Along with the standard new patient paperwork (Personal info and medical history), we provide all our patients will certain financial policies or insurance information. The forms are written in normal everyday terminology, not dental or insurance terms, and actually go into detail to help patients understand how dental insurance works and how our office deals with dental insurance. I am really beginning to wonder if anyone actually reads these papers, because at least twice a day I have a new patient question me about something and I know that it was on the paperwork that we just gave them. They usually aren't asking for clarification, but are questioning things I say about their insurance, which I know were clearly explained in the paperwork we gave them to sign. I'm just curious, do people usually read the paperwork before they sign it or do they just skim over it and sign without knowing what it says?
I've worked for an Endodotist and my brother who's a Cardiologist. And know what you mean. But I think it's a combo of other things as well. To some why read what you can ask. But to others they don't really understand the whole insurance thing. Or they either can't read or have trouble with reading and their to embrassed to say anything. So they just ask. What most think their to pay is different then what they pay. Example: When the insurance company say they will pay 80% of an exam doesn't mean the same we take it as. How they work it is this: Say you went to the doctors and the bill was $100. The insurance company will only pay 80% of what they think the bill should be. So if they think your exam should only cost $40 instead of $100 then they will pay 80% of $40. Not $100. Which is about $32. You are then left paying the difference unless you have a HMO insurance plan with a co-pay. Your co-pay is all you payreguardless of the bill amount. There are some procedures that may cost more and you may have to pay not just your co-pay but also a same amount of the difference. Like some Radiologist readings aren't always covered and they will bill you and you have to apy. There's alot of loop holes in the system and lots of physicans offices use them. Here's an example of that. Don't be surprise by this either. Medicare and Medicaid. Your on one of these. You go to the doctors. The bill is $100. Medicare/Medcaid decide the cost should have only been $40. So they pay the 80% of the $40 charged. Which they pay $32. Ok the office can charged you the difference between the full charge of $100 and the $40 they say it should be. Causing you to pay $60 for your visit. Yeah I know it sucks. People on these insurances don't know that can be charged the difference until they get a bill. How do I know this? Because when I worked for my brother his wife work for him too. She was a nurse and greedy as the word B*T*H. She went to a seminar on it and came back gimming that she could charge the difference. And she did. Their was nothing the patients could do. Can you believe that these old pepole on Medicare had to pay more money they didn't have cause of this? So if anyone has questions then they need to start calling their insurance company and ask every quetion until they understand everything. Or they need to go to their Human Resource Office and find out who handles the insurance and ask them. Find out if your on an HMO or a PPO plan or if you even have either one. There's still companys that you still pay 400+ a month for coverage and still have to pay a deductable. Like you may have to pay the first 1,000 buck before the insurance will even kick in for the year. Then if you have question start asking your employer or the insurance company themsleves. And start reading all the information. When people do this they can learn what they have and that there's a possiblity they might owe money before they have an exam of any kind. Understand what your insurance plan is and what they cover.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
What is the average fee to get a tooth pulled without insurance?
It is not a wisdom tooth. It is a second molar tooth with a large cavity (I believe it had a filling before which ended up falling out). I've had excruciating tooth pain for the past few months but it's gotten worse over the past few weeks. I don't have dental insurance (the reason I've avoided the dentist) but I need to get this tooth pulled out. What is the average fee and usually you have to pay up front correct? Also, do they have to do x-rays first and how much does that cost?
3500 dollars for the surgery. Depending on the x-rays.. sounds like about 1200 dollars.
3500 dollars for the surgery. Depending on the x-rays.. sounds like about 1200 dollars.
wheres a good place to get low cost dental treatment for someone who's terrified of the dentist?
I live in Seattle,wa; I have no insurance right now I need to go to the dentist but am terrified going, where would be a good place to go.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
Tooth Decay, Gum Disease... Where in Denver, CO can I get free or cheap Dental Care, can not afford it?
I have ground my teeth for 16 years w/o my dentist telling me, now I am loosing all my teeth due to NO ENAMEL from grinding. I have 6 or 7 that need root canals and 3 more that have had root canals and all need to be pulled and have implants put in. THIS COSTS A FORTUNE, I have no dental insurance and can not afford it. Please help, and if answered by a dentist... can you help me please?
