I dont have dental insurance and I have a toothache from hell. It will be another 2 weeks before I can come up with the cash to see a dentist. What can I do to get by?
Hello, your best bet is to check and see which of your local hospitals has a dental internship program...When you find one go there as they routinely provide dental services on an out-patient basis and the fees are from free to very low. If you don't find one and there is a Dental College near you, contact the colleges "Out Patient Clinic"...they too provide free to low fees for out patient services....As for the pain management, your obviously looking for something other than an over the counter medication...that means you will have to call your DDS and see if he or she will give you an RX for something stronger. Good luck and I wish you well.
Monday, March 28, 2011
i think i have an absess in between one of my teeth, can someone tell me what it is?
i woke up this morning and on the side, in between were 2 of my teeth meet, theres like a bubble on my gum. it doesnt really hurt unless i push on it. but i can feel it against the inside of my lip. i think i had this when i was little, but not ever recently. will it go away by itself? should i try to take a needle to it and pop it? i dont have dental insurance,so thats out of the question.
it happen to me every 3 moths.. sometimes every 6 months but it goes away for it self!! sometimes u cant even brush ur teeth because it hurts when ur brushing ur teeth!! trust it will go away for it self!!
it happen to me every 3 moths.. sometimes every 6 months but it goes away for it self!! sometimes u cant even brush ur teeth because it hurts when ur brushing ur teeth!! trust it will go away for it self!!
I am an adult male married w/ 2 children, where can I get the best health insurance for my family at the best?
rates? Also, how about good rates on Dental and Vision too?
Look on ehealthinsurance.com
Look on ehealthinsurance.com
Very important question regarding faulty dental work?
To make a long story short, I went to the dentist because I was in pain. X-rays were taken and showed that the dentist that did the root canal on my paining tooth approximately 3 years ago had left part of an instrument in the canal. This was causing the pain and an infection. The original work was covered by insurance but presently, I am uninsured. What should I do? Go to the original dentist to see if something could be worked out amicably? Settle this matter in court? Or a combination of both? If you have any other suggestions or similar stories, I'm all ears! I'm very hurt and worried and devastated to have seen this strange thing floating in my tooth! I need an outside (hopefully rational!) suggestion! Thank you in advance!
files being left in canals, is something that can happen to anyone, as the files are so thin there is a risk in every root canal treatment that a `´file fracture`´ will incur, it does not happen often but it can happen and is not the fault of the dentist, its JUST one of those annoying things in life, taking the dentist to court will get u no where, the risks of root canal should of been explaned to u though and u should of been informed at the time it happened... the only solution is to see a endodontic specalist or have an extraction,, The endo specalist has better equipment and theres a chance he maybe able to remove it and do a proper RCT for u, but that does not come cheap i am afaird, good luck to you
files being left in canals, is something that can happen to anyone, as the files are so thin there is a risk in every root canal treatment that a `´file fracture`´ will incur, it does not happen often but it can happen and is not the fault of the dentist, its JUST one of those annoying things in life, taking the dentist to court will get u no where, the risks of root canal should of been explaned to u though and u should of been informed at the time it happened... the only solution is to see a endodontic specalist or have an extraction,, The endo specalist has better equipment and theres a chance he maybe able to remove it and do a proper RCT for u, but that does not come cheap i am afaird, good luck to you
Can dentist send me bills half a year later claiming my insurance didn't cover all costs?
I had some dental work done and paid off all balances right at the dentist office. The staement showed a balance of $0. I just received a bill from the dentist, six month after that work was done, claiming that I owe them money, and that the bill is past due. Even though this is the first letter I received from them! I moved out of state 2 months ago and also changed insurance since I have a new employer. Can they still come after me?
