Ok I have never had any problems with my teeth at all never a cavity or anything. I take good care of my teeth but ever since I've hit 34th week in pregnancy my bottom teeth have started bothering me, my gums are red and swollen and my teeth hurt, the bleed when I brush them. So I don't have dental insurance right at the moment and I have been using hydrogen peroxide and warm salt water and flossing and then listerine and then brushing my teeth ok it seems like the swellen is going down but the pain isn't. So my ? Is what can I do? Am I doing something wrong? Can it really be pregnancy gingivitis and how can I get rid of it pls help I can't stand it anymore
Gum swelling is normal in pregnant women, you need to have them cleaned at teh dentist,no harm to baby, its a hormonal thing
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Is there a thing as free dental care?
I need to go see a dentist bad, with no health insurance, little money, is there a thing as free dental care? I live in california
find a local university or community college that has a dental program. they offer cleanings and some minor repairs. problem is it will take longer, and they are still learning so screw-ups are possible. I would also suggest calling all dentists in your area. some of them will allow you to make monthly payments. I had to get 2 pulled a while back- no insurance, i make too much money for gov't assistance, but a $300 dental bill would have killed me and my kids. I found a really great dentist who let me pay him $10/month. It was really quite amazing. I also remember, from back when i was little that my church had a free dental day, where a couple of the dentists who attended would get together to help members in need. You may try that route as well. good luck to you.
find a local university or community college that has a dental program. they offer cleanings and some minor repairs. problem is it will take longer, and they are still learning so screw-ups are possible. I would also suggest calling all dentists in your area. some of them will allow you to make monthly payments. I had to get 2 pulled a while back- no insurance, i make too much money for gov't assistance, but a $300 dental bill would have killed me and my kids. I found a really great dentist who let me pay him $10/month. It was really quite amazing. I also remember, from back when i was little that my church had a free dental day, where a couple of the dentists who attended would get together to help members in need. You may try that route as well. good luck to you.
where can i get free dental service in NJ?
I am looking for a free dental services in NJ area as i don't have any insurance and i can't afford dentistry cost - is there any free dentistry services in NJ area Thanks
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Can you deduct AFLAC Insurance payments on your tax return?
I paid $1134.12 in AFLAC Insurance payments and $296.40 in Dental Insurance payments and I was wondering if I could deduct this from my tax return as Medical Insurance payments? I dont want to get into trouble by doing this if I cant. It would help me out alot though on my return :)
What kind of AFLAC insurance do you have? Is it some kind of *medical* insurance? (AFLAC sells a lot of different insurance products, not all of them are medical). You can definitely include the dental insurance premiums, because dental is considered "medical" by the IRS. Check publication 502 to see what's deductible: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p502.pdf You do know that you can only deduct the amount of your medical expenses that are *more than* 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income, right?
What kind of AFLAC insurance do you have? Is it some kind of *medical* insurance? (AFLAC sells a lot of different insurance products, not all of them are medical). You can definitely include the dental insurance premiums, because dental is considered "medical" by the IRS. Check publication 502 to see what's deductible: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p502.pdf You do know that you can only deduct the amount of your medical expenses that are *more than* 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income, right?
How do illegal immigrants get free health-care and dental care? can someone explain this to me?
So i just got done reading a short paragraph explaining the differences between an illegal and a legal person here in the united states. But what i do not understand is how a legal person has to pay for dental care and an illegal gets it for free. can someone tell me how this works? or was the man that made this short paragraph just full of BS. Here is the short paragraph i was talking about. You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California . Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted (Edit: Before Taxes). Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Numb...er, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table". Ready? Now pay attention… Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00. Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.0 0 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00. Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00. Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per
Oh, but they do jobs we dont want...I think maybe. Ok not sure about that one. Ok, these suckers are here taking our jobs! GET RID OF THEM! They sure the heck do get free health care! They walk into emergency rooms and bog down the staff with head aches and weird flu strains. Then they walk out the door having never paid a dime. Then they get free dental just by saying they are in pain to the tax payed for interpreter.
Oh, but they do jobs we dont want...I think maybe. Ok not sure about that one. Ok, these suckers are here taking our jobs! GET RID OF THEM! They sure the heck do get free health care! They walk into emergency rooms and bog down the staff with head aches and weird flu strains. Then they walk out the door having never paid a dime. Then they get free dental just by saying they are in pain to the tax payed for interpreter.
