regular dentist, do I need to go to a cosmetic dentist or will a regular dentist be fine, I am kinda scared for him bc I have read of people having the bridges hurt.. what do I ask this dentist about bridges, I cant change dentists until open enrollment and thats until 1 yr from now and by then his insurance will be up bc he turns 18 and will have to get insurance on his own. Advice on bridges and what t ask.. just any thx..
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Online dental plans........ do they work?
I want to purchase a dental plan online for my family. We already do have dental insurance through my husbands work but it doesn't cover anything "major". How do these plans work? I've done research but want to know from some of you that have used it. Do you pay the full price of a procedure and then get reimbursed? Thank you for a detailed answers.
If you have been shopping for dental or medical coverage for you and your family you may have come across a variety of different and sometimes confusing programs. Whether you are searching for medical or dental coverage there are basically two options to choose from including traditional insurance plans and discount health programs. Medical or dental discount programs are not actually insurance. Discount dental and medical benefits provide their members with discounts on dental and medical treatment through participating network providers. Members pay a fee to participate in exchange for discounts that can range from 10-80% off regular prices. The leading discount dental provider is Ameriplan USA®. The medical and dental providers contract with the program to only charge members based on these discounts. The members benefit from reduced fees and the providers benefit from the exposure to the membership pool. Because this is not an insurance contract program there are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions or limitations on treatment. Ameriplan® offers a low monthly membership fee for discount dental services, no forms to fill out, and a wide network of quality dentists for you to choose from. AmeriPlan has a Dental Plan for only 19.95 a month and includes up to 20 people in one household - related or not. All you do is pay the discounted price that AmeriPlan has set and you can save up to 80% off. You You can look at our plans we offer at: Hope this helps!
If you have been shopping for dental or medical coverage for you and your family you may have come across a variety of different and sometimes confusing programs. Whether you are searching for medical or dental coverage there are basically two options to choose from including traditional insurance plans and discount health programs. Medical or dental discount programs are not actually insurance. Discount dental and medical benefits provide their members with discounts on dental and medical treatment through participating network providers. Members pay a fee to participate in exchange for discounts that can range from 10-80% off regular prices. The leading discount dental provider is Ameriplan USA®. The medical and dental providers contract with the program to only charge members based on these discounts. The members benefit from reduced fees and the providers benefit from the exposure to the membership pool. Because this is not an insurance contract program there are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions or limitations on treatment. Ameriplan® offers a low monthly membership fee for discount dental services, no forms to fill out, and a wide network of quality dentists for you to choose from. AmeriPlan has a Dental Plan for only 19.95 a month and includes up to 20 people in one household - related or not. All you do is pay the discounted price that AmeriPlan has set and you can save up to 80% off. You You can look at our plans we offer at: Hope this helps!
what if i use my medical insurance?
i got my 1st job 5 month a go and i have medical and dental insurance as well, and i need to c a Dr soon coz i go to gym a lot, i luv to workout and my right hand is hurt a little, i'm fine i can function but something is wrong so i'm afraid to use my medical insurance, is this bad for the company if employees use there medical insurance, i'm i gonna get fired if i use my medical insurance? pls help!
Companies are mostly self-insured and sign up as a pool. A health provider merely manages. Rates will never go up for you just because you have a claim. Trust me - we've had claims - rates never go up. If they do, they'll go up for the entire company and everyone pays equally. It's not like car insurance. Enjoy your doctor. /
Companies are mostly self-insured and sign up as a pool. A health provider merely manages. Rates will never go up for you just because you have a claim. Trust me - we've had claims - rates never go up. If they do, they'll go up for the entire company and everyone pays equally. It's not like car insurance. Enjoy your doctor. /
HELP :"( I need dental coverage but I am a temp.Can anyone recommend insurance?!?
I'm having a really hard time finding an insurance company that are available to temps. Unfortunately I make too much to be eligible for medicaid, which is ironic because I don't make a lot of money! lol So any suggestions!? I really need to go to the dentist asap, I'm in a lot of pain :'(
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved us thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From extractions, exams, xrays, cleanings, fillins...etc. Even my braces were covered. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved us thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From extractions, exams, xrays, cleanings, fillins...etc. Even my braces were covered. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps.
I need a good individual dental plan for my family!?