Why would you NOT owe the money? You have your original bill or EOB, I hope, and you can simply look at the amount charged and compare it to the amount paid. Do the math and that's what you owe. IF, on the other hand, you were participating in an HMO type thing where the dentist is required to accept only the insurance payment as payment in full (and you would know this if you read your benefit booklet or called your insurance carrier), then you should not owe anything outside of any deductible or prescribed co-pay. Of course, is this is the first bill they sent you, it's kind of tacky to say that it's past due already. Unless they sent 2 or 3 bills to your old address and they were not forwarded and it took them until now to track you down...
Why would you NOT owe the money? You have your original bill or EOB, I hope, and you can simply look at the amount charged and compare it to the amount paid. Do the math and that's what you owe. IF, on the other hand, you were participating in an HMO type thing where the dentist is required to accept only the insurance payment as payment in full (and you would know this if you read your benefit booklet or called your insurance carrier), then you should not owe anything outside of any deductible or prescribed co-pay. Of course, is this is the first bill they sent you, it's kind of tacky to say that it's past due already. Unless they sent 2 or 3 bills to your old address and they were not forwarded and it took them until now to track you down...
How much is Dental implants?
my dad used to smoke(but he quit along time ago) be he lost some teeth because of it, please don't be judgmental. I find it really heartbreaking and sad because he can't eat any of his favorite foods even with dentures. I wanna help pay for his surgery how much does it cost?also is it cosmetic surgery?i have health insurance but my dad doesn't so how much it cost without the insurance?
Too much·
Too much·
Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?
It's sounds as if you are younger. If that is the case and you are fairly healthy then you shouldn't have any trouble at all finding a good health insurance plan for under $100/month. The key is that you want to choose a well known and dependable company like a United Healthcare, Aetna, Blue Cross, etc. Compare quotes from at least 3 different companies to find the best deal for your specific situation. Here is some more information on finding affordable health insurance:
It's sounds as if you are younger. If that is the case and you are fairly healthy then you shouldn't have any trouble at all finding a good health insurance plan for under $100/month. The key is that you want to choose a well known and dependable company like a United Healthcare, Aetna, Blue Cross, etc. Compare quotes from at least 3 different companies to find the best deal for your specific situation. Here is some more information on finding affordable health insurance:
Why are health care, dental care, and vision considered "separate"?
It's all body maintenance, right? Is there a legitimate reason, or is it just part of the health industry's, insurance bookies', and bosses' money scams in capitalist America? .
In the UK when the NHS was formed in 1948 - ALL health care, including dentistry and optometry was free of charge and paid for through central taxation. Anuerin Bevan, a left-wing Labour politician had the idea from a system - the Tredegar Medical Aid Society - in his constituency in Wales, where the community clubbed together to pay for healthcare for all - he extended this idea across the whole country (source1). The landslide Labour government of 1945 was forced into concessions because of massive pressure from below - people were demanding "a land fit for heroes" - so a large section of industry and healthcare was nationalised. In the present, if we want to hold on to our NHS in the UK, we need to fight for it, as New Labour and the Tories are both threatening to privatise it. In the US, there was not been the same pressure from below to create a socialist ideal of universal health care, so this was never achieved. Obama's reforms simply amount to getting people to subscribe to private healthcare insurance, so this is not public, universal healthcare, much less socialism. Yes, this is a cpaitalist scam. Private healthcare should be abolished.
In the UK when the NHS was formed in 1948 - ALL health care, including dentistry and optometry was free of charge and paid for through central taxation. Anuerin Bevan, a left-wing Labour politician had the idea from a system - the Tredegar Medical Aid Society - in his constituency in Wales, where the community clubbed together to pay for healthcare for all - he extended this idea across the whole country (source1). The landslide Labour government of 1945 was forced into concessions because of massive pressure from below - people were demanding "a land fit for heroes" - so a large section of industry and healthcare was nationalised. In the present, if we want to hold on to our NHS in the UK, we need to fight for it, as New Labour and the Tories are both threatening to privatise it. In the US, there was not been the same pressure from below to create a socialist ideal of universal health care, so this was never achieved. Obama's reforms simply amount to getting people to subscribe to private healthcare insurance, so this is not public, universal healthcare, much less socialism. Yes, this is a cpaitalist scam. Private healthcare should be abolished.
