I used to be covered by my moms insurance but recently got kicked off because I turned 18. I just found out today medicaid excepted me and I need to get fillings. Does anyone know if in the state of florida those would be covered. I hope so im sick of paying extreme amounts of money anytime I have to get somthing done.
Geez, that sucks! It's such a pain when you need dental work and you can't seek the treatment you need, either because lack of coverage or the high cost involved. You might find this place to helpful, http://www.dentistsofflorida.com/Categor… You know, a lot of times dental clinics can work with you and settle on a reasonable payment plan if you ask. I hope you get something figured out. Fillings gone unchecked can get ugly. I hope you can figure something out.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sister adding younger sibling to health insurance?
I wasn't eligible for medicaid and I'd really like to get some braces. I've been wanting some since I was about 8 or 9 . Im 16 now! My sister said that she would contact Blue Cross/Blue Shield to see if I could be put on hers . What are the chances of me actually being put on her plan and being able to receive dental help?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
what will happen to us if the social security system will not exist in the future?
it will increase the wages? or more benefits offered...like health insurance, dental, college will be free?? what do you see?
Back in the sixties the Dems started spending the money in the Social Security account and replacing it with IOUs. The IOUs start coming due pretty soon. This will be like taking a pay cut AND sending a child to an ivy league university. Social Security, or "elder welfare" will have to exist in one form or another OR people who can't work will just be allowed to die or even killed by the government. If Dems are in control I think the last two choices are likely. If Republicans or Libertarians are in control then I think they will probably fix the Social Security system and start taxing people on the first million in income, which they should do tomorrow. Dems are way too chicken-sh*t to put forward a bill that raises the social security tax to be on the first million in income and even Republicans are afraid of upsetting their largest private donors.
Back in the sixties the Dems started spending the money in the Social Security account and replacing it with IOUs. The IOUs start coming due pretty soon. This will be like taking a pay cut AND sending a child to an ivy league university. Social Security, or "elder welfare" will have to exist in one form or another OR people who can't work will just be allowed to die or even killed by the government. If Dems are in control I think the last two choices are likely. If Republicans or Libertarians are in control then I think they will probably fix the Social Security system and start taxing people on the first million in income, which they should do tomorrow. Dems are way too chicken-sh*t to put forward a bill that raises the social security tax to be on the first million in income and even Republicans are afraid of upsetting their largest private donors.
My mom is 42 years old, we live in Texas, she is unemployed...?
She has diabetes ( which she takes medicane for) and acid reflux (also takes medicane for this). I am looking for some reasonable health and hopefully dental insurance for her. Anybody have any suggestions. I would like a response from somebody that currently has the insurance and can give me some round about prices and info. Thanks a lot
If she is single and unemployed she can go to the County Health Office and get help with her meds and diabetic supplies and probably insurance through the State.
If she is single and unemployed she can go to the County Health Office and get help with her meds and diabetic supplies and probably insurance through the State.
Anyone get dentures that has Tri-care dental?
My husband is in the military we have tri-care prime insurance and tri-care dental coverage. My teeth are bad, I am certain that when I finally stop being a chicken and make an appointment that dentures will be the fix. I am wondering what to expect for my out of pocket expenses? thank you!
Why don't you call the insurance carrier and ask them directly. They can probably tell by your policy number what you can expect. I would also think it might have something to do with the practitioner that you select unless they offer a list of participating dental practices. I have dentures, if you want some insight into them, please feel free to contact me. Sandy
Why don't you call the insurance carrier and ask them directly. They can probably tell by your policy number what you can expect. I would also think it might have something to do with the practitioner that you select unless they offer a list of participating dental practices. I have dentures, if you want some insight into them, please feel free to contact me. Sandy
Chipped tooth, Want to have it repaired for cosmetic reasons.?
When I was young, I was playing with my dog and she jumped up and hit me in the mouth, chipping my right front tooth. As I've gotton older, it's been a little embarrassing. I don't have dental insurance, because I'm a college student, and it's not offered through my mother or father's job. I was wondering, What is a ballpark value for this procedure?
That depends on how many 'surfaces' are involved.. ball park figure: anywhere from $129 and may be triple that.. that fee doesn't include the office visit and an xray... You may want to get a regular check up appointment and have a treatment plan with fees made up for you, then see what payment plans (if any) are available.. Best of luck to you~
That depends on how many 'surfaces' are involved.. ball park figure: anywhere from $129 and may be triple that.. that fee doesn't include the office visit and an xray... You may want to get a regular check up appointment and have a treatment plan with fees made up for you, then see what payment plans (if any) are available.. Best of luck to you~
Do you have to pay to get a tooth capped....?
Do you have to pay to cap your tooth so it matches the rest of your tooth colour? I was thinking of whitening my teeth and was wondering if they do whiten, because I know caps do not whiten with them, would you have to pay because it has nothing to do with health? Or would dental insurance cover that?
