The last time I saw my doctor for my Type 2 diabetes in the U.S. was in August, 2003. I went overseas soon after that and didn't come back until recently (I didn't have coverage during this whole time). I just got a job which offers group health insurance, does my diabetes counts as pre-existing condition. (I'm choosing a BCBS PPO plan), and can they impose exclusion period? I live in Pennsylvania, and according to my research, Group health plans in PA can count as pre-existing conditions only those for which you actually received (or were recommended to receive) a diagnosis, treatment or medical advice within the 6 months immediately before you joined that plan. So it appears to be that I should have no problem if I go to see my doctor for my diabetes right after my policy become effective on Jan. 1st, 2008, right? I want to make sure. Similarly, I had dental surgery for gum problems in 2002, will my group dental plan look back 6 month only? Thanks for your answer
If you have diabetes you've had "treatment" for the past 6 months, even if it was just diet to control your blood sugar. So yes, the insurance company will consider that a pre-existing condition. Also, if you have any type of health condition, even if you haven't had any treatment, it is still considered a pre-existing condition. However, it also depends upon the BCBS group plan. Group plans can be tailored in any way (unless it's contrary to state law) so the only way to know is to contact the insurance company or your company HR department.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
HELP!! Emergency dental issue.. I cracked a front tooth right down the middle & no insurance!PLEASE HELP!?
Somebody please be my guardian angel here! any help at all is much appreciated.. i'm in tears and a sitting duck at this point.......... i'm a ft student, don't have dental insurance, and am supporting myself as best i can. I drank a lot of soda as a kid and long story short, i have quite a few cavities. I brush, floss & waterpik daily but I guess the damage had been done. My tooth right behind my canine, or maybe it is my canine (not sure) got a cavity right in the center of it and even with me caring for it daily has grown and grown to literally become what can only be described as a hollow tooth I guess. Well this morning while eating it finally cracked, of course the half that fell away was the front part of the tooth. Now it looks like i'm missing a tooth entirely. =* ( I don't have insurance, and barely have the money to get by day to day. I work and go to school full time. I'm hysterical and desperate... ANY advice, suggestions, ideas, ANYTHING anyone can offer is GREATLY appreciated. I'm only 24 and i'm lost on this one. Forget smiling, even when im just talking you can see it clear as day. =* ( I live in the greater los angeles area, can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm seriously desperate. Thank you for taking the time to read this, either way. please, ANYTHING!
Go to a local dentist and schedule an appt, they will tell you everything that is wrong or that you need to fix and you should be able to set up a payment plan. Make sure that the dentist that you pick sets up payment plans before scheduling the appt. Most dentists do, so you should not have a problem.
Go to a local dentist and schedule an appt, they will tell you everything that is wrong or that you need to fix and you should be able to set up a payment plan. Make sure that the dentist that you pick sets up payment plans before scheduling the appt. Most dentists do, so you should not have a problem.
What can I do about my no insurance and tooth issues, ive never had insurance dont want to get scammed?
I've had several teeth pulled, I'm afraid something else could go wrong, I have no dental insurance at the moment and I have a temporary filling. I live in California at the moment, and I don't know what to do, should I look into getting some dental insuance, I don't want to get scammed , with regards to paying for a policy that can't do anything for me when I really need it, but if anyone has some names of some dental insurance companies that might work and actually get some results rather than be a scam, please share?
There are so many out there to chose from, but for my family we have this wonderful plan. I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services. From extractions to xrays, fillings, crowns, Cleanings, and even my braces. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps.
There are so many out there to chose from, but for my family we have this wonderful plan. I would encourage you to visit this great website: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all of my dental services. From extractions to xrays, fillings, crowns, Cleanings, and even my braces. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps.
Are Dental Bridges bad?
