Ok, here's my situation: I'm a 20 year old male and I'm currently unemployed at the moment. I need some type of free health insurance and I know free money is out there somewhere. I can't get on my mom's health insurance plan because I'm not enrolled in college right now. The reason I temporarily need some free health insurance is because I have this really bad tooth abscess in my teeth and it's been bugging me for awhile. My mom took me to a dental clinic and the dentist ending up telling me I needed a root canal because the roots have gotten infected in the tooth, but they are charging me like crazy and I think a root canal is like 1,000 something dollars. My mom tells me to get it pulled because it's cheaper but the dentist told me my teeth could shift on me If I had that process done and I didn't want that. I know there's a way I can get a discount or something. I called for one for those green cards for unemployed residents at our local Outpatient Clinic here, but they are closed on the weekends. This abscess is really bothering me and it keeps coming back because I don't have the hole in my tooth closed up and the roots are constally getting infected. I take out some of the infection by guggling my mouth with warm salt water everyonce in awhile. It takes down the swelling but only for a short month or so. I was even subscibed some antibiotics but I feel uncomfortable swallowing pills so they gave me 3 shots in the booty (2 shots of antibiotic fluid and 1 shot for the pain). And when I do TRY to take antibiotic pills, I just chop them up and swallow them that way (childhood memories: I choked on a butterscotch candy when I was little). The temporary filling they put in didn't last for too long. It fell out after I bit down on a dorito chip. So what do I do? I live in Columbus, Georgia and I just wanted to know if there was a way I could beat around the bush from paying 1,000 dollars for a root canal when I'm currently unemployed. I'm looking for professional detailed answers only, not no: "just go to the dentist" mess, I know that. So please spare me or you the time! It would really help If I got some answers from real Dentist or someone who knows alot about Finance & Health Insurance. ^_^ I would REALLY appreciate your help! Thanks.
OK, free health insurance is called Medicaid - welfare health insurance. They won't pay for a root canal - they'll only pay for an extraction - which, btw, would cost around $100, even without insurance. Medicaid, the household income counts, not just YOUR income. There's no free dental insurance that pays for a root canal. Even with dental insurance that you buy, it rarely pays for half the cost of a root canal. If you have your heart set on a root canal, instead of just having the tooth pulled, you can probably find a dentist to make payment arrangements.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
For My Job, Union makes my benefits discover insurances for Drs. Hosp. and Dental, Please equal Charges fees.?
Eq. the Insurances Fees with charged and billed, for me.Rents, Tenants, Student, Work Part time Benefits. And, Earn Saved Banking Balance at Catholic Charity Bldg,, My Name Banking Saved safe Account.
i'm sorry but i can not figure out what you are trying to ask.....
i'm sorry but i can not figure out what you are trying to ask.....
Survey about health insurance. (Please?)?
Do you have health insurance? If no is it because it's too expensive? Is it because you don't qualify due to an existing condition? Is it because you want to pick your own doctors? Is there some other reason? If yes is it worth what you pay for it? Does it include dental? If so do you pay extra? What about vision? If so is that extra? Do you get to choose any doctor or is there a list of preferred providers? Does it cover prescriptions? Are you satisfied with it? Have you ever been unjustly denied a claim? Have you ever been burned by the "preexisting condition" clause? Overall would you say that insurance is a scam/racket? Comments? (Besides that this was long--Sorry.)
I no longer have health insurance, because my husband got sick last year and was aunable to return to work. We took the Cobra option for him and dental and eyeglass for the family. because of his condition, he had to be transferred to an "out of netwrok" hospital. The insurance refused to pay the bill that is in excess of $150,000.00. The hospital has been fighting it out with the insurance since then and we are aying $200.00/month to the hospital just in case the insurance doesn't come through. So, we are paying nearly $1000.00 for coverage that won't pay the bills. he sill has o go to that hospital once per month for tests and doctor visits. So, the total keeps rising. Sometimes I think we'd be better off just getting rid of the Cobra and paying the hospital more. I now must pay cash for doctor visits, prescriptions, etc. The dental insurance pays 90% of routine things, but nothing for anything beyond cleaning, fillings and extrations. The eyeglass is great free exam and $25.00 for glasses & you can pick your own frames. The Rx insurance that comes with the health insurance is $8.00 for generic and 30.oofor brand. But, the formulary is very limited, so most new, cutting edge medications aren't covered. I am NOT at all happy with the insurance system. Someone is getting rich while my family is spending our life savings...
