Liberty Dental Plan is the company in question.
Each insurance company has different guidelines. It would be great if they were all the same, but that will never happen. You could try calling them after a week and find out yourself or have your doctor's office call for you.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Do ERs treat dental issues????
I've been having SEVERE pain in my mouth since Friday. I know it's my wisdom teeth b/c that's where the pain originates and my gums are very swollen in that area. With no dental insurance, it's virtually impossible to get to a dentist. I'm worried that they are impacted/infected. Will an ER be able to help? At least I could be billed for that service!
Call your dentist or a nearby dentist. They do take emergency calls and many leave a number where they can be reached for a dental emergency. In the meantime, take Tylenol. That's what my dentist always prescribes for pain.
Call your dentist or a nearby dentist. They do take emergency calls and many leave a number where they can be reached for a dental emergency. In the meantime, take Tylenol. That's what my dentist always prescribes for pain.
Is my extreme embarassment and fear of the dentist rational?
I am 23 years old and have never been to the dentist bc of the low income of my parents. Recently, I recieved a good job, with dental insurance. I also noticed discoloration of my molars and one tooth in general is putting me in a lot of pain. My problem comes from the fear and embarassment I feel about going for the first time. Insurance only pays 50% for things such as filling, root canals, also. I am making myself sick over going. I feel like a total loser. Any advice that could make it seem better would be appreciated.
Everyone has been in your position at some time or another. I didn't go for 5 years and was terrified. Now I go every 6 months and I still get nervous. Call them and book the earliest appt they have available. It'll give you less time to worry or dread. Tell yourself to,"Get it over with!" Esp when you feel scared. Make plans for after the dentist. I planned a movie fest w/friends. That way, I looked forward to the plans and the dentist was something I had to do before then. Once I got there, I told everyone that I was really scared. My dentist was super gentle and nice. Once in the chair, close your eyes. Play with your ring or your bracelet or bring a mp3 player to listen to. Take a look at a calendar. Two months from now, so much stuff will have happened or will happen that the dental appt was just something you had to do. No, you're not a loser. Everyone's scared. Tell yourself,"what's the worse that can happen?" I would think of the most absurd thing. I thought I was going to be wheeled out and can't be worked on. Then I would laugh at how that would never happen. And if it did and they were mean, I could just walk out. Remind yourself that they've studied teeth for over a decade. So they really want to help ppl. And trust me, waiting and wondering was much worse for me. I start to think too much. Once you're done, you'll feel so proud that you overcame your fear. Good luck! =)
Everyone has been in your position at some time or another. I didn't go for 5 years and was terrified. Now I go every 6 months and I still get nervous. Call them and book the earliest appt they have available. It'll give you less time to worry or dread. Tell yourself to,"Get it over with!" Esp when you feel scared. Make plans for after the dentist. I planned a movie fest w/friends. That way, I looked forward to the plans and the dentist was something I had to do before then. Once I got there, I told everyone that I was really scared. My dentist was super gentle and nice. Once in the chair, close your eyes. Play with your ring or your bracelet or bring a mp3 player to listen to. Take a look at a calendar. Two months from now, so much stuff will have happened or will happen that the dental appt was just something you had to do. No, you're not a loser. Everyone's scared. Tell yourself,"what's the worse that can happen?" I would think of the most absurd thing. I thought I was going to be wheeled out and can't be worked on. Then I would laugh at how that would never happen. And if it did and they were mean, I could just walk out. Remind yourself that they've studied teeth for over a decade. So they really want to help ppl. And trust me, waiting and wondering was much worse for me. I start to think too much. Once you're done, you'll feel so proud that you overcame your fear. Good luck! =)
Is there any place that gives financial aid for dental?
I am trying to get into Alabama Rehabilitation Center to get job training, but its not come through yet. I don't have a job nor insurance. Please help,thank you.
-------------------- - it has detailed info how to apply for financial aid and scholarships to get more cash.
-------------------- - it has detailed info how to apply for financial aid and scholarships to get more cash.
wisdom teeth and no insurance!?