I am 22 years old and am getting my braces removed in two weeks. I have a missing tooth on my upper left jaw in the front between my front tooth and canine tooth(not good with dental terminology), and I was instructed that i needed either a bridge or implant. I have opted to go with a bridge because my dental insurance covers it and i dont have money to get an implant. However when i went to see my dentist who specailizes in cosmetic dentistry, I was told that it was a VERY BAD idea to get a bridge and that I should invest the 4000+ dollars to get an implant. Im scared of getting an implant because of the surgery and healing process as well as the financial burden it will impose on me(im in grad school). Do bridges look fake, and do they damage your teeth badly? If anyone with(or has had) a bridge can respond that would be great. Thanks
Bridges are considered legitimate restorations and for the longest time have been one of the few options for replaicn missing teeth, partial being the other alternative. I am big skeptical if your doc said they are very bad, since they are considered legitimate restoration by all state boards and the american dental resotration. My point is I think hes trying to sell you an implant. Implants are a nic eoption but the VERY BAD! statement bugs me. Also you shouyld not let the insurance dictate the treatment, bc if you go with a bridge the insurance cover they are going to down grade it to base metal which can corrde and leave a purple mark on you gum line, so pay a little extra and ask for a bridge with nobel metal (gold for the core) I would seek a second consult efore proceeding with this dentist bc like i said the "its very bad bugs" Dentist like that are putting money ahead of the patients well being, and basically lieing to you. Had he given you the options and explainto you that there are several alternatives than I would have understood, but that was not the case here.
Bridges are considered legitimate restorations and for the longest time have been one of the few options for replaicn missing teeth, partial being the other alternative. I am big skeptical if your doc said they are very bad, since they are considered legitimate restoration by all state boards and the american dental resotration. My point is I think hes trying to sell you an implant. Implants are a nic eoption but the VERY BAD! statement bugs me. Also you shouyld not let the insurance dictate the treatment, bc if you go with a bridge the insurance cover they are going to down grade it to base metal which can corrde and leave a purple mark on you gum line, so pay a little extra and ask for a bridge with nobel metal (gold for the core) I would seek a second consult efore proceeding with this dentist bc like i said the "its very bad bugs" Dentist like that are putting money ahead of the patients well being, and basically lieing to you. Had he given you the options and explainto you that there are several alternatives than I would have understood, but that was not the case here.
How do I make a dental complaint?
I had a root canal and crown treatment in Fall 2006. The root canal treatment taking more than six hours to complete. The crown recently came off, and, consulting a new dentist, she took an x-ray, which showed that there appeared to be a problem with the root canal. She immediately referred me to an endodontist, who, upon examination found that the root canal had not been properly completed in the first place and was too short, and that a piece of a file had been broken off and left in the root. This repair has cost me $227 out of pocket, and $1,200 of my annual dental insurance allowance, and the crown must now be replace, which will cost even more. Consequently I am out of pocket, and have used the majority of my annual dental insurance allowance, on a repair, that I should not had to have had. Please advise how I stand the best chance of getting the dentist who originally performed the work to reimburse me?
go back and talk to your dentist about the findings. Have the endodontist draft his findings in a letter. Go in there with an honest attitude instead of storming the front desk or accusing the dentist. You will get better results this way. You may also have signed an informed consent that may not help you. if you don't get good results, write back!
go back and talk to your dentist about the findings. Have the endodontist draft his findings in a letter. Go in there with an honest attitude instead of storming the front desk or accusing the dentist. You will get better results this way. You may also have signed an informed consent that may not help you. if you don't get good results, write back!
Discount dental plan for braces?
I have Blue Cross dental insurance, but it's terrible. It does everything in its power to avoid paying anything for orthodontics, and my niece (who's moved in with me) needs braces badly. We have many, many expenses to help get her healthy, and I can't afford $5000 for braces. Are there any discount dental plans that are good for braces and don't impose a long waiting period? Most have a 12 month waiting period. Please do not link to any specific sites because it will look like spam. You are more than welcome to name programs you think are good!