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
where can i get cheap tooth extractions in michigan?
i have no dental insurance and i have a broken tooth that is hurting. where can i look for a place that wont charge me 200-400 bucks just to pull out my tooth?
Can't you go to a local community health care center and get it done for cheap?
Can't you go to a local community health care center and get it done for cheap?
bleeding swollen gums under 2 teeth after flossing?
I hadn't flossed in a long time so I flossed my teeth yesterday and then woke up this morning and the gums underneath 2 of my bottom teeth were swollen, red and bled a little after brushing my teeth, which sorta hurt a little. Could this swelling. Just be because I hadnt flossed in a while? Advice please. And I have no dental insurance so dont just say go to the dentist.. that won't help.
DEFINITELY. Bleeding is a sign of inflammation and flossing is essential. Continue flossing daily and swelling will subside. When you flossed you disrupted bacterial biofilm and now your body is fighting with it-that's why swelling. You'll be fine-just floss daily.
DEFINITELY. Bleeding is a sign of inflammation and flossing is essential. Continue flossing daily and swelling will subside. When you flossed you disrupted bacterial biofilm and now your body is fighting with it-that's why swelling. You'll be fine-just floss daily.
Dental Problem?
Hi, I have severe pain with my wisdom teeth, its half broken and its half beneath the skin, I dont have a dental health insurance , can you please guide me what will be best suited to releive my pain and how much will it cost to remove it including all xrays and other costs ,( I live in Bloomfield, NJ )?
Okay, first of all, you may have an infection. Wisdom teeth hurt as it is because, unfortunately, most adults don't have enough room in thier mouth for those 4 extra teeth.. So, naturally, they hurt when they are coming in. But if one of yours is broken and is poking through your skin, you are at risk for an infection (if you don't already have one) and should get this treated right away. As for the cost, you'll probably have to see a specialist. I'm not familiar with state average in your area, but I know here (in AZ) it's a couple hundred bucks per tooth to remove wisdom teeth... The more impacted (embedded in your gums or under your gums) they are, the worse it's going to get price wise. I have a good dental plan that saved me quite a bit when I got my wisdoms pulled.. Luckilly I only had 3 to pull.. Check them out, they really helped me a lot and are GREAT for people who don't have any dental insurance... If you are in THAT much pain, you should take yourself to urgent care or to the ER. They could give you something to take away the pain.. Otherwise, make an appointment with a GENERAL DENTIST (not a specialist, they are more expensive) and have them check for infection and if there is any, they'll give you antibiotics and pain pills.. This isn't too expensive to do without insurance.. You'll just be going in for an exam and you'll have to pay for the medication... Then you can wait till you're on a plan to get them pulled...
Okay, first of all, you may have an infection. Wisdom teeth hurt as it is because, unfortunately, most adults don't have enough room in thier mouth for those 4 extra teeth.. So, naturally, they hurt when they are coming in. But if one of yours is broken and is poking through your skin, you are at risk for an infection (if you don't already have one) and should get this treated right away. As for the cost, you'll probably have to see a specialist. I'm not familiar with state average in your area, but I know here (in AZ) it's a couple hundred bucks per tooth to remove wisdom teeth... The more impacted (embedded in your gums or under your gums) they are, the worse it's going to get price wise. I have a good dental plan that saved me quite a bit when I got my wisdoms pulled.. Luckilly I only had 3 to pull.. Check them out, they really helped me a lot and are GREAT for people who don't have any dental insurance... If you are in THAT much pain, you should take yourself to urgent care or to the ER. They could give you something to take away the pain.. Otherwise, make an appointment with a GENERAL DENTIST (not a specialist, they are more expensive) and have them check for infection and if there is any, they'll give you antibiotics and pain pills.. This isn't too expensive to do without insurance.. You'll just be going in for an exam and you'll have to pay for the medication... Then you can wait till you're on a plan to get them pulled...
What's The Next Big Thing To Hit The Football World?