I have had a wisdom tooth for a while. About three days ago it started to hurt. The gum around it hurts, it is difficult to open my mouth the entire way because my jaw hurts and my neck/throat on this side it is on hurts/feels tender. I don't know if the tooth is just coming in more and it will stop hurting soon or if this is something else. Does any of this sound "normal" to you? Is there a chance that this will go away? I don't know how you tell if it is impacted or whatever. I don't have dental insurance and don't know what to do. I live in NJ, am 24 year old student.
I would encourage you to visit this website: I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental work. They have saved me thousands throughout the years from Root Canals, extractions, exams, x-rays, cleanings…etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and able to use them the same day. No contracts or limits. Good Luck and Hope the Helps.
I would encourage you to visit this website: I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental work. They have saved me thousands throughout the years from Root Canals, extractions, exams, x-rays, cleanings…etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and able to use them the same day. No contracts or limits. Good Luck and Hope the Helps.
I need to get my wisdom teeth removed and have insurance. Will insurance cover the removal? Im from Canada.?
Hi, im an 18 year old from Canada and just got back from the dentist. I have dental insurance, and the dentist said i will need to get my wisdom teeth removed ASAP because 2 are impacted but the other 2 are not, my question is... Will the removal of my wisdom teeth be covered by the insurance? or is it considered cosmetic surgury? Cosmetic surgury isnt covered under our plan. (i have a chipped tooth from hockey, it is not covered by the plan.) thanks for your time.
It depends on the type of insurance you have. Most insurances will cover all of the expenses. Might want to get that checked out before-hand. Good luck
It depends on the type of insurance you have. Most insurances will cover all of the expenses. Might want to get that checked out before-hand. Good luck
TMJ - not covered under insurance, now what?
I have been going through hell for the last couple months, pain in my neck and shoulder muscles, my ears have felt like they are plugged along with pain in my ears. My jaw has always popped and clicked, now thanks to unwelcome stress I have noticed that I really clench my jaw! I went to my primary and had my ears checked, went to an ENT and had them checked again and he said it all comes down to TMJ most likely! So now after several calls, neither my medical nor dental insurance will cover TMJ treatments, they will cover everything up until the doctor/dentist diagnoses me with TMJ. Now what?
oh,,, so sorry there is nothing you can coverage. It happened to me too. However it went away .thankfully. you can relieve the pain. no chewing gum no excessive talking...LOL. no eating steak. or things that are very chewy.. eventually it will dissipate
oh,,, so sorry there is nothing you can coverage. It happened to me too. However it went away .thankfully. you can relieve the pain. no chewing gum no excessive talking...LOL. no eating steak. or things that are very chewy.. eventually it will dissipate
How much would invisalign teens cost for me?
ok, my mom said she have dental insurance. im 15 and im trying to get my teeth straight and loose the over bite this is what my teeth look like.................. how much will they cost? the second picture with a mix of a over bite.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Do you understand that social security isn't welfare, it's insurance we bought with OUR money....?
Do you understand that buying retirement and disability insurance, is no different than buying dental insurance, or fire insurance or car insurance? Can you not see that we payed for a product, and the government stole the money we gave them to hold for it and now instead of putting it back they just want to lie about it, say it's a "bad thing' , and trick the populace into idiotically going along with that, instead? Can you not see that? I'm really angry They just cut what little income the poorest people in the nation have to struggle to live miserably on, because through no fault of their own, they got sick and disabled but had responsibly bought insurance in case this happened, but now LYING THIEVES just stole some of their money (as if the hyper-rich people need more , do they need more money? do they not have enough? do you believe sick people should forcibly have to give it to them, and just buy kidney beans instead of meat from now on?????
