i'm in desperate need of a root canal but my husband's job hasn't given him health insurance yet and we are like dead broke! does anyone know if an ER exists for dental, that you can just be billed and pay in payments? most dentists i've asked make you pay for the whole deal before they do it! and i just don't have 1,200 bucks right now! i have a script for loritab for the pain for now but i don't even have the money for that yet.
there are ER's for dental problems.. dental schools usually open up at 7:30 am and take the first 4-7 people that are in line. it's taking a big chance.. if you good a great alternative would be to buy a dental plan from Ameriplan USA.. for 20 bucks.. quick look up a provider close to you and go in for an emergency appointment. It would cost you about 500 for a root canal with Ameriplan rather than 1350 without any coverage. you can drop the plan when your husband's insurance kicks in, no strings attached! It's for situations just like this! call me today.. 414-897-7471 and i'll tell you the providers in your area and set you up if you want.. or you can do it yourself.. www.everyonebenefits.com/40575488 and you want to look under "Dental Plus" and click on locate a provider in the top grey bar. If you need help call me up! Hope this helps you!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Free Dental Work? (Michigan Area)?
Does anyone know where I could find information about free dental work? I'm also curious about payment plans and insurance coverage since I am currently between jobs... and I don't really know how long that will be. I am in need of some work and it's getting quite annoying and embarrassing. Thank you for any information you can provide. :)
See my website: www.mybenefitsplus.com/broseberry This is not an insurance but a dental discount program that is very affordable and can help save a lot.
See my website: www.mybenefitsplus.com/broseberry This is not an insurance but a dental discount program that is very affordable and can help save a lot.
Deep cleaning of teeth rejected by insurance but dentist told me prior they would not charge if it was.?
What do you think of this? The dental hygienist said I have pockets in between my gums but I haven't noticed any problems such as inflammation or red gums. My gums are in fact pink and never bleed when I brush them. The insurance recently rejected the claim from the dentist because they said "BENEFITS FOR PERIODONTAL SCALING AND ROOT PLANING ARE ONLY AVAILABLE WHEN THERE IS EVIDENCE OF LOSS OF ATTACHMENT DUE TO PERIODONTAL DISEASE. THE DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED DOES NOT DEMONSTRATE LOSS OF ATTACHMENT CONSISTENT WITH DESTRUCTION OF THE PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT AND LOSS OF THE ADJACENT BONE SUPPORT. SCALING CALCULUS AND BACTERIAL DEPOSITS" (sorry for the caps it was like that on the website) The dental office told me prior to submitting to the insurance that they would not charge me if the insurance didn't pay because I told them to do a predetermination and they didn't want to take the time. The office manager just said the hygienist would never recommend something that didn't need to be done. It makes me wander about the honesty of the dentist if it was rejected and no evidence was found with what they submitted. Not only that I read most places that a deep cleaning is usually painful and requires more than one visit and mine was done in thirty minutes with no pain at all. I also visited the oral surgeon to have my four wisdom teeth done and he mentioned nothing about infection or gum problems which I think he would of considering he put me asleep to surgically remove my bottom two teeth. He also didn't put me on an antibiotic. The one other problem is they want to put ares-tin in the "pockets" but what also got me is she said we are not going to take care of them all only the couple. She mentioned the pockets were at 4 and five but I dint see any bleeding or pain consistent with that. The last thing is they kept trying to get me to pay for the deep cleaning making excuses for my insurance company not covering it even though my insurance said they would cover it if it was needed. My wife had one done and they did cover it. I brush regularly and floss regularly also. Take care and let me know what you think about this. Thanks so much!
If the dental office isn't charging you, I'm not seeing an issue. I had a deep cleaning several years ago that did not take hours, nor was it at all painful. Different people experience things differently. If you're having difficulty believing what your dentist's office is telling you, it's time to seek out a new dentist.
If the dental office isn't charging you, I'm not seeing an issue. I had a deep cleaning several years ago that did not take hours, nor was it at all painful. Different people experience things differently. If you're having difficulty believing what your dentist's office is telling you, it's time to seek out a new dentist.
health insurance! HELP!!!?
i'm 22, non-smoker, i don't work (my future husband does) and never had insurance before. i need something that would cover everything + dental! i also have a baby in my plans...what is the best choice???? i don't understand anything about health insurances! HELP!
