitutional Law?
Not sure. You can investigate what is happening in Massachusetts now, or Canada. In Mass, you are hit by higher taxes if you dont have insurance. Not sure how that would affect homeless as most don't pay taxes anyways. If it were to be a crime to have no health insurance, and homeless would need to go to jail. That wouldn't work either since the jails are overcrowded as is, and governments do not have money to house and feed the inmates even today. So homeless are not the issue here. Overall cost of healthcare will go up and the quality will go down. Just like in Canada.
Not sure. You can investigate what is happening in Massachusetts now, or Canada. In Mass, you are hit by higher taxes if you dont have insurance. Not sure how that would affect homeless as most don't pay taxes anyways. If it were to be a crime to have no health insurance, and homeless would need to go to jail. That wouldn't work either since the jails are overcrowded as is, and governments do not have money to house and feed the inmates even today. So homeless are not the issue here. Overall cost of healthcare will go up and the quality will go down. Just like in Canada.
Is this a good health insurance policy?
man 37 years old married to woman 37 years old with 2 children 12 years old and 10 years old. he works full time as a mechanic making $40,000 a year and she works part time making $10,000. neither employer offers health insurance. They buy own health insurance that has $500 annual deductible for each person, and that pays a max of $50 for each visit to the doctor for each person 5 times a year and pays 50% of any tests that have to be done like Xrays up to 5 tests a year up to a limit of $500 in tests per person per year....and they pay 70% of any hospitalization or surgery up to a limit of $20,000 per person per year. Dental is a straight 50% of everthing per person per year up to a limit of $1000 per year and vision is a straight 50% of everything up to a limit of $1000 per person per year. The cost is $900 per month for coverage for the entire family. This is a hypothetical coverage, but is this a "good" health insurance coverage and is the cost of this insurance reasonalbe??? Lastly can our society do better this in the USA ????...if not., what is preventing it?
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Health Insurance for 16 and 19 year old.... which company and which plan?
I am trying to find health insurance for my sister and I. I have done some research on Humana, Blue Cross & Blue Shield and United Health Care, but I'm not really sure which one to pick. We are relatively healthy with no pre-existing health conditions and probably only get sick about once a year. We basically need the routine essentials, visit to the eye doctor once a year, dental cleanings every 6 months, and an annual visit with the gynecologist. Neither of us smoke, or are on prescriptions, and we don't need maternity leave or anything like that. I'm looking for something that won't make me broke since I'll be paying for it, but still provides adequate coverage, and for that just in case in accident the insurance will cover it so I don't go home with a bill for thousands of dollars...What would be the best company and plans to look into? Thanks for the suggestions! (BTW we are Illinois residents)
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Health insurance - Do I need it?
I'm 19, in college, and I work about 27 hours/week making minimum wage. I was wondering if I should start looking into purchasing some kind of health insurance or put a certain amount away each month at least until I finish college and start a family. I'm going to be a dental hygienist, btw. I save a good bit of my income already ($1700 in savings). My parents don't have a plan. I've never had any big health problems and am very healthy at the current time. My family on my mom's side has a history of diabetes and heart problems (I think its mostly because they didn't eat well and smoked). Any suggestions on what I should do? And where should I start if I were to purchase health insurance?
You can easily check your minimal health insurance rates in internet, for example here - healthplans.my-age.net
You can easily check your minimal health insurance rates in internet, for example here - healthplans.my-age.net
Is everyone more concerned about insurance companies bottom line than my family?
I have received nothing but excuses for why the insurances company dropped my husbands health insurance. Deny my daughters doctor ordered wheelchair updates and physical therapy. The lack of these 2 things have nearly killed her and cost more because the fusion failed causing 2nd surgery. All respondents have been brain washed into believing the insurance companies have these rights and should have these rights. If ins You do realize if you are dropped after you become ill like my husband it will be to late. You are further brain washed to believe I didn't have a job when denied my medication, dental, and all other bills in 2003 even thou I stated between myself and The State of WI I worked we were paying $1300 per mo for my insurance. They just refused to pay. It has been complicated but it is as simple as taking the total cost of health care for 2007 and dividing that amount amoungst all insured evenly. It can be done and it is possible to give people the care they need.
I am not trying to be disrespectful but I couldnt understand or follow your question/comments. I would have liked to been able to assist. Possibly you are typing this when you are feeling very upset. once you more relaxed repost with the type of plan you are on/or were on. meaning, employee health group plan, COBRA plan, Self-purchased;self-pay plan, Medicare, Medicaid etc. there are so many variables and no one can help you if you cant provide more pertinent info. good luck to you I hope it all works out.