Regarding what mbrcatz said, you revealed some artificial bias when you said "democrats" did the money stealing its just not a true statement..both parties greedily grabbed every penny however I truly appreciate you putting in the time and effort to express your view and make it understood like that. I cant accept that the notion of the numbers being impossible (as you described) is anything but that very "lie" that the asker speaks of (ie, the claim that its a faulty system, welfarish, and unfair... the politicians are just passing that around to deflect folks from the truth that they stole our money, and should put it back. the system is NOT broke because "it doesn't take in as much as goes out" (and if it isnt taking enough in, well, raise the rates, that's how insurance works) the system is broke because it got raided the "extra" money that was there surely would have greatly reduced any shortfall occurring as the baby boom starts retiring, and from there as I said, with any type of insurance, you raise the rates responsibly to wherever they need to be i wouldn't put it past the congress to know damn well that by not raising them, it'd create this mess even further -so they did this knowingly, knowing that it would help their scuzzy plans to raid the system,scuttle it, vilify it publicly with lies, then get rid of it -having made a huge profit, and succeeded in vilifying the "other party" so they could get into office in the first place. (they don't care what "issue" they create in peoples abortion, for think they actually CARE about that? they don't! but they have "thinktanks" where, like a carefully orchestrated chess game, it is figured out what they can say to get the desired effect, and get the job done. thats all this is and its poor bashing too and what could be more unconscionable than that? -to vilify the sickly, to gain support for leaving them entirely derelict in the street that's what all that "ssdi is welfare" and "SO MANY" are "getting it when they could work (no they aren't, its incredibly HARD to get on social security!!! you HAVE TO be bonafide to even get to apply!!~ and then you have to have multiple doctors swearing legally on paper that you're so sick you cant function normally and doctors will NOT falsify paperwork doctors works hard to get to where they are they make good money and they don't want to risk that for nothing so I don't see where all this alleged "welfare fraud" is even POSSIBLE so as for the sick and the old leaching unfairly off those who work, all i can say to that malignant notion is--> What will happen to these "unfairly put upon working people" when THEY retire? its like you said, insurance is about spreading the risk if they didn't happen to get sick, let them thank their god and enjoy their health why would people who have the good life suggest that sick people should be left to what, die? live on the sidewalk?
Regarding what mbrcatz said, you revealed some artificial bias when you said "democrats" did the money stealing its just not a true statement..both parties greedily grabbed every penny however I truly appreciate you putting in the time and effort to express your view and make it understood like that. I cant accept that the notion of the numbers being impossible (as you described) is anything but that very "lie" that the asker speaks of (ie, the claim that its a faulty system, welfarish, and unfair... the politicians are just passing that around to deflect folks from the truth that they stole our money, and should put it back. the system is NOT broke because "it doesn't take in as much as goes out" (and if it isnt taking enough in, well, raise the rates, that's how insurance works) the system is broke because it got raided the "extra" money that was there surely would have greatly reduced any shortfall occurring as the baby boom starts retiring, and from there as I said, with any type of insurance, you raise the rates responsibly to wherever they need to be i wouldn't put it past the congress to know damn well that by not raising them, it'd create this mess even further -so they did this knowingly, knowing that it would help their scuzzy plans to raid the system,scuttle it, vilify it publicly with lies, then get rid of it -having made a huge profit, and succeeded in vilifying the "other party" so they could get into office in the first place. (they don't care what "issue" they create in peoples abortion, for think they actually CARE about that? they don't! but they have "thinktanks" where, like a carefully orchestrated chess game, it is figured out what they can say to get the desired effect, and get the job done. thats all this is and its poor bashing too and what could be more unconscionable than that? -to vilify the sickly, to gain support for leaving them entirely derelict in the street that's what all that "ssdi is welfare" and "SO MANY" are "getting it when they could work (no they aren't, its incredibly HARD to get on social security!!! you HAVE TO be bonafide to even get to apply!!~ and then you have to have multiple doctors swearing legally on paper that you're so sick you cant function normally and doctors will NOT falsify paperwork doctors works hard to get to where they are they make good money and they don't want to risk that for nothing so I don't see where all this alleged "welfare fraud" is even POSSIBLE so as for the sick and the old leaching unfairly off those who work, all i can say to that malignant notion is--> What will happen to these "unfairly put upon working people" when THEY retire? its like you said, insurance is about spreading the risk if they didn't happen to get sick, let them thank their god and enjoy their health why would people who have the good life suggest that sick people should be left to what, die? live on the sidewalk?