I no longer have health insurance, because my husband got sick last year and was aunable to return to work. We took the Cobra option for him and dental and eyeglass for the family. because of his condition, he had to be transferred to an "out of netwrok" hospital. The insurance refused to pay the bill that is in excess of $150,000.00. The hospital has been fighting it out with the insurance since then and we are aying $200.00/month to the hospital just in case the insurance doesn't come through. So, we are paying nearly $1000.00 for coverage that won't pay the bills. he sill has o go to that hospital once per month for tests and doctor visits. So, the total keeps rising. Sometimes I think we'd be better off just getting rid of the Cobra and paying the hospital more. I now must pay cash for doctor visits, prescriptions, etc. The dental insurance pays 90% of routine things, but nothing for anything beyond cleaning, fillings and extrations. The eyeglass is great free exam and $25.00 for glasses & you can pick your own frames. The Rx insurance that comes with the health insurance is $8.00 for generic and 30.oofor brand. But, the formulary is very limited, so most new, cutting edge medications aren't covered. I am NOT at all happy with the insurance system. Someone is getting rich while my family is spending our life savings...
should dentist verify insurance every time?
i had a dental procedure done, the dentist's office told me it would cost $423 out of pocket which I paid at time of service. after procedure done, office told me insurance had changed since they verified benefits last year, and I owe another $1000. I think they should have verified my insurance before this procedure, because if they would have told me it would cost me $1423, I would not have had it done! is it their fault? do i still have to pay?
They verify as a courtesy. It is up to you to know the coverage your insurance. You have to pay.
They verify as a courtesy. It is up to you to know the coverage your insurance. You have to pay.
I need a Dental Plan, What is a Good plan?
okay I need help finding a dental plan and fast I have 4721.00 damage in my mouth due to impacted wisom teeth a wisom tooth shattering a molar that will need a crown and also two small cavitys that need to be taken care of but I need an insurance that will cover a large chunk of it, but I cant find one that seems good enough!?!? no my work cant be an option to look into seeing as they dont roll over a new year till January 2010 and I cant wait almost 6 months!! also I am married and 22 if that helps with some information. thanks a million!!
Sounds complicated, I'd start at DentalPlans.com they have the biggest selection of companies and let you compare. They should be able to help you find something that could work for you... and as I shared in some other questions use coupon code: PLAN10 at checkout or on the phone with them and you'll get 10%. Good luck.
Sounds complicated, I'd start at DentalPlans.com they have the biggest selection of companies and let you compare. They should be able to help you find something that could work for you... and as I shared in some other questions use coupon code: PLAN10 at checkout or on the phone with them and you'll get 10%. Good luck.
Insurance for braces? please help!?
I'm currently on medicaid and they don't cover braces. I'm tired of people making fun of my teeth if they don't like me. I'm an attractive girl, and I'd like to be able to smile without covering my mouth. I'd like to hear "you have a beautiful smile" atleast once. I found ameriplan dental plus online and I want to know if its legit? Or if anyone knows of a cheap/affordable insurance that covers braces? Please help! I'm starting college in the fall and I'm getting married soon. I'd like to have straight teeth by the time I tie the knot. Thanks!
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Are there many dental offices that allow end of the day walk in patients?