I am not trying to be disrespectful but I couldnt understand or follow your question/comments. I would have liked to been able to assist. Possibly you are typing this when you are feeling very upset. once you more relaxed repost with the type of plan you are on/or were on. meaning, employee health group plan, COBRA plan, Self-purchased;self-pay plan, Medicare, Medicaid etc. there are so many variables and no one can help you if you cant provide more pertinent info. good luck to you I hope it all works out.
Question regarding being covered by my parents medical insurance?
So I've done my research, and found out that at age 18, I am dropped by my parents medical insurance, unless I am a full time student. I am currently 18 years of age, and am not a full time student, I am not even going to school right now. But I desperately need some dental work done, and I am curious to how the dental coverage works during the summer. Will I be covered in the summer if I take a few classes? Obviously I wouldn't take 12 units, since the summer semester is shorter. Or would I have to wait all the way until Fall, to take 12 units in school, and then have my dental work done? And possibly, could I just fake a schedule of classes I am taking at college and send it the people for the medical insurance? Any advice is needed, thank you.
Check with your parents' insurance agent to see how best to handle the situation. I warn you that it's unlikely that there will be a way to get the dental issues covered, since they're pre-existing. It's also a really bad idea to lie by making up a fake schedule or anything of the sort. That's insurance fraud, and it's a felony in most states.
Check with your parents' insurance agent to see how best to handle the situation. I warn you that it's unlikely that there will be a way to get the dental issues covered, since they're pre-existing. It's also a really bad idea to lie by making up a fake schedule or anything of the sort. That's insurance fraud, and it's a felony in most states.
Buy all the insurance you can afford, and then a little extra?
Is it smart, socially responsible, and good parenting to buy all the insurance a person can afford? Health ins. (the good kind with all the extras), the best dental possible, $500 deductible but high limit full auto w/ everything, max life ins., max disability, best homeowners/renters ins available, & what else??? Even if you have to cut out common luxuries - no cable TV, or skipping a few vacations, for example - doesn't it seem like a no-brainer to insure yourself to the max?? Consider the sad stories of wrecked lives caused by Katrina, car accidents, kids who lose a parent, impoverished old folks who have only SSDI or SSI, and uninsured kids who get sick. By the way, I was born with a very high risk taking personality too - but after fifty years, I'm weary of depending on good luck (can't recall ever making an ins. claim except 4 emergency room visits). I love feeling of security. Is there a better use of money than buying max amount of insurance? Is there a wiser investment?
No, it's not. Health insurance IS a good idea. Private dental insurance is not. You need to insure yourself to meet your current financial goals. There is such a thing as being "insurance poor". Insurance is only PART of a financial planning package. Living under your means, budgeting, and investing is the other part.
No, it's not. Health insurance IS a good idea. Private dental insurance is not. You need to insure yourself to meet your current financial goals. There is such a thing as being "insurance poor". Insurance is only PART of a financial planning package. Living under your means, budgeting, and investing is the other part.
In Pain, in need of a root canal.?
Hi. My brother is in need of a root canal. We have insurance, but my dad is unwilling to pay for another root canal because he's had three already. Is there any sort of aid I can help him with? Any government aid at all? He's only 19, and doesn't have the money to pay for any sort of dental work that's not covered by our dental insurance.
If you have insurance you will not qualify for public assistance. Your dad needs to quit being a butt head and have it covered under his insurance. Perhaps your brother can reimburse him for the co-pays.
If you have insurance you will not qualify for public assistance. Your dad needs to quit being a butt head and have it covered under his insurance. Perhaps your brother can reimburse him for the co-pays.
Iowa common law marriage for insurance?
ok, so I have been seeing my boyfriend for a year and a half, we have living together for almost a year. I have been in and out of dental surgeries all week and will be needing more in the future but I am not working and have no insurance. My boyfriend is eligible through his work within the next few weeks. They recognize common law marriage and I can be covered in his insurance if we go that route. His mother opened her mouth last night when he brought this up and now he is concerned about us actually being married based on me getting insurance with his. We only want to have us both under his insurance, not doing taxes together or anything of the nature. So does that make it a real marriage based on that? How should we go about this without any worries?
Iowa: The requirements for a common-law marriage are: (1) intent and agreement to be married; (2) continuous cohabitation; and (3) public declarations that the parties are husband and wife.
