age 4 parents did not teach me good mouth hygiene age 5 had five baby teeth pulled age 12 root canal age 13 two root canals age 14 another root canal and tooth removal age 15 two more root canals age 16 now im finally taking precautions to care for teeth, but years of not brushing, tooth paste mouth wash and floss hurt my mouth i thought after a few months the tooth paste would at least stop being painful but now a little more than a year has past everything is still painful, and i have given up most sugars that i can (have high cholesterol, diabetes, and stress is making me breakout heavily) and the cherry on top i have a tooth ache right now. they keep putting in z.o.a but once i go to sleep grind them out of my head, can't get a mouth guard because the dental insurance ran out and i tried the store brands but the always fall out (not sure how the hell) and ive had a cavity in every single tooth (doc actually told me). question 1 what is the most sensitive tooth paste? question 2 what is the most sensitive mouth wash? question 3 what more can i do, i have a busy life?
sensodyne toothpaste is made for people with sensitive teeth. also use an electric toothbrush. they are better at removing food stuck in teeth and are better for people with sensitive teeth. i'm not sure about the mouth wash part since all of the mouth was i know contains alcohol which can be abrasive to teeth if you suffer from tooth sensitivity. you should also floss daily. and if gum sensitivity is a problem, try using a mixture of peroxide and warm water as a mouth wash. the peroxide will kill any bacteria in the gums.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Do I NEED brace? W/ picture?

I don't know much about braces, but I think you have a beautifull smile. And maybe if you get braces, the treatment will be shoter, and therefore, less expensive.
I have a tooth infection that has progressed to where heat is very sensitive, how long till the pulp dies?
I'm asking because I don't have dental insurance, and have almost no money. I know I need the tooth pulled or a root canal. I can sooth the pain with ice water but it only lasts a few minutes at most. Pain reliever doesn't seem to help much (20% Benzocaine, and Alieve)
The time frame will vary with different people. It may be days, weeks, or months. You will know when the pulp finally dies because you will have excruciating pain that will not be relieved by anything. However, you may just luck out if the nerve dies painlessly, which can happen. After the nerve dies, you have another problem on your hands. How to handle the infection and abscess that will form after the pulp is finally dead. Worse case scenario is you will have a huge swelling with pain.
The time frame will vary with different people. It may be days, weeks, or months. You will know when the pulp finally dies because you will have excruciating pain that will not be relieved by anything. However, you may just luck out if the nerve dies painlessly, which can happen. After the nerve dies, you have another problem on your hands. How to handle the infection and abscess that will form after the pulp is finally dead. Worse case scenario is you will have a huge swelling with pain.
In what situation would a dentist request you get braces?
I'm convinced that I need them, but my dentist has never mentioned this to me. And my parents won't pay for them unless they think it is necessary (not that I blame them because I realize braces cost a lot of money). There's nothing THAT bad about my teeth, but I know lots of people who have had way straighter teeth than me and have gotten braces. So does it just depend on the dentist, or what? And also, if your dentist reccomends it, is it still seen as a cosmetic procedure, or will dental insurance pay for it? I don't want to be in my mid-20's by the time I can finally afford braces for myself.
its not really a dentists place to recomend them. you need to make an appotintment with an orthodontist. most dental insurance covers only about $1,000-2000 of it, some dont cover any of it- so u will have to look into it.
its not really a dentists place to recomend them. you need to make an appotintment with an orthodontist. most dental insurance covers only about $1,000-2000 of it, some dont cover any of it- so u will have to look into it.
What procedure do I need to go through to have several teeth "replaced"?
It's an embarrassing problem - but I have several teeth (molars) that are broken and need to be replaced. Two are basically gone, and two are like half gone. I also need two wisdom teeth removed. I have dental insurance, but I think it only covers up to $500 per year. I don't really have a lot of money to pay up front for a major procedure, but could afford monthly payments of some nature. Is this usually an option? Whatever procedure I have done, I want it to be subtle and kinda secret, as it is kind of embarrassing. My front teeth are fine, so it's not like I need dentures... Can anyone tell me what I need to go through, what it'll cost me, and how much time off from work I will need to get this fixed?
I will try my best to address all your concerns. I would sit down with the finance person in your dental office and prioritize what has to be done right away and which tooth can wait a few months. Once that is can pick to do 2 teeth/year. Unfortunately, your ins doesn't cover much. An average crown can cause upwards of $800-1500/tooth. Depending on your treatment, a crown typically req'd 2 visits. Most dental procedure does not req'd time off from work. i rec for you to plan your extractions around long weekends so you have some time to rest afterwards.
I will try my best to address all your concerns. I would sit down with the finance person in your dental office and prioritize what has to be done right away and which tooth can wait a few months. Once that is can pick to do 2 teeth/year. Unfortunately, your ins doesn't cover much. An average crown can cause upwards of $800-1500/tooth. Depending on your treatment, a crown typically req'd 2 visits. Most dental procedure does not req'd time off from work. i rec for you to plan your extractions around long weekends so you have some time to rest afterwards.
Cost of living for single person in upstate NY?
The job I'm going for would pay about $27,000/ year and include health and dental insurance. I am looking at a $700/month apartment in Schenectady, including some utilities. I have a car that is OK on gas (about 25 mpg). I'm pretty average when it comes to buying clothes and entertainment. I am thinking I would probably spend around $200 on food per month, but I am honestly not sure about that. So, I am asking, is there anything else I should take into account? Is this do-able, or should I be looking for a better job?
