My husband and I have been married for two years now. We have to remove the restrictions on his green card. We hired an attorney and got as many papers as we could think of to prove we are married. We have car insurance card, dental insurance card, lease to our house and apartment in the last two years. Papers on our dog, papers on our gym membership.Bank statements pictures of us and our families together. She said it wasn't enough! I am really confused has anyone else gone through this process? My husband says everyone he has talked to said it isn't so difficult. I mean come one we really are married how hard is it to prove that. Its ridiculous. Does anyone have any ideas for me on other stuff to include. Bills are in my name cause I never changed them over .. sucks i would have if i had known we were going to have such a problem. Please help thanks...
Unless you have some unusual aspect to your immigration process, I think your attorney is full of beans. I came to the US in 1999, and got my 2 year GC in 2001 (it was a busy part of the country for immigration!). I showed, as proof of legitimate marriage: a lease, 2 photos of us together (it actually stunned me how few photos like that we had), car insurance and some bills. That was it. I provided even less in 2004 when I finally got my 10 year GC. We didn't use an attorney either, mainly because he wanted to charge the earth and said we wouldn't be approved either! I think you have plenty of evidence. If I were to suggest anything else, get some notarized statements from people you know you have been together and that you have a real marriage.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Bf’s immaturity: Cultural difference or a real problem?
My bf's 30, American, an associate attorney. I am Chinese, 29, entry level consultant. We've been dating for 3 years and we are really close. He's been living with him Mom. He told me that he is thinking about spend the rest of his life with me. We just signed an apartment lease for a yr and are moving in together next week. But things he's been doing just keep telling me he is immature. His income after tax is 40K per year, but he spent 10K last year on his teeth procedures, didn't bother to look for a dental insurance plan. I asked him to get a dental plan. It's been two weeks and he hasn't done it yet. He always says "I will do research tomorrow." I don't want to see him spending another 5K on a cavity--he could use that money to buy me a ring. He's been looking for his dream job for 3 years, which requires a career change. He's only got 2 interviews, and is still looking. I told him that he is being unrealistic. If he really wants to change career, he should go back to school and recharge himself with a degree required by his dream job. He told me "I will shine." He is always keeping an eye on TV when he works on his resume, and always waits till the last day to submit job application. I thought because he's been living with his mom so he had no pressure of supporting himself and a family, that's why he didn't have the urgency to look for jobs or manage his finance more responsibly. But now we just signed a lease, he has little money in checking account, and 9K credit card debt. We calculated his income and debt and realize if he doesn't want to pay high interest, there are only 8 months left for him to pay off this debt. Even though currently I am making half of what he's making, I have no debt, and have a few thousand $$ in checking. So I just gave him $2K in cash to lower his credit card debt, and I gave landlord $3K for rent security deposit and first month rent. He said he will pay me back later and pay his share of rent after the first month. May be I am too naïve- I thought with a monthly big payment of rent coming, he will have some pressure and treat his life seriously. I am wrong, because he just told me today is the deadline of a job application so he needs to work on his resume tonight- he spent last night watching football game on TV with his friends. I can't believe this. Some ppl asked: if your bf has so many problems, why are you still with him? Well, he is nonsmoker, nonalcoholic, sweet and cute, doesn't go to bars, no complicated relationship history, generous to his friends and family, homeboy, supporting Obama… Maybe these are common among guys, but I've been dating him only for the last three 3 yrs, and one before him. I don't know if most guys have the same good traits. So, is this a culture difference? Some Americans told me: "You guys are not married yet. That's his life, his money, none of your business. " But to me, if two people are thinking about spending rest of their lives together, aren't they supposed to be thinking about the near future seriously and financially?
Cultural? Might be, but it sounds like you have your sh*t together, and he doesn't. I think you know what will happen if he doesn't get it together, so why not tell him your concerns. Your commitment is a strong one, so I'm sure that he will be inclined to reach his goals, and you both need to understand what it is that you want your future to hold. You've obviously been supportive, and spent your money in ways that show your dedication, is he recognising this? I hope that he knows how great you are, he may need to be reminded of a few things. Talk to him, tell him what you expect from him. I hope everything works out for you dear. Good luck, Jen
Cultural? Might be, but it sounds like you have your sh*t together, and he doesn't. I think you know what will happen if he doesn't get it together, so why not tell him your concerns. Your commitment is a strong one, so I'm sure that he will be inclined to reach his goals, and you both need to understand what it is that you want your future to hold. You've obviously been supportive, and spent your money in ways that show your dedication, is he recognising this? I hope that he knows how great you are, he may need to be reminded of a few things. Talk to him, tell him what you expect from him. I hope everything works out for you dear. Good luck, Jen
Can't afford braces for 3 kids?
So, our family is huge and we have like 10 people. parents, 4 kids, grandma, 2 random homestay students (living in what should be the kids rooms) and basically the occasional friend that comes over. my teeth I think look fine and I like my smile they are pretty much straight except for one tooth, the dentist said i have a little crowding but whatever. and my sister needs them, the dentist said she has to see our ortho and get them soon because she really needs them, my other sister is too young for them for now. so all 3 of us need braces and our ortho said about $6,000 PER kid. and I'm getting a job, but still we just can't afford it... and I don't know what to do? i looked up invisalign too and it apparently costs more. AND apparently our dental insurance here, or most insurances wouldn't cover braces at all. btw, we live in vancouver, canada.
Well, I suggest, since you're teeth aren't that bad, let you're sister who really needs them get braces. Then when you're other sister goes to the ortho, see how bad her teeth are. Then once you're an adult and you can afford it by yourself (hopefully), get braces or invisalign. hope i helped:)
Well, I suggest, since you're teeth aren't that bad, let you're sister who really needs them get braces. Then when you're other sister goes to the ortho, see how bad her teeth are. Then once you're an adult and you can afford it by yourself (hopefully), get braces or invisalign. hope i helped:)
Should I Take a Risk and Attend UCLA or Settle for UCSD?