I work in a dental office and this past Thursday we finished up about 30 minutes early, so the dentist gathered up his things and left about 4:40, 20 mintues earlier than we close for the day. About 4:45 a man came in, walked up to the front counter, and said "My wife is a patient here. Here's my drivers license, so you can get my insurance information from her account." We didn't know who he was, and we hadn't seen his wife in years, so the receptionist asked him "Are you wanting to set up an appointment?" He acted like we were stupid for even asking him that. He said "NO I DON'T WANT TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT! I NEED TO BE SEEN NOW!" We told him that our dentist was already gone for the day but that we could see him the next morning. He said "UGH, I HAVE TO WORK. DOESN'T YOUR DENTIST KNOW THAT NORMAL PEOPLE WORK DURING THE DAY ALL WEEK LONG? I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO FIND A NEW DENTIST." Do some offices allow people to walk in right before closing time without an appointment?
I hate those people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate those people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
added my newborn to my insurance after 30 days?
help ! after i had my new baby things wre so hectic for me. he had jaundice and in and out of doctors.. my toddler had dental promblems . i had post partum issues myself and by the time i called to add baby to insurance it was abt 12 days after the 30 day period . my insurance is united healthcare thru my previous employer that im currently on cobra with.. they denied adding my newborn and said they wll send me a letter so i can appeal but im afraid that wont help . any advice on what i can do .. i cant imagine nt hvng insurance for my baby..especially we just got home from the hospital yestrday bcz he has broncholitus .. so i wl be billed for that . i know i called to add him late but hopeflly there gtta be something i can do. i means its for a child i live california .. any advice on how to handle this
No can do. You're not going to win that appeal. See, those are IRS laws that say you HAVE to add the baby within 30 days. Everyone says "you can file an appeal", but to get that baby added, the insurance company would have to break IRS laws. And they're not going to do that for you. Sorry.
No can do. You're not going to win that appeal. See, those are IRS laws that say you HAVE to add the baby within 30 days. Everyone says "you can file an appeal", but to get that baby added, the insurance company would have to break IRS laws. And they're not going to do that for you. Sorry.
I hate Western Dental Dentists! Question about roots canals and fillings?
HI Dr. Hall. I am terribly upset because yesterday I went to the dentist (western dental) so she can check how my root canal procedure went 3 weeks ago. she just asked me general questions about how I was feeling etc. Then she said I was all set and to wait a few weeks until my insurance company approves the crown. I have medi-cal. After that I asked her why I was having tooth sensitivity on some of my tooth that had white filings put in by another dentist. She checked my xrays and found out that I had 11-13 cavities. She expressed that the fillings have grown cavities because they were white. So I decided to let her redo the fillings. She ended up using Silver fillings oppose to white ones I had no idea she would use silver or else I would have told her to forget about it. Then I told her that I wanted white and she said a cavity can easily grow on white fillings, because my cavities are large is that true? And that I have to redo my white fillings every six months to avoid getting cavities? Is that true? Anyways I told her assistant to forget about the future appointments for my other cavities and to focus on my root canal procedure. But now I dont want to return to that office because I just believe the dentist is always in such a rush, she works on 2 patients at a time. Plus she almost forgot to fill one of my cavities if the assistant did not remind her. Can I just go back to the private dentist office I used to go to and have them remove the silver filling or is it to soon to remove it? It feels weird when i bite down. I don't want a silver filling! in addition can I have a different dentist finish my root canal treatment. The root canal has been done, but I just need a crown and temporary cap. Would my medi-cal cover the white fillings? How long can I have them in for? Also the crowns are for my two front teeth. Should I get my tooth whitened before I get a crown so I wont have to get a crown that's yellow? I'm 17 by the way.
You should sue her behind for shotty pratice and GET THE NEWS MEDIA INVOLVED! Yes, get your teeth whiten before you go back to the dentist, and I think that you should wait at least a month before you get your fillings redone. You need to call your dental company to see if they will cover everything that you want done, and be sure to GET IT IN WRITING!! YOU SSHOULD GET WHAT YOU WANT BECAUSE ITS YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY THATS PAYING FOR IT!! GOOD LUCK!!