How big will my paycheck be?
I just started a new job, i'm not used to annual salary. I used to be hourly and worked a lot of overtime. The 6 month probationary pay is at 32,000 a year. I live in wisconsin. Anybody have a similar pay and wouldn't mind saying it, and maybe mentioning how much of their check is going to medical and dental? My insurance premiums here are way way higher than at my last job too, so I just want to know about what I'll be bringing home after all that.
Income taxes are not a flat percentage. In order to determine the net paycheck, some information is needed: 1. gross pay 2. payment frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly) 3. Marital status (single? married?) 4. Are you a dependent (a student under the age of 24 is presume to be a dependent of his or her parents.) 5. number of dependents 6. amount of pre-tax deductions from your paycheck (medical insurance, 401K, Flexible spending account for transit, medical expenses, etc.) 7. Where you work (there are 45 states with income taxes, plus in five of them there are local taxes) 8. Where you live (some states have reciprocity agreements with others so, for example, if you live in Pennsylvania but work in New Jersey, you have PA taxes withheld.) Once you have all of the information, you can go to Paycheck City's site at http://www.paycheckcity.com/cointuitonli… I hope this helps. Gary
Income taxes are not a flat percentage. In order to determine the net paycheck, some information is needed: 1. gross pay 2. payment frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly) 3. Marital status (single? married?) 4. Are you a dependent (a student under the age of 24 is presume to be a dependent of his or her parents.) 5. number of dependents 6. amount of pre-tax deductions from your paycheck (medical insurance, 401K, Flexible spending account for transit, medical expenses, etc.) 7. Where you work (there are 45 states with income taxes, plus in five of them there are local taxes) 8. Where you live (some states have reciprocity agreements with others so, for example, if you live in Pennsylvania but work in New Jersey, you have PA taxes withheld.) Once you have all of the information, you can go to Paycheck City's site at http://www.paycheckcity.com/cointuitonli… I hope this helps. Gary
Need a Dentist in Indy that will work with you if you do not have insurance.....?
Okay, so currently I am without Dental insurance and I need to see a dentist ASAP....a filling came out. The problem: I do not know of any dentists offices that will work out payments with you if you are uninsured....CAN ANYONE give me any info???? PLEASE???
almost any dentist will work on you without insurance......you just have to pay with cash.............. are you looking for free dental work .......doubt you will find any "pro bono" dentists................
almost any dentist will work on you without insurance......you just have to pay with cash.............. are you looking for free dental work .......doubt you will find any "pro bono" dentists................
My dentist just sold his office to a new Dentist, I just found out the hard way hes not in PDP 4 insurance!?
My dentist sold his entire office and practice to a new dentist about 4 months ago. I had seen the new dentist twice since then. I just got a $300.00 bill that should have been only $40.00 or so. Turns out the new dentist does not accept my dental insurance and is not in my preferred dental provider network. I'm really worried because my parents were going to this same dentist and had 1000's of dollars worth of work done in the last few months, I just warned them of this and they will look into it tomorrow. But what rights do we have as it is right now, shouldn't our new dentist have told this when we started seeing him? I'm extremely pissed as you can imagine. I had been seeing my old dentist for about 5 years. Does anyone happen to know what rights I have and my parents who could be out a lot more money?
Where do you live? The laws on these matters vary from state to state. You could look into the "State Dental Board" (every state has some body that regulates licenses for medical professionals). A good option may be to try to negotiate with the new dentist since you were expecting to pay less and he didn't inform you. If you don't mind "playing hardball" you could always tell them you absolutely won't pay the full amount. Collection agencies can be annoying (especially if you care about your credit rating), but they often have little to no "real power", especially for small to mid size debts.