Iowa: The requirements for a common-law marriage are: (1) intent and agreement to be married; (2) continuous cohabitation; and (3) public declarations that the parties are husband and wife.
Why is getting kids health insurance a higher priority than getting adults covered?
I don't understand this. It seems that getting kids health insurance in this country is more important than getting it for adults, when don't adults need to go to the doctor more often? If adults can't afford it, and therefore probably aren't getting the health care that they need, how are they supposed to take care of their kids?? I guess it's cheaper to get kids covered because adults generally are at a higher risk of having health problems, getting into serious accidents, etc. Why do kids really even need it? As an adult, I've have to go to the doctor more than when I was a kid. I recently had 3 wisdom teeth out, have a 4th one coming in, and I have to pay it all out of pocket because my small insurance policy won't cover dental. I think it's more important that adults get covered first.
I feel exactly the way you do. I don't understand why there are so many programs out there for kids, but little to nothing for adults. I'm still trying to pay off my hospital bills from last year and I was only hospitalized twice. I'm 25 now and I'd hate to see how much I'm going to have to start paying once I'm older and have more issues.
I feel exactly the way you do. I don't understand why there are so many programs out there for kids, but little to nothing for adults. I'm still trying to pay off my hospital bills from last year and I was only hospitalized twice. I'm 25 now and I'd hate to see how much I'm going to have to start paying once I'm older and have more issues.
Would an abscessed tooth have sensitivity to hot and cold?
Yesterday after a nap I woke up with this excruciating pain in the second tooth to the right from my top teeth. It is extremely painful and very sensitive to anything touching it. I have read online and it sounds abscessed minus on major point, rather then being sensitive to hot to cold it appears to be relieved by it, especially if submerged in hot or cold liquid. To make it worse, I have no dental insurance, I have no health insurance whatsoever.
i would suggest HIGHLY SUGEST on going to the dentist NOW, sounds infected, go now while the cost is minnimal, before it spreads and you have to see multiple doctors and the cost will surely douple triple, and even quadruple if you need to have major surgey, go to the dentist NIW before the cost goes way up! dude serously no joke if you go now im sure $1000 TOPS! if you wait any longer maybe $2000-$10'000
i would suggest HIGHLY SUGEST on going to the dentist NOW, sounds infected, go now while the cost is minnimal, before it spreads and you have to see multiple doctors and the cost will surely douple triple, and even quadruple if you need to have major surgey, go to the dentist NIW before the cost goes way up! dude serously no joke if you go now im sure $1000 TOPS! if you wait any longer maybe $2000-$10'000
How do I find a good dentist in Kansas?
I am 27 years old and do to a vechical accadent where my face hit the stiring wheel my front theeth are loosing the enamal. I have been to several dentist each of them wanting to just pull all my teeth and give me dentures. I live in Kansas and have no dental insurance. Does anyone know of a good dentist that is not crackpot?
Heartland Dental Group have two offices one at 3507 South 4th St. Leavenworth, KS 913-682-1000 or 913-772-1000 or 104 North 6th Atchison, KS 913-367-2245 I went to the one in Atchison. Great dentist! Good luck
Heartland Dental Group have two offices one at 3507 South 4th St. Leavenworth, KS 913-682-1000 or 913-772-1000 or 104 North 6th Atchison, KS 913-367-2245 I went to the one in Atchison. Great dentist! Good luck
What kind of damage could OTC pain relievers cause if taken daily long term?
My brother takes OTC pain relievers every single day, and he has been doing so for about 6 months now. He does it because he has really rotten teeth and no dental insurance. I'm just wondering what kind of problems this could cause his body? The pills he take are half aspirin and half acetaminophen.
KIDNEY DAMAGE. More specifically, it causes papillary necrosis of the kidney. He's probably OK with 6 months of use, depending on how much he takes every day. Combination products that are aspirin and tylenol mixed together are harder on your kidneys than aspirin or ibuprofen alone. Tylenol is mostly hard on your liver.
KIDNEY DAMAGE. More specifically, it causes papillary necrosis of the kidney. He's probably OK with 6 months of use, depending on how much he takes every day. Combination products that are aspirin and tylenol mixed together are harder on your kidneys than aspirin or ibuprofen alone. Tylenol is mostly hard on your liver.
What is the average price of wisdom tooth extractions?
