Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What should I do about insurance... Health Insurance?

I have not been to the doctor in a while now because I have no health insurance. But I want to know if I should get it or just call the doctor and see how much it costs without it. I have a job that would give me insurance if they weren't so cheap to put me on seasonal status because they don't want to pay out so I need to get it on my own. I think. Also I need dental and vision should I get that or no? Or would it be cheaper just to pay in cash?
There are many levels of health coverage. If you are a healthy person and doesn't go to the doctors very often, that would be a different coverage than a person who needs to see a doctor quite often. If you are talking about taking a health insurance to see a doctor just for this visit, it would be cheaper to see the doctor. However, keep in mind that if the doctor finds out there is something wrong with you and you have to go through serious of treatments, it is going to be almost impossible to get a health insurance afterwords.

A difficult procedure and dental school?

Ok so I need to get the following done-- *Adult tooth removal of the canine tooth thats still up in the jaw. Its classified as a "difficult extraction" *Bone graft of where the tooth is removed *Implant *2nd part of implant w/ use of drill stent *and the crown itself. My insurance is barely covering any of the procedure (i want to appeal and see if i can get them to cover more then just the extraction and the crown, its going to cost me just around $3000) but some one also suggested to go to a dental school. There is Case western reserve not too far from me. For what i need to get done i'm nervous about getting it done at a school. Is it safe? Is it students doing the procedures? Theres no prices what-so-ever listed, so is it really anymore cost effective?
I had quite a bit of work done at a dental school and my experiece was: it was safe and relatively cheap. The work was done by students who were heavily supervised by professors. Their grades depended on their doing a good job so the students were extremely careful. Students work slower than full-fledged dentists and the supervising profs were checking the work as it progressed, so the procedures did take longer than they would have at a dentist's office. But it was a lot cheaper. Bottom line- if I were strapped for cash and needed work done, I wouldn't hesitate to go to a dental school to get it done.

Anyone ever had a Dental Abscess before?

I had a wisdom tooth pulled out about a month ago....after all the pain and swelling went away I got a dental abcess (or at least thats what the dr. told me I had) I had to go to the ER with excrutiating pain, unable to open my mouth, felt like my throat was swelling, pain by my ear, under my tongue and jaw. Anyone experience this before? I was told I would need to drain my long is the recovery time for this? I am in the process of switching dentists, I have had bad experiences with my dentist & my insurance is taking its sweet time to let me see another one. Serious answers only please, thank you!
Unfortunately yes. When I was 16 I became very sick when I had all of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. Around my wisdom teeth where abscess filled with bacteria. It was very painful and I looked like a chipmunk for about 2 weeks due to all the swelling. I had to take antibiotic the whole time. It was Not fun. Yes they did drain and remove the abscess(s) at the time they removed my teeth. If you have had negative experiences from your current dentist, talk to him/her, and if nothing comes of that then really push your insurance company. You have the right to see a new and hopefully better dentist. Good Luck and take care of yourself!

Cost of a "dental facelift"?

I have suffered from severe bruxism since my early teens, and it's really taken a toll on my teeth. I'm only in my twenties but I have lost a large amount of vertical facial height between my nose and chin. We I clench my teeth together, my face looks like that of a senior citizen's. So after researching on the internet, I've discovered a "dental facelift" procedure which can help restore my teeth and vertical facial height. A few questions... How much does this procedure cost, and is it similar to the (outrageously) expensive procedure of a full mouth restoration with crowns most dentists use in my case? How would the dentists know how much of your teeth you have lost due to bruxism? Also, I know it's considered a cosmetic surgery, but my worn teeth has really damaged my lifestyle including my speech and ability to eat properly. Would insurance cover this? Sorry the question's so long...Thanks
It can cost upwards of 20 thousand dollars, depends on what you need to have done

Questions About Medicaid Insurance?

Can adults get Medicaid just for themself, and does it cover dental work? I live in FL.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.

Is it illegal to hire non-registered dental assistants?

