okay let me give you a background on who i am. im 17, my family just retired from the military. my dad has been to iraq twice. he was in the navy for about 20 years or more i think. my mom was a marine. ive lived in nine states. and i hated leaving all my friends. and moving around all the time. i always told myself when i get older. i would never be in the military or marry anyone in the military. that way i dont have to deal with it. i mean the military has given my family so much but taken away so many oportunites from me as well. lately my boyfriends been thinking about joining. because he has a poor background. we got into a fight about. because i dont want to be with anyone in the military. my parents are for him doing it. they encourage him. and keep encouraging me. and i keep getting mad. but they keep talking to me about it. and they've kinda got into my head. and i dont know how i feel about it anymore. i mean im planning to go to community college soon. and i have no way to pay for it. accept for my small mesley job i have now. and well i dont know how thats gonna cut it. i mean even if i work long hours. and then im gonna be so worn out i might not be able to study as well. i mean i dont want to be paying for something for nothing. and i DONT want to do student loans. cause you dont pay those off till your like 30. and my dad was telling me about some of the young girls at his work that juggle college. working. and sometimes raising a family. he says they look like hell. i dont want to be one of those girls. so i mean they were telling me that the navy will: provide free college, a free place to stay, cheap health and dental insurance, and pay for me to go to bootcamp. and i wantt to soo badly get into shape. no matter what it takes. so i mean those all sound good. and the job im looking into studying is radiology, or dentist asistant. and you have to train for one of those in sandiego CA, which is where me and my bf want to eventually live. since we love it there. so thats another pro. the only thing i hate about it. is that im gonna be controlled. and thats what i hated always about the military. its like they have a contract on your life. idk. im pretty confused. i need advice, experience, pros & cons please
Corpsman are Sailors. Your best bet is to go talk to a Navy recruiter. At the very least, you will be able to take the ASVAB and see what ratings (jobs) you actually qualify for. I'd also suggest trying to get into shape now if you're really serious about joining. It'll make boot camp much more enjoyable. And, while it is not difficult for females to go Corpsman (HM), the rating is currently manned (CREO 2), which means it could be months before you ship off to boot camp if you do get HM. So its best not to delay getting to a recruiter and MEPS if its something you actually want to do. And, due to the rating being manned advancement is a bit difficult at the moment. After boot camp, you'd go to Corpsman "A" school which is in Great Lakes, IL as well. Once you've graduated "A" school you'd either go on to Field Medical Service School (FMSS) or your first command (which could be anywhere). Normally, though, your first command would be a medical facility stateside, but it is possible you could end up on a ship. If you graduate top of your class in "A" school they may allow you to choose a "C" school (such as radiology) but getting a "C" school straight out of "A" school is rare. So unless it is in your enlistment contract, no guarantees there. If you don't get a "C" school, you can request one later down the road. Anyway, don't join because someone is pressuring you into it; otherwise, you're going to be miserable. Only do it if it's something you actually want to do.
Friday, August 26, 2011
how much will it cost to fix my chipped tooth?
When I was 9 I went down a hill on my bike and Face planted into the road causing my front right tooth to be chipped diagonally half-way. I got it filled because it was a permanent tooth. but when I was in grade 5 one day I bit on a apple and it broke off and I had a chipped tooth I am now in grade 9 and still havent gotten it fixed because everytime I think about getting it done my parents dont have the money for it and we have no dental insurance because my parents own two stores and 1 of them is not going so well. How much do you think it would cost just to get a filling?
Call your local dental society to get a referral. The society may have the name of a dental professional that provides sliding scale services to patients. You could also try a local college/university school of dentistry clinic. You may receive the services at a much lower cost.
Call your local dental society to get a referral. The society may have the name of a dental professional that provides sliding scale services to patients. You could also try a local college/university school of dentistry clinic. You may receive the services at a much lower cost.
Left Front Permanent Tooth Pain?
I am a 17 year old female. All of my teeth are permanent, and I have a wisdom tooth coming in on the left bottom side. But recently, as in 4 days ago, my left front tooth began to hurt at random moments, and the pain is sometimes barely there and others extremely painful. It feels like I bit into something cold, but I haven't. It hurts inside my tooth. I am not quite sure what is wrong, but I have no dental insurance and I don't know what to do. I brush my teeth every day for at least 2 minutes with a soft bristled toothbrush and Colgate Total Care toothpaste, which I have been using for over a year. Any ideas?