Could anyone help me to choose the insurance for my mom with 25k or 50k coverage?
Hello to everybody. My mom has just moved to the United States. She's a permanent resident, we already opened for her checking accounts with debit cards and a credit card. My question is: I'd like to get insurance for her. She's 55, everything's OK, but I would like to protect her. Sometime she goes to her country for a couple of months, the medicine is cheaper there. So, for example, she doesn't need a dental insurance in the US. The most important thing we need for her is a coverage of unexpected death because of stroke, heart attack or accident. We would like to make automatic payments from the checking account. As soon as we pay (1+ or 2+ yrs), the insurance coverage works. Stop paying - it cancels automatically (no fees). Is it possible to have that insurance without visiting any medical offices (probably the price will be a little bit higher)? We live in NY. Also that insurance has to be valid outside the US. What is the best price, what internet link to apply? Thnx.
I strongly advise not to buy over the internet no matter how low the rates look. Obviously you want this insurance as a means of her leaving you an inheritance, and that is ok; however, you need to call your local agent, someone you already are doing business with, and let him/her find a quality plan for you. Good luck.
I strongly advise not to buy over the internet no matter how low the rates look. Obviously you want this insurance as a means of her leaving you an inheritance, and that is ok; however, you need to call your local agent, someone you already are doing business with, and let him/her find a quality plan for you. Good luck.
Does a insurance co. have to notify you when a group plan has been canceled because premium was not paid?
I was not informed that my dental insurance was canceled on April 14th until July 27th, because my employer failed to pay premium. I was employed until May, and because my portion of the premium was deducted on my check I assumed I had credible coverage. Before having work done in May, the insurance company confirmed coverage to both me and the dentist by telephone and the claims were later paid. Now they say they made a mistake and are demanding reimbursement. My employer is now bankrupt and I am unemployed. It doesn't seem fair that they can wait over 90 days to tell me my policy was canceled and then hold me responsible. Does anyone know what the law in Illinois is?
Do check with the insurance commission to be certain what your rights are. I know you usually sign a form at the dentist or doctor offices that says you will be responsible for any portion of the bill not covered by insurance, but these are unusual circumstances.
Do check with the insurance commission to be certain what your rights are. I know you usually sign a form at the dentist or doctor offices that says you will be responsible for any portion of the bill not covered by insurance, but these are unusual circumstances.
How can I... dental...?
Here is the situation. I am a SAHM who has a 100% overbite and have for years and years. I am currently 26 years of age, and while my teeth are in great condition (regarding no cavities, floss and brush daily, no major discoloration, etc) they aren't in the right spot. My upper front teeth completely cover my lower bottom teeth and have, over time, scraped the gum from the front of my bottom teeth. The lower front teeth have dug in behind my upper fronts making both sets thin and easy to break. All others have been ground down due to night grinding. Over all, my jaw is out-of-wack and I am NOT comfortable. I have gone to several dentists in the area and all have said the same thing: I need porcelain veneers for the top and bottom fronts and have everything done correctly so that my jaw rests where it is suppose to. The rest will come in on their own. After a few months, I will be rechecked and any sharp points will be corrected. My problem is the cost. The lowest thus far is $28,000! Needless to say, that is a LOT of money. The other is that I have TMJ - as it is in our family; so I can only go to a specialist who knows how to work with it. That eliminates the majority of Doctors and the teaching schools. The financial aid is equivalent to buying a $28,000 car with interest over 6 years, which isn't feasible. Our dental insurance sucks and won't even make a pennies-worth of a ding. WHAT SUGGESTIONS do you have regarding being able to pay for the treatment? I really need to get this done before more damage occurs. That would only cause me more pain and, in the end, more money, if the damage is even fixable at that time. TMJ can get to the point of becoming a permanent, and often have sever pain, not mentioning the rest of the picture. Legitimate responses please and not some crazy scheme that sends you to websites for your information and do nothing for you.
I have no idea how to pay for my dental work either. Dental insurance never pays for any actual work. All I can think of is to see if there are dental schools in your area that might be cheaper for the work you need. I know some places have free dental clinics but they usually can't do veneers at those. Sorry.
I have no idea how to pay for my dental work either. Dental insurance never pays for any actual work. All I can think of is to see if there are dental schools in your area that might be cheaper for the work you need. I know some places have free dental clinics but they usually can't do veneers at those. Sorry.