I have volunteered for this dentist and there is something seriously wrong going on here. He is working with these two dental assistants, but both assistants did not even get education related to the field, and therefore not-registered. One of them is a college student and the other one is a housewife. I get a strong feeling that there is something wrong, but I want to make sure if it is illegal before I report them to police. This doctor also claims more amount to the insurance company than he's supposed to. He saves a lot of money by hiring non-registered assistants, and by claiming more amount for his dental work. I think it is very dangerous for them to deal with patients without proper education. Do you think I should report them? If I do, where should I report to?
Actually it's not illegal...well it depends on the state. They all have different regulations. On the job training is ok in some states. From ADA: Dental assistants can become certified by passing an examination that evaluates their knowledge. Most dental assistants who choose to become nationally certified take the Dental Assisting National Board's (DANB) Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) examination. Becoming a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) assures the public that the dental assistant is prepared to assist competently in the provision of dental care. Dental assistants are eligible to take the CDA examination if they have completed a dental assisting program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Individuals who have been trained on the job or have graduated from non-accredited programs are eligible to take the national certification examination after they have completed two years of full-time work experience as dental assistants. Some states also recognize passage of components of the CDA examination, such as the Radiation Health and Safety examination, or the Infection Control examination, for licensing and regulatory purposes. State regulations vary, and some states offer registration or licensure in addition to this national certification program.

Insurance Coverage- 1 wiz!?

I am 23 years old. I am having extreme pain in my bottom left wisdom tooth. You can see about half of it popping up. It really hurts. My gums in that area are really swollen and I have a tightness just in that whole jaw area. Needless to say, I will have to have it taken out asap. To get all my wisdom teeth pulled with my insurance (Mercy) I would have to shell out $800-$1000 cash. And I will not have that kind of money in hand for a very very long time. I'm wondering if there is anyway to look it up or figure out how much I would have to pay right now for just the one Wisdom tooth extraction. I get $1000 for dental care a year, if that helps. Thanks so much.
But you said its only 1 wisdom tooth that is hurting you right now. So just pull out the one that is hurting. Then you would only have to pay around $200- $250 because it sound like your insurance is only going to cover half. And ask the endodontist if they have payment play for 1 wisdom tooth. My advise, just do one at a time. You dont have to pay one lump sum. I had a friend do just that.

Dental question?

I am looking for dental coverage for myself- live in illinois ... i need to have wisdom teeth removed soon ... any ideas where i can find affordable insurance where i won't have to wait in order to use the advanced services? thanks
Visit You can click on LOCATE A PROVIDER to see what dentists are covered in your area. AmeriPlan is a dental discount program and will save you 50% or more on your dental work. It only costs $11.95 a month for an individual or $19.95 a month for an entire household (regardless of relationship). You sign up and can use your number to get access to the dentist immediately!

does being on the same insurance as spouse affect your credit in any way???

i.e. - health, car, dental.. mine is good his is bad would it be affected in any way?
No, consumer credit and insurance coverage are not related.

Should I consider going overseas for dental work?

I went to my dentist and he would charge me thousands for much needed dental work (includes a root canal, a bridge, and dental implants). I'm unemployed and have no insurance. I know people who have gone to South America to get their dental work done for at least half the price of what's charged here in the U.S. Or, should I wait till I get back on my feet (land a full time job with benefits), secure insurance, look for another dentist - I know my dentist will not bend in lowering his fees.. and get the work done here. If I wait for the latter to happen, how long could I go - if you know of some who faces the same dental conditions - without having to see a dentist, without incurring or really increasing my chances of getting ..I don't know..some type of infection, or serious dental decay?
As with anything you might want to get that seems cheaper and better overseas,* the cost to go anywhere else beyond a few dozen or so miles, could cost you far more than the item (or, in your case, dental work) is worth. Ask yourself this: If something goes wrong with your current USA dentist, would you go to South America to get it fixed? Of course not! You would go back to the same dentist, explain the problem, and get it fixed, usually without any additional charges. Now consider this: If you go to South America to have the initial work done, and have a problem, would you go back to South America to get it fixed? Of course not, unless you have lots of money, which, I gather, you don't! So, you're far better off "biting" the bullet (pun intended!) and staying close to home. For the record, most dental insurance plans only cover the first $1500 or so of major dental expenses per year, which, for the most part, barely covers one root canal and crown. As such, some dentists carry their own insurance plans, but they are typically expensive. Obviously, you can't go shopping for dentists as you would for a car or washing machine, because each dentist will charge you for the visit. BTW, none of this would be resolved or aided by the new health reform law, just recently passed. However, all dental expenses, as with any medical expenses, are tax deductible, if you itemize and if they exceed your standard tax deduction (currently $5,700 for a single taxpayer), and you'd only benefit a little from it, and, if you did get a refund, you'd have to pay tax on it the following year, so "they" gotcha coming and going! * (South America is not considered "overseas" to anyone in the continental USA)

do anyone know an individual insurance that cover adult braces?

i want to get it myself because my job inusrance sucks i already called delta dental this morning they dont have it
I don't know of any. I paid full price for mine - $4,475.00. It was worth the time and money. I believe all orthodontists will work out a payment plan. Good luck - don't put it off.