No idea...sorry. Good Luck
No idea...sorry. Good Luck
In what situation would a dentist request you get braces?
I'm convinced that I need them, but my dentist has never mentioned this to me. And my parents won't pay for them unless they think it is necessary (not that I blame them because I realize braces cost a lot of money). There's nothing THAT bad about my teeth, but I know lots of people who have had way straighter teeth than me and have gotten braces. So does it just depend on the dentist, or what? And also, if your dentist reccomends it, is it still seen as a cosmetic procedure, or will dental insurance pay for it? I don't want to be in my mid-20's by the time I can finally afford braces for myself.
its not really a dentists place to recomend them. you need to make an appotintment with an orthodontist. most dental insurance covers only about $1,000-2000 of it, some dont cover any of it- so u will have to look into it.
its not really a dentists place to recomend them. you need to make an appotintment with an orthodontist. most dental insurance covers only about $1,000-2000 of it, some dont cover any of it- so u will have to look into it.
Braces for upper canine teeth or is there a better option?
I'm looking into what can be done to enhance my smile and am hoping that some of you have some good tips/information for me. I have 2 crooked teeth in my mouth, and they are my top canine teeth. My right upper left canine sits at an angle to where it actually sits behind my bottom teeth when I close my mouth (instead of overlapping them). The one on the right isn't noticeably crooked, but it would be noticeable if I were to get the other straightened (no one wants an asymmetrical smile). I have a lot of room in my mouth for my teeth, and these teeth have plenty of space to sit where they are supposed to; so I wouldn't need to move any other teeth in order to straighten them. Anyway, now that you know my situation, I am wondering a few things: What would be the most inexpensive option for someone like me, and how much can I expect to pay? What is the quickest way I can achieve my goal of a fantastic smile, and how long will take (approximately)? What kind of financing is available for people who do not have dental insurance?
Sounds like braces are your only option based on your description. It can take some time, usually 18-24 months. Financing would be between you and your orthodontist. good luck
Sounds like braces are your only option based on your description. It can take some time, usually 18-24 months. Financing would be between you and your orthodontist. good luck
There is a HUGE black spot on my tooth what should I do?
I know I have a cavitity on my teeth. Not sure which. This black spot wasn't there by then. But about a year or two later(which was that years ago) I noticed a small black spot on my tooth and it won't go away. Now it's huge. It kinda hurts sometime too. But I have no dental insurance and even if I did I wouldn't go because i'm DEATHLY scared of Dentist(I bit his finger one time). Is there a way to cure this on my own? any help is appreciated.
first off just because there is a black spot it doesnt mean its a hole it may be tarter and you need a professional clean or just a pit in your tooth that has a bad stain , but if it is starting to hurt then that is more of a sign of being a cavity , thing is people dont realise that a cavity need just a filling but you dont know how deep the decay is and once it goes to deep it reaches the nerve then a filling turns into and extraction or root canal , so the best thing is , is to book into your dentist for a consultation they wont do anything unless you want them to and then you will only be charged for a consult which is around the 80 mark , but its best to get checked before it becomes a bigger problem then you need
first off just because there is a black spot it doesnt mean its a hole it may be tarter and you need a professional clean or just a pit in your tooth that has a bad stain , but if it is starting to hurt then that is more of a sign of being a cavity , thing is people dont realise that a cavity need just a filling but you dont know how deep the decay is and once it goes to deep it reaches the nerve then a filling turns into and extraction or root canal , so the best thing is , is to book into your dentist for a consultation they wont do anything unless you want them to and then you will only be charged for a consult which is around the 80 mark , but its best to get checked before it becomes a bigger problem then you need
How does invisalign work? Do you have to have your cavities filled first?
I know this is $$$$, but i also have a few cavities too, i want to get the invisalign first and gradually pay for my cavities because i dont have dental insurance....Also, does it work and how long til you see results?My teeth are spacing apart. How much does your office visit usually cost when u have to go in to get fitted i think every 2 weeks? Anyone that has been threw this and can fill me in on their experience would be soooo greatly appreciated!! thanks!!!