I got into both UCSD and UCLA and I'd rather attend UCLA, but there are several obstacles to overcome: 1.) I cannot know for a fact that I will not be able to count on my family for any financial support. 2.) I've never lived by myself, I don't have a drivers permit, health insurance, dental insurance, I don't know my way around LA. I know nothing about independent living. 3.) I have to take out $4,000 more in student loans. 4.) I do Not want want to live in a dormwith a bunch of drinking, partying, loud music. This is for undergrad by the way and I do want to go to law school. Is UCLA worth the risk?
You are better off at UCSD and will have at least as good a chance of getting into a good law school for the reasons you stated and because the easier competition at UCSD will help you earn higher grades.
You are better off at UCSD and will have at least as good a chance of getting into a good law school for the reasons you stated and because the easier competition at UCSD will help you earn higher grades.
What is the estimated cost for a crown on a peg lateral tooth?
I have a very small peg lateral incisor and the incisor on the other side of my front teeth is smaller than it should be (though it looks better than the peg lateral). I think I can afford to get one crown for the peg lateral, but I'm wondering what it would cost. Also, do any dentists do payment plans? I'd have a hard time coming up with $3000 out of pocket. Also, if my peg lateral is causing me pain and grinding down to nothing because of TMJ, how likely is it that my Delta Dental insurance will cover 50%? (my insurance indicates 50% coverage for crowns but I'm not sure if they would cover it if they determined it was for cosmetic purposes). Thanks for any info!
1500 dollars
1500 dollars
Army Reserve Pay questions?
I'm curious as what I should be expected to be getting paid as a Reserves Member & how being a single mother who can never go active duty will effect it. Also I'm trying to go for Paralegal Specialist I talked to a Recruiter but he wasn't very helpful & I find it better talking to people who have experienced it. Whats training pay? Monthly Pay? Pay during annual training? Does being a single mother effect bonuses? Do they help with college? How Much? benefits life health and dental insurance & life insurance? Also is there any Jobs that have better pay/ benefits?
"....I'm curious as what I should be expected to be getting paid as a Reserves Member & how being a single mother who can never go active duty will effect it...." WOAH, STOP THERE! Every Soldier can and will be Activated when called upon. If you do not want to be called to Active Duty, DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY, because they WILL call you to Active Duty status, possibly for 12 months or longer away from your child. To answer your question: Active Duty and Reserve get paid the same. However, during drill you will be "active" for only two days you will get paid for two days only. (Do the math!) Pay during annual training, you will get paid for what time you put in. You do not get special bonuses for being a single mother but you will get dependant pay for the time you are on active duty (this will not amount for much when you are drilling status). The GOOD thing is that depending on the availibility, you may be able to get the GI Bill in your contract. Also, Reservists can apply for Tuition Assistance (TA) at You can also buy TriCare dental and medical insurance (I believe for your dependant as well). To answer you last question, all jobs in the military pay the same, but some require less promotion points to get promoted do to being in higher demand to fill positions which can boost your pay. Also, some jobs (MOS) come with bonuses. ONCE AGAIN, ALL SOLDIERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO DEPLOY. It's in the Soldier's Creed "I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat."
"....I'm curious as what I should be expected to be getting paid as a Reserves Member & how being a single mother who can never go active duty will effect it...." WOAH, STOP THERE! Every Soldier can and will be Activated when called upon. If you do not want to be called to Active Duty, DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY, because they WILL call you to Active Duty status, possibly for 12 months or longer away from your child. To answer your question: Active Duty and Reserve get paid the same. However, during drill you will be "active" for only two days you will get paid for two days only. (Do the math!) Pay during annual training, you will get paid for what time you put in. You do not get special bonuses for being a single mother but you will get dependant pay for the time you are on active duty (this will not amount for much when you are drilling status). The GOOD thing is that depending on the availibility, you may be able to get the GI Bill in your contract. Also, Reservists can apply for Tuition Assistance (TA) at You can also buy TriCare dental and medical insurance (I believe for your dependant as well). To answer you last question, all jobs in the military pay the same, but some require less promotion points to get promoted do to being in higher demand to fill positions which can boost your pay. Also, some jobs (MOS) come with bonuses. ONCE AGAIN, ALL SOLDIERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO DEPLOY. It's in the Soldier's Creed "I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat."
any input is greatly appreciated :/?
sore throat, fevery, i normally just feel hot and clammy almost nervous feeling. neck has tiny lumps on it 1 week ago I went to docs and strep and mono test came back negative. was taking Z-pack, wasn't really working. went back to doctor yesterday.. doctor prescribed antibiotics & clariten; DR. says I have throat infection, nasal dripping in throat. and as for the lumps says its not lymphnodes just says it might be reaction to my illness. I've been very paranoid bc I recently found out that my EX who I last slept with 3 weeks ago cheated on me and selpt with A LOT of ppl. I had blood work done again.. HIV and CBC test results all came back normal. HIV can be detected that early, correct even tho I slept with him 3 weeks ago? the lumpyness in my neck is not really painful just tender and like i can feel it when I laugh or cough.. also, I do have a dental issue. I won't have dental insurance until january- i have a hole in my tooth where im not sure if its decaying or if a prior root canal filling fell out. I clean it out, gargle salt water it hurts sometimes and that side of my face is sort of tender and thats the side the lumps are.. im SO paranoid. am I going to be okay? is this causing my throat and neck problems? im making myself sick researching things online, I'm paranoid and worried. I can't stress how oh so paranoid. should I be really concerned? I do have slight anxiety. I've been off my medication for 4months now & am trying to recover on my own...
sounds like swine flu? bc of ur throat ur fever and clamminess .
sounds like swine flu? bc of ur throat ur fever and clamminess .
what should i do with my tooth?help!!?
i'm pretty sure I had this hole in my tooth since before i got braces put on so i dont know why they didnt tell me about it. anyways, i got the braces taken off at the beginning of this month because of lack of tightenings (i only got them tightened twice last year because my mom couldn't pay every month) and the fact that its not healthy to keep them on like that. after getting them removed, the orthodontists told me to get a check up as soon as possible but i'm still waiting for dental insurance so i would be able to pay for that check up. as of the 21st,it started hurting (i thought it was because food was wedged between the tooth with the hole in it and another tooth) but after flossing it kind of today i could feel a little pain again. should i go to a dental school to get it fixed?would they help?