It depends on your insurance plan but it will most likely not be covered because it is considered a medically unnecessary cosmetic procedure.
It depends on your insurance plan but it will most likely not be covered because it is considered a medically unnecessary cosmetic procedure.
Changes to Insurance Plans?
I am currently enrolled in a dental plan at my job. My boyfriend, who qualifies as a domestic partner, has an employer who offers better dental plans. If I opt to go on his plan, does this cancel my current insurance with my employer? OR, do I have to wait until open enrollment? Please advise....
You have to inform you company that you are moving to another plan and then give them a date and then apply with the new company and tell them when you will be starting.
You have to inform you company that you are moving to another plan and then give them a date and then apply with the new company and tell them when you will be starting.
Do Deputy Sheriff Trainees get any benefits while in the academy?
Are they provided with medical, dental, or vision insurance? Or do they not have any benefits until they successfully complete the academy?
If they're hired by the dept and put through at the dept's cost, they're generally paid at a reduced (trainee) level and provided benefits (medical, dental, etc...). Once they graduate and receive their POST Basic Academy certificate, their pay is boosted up to the first step for a deputy sheriff. They then proceed through the annual pay steps/increases. Calif Deputy
If they're hired by the dept and put through at the dept's cost, they're generally paid at a reduced (trainee) level and provided benefits (medical, dental, etc...). Once they graduate and receive their POST Basic Academy certificate, their pay is boosted up to the first step for a deputy sheriff. They then proceed through the annual pay steps/increases. Calif Deputy
A few questions about a frenulectomy?
this is my tongue-tie: http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/5391/… I didn't know what this was until my sister started nursing school...I just knew my tongue was different from everyone elses. But anyway, so I'm 20 years old and I want the surgery. I want to be able to stick my tongue out...to lick an ice cream cone...to sing a higher range because I'd be able to lift my tongue on higher notes. What kind of doctor would perform this surgery? Is it a dentist? Do you think insurance might cover it, health insurance or dental insurance? How much would it cost (my tongue-tie is the most extreme of types of cases)? And do you think I'd have to have speech therapy in learning to keep my tongue down while I talk so it doesn't all hang out? They've never had to use a tongue depressor on me lol... I've looked on websites and I know the technical information like what they do...but I'd really like to hear some personal experiences.
well you need to get a frenectomysurgery done by a oral and maxillofacial surgeon , such kind of surgeries are orthognathic surgeries, in frenectomy they remove the tissue which is leading to tongue tie from its most anterior position and followed by sutures. well even though after surgey if you are not able to speak properly than you can go for speech therapy.
well you need to get a frenectomysurgery done by a oral and maxillofacial surgeon , such kind of surgeries are orthognathic surgeries, in frenectomy they remove the tissue which is leading to tongue tie from its most anterior position and followed by sutures. well even though after surgey if you are not able to speak properly than you can go for speech therapy.
Low Income: Dental/Eyeglasses question?
Are there any ways a low income Wisconsin resident can get free eyeglasses/dental services? I have no income or insurance.
You might try the State dental school and at least get it cheaply. There are charity hospitals. You might try the Lions club eye glass program. It is free.
You might try the State dental school and at least get it cheaply. There are charity hospitals. You might try the Lions club eye glass program. It is free.
In dental -- what is the difference between white fillings & black fillings?
My dentist gave me this pre procedure cost sheet of the things they want to do to my mouth I need 4 fillings. my insurance covers the black fillings for free but the white fillings are 45$ each. aren't the white fillings soley cosmetic?
If the fillings are going to be noticeable on your front teeth them definitely get white. All the unnoticeable ones get silver, They have no health risks even though the silver ones do contain mercury they will not harm you.
If the fillings are going to be noticeable on your front teeth them definitely get white. All the unnoticeable ones get silver, They have no health risks even though the silver ones do contain mercury they will not harm you.
When exploring work with a new company how do you determine if they'll cover your shrink?
I feel like saying "I see a psychologist and a psychiatrist and I'm on meds" is more information than I really want to share with a prospective employer right off the bat. But it does matter to me whether they're covered or not, and it's generally not health insurance that covers them per se any more than dental is. It's a third thing. How do you handle that?
It can be as simple as calling their bennefit department and tell them you are a perspective employee and want to check if psychiatric care and associated meds are a covered item under any of their plans. Most companies will disclose this information since their is no exchange of PHI nor is it really proprietary information. If you cannot get this information before your offer from the company, then you will have to wait until an offer is made, at that time they will or at least should, disclose their full bennefit package as part of the offer. Good luck!