You have to get your cavities filled any any dental work done BEFORE you get fitted for Invisalign. You cannot have any fillings done that could in any way change the shape of your tooth while you are on Invisalign because the Invisalign trays are molded to exactly fit your teeth and are all made at once. If you got fillings while on Invisalign it could cause the trays to not fit right and ruin the entire process. I had to have 9 cavities filled before getting Invisalign and it took 2 months with all the appointments but my orthodontist made it clear that no dental work could be done while on the program and they needed to be done ahead of time. Also, if you don't get them filled before you start Invisalign the cavities will get even worse as food gets trapped in the Invisalign trays if you do not brush properly after every meal. I have spacing issues that are going to be fixed and it is going to take approx 12 months. It does work, I've read numerous blogs and saw true real life progression of people's correction. My sister and mother in law both had it and loved it because no one could tell they had them in and it straightened their teeth. I just got fitted for Invisalign for both my top and bottom teeth. It is costing me $5,000. I paid $2,200 up front and will be paying $200 a month for 14 months once the treatment begins (200 x 14 = 2800). There are no 'per visit' fees (at least not for me). It is all included in the final costs which for my case is $5000. There is only one time you get fitted, they take pictures and moldings of your teeth then ship them to Invisalign and Invisalign makes all the trays and sends them to your ortho. You then have periodic appointments once you start the program to make sure everything is going to plan and to add any necessary attachments to your teeth. I started a blog of my Invisalign experience so if you're interested in reading about my experience so far go to http://my-invisalign.blogspot.com/
You have to get your cavities filled any any dental work done BEFORE you get fitted for Invisalign. You cannot have any fillings done that could in any way change the shape of your tooth while you are on Invisalign because the Invisalign trays are molded to exactly fit your teeth and are all made at once. If you got fillings while on Invisalign it could cause the trays to not fit right and ruin the entire process. I had to have 9 cavities filled before getting Invisalign and it took 2 months with all the appointments but my orthodontist made it clear that no dental work could be done while on the program and they needed to be done ahead of time. Also, if you don't get them filled before you start Invisalign the cavities will get even worse as food gets trapped in the Invisalign trays if you do not brush properly after every meal. I have spacing issues that are going to be fixed and it is going to take approx 12 months. It does work, I've read numerous blogs and saw true real life progression of people's correction. My sister and mother in law both had it and loved it because no one could tell they had them in and it straightened their teeth. I just got fitted for Invisalign for both my top and bottom teeth. It is costing me $5,000. I paid $2,200 up front and will be paying $200 a month for 14 months once the treatment begins (200 x 14 = 2800). There are no 'per visit' fees (at least not for me). It is all included in the final costs which for my case is $5000. There is only one time you get fitted, they take pictures and moldings of your teeth then ship them to Invisalign and Invisalign makes all the trays and sends them to your ortho. You then have periodic appointments once you start the program to make sure everything is going to plan and to add any necessary attachments to your teeth. I started a blog of my Invisalign experience so if you're interested in reading about my experience so far go to http://my-invisalign.blogspot.com/
Brushing Teeth once a day instead of twice.?
Hi, this has been very confusing. I posted a question similar to this. My family, all of them, brush their teeth once a day with minimal teeth care, and never have cavities when they go to their checkups. Me on the otherhand, I brush my teeth for 6 minutes morning and night. I rinse and clean my mouth after everytime I eat, and use mouthwash once at night. Yet I keep getting one cavity after another, right now I think I have 2. I'm coming to the decision I have my mom's sensitive teeth and brushing my teeth is causing more harm to me than good, Would anyone back up my idea of only brushing the teeth once a day? to let the Enamels of my teeth Strengthen. This is important because I have no Dental Insurance and health bills are eating up my god damn wallet.
The research has shown that a very thorough plaque removal ( long rushing and flossing) can be done once every 24 to 36 hours. Most gumline sensitivity is actually a side effect of clenching one's teeth while asleep. Aggressive brushing can then lead to wear at the gum line area (other things wear the area as well.) Gentle (soft bristle), but thorough brushing and flossing is the answer. People that don't get cavities just don't have alot of the type of bacteria that cause them. Many people can be prone to gum disease later in life however.
The research has shown that a very thorough plaque removal ( long rushing and flossing) can be done once every 24 to 36 hours. Most gumline sensitivity is actually a side effect of clenching one's teeth while asleep. Aggressive brushing can then lead to wear at the gum line area (other things wear the area as well.) Gentle (soft bristle), but thorough brushing and flossing is the answer. People that don't get cavities just don't have alot of the type of bacteria that cause them. Many people can be prone to gum disease later in life however.
My baby has spots in her teeth.. please help a concerned mom.?