Besides the usual of SOME Club [Not naming any] making their Jerseys rainbow and supporting Gay Pride In the EPL, Real Madrid buying another player from another club, Barcelona not paying the Dental Insurance for their players, Footballers getting the hard knock life of slaves, ect.
No female football allowed unless played like this (turn speakers to the top before licking, trust me)…
No female football allowed unless played like this (turn speakers to the top before licking, trust me)…
What can my friend do about this ?
Yesterday my friend was walking by himself to the store and he got into a fight and one dude punched his two front teeth out of his mouth and he dont have dental insurance. where can he go to get some replacable teeth for cheap or put in his mouth. thanks for the help and please give a star thank you.
maybe he can get some grillz, but that might cost some money. I say he should have made a report so this person could have gotten caught if it wasn't your friends fault. then this loser would have to pay for your friend's teeth and for any other damages.
maybe he can get some grillz, but that might cost some money. I say he should have made a report so this person could have gotten caught if it wasn't your friends fault. then this loser would have to pay for your friend's teeth and for any other damages.
Can I get a refund from a dentist for a crown that doesn't fit properly?
I live in NJ. In March 2006 I had a dentist crown one of my molars. Last week I went to a new dentist who took Xrays of my mouth. He found that the crowned tooth was in trouble because the crown my last dentist put on didn't fit the tooth properly. Now, in order to avoid decay (a root canal in the future) I need to have the crown replaced with one that fits. I don't have dental insurance so I paid for that crown with my Visa card. Do I have any recourse? Can I get the price of the crown refunded to me?
From my experience, you probably wont be able to get a refund, but I think you should be able to get the dentist that did a bad job redo the tooth and all of the resulting problems. If he refuses to do it-you can always write or call the American Dentistry Board. Dentists have to follow their rules and they dont much like being reported. Good luck.
From my experience, you probably wont be able to get a refund, but I think you should be able to get the dentist that did a bad job redo the tooth and all of the resulting problems. If he refuses to do it-you can always write or call the American Dentistry Board. Dentists have to follow their rules and they dont much like being reported. Good luck.
im 21 and have a 28th tooth coming in that is extremely painful!?
Im 21 and am gettin a molar on my bottom right that is partially out but mostly covered by gum. its not a wisdom tooth as itb is only tooth nunber 28, it is very swollen and causing quite i bit of pain. anyone have any advice on pain relife or what to do about it??? i dont have dental insurance so any advice is appreciated. thanks!
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve the problem.
If you had a really good job and great health insurance would you do THIS?
go around with missing teeth? I have a relative that has all these teeth missing on the sides and has an awesome job and awesome dental/healt benefits but won't get her mouth fixed. lt just makes her look ghetto. I don't know if she lost them from smoking crack or what. I would feel awkward saying anything to her. just wanted your opinions.
dental app. 2day, i have insur. but wondering will they bill me anything over my copay or do i pay upfront?
I have insurance and they told me my copay was $35 so is that all I'm expected to pay today?
Make me a SAMMICH
Make me a SAMMICH
If dental care cost is a little over $1,000?
In Maryland, even with insurance my dental care estimate came out to be over $1,000 for something like periodental, deep scalding and up to 6 cavities. Should I go for a 2nd opinion or just settle with the 1st dentist? 1st dentist is a member of a group practice. Would it be more expensive to go to a private practioner in Maryland?
Sorry, but that estimate does sound , well, average. I just had a dental bill of $950 and that was for one root canal in a tooth with only one canal! Besides,when it comes to dentistry, go with the doc that you are comfortable with working on your teeth.
Sorry, but that estimate does sound , well, average. I just had a dental bill of $950 and that was for one root canal in a tooth with only one canal! Besides,when it comes to dentistry, go with the doc that you are comfortable with working on your teeth.
Dental school in Maryland or Virginia?
I have a terrible toothache and no insurance. I am trying to find a dental school so I can schedule an appointment. If you know of a good one located in the District of Columbia, Maryland or Virginia PLEASE let me know. Thank you!! I am having a hard time finding it on the internet.
downtown Baltimore
downtown Baltimore
What is a job title for an entry-level HR job?
I just graduated in May and I have a great full-time job at a dental insurance company right now, but I got my degree in Human Resources and hope to make use of that because the field really interests me. When I search for HR jobs, what are some of the titles that would be considered "entry-level" jobs?