Take pictures of the mouth, and make the rounds yourself. Try to negotiate the plan you want in person. Too lazy to research anyway
Take pictures of the mouth, and make the rounds yourself. Try to negotiate the plan you want in person. Too lazy to research anyway
What dental procedures will I need (please read all)?
I am 20 years old and have never been to a dentist in my life. My parents never had dental insurance and I am currently on Medicaid. I was taught proper hygiene and even voted best smile in middle school despite never having a routine exam. However, here I am today at 20. My lateral incisors and two front teeth have begun to completely fall apart. Two of my molars have been eaten away by plaque, leaving large gaping holes and abscesses. I am sure that there are cavities elsewhere in my mouth (if not in ALL of my teeth). I have bad breath on a daily basis no matter how often I brush or rinse. When flossing, my teeth feel like they are going to crumble. Hypothetically, let's say that I need 10 extractions, 10 fillings, some root canals, and then I decide I want dental implants. How long will these procedures take (to have my mouth looking good again), and around how much will it cost?
When I went to mine for the first time back in April, it had been 11 or 12 years since the last time I had set foot in a dentist's office. It can vary really on what your dentist suggests (you should really make an appointment with one), what your insurance covers, and how much you can afford to pay out of pocket. Most insurance companies will only cover a portion of dental work, usually routine cleanings, fillings, and other minor work. More major work (root canals, crowns, extractions, bridgework, etc.) may not be covered by your provider, or will only be covered partially, leaving you to pay the remainder out of pocket. Schedule an appointment with a dentist close to your home or work that is on your insurance plan. Make sure he or she knows you haven't been to a dentist at all. On your first visit, either the dentist him/herself or one of their assistants/technicians will begin cleaning your teeth. They will ask you if you've had any issues with your teeth (sensitivities to hot/cold foods, when you bite does it hurt, any pain during weather changes, etc.). After the technician has done the initial cleaning, the dentist will take a look in your mouth, and make a few notes. They may want to take X-Rays of your mouth as well. After all that is done, they may schedule another appointment at least a week or two after your first appointment. If they can make the decision right there, they will tell you what needs to be done, and will work with you to schedule the procedures in such a way so that they will become affordable. When my dentist looked in my mouth, after everything else had been done, he scheduled me to come in a couple of weeks later. When I went in, one of the assistants told me what all needed to be done. They had worked up two potential plans. First, they said that regardless of which plan I chose, I needed some fillings. Second, some of the teeth would have to come out completely. One of the plans involved a couple of extractions, some bridgework, root canals, crowns, fillings, and a partridge in a pear tree. The other plan involved just a few fillings, several extractions (about 11 or 12 teeth total), and partials. Both plans showed what the insurance would cover, and what I would have to pay out of pocket. The plan involving everything under the sun was to the tune of over $5,000. That's what I would have had to pay out of pocket. The other plan, dealing with extractions and partials, would only cost me $1,800. After talking it over with my parents, I wisely chose the extractions and partials. I had already intended on doing that one, since it was cheaper, and my dad had said it would be best because root canals and bridgework can go bad on down the road. Partials and extractions are easier to handle. So, I told them I wanted to do the extractions and partials. For the last few months they did the fillings, and today they did the first of what will be many extractions, and pulled only two teeth. I had one fall out about three or four weeks ago, and luckily it was one of the ones slated to be pulled. After all the teeth are pulled, I will be fitted for partials. Some dental clinics may offer payment plans and will work with you to make the necessary work affordable, where you can pay on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. In short, make an appointment with your dentist, and see what he or she says.