My dentist wants me to pay up front and have my insurance company reimburse ME?
I just went to the dentist today and had a filling. I have dental insurance, but the dentist wanted payment up front for the services. The receptionist said they require payment in full for the services on the day of service, and then they will send the insurance claim in to the company and eventually I will receive a reimbursement check. Isn't that what INSURANCE IS FOR??? So you DON'T have to pay????? I don't handle the cash in my family, so after much arguing about requiring payment up front, the receptionist agreed to let me walk out withouth paying, but expects me to have my husband pay by tomorrow. It just doesn't seem right that the dentist gets cash up front for the work, and then makes ME wait to get reimbursed by the insurance company... what the heck?
If your dentist is not a "Participating Provider" the insurance check from Blue Cross Blue Shield is automatically sent to the subscriber. Most offices work similar to what your dentist does, but usually they require 50% down and the remaining balance at the time of insertion or completion. The insurance cannot be submitted until the work is complete and Blue Cross Blue Shield usually pays within 7 days. They are one of the fastest insurance payors I have ever dealt with. They will not pay for all your procedures at 100% though, so you won't receive a check reimbursing you the entire cost and they usually have a $1500.00 calendar year maximum. Dental insurance is not medical insurance so most offices are similar to the one you are going to. Some offices have these policies because patients have taken the insurance money and never paid for the services rendered. People don't realize how far they are asking their dentist to trust them. In our office if you are an established patient for a couple of years we will allow payment plans, but they are usually only 3-6 months out, anything longer and people tend to forget to pay us and then we end up sending the account to collection.
If your dentist is not a "Participating Provider" the insurance check from Blue Cross Blue Shield is automatically sent to the subscriber. Most offices work similar to what your dentist does, but usually they require 50% down and the remaining balance at the time of insertion or completion. The insurance cannot be submitted until the work is complete and Blue Cross Blue Shield usually pays within 7 days. They are one of the fastest insurance payors I have ever dealt with. They will not pay for all your procedures at 100% though, so you won't receive a check reimbursing you the entire cost and they usually have a $1500.00 calendar year maximum. Dental insurance is not medical insurance so most offices are similar to the one you are going to. Some offices have these policies because patients have taken the insurance money and never paid for the services rendered. People don't realize how far they are asking their dentist to trust them. In our office if you are an established patient for a couple of years we will allow payment plans, but they are usually only 3-6 months out, anything longer and people tend to forget to pay us and then we end up sending the account to collection.
Is it normal to have bleeding gums when pregnant?
I am 6 months pregnant and everytime i brush my teeth my gums bleed. I do not have dental insurance and I have no money to go to the dentist I am saving money for the baby. Is it normal just want to know if it happened to any other pregnant moms. My gums never bled before when i brushed. Thanks
Yes it does happen that your gums bleed. I would suggest that you use a mouth wash and a soft bristle tooth brush. There have been surveys done that now say that heart disease can be caused by the bacteria that get into your blood stream from bleeding gums. I do not say it is an emergency but please look after yourself and try to get to see a dentist at some point in the not too distant future.
Yes it does happen that your gums bleed. I would suggest that you use a mouth wash and a soft bristle tooth brush. There have been surveys done that now say that heart disease can be caused by the bacteria that get into your blood stream from bleeding gums. I do not say it is an emergency but please look after yourself and try to get to see a dentist at some point in the not too distant future.
Can they leave part of a wisdom tooth on accident?
I had my wisdom teeth removed quite awhile ago...probably 7 or 8 yrs. Lately though, at the very back of my gums (where they were removed) It feels like a tooth is trying to cut. It hurts and i can feel something hard there (not just the bone). I dont have dental insurance, so id prefer to wait it out unless im gonna die from it or somethin...but can they like leave a little piece or something that could now be trying to cut? Or would this be something unrelated? And i do take very good care of my teeth and gums, no cavaties or anything ever. Thanks!