Is it legal for my dad to discontinue health insurance for his kids?
My dad has health and dental insurance from his work, and we all are covered under it. I have 3 siblings ages 8,13, and 15 (I am 20) My mom is also on his insurance. My dad is bi-polar, and has issues with anger (he refuses to seek treatment) He is very emotionally abusive, and threatens to not buy food. He controls all of my mom's income. He's really hard to live with. So, this morning his latest threat is that he is taking all of us off of his insurance tomorrow. My mom can get insurance from her job, but obviously it'd take some time for the paperwork. So these are my questions: a) Can he legally take his kids off insurance? Especially the younger ones? b) Will we just not have insurance tomorrow, or is there some way to be covered during the switchover? Thanks for your help!
Yes, it is legal for him to drop his insurance plan.
Yes, it is legal for him to drop his insurance plan.
adult braces and dental work. How much $$ is too much?
I am planning on getting braces to fix my mild overbite and bottom teeth. I am 36. I am excited ; I have wanted to do this a long time. Today in a routine dentist appointment to get ready, I was told I need a root canal and crown to the tune of $1200 ( with my dental insurance discount) . I have to have the maintenance stuff done before the braces in December, but wow - I was not expecting that expense. I have about $3000 saved toward the braces now- but with this added expense I am down to $2000. I don't want to finance the braces, but guess I could in order to get started. I also have to have an old root canal tooth gone bad way in the back extracted- oral surgery for this tomorrow. That is $1100. This is getting really expensive. I am planning on an implant to replace the tooth that is being taken out tomorrow. But the braces have to be done first. ok... at my age is this worth it all? By the time it is said and done we are talking about $15,000 to my teeth.
It's expensive but so worth it. My self esteem was so high after I got my braces off - I couldn't stop smiling! I had really crooked teeth so it was a huge difference. Most offices will do payment plans - kind of like paying a house or car payment. You pay a certain amount per month for X amount of years. I paid mine every month for 3 years. Talk to your orthodontist or dentist- they'll work with you to make sure that you get your braces.
It's expensive but so worth it. My self esteem was so high after I got my braces off - I couldn't stop smiling! I had really crooked teeth so it was a huge difference. Most offices will do payment plans - kind of like paying a house or car payment. You pay a certain amount per month for X amount of years. I paid mine every month for 3 years. Talk to your orthodontist or dentist- they'll work with you to make sure that you get your braces.
What are some dental fixes for broken teeth?
I have a SUPER fear of dentists, to the point that I have to be knocked out before they can even clean my teeth....I also have not had dental insurance since 2000. The last time I went the dentist actually flubbed the job and now I have cavities in teeth that he drilled and never fixed. I have a few teeth in front that are cracked in 1/2 for various reasons. All of my damaged teeth are in the front and they keep getting worse because I have no cash or courage to go to the dentist. I cant even smile like most people - its always closed mouth and I hate having to hide my real smile. I am going to be receiving a settlement in the next month or so that is about $8000 - I cant afford veneers or lumineers so does anyone know a way to fix this? I dont want to go with just fillings because I think many of my teeth are beyond the point where a filling can fix them.....anyone offer any different avenues to persue??
Hmm... If you don't want veneers or fillings then i guess the other option is crowns. They come in different types depending on their composition and function. And generally speaking they are much cheaper then veneers. I can't guide you on the prices because I'm not practicing in the States. You know there is another way in which a dentist can use "filling" material to "build" the lost tooth material in the anterior teeth. They might have to place a post-core if there is insufficient tooth material left, but it can be done and the results are very pleasing aesthetically. Plus it costs less then all the other options. You'll have to find a dentist who specializes in this kind of thing, usually that's a cosmetic dentist. All you have to do is make sure the dentist you go to comes highly recommended. One more thing: the cause of your tooth decay could be something other than not going to a dentist. Many people have never visited dentists and yet their teeth are in good condition without professional interference. Take a look at your diet, brushing techniques, and even family history. Acute progressive caries usually has a fixed cause that can be found and eliminated. If you don't remove the cause then all treatment will eventually fail because your teeth would continue to decay and undermine all restorations. Hope that helped. Dr. Sami
Hmm... If you don't want veneers or fillings then i guess the other option is crowns. They come in different types depending on their composition and function. And generally speaking they are much cheaper then veneers. I can't guide you on the prices because I'm not practicing in the States. You know there is another way in which a dentist can use "filling" material to "build" the lost tooth material in the anterior teeth. They might have to place a post-core if there is insufficient tooth material left, but it can be done and the results are very pleasing aesthetically. Plus it costs less then all the other options. You'll have to find a dentist who specializes in this kind of thing, usually that's a cosmetic dentist. All you have to do is make sure the dentist you go to comes highly recommended. One more thing: the cause of your tooth decay could be something other than not going to a dentist. Many people have never visited dentists and yet their teeth are in good condition without professional interference. Take a look at your diet, brushing techniques, and even family history. Acute progressive caries usually has a fixed cause that can be found and eliminated. If you don't remove the cause then all treatment will eventually fail because your teeth would continue to decay and undermine all restorations. Hope that helped. Dr. Sami
Prospective employer will pay for medical insurance?