I need to find a good dental insurance plan for me and my family. It needs to cover 100% of basic dental work (like fillings, cleaning, etc.). If you have a good one, can you give me the name of it and a web address where I can read about it? Thanks!!
Check this out.…
Check this out.…
Where can I find assistance for dental care?
I'm in dire need of some dental work. I have no insurance and only a thousand saved up for dental work. I have a broken molar that requires a bridge and a front tooth that has a hole in the back that probably needs an implant. Anyone know how I can find a cheap dentist or anywhere that offers financial assistance?
If you can come to India, can provide you good dental care. We are specialized in dental implant. For info visit :
If you can come to India, can provide you good dental care. We are specialized in dental implant. For info visit :
Why are dental and medical problems not insured together?
I have a medical condition that requires I take prescribed drugs everyday. My prescriptions cause me to grind my teeth at night while sleeping. The drug warning says that is a side effect. This has resulted in broken teeth and other problems. I paid $500 for a night guard but that made my gums infected and even loosened some of my teeth. Meanwhile, I've spent roughly $5,000 on dental work while my health insurance continues to pay for the prescriptions the doctor prescribes that causes it. Shouldn't an effect of a prescribed drug given by a medical doctor also insure related problems from that treatment? Any doctors, RN's, insurance co people out there to answer this? Thank you.
A night guard should not loosen your teeth. I'd have your dentist re-make it.... at no charge. (It costs them about $20 to make it, so he can cut his losses.) Anyway, medical and dental don't work together because they make too much money being seperate. You can try and get your medical to pay for dental.. but it's like pulling teeth, and mostly a waste of time. They won't budge.
A night guard should not loosen your teeth. I'd have your dentist re-make it.... at no charge. (It costs them about $20 to make it, so he can cut his losses.) Anyway, medical and dental don't work together because they make too much money being seperate. You can try and get your medical to pay for dental.. but it's like pulling teeth, and mostly a waste of time. They won't budge.
does insurance cover dental surgery ? ?
i need surgery because my top teeth are inside not outside my bottom teeth . I need surgery but i dont know if i will be covered . Has anybody ever had to get surgery then wear braces ?
it should cover! good luck
it should cover! good luck
What is the best private health insurance company for a family in Qld Australia?
I am looking at joining up for private health insurance to cover my husband and myself as well as our 2 kids aged 12 and 10. With so many policies and companies to chose from and all the jargon they use, it is making this difficult.We need basic hospital cover and with the kids full dental cover is a husband has had heart problems in the past so need to be covered for this as well.Not wanting all the bells and whistles, just the best deal for young familes.
Please check out They have the best medical/dental insurance coverage for really cheap and covers the whole family and starts immediately and no restrictions on pre-existing conditions!!! You can also contact them at 800-929-8344 ref# 268817 when calling. Good Luck.
Please check out They have the best medical/dental insurance coverage for really cheap and covers the whole family and starts immediately and no restrictions on pre-existing conditions!!! You can also contact them at 800-929-8344 ref# 268817 when calling. Good Luck.
Where do I find dental coverage that will cover major surgery at minimal cost?
I have to get dental surgery and it is now a matter of life and death. However I do not have much income or health insurance. I need to find out if there is a government program that can help me or if there are any plans that will help me at a reasonable price.
For major oral surgery in the USA I recommend the Oralsurgeon4less membership. I would definitely not go for governmental programs if it is a matter of life and death. Instead, sign up for the membership online and get the surgery the next day.
For major oral surgery in the USA I recommend the Oralsurgeon4less membership. I would definitely not go for governmental programs if it is a matter of life and death. Instead, sign up for the membership online and get the surgery the next day.
Is is possible to work at a Dental Office before getting your AS?
I am moving to WA from FL soon. I have done all my paper work and, but the college I applied to is requiring that I work at a Dental Office prior to applying for their Dental Hygiene program. I was wondering if that was possible and how can I go about accomplishing that? I have administrative experience, but have never worked with insurance.
You could work in the office as an assistant. Normally they allow you to work under a dentist if you are going to school, or are studying to take some test. Check with the state laws to be sure. Call some dentist and explain that in order for you to go to hygiene school you have to work in an office. Some will probably let you work once they understand the circumstances. Best of Luck!
You could work in the office as an assistant. Normally they allow you to work under a dentist if you are going to school, or are studying to take some test. Check with the state laws to be sure. Call some dentist and explain that in order for you to go to hygiene school you have to work in an office. Some will probably let you work once they understand the circumstances. Best of Luck!