Where do you live? The laws on these matters vary from state to state. You could look into the "State Dental Board" (every state has some body that regulates licenses for medical professionals). A good option may be to try to negotiate with the new dentist since you were expecting to pay less and he didn't inform you. If you don't mind "playing hardball" you could always tell them you absolutely won't pay the full amount. Collection agencies can be annoying (especially if you care about your credit rating), but they often have little to no "real power", especially for small to mid size debts.
Can I get my dental work done soon?
For Wisconsin resident question: I live in the Outagamie County in Wisconsin and in Green Bay and Appleton area, the dental clinics don't take MA (medical Assistance) card as an insurance coverage but I heard that Milwaukee does take MA. I was thinking that I like to have my dental work done by Denal Associates LTD. Does all clinics in Milwaukee area take MA? Do I have to be a resident for me to have dental work done?
No not all,no you dont have to be a resident if you go privately
No not all,no you dont have to be a resident if you go privately
What can I do? My mouth really hurts...I have a cavity but no insurance and no dentist.?
Hi, I'm a 20-year-old college student, working full-time, just trying to stay ahead of my bills. I don't have any extra money at the moment, in fact, I'm a little bit in debt. The right side of my mouth is doing pretty bad. I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. I'm also deathly afraid of needles, so I'm not too keen about going. My gums are swollen on that side, and I'm pretty sure I have a bad cavity on one of my molars -- it's a little hole and it REALLY hurts when something gets inside it. I can't stand the pain. It's to the point where all I do now is drink water and eat Jell-O. Oh, and to top it off, I have a wisdom tooth coming in back there -- but it's coming in sideways. So that's probably going to have to get pulled. I know I can't afford even half of what I need to get done. Are there any at-home tips anyone has? Please. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think you're going to need to make an appointment and deal with this. Dental problems can quickly spiral out of control. The problems can spread to other teeth or even to other parts of your body. It's better to take on more debt now than lose your teeth and have to pay thousands per tooth for replacements. Does you school have a dental plan? Is there a dental school nearby? You can call and ask about reduced rates. I honestly think you need to take care of this now. It'll be tough to get a job using your college degree if your teeth are visibly missing or rotting out (and it sounds like you're on your way to this sad future).
I think you're going to need to make an appointment and deal with this. Dental problems can quickly spiral out of control. The problems can spread to other teeth or even to other parts of your body. It's better to take on more debt now than lose your teeth and have to pay thousands per tooth for replacements. Does you school have a dental plan? Is there a dental school nearby? You can call and ask about reduced rates. I honestly think you need to take care of this now. It'll be tough to get a job using your college degree if your teeth are visibly missing or rotting out (and it sounds like you're on your way to this sad future).
I live in Oklahoma I have a wife and 3 kids we work but only make 29k a year; is there any medical/dental?
I live in Oklahoma I have a wife and 3 kids we work but only make 29k a year; is there any medical/dental that my wife and me and my kids would qualify for; I dont really know any of any programs; we make enough money to just get by; we dont have any medical or dental insurance; and dont know where to start does anyone know where I could go for any specific assistance; we work 40 hours a week we jjust dont make very much; any help would be appreciated; i just dont know where to go; i am not lookng for hands out; i will pay anything i can thanks
Try your state's Medicaid program.
Try your state's Medicaid program.
Can the cost of my dental discount plan be paid for out HSA funds?
Since the fee for a discount plan is not technically an insurance premium, does that mean I can use my HSA funds to pay for it? Or is it still considered an HSA unqualified expense?
Technically they should not have an objection but still you should check out with your employer and HSA administrator.
Technically they should not have an objection but still you should check out with your employer and HSA administrator.
how much does malpractice insurance cost?
How much does malpractice insurance cost for a dental hygienist?
depends on your state and your dentist's record of claims.
depends on your state and your dentist's record of claims.
Student or professor or who have information about cheap work for dental work in Oklahoma city.?