I have been offered a job in which I will not pay for medical insurance except copays with Oxford insurance. The salary is less than I was looking for, but was curious how much not paying for medical insurance would save me yearly. This does not include dental. Thanks
It depends on the policy. As a guide, you can use the premiums for group health insurance sold to federal employees. The total premium (employer and employee portions combined) that will be charged in 2008 for Blue Cross, Blue Shield will be $1,027.95 per month for family coverage and $448.91 for a single person. If you are getting your insurance for free, this is the equivalent of $5.93 per hour for family coverage an $2.59 per hour for a single person. These rates also do not cover dental. If you bought insurance on your own, the rates would vary by age. In a group that condition does not apply.
It depends on the policy. As a guide, you can use the premiums for group health insurance sold to federal employees. The total premium (employer and employee portions combined) that will be charged in 2008 for Blue Cross, Blue Shield will be $1,027.95 per month for family coverage and $448.91 for a single person. If you are getting your insurance for free, this is the equivalent of $5.93 per hour for family coverage an $2.59 per hour for a single person. These rates also do not cover dental. If you bought insurance on your own, the rates would vary by age. In a group that condition does not apply.
I need to find new patient for my Dental Hygiene practice in Cypress College. it is 50-60% off regular price!?
It is a Dental Hygiene Program that provides services for people who don't have Dental Insurance. Regular price in Dental office is $80-200 but in Cypress College it is only $40 and $25 for people over 55 years old. The visit includes complete oral inspection, calculus removal, check for oral cancer, fluoride treatment, and polishing. Also you get free toothbrush, floss and toothpaste - get instructions in oral self care. Please let me know if anyone interested. Thank you Katerina
Try your local Seniors Centers - seniors have the time for long appointments - many have nice perio conditions that you will be looking for and some have partial dentures so you don't have to cope with full dentition!
Try your local Seniors Centers - seniors have the time for long appointments - many have nice perio conditions that you will be looking for and some have partial dentures so you don't have to cope with full dentition!
How much does insurance really cover for braces?
Ok, so I need braces, and I have given up on the idea of getting them for cheaper, and have found a place where they are really resonable. Anyway I just graduated college and have some money where I can probably swing it right now, but would definatly struggle with student loans. Anyway...I will have a job within a couple months with dental insurance, and I really need to get braces before my wedding in 2 years, any way is it worth waiting for the insurance, or should I just jump in now, if anyone has any examples they can give me I would be so happy...just like how much got knocked off with their insurance, all I want is an example! Thanks!
That totally depends on the insurance plan you choose. Mine is Metlife and it covers 70% for things like that. Which, according to my dentist, is pretty good. If you know you are getting insurance in a couple of months, I'd wait. Personal health plans with dental can cost around $1,000 per month if you get it on your own. Whereas, you will likely only pay about $80 a month through a work plan.
That totally depends on the insurance plan you choose. Mine is Metlife and it covers 70% for things like that. Which, according to my dentist, is pretty good. If you know you are getting insurance in a couple of months, I'd wait. Personal health plans with dental can cost around $1,000 per month if you get it on your own. Whereas, you will likely only pay about $80 a month through a work plan.
TMJD, Impacted Wisdom teeth, no insurance?