If I apply for health insurance and my application is accepted, do I have to continue with that particular com?
I applied for health insurance and waiting on a reply. If they accept my application do I have to continue with that company? What if I decide to go with someone different? Also does applying effect your credit score? And which company would you suggest for a college student that needs basic health, including dental and vision?
No, you can cancel your coverage whenever you want. Applying doesn't affect your credit score. You can't get health, dental, and vision all on the same policy. Health is one policy, dental is another, and vision is a third.
No, you can cancel your coverage whenever you want. Applying doesn't affect your credit score. You can't get health, dental, and vision all on the same policy. Health is one policy, dental is another, and vision is a third.
What's the bes health Insurance for a 23 year old to get?
OK I am officially on my own now. I need to try and find health insurance that will cover my perscription medications that I am on and one that will cover a good dental plan. Any info on the matter will be helpful, but please explain because I am new to this whole insurace game. Thanks.
Do you have a full time job? Ask personnel what kind of insurance packages they have. Typically that's the cheapest way to get insurance. You will likely have to get dental seperately as well. You can get insurance on your own, but it is usually much more expensive.
Do you have a full time job? Ask personnel what kind of insurance packages they have. Typically that's the cheapest way to get insurance. You will likely have to get dental seperately as well. You can get insurance on your own, but it is usually much more expensive.
I Need Medical and dental assistance please help!!!?
I dont have any medical or dental insurance and my wisdom teeth need pulling. I dont have any medical insurance and my leg is causing me pain. i went to a free clinic and they said i needed to be homeless to get free medicare. what r my options at this point without going to Canada :(
Need to find a low cost dental care school. It's low cost and you receive great care from students learning to do dental care under a licensed dentist this gives the students experience and you free dental work.For a list of NIDCR go to website this will help find a school near you== click on "Finding Dental Care or call 301/402/7364. HRSA-this is another community health centers that provide free/reduced cost health services also dental care.List of centers call 1/888/ Ask-HRSA website==http://ask.hrsagov/pc/ Your state or local health department may also have info for your low cost or free programs call them. United Way may also be of some help with locations of some low /reduced dental programs to help you out. Low cost health- Medi-Cal and Healthy Families this offers dental, vision, and medical at no cost some will be low cost call 1/888/747/1222 ( for info)…
Need to find a low cost dental care school. It's low cost and you receive great care from students learning to do dental care under a licensed dentist this gives the students experience and you free dental work.For a list of NIDCR go to website this will help find a school near you== click on "Finding Dental Care or call 301/402/7364. HRSA-this is another community health centers that provide free/reduced cost health services also dental care.List of centers call 1/888/ Ask-HRSA website==http://ask.hrsagov/pc/ Your state or local health department may also have info for your low cost or free programs call them. United Way may also be of some help with locations of some low /reduced dental programs to help you out. Low cost health- Medi-Cal and Healthy Families this offers dental, vision, and medical at no cost some will be low cost call 1/888/747/1222 ( for info)…
What Are Some Good Health Insurance Companies?
I used to be a 1099 worker but just recently got switched over to a salary but i still do not have health insurance. Are there any affordable health insurance companies out there that you guys know of?.. Maybe ones that also do Dental as well?.. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Visit a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can find the best policy for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with any one plan. There is no extra charge using an agent. Do not try to do this over the internet and do not click any of the links that have been provided. That is a good way to get scammed, or your name will be sold to numerous people who will bother you with phone calls.
Visit a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can find the best policy for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with any one plan. There is no extra charge using an agent. Do not try to do this over the internet and do not click any of the links that have been provided. That is a good way to get scammed, or your name will be sold to numerous people who will bother you with phone calls.
why is dental care so expensive? my teeth are awful and i am in pain, but no dentist around here is helpful?