Can you get on his plan when you guys get married? I just recently lost health insurance through my dad and had to get my own. I can tell you it's going to be expensive and it's going to be hard to find one with maternity care. Every single one I looked at excluded maternity care. I am a 25 year old non-smoker with no serious health problems and I pay 275 a month not including dental and of course maternity care isn't included. I also have a 500 dollar deductible for Er, xrays and other things plus a 200 dollar deductible for prescriptions. This is the site I used to find my plan. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/All… It is completely free.
Can you get on his plan when you guys get married? I just recently lost health insurance through my dad and had to get my own. I can tell you it's going to be expensive and it's going to be hard to find one with maternity care. Every single one I looked at excluded maternity care. I am a 25 year old non-smoker with no serious health problems and I pay 275 a month not including dental and of course maternity care isn't included. I also have a 500 dollar deductible for Er, xrays and other things plus a 200 dollar deductible for prescriptions. This is the site I used to find my plan. https://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/All… It is completely free.
What is a hospital indemnity plan?
I am now enrolling for new insurance. Of course it has health dental vision and life. It also has a hospital indemnity plan. What is it and is it worth it? It costs $14.50 for the whole family bi-weekly.
The hospital indemnity is a rider to your health insurance. It will pay you a set amount if you are admitted to the hospital for a covered reason. They usually only pay if you are there because of an accident. This means if you are there having a baby or because of illness they won't pay. You'll have to read the information to see what is covered. Is it worth it? It can be, but these riders are very profitable for the insurance companies.
The hospital indemnity is a rider to your health insurance. It will pay you a set amount if you are admitted to the hospital for a covered reason. They usually only pay if you are there because of an accident. This means if you are there having a baby or because of illness they won't pay. You'll have to read the information to see what is covered. Is it worth it? It can be, but these riders are very profitable for the insurance companies.
Is Dental Expenses Covered by Child Support?
After going through a nasty divorce my ex-wife was able to obtain primary custody due to my work schedule but I have a question, I am currently ahead on my child support and also provide full medical coverage for my son as ordered by the decree but my ex-wife is now insisting that I pay her 5500 dollars for braces or she will file an enforcement order. But nowhere in my decree do I see orthodontic care or dental expenses covered by me in either providing full insurance or pay 50 percent for the cost. I just see provide full health insurance for medical needs. So does anyone know if I have a leg to stand on this time to refuse paying her for the braces which I don't think he even needs them????? Please help
No, you don't. She can attempt to have it added, but it would not be retroactive. If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link to an educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do. *********************************** Dads House http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dad… Fathers Rights: The Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZkuqnQJV… Bird Nest Custody http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GiveKidsAC… Child Support Calculator http://www.alllaw.com/calculators/Childs… Child Support Laws - At What Age Does Child Support Stop? http://www.child-support-collections.com… Other sites to check Fathers & Families http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/ Parental Alienation Syndrome http://www.parentalalienation.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQIXAjC_v…
No, you don't. She can attempt to have it added, but it would not be retroactive. If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link to an educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do. *********************************** Dads House http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dad… Fathers Rights: The Movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZkuqnQJV… Bird Nest Custody http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GiveKidsAC… Child Support Calculator http://www.alllaw.com/calculators/Childs… Child Support Laws - At What Age Does Child Support Stop? http://www.child-support-collections.com… Other sites to check Fathers & Families http://www.fathersandfamilies.org/ Parental Alienation Syndrome http://www.parentalalienation.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQIXAjC_v…
Can my company force me to enroll in their free dental plan?