Hi from France Don't even ask and go to the dental school immediately ! Have a nice day, Cat.
Hi from France Don't even ask and go to the dental school immediately ! Have a nice day, Cat.
I need to get a five piece fixed bridge to replace 2 missing molars in Dallas. I need a dentist recommendation?
I have two missing teeth seperated by one in place tooth (ie, missing tooth, in place tooth, missing tooth). I'm looking for a a low cost solution to make it look real and nice. I cannot at the time afford $3,000 times 2 for dental implants. We have dental insurance that will cover 1/2 but only up to $1,000. Looking for a fast solution in the Dallas, Texas area. Any ideas?
The best source for a dentist recommendation is a friend or co-worker. Ask around to see who likes their dentist the best and has been going to him/her for years. Someone who really trusts their dentist. That is the best way to find a new dentist.
The best source for a dentist recommendation is a friend or co-worker. Ask around to see who likes their dentist the best and has been going to him/her for years. Someone who really trusts their dentist. That is the best way to find a new dentist.
Money for Dentist how...? 10 points..?
Well..I only got health insurance with my parents I still go to school i'm a junior and to tell you the truth I didn't go to the dentist ever since I was in germany when I was Its passed about 11-12 years and I started caring for my teeth got all serious about them ever since some started getting cavities.. I have maybe around 9 cavities..and getting the money is hard my parents already work hard trying to pay off this house that costs over 200k and I don't have a job since im still going to school. All my cavities are all in the box some on the bottom and some on the top.. and now my front bottom teeth 2 of them started being sharp on the bottom kind of last time i was eating cereal it happened.. I just cant figure out a way to get the money since my parents don't find dental insurance good.. I was wondering how much it would cost to fill in all the cavities...all 9... and how could I acquire that kind of money..I'm just scared of getting heart disease im athletic and all that. I can maybe acquire only 1,100 or so around there within the next month if i sell a macbook 13 inch that i get.. any help please..? its just hard to leave with the cavities i can deal eating but i don't want my teeth to be gone..
dental schools can help...or find a job and pay for your own.
dental schools can help...or find a job and pay for your own.
do parents have a responsibilty to get orthodontics for their kids if they need it?
im a young adult who needs $12,000 in dental work and jaw realignment because i didnt get orthodontics as a child when the dentist said i needed them. my parents are seperated : my father refused to pay for anything when i was a child (hes quite wealthy) and my mother and her partner chose to be hippies living off welfare (so they had no money for it) is it wrong of me to now ask them for the $4,000 the dentist quoted for my teeth as a child? considering all the pain and suffering, and the fact that all these problems are a direct result of a serverly bad bite, should i be upset with them and ask for the whole amount i have to pay now? i have a very small income and no dental insurance
yeah it kinda would be their responsibility, but they way you describe them, I doubt they will care. If I were you buddy, I'd go on about my life, just remember, they will be old one day and will be looking around for you. Then you can take your pride and messed up teeth to someone who cares. Every dog has their day.....
yeah it kinda would be their responsibility, but they way you describe them, I doubt they will care. If I were you buddy, I'd go on about my life, just remember, they will be old one day and will be looking around for you. Then you can take your pride and messed up teeth to someone who cares. Every dog has their day.....
What do you think about this situation? (Isn't it every parent's dream for their kids to move out at 18?)?
Alright, so I've always wondered about this. I moved out about 3 months after I turned 18 to a house I rented about an hour away from my parents... I'd been saving the money since I was about 15 for college.. My family is not really very well off so I've always paid for everything myself. I got through the first year of college, and got offered a really great internship, So I'm taking a year off of college to complete it. My mom hates that. She wants me to move back to our small town, live with them, and work at my old job (at a coffee shop). They hated the idea of college and said it was a waste of time and money. They never have the time to call ME (they've called me about 4 times since I've moved) stating that long distance is too expensive, but I call them about once every 10 days. I also IM them once every 2 days, but they never seem to have to time to write back (my mom doesn't have a job so she's at home all day). They also never come to visit me (I only live an hour or so away), and when they make plans to visit, they usually call that morning and make an excuse as to why they can't come. I have a car, which I paid for and I pay insurance for, but its at my parents house, as my mom says she needs it and I can't have it, so I have no other way to get home (its a fairly rural area.. No buses or trains). BUT The thing is, they're ALWAYS asking when I'm gonna come home. All through my first semester, they wanted me to quit my second semester and move home. Through my second semester they though trying to get an internship was a bad idea, and I should go work at the coffee shop for the summer. Now that I have this great job they're telling me I should quit or not go back to school. My job pays well, and I have no intention to EVER move back. So I'm kind of lost when I talk to them, because I have to make the effort to contact them, but then they put the blame on me for living far away and not at their house. Should they not be glad I moved away when I did? I took the financial strain off of them (they could hardly afford to pay for me living there.. even though they weren't paying for much) plus I pay for my moms car, and several other expenses like their dental insurance and new floors for their bedroom that they couldn't pay for. They're 50 by the way. GRRR sometimes I don't understand parents.