Taxes. Uncle Sam and New York State combined will probably take a 30% bite out of your paycheck, so you should be planning to live on $20,000 of earnings a year. You also need to expand a bit on your car costs-- New York State has compulsory car insurance, so you need to add that as a major expenditure (unless you own your car outright and you are only going for minimum liability coverage). There is also a yearly inspection fee and biannual registration fee with the NYS DMV.
Taxes. Uncle Sam and New York State combined will probably take a 30% bite out of your paycheck, so you should be planning to live on $20,000 of earnings a year. You also need to expand a bit on your car costs-- New York State has compulsory car insurance, so you need to add that as a major expenditure (unless you own your car outright and you are only going for minimum liability coverage). There is also a yearly inspection fee and biannual registration fee with the NYS DMV.
Any way to stop cavities from getting bigger?
I still had 2 cavities that needed to be filled but my dental insurance ran out, it actually ran out before we noticed..and I landed with a $500 bill. So I've pretty much decided I can't go back to the dentist till next year. Is there anything I can do at home beside normal brushing and flossing to help stop the cavities from getting worse, I don't want to go back in a few months and need a root canal. :0/ Thanks PS - I also have a lot of fluoride in my water, which if/when I can afford I'll switch to bottled water, but for now its apparently messing up my teeth (and the fams).
No, honey, there is no way to stop a cavity from growing, once it starts. You have to have it filled. If the cavities are small, and you can get back to the dentist soon after the new year starts, it should be okay. Cavities do not usually grow very quickly. But once they are there, there is nothing you can do or take to reverse the process. However, good brushing (2 minutes, twice a day) and flossing (once a day) will certainly help keep you from getting any more cavities, and it may help keep your current ones from becoming painful while you are waiting to have them repaired by the dentist. Since you are doing that already, you are doing pretty much all that you can do. You might also consider using an antiseptic mouthwash. Or you can use plain hydrogen peroxide, which is very inexpensive and is both an antiseptic and a whitener. (If you use hydrogen peroxide, dilute it half-and-half with tap water.) But even without antiseptic mouthwash, you are just going to have to hang in there until you can get professional dental treatment. BTW, I disagree with the other answer that says you can help your cavities by staying away from sugar. It's certainly a good idea to limit your sugar intake. Sugar makes it more likely that you will get additional cavities, but keeping away from it will not stop the cavities you already have. Just brush, floss, and hope for the best. Good luck!!
No, honey, there is no way to stop a cavity from growing, once it starts. You have to have it filled. If the cavities are small, and you can get back to the dentist soon after the new year starts, it should be okay. Cavities do not usually grow very quickly. But once they are there, there is nothing you can do or take to reverse the process. However, good brushing (2 minutes, twice a day) and flossing (once a day) will certainly help keep you from getting any more cavities, and it may help keep your current ones from becoming painful while you are waiting to have them repaired by the dentist. Since you are doing that already, you are doing pretty much all that you can do. You might also consider using an antiseptic mouthwash. Or you can use plain hydrogen peroxide, which is very inexpensive and is both an antiseptic and a whitener. (If you use hydrogen peroxide, dilute it half-and-half with tap water.) But even without antiseptic mouthwash, you are just going to have to hang in there until you can get professional dental treatment. BTW, I disagree with the other answer that says you can help your cavities by staying away from sugar. It's certainly a good idea to limit your sugar intake. Sugar makes it more likely that you will get additional cavities, but keeping away from it will not stop the cavities you already have. Just brush, floss, and hope for the best. Good luck!!
I'm looking for cost friendly solutions to having wisdome teeth removed?? &ANYTHING to ease the pain?
Due to wisdom teeth growing in, my entire face, as well and right ear are in a severe amount of pain. I am not covered under my family dental insurance, because i am not a full time student. I have heard from people that here in Canada, if it gets bad enough they will extract wisdom teeth in the emergency room of the hospital for free. Is this true? Any other cost friendly ways? I would also appreciate ANY suggestions to dull the pain, at least enough to sleep at night.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
I have an extremely painful sore on my gum above my right central incisor. What is this?
It is far above the tooth, where I have to pull up my lip very far and shine a flash light in to see it.. It is not even really on the gum so much, but more the flesh that connects my gums and my lip. I thought it was a cut at first, but when I saw it, it is a rather deep sore that has a puss color in it, but is not draining anything. I take very good care of my teeth and gums as I have no dental insurance. But this is so painful, I take pain relievers for it. It is going on five days that it has been there. Please someone enlighten me!