Each company may have different terminology for their positions, also depending on the structure of the company the HR department may be broken down into specialty areas. Some titles that you may want to look for are: HR Assistant, Associate or Coordinator. Benefits Assistant Junior HR Associate Recruiting (Staffing) Assistant I would recommend reviewing each of the job descriptions prior to applying.
Each company may have different terminology for their positions, also depending on the structure of the company the HR department may be broken down into specialty areas. Some titles that you may want to look for are: HR Assistant, Associate or Coordinator. Benefits Assistant Junior HR Associate Recruiting (Staffing) Assistant I would recommend reviewing each of the job descriptions prior to applying.
Need a Dentist in Indy that will work with you if you do not have insurance.....?
Okay, so currently I am without Dental insurance and I need to see a dentist ASAP....a filling came out. The problem: I do not know of any dentists offices that will work out payments with you if you are uninsured....CAN ANYONE give me any info???? PLEASE???
almost any dentist will work on you without just have to pay with cash.............. are you looking for free dental work .......doubt you will find any "pro bono" dentists................
almost any dentist will work on you without just have to pay with cash.............. are you looking for free dental work .......doubt you will find any "pro bono" dentists................
My dentist just sold his office to a new Dentist, I just found out the hard way hes not in PDP 4 insurance!?
My dentist sold his entire office and practice to a new dentist about 4 months ago. I had seen the new dentist twice since then. I just got a $300.00 bill that should have been only $40.00 or so. Turns out the new dentist does not accept my dental insurance and is not in my preferred dental provider network. I'm really worried because my parents were going to this same dentist and had 1000's of dollars worth of work done in the last few months, I just warned them of this and they will look into it tomorrow. But what rights do we have as it is right now, shouldn't our new dentist have told this when we started seeing him? I'm extremely pissed as you can imagine. I had been seeing my old dentist for about 5 years. Does anyone happen to know what rights I have and my parents who could be out a lot more money?
Where do you live? The laws on these matters vary from state to state. You could look into the "State Dental Board" (every state has some body that regulates licenses for medical professionals). A good option may be to try to negotiate with the new dentist since you were expecting to pay less and he didn't inform you. If you don't mind "playing hardball" you could always tell them you absolutely won't pay the full amount. Collection agencies can be annoying (especially if you care about your credit rating), but they often have little to no "real power", especially for small to mid size debts.
Where do you live? The laws on these matters vary from state to state. You could look into the "State Dental Board" (every state has some body that regulates licenses for medical professionals). A good option may be to try to negotiate with the new dentist since you were expecting to pay less and he didn't inform you. If you don't mind "playing hardball" you could always tell them you absolutely won't pay the full amount. Collection agencies can be annoying (especially if you care about your credit rating), but they often have little to no "real power", especially for small to mid size debts.
Can I get my dental work done soon?
For Wisconsin resident question: I live in the Outagamie County in Wisconsin and in Green Bay and Appleton area, the dental clinics don't take MA (medical Assistance) card as an insurance coverage but I heard that Milwaukee does take MA. I was thinking that I like to have my dental work done by Denal Associates LTD. Does all clinics in Milwaukee area take MA? Do I have to be a resident for me to have dental work done?
No not all,no you dont have to be a resident if you go privately
No not all,no you dont have to be a resident if you go privately
What can I do? My mouth really hurts...I have a cavity but no insurance and no dentist.?
Hi, I'm a 20-year-old college student, working full-time, just trying to stay ahead of my bills. I don't have any extra money at the moment, in fact, I'm a little bit in debt. The right side of my mouth is doing pretty bad. I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. I'm also deathly afraid of needles, so I'm not too keen about going. My gums are swollen on that side, and I'm pretty sure I have a bad cavity on one of my molars -- it's a little hole and it REALLY hurts when something gets inside it. I can't stand the pain. It's to the point where all I do now is drink water and eat Jell-O. Oh, and to top it off, I have a wisdom tooth coming in back there -- but it's coming in sideways. So that's probably going to have to get pulled. I know I can't afford even half of what I need to get done. Are there any at-home tips anyone has? Please. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think you're going to need to make an appointment and deal with this. Dental problems can quickly spiral out of control. The problems can spread to other teeth or even to other parts of your body. It's better to take on more debt now than lose your teeth and have to pay thousands per tooth for replacements. Does you school have a dental plan? Is there a dental school nearby? You can call and ask about reduced rates. I honestly think you need to take care of this now. It'll be tough to get a job using your college degree if your teeth are visibly missing or rotting out (and it sounds like you're on your way to this sad future).