It can be as simple as calling their bennefit department and tell them you are a perspective employee and want to check if psychiatric care and associated meds are a covered item under any of their plans. Most companies will disclose this information since their is no exchange of PHI nor is it really proprietary information. If you cannot get this information before your offer from the company, then you will have to wait until an offer is made, at that time they will or at least should, disclose their full bennefit package as part of the offer. Good luck!
Should people pay more tax so single moms on welfare can be given a car, insurance & college for children?
A free Apt., utilities, food, clothes, medical and dental are given now but a car, insurance, college money, cell phones and cable TV are also needed for a good life for single moms and their children on public assistance.
cell phones are a necessity for public safety but at the same time a luxury item. if someone applies and qualifies for a college scholarship based on merit, that's fine. single moms need transportation so they can hold down a job and take care of kids too. remember God judges us by how we treat the least among us. how will you be judged?
cell phones are a necessity for public safety but at the same time a luxury item. if someone applies and qualifies for a college scholarship based on merit, that's fine. single moms need transportation so they can hold down a job and take care of kids too. remember God judges us by how we treat the least among us. how will you be judged?
Does medicaid in florida cover dental?
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed, and I don't have medicaid because I have to send in some documents- anyways once I send them in I can get medicaid but will medicaid even cover getting my wisdom teeth removed? because if it does, I will jsut wait to get my insurance because currently I am uninsured and this is going to cost me 2 grand UP FRONT out of pocket
It covers dental care for children under the age of 18. It does not cover dental care for adults. However, you will find it difficult to find a dentist that will accept medicaid.good luck!! its hard to find a dentist these days that accept medicaid.
It covers dental care for children under the age of 18. It does not cover dental care for adults. However, you will find it difficult to find a dentist that will accept medicaid.good luck!! its hard to find a dentist these days that accept medicaid.
What to do about Wisdom Teeth?
I'm a 20 (almost 21) year old female. My wisdom teeth are all impacted and last year my dentist told me I needed them removed. Unfortunately I no longer have medical or dental insurance. They are bugging me and I'm not sure if I should just go ahead and pay full price?
i wouldn't pay full price. i'd get a job and get insurance and then have them removed as soon as possible. they can really start hurting. so if they start to bother you i'd get them removed as soon as possible. if they aren't hurting yet then there is no need to rush and have huge medical bills.
i wouldn't pay full price. i'd get a job and get insurance and then have them removed as soon as possible. they can really start hurting. so if they start to bother you i'd get them removed as soon as possible. if they aren't hurting yet then there is no need to rush and have huge medical bills.
Cost of having a tooth pulled?
Can anyone tell me on average how much it costs to get a tooth pulled? (one of my back molars) I don't have dental insurance right now, so the cost is the main thing... Also, can my regular dentist pull the tooth, or do I have to see an oral surgeon to do it? I would have a root canal done on it, but I don't have that kind of money sitting around!
The cost can vary greatly based on many factors. A general dentist can take the tooth out, though some elect not to. Routine extractions can vary from $50-200 and surgical extractions can be quite expensive.good luck
The cost can vary greatly based on many factors. A general dentist can take the tooth out, though some elect not to. Routine extractions can vary from $50-200 and surgical extractions can be quite expensive.good luck
My tooth is sensitive to hot and cold but otherwise causes me no trouble. The dentist can't find the problem.?
She has x-rayed it twice in the span of 3 weeks. We are assuming that an endodontist will be more likely to find the problem but I'm losing my dental insurance this week. I don't suppose there is another benign cause of tooth pain that will go away?
I would suspect a hair line crack in the tooth that would not show up on an x-ray. Or you may just have some root sensitivity that by using a toothpaste like Sensodyne for a couple of weeks would help.
I would suspect a hair line crack in the tooth that would not show up on an x-ray. Or you may just have some root sensitivity that by using a toothpaste like Sensodyne for a couple of weeks would help.
Which insurance would cover my sick days-selfemployed?
In Canada/B.c I am self employed and need to go for surgery. My recovering time is about 2weeks. My question is (for future), is there any medical insurance available, which would cover or pay me for the days I miss working????? P.S My regular health coverage (medical and dental) is through my husbands work plan.
You can go to a life company and purchase a disability policy that would cover what you are looking for. However with that being said you have a pre-existing condition if you are looking to have surgery already so most likely there would not be any coverage. Good Luck.
You can go to a life company and purchase a disability policy that would cover what you are looking for. However with that being said you have a pre-existing condition if you are looking to have surgery already so most likely there would not be any coverage. Good Luck.
How does Wal-Mart's strategies reveal the dark side of capitalism?