I haven't had dental insurance in eight years. Until about four years ago, this was simply a minor nuisance. I got my first cavity while pregnant with my first child at this time. I had hyperemesis gravidarum throughout my pregnancy and the constant throwing up ruined the enamel on my teeth. i have always had TMJD, and my jawbones are really undersized for the teeth that are already there. My wisdom teeth began to grow in a couple years ago, they are trying to find room to grow and are causing my other teeth to shift. Now, it looks like an atom bomb went off in my mouth, and i have constant abscesses, a permanent foul taste of pus in my mouth (sorry if too much detail) and intense pain in my jawbone, eardrum, and eyebrow. its pretty much constant, and i go through a couple tubes of orajel a day and am ruining my liver on naproxen and aspirin. I went to the ER a month ago because the pain and pressure in my eardrum was so intense i thought it was going to bust. When I was triaged, my BP was 177/122 and i was given some benzocaine drops for my ear. But, there was really nothing they could do understandably. My state does not offer any assistance for uninsured adults with dental problems if they are over 21 and my job doedoesn'tfer insurance. My question is, what can I do, and what will happen if this continues?
You have got to come up with enough money to get those wisdom teeth pulled. Your health is at risk from this infection all the time not to mention the pain it causes. This infection can spread and go systemic throughout your body if you are not careful and then you would be in trouble. Call around to the various dentists and ask them if they can set you up on a payment plan of some kind. If you have a job, then you might have a credit card you could use. What will happen if this continues? If the infection is left untreated and goes systemic throughout the body, it can kill you at the worst. At the least, the infections will continue to bother you and you are going to have to put more money into pain control and treatments for the abscesses. They will make your health deteriorate as you are finding out.
You have got to come up with enough money to get those wisdom teeth pulled. Your health is at risk from this infection all the time not to mention the pain it causes. This infection can spread and go systemic throughout your body if you are not careful and then you would be in trouble. Call around to the various dentists and ask them if they can set you up on a payment plan of some kind. If you have a job, then you might have a credit card you could use. What will happen if this continues? If the infection is left untreated and goes systemic throughout the body, it can kill you at the worst. At the least, the infections will continue to bother you and you are going to have to put more money into pain control and treatments for the abscesses. They will make your health deteriorate as you are finding out.
Anyone have MetLife insurance....?
I've finally recieved my paperwork for getting dental insurance through my hubby's work plan.. I'm not sure how this is suppose to go but this doesn't sound right to me... The papers state that AFTER I've begin paying the $36 bi-weekly rate, I will have a 6 month wait before I can have any procedures done at all... 12 month wait for cavity fillings..there is a $1000 max coverage they pay. I had done some research & their websites states they pay 80%, nothing was mentions about not being able to use automatically. Does Insurance really have a 6 month+ waiting period??? This just seems insane to me & a total rip off. If you have Metlife &/or can explain how this insurance is going to save me money, I'd really like to hear from you.
It's likely correct. If you had continuous coverage for dental just prior to signing up for your husband's plan, then the coverage would begin immediately. If you were without coverage, then you must have some pre-existing problems that have to wait. It's standard stuff. It's not just MetLife, it's most insurance companies.
It's likely correct. If you had continuous coverage for dental just prior to signing up for your husband's plan, then the coverage would begin immediately. If you were without coverage, then you must have some pre-existing problems that have to wait. It's standard stuff. It's not just MetLife, it's most insurance companies.
what is the best/cheap dental isurance?
What is the best and cheapest dental insurance in CA for someone who isnt married or have kids is on a tight budget, and needs major exstensive dental work including cosmetic and anestesia?
At this time, there just aren't any affordable individual dental plans. The only way to obtain good dental insurance is to work for an employer who offers it as a part of a benefit package. The State of California might offer something for people who meet certain criteria, but from what I hear, California is having a bit of a "tight budget" problem too.
At this time, there just aren't any affordable individual dental plans. The only way to obtain good dental insurance is to work for an employer who offers it as a part of a benefit package. The State of California might offer something for people who meet certain criteria, but from what I hear, California is having a bit of a "tight budget" problem too.
when can i be added onto my moms insurance?
i was on my moms insurance till i got out of school and i started working a full time job which offered health and dental insurance so i didnt have to worry about this but just recently i got a job as a nanny and its not a conventional job so they dont offer company insurance but are willing to help me pay for individual insurance.. ive been looking but im just not sure what to do..my moms boss told her recently that sometime next year possibly i could be added back to my moms insurance without having to be a full time student until i am 26. im just wondering when this takes place and when id be able to be added back to her insurance. im needing to go to the doctor in a couple months, before the year is up and get some lab work done but its something that can wait if this change is going to occur soon. so....anyone know anything about this?