I declined all health care and dental coverage through my employer when we had open enrollment. I just found out that they enrolled me in the dental plan anyways. The plan is free but I still don't want it since I'm covered under my husbands dental plan that is so much better! I don't want my employers plan! I found out that my employer gets a discount if they enroll al their employees. I contacted the HR department and told them to cancel my coverage but they said they won't do it. I'm stuck now. Can they force me to keep the dental coverage? I don't want this crappy insurance to be my primary insurance (even if it is for free) if I can have a so much better dental plan, especially since I specifically declined the coverage Please help! Thank you
Yes, they can. As long as they pay 100%, they can make you enroll. And it doesn't really matter much, because you can have your dentist submit the bill to BOTH companies. *cain has no idea what he is saying - your husband's policy IS secondary to your own. Automatically.*
Yes, they can. As long as they pay 100%, they can make you enroll. And it doesn't really matter much, because you can have your dentist submit the bill to BOTH companies. *cain has no idea what he is saying - your husband's policy IS secondary to your own. Automatically.*
Should I use my sick days after submitting my 2 week notice at my job?
I submitted my two week notice on Thursday of last week. I have approximately 6 days of sick days on the books. I have unfinished business with my dental and doctor. I need to take care of it before my insurance ends. I was wondering how I should approach this. Should I just call in sick or should I just be straight up with my boss, telling her about wanting to get the most out of my benefits before they end? Thank you in advance for your answers!!
Be straight up and tell your boss that you need to take advantage of the dental/doctor while you have insurance. This may entail that you take time off out of a work day vs taking a sick day, unless you can get both done in 1 day, then tell her that you are taking a sick day to accomplish both. Here is the reason: Say you call in sick for each, going to the doctor one day and one day for the dentist. Now even though you have earned 6 sick days, many companies look at sick days when you are actually sick, not for taking appts with doctors/dentists, which you could take for possibly a few hours off. Even though you have given notice, they could decide if you take these days sick to end your employment on the day you call in sick period, not you final 2 weeks. Here is the kicker, that is when they end your employment, they end your insurance that same day. So say you are terminated today and go to the doctor tomorrow, you have no insurance and will have to pay out of pocket yourself. If you need your insurance to pay for these, you need to be employed to collect. good luck
Be straight up and tell your boss that you need to take advantage of the dental/doctor while you have insurance. This may entail that you take time off out of a work day vs taking a sick day, unless you can get both done in 1 day, then tell her that you are taking a sick day to accomplish both. Here is the reason: Say you call in sick for each, going to the doctor one day and one day for the dentist. Now even though you have earned 6 sick days, many companies look at sick days when you are actually sick, not for taking appts with doctors/dentists, which you could take for possibly a few hours off. Even though you have given notice, they could decide if you take these days sick to end your employment on the day you call in sick period, not you final 2 weeks. Here is the kicker, that is when they end your employment, they end your insurance that same day. So say you are terminated today and go to the doctor tomorrow, you have no insurance and will have to pay out of pocket yourself. If you need your insurance to pay for these, you need to be employed to collect. good luck
health insurance! HELP!!!?
i'm 22, non-smoker, i don't work (my future husband does) and never had insurance before. i need something that would cover everything + dental! i also have a baby in my plans...what is the best choice???? i don't understand anything about health insurances! HELP!
Seems like dental is seperate in a *lot* of plans. General: The insurance companies charge you a monthly "premium". If you get sick, they pay for it, within limits and "co-pays" (you pay a part of it). They make money, because they know, on average, how much you will get sick and how much it will cost. You are supposed to feel better because if something bad happens to you, you will not be so wiped out financially.
Seems like dental is seperate in a *lot* of plans. General: The insurance companies charge you a monthly "premium". If you get sick, they pay for it, within limits and "co-pays" (you pay a part of it). They make money, because they know, on average, how much you will get sick and how much it will cost. You are supposed to feel better because if something bad happens to you, you will not be so wiped out financially.
Treating gum disease and a wisdom tooth?
2 - 3 months ago, I went to a dentist that actually knew what they were doing. They told me that I may have gum disease because of my bleeding gums. They said they were going to treat it one appointment after my fillings, but I never went back. The reason is that my insurance can't cover the dental visit. Also, I have 2 wisdom teeth growing in and I'm afraid that it will only add to my gum problem. I feel like I'm stuck and I don't know what to do.