1) Cutting/lowering Payroll is on the top three of priorities, 2) Forcing people to wait one year before qualifying for health and dental insurance, 3) Having to wait 7 years before becoming 100% vested otherswise they have to share profits, 4) Understaffing; undermployment such as part-time instead of full time and underpay, 5) Hiring Part-Timers instead of Full-Timers to maximize pay roll. 6) Buying cheap tools and software and enjoying easy tax write-offs, 7) The less people that retire the more money they keep 8) always legally reformulating accounting practices, 9) started a "club' within a "club." it means that every department has to pay rent and their tools. the managers do not pay for their office space and their supplies. 10) really stupid regulations such as the door greeter not allowed moving off a pad. to know more visit http://www.myspace.com/americaneedsdisse…
I view Wal-Mart as one of the greatest anti-poverty programs ever created. It allows everyone, especially poor people to buy goods and food at incredibly low prices. Now I believe Wal-Mart has made an error in how it employs people. It is too employee unfriendly, and that is why they have such turnover. However the fact that people continue to work and apply for work there, must mean they are choosing something better than they otherwise had. Costco on the other hand, is another organization with incredibly low priced food, goods and services, but they are very employee friendly, paying much higher wages. Personally, I hate shopping at both. Wal-mart is always filthy, as in dirty floors and merchandise strewn about, and Costco is just too damn crowded. I'll pay a little more and go to Target for a much friendlier shopping experience.
I view Wal-Mart as one of the greatest anti-poverty programs ever created. It allows everyone, especially poor people to buy goods and food at incredibly low prices. Now I believe Wal-Mart has made an error in how it employs people. It is too employee unfriendly, and that is why they have such turnover. However the fact that people continue to work and apply for work there, must mean they are choosing something better than they otherwise had. Costco on the other hand, is another organization with incredibly low priced food, goods and services, but they are very employee friendly, paying much higher wages. Personally, I hate shopping at both. Wal-mart is always filthy, as in dirty floors and merchandise strewn about, and Costco is just too damn crowded. I'll pay a little more and go to Target for a much friendlier shopping experience.
Anyone know of an orthodontist in Toronto that accepts monthly cash payment plans?
I am in need of an orthodontist for my 11 year old. I live in downtown Toronto and am trying to find one that accepts montly cash payments as I do not have dental insurance. If anyone can offer up a name, number that would be much appreciated!!
Phone the Faculty of Dentistry on Edward Street....their undergraduate / graduate orthodontic program accepts suitable patients for treatment at minimal cost.
Phone the Faculty of Dentistry on Edward Street....their undergraduate / graduate orthodontic program accepts suitable patients for treatment at minimal cost.
Aetna - Health, Dental, Pharmacy, Group Life and Disability ...?
Aetna is a national leader of health and related benefits offering health, pharmacy, dental, ... http://unblockhi5.cn/health-insurance.html Find the Right Plan. Individual and family health insurance ...
WTF is this...some jerk advertising for a company so HE can get paid...you b*tch!
WTF is this...some jerk advertising for a company so HE can get paid...you b*tch!
can anyone list some good internet sites to find good dentists
I just moved to the area and I do not know of any good dentists. Some review sites have a posting here and there. I havent been to the dentist is about a year and a half and now i all of a sudden have two teeth that ache and no dental insurance. I need a good dr but try to keep the cost on the lower end. any info help would be great Thanks
You can go straight to the source, the ADA. http://www.ada.org/public/directory/inde… Or if you trust the commercials... http://www.1800dentist.com/
You can go straight to the source, the ADA. http://www.ada.org/public/directory/inde… Or if you trust the commercials... http://www.1800dentist.com/
Can a dental infection cause fainting,headache, low grade fever,eye pressure,neck pain and ears ringing?
I have a broken molar, farthest back on left side. I fainted ar work Weds last week, and again Thanksgiving day, ,and again this afternoon. While flossing Weds night experienced blinding pain at the sight of that tooth. I have just been feeling fatigued along with the symptoms mentioned in my question. At what point would a dentist consider this an emergency and remove the tooth. My boss won't let me come back to work until I have a resolution I am trying to determine if I should go to my dentist or another doctor. I have no insurance and limited resources and need a quick resolution. I am trying to minimize expense by not seeing multiple practioners. Please only respond if you have first hand experience or medical background.
You need to see a dentist as soon as possible. you likely have an infection...which can spread and cause systemic illness and symptoms. Iyou do not have a regular dentist, get a referral from family or friend, call and tell them you are in severe pain and may have an infection. Tell them you do not have insurance and ask if you can work out a payment plan. E.R. would be much more expensive and they would refer you to a dentist. Wish you the best.
You need to see a dentist as soon as possible. you likely have an infection...which can spread and cause systemic illness and symptoms. Iyou do not have a regular dentist, get a referral from family or friend, call and tell them you are in severe pain and may have an infection. Tell them you do not have insurance and ask if you can work out a payment plan. E.R. would be much more expensive and they would refer you to a dentist. Wish you the best.
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