I have a 11 month old baby, and she got her first tooth when she was 6 months.It came out perfectly,white and free of any dots or spots, but I noticed that her second lower tooth was coming out with discoloration, kinda white, I was concerned and her Dr. said to wait a little more to see if it was something more serious than just a spot. Eell, then she got her third tooth(top) and it also had white spots on it. Now she is 11 months, and it look yellowish, and I just saw that around her top tooth lining the gum there is a brown line. I am so freaked out! I already cried because I was reading some stuff online about baby decay, and I dont want my baby suffer any pain because she takes a bottle with formula and I let her fall asleep while taking her bottle.For what I read it can cause baby tooth decay Also, when she was 8 month she started going to daycare and got a bad sinus infection, her Dr. prescribed her antibiotics (amoxicillin) for ten day. 2 weeks after that she got another inffection, and had to take antibiotics again but as I noticed the spots in her second tooth I was afraid it was going to cause more spots in the coming teeth. Well, soon after that her third teeth came out and had the spots. I started to brush her teeth every night with baby toothpast and I tried not le her fall asleep with a bottle, and I also stopped giving her sweet stuffs because I am so afraid she will have bad teeth. How much am I looking to spend with dentist?I dont have dental insurance. does it sound like baby decay or some side affect from the antibiotics? Thanks a lot!
Why is a doctor giving a baby that is not even 1 year old various antibiotics??? That can't be safe. As to the white spots, I don't know. I had some whit spots on my teeth once and my dentist just told me it's just the way my tooth is.
Why is a doctor giving a baby that is not even 1 year old various antibiotics??? That can't be safe. As to the white spots, I don't know. I had some whit spots on my teeth once and my dentist just told me it's just the way my tooth is.
Sudden appearance of broken tooth 2 yrs after wisdom teeth pulled?
after eating tonight i noticed a slight abrading against the side of my tongue. after rinsing and brushing it appears that there is a broken piece of tooth 5th back on my lower left side. I had all four wisdom teeth pulled in 06 and I'm concerned that this is an un-extracted portion of a tooth. It is not a small sliver but a larger shape partially obstructed by gum tissue. Having no current dental insurance what do i have to look forward to here, is it something that works itself loose or am i in for a miserable experience.
I'd contact the dentist who originally pulled the tooth involved and explain the situation and your lack of dental insurance. It's possible the dentist might do the "right thing" and complete the job, provided it is as you think it is.
I'd contact the dentist who originally pulled the tooth involved and explain the situation and your lack of dental insurance. It's possible the dentist might do the "right thing" and complete the job, provided it is as you think it is.
Can I die from my tooth infection?
Hello, All 4 wisdom teeth of mine have cavities, are infected and causing great pain. They have been infected for the past few months I believe, but I just got my dental insurance. I am getting all 4 extracted tomorrow. I was no prescribed anti-biotics. I was wondering, how do we know this infection didn't spread to my bloodstream, heart or brain yet? Can I die from this? Should I seek further treatment after the teeth are out tomorrow? Thanks so much, Adam
It is theoretically possible but you are not that likely to have any lingering problem since they will be extracted tomorrow. In this area the major hospitals are starting sections where they have a full time dentist on staff to look for exactly those problems since you really can get an infection leading to heart failure - they do take it seriously.
It is theoretically possible but you are not that likely to have any lingering problem since they will be extracted tomorrow. In this area the major hospitals are starting sections where they have a full time dentist on staff to look for exactly those problems since you really can get an infection leading to heart failure - they do take it seriously.
Is this a cavity or just my sensitive teeth?
I have bad teeth, I've had fillings done on almost all of my molars. I recently began to have a pain that flares up in response to hot, cold, or sweets. But if I run to the bathroom and brush my teeth with sensodyne toothpaste, the pain recedes completely. I've been told that it is possible that I won't need a filling done. I am at my yearly dental insurance limit and I am not in a position where I can afford another cavity filling. My question is simply: Does anyone out there have sensitive teeth? And, in your experience, is it possible that by reducing my sugar intake and brushing much more frequently I can postpone going to the dentist for a few months?
based on your description i think it can be due to one of the following dental caries pulpitis(mostly reversible as per your description) cracked tooth gingival recession i have experienced sensitive teeth.though i brush frequently with sensodyne tooth paste,it is temporary measure only.got permanent relief after getting treated by a dentist only. so find out the cause what causes sensitivity and treat it as early as possible. coming to second part of your question,yes by reducing sugar intake,it is possible to reduce dental caries and cavities. brushing teeth will also helps to maintain oral hygeine.good luck
based on your description i think it can be due to one of the following dental caries pulpitis(mostly reversible as per your description) cracked tooth gingival recession i have experienced sensitive teeth.though i brush frequently with sensodyne tooth paste,it is temporary measure only.got permanent relief after getting treated by a dentist only. so find out the cause what causes sensitivity and treat it as early as possible. coming to second part of your question,yes by reducing sugar intake,it is possible to reduce dental caries and cavities. brushing teeth will also helps to maintain oral hygeine.good luck
There is a HUGE black spot on my tooth what should I do?