Here's how I see it: They are "punishing" you for leaving them behind and doing so well at your life. I think your mom thought you wouldn't leave your car behind (I dunno why, like a car is more important to you than a life?) so you prolly surprised her when you said "Sure, use my car." They don't call YOU because that is likely part of the punishment - they think that if they don't talk to you, you will get homesick and come running back. If they want to talk to you, they can call you... keep IMing them, but if you need to cut down on expenses, stop calling them for a while and see if that changes their calling pattern. Also, they might be jealous of you in some ways, I mean think about it: you are smart, you are young and have your WHOLE life in front of you, you saved up money for college YOURSELF, you got a job that you are great at all by yourself, you are living in a cool place you like insted of being stuck in a small town... you are living your dream. Since they are in thier 50s or whatever, looking at you maybe reminds them of what they didn't get to do in their lifes. They may be jealous and resentful of you - but that is THEIR problem, not yours. Live your life and be happy. Also, don't let them manipulate you into moving back there. Ever. Period. It is YOUR life, not theirs. Being your parents doesnt mean they own you, it means that they should respect you and your choices, as you are an ADULT now. If they can't do that, well, that's their problem.
Here's how I see it: They are "punishing" you for leaving them behind and doing so well at your life. I think your mom thought you wouldn't leave your car behind (I dunno why, like a car is more important to you than a life?) so you prolly surprised her when you said "Sure, use my car." They don't call YOU because that is likely part of the punishment - they think that if they don't talk to you, you will get homesick and come running back. If they want to talk to you, they can call you... keep IMing them, but if you need to cut down on expenses, stop calling them for a while and see if that changes their calling pattern. Also, they might be jealous of you in some ways, I mean think about it: you are smart, you are young and have your WHOLE life in front of you, you saved up money for college YOURSELF, you got a job that you are great at all by yourself, you are living in a cool place you like insted of being stuck in a small town... you are living your dream. Since they are in thier 50s or whatever, looking at you maybe reminds them of what they didn't get to do in their lifes. They may be jealous and resentful of you - but that is THEIR problem, not yours. Live your life and be happy. Also, don't let them manipulate you into moving back there. Ever. Period. It is YOUR life, not theirs. Being your parents doesnt mean they own you, it means that they should respect you and your choices, as you are an ADULT now. If they can't do that, well, that's their problem.
How bad is this situation I have put myself in...?
Few years ago I was told I needed to have my bottom wisdom teeth removed...I hestitated and waited about less than a year ago I went back to the University at Buffalo school of dental and they showed me an x-ray of how my wisdom teeth have progressed. they were now horizontal and closing in on my back teeth... Today, well actually, 2 months ago my left wisdom tooth is almost out of my gums and I can see the tooth. I can only see the side because the front part of it is digging into my back tooth causing immense pain. Taking 100mg of Ibprofen usually subsides it a little. So now i can phyiscally touch this tooth. Do you think if I were to get this extracted it would be easier or harder to do? The reason why I hestitated was because I had no health or dental insurance and still dont right now...not sure the cost of an bad is this?
I waited to get my wisdom teeth taken out, and I wish I had just gone ahead and did it when the Doc said. Get them out as soon as you can, especially if they're hurting, before they can do any real damage to the rest of your teeth. As far as insurance I used to have dental insurance, but canceled when I signed for this discount program. It gave me a huge discount off of regular dental stuff which made what I pay about the same as I would have paid with insurance.. but I don't have to pay the $50 a month for the insurance. It's 20 bucks, and it gives me dental coverage, vision, prescription and chiropractic. And it's 20 bucks for anyone living in my house. My roommate (who is not related to me) gets the same discount on her stuff. If you sign up today, you can go the Dr. tomorrow, no limits, no deductible. you just pay whatever your discount is. It's great. click on dental plus. You can search for a dentist in your area, and then at the top hit join now. Register with the site, and you're good to go! Good Luck!
I waited to get my wisdom teeth taken out, and I wish I had just gone ahead and did it when the Doc said. Get them out as soon as you can, especially if they're hurting, before they can do any real damage to the rest of your teeth. As far as insurance I used to have dental insurance, but canceled when I signed for this discount program. It gave me a huge discount off of regular dental stuff which made what I pay about the same as I would have paid with insurance.. but I don't have to pay the $50 a month for the insurance. It's 20 bucks, and it gives me dental coverage, vision, prescription and chiropractic. And it's 20 bucks for anyone living in my house. My roommate (who is not related to me) gets the same discount on her stuff. If you sign up today, you can go the Dr. tomorrow, no limits, no deductible. you just pay whatever your discount is. It's great. click on dental plus. You can search for a dentist in your area, and then at the top hit join now. Register with the site, and you're good to go! Good Luck!
Broken tooth, filling exposed. Should I have it pulled?
About a year ago I had a tooth break and it exposed the filling. It does not hurt so since I have no dental insurance I have been putting off getting it taken care of. I have a continuous taste of metal on the side of my mouth where the tooth is. More metal taste after I eat or chew gum. I have read abit about mercury poisoning from old silver dental amalgams and this has become a concern for me since I already have problems with anxiety and depression. I know its probably just a coincidence but ever since this tooth broke last year my mental and physical health have declined. Probably not related but kinda funny. Anyone really know if this could be releasing toxins into my blood stream? If so I will probably just get it pulled because I don't want anymore of that mercury stuff put in my mouth and I don't really have the money to do anything else about it. Thank you for your answers.
It not only could it be releasing toxins into you but you could die from the poisons from an infected tooth. If there is no tooth pain then it has not yet began to attack your nerves, probably. But if left untreated when it does it could be fatal. Dont wait for the pain to kick in if at all possible. Because if you wait then it will likely be a surgical removle which is far more expensive than a basic extraction experienced if you go in now.