One of my sister front teeth chip off and it doesn't look attractive. She doesn't have health insurance so, I am looking for student or any who know where I can have it done cheap. Her Birthday is coming up this October 26 so, It would be a good gift for her and to see her smile comfortably. Any answer would be appreciated, thanks.
The University of Oklahoma School of Dentistry accepts patients and usually charges little to sometimes NOTHING for dental care and treatment. Here is the link...click "become a patient." http://dentistry.ouhsc.edu/ I am not from Oklahoma but was involved with treatment at a Dental School in my home state and care and treatment in school settings has to be top-notch and the students work under direct supervision of a Professor/Board Certified Dentist. I think this would be your sister's best option for cheap dental treatment.
The University of Oklahoma School of Dentistry accepts patients and usually charges little to sometimes NOTHING for dental care and treatment. Here is the link...click "become a patient." http://dentistry.ouhsc.edu/ I am not from Oklahoma but was involved with treatment at a Dental School in my home state and care and treatment in school settings has to be top-notch and the students work under direct supervision of a Professor/Board Certified Dentist. I think this would be your sister's best option for cheap dental treatment.
Can I deduct the cost of dental veneers on my federal taxes ?
I am having a lot of dental work done this year. Since I will be getting a substantial bridge across my lower front teeth, I was thinking of getting my top teeth and lower canines veneered at the same time in "Hollywood" white and getting the bridge from the same lab in the same color. I have insurance, but if I get the veneers in addition to the work "needed", I will be out of pocket in excess of 7.5 % of my AGI. I will be well over this year's insurance deductible before I get to the bridge step of my treatment plan. Under what circumstances could I claim the deduction ? While my aim is the aesthetics, my dentist says that my bite would be improved as well. I understand that purely cosmetic procedures are ineligable. I'm just not sure where this situation fits in, or what kind of documentation I might need from my dentist to support the claim. Thanks ! me
I don't think so. I'd love to have veneers done also but I was looking on Turbo Tax this year and it said asked the question about any dental out-of-pocket - said that veneers do not count.
I don't think so. I'd love to have veneers done also but I was looking on Turbo Tax this year and it said asked the question about any dental out-of-pocket - said that veneers do not count.
Where in BC can I an adult get financial help with dental?
We are low income no insurance and I am in pain.
try care credit. they offer 18 mos interest free financing. i applied and used one for my dental work.
try care credit. they offer 18 mos interest free financing. i applied and used one for my dental work.
Can you see a clinic dentist without filing, even if you have insurance?
Okay, maybe it's a silly question, but is it required to present your dental insurance if you have it? because I needed a crown and I go to a regular dentist; it was going to cost like $730 approximately, and I just can't do that all at once. There is, however, a really affordable clinic dentist I used to go to. Couldn't I just go there and not show them my BCBS? It'd be a whole lot cheaper, I'm sure, if I didn't file, but I just don't want to do something that I might pay for later. I am an HONEST person.
I may be getting my wisdom teeth in and I have no insurance HELP!!!?
I have good amount of pain (but not unbearbale, have been treating with anbesol and over the counter pain killers) in the bck on my mouth were the mollar meets the skin. The ooth itself doesnt hurt but there is a small noticble amount of sweeling and when i pull the skin u can partiially see some redness under the skin on top of the tooth... I am guessing tht this is due to my wisom teeth, Am I right? and if i am does anyone direct me tword the best way to take care of this because I am 19 and I have no dental insurance :(
I started getting my wisdom teeth around age 16 & they didn't finally make it through until around 20. Every few months for 4 years I'd have pain for about a week or so. Like you I didn't have insurance either. After I got insurance I had them removed (even though they were through) for hygiene reasons (teeth are very hard to reach to brush & floss). My mouth is very small & I already had slight crowding on my bottom teeth. My top teeth were perfectly straight...until my wisdom teeth overlapped the front two. If I would've known that was going to happen, I would've put it on a credit card.