When I went to mine for the first time back in April, it had been 11 or 12 years since the last time I had set foot in a dentist's office. It can vary really on what your dentist suggests (you should really make an appointment with one), what your insurance covers, and how much you can afford to pay out of pocket. Most insurance companies will only cover a portion of dental work, usually routine cleanings, fillings, and other minor work. More major work (root canals, crowns, extractions, bridgework, etc.) may not be covered by your provider, or will only be covered partially, leaving you to pay the remainder out of pocket. Schedule an appointment with a dentist close to your home or work that is on your insurance plan. Make sure he or she knows you haven't been to a dentist at all. On your first visit, either the dentist him/herself or one of their assistants/technicians will begin cleaning your teeth. They will ask you if you've had any issues with your teeth (sensitivities to hot/cold foods, when you bite does it hurt, any pain during weather changes, etc.). After the technician has done the initial cleaning, the dentist will take a look in your mouth, and make a few notes. They may want to take X-Rays of your mouth as well. After all that is done, they may schedule another appointment at least a week or two after your first appointment. If they can make the decision right there, they will tell you what needs to be done, and will work with you to schedule the procedures in such a way so that they will become affordable. When my dentist looked in my mouth, after everything else had been done, he scheduled me to come in a couple of weeks later. When I went in, one of the assistants told me what all needed to be done. They had worked up two potential plans. First, they said that regardless of which plan I chose, I needed some fillings. Second, some of the teeth would have to come out completely. One of the plans involved a couple of extractions, some bridgework, root canals, crowns, fillings, and a partridge in a pear tree. The other plan involved just a few fillings, several extractions (about 11 or 12 teeth total), and partials. Both plans showed what the insurance would cover, and what I would have to pay out of pocket. The plan involving everything under the sun was to the tune of over $5,000. That's what I would have had to pay out of pocket. The other plan, dealing with extractions and partials, would only cost me $1,800. After talking it over with my parents, I wisely chose the extractions and partials. I had already intended on doing that one, since it was cheaper, and my dad had said it would be best because root canals and bridgework can go bad on down the road. Partials and extractions are easier to handle. So, I told them I wanted to do the extractions and partials. For the last few months they did the fillings, and today they did the first of what will be many extractions, and pulled only two teeth. I had one fall out about three or four weeks ago, and luckily it was one of the ones slated to be pulled. After all the teeth are pulled, I will be fitted for partials. Some dental clinics may offer payment plans and will work with you to make the necessary work affordable, where you can pay on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. In short, make an appointment with your dentist, and see what he or she says.
Do dental hygenists drill your teeth?
I live in a metropolitian area and am surprised that my dentist allowed the dental hygenist to work on my a real tooth in the front of my mouth. She drilled and placed a darker resin on the tooth which turned even darker within 6 months. I questioned what she was doing when she started working on a good tooth. I went in and complained in a nice way and finally the dentist worked on me. Now he placed resin that is way too light on the tooth but I have given up because I don't want my tooth drilled on anymore.I have great dental insurance and the means to pay, so that isn't the problem. I am sick over this and now a good tooth has been worked on twice.
Get another dentist and call an attorney ... A dental hygienist should not be doing anything other than cleaning your teeth .
Get another dentist and call an attorney ... A dental hygienist should not be doing anything other than cleaning your teeth .
Is it safe to have dental work done when pregnant?
Sorry, I just posted this in the dental section, and I'm not sure how many dentists really frequent it, but I'm sure pregnant women would be much more aware (or at least close to!) of the answer. So let me know if you know anything :-) Thanks! I'm not right now, but I miscarried 2 weeks ago, and I hear that you're very fertile after miscarry-ing (not to mention, now I at LEAST know that I can conceive, so hopefully soon) Problem is, I have a lot of dental work to take care of. Several cavities.. I just haven't had the time to mess with it, although I REALLY should while my husband is in the military and we have great dental insurance (up until next June anyways!) So, I was wondering, If I DO get pregnant again soon, is it safe to continue dental care? I'm hoping to get the X-Ray's out of the way before there is a chance of pregnancy, but as far as the actual work goes... is that ok? Usually, they just give you the local anesthesia (the numbing shot) Although, I have a fear of needles, ESPECIALLY when they're in my mouth, and it really worries me... so I generally use the happy gas (nitrous oxide). Is THAT safe? if not, I can go through it without it if for nothing but for the sake of the baby (that is if I am LUCKY enough to be pregnant again soon!) Thanks!