I know I have a cavitity on my teeth. Not sure which. This black spot wasn't there by then. But about a year or two later(which was that years ago) I noticed a small black spot on my tooth and it won't go away. Now it's huge. It kinda hurts sometime too. But I have no dental insurance and even if I did I wouldn't go because i'm DEATHLY scared of Dentist(I bit his finger one time). Is there a way to cure this on my own? any help is appreciated.
first off just because there is a black spot it doesnt mean its a hole it may be tarter and you need a professional clean or just a pit in your tooth that has a bad stain , but if it is starting to hurt then that is more of a sign of being a cavity , thing is people dont realise that a cavity need just a filling but you dont know how deep the decay is and once it goes to deep it reaches the nerve then a filling turns into and extraction or root canal , so the best thing is , is to book into your dentist for a consultation they wont do anything unless you want them to and then you will only be charged for a consult which is around the 80 mark , but its best to get checked before it becomes a bigger problem then you need
first off just because there is a black spot it doesnt mean its a hole it may be tarter and you need a professional clean or just a pit in your tooth that has a bad stain , but if it is starting to hurt then that is more of a sign of being a cavity , thing is people dont realise that a cavity need just a filling but you dont know how deep the decay is and once it goes to deep it reaches the nerve then a filling turns into and extraction or root canal , so the best thing is , is to book into your dentist for a consultation they wont do anything unless you want them to and then you will only be charged for a consult which is around the 80 mark , but its best to get checked before it becomes a bigger problem then you need
Should I screw over my boss?
Background info: he has bounced our paychecks and is now paying me in money orders. I was hired and told i would recieve med and dental insurance, yet I can never utilize it because the ins company says he never pays.I suspect the money he is taking out of my pay money orders.. err i mean checks is not actually going to my taxes ss etc. I also feel sexually harassed. I have been promised for a year a different position yet there is always an excuse. now one catch is that he loaned me $2000 when i needed it the most (car problems) however we are square on that and most. This is also a job in which i have to wear a bikini to work so not something i will ever put on my resume or use as a reference. Now my question is, should i give him 2 weeks notice leaving him with the satisfaction to tell me not to come back or should i drop off my key after work and not say a word and never come back or answer his calls? (thats what id like to do)
Normally, I'd say it's good karma to do the right thing and act professional according to your own standards, not based on the actions of others. However, if you feel you have good reason to believe he's going to tell you to not come back after quitting or hassle you with your final paycheck, then it's perfectly justified to quit with zero notice.
Normally, I'd say it's good karma to do the right thing and act professional according to your own standards, not based on the actions of others. However, if you feel you have good reason to believe he's going to tell you to not come back after quitting or hassle you with your final paycheck, then it's perfectly justified to quit with zero notice.
Is it wrong for me to get mad about this?
Like I've said before, I'm 27 weeks pregnant, living with my boyfriend. He hasn't done really anything through my pregnancy, so far (like getting a job). His plans were to stop smoking weed this summer and join the navy, because the benefits are good! He'll get health and dental insurance and they'll pay his way through college, and our son will get those health benefits, as well. That's what was most important to me, because I'll be going off to college within the next year and it's going to be so hard for me to pay for hospital bills/medication (if something should happen to me or our son) while going to school. Those benefits for the baby would have eased alot of stress. But NOW, he's wanting just to go to college. I asked why he changed his mind and he said because he doesn't want to stop smoking weed. I support any decision he makes to further his education, because that's better than nothing, but I think that's selfish on his part. I had to exchange my career dreams for a career that I'm not completely interested in, but can support our family, but he can't put down the pot? It's not only that, but he's trying to go to college in COLORADO. We live in Texas and the thought of him being so far away from us tears me apart. Question is: Should I support his dreams fully and be positive that everything will turn out okay? OR Is this really something to talk/argue about with him?