Yes. I had my wisdom teeth removed 10 years and 20 years ago. The 20 year ago surgery resulted in a piece of my wisdom tooth being left behind. I had that removed when I had the 10 year surgery. It may not be a piece of your wisdom tooth, but you may have some irriation with the tooth next to where your wisdom is suppose to be. I would try a dental school for an example since you don't have insurance. Good luck.
Yes. I had my wisdom teeth removed 10 years and 20 years ago. The 20 year ago surgery resulted in a piece of my wisdom tooth being left behind. I had that removed when I had the 10 year surgery. It may not be a piece of your wisdom tooth, but you may have some irriation with the tooth next to where your wisdom is suppose to be. I would try a dental school for an example since you don't have insurance. Good luck.
How can I get help with financing my dental work?
My dentist bill is 11,575.00 with bad credit i can not get financed. I have dental insurance which only covers 1500.00 a year. My dentist started but has not yet finished and I am freaking out I can't sleep and I am majorly stressing out to the point of not being able to concentrate at work or focusing on my 13 year old daughter. I can't get any help from family. I am all alone on this one. I have a good job and able to make payments my credit got screwed up a few years ago due to child care, tuition being a single mom trying to make ends meet. I feel totally hopeless and feeling like such a failure. I dont know what to do
If you can't afford to pay your dental bills, it may be beneficial to seek dental work at a dental clinic where they offer work for discounted prices. If you live around a dental school, they can do a lot of work and they often only charge you lab bills (for making crowns, bridges, etc.) If you must stay with the current dentist, ask him/her to prioritize the work that needs to be done, and perhaps you can do a little at a time so that it is not so stressful financially. If they are really pressuring you, you may want to get a second opinion. While its possible that you need to have a lot of work done, it most likely doesn't need to be done all at once. I'd check to see if another dentist agrees with your current dentist's treatment plan. I hope that they are not overtreating you to make money.
If you can't afford to pay your dental bills, it may be beneficial to seek dental work at a dental clinic where they offer work for discounted prices. If you live around a dental school, they can do a lot of work and they often only charge you lab bills (for making crowns, bridges, etc.) If you must stay with the current dentist, ask him/her to prioritize the work that needs to be done, and perhaps you can do a little at a time so that it is not so stressful financially. If they are really pressuring you, you may want to get a second opinion. While its possible that you need to have a lot of work done, it most likely doesn't need to be done all at once. I'd check to see if another dentist agrees with your current dentist's treatment plan. I hope that they are not overtreating you to make money.
Does my baby need to go to the dentist?
My son got his fourth bottom tooth awhile ago. It looked like he was getting two smaller, pointy teeth in at the same time, but now that the whole tooth is in, they share a base so it's one, split tooth. We don't have dental insurance, and I really can't afford to go - but I just got my tax return so now I can take him if it's necessary. Have any of you had a similar problem with your child? What were you told to do about it?
it should be ok...once his baby teeth fall out they should grow seperate. my cousin had this and he's fine
it should be ok...once his baby teeth fall out they should grow seperate. my cousin had this and he's fine
What are the biggest dental rip-offs?
The office manager at my dentist tried to write a recommended dental rinse for $45 and a 3 month cleaning for $95 (neither are covered by my insurance) in the necessary procedures section of my charge form. In my opinion, that's a recommendation, not a requirement, right? What other items has your dental office tried to hard sell you on?
they drugged me up and gave me an electrical toothbrush that ended up costing me $130. they lied and said it was for my wisdom teeth extraction. smilecare are a bunch of bastards. stay away.
they drugged me up and gave me an electrical toothbrush that ended up costing me $130. they lied and said it was for my wisdom teeth extraction. smilecare are a bunch of bastards. stay away.
How Do i get Health insurance? Please help!?