Yes you can. I got dental work done early in pregnancy, including X-rays. They used a lead vest that covered me from the above the breasts, to my thighs to protect the rest of me and the baby from the x-ray. I did however get local anesthetic, and that was fine too. I don't believe gas is safe, because it'll cut off oxygen to the baby. I did get clearance from my OB to get dental work done, because I was worried about all the same things. Get going on your dental work now, so you don't have to worry, good luck.
Yes you can. I got dental work done early in pregnancy, including X-rays. They used a lead vest that covered me from the above the breasts, to my thighs to protect the rest of me and the baby from the x-ray. I did however get local anesthetic, and that was fine too. I don't believe gas is safe, because it'll cut off oxygen to the baby. I did get clearance from my OB to get dental work done, because I was worried about all the same things. Get going on your dental work now, so you don't have to worry, good luck.
Who is eligible for getting dental worked financed at the dentist's office?
I'm likely going to need at least (by my estimate) $5000 worth of dental work done. I think my insurance would cover $1500 of it. My credit scores, if a factor, range from 650 to 690 - worst things showing on them is a paid collection from 2004 and a 30 day late CC payment from 2007. Is that likely to prevent me from getting financing on this? Would I be better of paying for TWO dental insurance plans? Can I even do that, and file two claims? The form I need to fill out for the dentist says "I agree to be responsible at the time of visit for all services provided." I honestly don't, and won't have that much money up front any time in the near future.
Not available at the dental practices with the current financial crisis, you cant file two claims only one
Not available at the dental practices with the current financial crisis, you cant file two claims only one
Does anyone need Dental or Medical Discounts to avoid paying full price on needed procedures?
Many people don't have insurance b/c they either got laid off and can't afford insurance on their own and also those same ppl may not be poor enough to qualify for financial assistance!
as you said, it depends if the person can afford to pay for the medical insurance, then yes it is. i have mine. not only to avoid paying the full amount, but it helps reduce the payment esp. if you are having an operation.
as you said, it depends if the person can afford to pay for the medical insurance, then yes it is. i have mine. not only to avoid paying the full amount, but it helps reduce the payment esp. if you are having an operation.
question about health insurance!?
ok, so I currently have a full time job and get health and dental insurance from them. every pay check i get taken out 76 for health and 14 for dental every pay check. but i am looking for another job as a nanny. the family does not provide insurance so i have to buy it on my own. I was wondering if ne one out there knew how to go about getting insurance and finding one that is cheap, around what im paying now at work or is that not possible. any information would be helpful! thank you in advance.!!! p.s. i live in the midwest suburbs of illinois.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
I got kicked off of welfare and the my dentist told me to get my dental work on his credit plan?
I made too much money so i lost my goverment cheese which included dental coverage. So I ask my dentist about getting my own dental insurance and he tries to sell me a credit line for my dental work. Im not sure what to do. The intrest rate sucks unless you do an 18 month credit plan and I cant affford those payments . Im looking at about $150 a month if I do that. Ive never bought dental insurance before so Im clueless . Wouldn't getting insurance be better? How can I find a good insurance?
Those dental credit lines are a rip off as you can see. Think hard and long about them before you sign. Your problem is that if you have been on welfare you probably have no credit history. If I were you I would either buy my own policy or look into a clinic that is run by the dental school in my area.
Those dental credit lines are a rip off as you can see. Think hard and long about them before you sign. Your problem is that if you have been on welfare you probably have no credit history. If I were you I would either buy my own policy or look into a clinic that is run by the dental school in my area.
Estimate needed for dental work, California (apx. amount)?
