I have just health insurance. I do not have dental coverage. I desperately need my wisdom teeth extracted (they are coming in). Would regular health insurance cover this surgery or not? And in general - how much would this procedure cost me?
Regular health insurance generally does not cover dental work unless it restorative dental work to repair damage caused by an accident. I don't recommend getting into an accident to have your insurance pay for wisdom tooth extraction. Look around for Dental insurance. Some plans will cover some procedures right away; other plans have a waiting period (6 months) on major work - like extractions. Talk to your dentist, see if you can set up a payment plan. When this 'crisis' ends, go talk to a licensed insurance professional about the exact coverages - life, health, disability etc - you should have. It sounds like you have never looked into a comprehensive risk management (insurance) plan.
Friday, May 13, 2011
What tests should a woman in her 30s be having to be healthy & how often should she get em? ex: dental exam?
ok so I know I definitely don't go to the doctor, dentist, opthamologist as often as I should, but that's due to it being so expensive - but I recently purchased some temporary insurance that covers medical, dental, and eyes and I want to take advantage of it and go to all check-ups I should be getting at my age. Coud you let me know what all tests I need to have done for my age? I'm a 31 year old female and I'd also like to know how often I should be getting these tests / exams done? I know it's recommended to get a dental checkup every 6 months, so twice a year for the dental exam but what other exams are recommended and how frequent. Thanks in advance.
I'm in my thirties too...I get a routine physical and bloodwork done from my docter every year...i also get my GYN/pap test once a year...Dental cleaning twice a year...It's good to get your vision checked one a year as well.....Other then that, that's it....When you reach your 40's will come the mamograms and colonoscopies...UGH!
I'm in my thirties too...I get a routine physical and bloodwork done from my docter every year...i also get my GYN/pap test once a year...Dental cleaning twice a year...It's good to get your vision checked one a year as well.....Other then that, that's it....When you reach your 40's will come the mamograms and colonoscopies...UGH!
i would like to know is there a dentist in va beach who would except payment?
i have no dental insurance and i have already tried applying for the dental credit lines and have been turned down
Someone who "accepts" payment?
Someone who "accepts" payment?
My dentist told me that I need to have a Root Canal for the tooth in the back right side two years ago.?
But I put it off till now because of fear of pain and also because it's wicked expensive plus I do not have any dental coverage in my insurance. Last night, 20% of the tooth fell out without any pain. I think it is rotting inside. I will definitely go to a dentist soon. But is it too late? How dangerous is this?
mY DENTIST told me I needed one about 5 months ago. After I finally got the money to have it 5 months later..it was too late and I had to get my tooth extracted :( Its definately too late to save that tooth. Uhh..when you have a rotten tooth its definately not good for you health..especially when its infected. Rotten teeth can = an unhealthy heart. People with tooth decay and gum disease may have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. When I had my extraction the dentist had to take my tooth out in pieces because the tooth was so weak from decay. Extractions aren't fun at all!! He extracted my tooth after I made him try to do a root canal on it...it HURT! Hurry and rush to the dentist..usually when one tooth is bad..it can affect the surrounding teeth and cause decay. Also, bad breath.
mY DENTIST told me I needed one about 5 months ago. After I finally got the money to have it 5 months later..it was too late and I had to get my tooth extracted :( Its definately too late to save that tooth. Uhh..when you have a rotten tooth its definately not good for you health..especially when its infected. Rotten teeth can = an unhealthy heart. People with tooth decay and gum disease may have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. When I had my extraction the dentist had to take my tooth out in pieces because the tooth was so weak from decay. Extractions aren't fun at all!! He extracted my tooth after I made him try to do a root canal on it...it HURT! Hurry and rush to the dentist..usually when one tooth is bad..it can affect the surrounding teeth and cause decay. Also, bad breath.
My husband and I are trying to get health insurance. I am 20, he's 21. We're nonsmokers, healthy. My husband
is self employed. We were wondering, if we buy health insurance, how long would it take to come into affect? How much would it be? We heard it would be a couple hundred a month. Does anyone know of any good plans? It would be nice to have eye and dental also. Any info would be helpful. Thanks.
It should run you each about $200 a month. It would take effect when they say it does, usually the first of the month after they receive the application and payment. Vision and dental are seperate policies. I haven't seen any private vision and dental policies that are worth buying. They rarely pay out more than they cost.