You should sue her behind for shotty pratice and GET THE NEWS MEDIA INVOLVED! Yes, get your teeth whiten before you go back to the dentist, and I think that you should wait at least a month before you get your fillings redone. You need to call your dental company to see if they will cover everything that you want done, and be sure to GET IT IN WRITING!! YOU SSHOULD GET WHAT YOU WANT BECAUSE ITS YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY THATS PAYING FOR IT!! GOOD LUCK!!
Are you a dental school student looking for volunteering patients?
I can travel to anywhere within California. I am looking for dental students who are looking for volunteering patients (almost no charges). I am aware that my volunteering is totally free of charge, responsibility and reliability. I was refereed to do 1 root canal and 2 crowns plus couple fillings. And I was told the root canal only will cost me about 990! because my insurance is not really good (cheap) and I can't afford it at all....simply one cost of these serviced is way beyond every thing I have in my bank account! thank you please email me using my account page and contact me if you can offer it. Thank yolu
I am sorry I am not a dental school student but i just wanted to say some thing to the guy above, you are wrong I have seen students on craigslist.org looking for volunteers ...
I am sorry I am not a dental school student but i just wanted to say some thing to the guy above, you are wrong I have seen students on craigslist.org looking for volunteers ...
Work health insurance?
Ok, well I work for a small family own business in NJ. The owners and their son has been running into quite a bit of issues with the health insurer. Thus, tomorrow they will be meeting with an agent from another health insurance company. And they ask the employees if there is anything we can think of that's not included with this plan that we want would want included on the new plan, than write it down as options for them to consult on. So, I just want better dental coverage, but... I'm a private person and I also want to go see a fertility specialist. I can't even get that far cause my gyn won't do test that's costly cause my insurance won't cover it - or at least that's what I get out of the excuses she gives me for not looking further into my questionable infertility. Please keeping in mind that I don't want them to know. My question is how do I ask for such coverage, what is it called? Or is there no such coverage and it's as simple as just better health coverage?
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
should I set an appointment with the dentist first? or orthodontist?
I have a gap and overbite .. I want it to be fixed so bad cause I get so insecure about smiling and everything. so anyway, I dont know if I should set an appointment with a dentist first or an ortho.. and how much does the braces cost? I have an insurance and I'm planning to call my primary dental care I just dont know what to say.. I would really appreciate if someone helps me. thank you!
Most ortho offices require a referral from your general dentist. Because you need to make sure all your restoritive work is completed before you actually have braces put on. Braces normally run anywhere from 4,500 - 5,800 but most offices do a free consult so you dont have to worry about paying anything for the first visit.
Most ortho offices require a referral from your general dentist. Because you need to make sure all your restoritive work is completed before you actually have braces put on. Braces normally run anywhere from 4,500 - 5,800 but most offices do a free consult so you dont have to worry about paying anything for the first visit.
I'm hysterical..someone with dental expertise please help me with a problem/question?