Good home care is a start. Make sure you brush at least twice a day (preferably after each meal if possible). More importantly, make sure you floss at least once a day!!! Use an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine twice a day or rinse with hydrogen peroxide/water after brushing. Your gums will continue to bleed for some time, but should improve gradually. The hydrogen peroxide rinse should help with the bleeding. It will also help to consider changing your diet. Try to avoid sweets as much as possible. Improved oral hygiene and diet should give you some immediate improvements. The area around an Impacted wisdom tooth or those that are just now growing in can be hard to keep clean. Many stores carry special sort of small interdental brushes and scalars that help keep those sort of areas clean. I would buy some of those and make sure you keep the wisdom teeth area clean.
Good home care is a start. Make sure you brush at least twice a day (preferably after each meal if possible). More importantly, make sure you floss at least once a day!!! Use an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine twice a day or rinse with hydrogen peroxide/water after brushing. Your gums will continue to bleed for some time, but should improve gradually. The hydrogen peroxide rinse should help with the bleeding. It will also help to consider changing your diet. Try to avoid sweets as much as possible. Improved oral hygiene and diet should give you some immediate improvements. The area around an Impacted wisdom tooth or those that are just now growing in can be hard to keep clean. Many stores carry special sort of small interdental brushes and scalars that help keep those sort of areas clean. I would buy some of those and make sure you keep the wisdom teeth area clean.
Does Philly have a Teaching Hospital that offers reduced cost general care?
I know Temple offers reduced cost dental care as I have done that and saved tons on dental work that I otherwise could not afford since I have no insurance. I am having problems with acid reflux and possible gallbladder disease, but cannot afford the treatment options my doctor has. Does Temple have a teaching clinic like the dental department does that offers doctor care at reduced rates?
Although Temple University is a teaching hospital, it's quality of care is maintained at the same level as a normal hospital (there are always qualified doctors around.) Therefore, they are pretty close to a normal hospital in billing procedures and what types of insurance they accept. Their costs might be lower than a non-teaching hospital, but depending upon the procedure you need, it might not make a difference. (A $20,000 surgery might be cheap compared to other hospitals, but still out of reach for someone with no insurance.) Check out their patient manual for the section on billing. It is possible to get an estimate beforehand of how much things cost. It is also possible to get financial assistance (see charity section) if you cannot afford medical care.
Although Temple University is a teaching hospital, it's quality of care is maintained at the same level as a normal hospital (there are always qualified doctors around.) Therefore, they are pretty close to a normal hospital in billing procedures and what types of insurance they accept. Their costs might be lower than a non-teaching hospital, but depending upon the procedure you need, it might not make a difference. (A $20,000 surgery might be cheap compared to other hospitals, but still out of reach for someone with no insurance.) Check out their patient manual for the section on billing. It is possible to get an estimate beforehand of how much things cost. It is also possible to get financial assistance (see charity section) if you cannot afford medical care.
COBRA Insurance question?
My wife currently carries our family insurance with her company. We were wanting to have another baby on her insurance and she is wanting to quit working in Jan. If that is the case we would continue with COBRA until the baby is born. Right now we pay around $200/month for family medical, dental, eye, etc. Does anyone know how much this would be on COBRA or how we could find out. We can't go and ask the company because that would like suspicious.
The way COBRA works is you will pay 102% of the current premium. If you know how much the employer is paying you can figure the cost. For example, if you pay 50% and the company pays 50% you know the total cost of the insurance by doubling the premium you are paying now and add 2% to the cost. This will give you a close guess. If you don't know the percentage you can't find out without asking although you could ask them what the percentage is.
The way COBRA works is you will pay 102% of the current premium. If you know how much the employer is paying you can figure the cost. For example, if you pay 50% and the company pays 50% you know the total cost of the insurance by doubling the premium you are paying now and add 2% to the cost. This will give you a close guess. If you don't know the percentage you can't find out without asking although you could ask them what the percentage is.
Is deep cleaning worth the hefty price tag?