based on your description--- i think you have APTHOUS ULCER( which is also called as canker sore) usually presents as a painful sore inside the mouth caused by a break in the mucous membrane. is it repeatedly coming or this is the first time? if it is repeatedly coming,it may be due to viral infection(herpes simplex---then the condition is called apthous stomatitis). if it is for the first time,then dont worry.most of the times it is self-limiting. TREATMENT: Most of the times Canker sores usually go away without any treatment. 1.Dont take hot and spicy food. 2.if pain persists,you can try taking ibuprofen (brand name: Advil) or acetaminophen (brand name: Tylenol). can also apply directly on the sore any one of these ----ORAJEL, Orabase and Zilactin-B. they help you to get relief from canker sores from becoming irritated by eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. 4.other method available is You can also mix equal amounts of Milk of Magnesia and Benadryl Allergy liquid. After it's mixed, you can swish a teaspoonful in your mouth for about 1 minute and then spit it out. If you do this every 4 to 6 hours, your canker sores may hurt less. 5.Supplements such as taking vitamin C or vitamin B complex,will also help canker sores heal faster. IF CANKER SORE PERSISITS MORE THAN A WEEK THEN -----consult your docter or dentist. Tell your doctor if you have canker sores more than a week.(to rule out viral infection).If so,then treatment has to be done with antiviral medications. hope you will get well soon.good luck
based on your description--- i think you have APTHOUS ULCER( which is also called as canker sore) usually presents as a painful sore inside the mouth caused by a break in the mucous membrane. is it repeatedly coming or this is the first time? if it is repeatedly coming,it may be due to viral infection(herpes simplex---then the condition is called apthous stomatitis). if it is for the first time,then dont worry.most of the times it is self-limiting. TREATMENT: Most of the times Canker sores usually go away without any treatment. 1.Dont take hot and spicy food. 2.if pain persists,you can try taking ibuprofen (brand name: Advil) or acetaminophen (brand name: Tylenol). can also apply directly on the sore any one of these ----ORAJEL, Orabase and Zilactin-B. they help you to get relief from canker sores from becoming irritated by eating, drinking or brushing your teeth. 4.other method available is You can also mix equal amounts of Milk of Magnesia and Benadryl Allergy liquid. After it's mixed, you can swish a teaspoonful in your mouth for about 1 minute and then spit it out. If you do this every 4 to 6 hours, your canker sores may hurt less. 5.Supplements such as taking vitamin C or vitamin B complex,will also help canker sores heal faster. IF CANKER SORE PERSISITS MORE THAN A WEEK THEN -----consult your docter or dentist. Tell your doctor if you have canker sores more than a week.(to rule out viral infection).If so,then treatment has to be done with antiviral medications. hope you will get well soon.good luck
Slight irritation with crown on tooth?
I got a crown on a tooth on my lower left side. It was a tooth on which I got my first cavity (when they used the silver filling). Anyway, I got the crown last August and things for the most part have been fine. However, lately I've been getting some slight discomfort in the area of that tooth. It's not pain, but I notice it from time to time. It's kind of the same feeling I had before with the tooth before the crown. But that discomfort was never that bad that it made me go to the dentist to get it fixed. The dentist recommended the crown on one of my twice-a-year cleanings. I have a cleaning scheduled 2 weeks from today, but it's with a different dentist. There was a financial dispute with the price of the crown at my previous dentist (was quoted a different price and the final bill showed I owed more than $200 than I was originally told). That dentist told me if I didn't get a crown at that time that I would need a root canal. I'm hoping that it hasn't come to that. A crown cost almost $750 with dental insurance and a root canal is even more. Is this discomfort normal from time to time? Or am I on my way to a root canal?
hard to tell without looking at an X-ray and clinical examination.also can you add more details about the discomfort which you are feeling from time to time? is your crown made of gold or tooth colored material? when do you feel the pain? is it sensitive to temperature? is it hurting when you are eating? when did it started? more detail, better.
hard to tell without looking at an X-ray and clinical examination.also can you add more details about the discomfort which you are feeling from time to time? is your crown made of gold or tooth colored material? when do you feel the pain? is it sensitive to temperature? is it hurting when you are eating? when did it started? more detail, better.
Really sore tooth, needs root canal. What can I do for pain?
Ok so I needed a root canal on this tooth 2 years ago, but thanks to no health/dental insurance, and not having the extra $$, (and my fear of dentists!), I have put it off. I had some temporary filling stuff in it, and for a few months it really helped, hardly any pain at all.. but I was chewing some gum tonight, and it hit the nerve. I have been in excruciating pain for hours now! I live in a stupid town where they only cater to rich people, and although I have searched online and in the phone book I can't find anyone who will work with me on payments and I'm only 22, I don't have a bunch of cash just lying around! What can I do?? Im in so much pain it is driving me crazy! I had cover my mouth in oragel, take 3 Naproxen tablets and drink some wine just to function. I can't keep doing this. Any suggestion would be great, I mean I can't be the only one in this situation right????
I definitely know the pain of a tooth that needs a root canal, so bad it keeps you awake at night, hurts non stop. feels like needles in your gums it's terrible. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to take the pain away, you could get it extracted, its cheaper than a root canal but you'll be out a tooth. Orajel is a temporary fix. You may not have the money, but it'll continue to get worse and worse if you don't see a dentist.
I definitely know the pain of a tooth that needs a root canal, so bad it keeps you awake at night, hurts non stop. feels like needles in your gums it's terrible. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to take the pain away, you could get it extracted, its cheaper than a root canal but you'll be out a tooth. Orajel is a temporary fix. You may not have the money, but it'll continue to get worse and worse if you don't see a dentist.
i have a ? on how to replace my teeth that are missing. my front teeth are in great shape its my molars.?
i am 32 and when i had my 4th kid which was 6 years ago. a little over a year my teeth started to break or crack on the top. i did take my vitamins and i breast fed for 6 months. well i want to fix the empty gaps in my mouth. should i get upper dentures partial, implant, bridge, or whatever options do i have. on 2 of my molars there is a small piece of tooth left on the other 2 i think the gum is closing and there is no feeling with the 2 that have the gum closed up. i am going to a appt for an exam and see what needs to be done. i amjust trying to figure how to fix the problem that i cna see and help me eat my food. and i dont think my dental insurance is the best. please give me some suggesttions i know i have to get some advice from a dentist but witht he missing teeth what should i do and what are my options that could be available or what is not a good idea, but my molar are the problem my wisdomteeth are fine.