I just had a lot of dental work done and am wondering if I paid too much. Was wondering what the work should have cost, then I will let you know what I paid. This is without dental insurance or a dental plan. First, an oral surgeon put me to sleep and pulled 7 teeth, all on the bottom, 2 wisdom teeth, 4 molars, 1 regular tooth, put bone graft in the socket holes. A general dentist did root canals on 3 upper teeth, none of which were molars, then put 11 crowns on all upper teeth. 6 of the crowns are Captek which is a high quality gold crown with porcelain on the outside, these 6 are on the front teeth. The other 5 crowns are regular metal crowns with porcelain on the outside, 3 which are molars, 2 regular teeth. I'm supposed to go back and have a partial denture made for the lower arch, for both the left and right side, but if I feel I am being overcharged, I may go somewhere else.
I got to be honest. I can't even imagine what you paid. I know I had a crown replaced, some gum work around that crown, Invisalign, and then a new permanent crown. And that ran me in the thousands. I know my dad, who never took good care of his teeth, had them basically all yanked out and had dentures put in, he had a dentist friend do it for him and it was about $5000. If you're dealing with an oral surgeon, yanking teeth, wisdom teeth, bone graft, and 11 crowns. I'm guessing the crowns alone are about $7000. All told, and this is a wild guess, maybe at least $25,000. Unless you got a real good deal. I'm curious what you did pay. Let us know.
I got to be honest. I can't even imagine what you paid. I know I had a crown replaced, some gum work around that crown, Invisalign, and then a new permanent crown. And that ran me in the thousands. I know my dad, who never took good care of his teeth, had them basically all yanked out and had dentures put in, he had a dentist friend do it for him and it was about $5000. If you're dealing with an oral surgeon, yanking teeth, wisdom teeth, bone graft, and 11 crowns. I'm guessing the crowns alone are about $7000. All told, and this is a wild guess, maybe at least $25,000. Unless you got a real good deal. I'm curious what you did pay. Let us know.
How much does a dental filling cost?
i have a small cavity that is sort of causing some discomfort, sadly i don't have any insurance. i know many factors play in the cost, one being how large the filling is and if i want a white filling or not. i do have every intention of getting a white filling. Also, i live in Maryland if that helps. Thanks for the help in advance.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.
possess as much information as you could maybe is one of the options,however it is quite time consuming,here is the resource i have ever had good experience.
Programs to help assist in paying childrens dental bills.... father is active duty USMC?
My husband is in the military and we have United Concordia Dental coverage. Unfortunately, this plan doesn't cover much because we've have to pay over $7000 for both children's dental work according to our dentists estimate. Our children really need this dental work done, but we can not afford to pay that out of pocket. Is there any government agency that helps with dental bills? Or is there some other program that I can combine with our dental insurance so we don't pay so much out of pocket? Any help is appreciated!
I would suggest you go to your local dental schools. You might have to wait a few weeks, but they will get you in. Plus it's free! Best of luck!
I would suggest you go to your local dental schools. You might have to wait a few weeks, but they will get you in. Plus it's free! Best of luck!
need dental help???
Hi All, I live in WA state and I am in need of some serious dental work, ie...implants ect. I have no one to blame but myself for my poor teeth.The problem is I am on workmans comp right now and I have no dental insurance, also being on workmans comp my income is almost nonexsistant....I am really embarresed to talk or smile and I really would like to feel better about myself...Can anyone suggest something that might help me in this??? Also my credit is horrible, and I mean really really bad, so I believe that would be out.
dont worry call these guys and see what they have.all the dentists that they reer you to are members of american dental association and they even cover you for your cosmetics. when you enrolled ask for your free cellphone and free monthly minutes. 1-800-929-8344 Ref 246314
dont worry call these guys and see what they have.all the dentists that they reer you to are members of american dental association and they even cover you for your cosmetics. when you enrolled ask for your free cellphone and free monthly minutes. 1-800-929-8344 Ref 246314
Help dental assistants/dentists,i had 3 months of pain in back tooth,has the infection spread is this dangerus?