It should run you each about $200 a month. It would take effect when they say it does, usually the first of the month after they receive the application and payment. Vision and dental are seperate policies. I haven't seen any private vision and dental policies that are worth buying. They rarely pay out more than they cost.
Anyone Have/Had a Misaligned Jaw?
I have a misaligned lower jaw and I would like to get a surgery to correct this. As far as I know, I need to see a maxillofacial surgeon but I don't have health insurance or dental insurance of any sort. It's not just cosmetic, there are other difficulties I have because of this. What options are open for me? :s Do you guys/gals have any tips? What can I do? Approximately how much would this surgery cost? :s Thanks a ton!
The best thing to do, which could help you avoid having to have surgery all together, is go to a chiropractor who specializes in TMJ problems. You can find one here: http://www.kevinhearon.com/CEA/cceplocat… . Sometimes just one visit is all it takes.
The best thing to do, which could help you avoid having to have surgery all together, is go to a chiropractor who specializes in TMJ problems. You can find one here: http://www.kevinhearon.com/CEA/cceplocat… . Sometimes just one visit is all it takes.
what does UCF stand for?dental?
i got a dental treatment plan print out from my dentists office and the prices are written under UCF collum. i just lost my insurance and wanted to make sure that wasn't my insurance price. for example: a filling is 248 UCF price and 168 patient price
UCF - Usual and Customary Fee. It is an average of the dentists fees for a particular service in a particular area of the country. Insurance companies however will not reveal how they come up with this fee.
UCF - Usual and Customary Fee. It is an average of the dentists fees for a particular service in a particular area of the country. Insurance companies however will not reveal how they come up with this fee.
Is it okay to sign up for new insurance while continuing previous coverage through COBRA?
Ok, here's the situation. I've recently switched jobs and I have the option of keeping my old insurance through COBRA or signing up for insurance with my new company. For medical insurance, I'm definately going to switch to the new provider but for dental, I'd kind of like continue through COBRA until I reach my max pay-out and then switch to the new plan. (I have lots of dental work ahead of me, so I'll probably reach that limit in a few months.) The only problem is, I have to enroll to the new plan by the end of January or I'll have to wait an entire year before I can sign up again. So what I'd like to do is continue using my previous coverage, but sign up for new plan so that it's waiting for me when I cancel my old plan. I have not intention of submitting claims to both providers, nor do I intend to inform my dental office of the new insurance until the old plan is cancelled.
You can have more than one insurance and in your situation. Any current treatments would be excluded for 1 year on your new plan. So I think I would consider looking into what you have going also. I actually have coverage from both my wife's and my employers for dental an vision so that we can maximize coverage. I have 3 kids coming up on Braces. Good Luck
You can have more than one insurance and in your situation. Any current treatments would be excluded for 1 year on your new plan. So I think I would consider looking into what you have going also. I actually have coverage from both my wife's and my employers for dental an vision so that we can maximize coverage. I have 3 kids coming up on Braces. Good Luck
Dental xrays and switching dentist?
I visited a new dentist for a second opinion. I decided to switch to this dentist but the doctor requested I have the last dental office send over the xrays from two years ago (which was the last time I went). I find it strange that the new doctor would want old xrays. The doctor said it was so that I would only need to take 4 instead of 6 xrays or something like that. Is it to save my time from taking more xrays? Isn't two years kinda of old? Is the new doctor trying bill the insurance company for xrays not taken?
Also, adding to the previous answer from the dentist himself :) If you had a full mouth series of x-rays taken within 2 years, your insurance (granted that it hasn't changed) may not pay for another set. The FMX is usually good for 3 years. The new dentist will probably take bitewings (4 films) and combined with the previous x-rays be able to see what he needs to. It sounds like a normal procedure to me!
Also, adding to the previous answer from the dentist himself :) If you had a full mouth series of x-rays taken within 2 years, your insurance (granted that it hasn't changed) may not pay for another set. The FMX is usually good for 3 years. The new dentist will probably take bitewings (4 films) and combined with the previous x-rays be able to see what he needs to. It sounds like a normal procedure to me!
where to get dental x-rays in new york city (look at details section)?
Hello. I was wondering where I can get panoramic(cephalogram) and panoramic x-rays of my teeth in the new york metro area. i dont have insurance so i am willing to pay with cash. hopefully something under $100 would be nice. Most of the dentists i found online require you to do a cleaning or check-up... i just want damn X-rays. PS: If you dont know the answer dont just comment to get points.