Im having 7 teeth extratced in 2 DAYS, Im so nervous, but anyways, I will be getting a partial to put in place of 6 of those as they are onthe top, 3 will be molars they are removing. You canget partials for just those areas. I have heard that bridges hurt like h@ll afterwards because they hve to crown the other teeth that will be holding the bridge in place, but I dont know, I have never had one. If you have an "Affordable Dentures" near you, they are pretty reasonably priced. You can look at their website and find the closest location is to you. Im having 7 teeth done, Aveoloplasty done, and a partial put in place of the missing teeth all in the same day for about 1200.00. My dentist wanted over 3,000 dollars to do this procedure. Hope this helps.
Im having 7 teeth extratced in 2 DAYS, Im so nervous, but anyways, I will be getting a partial to put in place of 6 of those as they are onthe top, 3 will be molars they are removing. You canget partials for just those areas. I have heard that bridges hurt like h@ll afterwards because they hve to crown the other teeth that will be holding the bridge in place, but I dont know, I have never had one. If you have an "Affordable Dentures" near you, they are pretty reasonably priced. You can look at their website and find the closest location is to you. Im having 7 teeth done, Aveoloplasty done, and a partial put in place of the missing teeth all in the same day for about 1200.00. My dentist wanted over 3,000 dollars to do this procedure. Hope this helps.
If I take my ex to court, will they change our child support?
Our child support was ordered a couple years ago, and now my ex changed jobs and says he makes less money. He also has a band and makes money off the books (he's also always going to concerts, buying new games, and new electronics). I have since lost my job, and now receive unemployment, medicaid, and food stamps for my daughter and myself. I've asked him to help buy my daughter's school clothes and supplies, but he refuses (even though I can't afford them). He says that the only thing he will do is give the exact amount the state said he was responsible for and not a dime more. My daughter is turning 5 in two weeks and he won't help with a birthday party (my parents are helping). He won't even make the 15 minute drive to our house to visit her, instead, I drive her to his grandmother's (half an hour away) twice a month, for the weekend, and he'll visit her for a couple hours once a month. So basically, I'm wondering even if they end up reducing the weekly amount I get, would they still make him help me buy her school clothes & supplies? And can they make him get dental insurance since she has none? And what about after-school activities?
Child support is supposed to cover the needs of the child. Child support guidelines provide enough money for the child to maintain the same standard of living as an intact family. So, it is figured to cover school clothes, activities, supplies and birthday parties. Sounds like you want him to pay for the school supplies a second time around since it is already in the child support guidelines. You should get a two jobs so you can provide your share of money for your daughter instead of relying on welfare. It is a possibility that your always asking for money has made him bitter and now you will have a daughter without a father. Don't look up the statistics on that. It will scare you. I would recommend having the grandmother give him a little money to take the daughter places and spend more time with her. It would be better for her in the long run.
Child support is supposed to cover the needs of the child. Child support guidelines provide enough money for the child to maintain the same standard of living as an intact family. So, it is figured to cover school clothes, activities, supplies and birthday parties. Sounds like you want him to pay for the school supplies a second time around since it is already in the child support guidelines. You should get a two jobs so you can provide your share of money for your daughter instead of relying on welfare. It is a possibility that your always asking for money has made him bitter and now you will have a daughter without a father. Don't look up the statistics on that. It will scare you. I would recommend having the grandmother give him a little money to take the daughter places and spend more time with her. It would be better for her in the long run.
Get answers from millions of real people.?
Hello..I live in the state of florida..Pinellas county..I have been divorced for 8yrs now..When we went to court the first time around i was ordered to pay child support..Was never a problem for me to do.Love my child..5yrs later we got back together and never got married.I pay all health and dental insurance for our child..We Never stoped the support from being taken out..Just deposited into account..Now we are split again for good and get along pretty well..She was making 17$ an hr til Oct 2007 When she was arrested on Felony charges for perscription fraud..Now she cant find a job making near that..So we agreed to joint custody week on week off.Give back every i need to pay child support to her when we go back to court or will it be null and void..She agreed to it now changed her mind again so now we have to go to court..I just want to be fair to me and her..She also moved alittle bit away and my child still goes to school in my district..What are my options and will i still have to pay even when she got in trouble and lost her income level..Will i have to make up for it?
This is a lawyers question if you want the true answer. We would only be guessing.
This is a lawyers question if you want the true answer. We would only be guessing.
Opinions on CareCredit?