I started getting my wisdom teeth around age 16 & they didn't finally make it through until around 20. Every few months for 4 years I'd have pain for about a week or so. Like you I didn't have insurance either. After I got insurance I had them removed (even though they were through) for hygiene reasons (teeth are very hard to reach to brush & floss). My mouth is very small & I already had slight crowding on my bottom teeth. My top teeth were perfectly straight...until my wisdom teeth overlapped the front two. If I would've known that was going to happen, I would've put it on a credit card.
Will Kaiser cover my medicine from my dentist?
I just got onto a Kaiser Permanente insurance plan and I am needing to get an antibiotic and a pain reliever from my dentist for a severe abscess. I have Guardian dental insurance. Will Kaiser cover my prescriptions and if not, how can I get them cheaper?
If your prescription coverage is through Kaiser, then they will be the ones handling your prescriptions as long as they come from a licensed provider. It doesn't matter that he's a dentist.
If your prescription coverage is through Kaiser, then they will be the ones handling your prescriptions as long as they come from a licensed provider. It doesn't matter that he's a dentist.
Can a person survive on milk, fruit juice, water and mashed, ground food?
My grandma is 60 years old, weights 115 lbs who has no teeth and can't afford dental implant (she lives in a country where there isn't dental insurance). I am wondering can she survive on only milk, fruit juice, water and mashed potato with butter, chowder, or ground food.
Sure. It's even possible to create a healthy diet which requires no chewing. (People with broken jaws wired shut do this all the time.) She'd probably benefit from owning a blender, grinder, or food processor which can turn any food into a liquid or semi-liquid. Stringy vegetables, whole cuts of meat, and such may need to be cooked to softness and pureed with some liquid to allow her to eat them without teeth. Her diet sounds short on protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Without these, her health will suffer. Consult the food pyramid to learn the proper nutritional balance for healthy eating.
Sure. It's even possible to create a healthy diet which requires no chewing. (People with broken jaws wired shut do this all the time.) She'd probably benefit from owning a blender, grinder, or food processor which can turn any food into a liquid or semi-liquid. Stringy vegetables, whole cuts of meat, and such may need to be cooked to softness and pureed with some liquid to allow her to eat them without teeth. Her diet sounds short on protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Without these, her health will suffer. Consult the food pyramid to learn the proper nutritional balance for healthy eating.
I was on welfare when I got braces. Went to jail. No longer live in same state. No insurance. What to do?
I got braces when I was 17. The welfare insurance covered it. The insurance only covered me until I was 18, but the dentist was obligated to see me to the end. I was going to the dentist just about every month, everything was fine and dandy. I went to Jail for 9 months and when i got out left the state. I stupidly never went to the dentist or contacted them. I still have the braces on and im 20 with no dental insurance. I have not seen a dentist for for almost 2 years. I don't know what to or where to start. I hope i have not done damage to my teeth. Please advise!
If there's no cover then there's no cover. You'll just have to pay for it. I don't imagine that getting braces taken off my a dentist would cost too much, a couple of hundred max, but I could be wrong. You need to get them off though - they can damage your teeth after several years (which is why the dentist will change them every 3-4 years or less) and your only option then is to get your teeth yanked out and use false teeth for the rest of your life... Call a dentist who does non obligatory quotes/meetings and find out what needs to happen, costs etc and go from there... Hope this helps, good luck!!
If there's no cover then there's no cover. You'll just have to pay for it. I don't imagine that getting braces taken off my a dentist would cost too much, a couple of hundred max, but I could be wrong. You need to get them off though - they can damage your teeth after several years (which is why the dentist will change them every 3-4 years or less) and your only option then is to get your teeth yanked out and use false teeth for the rest of your life... Call a dentist who does non obligatory quotes/meetings and find out what needs to happen, costs etc and go from there... Hope this helps, good luck!!
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