My dentist measured the distance btw gum and teeth and said that some are 3 and 4mm. The dental office is sending the results to my insurance company for authorization before doing a deep cleaning. Do you think deep cleaning is worth the hefty price (it'll be $400 deductible)? Can just flossing and regular brushing remove build up plaque? I'm 25 years old and haven't been to a dentist in years.
My deep cleaning was definitely worth the high cost. I had to have both top and bottom done. My 4's, 5's, and 6's were down to 1's, 2's, and 3's at my next 3 month visit. If you have plaque buildup serious enough for deep cleaning, it needs to be flaked off of your teeth. It's far gone enough that simple floss won't remove it. You could probably remove the stuff above the gum line with a store bought pick/scraper, but anything below the gum line is gonna bleed and hurt w/o the anesthetic they use at the dentist's office. After you get the deep cleaning, you can keep from needing another one with flossing/brushing.
My deep cleaning was definitely worth the high cost. I had to have both top and bottom done. My 4's, 5's, and 6's were down to 1's, 2's, and 3's at my next 3 month visit. If you have plaque buildup serious enough for deep cleaning, it needs to be flaked off of your teeth. It's far gone enough that simple floss won't remove it. You could probably remove the stuff above the gum line with a store bought pick/scraper, but anything below the gum line is gonna bleed and hurt w/o the anesthetic they use at the dentist's office. After you get the deep cleaning, you can keep from needing another one with flossing/brushing.
dental exam in the military?
upon joining the navy they make you go thru a medical and dental exam, how can you fail the dental? would they reject you if you have bad teeth? i have a few cavities but no health insurance, and im trying to prepare for the navy as best i can
They won't reject you. No one "fails" the dental exam. It's just to examine your mouth and determine what work you need. If you need work they will do it. You have to be dentally healthy before you can be deployed overseas, aboard ship, etc.
They won't reject you. No one "fails" the dental exam. It's just to examine your mouth and determine what work you need. If you need work they will do it. You have to be dentally healthy before you can be deployed overseas, aboard ship, etc.
$13500 for Dental Work?
I was hoping someone would know where I can find information on help paying for the $13,500 worth of dental work I need to get done. I do not have insurance, I don't make a lot of money and am already going to a dental school. If I wasnt the price would be almost double. I am so screwed...
see if the dental school accepts AmeriPlan USA.. You could get extra discounts upfront. I would probably do the work in stages, because a dental school always makes you pay the balance in full. If they do accept ameriplan it's only $19.95 a month and you get 50-80% off all dental work, which would save you a TON of money.. if not.. do the largest problem first.. or the one that is the most painful.
see if the dental school accepts AmeriPlan USA.. You could get extra discounts upfront. I would probably do the work in stages, because a dental school always makes you pay the balance in full. If they do accept ameriplan it's only $19.95 a month and you get 50-80% off all dental work, which would save you a TON of money.. if not.. do the largest problem first.. or the one that is the most painful.
I cant afford braces, but how do I get straight teeth?
There is no way that my family can afford braces, between 6 kids at home and all the debt we're paying off and the economy, that's not going to happy. Now, my teeth are perfectly straight, I just have a huge gap in the front of my mouth. I looked at Teeth Effects and the pictures on there are totally fake. And our insurance doesn't cover dental. Tough situation.. Suggestions?
Check your universities. Some Universities offer really low prices for braces. The dental students will do them for you at a lower price because they will use you as practice. Sounds like your teeth are a minor fix. In this situation, you don't really need a professional. A dental student is probably just as good. Do your research and it might be an option for you.
Check your universities. Some Universities offer really low prices for braces. The dental students will do them for you at a lower price because they will use you as practice. Sounds like your teeth are a minor fix. In this situation, you don't really need a professional. A dental student is probably just as good. Do your research and it might be an option for you.
employers should add cosmetic surgeries as part of your health benefits?
Emotional stress due to being ugly is part of your mental health that covers your insurance, but they should add cosmetic or plastic surgery because it does help you become a better person therefore a healthier mental well-being. Orthodontia is considered cosmetic and it is already part of most of dental plan. It's just a cosmetic that is a long term process because braces takes a long time, so why not cosmetic surgeries like face, eye, botox, lips and nose part of it ? Why is TEETH fine but not other parts of your face?