It is up to a dentist to decide whether you get that x-ray, and he would probably do a digital radiograph instead. What people need to do is establish a relationship with a dentist that includes cleanings and regular check-ups, so it would be unethical for me to recommend anything different. If you can't afford good dental care, but have lots of free time, call the NYU dental school or the Columbia University dental school. You get worked on by the students and faculty but it costs like half as much.
It is up to a dentist to decide whether you get that x-ray, and he would probably do a digital radiograph instead. What people need to do is establish a relationship with a dentist that includes cleanings and regular check-ups, so it would be unethical for me to recommend anything different. If you can't afford good dental care, but have lots of free time, call the NYU dental school or the Columbia University dental school. You get worked on by the students and faculty but it costs like half as much.
Do I really need teeth Desensitizer?
My dentist found two cavities that I need to have filled and has recommended a desensitizer treatment for each tooth which isn't covered by my dental insurance. The reality is I don't have any sensitivity to cold or hot, should I really get the treatment regardless? How long would that be good for? Thanks so much!
RIP OFF. I'd ask for more details. Sounds like a scam. I've never been offered that even when I had sensitivity to hot & cold. You aren't possibly in CA where a lot of the dentists are crooks are you?
RIP OFF. I'd ask for more details. Sounds like a scam. I've never been offered that even when I had sensitivity to hot & cold. You aren't possibly in CA where a lot of the dentists are crooks are you?
How much is invisalign cost/?
Hi, i just want to know how much does invisalign cost without having dental insurance with my teeth? thank you http://www.mypicx.com/07082010/teeth/
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
Should I get my impacted wisdom teeth removed?
Lately the gums above my wisdom teeth have felt kind of strange. Not so much painful as they are itchy....like I want to chew on things back there. (Almost as if I'm teething) It doesn't hurt or anything...it's just an annoying feeling. I can feel them underneath my gums. Should I get them removed? I'm not sure if it would be worth the money and/or pain. Also, how much does it generally cost to do? (I don't have Dental Insurance) Thanks : )
I don't know how much it will cost, because I had dental insurance when it was done. i can assure it's probably around 100-300.00 a tooth to extract. It also depends if you are going under or going to be awake. However, I got all 4 wisdoms taken out when the one on the bottom left was coming in wrong affecting my whole mouth. I would get them pulled, it's not work the pain, and it's not going to change the way you live or chew your food. Also I would advise, if you have the money, to get them all taken out at the same time, even if the others aren't bothering you. It's a possiblity they will be bothering you later and you will have to go through the process all over again. GOOD LUCK!
I don't know how much it will cost, because I had dental insurance when it was done. i can assure it's probably around 100-300.00 a tooth to extract. It also depends if you are going under or going to be awake. However, I got all 4 wisdoms taken out when the one on the bottom left was coming in wrong affecting my whole mouth. I would get them pulled, it's not work the pain, and it's not going to change the way you live or chew your food. Also I would advise, if you have the money, to get them all taken out at the same time, even if the others aren't bothering you. It's a possiblity they will be bothering you later and you will have to go through the process all over again. GOOD LUCK!
i have dark brown/black lines between 3 of my front teeth?
that just started to appear. they do not hurt not even when brushing or flossing. i smoke ( i know i should quit) and drink lots of tea and dark pop. could those lines just be stains? i do not have dental insurance or money so i really cannot afford to go to the dentist. i do brush my teeth 3 times a day too. please help! thanks
Have you been using Crest prohealth? I read an article recently that it can cause staining in some...If you stop using it, the stains will go away as gradually as they appeared
Have you been using Crest prohealth? I read an article recently that it can cause staining in some...If you stop using it, the stains will go away as gradually as they appeared
I have the worst teeth in the world. If any Dentist want to use me as example and work on my teeth?
If you want to use me for gene pig. I will be happy to be. I don't have money and times are tough. My dental insurance sucks. But if you want to experiment on my teeth I will be glad. I need lot of work. contact me via email. browsethisone@yahoo.com
Hey, check out any university that teaches dentistry. Definitely worth looking into.
Hey, check out any university that teaches dentistry. Definitely worth looking into.
Child support medical/dental?
I provide medical/dental through child support. The plans cover everything besides a low copay. If the mother gets Medicaid for the child can it be used as a secondary? I was under the impression that if you already have a primary insurance you can not be on it. If the mother does not tell medicaid about the primary insurance, who will responsible to pay back the bill?