It not only could it be releasing toxins into you but you could die from the poisons from an infected tooth. If there is no tooth pain then it has not yet began to attack your nerves, probably. But if left untreated when it does it could be fatal. Dont wait for the pain to kick in if at all possible. Because if you wait then it will likely be a surgical removle which is far more expensive than a basic extraction experienced if you go in now.
Is there a dentist in the Houston area that takes payments without outside financing?
I am in desperate need of an implant where there is a tooth missing when I smile. It is affecting my life drastically. I can't smile at work, take pictures, and I'm uncomfortable dating. It affects every aspect of my life. I tried Carecredit and Springstone medical financing but did not get approved. I have dental insurance but they pay nothing for implants. They will pay some for a bridge but that would require damaging one of my perfectly good canine teeth which I'd rather not do. They would need to file that tooth completely down to fit the bridge on. Even that would be $3000.00 with insurance. I'm just stuck right now coming up with that kind of money as my divorce wiped me out and Christmas is coming. If anyone knows of someone that can help I would greatly appreciate it. I am not the same person anymore the way this is affecting me.
No offense, but why would a dentist want to finance you when no one else will? Dentists don't have time to track you down every month to get payments. Why don't you prepay your bill monthly and get the work done when you have paid it off?
No offense, but why would a dentist want to finance you when no one else will? Dentists don't have time to track you down every month to get payments. Why don't you prepay your bill monthly and get the work done when you have paid it off?
Toothache: Is this my tooth or my sinuses?
How do I know the difference, as in how do I know if my toothache is something dental related, such as a cavity, or if it is a sinus infection causing the toothache? BTW it is on my right side, second to last molar on the top. PS. I have no medical or dental insurance and hardly any money, so I need to decide whether I should visit a dentist or a doctor first.
I am sure you don't want to hear this but the only way to know for sure is to see a doctor or dentist. Since the tooth is hurting, I would start at the dentist, a infected tooth can cause sinuse problems and that can lead to very serious problems so you really need to get it checked. Even tho the gums and everything looks normal doesn't really mean anything, the infection could be deep in the tooth. It is more likely that a tooth will cause sinuse problems then sinuse problems causing teeth problems. Good luck.
I am sure you don't want to hear this but the only way to know for sure is to see a doctor or dentist. Since the tooth is hurting, I would start at the dentist, a infected tooth can cause sinuse problems and that can lead to very serious problems so you really need to get it checked. Even tho the gums and everything looks normal doesn't really mean anything, the infection could be deep in the tooth. It is more likely that a tooth will cause sinuse problems then sinuse problems causing teeth problems. Good luck.
Wisdom teeth discomfort?!?!?
My back bottom wisdom teeth have been slowly coming in for the past 5 years I never had them removed because they never hurt or caused any problems. Well now recently they are pushing in more and now my other bottom teeth are so tight together I can't even floss between them. Also now it's a discomfort to bite down on anything. I got laid off recently so I don't have dental insurance anymore. So what I'm wondering is, is there anything I can do to make this any less of a discomfort until I can get insurance and have them pulled? Also if they do pull them will they be able to get my other teeth so they aren't so tight together or are they going to be like that forever?
I'm sorry to hear that you got laid off and that you're in pain. Try gargling with warm salt water and taking a painkiller first. If your wisdom teeth are causing you discomfort, because of the pressure its causing, the only way to stop the discomfort for good, is by having it extracted. Since you don't have dental insurance in the meantime and dental surgery is expensive, why don't you try going to a dental university. Often times, they need patients to work on for training. This should be done free, with minimal fee or they can possibly pay you and it is supervised by a licensed practitioner. If they can treat you, I suggest having all four wisdom teeth removed because if these are impacted, no good will come from it just being there in your mouth. Now if the pain and discomfort disappears, I still suggest you have them taken out. Sometimes the pain and discomfort disappears but it will come back and even more painful than before. Oh and once these are taken out, the pressure on your other teeth should lessen that they aren't so tight. But we will have to see after you have your wisdom teeth extracted.
I'm sorry to hear that you got laid off and that you're in pain. Try gargling with warm salt water and taking a painkiller first. If your wisdom teeth are causing you discomfort, because of the pressure its causing, the only way to stop the discomfort for good, is by having it extracted. Since you don't have dental insurance in the meantime and dental surgery is expensive, why don't you try going to a dental university. Often times, they need patients to work on for training. This should be done free, with minimal fee or they can possibly pay you and it is supervised by a licensed practitioner. If they can treat you, I suggest having all four wisdom teeth removed because if these are impacted, no good will come from it just being there in your mouth. Now if the pain and discomfort disappears, I still suggest you have them taken out. Sometimes the pain and discomfort disappears but it will come back and even more painful than before. Oh and once these are taken out, the pressure on your other teeth should lessen that they aren't so tight. But we will have to see after you have your wisdom teeth extracted.
Getting married while in college (financial issues)?
Me and my fiance have been together 6 years and want to get married this summer. Our parents have agreed to pay for the wedding, but we are looking into how getting married will change our financial status. How will we get medical, eye, and dental insurance? Will we still be able to get school loans? Can our parents still cosign a loan if we aren't dependent on them? We each take out 20,000 a year in loans for school and we have 4 more years to go before he is a pharmacist and I am a mental health therapist. We dont want to get married and then find out we cant get loans or insurance and not be able to finish college. Any advice???