I had one pulled earlier this year, and it cost me $400 for just one! I've had people tell me that that's a bit on the steep side. Now, I need the other three pulled, but I don't have a job or dental insurance. What the hell am I supposed to do?
at least $1000 with a sedation ($300-400 extra) (for all 4) most dental insurances cover this and at 80% depending on the company and they will cover a sedation on 4 widsom teeth!!! :) good luck for 3 its REALLY honestly depends on how they are in your mouth.. a surgical extraction is more expensive than a simple one. (simple is like a straight up and down wisdom tooth = non impacted tooth) if you know the "codes" the surgeon uses to code how simple or hard the extraction is, you can call your insurance and they can tell you what they cover.. OR the DR's office can tell you what it will cost per tooth based on the simple or hard extraction... that way you can chose which ones to take out now that you can afford or to do them all. but $400ish is not that expensive for a surgical extraction its about normal....could be around $150 for a simple one... but it depends on the DR and where you live...
at least $1000 with a sedation ($300-400 extra) (for all 4) most dental insurances cover this and at 80% depending on the company and they will cover a sedation on 4 widsom teeth!!! :) good luck for 3 its REALLY honestly depends on how they are in your mouth.. a surgical extraction is more expensive than a simple one. (simple is like a straight up and down wisdom tooth = non impacted tooth) if you know the "codes" the surgeon uses to code how simple or hard the extraction is, you can call your insurance and they can tell you what they cover.. OR the DR's office can tell you what it will cost per tooth based on the simple or hard extraction... that way you can chose which ones to take out now that you can afford or to do them all. but $400ish is not that expensive for a surgical extraction its about normal....could be around $150 for a simple one... but it depends on the DR and where you live...
What is best anti-biotic for a lingering abcessed Molar tooth?
I have been taking pain meds for three weeks! No Dental insurance and tooth pull requires special surgery as molar is impacted by the wisdom tooth. Any source for anti-biotic needed and without a prescription?
I am so sorry that you are going through this. The only advice that I can give you is that you will need a prescription antibiotic. Cliyndamycin ( I know I Mis-spelled it) Is a very Strong antibiotic and is not expensive. There is nothing out on the market (without a prescription) that will help what you are describing. I advise you to go asap because your teeth and mouth are in conjunction with your heart. To avoid anything more serious you should take care of this matter asap!! Good Luck!!
I am so sorry that you are going through this. The only advice that I can give you is that you will need a prescription antibiotic. Cliyndamycin ( I know I Mis-spelled it) Is a very Strong antibiotic and is not expensive. There is nothing out on the market (without a prescription) that will help what you are describing. I advise you to go asap because your teeth and mouth are in conjunction with your heart. To avoid anything more serious you should take care of this matter asap!! Good Luck!!
My current job has stopped offering insurance.. What is my best option?
My job has stopped offering insurance, I'm wondering what my best bet is as far as getting decent health insurance, I also need dental really bad. I heard there is some sort of insurance from the state I can get now that my company does not offer insurance at all anymore. Any help would be appreciated!!!
As long as you are fairly healthy then you should be able to purchase a very cheap individual health insurance plan out on the open market. If you are not healthy then you will want to ask a local agent about your HIPAA health insurance options. Here is some more information on finding cheap individual health insurance and also some info on HIPAA plans:
As long as you are fairly healthy then you should be able to purchase a very cheap individual health insurance plan out on the open market. If you are not healthy then you will want to ask a local agent about your HIPAA health insurance options. Here is some more information on finding cheap individual health insurance and also some info on HIPAA plans:
How dentist determine number of tooth surfaces when filling is required?
My Dental insurance company require me to pay certain amount for each procedure. I have to go for a tooth filling sometime this week and my charge list shows various charges depending on number of surfaces. For example for Resin-Based Composite – One Surface, Anterior i have to pay 17$, for Two Surfaces, Anterior i have to pay 23$ and so on... So as a patient how do i determine myself that for how many surfaces dentist should charge me?
You can't. You are not a dentist!! So really, they can rip you off if you want to. The only thing you could do, is research every type of tooth and then say...hey, wait a minute... a bicuspid only has 2 surfaces...how come you are billing me for 4!!! (for example) That sort of thing. Dentists can seriously rip you off. They are licensed crooks. A better thing to do is to ask your dentist to prepare you a written report, showing each tooth that needs to be filled...how many surfaces need to be filled...and so forth...BEFORE you get the work done.