You can have both regular insurance and Medicaid. It is common in cases like yours. The regular insurance will be primary and Medicaid will pick up the co-pays and procedures that the primary doesn't cover. However, Medicaid does need to know about the primary insurance or they will make you pay back the charges that the primary should have paid. If the mother lied to Medicaid I would think she would be responsible.
You can have both regular insurance and Medicaid. It is common in cases like yours. The regular insurance will be primary and Medicaid will pick up the co-pays and procedures that the primary doesn't cover. However, Medicaid does need to know about the primary insurance or they will make you pay back the charges that the primary should have paid. If the mother lied to Medicaid I would think she would be responsible.
My tooth hurts a lot and I can't open my mouth?
This morning my mouth began to hurt (mildly), but I could still open my mouth all the way. It hurts very much and is giving me a severe headache. I can't open my mouth very wide. The entire side of my face hurts. I know I should go to the dentist, but I don't have dental insurance. When I graduated from college last week I became ineligible and I'm still looking for a job. Does anyone know a home remedy that might help. Salt water does nothing.
Go to a community health center.
Go to a community health center.
Is my dentist ripping me off?
I have 2 molar fillings that need to be replaced, but the dentist quoted me $2,200 to have it done. I have dental insurance, but they don't cover that much. For more detail, on the quote, they are "teeth 18 & 19, crown-porc fused to high noble, $940 each ($1880) plus $263 for cleaning. Does that seem unreasonable? Seems really high to me! How much does it normally cost to replace a filling?
Actually for crowns those prices sound about right. And if what you need is a deep cleaning then that's not expensive at all.
Actually for crowns those prices sound about right. And if what you need is a deep cleaning then that's not expensive at all.
full time college kid needing health insurance?
i'm a full time college student and only work part time at walmart. walmart wont give me health insurance. i'm a nonsmoker and go to the gym everyday and i'm healthy. are there any kind of student insurance's that are cheap? if not what is a reasonable priced health insurance that covers vision and dental too?
This site (see Sources) lists a couple of services where you can get comparisons of health insurance coverage from various providers. One of them definitely includes plans for students.
This site (see Sources) lists a couple of services where you can get comparisons of health insurance coverage from various providers. One of them definitely includes plans for students.
Low cost or free dentist in Connecticut?
I have dental insurance but the cost for some of the works on my teeth is still too big for me to handle. Anyone know where i could get free dentist or low-cost one in Connecticut, Zip code: 06450?
Maybe a visit to this site may help: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. Im in the same situation. I use this plan for services that my insurance does not cover or even when I max out my insurance. From root canals, xrays, exams, cleanings, fillings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Even cosmetic surgery and orthodontist. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
Maybe a visit to this site may help: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. Im in the same situation. I use this plan for services that my insurance does not cover or even when I max out my insurance. From root canals, xrays, exams, cleanings, fillings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Even cosmetic surgery and orthodontist. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
how much does cost to have teeth pulled and aslo have fake ones put in?
I'm not sure how much luminears cost... but it cost me 100$ per tooth to remove wisdoom teeth that were just plain extractions. I also had two other teeth removed at 250$ each that needed to be broken up before being removed (called Surgical Extraction). If you require general anasthetic, that costs another 300$ or so - but you don't need that unless your tooth is impacted.
I'm not sure how much luminears cost... but it cost me 100$ per tooth to remove wisdoom teeth that were just plain extractions. I also had two other teeth removed at 250$ each that needed to be broken up before being removed (called Surgical Extraction). If you require general anasthetic, that costs another 300$ or so - but you don't need that unless your tooth is impacted.
I need help with insurance please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
I live in Warner Robins Ga . is blue shield a good choice for both dental and health insurance
i am sure it is. others would be fine as well.
i am sure it is. others would be fine as well.
Anyone know average cost of braces for southern Texas area? My insurance will not cover anything.?
The orthodontist at Castle Dental quoted $4200. Is this average? I thought they would be less. He said there was not any real major problems for my teeth and that i'd be wearing them for about a 18 months. Does the cost sound about right, because someone else said they quoted her around $2000.
i usually see the price of 3900 so 4200 isnt that bad ive never seen anybody offer braces for as little as 2000 (unless she went across the border and went to mexico)
i usually see the price of 3900 so 4200 isnt that bad ive never seen anybody offer braces for as little as 2000 (unless she went across the border and went to mexico)
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