I am an international student and im in college right now. I am 19 years old and I want to know how I can get health insurance to cover most health costs (vaccines, check up, dental work). I already have a bull sh%t insurance from my college but thats not real insurance. I need real insurance that is approved bu New York State. And How much would it cost me?
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
So insurance companies will now be required to accept preexisting conditions?
And have no limits to coverage, cover prescriptions, cover doctor's office visits, cover dental, AND be affordable for everyone? What is this Max Baucus guy smoking anyway? How is all of that possible without costing more than what most people are paying now?
It isn't possible. But the best part about it is that the middle class will pay for it all. Since the poor are to poor to pay into it and the rich are exempt from the law, then it's the middle class that gets stuck with the bill. Then, the middle class becomes the poor too, except they have to work hard.
It isn't possible. But the best part about it is that the middle class will pay for it all. Since the poor are to poor to pay into it and the rich are exempt from the law, then it's the middle class that gets stuck with the bill. Then, the middle class becomes the poor too, except they have to work hard.
New to Health Insurance?
Im a part-time employee and recieved medical and dental Health insurance from Aetna. I pay about 22/wk. It takes away from my paycheck automatically Iam trying to goto dentist for cleaning and doctor for a checkup. Up to now, I have only payed the 22/wk for about 3 months. I have not paid the 100$ deductible stated. If i goto the doctor for a checkup, what are my costs going to look like. Do i have to pay the deductible and co-payment?
The dental and doctor's visits are unrelated. You may have coverage for both, but they carry different deductibles for each. For a check up you need to look at the preventative benefits. The simple way is take out your card, check the phone number for customer services, call, ask, and write down the answer and who you talked to.…
The dental and doctor's visits are unrelated. You may have coverage for both, but they carry different deductibles for each. For a check up you need to look at the preventative benefits. The simple way is take out your card, check the phone number for customer services, call, ask, and write down the answer and who you talked to.…
Dental Plan in USA: Which is the best and affordable?
I found out my global health insurance only covers emergency dental procedures here in the USA. Now i'm looking for a dental plan to make trip to dentist affordable. I will probably need a filling or two. What is a good dental plan to buy? (I've been looking at
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From xrays, exams, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, and even my braces. They even had my affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. hope this helps
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental services. From xrays, exams, fillings, Cleanings, root canals, and even my braces. They even had my affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. hope this helps
Is there any1 who is a dentist here? Or a dental assitant?
I have recently visited a doctor in where we devised a plan to pull my remaining 5 teeth so I can get immediate dentures. I was shocked however to find out it would be 580$ even with insurance. He had said he was going to do a bone plaining or grafting procedure (not sure of the term here) so that my denture will fit more comfortably. My question is do I have to do this? can I just have my teeth pulled and the immediate dentures placed without the bone smoothing procedure to bring down my cost? I cannot afford all of that at this point, can I ask my dentist to forgo the bone smoothing for now? Will a dentist do that? PLEASE ANSWER! I need teeth! I believe the name of the procedure is Alveoplasty: Smoothing the Jawbone, do I have to have this? can I not get that procedure?
You should ideally have the alveoplasty. With out getting into technical terms, it's hard to explain why. Just kind of think of it as trying to put in a road. The contractors first have to smooth the ground and area to get the pavement flat. It's kind of the same way with your mouth. The alveolar ridge is full of bumps and crevices. In order not to create more serious problems like gum erision, etc. they need to first smooth out the area where the denture will be seated. Hope that makes sense! Perhaps you can talk to your dentist about financing, or applying for credit through Carecredit.
You should ideally have the alveoplasty. With out getting into technical terms, it's hard to explain why. Just kind of think of it as trying to put in a road. The contractors first have to smooth the ground and area to get the pavement flat. It's kind of the same way with your mouth. The alveolar ridge is full of bumps and crevices. In order not to create more serious problems like gum erision, etc. they need to first smooth out the area where the denture will be seated. Hope that makes sense! Perhaps you can talk to your dentist about financing, or applying for credit through Carecredit.
how much to get your teeth pulled at aspen dental?