they don't take partial payments. there isn't a dental school around here, and dental insurance is a joke. I am glad other medical isn't like dentistry
I will never understand why dentists are expected to take partial payments. Does your grocery store take partial payments? How 'bout your auto mechanic? Hair salon? I"ll try to be helpful first and answer your question second. Call dentists and ask if they offer Care Credit or another financing option. This basically works the same as a credit card - you apply and then they pay for your work or at least a portion and you pay it off over time. This way a large corporation with resources to follow up (ie, pursue collections if necessary) handles your repayment. Of course if you have lousy credit, this doesn't help you. To be honest, if you are in acute pain, this problem can be resolved for around $200. Yes, that's a decent chunk of change but not so much relative to other care. I know people who pay this much to have their hair cut and colored or one trip to the mall, and they are not "rich" either. Why do you think dentists should take payments? If you are a long time patient and you've paid payments in the past here or there, they might trust you to do so in the future. However, if yor'e someone who just comes into the practice off the street, why should I give you care without knowing if I'll be paid? You SAY you will? What if you get the treatment and then are unable or unwilling to pay? I just have to eat that cost? I'll be honest - I DO this with a few really poor folks in my area, but what if all the poor people then come to me cuz word gets out? Eventually, I will run out of money, my staff won't get paid and they'll quit and I won't be able to keep supplies in stock and will shut down. Then I'm helping NO one. My receptionist is busy with her work now...she doesn't have time to call people all day saying, "Yeah, hey, are you going to pay us this month's $100 or....?" I'm 120,000 in debt for my dental education. This payment is $600/month. my practice cost in the rough neighborhood of half a million to purchase, to which I pay $5000 per month. Every two weeks my staff gets paid, which costs 10-15 thousand. Supplies are a few thou a month, rent is about 2K/mo. When I get done paying everything -I- owe for the office, i then get some money to take home and pay my mortgage and all the other bills I have. I haven't even gone into taxes - payroll, income, worker's comp, licensure etc etc. and also the 9 diff kinds of insurance I have to carry to stay open. Now, most dentists are pretty well-off, but let's look at this way: While other people were enjoying their youth, I was spending most of my 20s getting that education. Living on Ramen noodles and studying my *** off for 8 years... most dentists feel there shoudl be a pay off at the end of that road. Lastly, if you think other medical isn't like dentistry, you are fortunate enough to have not had a major hospitalization...They will bleed you dry for that stuff. OF course, if you can't pay, evntually they just write it off and because they write it off, the bills are higher for everyone who pays out of pocket or insurance, and there's an upward spiral. -I- don't like this any more than you, but our country has chosen an administration that has spent billions of dollars on half-assed foreign "adventures".... I'm no socialist, but we could probably cover yearly dental for every American with what we spend in Iraq in a WEEK. sorry about the topic change, but that's what it comes down to...capitism is wonderful, but you get business interests controlling even the most sympathetic dentists! The gov't doesnt' care about your teeth, so you have to get insurance and THEN you're at hte mercy of ANOTHER business interest that's out to make a profit. Most European countries, Japan...heck, COSTA RICA has better health care solutions than US despite how rich our country is as a whole. sorry to vent, but as you can see, the situation is frustrating for me as well. See if there are any non-profit clinics in your area - I've worked at one that I helped open for the last 3 years before buying my practice and it's really great.
I will never understand why dentists are expected to take partial payments. Does your grocery store take partial payments? How 'bout your auto mechanic? Hair salon? I"ll try to be helpful first and answer your question second. Call dentists and ask if they offer Care Credit or another financing option. This basically works the same as a credit card - you apply and then they pay for your work or at least a portion and you pay it off over time. This way a large corporation with resources to follow up (ie, pursue collections if necessary) handles your repayment. Of course if you have lousy credit, this doesn't help you. To be honest, if you are in acute pain, this problem can be resolved for around $200. Yes, that's a decent chunk of change but not so much relative to other care. I know people who pay this much to have their hair cut and colored or one trip to the mall, and they are not "rich" either. Why do you think dentists should take payments? If you are a long time patient and you've paid payments in the past here or there, they might trust you to do so in the future. However, if yor'e someone who just comes into the practice off the street, why should I give you care without knowing if I'll be paid? You SAY you will? What if you get the treatment and then are unable or unwilling to pay? I just have to eat that cost? I'll be honest - I DO this with a few really poor folks in my area, but what if all the poor people then come to me cuz word gets out? Eventually, I will run out of