Straightening teeth is more than just cosmetic; it makes the teeth easier to care for which can prevent other health problems later in life. I would also disagree with your premise that cosmetic surgery makes you a better person.
Straightening teeth is more than just cosmetic; it makes the teeth easier to care for which can prevent other health problems later in life. I would also disagree with your premise that cosmetic surgery makes you a better person.
How to get dirt cheap Car & Medical Insurance ??
Looking for a CAR with in $ 500, Car Insurance & Medical Insurance for 1 Male of 31 years, 1 Female of 26 years & a Child of 2 years. Should cover Medical. Vision & Dental not reqired. Looking for real dirt cheap insurance for Car, Family
I dont think so u are in India. If you are, then please note that Medical Insurance is fairly same price with all insurers except AIG. CAR insurance is state regulated.
I dont think so u are in India. If you are, then please note that Medical Insurance is fairly same price with all insurers except AIG. CAR insurance is state regulated.
Can you send dental x-rays to other dentists?
I was suppose to get braces, but it turns out, my teeth are too messed up for my normal dentist to handle so he's referring to an orthodontist, but he's telling me they'll probably want their own x-rays. I took x-rays and even the clay models of my teeth with this guy and he's telling me they want their own. My insurance only covers one x-ray a year for me. Anyway don't i own those x-rays anyway and can't i send them to whoever
u own those xrays and i think most dentists want u to take ur xrays with you wen u change dentists so u betta get dem xrays to ya nu dentizt/ortho
u own those xrays and i think most dentists want u to take ur xrays with you wen u change dentists so u betta get dem xrays to ya nu dentizt/ortho
Dental Assistant Pay?
I am a Dental Assistant with my Radiographers License in Ohio. I have been working for the same place for close to 3 1/2 years. Before that I worked at another office doing front desk things including insurance, filling, scheduling, ect. I make 12.50 where I am at now, I know I should be making more, I was just wondering what others were making and you think Im being screwed.lol:) Thanks in advance!!!
If you feel 'screwed', you should look for another job...make sure you have the other job before you quit the one you have. You didn't say if you were in a big city or a rural area as that determines salary variability. Good luck
If you feel 'screwed', you should look for another job...make sure you have the other job before you quit the one you have. You didn't say if you were in a big city or a rural area as that determines salary variability. Good luck
We need new Health Insurance. Please help.?
We're currently paying over $700/mo with Blue Shield. We're looking for something decent - but significantly less expensive. We're all done making babies. We have a five year old and a 10 month old. Please let me know of any Health Insurance you know of that might work for us. Also, looking for dental. Not for the children - but just for me.... Thanks.
first,you should collect some resource by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you got good luck there ,then your problem solved.however,if you are not able to find the ideal answer by doing that,here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info/free-online-health-insurance.htm is the resource i recommend.
first,you should collect some resource by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you got good luck there ,then your problem solved.however,if you are not able to find the ideal answer by doing that,here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info/free-online-health-insurance.htm is the resource i recommend.
Should I consider going overseas for dental work?
I went to my dentist and he would charge me thousands for much needed dental work (includes a root canal, a bridge, and dental implants). I'm unemployed and have no insurance. I know people who have gone to South America to get their dental work done for at least half the price of what's charged here in the U.S. Or, should I wait till I get back on my feet (land a full time job with benefits), secure insurance, look for another dentist - I know my dentist will not bend in lowering his fees.. and get the work done here. If I wait for the latter to happen, how long could I go - if you know of some who faces the same dental conditions - without having to see a dentist, without incurring or really increasing my chances of getting ..I don't know..some type of infection, or serious dental decay?