I have no dental insurance and desperately need to see a dentist. Like.. as soon as humanly possible. So after a lot of researching, I come across CareCredit. Being prudent, I search for this on 42 hits! People complaining about the scams etc. I'm having a hard time deciding if this company is really a rip off or if the customers were just stupid and disregarded the terms of the agreement. If it is simply you MUST pay your balance off in X months to avoid Y interest charges, that is fine. Do they really TRY to screw you over though? I'm afraid to get into this because it will put me in a hole bigger than I could dig myself out of any time soon. I'd rather wait and just pay the entire expenses up front, but I simply cannot wait any longer. I could pay off an entire bill in the alotted time.. I'm just concerned about getting scammed. Any advice or opinions here? Thanks.
we offer carecredit at my dental office. i don't really work in the front office, but i asked about it for myself last week. the girls were telling me if i'm going to pay within the 12 months, then i could pay it off without interest... but you have to make sure you're responsible and pay every payment on time. if the front office girls didn't think it was okay, they wouldn't tell me to go ahead if i wanted to.
we offer carecredit at my dental office. i don't really work in the front office, but i asked about it for myself last week. the girls were telling me if i'm going to pay within the 12 months, then i could pay it off without interest... but you have to make sure you're responsible and pay every payment on time. if the front office girls didn't think it was okay, they wouldn't tell me to go ahead if i wanted to.
Anybody know if the horror stories about Cosmetic Dentistry are true? And how much does it cost?
My two front teeth are both crowned and they were done horribly wrong, way too big and unnatural looking. I need to know if I go and get veneers, 1. Are the crowned teeth going to work with veneers? 2. If not, how natural would new crowns look with veneers on the 2 or 4 teeth surrounding them? 3. Will my dental insurance cover any of this(I'm hoping at least fixing the 2 crowns, since one had to have a root canal because of how poorly they were placed) 4. How much will this cost? I live in New York City. I could find 10 dentist tomorrow who would charge me 20 grand I'm sure, but I'm looking for an average. Please Help!
How long ago did you get the crowns? I would never live with bad crowns, and I would go back to the dentist and have them do them over for FREE. After all they are your front teeth and everybody can see them. A proper crown wont show and should look normal. Why pay for veneers when your real teeth can be fixed? If the crowns are more than 5 years old your insurance will cover an amount, how much depends on your insurance plan.
How long ago did you get the crowns? I would never live with bad crowns, and I would go back to the dentist and have them do them over for FREE. After all they are your front teeth and everybody can see them. A proper crown wont show and should look normal. Why pay for veneers when your real teeth can be fixed? If the crowns are more than 5 years old your insurance will cover an amount, how much depends on your insurance plan.
rotten tooth to the gum line?
I have a tooth in the back that for some reason didnt get enough attention with my tooth brush compared to the other teeth that has rotted to the gum line. it doesnt really hurt but it has become extremly sensitve to cold stuff to the point I cant stand it. I have a dentist appointment later on today and am wondering if shes going to have a hard time getting a tooth out like that were she has nothing to really pull on?? will she just send me to a oral surgen?? I cant afford that im already paying out of pocket without dental insurance. any pointers or experiences are helpful
skifaeri is just mean. I'm sorry, but that is no way to talk to a person who is suffering and worried. It is a known fact that back teeth are harder to reach and for some people, they are impossible. Also, if you have your wisdom teeth, or if this is one, they are especially difficult to keep clean. Yes, your general dentist should be able to remove that tooth without having to refer you to an oral surgeon. It will be more difficult on you, as there will be more "digging" and possibly some drilling, but general dentists do this type of thing all the time. Good Luck with your treatment today. And be sure to follow all of the post surgical recommendations given to you by the dentist or the staff.
skifaeri is just mean. I'm sorry, but that is no way to talk to a person who is suffering and worried. It is a known fact that back teeth are harder to reach and for some people, they are impossible. Also, if you have your wisdom teeth, or if this is one, they are especially difficult to keep clean. Yes, your general dentist should be able to remove that tooth without having to refer you to an oral surgeon. It will be more difficult on you, as there will be more "digging" and possibly some drilling, but general dentists do this type of thing all the time. Good Luck with your treatment today. And be sure to follow all of the post surgical recommendations given to you by the dentist or the staff.
How can I tell if I am paying too much in child support?
I pay $600 a month in child support and I also cover all Medical/Dental insurance plus expenses for my daughter. My paychecks with deductions are $540 every two weeks. I have a hard time getting by, buying things for my daughter and taking her places when I have her on my visitations every two weeks. How am I to tell if I am paying too much? Judges in my county will make you pay more if they think you are trying to get out of paying. (Seen it happen) Little background. My ex and I were never married but after 5 years she left me for another guy, she works at subway, drives a brand new car and recently bought a brand new house with her new boyfriend. Thanks in advance!
Your "little" backround info. helped a little, but we really need to know what state your in. All states calculate support differently. Some use a fixed income model, like NY or TX, and the paying parent always pays the same percentage of their net income. So the more you make, the more you pay. Other states like OH or OR use an incomes shared model where they take both parents incomes into consideration & all kinds of deductions for things like med insurance, other cs or alimony paid, union dues, local taxes paid, ect. NO state will take into consideration living expenses (house payment or utilites), car payments, student loan payments, etc. NO state will care that she has a live in boyfriend. Some states will include a new spouses income into the figures, but most do not. So, again, we need to start with your state to find out if what you are paying is correct. Here is a link to find your states main cs website. They should have either the cs worksheets or a cs calculator somewhere on their site. Then it's just a matter of plugging in the numbers.… If you'd like a little more help, feel free to e-mail me through my profile.