Mom can add you back on, during her next open enrollment session. You'll have to ask mom when that is.
Mom can add you back on, during her next open enrollment session. You'll have to ask mom when that is.
Do you have to pay an extra tax on dental work?
On my insurance guide sheet it has prices but is there an additional cost for taxes? There wasn't on my co-pay, but Im curious.
Not clear what you're looking at, but there is an "insurance premium tax" which is added to the cost of all insurance policies.
Not clear what you're looking at, but there is an "insurance premium tax" which is added to the cost of all insurance policies.
What is "reasonable and customary" in the dental world?
Where is the chart that says what insurance companies call "reasonable and customary" and why is that SO FAR off from what dentists charge? This is all over the workplace at multiple companies.
reasonable and customary is what the insurance companies will pay, that is all. It is NOT reasonable, but it most certainly is customary, insurance companies are not in business for your benefit, they are in it for a profit and that is all that matters to them. Until people simply flat refuse to use insurance companies, they will continue to extort all the money they can get.
reasonable and customary is what the insurance companies will pay, that is all. It is NOT reasonable, but it most certainly is customary, insurance companies are not in business for your benefit, they are in it for a profit and that is all that matters to them. Until people simply flat refuse to use insurance companies, they will continue to extort all the money they can get.
Where can I get A LOT of dental work done in a short time?
Hi I just turned 21 and I have a lot of cavities for all of the obvious reasons. At this point I am taking good care of my teeth but no amount of brushing or flossing or gargling mouthwash seems to be fixing the 9 or 10 cavities I already have. I just need to know how I can go about finding a dentist who will be able to do a lot of dentistry in a short amount of time. Money is an issue, but not a huge one--I have dental insurance and I can cover a few hundred dollars in copays and my parents would be glad to cover the rest. Transportation isn't a huge issue either--I am able to fly just about anywhere for free/cheap--as long as it's in a decent sized city in the U.S. My only issue is time. There are like 5 dentists in my hometown but only one of them takes new customers and when I went to see him he spaced my appointments like 2 months apart from each other but I really need these fixed now so they don't get any worse and so I can have them done before I graduate and am off my parents insurance! Is there any type of place who will fix 9 cavities in one visit?
make another apointment with another dentist in town. if i cant get into my dentist pronto for something that comes up i call every dentist ioever went to to get in that day. they dont mind if you see another dentist.
make another apointment with another dentist in town. if i cant get into my dentist pronto for something that comes up i call every dentist ioever went to to get in that day. they dont mind if you see another dentist.
what should I get my uncle / dentist (who did free dental work for me)?
I had a tooth break & it needed a crown. He didn't charge anything, even though my husband and I don't have dental insurance. --that was three or four months ago-- Now my husband's tooth is starting to hurt (and we STILL don't have dental insurance). My uncle won't let us pay him but I feel like we should do something. We have tried to offer services - like babysitting or graphic design (that is my husband's profession), but he just says that he will call us & never does (that might be because we live 45 minutes away). Any ideas on what we can give him or do for his family - so we're not taking advantage of the situation?
Do something spontaneous and straight from the heart. Find out what his favortie restaurant is and give hime a gift card. Or do something more personal and make him a healthy dessert. Be creative and he will appreciate it!
Do something spontaneous and straight from the heart. Find out what his favortie restaurant is and give hime a gift card. Or do something more personal and make him a healthy dessert. Be creative and he will appreciate it!
Root canal/ and insurance expiration?
I'm curious to know whether I'll get re-approved( by my insurance company) for a crown or not? So, back in Feb, I got a root canal on my back tooth, which was covered by insurance. I've never really had any problem with dental insurance in the past( when it came to fillings,and also another root canal before this one). Anyway, I ended up missing my next appointment, which was supposed to be X-rays to obtain a crown. Anyhow, my appointment was scheduled a month from them( they've alot of patients). So, I ended missing my appointment, I, then called to reschedule, and the closest appointment was in two months. So you say, three-four months of waiting. The thing is, by the time I went back, the root canal had expired. And they resent back for another approval to finish the procedure My question is, is it likely that I'll get approved?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
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