You are pregnant and you are about to start a family. Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you need to marry the father of your baby, especially if the relationship isn't so good. The Navy is a big commitment, I wouldn't push him into going into the Navy just because it has good benefits and health plans, entering into any Government force is a big commitment and in the Navy you would barely see your husband either because they go out to sea a lot of the times, however if it is something he does like and was considering then I do believe he needs to wake up and grow up and realize that he's having a baby soon. If his plans are to go to college in another state why isn't he inviting you to go with him? You don't leave your family behind for college, you take them with you. I'm sorry but it seems to me like he is trying to run away from his responsibilities, and he needs to grow up and realize that he's going to be a Dad soon, if he wasn't ready to give up smoking weed to get a job and support his family then he should had thought about all that before getting you pregnant. You have to confront him, this isn't something you just let go, Don't pus him into the Navy, but he definitely needs to get a Job and he needs to stay close to his family, if he doesn't want that then you need to make a choice, you need to decide if this is the life you want, is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? Just because he's the father doesn't mean you have to stay with him. As for you going to college, don't give up what you wanted to study, there are many plans the government can help with for single mothers going to school, many grants and other things. Look into it, but don't give up. You got yourself in this position so now you also have to grow up and take responsibility, don't rely on a man to get you where you want to be. I hope it works out for you because it's nice to have a whole family but if it doesn't, you need to be strong for you child, move on, get a job and continue school. If you need more advise go to my website http://www.soapnights.com or email me at soapnights@gmail.com (Im going to post your question on my site on Friday 04.09.10) xo kristin nicole
You are pregnant and you are about to start a family. Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you need to marry the father of your baby, especially if the relationship isn't so good. The Navy is a big commitment, I wouldn't push him into going into the Navy just because it has good benefits and health plans, entering into any Government force is a big commitment and in the Navy you would barely see your husband either because they go out to sea a lot of the times, however if it is something he does like and was considering then I do believe he needs to wake up and grow up and realize that he's having a baby soon. If his plans are to go to college in another state why isn't he inviting you to go with him? You don't leave your family behind for college, you take them with you. I'm sorry but it seems to me like he is trying to run away from his responsibilities, and he needs to grow up and realize that he's going to be a Dad soon, if he wasn't ready to give up smoking weed to get a job and support his family then he should had thought about all that before getting you pregnant. You have to confront him, this isn't something you just let go, Don't pus him into the Navy, but he definitely needs to get a Job and he needs to stay close to his family, if he doesn't want that then you need to make a choice, you need to decide if this is the life you want, is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with? Just because he's the father doesn't mean you have to stay with him. As for you going to college, don't give up what you wanted to study, there are many plans the government can help with for single mothers going to school, many grants and other things. Look into it, but don't give up. You got yourself in this position so now you also have to grow up and take responsibility, don't rely on a man to get you where you want to be. I hope it works out for you because it's nice to have a whole family but if it doesn't, you need to be strong for you child, move on, get a job and continue school. If you need more advise go to my website http://www.soapnights.com or email me at soapnights@gmail.com (Im going to post your question on my site on Friday 04.09.10) xo kristin nicole
INVISALIGN- Does it move upper teeth up?
I had a bottom baby tooth removed on my mouth's left side when I finished high school because for some reason the adult tooth never came in. Because I left for college after and had problems with my dental insurance, the dentist didn't put in the implant tooth until a few years later. During this time when I had a missing lower tooth, the UPPER teeth on mouth's left side dropped down. Now that side is VERY gummy when I smile and the other is normal. Ugh! I don't like my smile at all! I'm thinking about invisalign for the crookedness on my teeth in general, but my question is if INVISALIGN will push those upper teeth on my left side back up (as braces would do)???
I wouldn't trust Invisalign for intruding a tooth. Invisalign is best for minor movements. You should really see an orthodontists to get their opinion.
I wouldn't trust Invisalign for intruding a tooth. Invisalign is best for minor movements. You should really see an orthodontists to get their opinion.
problem after extraction?