Your "little" backround info. helped a little, but we really need to know what state your in. All states calculate support differently. Some use a fixed income model, like NY or TX, and the paying parent always pays the same percentage of their net income. So the more you make, the more you pay. Other states like OH or OR use an incomes shared model where they take both parents incomes into consideration & all kinds of deductions for things like med insurance, other cs or alimony paid, union dues, local taxes paid, ect. NO state will take into consideration living expenses (house payment or utilites), car payments, student loan payments, etc. NO state will care that she has a live in boyfriend. Some states will include a new spouses income into the figures, but most do not. So, again, we need to start with your state to find out if what you are paying is correct. Here is a link to find your states main cs website. They should have either the cs worksheets or a cs calculator somewhere on their site. Then it's just a matter of plugging in the numbers.… If you'd like a little more help, feel free to e-mail me through my profile.
Could an infected/absessed tooth cause health problems?
My lower left, back molar is infected AND absessed... The infection (or something) has eaten a hole through the center of this tooth, and the surrounding gums are sore. It has been like this for quite some time now. I went to the doctor a few months back, and he prescribed Penicillin for the infection.. but due to my fear of taking medications (I dont want it to make me throw up =/ ) I did not take 1 Penicillin tablet. Do I wish now that I would have taken it? Sure. I was just wondering if an infected/absessed tooth could be what causes my labrynthitis..which is a viral ear infection that causes EXTREME dizziness...not fun WHAT SO EVER.. And I still have slight dizziness and a weird lightheaded feeling at times.. Ive lost a good amount of weight, and cant put any pounds back on.. My eyes kind of bug out of my head a lot.. I mean, PURELY annoying and life alterting symptoms.. I would LOOOOOVEEEE to have this tooth REMOVED from my mouth, and just feel better!! The only problem is I have no dental insurance. Where could I go to have it removed? Im incapable of paying ANYTHING upfront to the dentist for the removal of this tooth..unless they would accept like $20.. Would the ER do it?? Do you think this bad tooth, which has been infected and messed up for... a little over a year now, be what is causing my ear problems and other health problems?? Please help.. I would give anything to make myself feel better...and normal again. THANK YOU!
Hey girl well i've heard that it needs to be treated asap, and that it can affect your immune system and if left untreated it can be life threatening. Now where to get treated ... depending on where you live you can go to those government clinics that are for low income ppl, sometimes they do the job for free bc the state pays for it. Or you can go to a university and be like the "Guinea pig" of the dental class, many ppl do that to get the work for a small fee, after all the work is performed under the supervision of professionals. I hope you get better and find a solution. I coulnt send you the pharm. message to your e-mai, or your answer replyl bc it was too long. about the pharmacy.. Let me start by saying OMG!!! I feel 100% the same way!! And yes I to need the money BAD. I cannot believe you've been there for 2yrs and still feel the same way, makes me realize that its not going to get any better with time. I think its one of those jobs that either the job is right for you or not. And girl don't even let me start about your pay!!. They really really need to give you a raise!! They told me that whenever I got my certification they would give me a raise, I've been reading that is usually 2 dollars and from there its like 50cents every yr. Anyways my family really wants me to give it a try and hang in there but Im in HELL, they think it's a great opportunity and it is, but for the right person, and I feel so bad that Im not going to be able to stay in this job, I feel like a failure, like Im a weak person, and cant handle life, I feel like a great opportunity was handed to me and I cant deal with what it takes to be in there. Girl I have cried at night over the stress/frustration that Im feeling, Im have extreme anxiety when I go to work. Like I told you, if Im there for 8hrs I feel that its been an entire day or more, and when I go home I cant stop thinking about what I got myself in to. I thought this was going to be a rewarding job but IT is NOT, on the contrary I want to kill and strangle people. The other day a women was yelling at me right before I got off work, and I wanted to find her in the parking lot to flip her off, and I felt like pulling her freaking hair out, OMG that is NOT me, I seriously become another person, and I feel like im ageing there. You cracked me up when you wrote about the "One Pharmacy Call" "Lane One" "Lane Two" lol (GOSH I HATE THOSE WORDS), no but seriously like Im the new girl NO ONE answers the freaking calls, HELLOOOO I don't know anything I Cant answer any questions!! So Im always asking for help to answer their inquiries, and one of my co-workers (the lead tech that's supposed to train me on the job but hasn't) even told me "god your driving me nuts!!!" I was just like WHAT??? Are you serious? I'm telling you Im in hell… As for the pharmacist we also have two and they HATE to be bothered, you can see it in their faces, and yes they don't do anything but supervise, and they WILL NOT back you up, you are on your own! and they are not nice to the techs, they are stuck ups, but let me tell ya they are the masters of disguise!! They are soo nice and polite to the customers you cant even recognize them. As you said they are the ones getting the 80,000dollar yearly income and the techs get all the crap. Im soo sorry that you get out so late and don't even have time for you son, and when you do come back home your stressed, that sucks. I havent done any insurance calling, I can just imagine how frustrating that is! And all that bull crap about calling doctors, and clients. Oh how stupid is it that we have to call customers to get refills!! We could go on and on forever… However I went to a staffing agency today and it looks like they might have something for me, its going to pay 50cents less but Im going to be happy again! And tomorrow Im going to another staffing agency to see what they might have, I need a job NOW and I cant afford to apply at companies and wait for them like a month to call me back. One advice for you.. since you already have 2 ½ year experience, why don't you get certified let cvs pay for it, and then find a job at a hospital.. I've read that it is less stressful, pay better, and they don't have as much contact with the public, many times nurses go and pick up the prescriptions, and/or they have a clerk. I just cant be there another day!!. Well GOOD LUCK girl, may GOD bless you and your child!! Thank you soo much for your answer! It helped a lot.