You can't. You are not a dentist!! So really, they can rip you off if you want to. The only thing you could do, is research every type of tooth and then say...hey, wait a minute... a bicuspid only has 2 surfaces...how come you are billing me for 4!!! (for example) That sort of thing. Dentists can seriously rip you off. They are licensed crooks. A better thing to do is to ask your dentist to prepare you a written report, showing each tooth that needs to be filled...how many surfaces need to be filled...and so forth...BEFORE you get the work done.
Is it neccessary to have a crown put over a tooth immediately after a Root Canal?
The problem I have is..... I have reached my annual maximum for my Dental Insurance. This would need to be paid for out of pocket. I am not rich. I was planning on having the root canal done in April 2008 I was wondering if I can do the root canal now but postpone the Crown until 1/1/2009? Is that risky? Especially if I focus my chewing of hard items on the opposite side of my mouth. Thanks
If the root canal is started next month, chances are it won't be finished until the end of the month or May, depending on if it's a molar, how many canals, how booked up the dentist is, etc.... After a root canal treatment, it is recommended to have a core or post & core placed in the tooth, followed by a crown since the teeth become brittle/weak. If you've already reached your annual max for '08, you'll have to pay for the root canal out of pocket anyway.... you can wait until '09 to have the crown done, but you may want to have a temporary crown placed until you're able to get the permanent one made....just to give the tooth some extra stability. If the temporary crown was placed in June, and you had the perm impression in January, it's only 7 months.... you should be ok. Some patients go years with temporary crowns.... sad, but true...and absolutely not recommended. Good luck to you.
If the root canal is started next month, chances are it won't be finished until the end of the month or May, depending on if it's a molar, how many canals, how booked up the dentist is, etc.... After a root canal treatment, it is recommended to have a core or post & core placed in the tooth, followed by a crown since the teeth become brittle/weak. If you've already reached your annual max for '08, you'll have to pay for the root canal out of pocket anyway.... you can wait until '09 to have the crown done, but you may want to have a temporary crown placed until you're able to get the permanent one made....just to give the tooth some extra stability. If the temporary crown was placed in June, and you had the perm impression in January, it's only 7 months.... you should be ok. Some patients go years with temporary crowns.... sad, but true...and absolutely not recommended. Good luck to you.
How much would it cost for porcelain veneers done on your visible teeth on average?
I'd like to get Veneers done for my fiancee before our wedding and would like to get her visible smiling teeth done as a surprise. I have no idea how much it would cost (though I expect it to be high). Does anyone know what the cost would be? I am out in PA. I also have dental insurance through metlife but not sure if it would extend to veneers or not.
Most insurance companies will not cover cosmetic dental work...the price will vary, starting from $350.00...I am in Texas and this is what it cost me per crown....the cost should be less if they are veneers which are applied to the front of your existing teeth...they are different procedures...it all depends on what kind of work you need done. If however, your teeth need repair and your dentist determines that it is more than cosmetic (will need X-rays), the insurance company will cover as per plan guidelines.
Most insurance companies will not cover cosmetic dental work...the price will vary, starting from $350.00...I am in Texas and this is what it cost me per crown....the cost should be less if they are veneers which are applied to the front of your existing teeth...they are different procedures...it all depends on what kind of work you need done. If however, your teeth need repair and your dentist determines that it is more than cosmetic (will need X-rays), the insurance company will cover as per plan guidelines.
question about dental work.?
I got a partial and it looks terrible. I ended up breaking a tooth off and was sent to another dental office to get it fixed. The people at this office also told me it looks terrible and it would look much better if I got my canine tooth pulled even though most dentist dont like to pull this particular tooth. I told my dentist this is what I want after all whats another tooth since i already have the partial. he refuses to pull the tooth but assures me he will do the work until im happy with it even if i end up needing a completely new partial. my question is will i be charged again for another partial even though i expreseed my dislike. is he just trying to get more money out of me? any ideas on what i should do? I signed a contract with him so they wont let me switched dentist even though its the same practice plus ive used up all of my insurance with this. thanks for any input.
It sounds like the Dentist wants to help you until you are satisfied. If the first Partial dosent fit right they will do what they can till it does. If not they should give you a new partial at no charge. One other thing was this an immediate partial or the permanant one. If it was the immediate they took a guess at how it would fit until the permanant one is made.
It sounds like the Dentist wants to help you until you are satisfied. If the first Partial dosent fit right they will do what they can till it does. If not they should give you a new partial at no charge. One other thing was this an immediate partial or the permanant one. If it was the immediate they took a guess at how it would fit until the permanant one is made.
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