I think you're going to need to make an appointment and deal with this. Dental problems can quickly spiral out of control. The problems can spread to other teeth or even to other parts of your body. It's better to take on more debt now than lose your teeth and have to pay thousands per tooth for replacements. Does you school have a dental plan? Is there a dental school nearby? You can call and ask about reduced rates. I honestly think you need to take care of this now. It'll be tough to get a job using your college degree if your teeth are visibly missing or rotting out (and it sounds like you're on your way to this sad future).
I live in Oklahoma I have a wife and 3 kids we work but only make 29k a year; is there any medical/dental?
I live in Oklahoma I have a wife and 3 kids we work but only make 29k a year; is there any medical/dental that my wife and me and my kids would qualify for; I dont really know any of any programs; we make enough money to just get by; we dont have any medical or dental insurance; and dont know where to start does anyone know where I could go for any specific assistance; we work 40 hours a week we jjust dont make very much; any help would be appreciated; i just dont know where to go; i am not lookng for hands out; i will pay anything i can thanks
Try your state's Medicaid program.
Try your state's Medicaid program.
Can the cost of my dental discount plan be paid for out HSA funds?
Since the fee for a discount plan is not technically an insurance premium, does that mean I can use my HSA funds to pay for it? Or is it still considered an HSA unqualified expense?
Technically they should not have an objection but still you should check out with your employer and HSA administrator.
Technically they should not have an objection but still you should check out with your employer and HSA administrator.
Student or professor or who have information about cheap work for dental work in Oklahoma city.?
One of my sister front teeth chip off and it doesn't look attractive. She doesn't have health insurance so, I am looking for student or any who know where I can have it done cheap. Her Birthday is coming up this October 26 so, It would be a good gift for her and to see her smile comfortably. Any answer would be appreciated, thanks.
The University of Oklahoma School of Dentistry accepts patients and usually charges little to sometimes NOTHING for dental care and treatment. Here is the "become a patient." I am not from Oklahoma but was involved with treatment at a Dental School in my home state and care and treatment in school settings has to be top-notch and the students work under direct supervision of a Professor/Board Certified Dentist. I think this would be your sister's best option for cheap dental treatment.
The University of Oklahoma School of Dentistry accepts patients and usually charges little to sometimes NOTHING for dental care and treatment. Here is the "become a patient." I am not from Oklahoma but was involved with treatment at a Dental School in my home state and care and treatment in school settings has to be top-notch and the students work under direct supervision of a Professor/Board Certified Dentist. I think this would be your sister's best option for cheap dental treatment.
Can I deduct the cost of dental veneers on my federal taxes ?
I am having a lot of dental work done this year. Since I will be getting a substantial bridge across my lower front teeth, I was thinking of getting my top teeth and lower canines veneered at the same time in "Hollywood" white and getting the bridge from the same lab in the same color. I have insurance, but if I get the veneers in addition to the work "needed", I will be out of pocket in excess of 7.5 % of my AGI. I will be well over this year's insurance deductible before I get to the bridge step of my treatment plan. Under what circumstances could I claim the deduction ? While my aim is the aesthetics, my dentist says that my bite would be improved as well. I understand that purely cosmetic procedures are ineligable. I'm just not sure where this situation fits in, or what kind of documentation I might need from my dentist to support the claim. Thanks ! me
I don't think so. I'd love to have veneers done also but I was looking on Turbo Tax this year and it said asked the question about any dental out-of-pocket - said that veneers do not count.
I don't think so. I'd love to have veneers done also but I was looking on Turbo Tax this year and it said asked the question about any dental out-of-pocket - said that veneers do not count.
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