money, my staff won't get paid and they'll quit and I won't be able to keep supplies in stock and will shut down. Then I'm helping NO one. My receptionist is busy with her work now...she doesn't have time to call people all day saying, "Yeah, hey, are you going to pay us this month's $100 or....?" I'm 120,000 in debt for my dental education. This payment is $600/month. my practice cost in the rough neighborhood of half a million to purchase, to which I pay $5000 per month. Every two weeks my staff gets paid, which costs 10-15 thousand. Supplies are a few thou a month, rent is about 2K/mo. When I get done paying everything -I- owe for the office, i then get some money to take home and pay my mortgage and all the other bills I have. I haven't even gone into taxes - payroll, income, worker's comp, licensure etc etc. and also the 9 diff kinds of insurance I have to carry to stay open. Now, most dentists are pretty well-off, but let's look at this way: While other people were enjoying their youth, I was spending most of my 20s getting that education. Living on Ramen noodles and studying my *** off for 8 years... most dentists feel there shoudl be a pay off at the end of that road. Lastly, if you think other medical isn't like dentistry, you are fortunate enough to have not had a major hospitalization...They will bleed you dry for that stuff. OF course, if you can't pay, evntually they just write it off and because they write it off, the bills are higher for everyone who pays out of pocket or insurance, and there's an upward spiral. -I- don't like this any more than you, but our country has chosen an administration that has spent billions of dollars on half-assed foreign "adventures".... I'm no socialist, but we could probably cover yearly dental for every American with what we spend in Iraq in a WEEK. sorry about the topic change, but that's what it comes down to...capitism is wonderful, but you get business interests controlling even the most sympathetic dentists! The gov't doesnt' care about your teeth, so you have to get insurance and THEN you're at hte mercy of ANOTHER business interest that's out to make a profit. Most European countries, Japan...heck, COSTA RICA has better health care solutions than US despite how rich our country is as a whole. sorry to vent, but as you can see, the situation is frustrating for me as well. See if there are any non-profit clinics in your area - I've worked at one that I helped open for the last 3 years before buying my practice and it's really great.
How much do Invisalign braces cost? How do I get them without insurance?
I don't have a major dental problem, but my teeth need a small bit of work, I know that regular health insurances don't cover cosmetic dental work and I just need to know my options.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
Are health insurance premiums deductible in year paid?
For the first time, I have to pay my retiree health insurance premiums in advance instead of in the month of coverage. I paid for Jan 09 and Feb 09 in Dec 08. I know that medical and dental expenses are deductible in the year paid, but what about insurance premiums. Is that Dec 08 payment deductible in my 08 taxes or my 09 taxes? I can't find a clear answer in Schedule A instructions of Pub 502.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
How can I save on health care when I can't afford health insurance?
I need medical, dental, vision, and prescription benefits for cheap! Help! Health insurance costs so much and no pre-existing conditions are accepted!
Your best bet to save on health care costs, is to take preventative measures. Excercise regularly, maintain your weight in a healthy limit (not too thin, or too fat), don't smoke, drive defensively, and be selective in your physical activities (horseback riding DOES have accidents, and some sports like hockey & rugby have a LOT of injuries).
Your best bet to save on health care costs, is to take preventative measures. Excercise regularly, maintain your weight in a healthy limit (not too thin, or too fat), don't smoke, drive defensively, and be selective in your physical activities (horseback riding DOES have accidents, and some sports like hockey & rugby have a LOT of injuries).
I think I have an abscessed tooth. How can I get an antibiotic perscription without insurance?
The whole left side of my face hurts and I can't sleep the pain in my teeth is so bad. I can feel a large hole in my top molar too. Right now I have no insurance and the pain is just killing me to the point where I can't even eat or sleep. What's the best way for me to get a perscription for antibiotics? Would I be able to just walk into a community clinic (or at least with an emergency appointment) and get a perscription or do I have to see a professional dentist to diagnose the infection before I can get it? I know the cavity needs to be taken care of, but right now I just need to relieve the pain until I can obtain dental coverage.
There are a few things you might want to try. One thing I have used in the past are Dental Schools. They have dentists attending the students and the cost is usually 40% less than an actual office. They will also work out payment plans with you even if you don't have insurance. There are also fully free dental clinics in major cities but the wait can be long. Any dentist will treat you no questions asked if you have an abscess though, it's very serious and since it can lead to blood clots or bursts that may kill you. So I say get the tooth done first then get a scrip for painkillers and anti-biotics. You don't need insurance to get it treated and I really would not wait another day for such an emergency.