Hey girl well i've heard that it needs to be treated asap, and that it can affect your immune system and if left untreated it can be life threatening. Now where to get treated ... depending on where you live you can go to those government clinics that are for low income ppl, sometimes they do the job for free bc the state pays for it. Or you can go to a university and be like the "Guinea pig" of the dental class, many ppl do that to get the work for a small fee, after all the work is performed under the supervision of professionals. I hope you get better and find a solution. I coulnt send you the pharm. message to your e-mai, or your answer replyl bc it was too long. about the pharmacy.. Let me start by saying OMG!!! I feel 100% the same way!! And yes I to need the money BAD. I cannot believe you've been there for 2yrs and still feel the same way, makes me realize that its not going to get any better with time. I think its one of those jobs that either the job is right for you or not. And girl don't even let me start about your pay!!. They really really need to give you a raise!! They told me that whenever I got my certification they would give me a raise, I've been reading that is usually 2 dollars and from there its like 50cents every yr. Anyways my family really wants me to give it a try and hang in there but Im in HELL, they think it's a great opportunity and it is, but for the right person, and I feel so bad that Im not going to be able to stay in this job, I feel like a failure, like Im a weak person, and cant handle life, I feel like a great opportunity was handed to me and I cant deal with what it takes to be in there. Girl I have cried at night over the stress/frustration that Im feeling, Im have extreme anxiety when I go to work. Like I told you, if Im there for 8hrs I feel that its been an entire day or more, and when I go home I cant stop thinking about what I got myself in to. I thought this was going to be a rewarding job but IT is NOT, on the contrary I want to kill and strangle people. The other day a women was yelling at me right before I got off work, and I wanted to find her in the parking lot to flip her off, and I felt like pulling her freaking hair out, OMG that is NOT me, I seriously become another person, and I feel like im ageing there. You cracked me up when you wrote about the "One Pharmacy Call" "Lane One" "Lane Two" lol (GOSH I HATE THOSE WORDS), no but seriously like Im the new girl NO ONE answers the freaking calls, HELLOOOO I don't know anything I Cant answer any questions!! So Im always asking for help to answer their inquiries, and one of my co-workers (the lead tech that's supposed to train me on the job but hasn't) even told me "god your driving me nuts!!!" I was just like WHAT??? Are you serious? I'm telling you Im in hell… As for the pharmacist we also have two and they HATE to be bothered, you can see it in their faces, and yes they don't do anything but supervise, and they WILL NOT back you up, you are on your own! and they are not nice to the techs, they are stuck ups, but let me tell ya they are the masters of disguise!! They are soo nice and polite to the customers you cant even recognize them. As you said they are the ones getting the 80,000dollar yearly income and the techs get all the crap. Im soo sorry that you get out so late and don't even have time for you son, and when you do come back home your stressed, that sucks. I havent done any insurance calling, I can just imagine how frustrating that is! And all that bull crap about calling doctors, and clients. Oh how stupid is it that we have to call customers to get refills!! We could go on and on forever… However I went to a staffing agency today and it looks like they might have something for me, its going to pay 50cents less but Im going to be happy again! And tomorrow Im going to another staffing agency to see what they might have, I need a job NOW and I cant afford to apply at companies and wait for them like a month to call me back. One advice for you.. since you already have 2 ½ year experience, why don't you get certified let cvs pay for it, and then find a job at a hospital.. I've read that it is less stressful, pay better, and they don't have as much contact with the public, many times nurses go and pick up the prescriptions, and/or they have a clerk. I just cant be there another day!!. Well GOOD LUCK girl, may GOD bless you and your child!! Thank you soo much for your answer! It helped a lot.
sedation dentistry question?
I'm terrified of going to the dentist - because of this my teeth have been suffering. Well as of friday i have had the worst tooth ache ever, it hurts if i close my mouth and my teeth touch that tooth. I havent been to the dentist since i was a kid (im 20 now) I was wondering about sedation it safe? Also i don't think we have dental insurance, so how much will it cost? I don't know what to do, im suffering with this toothache, but im embarrassed to go to a regular dentist, and i fear the pain..
I feel your pain, as i just went to the dentist for the first time in 14 years last Thursday (after a traumatizing dental experience as a kid), and lucky me, I found myself in the dental surgeon's office the next day getting an abscessed tooth pulled. All the while, my dental phobia is well on it's way to being out of my life. As far as sedation goes, some dentists will give you two pills to take; one an hour before your appointment, and one when you get to the office. This will pretty much put you in a relaxed state of mind, not having a care in the world. Some also offer laughing gas, IV sedation, etc etc. Mind you, for IV sedation and such, your toothache will be nothing compared to your bill. Even when they pulled my tooth, they used Novocaine, and I was so numbed up, I was actually amused by slapping myself before the doctor came to get the work done! If I were you, I'd just take a deep breath, call up the office, let them know of your fear, and go on in. Just tell your dentist about your fear, and if he's a good dentist, he will be understanding. More than likely, he's going to just look at the tooth that's been bugging you, take a few X-Rays, and that'll be it. Especially with your toothache, I definately wouldn't let that go. If it's abscessed, and you let it continue on it's course, it can become life threatening. Good luck to you, I hope you feel better soon. =EDIT= I looked up IV sedation, and you're looking at $250.00 for that alone, the simple tooth extraction being around $80 if you needed that (may or may not.)