I have some extra teeth that's in the back of my mouth, and also some teeth that really need to be pulled. I have insurance cigna but I don't want to spend at lot out of pocket. Help!!!
With your dental insurance after your deductible it should be minimal. Aspen is very inexpensive and offers a lot of cut rate dentistry. good Luck
With your dental insurance after your deductible it should be minimal. Aspen is very inexpensive and offers a lot of cut rate dentistry. good Luck
Are there Orthodontists that do probono work?
I am 20.My dental health was never taken care of properly when i was young. I have some dental insurance but nothing that covers orthodontists or cosmetic procedures.I cannot afford good dental insurance. I have a "mutilated bite" one dentists told me. I have over crowded teeth and like a criss cross bite. My gums hurt me, I also have TMJ. Not only is my mouth painful, I am very self conscious about it. My teeth chip easily. I was wondering if there are any orthodontists or anyone that does cosmetic dentistry that do pro bono work or work for reduced price.I'd even pay installments, Is there anyone that can help me. or point me in the right direction. My teeth are only getting worse and i fear i will never have the lump some of money to get them taken care of.
Dental schools sometimes have programs like this where service is provided by supervised students and offered to the public at reduced cost.
Dental schools sometimes have programs like this where service is provided by supervised students and offered to the public at reduced cost.
Just lost my health insurance what do I do now?
So I'm a 21 yr old in college, I just got kicked off my parents plan because we can no longer prove that I am a Dependant. My main concerns are dental and birth control. I have two cracked caps on my molars because I grind my teeth, which I've put off because of school and work. And I need to get monthly birth control. Any advice on what steps I can take next? I'm in Santa Cruz county.
Join the rest of us uninsured people. NOW you thoroughly understand why we need a national health care program. (Go Obama!) See if you qualify for COBRA. For dental, call your local (usually county) health department. They can usually either provide or recommend low-cost dental services. For birth control, I strongly suggest using the word "NO!".<<< If that isn't an option, check out your nearest branch of Planned Parenthood - they will help you with examinations, meds, etc. Unlike what those against Planned Parenthood will tell you, Planned Parenthood does a LOT regarding female health issues, and they do it on a sliding scale that depends on your income. Good luck (to us all).
Join the rest of us uninsured people. NOW you thoroughly understand why we need a national health care program. (Go Obama!) See if you qualify for COBRA. For dental, call your local (usually county) health department. They can usually either provide or recommend low-cost dental services. For birth control, I strongly suggest using the word "NO!".<<< If that isn't an option, check out your nearest branch of Planned Parenthood - they will help you with examinations, meds, etc. Unlike what those against Planned Parenthood will tell you, Planned Parenthood does a LOT regarding female health issues, and they do it on a sliding scale that depends on your income. Good luck (to us all).
Why is My former health insurance company doing this?
6 months ago in October I had dental insurance through my employer. During that time my husband and I had several dental procedures done, all in which we immediately paid the copay and other not covered costs. Today I get a letter from them saying that I owe them $400 in 30 days because they failed to aplly the correct deductible amount on my claim. What can I do? I don't have ANY spare cash whatsoever. I plan on calling them and setting up a payment plan, but if I do that can they legally charge me interest? I was once under the impression that health care bills cannot charge interest because you would never be able to pay it off. Thanks for the help, I'm just blown away by this. What morons.
Sometimes they won't know exactly how much you will owe until the claim is submitted to your insurance company. Any amounts you pay in advance are an estimate, and they have the right to bill you for any additional patient liability determined after your insurer adjudicates the claim. Legally, yes...they can charge you interest and late fees on medical/dental bills. Will they? Perhaps not, if you establish a reasonable payment plan and follow through with it.
Sometimes they won't know exactly how much you will owe until the claim is submitted to your insurance company. Any amounts you pay in advance are an estimate, and they have the right to bill you for any additional patient liability determined after your insurer adjudicates the claim. Legally, yes...they can charge you interest and late fees on medical/dental bills. Will they? Perhaps not, if you establish a reasonable payment plan and follow through with it.
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