Hello,i have had pain in my back molar for nearly three months now,it started when i ate anything i got vicious pain,so i chewed food on the other side,and took painkillers,i didn't go to the dentist straight away as i have no dental insurance,now last week it got very bad,i went to a dental hospital and they took xrays and i said i have a abscess,and that they could not do a root canal as its students and it is to complicated on a back tooth for some reason. Now i am worried in all that time i left it the abscess could have spread i have pain in my head and cheek and ear. So i went to my and she said it can have a high failure rate as reg.dentists dont have specialized equipment but they can do something called a 'PRIMARY endo' to relieve pain,until i can get the money together to see a specialist which might take 4 to six more weeks,is this safe?? She said a specialist uses hot liquid rubber filling solution to reduce risk of bacterial infection,and they use cold rubber filling solution and its difficult to clean the bacteria from the small root canals and likely to become reinfected as the awkward position of the tooth. In your opinion what should i do,should i do this primary endo and wait 4 to six weeks to save up for the specialist,could the infection get worse?or not do it and stick it out until i can getthe money together,i am just scared the infection could get out of control,any warning signs i should look out for?The reason i dont want it pulled is that i have 2 teeth next to it missing already and this tooth has a crown which was expensive,it is a heavily filled tooth underneath the crowm,but its not due to decay that caused the abscess they said,please any advice i would appreciate so much i am very scared and would like some information thank you very much
Is dental bridge the best option to fill empty spot?
My relative has lost part of his tooth but he still has the root of that missing tooth left. The doctor has recommended that he get the root extracted for health reasons. The doctor has also recommended that he get a bridge installed after the extraction. I called the dentist to inquire about the cost of installing the bridge and learned that it would cost at least $5000. Since the cost is so high and my relative does not have dental insurance, can he simply leave that empty spot in his mouth after the extraction? I was thinking of helping him out financially with the "bridge" operation. Before I decide to do so, I wish to know if bridge is the best option for filling an empty spot from dental/medical point of view? I'd also like to hear people's experiences about bridge - Are they happy that they have got bridges installed in their months?
To answer your first question, no - he should not just leave the spot empty in his mouth. Teeth tend to move forward, and if there is an empty spot, the teeth behind it will move to fill in the empty gap. This would affect his bite and could cause jaw problems in the future... As far as a good option, a bridge is a good option... Depending on how the bone is in that area, he might also look into an implant. With a bridge, he would get two crowns (on the remaining surrounding teeth) and a fake tooth in between (attached to each crown). He would have to be very careful about cleaning under it (ie: flossing) so that no food/bacteria collects there. Also, the bone where the tooth is missing would resorb because there is no tooth structure to support it, meaning it would basically disappear over time. With an implant, it would be a little easier to take care of because he wouldn't have to floss thread under it... he could just brush/floss like a regular tooth. Also, the bone would remain. And, I agree with the comment above. If there is a local dental school/residency, check with them. A lot of times, they are able to offer discounted services. Good luck!
To answer your first question, no - he should not just leave the spot empty in his mouth. Teeth tend to move forward, and if there is an empty spot, the teeth behind it will move to fill in the empty gap. This would affect his bite and could cause jaw problems in the future... As far as a good option, a bridge is a good option... Depending on how the bone is in that area, he might also look into an implant. With a bridge, he would get two crowns (on the remaining surrounding teeth) and a fake tooth in between (attached to each crown). He would have to be very careful about cleaning under it (ie: flossing) so that no food/bacteria collects there. Also, the bone where the tooth is missing would resorb because there is no tooth structure to support it, meaning it would basically disappear over time. With an implant, it would be a little easier to take care of because he wouldn't have to floss thread under it... he could just brush/floss like a regular tooth. Also, the bone would remain. And, I agree with the comment above. If there is a local dental school/residency, check with them. A lot of times, they are able to offer discounted services. Good luck!