There are a few things you might want to try. One thing I have used in the past are Dental Schools. They have dentists attending the students and the cost is usually 40% less than an actual office. They will also work out payment plans with you even if you don't have insurance. There are also fully free dental clinics in major cities but the wait can be long. Any dentist will treat you no questions asked if you have an abscess though, it's very serious and since it can lead to blood clots or bursts that may kill you. So I say get the tooth done first then get a scrip for painkillers and anti-biotics. You don't need insurance to get it treated and I really would not wait another day for such an emergency.
I was recently layed off from my job, but need dental work?
I don't have insurance anymore and would like any good advice on how i can get the dental work i need?
get a job
get a job
Why is dental which is a major part of one's health so difficult to insure adequately?
If you work for a small biz, you either pay cash for your dental or you pay $40.00-$50.00/mth for insurance that will pay out only $1200.00 per year. That sucks if you need $10,000 in dental work like i need. In Sweden, the government has your back in regard to dental.
It's terrible isn't it. At some point business big-wigs decided that the mouth wasn't a part of the human body. Oral health has been connected to conditions such as heart disease, low birth weight babies, diabetes, etc. The insurance companies love this.
It's terrible isn't it. At some point business big-wigs decided that the mouth wasn't a part of the human body. Oral health has been connected to conditions such as heart disease, low birth weight babies, diabetes, etc. The insurance companies love this.
How can I find a Dental School to get a Procedure done?
Im looking how to get a procedure done at a Dental School in PA. How do I go about this? This is because my finance was in a car accident and lost some teeth she wants something permenant but her insurance wont cover it. Can any one help?
There are 3 dental schools in Pennsylvania: two are in Philadelphia (UPenn & Temple) and one is in Pittsburgh (UPittsburgh) -- see links below. The type of bridge she needs is determined by how many teeth need to be replaced, and the condition of the teeth on either side of the empty spaces. Implants are also a really good option for missing teeth, particularly in the front, as they keep the jaw from losing bone as you age, and don't require any work on the surrounding teeth to support them as a bridge does. Typically, you can expect to pay about 1/2 the going price for dental procedures done at a school. Another great option is to check out the research studies and clinical trials conducted at the schools. Patients can get cutting-edge procedures done by post-graduate students in specialty programs like oral surgery or periodontics, often at very little or no cost, in return for agreeing to return for observation over a period of months or years. You and your fiancee might investigate whether there are any implant studies being done at one of the dental schools, or bridge studies where they are trying out a new adhesive or ceramic material. The dental schools will do a good job, although it will probably take longer than if she had the work done in a private practice. Good luck!
There are 3 dental schools in Pennsylvania: two are in Philadelphia (UPenn & Temple) and one is in Pittsburgh (UPittsburgh) -- see links below. The type of bridge she needs is determined by how many teeth need to be replaced, and the condition of the teeth on either side of the empty spaces. Implants are also a really good option for missing teeth, particularly in the front, as they keep the jaw from losing bone as you age, and don't require any work on the surrounding teeth to support them as a bridge does. Typically, you can expect to pay about 1/2 the going price for dental procedures done at a school. Another great option is to check out the research studies and clinical trials conducted at the schools. Patients can get cutting-edge procedures done by post-graduate students in specialty programs like oral surgery or periodontics, often at very little or no cost, in return for agreeing to return for observation over a period of months or years. You and your fiancee might investigate whether there are any implant studies being done at one of the dental schools, or bridge studies where they are trying out a new adhesive or ceramic material. The dental schools will do a good job, although it will probably take longer than if she had the work done in a private practice. Good luck!
How can i get free dental work?
My husband teeth are falling apart. I'm currently unemployed and have NO insurance. I'm desperate. We need help! Today he swallowed part of his tooth and got scared. Can we get free dental for him here in Seattle WA? Please help and thanks for your answer.
You live near one of the premier dental schools in the world. Call there to see if they offer "sliding scale" fees based on income. Here's the link to their page about comprehensive care performed by dental students:… Here's the link to the Seattle King County Dental Society's page re: "Clinics and Programs Providing Reduced Cost Dental Care". They have a down-loadable list in PDF:… Best wishes,
You live near one of the premier dental schools in the world. Call there to see if they offer "sliding scale" fees based on income. Here's the link to their page about comprehensive care performed by dental students:… Here's the link to the Seattle King County Dental Society's page re: "Clinics and Programs Providing Reduced Cost Dental Care". They have a down-loadable list in PDF:… Best wishes,
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