I feel your pain, as i just went to the dentist for the first time in 14 years last Thursday (after a traumatizing dental experience as a kid), and lucky me, I found myself in the dental surgeon's office the next day getting an abscessed tooth pulled. All the while, my dental phobia is well on it's way to being out of my life. As far as sedation goes, some dentists will give you two pills to take; one an hour before your appointment, and one when you get to the office. This will pretty much put you in a relaxed state of mind, not having a care in the world. Some also offer laughing gas, IV sedation, etc etc. Mind you, for IV sedation and such, your toothache will be nothing compared to your bill. Even when they pulled my tooth, they used Novocaine, and I was so numbed up, I was actually amused by slapping myself before the doctor came to get the work done! If I were you, I'd just take a deep breath, call up the office, let them know of your fear, and go on in. Just tell your dentist about your fear, and if he's a good dentist, he will be understanding. More than likely, he's going to just look at the tooth that's been bugging you, take a few X-Rays, and that'll be it. Especially with your toothache, I definately wouldn't let that go. If it's abscessed, and you let it continue on it's course, it can become life threatening. Good luck to you, I hope you feel better soon. =EDIT= I looked up IV sedation, and you're looking at $250.00 for that alone, the simple tooth extraction being around $80 if you needed that (may or may not.)
does anyone know who wrote this poem?
this poem is from the movie trainspotting but i dont know who wrote it , its called choose life Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a ******* big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of ******* fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the **** you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing ******* junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, ****** up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?
Trainspotting was written by Scotsman Irvine Welsh. It was his first novel, published in 1993.
Trainspotting was written by Scotsman Irvine Welsh. It was his first novel, published in 1993.
What is happening to my teeth?!?
My teeth have always been really healthy. I have NEVER had a cavity. Last week my 14 month old jumped up while I was playing with him & hit me under the chin with his head. It made my bottom teeth slam into my top ones really hard & then slide across them a bit. It hurt REALLY bad for a minute but then I was fine. The next day my top right front tooth started hurting & continued to hurt for 3 days straight before it stopped. The day it stopped the one next to it (top left front) started hurting. It has been hurting for 3 days now & feels the same as the other one did. The pain isn't really bad, but it feels like a light throbbing pain that doesn't stop. Then yesterday I noticed that my teeth are starting to move. I don't mean they are loose...I mean the position they are in is changing! I had a gap between those 2 front teeth as a kid that closed up once all of my permanents came in & now the gap has started to open back up. I want to go to the dentist, but I don't have dental insurance right now & I can't afford to pay for a visit. Like I said, I have always had really healthy teeth. But this is starting to scare me! Do you think it is from him hitting me or could it be something else? Anyone else ever had this happen?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
army marriage benefits for non military spouse?
My boyfriend and I are talking about marriage but hes in the army. I know I get medical and dental insurance but what else am I entitled to? He has mentioned that the army would pay for my college as well as his. Is this true? What are all the benefits I would get as his spouse not living on base?
I hope you are not getting married for love and not benefits... If he meets requirements he can pass a portion of his GI Bill to you. Well he will be in barracks more than likely unless he is going reserve or guard. If you are married the military will pay your way.
I hope you are not getting married for love and not benefits... If he meets requirements he can pass a portion of his GI Bill to you. Well he will be in barracks more than likely unless he is going reserve or guard. If you are married the military will pay your way.
Would you of had kids if this is how it was presented to you?
POSITION : Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop JOB DESCRIPTION : Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, often chaotic environment. Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call. Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Travel expenses not reimbursed. Extensive courier duties also required. RESPONSIBILITIES : The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs $5. Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly. Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 60 mph in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf. Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers. Must screen phone calls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiple homework projects. Must have ability to plan and organize social gatherings for clients of all ages and mental outlooks. Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next. Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices. Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. Must assume final, complete accountability for the quality of the end product. Responsibilities also include floor maintenance and janitorial work throughout the facility. POSSIBILITY FOR ADVANCEMENT & PROMOTION : None. Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE : None required unfortunately. On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis. WAGES AND COMPENSATION : Get this! You pay them! Offering frequent raises and bonuses. A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent. When you die, you give them whatever is left. The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more. BENEFITS : While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth, unconditional love, and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.
Hell no !!!! Can relate to every word. You made it sound funny gave me a good laugh which I needed. Thanks ! You must be younger mother forgot to mention when they return home with their kids for free room and board. Those hugs and kisses from the grand kids will melt your heart...........good luck............there is more to come>>>>>>>>>hahahahah
Hell no !!!! Can relate to every word. You made it sound funny gave me a good laugh which I needed. Thanks ! You must be younger mother forgot to mention when they return home with their kids for free room and board. Those hugs and kisses from the grand kids will melt your heart...........good luck............there is more to come>>>>>>>>>hahahahah
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