As with anything you might want to get that seems cheaper and better overseas,* the cost to go anywhere else beyond a few dozen or so miles, could cost you far more than the item (or, in your case, dental work) is worth. Ask yourself this: If something goes wrong with your current USA dentist, would you go to South America to get it fixed? Of course not! You would go back to the same dentist, explain the problem, and get it fixed, usually without any additional charges. Now consider this: If you go to South America to have the initial work done, and have a problem, would you go back to South America to get it fixed? Of course not, unless you have lots of money, which, I gather, you don't! So, you're far better off "biting" the bullet (pun intended!) and staying close to home. For the record, most dental insurance plans only cover the first $1500 or so of major dental expenses per year, which, for the most part, barely covers one root canal and crown. As such, some dentists carry their own insurance plans, but they are typically expensive. Obviously, you can't go shopping for dentists as you would for a car or washing machine, because each dentist will charge you for the visit. BTW, none of this would be resolved or aided by the new health reform law, just recently passed. However, all dental expenses, as with any medical expenses, are tax deductible, if you itemize and if they exceed your standard tax deduction (currently $5,700 for a single taxpayer), and you'd only benefit a little from it, and, if you did get a refund, you'd have to pay tax on it the following year, so "they" gotcha coming and going! * (South America is not considered "overseas" to anyone in the continental USA)
As with anything you might want to get that seems cheaper and better overseas,* the cost to go anywhere else beyond a few dozen or so miles, could cost you far more than the item (or, in your case, dental work) is worth. Ask yourself this: If something goes wrong with your current USA dentist, would you go to South America to get it fixed? Of course not! You would go back to the same dentist, explain the problem, and get it fixed, usually without any additional charges. Now consider this: If you go to South America to have the initial work done, and have a problem, would you go back to South America to get it fixed? Of course not, unless you have lots of money, which, I gather, you don't! So, you're far better off "biting" the bullet (pun intended!) and staying close to home. For the record, most dental insurance plans only cover the first $1500 or so of major dental expenses per year, which, for the most part, barely covers one root canal and crown. As such, some dentists carry their own insurance plans, but they are typically expensive. Obviously, you can't go shopping for dentists as you would for a car or washing machine, because each dentist will charge you for the visit. BTW, none of this would be resolved or aided by the new health reform law, just recently passed. However, all dental expenses, as with any medical expenses, are tax deductible, if you itemize and if they exceed your standard tax deduction (currently $5,700 for a single taxpayer), and you'd only benefit a little from it, and, if you did get a refund, you'd have to pay tax on it the following year, so "they" gotcha coming and going! * (South America is not considered "overseas" to anyone in the continental USA)
do anyone know an individual insurance that cover adult braces?
i want to get it myself because my job inusrance sucks i already called delta dental this morning they dont have it
I don't know of any. I paid full price for mine - $4,475.00. It was worth the time and money. I believe all orthodontists will work out a payment plan. Good luck - don't put it off.
I don't know of any. I paid full price for mine - $4,475.00. It was worth the time and money. I believe all orthodontists will work out a payment plan. Good luck - don't put it off.
What can I do to help my TMJ?
I don't have dental insurance. I won't for a while. What can I do to help keep my mouth.. you know.. sitting the way its supposed to..
My dentist thought that getting my wisdom teeth out may help with some of my TMJ symptoms. Got them out and things seem a little bit better. Don't really even know if the two problems are related, but my dentist seems to think so. But, if you don't have insurance, it might be a moot point, getting wisdom teeth out will run at least $500-$1,000. However, you might want to check into enrolling in a test subject clinic or whatever they are called, we have those here in my state for wisdom teeth removal, the surgery is free and they pay you for your time and travel. My mother also has TMJ and finds that using a mouth guard at night helps with the jaw pain, she clenches her teeth and jaw at night and the guard makes a huge difference. Hope this helps! TMJ sucks!
My dentist thought that getting my wisdom teeth out may help with some of my TMJ symptoms. Got them out and things seem a little bit better. Don't really even know if the two problems are related, but my dentist seems to think so. But, if you don't have insurance, it might be a moot point, getting wisdom teeth out will run at least $500-$1,000. However, you might want to check into enrolling in a test subject clinic or whatever they are called, we have those here in my state for wisdom teeth removal, the surgery is free and they pay you for your time and travel. My mother also has TMJ and finds that using a mouth guard at night helps with the jaw pain, she clenches her teeth and jaw at night and the guard makes a huge difference. Hope this helps! TMJ sucks!
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