Ok so about two weeks ago I had the number 19 tooth pulled, then a week later I had to get the one right in front of it pulled. That was because the nerve was shot. Ever since I have had so much pain I have had dry sockets packed and the packing comes out. Today the reopened and put the stitches in. Well I was eating ice cream, soft food, and all the sudden my stitches came out and so did the other packing of the dry socket. MY dentist believes I have a infection and that is why my mouth is so irratated. He said if he can't heal it hell send me to an oral surgeon. Only problem is I don't have dental insurance. I have been on antibiotics for at least a week and my mouth is still infected. Underneath my tongue I have blisters. I am not sure what to do, I know this is not normal. My husband says I have to be doing something wrong for the stuff to be falling out. But I am not only soft foods, I just want to feel better. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also are their picvtures of tooth infection. The dentist said something about tooth rot. Thanks
I am not gonna say that I am totally sure about the answer.it is really depending on the personal mind.thus it would better for you to try to find the best answer yourself.Here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a good resource for reference though.
I am not gonna say that I am totally sure about the answer.it is really depending on the personal mind.thus it would better for you to try to find the best answer yourself.Here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a good resource for reference though.
Is it ok to ask for a Mercury poisoning test?
I broke a tooth with a silver filling about a year and a half ago. It didnt hurt and I dont have dental insurance so I didnt go to the dentist. 2008 was the worst year of my life as far as panic attacks, anxiety, depression, death of a friend, extreme fatigue (that the doctor cannot help me with it seems) My memory is getting really bad, and my ability to function normally is like dissappearing. I get tingling sensations.My eyelid twitches. my back feels kinda like its tingly numb. I leave out letters and words when I write sometimes. Im having hard time comprehending things. And learning new stuff or problem solving is like so hard I cant do it. Im trying so many things to help w/ all of this diet, exercise, thinking positively, going to therapy and talking about crap I never had to talk about before to see if that is the problem. Some things are a little better but this extreme fatigue and like my cognitive abilities are getting worse. I went to the dentist he said I have mercury amalgam fillings and the broken one is leaking. Well mercury is very toxic. The more I read about it I cant believe they put it in peoples mouths. But there are still people who say its safe. I don't know what to believe. I want to have my blood or urine tested for mercury levels just for my peace of mind. I get extremely tired after eating inspite of trying very hard to keep my blood sugar within safe levels. Could it be that eating aggravates the fillings and Im sensative to mercury? Could it be intensifying my mood swings and making my memory go bad? I have this constant metal taste in my mouth but mercury is odorless and tasteless I hear. If I tell this to a doctor will they just laugh at me or will they give me a mercury test? Im 29 years old and I feel like Im losing my mind and going to have dementia and extreme exhaustion where I wont be able to leave my bed if I dont get to the bottom of this.
Just ask him to do it. He should. I had mine test me for lead. You are the one paying him. He shouldn't have aproblem with it. Don't be afraid to ask him. I've thought about doing the same. But most of my dental work has come apart and gone.
Just ask him to do it. He should. I had mine test me for lead. You are the one paying him. He shouldn't have aproblem with it. Don't be afraid to ask him. I've thought about doing the same. But most of my dental work has come apart and gone.
What procedures will I have to go through to fix my tooth?
A small bit of a filling came out of my molar a couple months ago, and since I did not have dental insurance, I couldn't afford to fix it (they said it would need a crown). However, now a large piece of the tooth has broken off and I can afford to fix it. After it broke off, I brushed my teeth to clean it out. As I brushed, I noticed a lot of brownish red stuff of slightly hard material was coming out of it with the brush. Was that the tooth pulp and does that mean the tooth is dead? Is the tooth repairable or will it need to be completely replaced?
if it's tooth pulp chances are you'll feel pain. only after your dentist look at it again, he'll evaluate whether the tooth is salvageable. If there's still a good portion of the tooth remain a crown may still be made. If the tooth was broken down straight to the root(not so likely in your case, usually hurts when this happens) then it's hard to save the tooth. There's always option to restore the space if the tooth must be pulled. Go see your dentist again. Good luck.
if it's tooth pulp chances are you'll feel pain. only after your dentist look at it again, he'll evaluate whether the tooth is salvageable. If there's still a good portion of the tooth remain a crown may still be made. If the tooth was broken down straight to the root(not so likely in your case, usually hurts when this happens) then it's hard to save the tooth. There's always option to restore the space if the tooth must be pulled. Go see your dentist again. Good luck.
Periodontal: Where to find best "special scaling" dentist in Alabama for moderate/severe Periodontal disease?