If you get married, you will no longer be able to qualify for medical insurance as a dependent of your parents. Your parents income would no longer be a consideration in your eligibility for financial aid, but its not likely you will get anywhere near $20,000 in aid per year each. You parents can still co sign loans...anyone can co sign a loan for you. But i'm very concerned at the amount of debt you are incurring. $20,000 a year is an enormous amount. Perhaps you should look into less expensive schools. Have you used the payment calculator to see how much your payments will be on these loans?…
If you get married, you will no longer be able to qualify for medical insurance as a dependent of your parents. Your parents income would no longer be a consideration in your eligibility for financial aid, but its not likely you will get anywhere near $20,000 in aid per year each. You parents can still co sign loans...anyone can co sign a loan for you. But i'm very concerned at the amount of debt you are incurring. $20,000 a year is an enormous amount. Perhaps you should look into less expensive schools. Have you used the payment calculator to see how much your payments will be on these loans?…
I need to ask for advice about my 11 year old sons teeth?
My son has a very uncommon problem he is completely immune to Novocaine. It has no effect on him, the dentist was trying to attempt to do a root canal on a back tooth, (pretty sure it is a permanent tooth) and gave him 5 shots and waited before putting a shot right in his nerve. This only made him hyperventilate and still no numbing. I have called a dozen dentists and all of them say that they will not do a root canal on a permanent tooth, only pull it. he is too young to get his tooth pulled. We tried gas also, but it made him queasy and still they tried to give him a shot but still no luck. Now I just found out that my ex-husband canceled his dental insurance and I am still not even sure what direction to go. I do work full time but I know that having him sedated is not going to be something I can afford. I will not qualify for help because my son already has health insurance. Please give me some sort of advice, I love my son very much and I hate to see the worried look on his face when Mom has no clue where to go.
If your ex-husband cancelled his dental insurance, and your son is dependent on that, you need to go to the courts. I would assume that, since your son is a minor, and you have custody, your husband is paying child support, and that he is 50% responsible for your son's medical & dental care. Cancelling his dental insurance, thus forcing his 11-year-old son to endure such a nightmarish dental experience is likely to get you a very quick court-order, forcing him to pay up, or garnishing it from his wages. And that nightmarish experience could lead to far more serious problems if it causes your son to develop a terror of dentists. I did when I was his age, and I'm still paying the price for it now, long after I overcame that terror. Nobody is completely immune to Novocaine. There are different strengths of Novocaine. What works for one person may not work for another, or may take much longer to work. In my own case, it takes a shot of triple-strength & 45 minutes to get me frozen, and 5 minutes to do the dental work. However, it could be that the nerve in your son's tooth is so inflamed that it will not freeze. It's impossible to freeze inflamed tissue. I know this from my own excruciating experience with an inflamed tooth. If your son's tooth is inflamed, there may be an infection in it. This infection will need to be treated with antibiotics before any work can be done. Are you sure you're correct about it being a "permanent" tooth? Dentists will always do root canals on permanent teeth. The ones they won't do root canals on are baby teeth or wisdom teeth, but an 11-year-old won't be getting wisdom teeth for quite a few more years. And if all those dentists you called said they wouldn't do root canals on teeth like the one that's troubling your son, why was your dentist trying to do one on it? Laughing gas relaxes most people (though not all), but provides no freezing, so they'll still need Novocaine. There are more powerful intravenous sedatives, which can further relax, or even completely sedate a patient. Or, a dentist may use hypnosis to relax a patient. As an absolute last resort, you could take your son to a hospital, where they can completely sedate him and remove the tooth. In the meantime, if the tooth is hurting him, ibuprofen is the most effective painkiller for dental pain, because it reduces the swelling that's causing the pain. But you definitely need to get a second opinion from a better dentist before bringing your son back to your current one.
If your ex-husband cancelled his dental insurance, and your son is dependent on that, you need to go to the courts. I would assume that, since your son is a minor, and you have custody, your husband is paying child support, and that he is 50% responsible for your son's medical & dental care. Cancelling his dental insurance, thus forcing his 11-year-old son to endure such a nightmarish dental experience is likely to get you a very quick court-order, forcing him to pay up, or garnishing it from his wages. And that nightmarish experience could lead to far more serious problems if it causes your son to develop a terror of dentists. I did when I was his age, and I'm still paying the price for it now, long after I overcame that terror. Nobody is completely immune to Novocaine. There are different strengths of Novocaine. What works for one person may not work for another, or may take much longer to work. In my own case, it takes a shot of triple-strength & 45 minutes to get me frozen, and 5 minutes to do the dental work. However, it could be that the nerve in your son's tooth is so inflamed that it will not freeze. It's impossible to freeze inflamed tissue. I know this from my own excruciating experience with an inflamed tooth. If your son's tooth is inflamed, there may be an infection in it. This infection will need to be treated with antibiotics before any work can be done. Are you sure you're correct about it being a "permanent" tooth? Dentists will always do root canals on permanent teeth. The ones they won't do root canals on are baby teeth or wisdom teeth, but an 11-year-old won't be getting wisdom teeth for quite a few more years. And if all those dentists you called said they wouldn't do root canals on teeth like the one that's troubling your son, why was your dentist trying to do one on it? Laughing gas relaxes most people (though not all), but provides no freezing, so they'll still need Novocaine. There are more powerful intravenous sedatives, which can further relax, or even completely sedate a patient. Or, a dentist may use hypnosis to relax a patient. As an absolute last resort, you could take your son to a hospital, where they can completely sedate him and remove the tooth. In the meantime, if the tooth is hurting him, ibuprofen is the most effective painkiller for dental pain, because it reduces the swelling that's causing the pain. But you definitely need to get a second opinion from a better dentist before bringing your son back to your current one.
Getting married while in college (financial issues)?
Me and my fiance have been together 6 years and want to get married this summer. Our parents have agreed to pay for the wedding, but we are looking into how getting married will change our financial status. How will we get medical, eye, and dental insurance? Will we still be able to get school loans? Can our parents still cosign a loan if we aren't dependent on them? We each take out 20,000 a year in loans for school and we have 4 more years to go before he is a pharmacist and I am a mental health therapist. We dont want to get married and then find out we cant get loans or insurance and not be able to finish college. Any advice???