How to tell if your wisdom tooth is coming in properly (self-diagnosis help)?
i dont have dental insurance, and 1 of my wisdom tooth is coming in (top lower right side) no pain or discomfort, and well as far as my tongue can tell its coming in fine, well its more than half way in. it does feel weird when i clench my teeth like my teeth is compressed. no flap over tooth... dentists, dental students- anything else i should worry about or look for? im 26 btw, i know age is somewhat a factor in this matter
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here i found very useful for me to solve my similiar problem.
Dental Hygiene?
I have a lot of dental problems!! To go into detail: I have very brittle, chalky teeth. I have multiple cavities and need plenty of root canals. I am from the New Orleans area and can't get in touch with my dentist. He is the only one who knew my teeth/mouth condition. My teeth are very VERY sensitive and keep breaking and I am in constant pain. I was just eating something just now and another tooth just broke off! This scares me because I'm only 24! I don't smoke, or binge or drink sodas! Yet my teeth are badly discolored! If they keep deteriorating like this I'll have no teeth before I'm 30! I need some advice!! Every dentist I go to just criticizes me or wants to do a cleaning. I try to explain to them that I need help and see if i can set up a kind of payment plan(I don't have dental insurance) with them but they don't want to hear it. I need help! Some advice of any kind!!!! I see these makeover shows where people have worse off conditions then me and they do all the work on pp
Try to find a dental clinic through your local social services or rural health network - also, try to find a dental college near your - sometimes they will do work because the students need to learn - don't worry, they on't hurt you - their teacher (a dentist) is standing right by.
Try to find a dental clinic through your local social services or rural health network - also, try to find a dental college near your - sometimes they will do work because the students need to learn - don't worry, they on't hurt you - their teacher (a dentist) is standing right by.
Dental Help Plz! People who are in dental industry!?
Here is my story, i have number of cavities, lately having pain, in brief, my oral health is poor. When It comes to my canines they are perfect, but since my molars are so bad, i m having pain in my teeth ocasionally, I went to a doctor who prognosed 12 000 dollars for the treatment. I cant afford that much..DO you think if dental insurance will work, and plus my job lately is not stable.. so would you guys (genuine only, those of u who r workin jst to get some point plz dont reply) plz lemme know what to do? I now floss regularly and try to avoid sugary foods.. People with genuine interest to help would higly be appreciated! Regards
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here… is a very resourceful one.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here… is a very resourceful one.
Insurance question about braces for my daughter?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I can find out if my daughters dental insurance covers braces. Here is the deal...her dad and I are divorced and the insurance company can't tell me anything without his permission. I can't call him and talk to him myself because he doesn't have a phone and I have no address so I can at least send a letter and get him to find out for me or give the insurance company permission to talk to me. So my question is since my daughter has to go to the dentist next month for a cleaning anyway could they tell me if her insurance covers part of them? Thanks!
your orthodontist can contact the insurance company to find out if they will cover the braces. I know some insurance will play half of the cost. Good luck
your orthodontist can contact the insurance company to find out if they will cover the braces. I know some insurance will play half of the cost. Good luck
Why is it I have to work for a living and other people get everything free and sit on their butt all day?
I got to looking and I have paid out over $9,000 in income tax and health/dental insurance premiums this year so far. That makes me sick. Why does the government allow people to sit on their *** all day and get free health insurance and welfare? That is sooo not right. It makes me want to throw up thinking I am paying for people to sit on their asses and not do **** when I work over 40 hours most weeks to end up barely making anything when it is all said and done. Does anyone think this makes sense? Why are people allowed to do this? For instance a person I know is on WIC and welfare because she isn't working right now? I can't get on that if I wanted to b/c I make too much money BECAUSE I WORK! Arrrgg! What do you think?
Good question for the liberals on this board...apparently, it doesn't get to them. I myself find it disgusting that people can just sit home, do nothing, though they are capable, and make a living out of it. I guess they lack pride? I hear you's very frustrating.
Good question for the liberals on this board...apparently, it doesn't get to them. I myself find it disgusting that people can just sit home, do nothing, though they are capable, and make a living out of it. I guess they lack pride? I hear you's very frustrating.
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