My mom seems to have the periodontal disease and seems to be in the moderate/severe level. She was diagnosed by a dentist and was told that she had to act quickly to keep her teeth. I think this would mean she has about a 4-5mm gap by now. She complains of bad breath, itching, and bleeding during brushing. I have already told her to brush her teeth, floss, rinse with either sterisol, corsodyl, warm salt water, or pure hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), and not eat anything for 1hr after this treatment round. (Please let me know if any of the above steps should be avoided or if there are any other effective home remedies) Also, is an electric toothbrush better at removing plaque than regular brush? I heard the Sonicare Elite is the best line, but I don't know which model. I did some research and decided she needs the "special scaling", or Periodontal Scaling and I want to find her the best dentist around Birmingham, Alabama. I think she'll be willing to drive about 2hr if she can find an excellent dentist. If you know any great dentists by reference or experience, please let me know. Also, we do not have dental insurance and won't be covered by any company for the medical fees, so the price has be to manageable. If possible, please let me know about how much the several visits may cost. If you have any experience or knowledge of this Periodontal disease, please share your experience and any tips. Thank you in advance because I know this is a lot to read! Best answer will receive 10pts.
about it you can get information from here http://medicine-treatment.notlong.com/?q=Accutane&qid=20090611204934AAkL6VB
about it you can get information from here http://medicine-treatment.notlong.com/?q=Accutane&qid=20090611204934AAkL6VB
Sudden appearance of broken tooth 2 yrs after wisdom teeth pulled?
after eating tonight i noticed a slight abrading against the side of my tongue. after rinsing and brushing it appears that there is a broken piece of tooth 5th back on my lower left side. I had all four wisdom teeth pulled in 06 and I'm concerned that this is an un-extracted portion of a tooth. It is not a small sliver but a larger shape partially obstructed by gum tissue. Having no current dental insurance what do i have to look forward to here, is it something that works itself loose or am i in for a miserable experience.
It could be residue but most likley it could be the start of another wisdom tooth forming but it surfaced i would have your oral surgen take a look and about insurance you can get government insurance for free if you make under a certain amount check into it!!!
It could be residue but most likley it could be the start of another wisdom tooth forming but it surfaced i would have your oral surgen take a look and about insurance you can get government insurance for free if you make under a certain amount check into it!!!
how much will it cost to fix my chipped tooth?
When I was 9 I went down a hill on my bike and Face planted into the road causing my front right tooth to be chipped diagonally half-way. I got it filled because it was a permanent tooth. but when I was in grade 5 one day I bit on a apple and it broke off and I had a chipped tooth I am now in grade 9 and still havent gotten it fixed because everytime I think about getting it done my parents dont have the money for it and we have no dental insurance because my parents own two stores and 1 of them is not going so well. How much do you think it would cost just to get a filling?
Call your local dental society to get a referral. The society may have the name of a dental professional that provides sliding scale services to patients. You could also try a local college/university school of dentistry clinic. You may receive the services at a much lower cost.
Call your local dental society to get a referral. The society may have the name of a dental professional that provides sliding scale services to patients. You could also try a local college/university school of dentistry clinic. You may receive the services at a much lower cost.
Brushing Teeth once a day instead of twice.?
Hi, this has been very confusing. I posted a question similar to this. My family, all of them, brush their teeth once a day with minimal teeth care, and never have cavities when they go to their checkups. Me on the otherhand, I brush my teeth for 6 minutes morning and night. I rinse and clean my mouth after everytime I eat, and use mouthwash once at night. Yet I keep getting one cavity after another, right now I think I have 2. I'm coming to the decision I have my mom's sensitive teeth and brushing my teeth is causing more harm to me than good, Would anyone back up my idea of only brushing the teeth once a day? to let the Enamels of my teeth Strengthen. This is important because I have no Dental Insurance and health bills are eating up my god damn wallet.
The research has shown that a very thorough plaque removal ( long rushing and flossing) can be done once every 24 to 36 hours. Most gumline sensitivity is actually a side effect of clenching one's teeth while asleep. Aggressive brushing can then lead to wear at the gum line area (other things wear the area as well.) Gentle (soft bristle), but thorough brushing and flossing is the answer. People that don't get cavities just don't have alot of the type of bacteria that cause them. Many people can be prone to gum disease later in life however.
The research has shown that a very thorough plaque removal ( long rushing and flossing) can be done once every 24 to 36 hours. Most gumline sensitivity is actually a side effect of clenching one's teeth while asleep. Aggressive brushing can then lead to wear at the gum line area (other things wear the area as well.) Gentle (soft bristle), but thorough brushing and flossing is the answer. People that don't get cavities just don't have alot of the type of bacteria that cause them. Many people can be prone to gum disease later in life however.
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