What can I do to help my TMJ?

I don't have dental insurance. I won't for a while. What can I do to help keep my mouth.. you know.. sitting the way its supposed to..
My dentist thought that getting my wisdom teeth out may help with some of my TMJ symptoms. Got them out and things seem a little bit better. Don't really even know if the two problems are related, but my dentist seems to think so. But, if you don't have insurance, it might be a moot point, getting wisdom teeth out will run at least $500-$1,000. However, you might want to check into enrolling in a test subject clinic or whatever they are called, we have those here in my state for wisdom teeth removal, the surgery is free and they pay you for your time and travel. My mother also has TMJ and finds that using a mouth guard at night helps with the jaw pain, she clenches her teeth and jaw at night and the guard makes a huge difference. Hope this helps! TMJ sucks!

We're losing the house, and finally "calling it quits" ... what's the best way to handle the health insurance?

Wife and I have been married almost 11 loooooong years ... she's a "serial cheater" that I can't trust in that respect, so "working it out" is not an option, having FAILED more than once. We're one of the many people that tried to "get in on the housing ROCKET" and bought a house we couldn't afford with an ARM loan in December of 2006 ... JUST before the housing market started falling back to Earth like Skylab! We can't juggle the bills around anymore ... we haven't paid the August payment, and we're heading towards the "foreclosure/short sale" horizon. NOW, TO MY QUESTION: There's ME, my WIFE, and my 9-year-old DAUGHTER. When the bomb drops and we move out of this house and live separately, my wife will most likely have physical custody (a child's natural place is with her mother, I think, unless that mother is a crazy beeyotch ... she's a terrible wife, but a good mother). Should we wait for a while to get the actual "divorce"? Like, if we're just "legally separated" ... can they still be on my health insurance? After a divorce, can my daughter still be covered by my policy at work, or would I have to be able to claim her as a dependent to do this? My wife could get coverage from them from HER work, but in some aspects my coverage is better. Also, I'm covered by HER vision and dental (because that's where MY insurance SUCKS ...) ... and I need a new pair of glasses and a crown to replace a tooth ... should I get this stuff done before the divorce, obviously? Or am I still covered during a "separation"? (we may wait until spring time/next summer to actually "do" the divorce ...
Most states don't recognize legal seperation. After the divorce, your wife can't be on your work policy, but she must stay on the policy until the divorce, or open enrollment. Your employer might require you to claim your daughter on your taxes as a dependent, to give her coverage on your policy. You'll have to check with your HR department about that.

Does anyone have Invisalign braces (the clear invisible braces)?

If so, are they working, are you noticing a difference? Are they for the most part pretty comfortable and most of all are they affordable? (I know Dental Insurance does not cover them)! Thanks!
Even though I wear metal braces, some of our patients are doing the Invisalign treatment and they do work, although it's just for minor tooth movement. Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign is more comfortable, because you don't have the brackets and wires. But your teeth will still feel sore, because your teeth are moving. As far as affordability is concerned, they are much more expensive than traditional braces. The company that makes Invisalign, is the only one that does these types of aligners (monopoly). Since there is no competition from anyone else, they charge a lot for Invisalign and they get away with it. Personally, i see nothing wrong with wearing metal braces.

health insurance?

I am 19 years old and I currently have medical insurance through my parents. After this semester in college I will have to get my own coverage since I will no longer be a full time student. About how much (I know it wont be accurate, I just want to get an idea) would I be paying? Is it monthly? It would only cover medical, not dental or anything.
-------------------- can give you a good idea of prices and inclusions, it's real simple to use and has 2 options for payment. Monthly and Yearly.

Braces.... A couple of things..? 10 points to best!?