If you get married, you will no longer be able to qualify for medical insurance as a dependent of your parents. Your parents income would no longer be a consideration in your eligibility for financial aid, but its not likely you will get anywhere near $20,000 in aid per year each. You parents can still co sign loans...anyone can co sign a loan for you. But i'm very concerned at the amount of debt you are incurring. $20,000 a year is an enormous amount. Perhaps you should look into less expensive schools. Have you used the payment calculator to see how much your payments will be on these loans?…
If you get married, you will no longer be able to qualify for medical insurance as a dependent of your parents. Your parents income would no longer be a consideration in your eligibility for financial aid, but its not likely you will get anywhere near $20,000 in aid per year each. You parents can still co sign loans...anyone can co sign a loan for you. But i'm very concerned at the amount of debt you are incurring. $20,000 a year is an enormous amount. Perhaps you should look into less expensive schools. Have you used the payment calculator to see how much your payments will be on these loans?…
I just broke my molar and am in excruciating pain!!!?
i have no dental insurance and no medical insurance all i have is some pills from a surgery i had in late 2008. I have norco and oxycodone. I took a norco at around 9:30 this morning, it helped the pain but now it is wearing off...i still feel dizzy from the norco though (and my tummy hurts since i haven't eaten...i can't because of the pain). now would i be able to take an oxycodone right now? would i be ok? DO NOT SAY CALL MY DR OR DENTIST!!! I DO NOT HAVE ONE!! and please don't tell me to go back my tooth fixed, the quote is over 1000 bucks for a root canal...and i am only a student and all i have in my bank is 100 bucks...and my mom can't help out because she is deathly ill and i don't have a dad anymore so no one can help me please just answer can i take it now yes or no sorry if i sound rude i'm just in so much pain =(
go it pulled out all the pain will be gone its cheap
go it pulled out all the pain will be gone its cheap
I need to ask for advice about my 11 year old sons teeth?
My son has a very uncommon problem he is completely immune to Novocaine. It has no effect on him, the dentist was trying to attempt to do a root canal on a back tooth, (pretty sure it is a permanent tooth) and gave him 5 shots and waited before putting a shot right in his nerve. This only made him hyperventilate and still no numbing. I have called a dozen dentists and all of them say that they will not do a root canal on a permanent tooth, only pull it. he is too young to get his tooth pulled. We tried gas also, but it made him queasy and still they tried to give him a shot but still no luck. Now I just found out that my ex-husband canceled his dental insurance and I am still not even sure what direction to go. I do work full time but I know that having him sedated is not going to be something I can afford. I will not qualify for help because my son already has health insurance. Please give me some sort of advice, I love my son very much and I hate to see the worried look on his face when Mom has no clue where to go.
If your ex-husband cancelled his dental insurance, and your son is dependent on that, you need to go to the courts. I would assume that, since your son is a minor, and you have custody, your husband is paying child support, and that he is 50% responsible for your son's medical & dental care. Cancelling his dental insurance, thus forcing his 11-year-old son to endure such a nightmarish dental experience is likely to get you a very quick court-order, forcing him to pay up, or garnishing it from his wages. And that nightmarish experience could lead to far more serious problems if it causes your son to develop a terror of dentists. I did when I was his age, and I'm still paying the price for it now, long after I overcame that terror. Nobody is completely immune to Novocaine. There are different strengths of Novocaine. What works for one person may not work for another, or may take much longer to work. In my own case, it takes a shot of triple-strength & 45 minutes to get me frozen, and 5 minutes to do the dental work. However, it could be that the nerve in your son's tooth is so inflamed that it will not freeze. It's impossible to freeze inflamed tissue. I know this from my own excruciating experience with an inflamed tooth. If your son's tooth is inflamed, there may be an infection in it. This infection will need to be treated with antibiotics before any work can be done. Are you sure you're correct about it being a "permanent" tooth? Dentists will always do root canals on permanent teeth. The ones they won't do root canals on are baby teeth or wisdom teeth, but an 11-year-old won't be getting wisdom teeth for quite a few more years. And if all those dentists you called said they wouldn't do root canals on teeth like the one that's troubling your son, why was your dentist trying to do one on it? Laughing gas relaxes most people (though not all), but provides no freezing, so they'll still need Novocaine. There are more powerful intravenous sedatives, which can further relax, or even completely sedate a patient. Or, a dentist may use hypnosis to relax a patient. As an absolute last resort, you could take your son to a hospital, where they can completely sedate him and remove the tooth. In the meantime, if the tooth is hurting him, ibuprofen is the most effective painkiller for dental pain, because it reduces the swelling that's causing the pain. But you definitely need to get a second opinion from a better dentist before bringing your son back to your current one.
If your ex-husband cancelled his dental insurance, and your son is dependent on that, you need to go to the courts. I would assume that, since your son is a minor, and you have custody, your husband is paying child support, and that he is 50% responsible for your son's medical & dental care. Cancelling his dental insurance, thus forcing his 11-year-old son to endure such a nightmarish dental experience is likely to get you a very quick court-order, forcing him to pay up, or garnishing it from his wages. And that nightmarish experience could lead to far more serious problems if it causes your son to develop a terror of dentists. I did when I was his age, and I'm still paying the price for it now, long after I overcame that terror. Nobody is completely immune to Novocaine. There are different strengths of Novocaine. What works for one person may not work for another, or may take much longer to work. In my own case, it takes a shot of triple-strength & 45 minutes to get me frozen, and 5 minutes to do the dental work. However, it could be that the nerve in your son's tooth is so inflamed that it will not freeze. It's impossible to freeze inflamed tissue. I know this from my own excruciating experience with an inflamed tooth. If your son's tooth is inflamed, there may be an infection in it. This infection will need to be treated with antibiotics before any work can be done. Are you sure you're correct about it being a "permanent" tooth? Dentists will always do root canals on permanent teeth. The ones they won't do root canals on are baby teeth or wisdom teeth, but an 11-year-old won't be getting wisdom teeth for quite a few more years. And if all those dentists you called said they wouldn't do root canals on teeth like the one that's troubling your son, why was your dentist trying to do one on it? Laughing gas relaxes most people (though not all), but provides no freezing, so they'll still need Novocaine. There are more powerful intravenous sedatives, which can further relax, or even completely sedate a patient. Or, a dentist may use hypnosis to relax a patient. As an absolute last resort, you could take your son to a hospital, where they can completely sedate him and remove the tooth. In the meantime, if the tooth is hurting him, ibuprofen is the most effective painkiller for dental pain, because it reduces the swelling that's causing the pain. But you definitely need to get a second opinion from a better dentist before bringing your son back to your current one.
When you are feeling depressed and not caring if you lived or died? How do you cope or how do you overcome?
I feel like my life was God's first mistake.I did not ask to be here and if he gave me that option I would've gave that opportunity to someone who is more deserving.I know some of you have read questions posted similar to this one,but if only you could understand what I feel.I am this angry,bitter,and sad person inside.I am not respected by anyone,maybe because I do not respect them.I reached out but I was told to help myself,but what if you don't know how?When I was a little girl I never expected for my life to be like this at 24.I am a hopeless mess.I am still living with my mom,who treats me like a kid,which is understandable because I am living in her house without anything accomplished of my own.A few years ago,I was doing way better than I am now.Then I hit a rut in my life.I am in a hole and do not know how to get out.People say take up a activity and do this or that,but what if living doesn't motivate you anymore?? What if seeing the sun isn't as beautiful as it use to be? What if instead of being happy you woke up this morning,you are upset you have to face another painful day?? I often avoid phone calls from old friends because I am ashamed of who I am becoming,not who I became,because it's like I am watching myself deteoriate right before my eyes.My dental problem has stopped my life as well.Feeling like if I go on acting auditions or do my shows(I sing) I cannot compete,because of my chipped teeth in the front.I have no medical or dental insurance,and things are expensive.I have no car,no hang out friends,and if I liked a guy(since I was a teen) he always liked someone else instead of me.My life is horrific.So I sit in my room,where I gained approximately 80lbs in a few years,and listen to my mom and sis tell me what a mess I am.How do you go from being signed by every modeling agency open call you ever went to,to attending college,traveling across country,buying your first having nothing..i mean literally nothing,no car,no bank account,no money to buy nothing at all,no close friends,nothing...??? I am not who I want to be.I just turned 24,but I feel like a old woman.My body is giving up because my heart left a long time ago.My mind is holding on by a string.I have nothing to wake up to in the morning.I keep looking at these morphine pills and a part of me is saying go for it.I just feel like a waste to the world.People that enjoy life die everyday and you got people like me that took their spot,and it's not fair.I hate my name,i hate what i been through and what i am going through,i hate my mistakes,i hate my skin,i hate my teeth,I hate when people compliment me on my skin or say i am pretty,i hate being me,i hate my life,i hate the day God decided to give me life.I hate waking up every morning not knowing what I am going to face.My life is in shambles,so why should I live?? I have no reason to live like this,I can make room on this Earth if I just left it.I am so distraught right now.I just wanted to experience what living was ,since I was given this opportunity to do it.I just wanted to be loved...even if it were a lie,just for a one second,i wanted to be loved.I am so tired,just physically and emotionally drained,i cannot take but so much.I am just a 24 year old young lady,who wanted to try life out.Is this life worth it,when you are worthless??
Oh honey, I read what you wrote and my heart felt your pain. I wish there was a quick and easy fix but it is not. I am almost going through the same pattern and I am 24 too. Some days are just so painful to go through, I hear you. I know how it feels to not have any motivation and feel lonley and helpless. I understand how hard and overwhelming it is to take control of your life. When I sit down and think about everything that went wrong, I sit down and cry all day. It helps to take one step at the time and one problem at the time. Please don't listen to anyone who puts you down. You need a lot of support and positive people around you. You will get through all these, I promise you but you have to take it slowly and find some small reasons that keeps you going. Please email me if you want to talk more. You are not alone. A big hug!
Oh honey, I read what you wrote and my heart felt your pain. I wish there was a quick and easy fix but it is not. I am almost going through the same pattern and I am 24 too. Some days are just so painful to go through, I hear you. I know how it feels to not have any motivation and feel lonley and helpless. I understand how hard and overwhelming it is to take control of your life. When I sit down and think about everything that went wrong, I sit down and cry all day. It helps to take one step at the time and one problem at the time. Please don't listen to anyone who puts you down. You need a lot of support and positive people around you. You will get through all these, I promise you but you have to take it slowly and find some small reasons that keeps you going. Please email me if you want to talk more. You are not alone. A big hug!
Can anyone recommend a dentist in the Tampa area?
I need a reasonably priced dentist in the Tampa area.I live in Wesley Chapel/Zephyr Hills area,I have lost a filling and need to heave it replaced.I went to Coast dental,what a joke.They charged me $101.00 to look at it and give me an unbelievable estimate on a repair.I need some other work done but don't have a ton of money.I have no dental insurance and will be paying out of pocket,but can't afford Coast dentals rates.Can anyone recommend a dentist that is reasonable and maybe accepts payments?
Just phone a few offices and ask them what the consult fees are over the phone, from that you will gauge their costs
Just phone a few offices and ask them what the consult fees are over the phone, from that you will gauge their costs
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