Hello, I am planning on getting braces, however, I had a couple of questions, well actually just two. 1. Does BT Dental Insurance cover any of the expense? For a fourteen year old? (Please help with this one!) 2. Is the procedure painful? Thank-you!!! 10 points to best!
i don't know about the insurance but i do have braces. As soon as you get your braces they will feel kinda funny. They also might feel a little bit tight but they won't hurt at first. They will start to hurt a couple hours later but it isn't as bad as you would think. Would i recommend is that you try to keep your mind off of your braces. Eating is very hard for a couple days. Chewing with braces is something you have to get used too. In between tightening i can barley tell that i have braces on. BRACES IS NOTHING TO FEAR!!!

Which is better HMO or PPO?

I am trying to get a Dental Insurance Plan and i wanted to know which is better between HMO & PPO i really don't know the difference, I want something that will cover mostly everything.. Please help
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here    to solve the problem.

If you were a dentist, would you ever do pro bono work for the poor?

It just costs so much these days, and you know those doctors could donate their time. Dental insurance these days is a joke anway. Just my honest opinion.
That would be fine, if Dentists and Doctors did not have to pay for their education and spend half a life time in school. There is no reason to have bad teeth. Maintaining dental health can be relatively inexpensive. All it takes is good dental hygiene habits, a tube of tooth paste, a toothbrush, a roll of dental floss and a routine check up every 6 months. Laziness, neglect and poor dental hygiene are the cause of expensive dental visits.

I live in San AntonioTexas,and where can I find an affodable or free emergency tooth extraction?

I have no dental insurance, no money, and in severe pain. Where can I go to?
University of Texas Dental School Student Clinic SERVICES PROVIDED The Dental School at the UTHSCSA offers an extensive range of dental treatments and oral healthcare services for adults and children. Because UTHSCSA is principally an educational facility, prospective patients interested in receiving dental care are primarily selected on the basis nature of their problems and of their teaching potential. Patients who are accepted for care are treated by dental students under the supervision of faculty dentists. Treatment may include periodontal therapy, restorations, bridges, endodontics, partials or dentures. The UTHSCSA appreciates the contribution patients make to the students' education and supports the nondiscriminatory selection of patients.

Does anyone know a dentist that will take payments?

I need some dental work done, in the U.S. (Arizona) it is going to cost around $3,000.00. In Mexico, it is alot cheaper, around $1,500.00. My problem is that I don't have dental insurance & I can't find a dentist that will take payments. Does anyone know of a dentist that accepts payments? I live in Arizona on the border of Nevada and California.
I would encourage you to visit this site I signed up on-line over 5 years ago now for all me dental needs and they have saved me thousands of $$$ over the years. From root canals, cleanings, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Then, see if you could possibly work a payment plan with the dentist and/or carecredit is the most common for dental work.

does anyone know how I would find a good dentist that is fairly inexpensive in my area?

I have always had dental insurance until now, and I need to watch the prices carefully. Is there a website or something to use to find the cheapest dentist that is still good?
If you have a dental school in your area, Thats what I would suggest. They have great quality control and low prices, but they also take a long time to do stuff. So unless you don't have alot of free time in the daytime, the best way to find a good dentist is still through friends and family.

what is an inexpensive way to whiten my teeth?

I sent this guy i was talking with for quite a while, a pic of me.He doesnt talk to me anymore because of my teeth....I dont want that to ever happen again!!! I dont have dental insurance and i dont have a lot of money!! can any1 help me?
Talk to your dentist about the professional crest white strips they have a rebate right now so after the rebate, you can get them at alot of offices for 20-30 dollars. If not the ones you buy in walmart work really well but it might take and extra kit to get full results. Also, I recommend using Opalescence toothpaste. You get it from a company called Ultradent. It has flouride in it and works really well as a supplement to speed up the results with the white strips.Hope this helps.

Will anything happen if I leave my Impacted wisdom tooth in for too long?

for the last month or so I've been getting alot of pressure and pain on the right lower side of my jaw I can see my wisdom tooth trying to come through and after doing some research Im pretty sure its impacted. I don't have dental insurance so I have to save up to see my dentist which could take anywhere up to a few months. Is it dangerous to leave it in? Could the pain possibly be something else?
no, but if you leave there too long (a few years) it will start causing problems, usually problems arise much sooner.

How much do a implant tooth cost in Chicago?

I'm 19 and i have no dental insurance, I have 1 loose tooth I want to know how much will it cost to get an implant in Chicago??
Depending on the dentist, $2400-$3000