I had a dental implant near my front teeth 2 away from center teeth..the tooth next to the implant had to be pull some time ago... I was just eating and then I noticed my implant was gone so I think I swallowed it, Without this tooth having two missing teeth looks horrible...I am embarrassed to go out. I( am very poor.\ my question is..if I am able to find the tooth, might it be fixable. No post is sticking out of my mouth..a long time ago it fell at as it was considered a failure as it was initially loose in an experimental program that had a higher rate of success at the time..I have had it for 22 years. When it fell out before I did not swallow it and I cannot remember if a post was sticking out of my gums or the tooth but I do know they pounded it back into my bone and it was ok for many years. This is my question if nothing is sticking out of my gums and I can retrieve the tooth. might it still be fixable. if not, can they make another one..what needs to be OK the bone post sticking out of the bone..if that is ok can they make another tooth and post and how much might that cost..I have had bone loss and gum loss and some of the metal showed about the tooth when it was on there..I noticed earlier today that it felt odd like kind of feeling it was more forward in my mouth put thought it must be because I have severe bruxism and lost my mouth guard and can't afford one and I was pushing the implant more forward in my mouth... On top of it, it feels very uncomfortable without it like my lips is being cut and hitting my other tooth because the implant was more forward than the other teeth and held my lip away from the tooth next to it so it hurts to talk and even just sit here quiet. I cannot get it fixed at the cheap college school of dentistry as once for another dental matter, I had a cheap, undependable car and it broke on my way there causing me t be late or miss appointments a few times and the guy banned me for life from going there that is where I initially got the implant..my dentist does not do this nor my insurance cover it..a partial was unsuccessful in the past so I have no options but the implant (or pulling all my teeth and getting dentures which I do no want. I do not even know where to go fro help. I do have a small amount of money from when my mom recently died but the bulk went for a serious car accident I was in recently that I only had liability on..please help so much is happening I am flashing suicidal thoughts..I need to know 1. if I find the tooth, is it likely repairable ..that is, if the post is still in my bone 2. how long do I have before the hoe the tooth was in (where the post was heals to get it back in there) 3. if the tooth is lost for good and the post is still in there, how much does it cost to make a new tooth and post about 4. if I have lost gum and bone since it was done will they make me a new tooth if the post is still screwed in my bone thanks
As gross as it sounds, check your stool for your tooth. If you find it, the tooth is re-usable, there is likely to be no effect from your digestive track to the tooth, it should be perfectly fine. Even if the hole heals over, it takes only seconds to open it up again, it won't be a problem at all. The cost depends on the area you live in, for my Zip code it is about $1,500, some of it is covered by insurance, I think about half of it. The post is cheap compared to the tooth. The dentist buys them in standard sizes. It doesn't really matter if you have the post or not. However you need to be concerned that you lost your post and have a hole in the bone, an infection of the bone is nothing to be taken lightly as there is a very small chance it can be lethal if untreated. I suggest you see a dentist right away to get the hole checked, and keep looking for your tooth in your stool.
As gross as it sounds, check your stool for your tooth. If you find it, the tooth is re-usable, there is likely to be no effect from your digestive track to the tooth, it should be perfectly fine. Even if the hole heals over, it takes only seconds to open it up again, it won't be a problem at all. The cost depends on the area you live in, for my Zip code it is about $1,500, some of it is covered by insurance, I think about half of it. The post is cheap compared to the tooth. The dentist buys them in standard sizes. It doesn't really matter if you have the post or not. However you need to be concerned that you lost your post and have a hole in the bone, an infection of the bone is nothing to be taken lightly as there is a very small chance it can be lethal if untreated. I suggest you see a dentist right away to get the hole checked, and keep looking for your tooth in your stool.
How can I disenroll myself from Tricare?
my husband went UA and I dont wish to receive Tricare anymore. I have a new insurance that I am happy with which covers medical and dental, however, tricare is REFUSING to remove me from their service. What can I do?
The problem is that as far as TRICARE is concerned, your husband (the service member) is the one that has signed up his family for coverage. The dilemma is that the military (based on the term UA, I assume he is Navy) mandates that members provide suitable medical coverage for their families; so since he signed you up, only he can disenroll you, without some sort of exceptional effort. That is so that a disgruntled dependent can't claim non-coverage, or run up high medical bills for a member to pay. On the other hand - you don't have to use TRICARE. It will be there, and most insurance companies will consider it an additional supplemental insurance. But if you make no claim, there should be no problem. Have you asked the regional TRICARE folks how to disenroll? You can try the link below.
The problem is that as far as TRICARE is concerned, your husband (the service member) is the one that has signed up his family for coverage. The dilemma is that the military (based on the term UA, I assume he is Navy) mandates that members provide suitable medical coverage for their families; so since he signed you up, only he can disenroll you, without some sort of exceptional effort. That is so that a disgruntled dependent can't claim non-coverage, or run up high medical bills for a member to pay. On the other hand - you don't have to use TRICARE. It will be there, and most insurance companies will consider it an additional supplemental insurance. But if you make no claim, there should be no problem. Have you asked the regional TRICARE folks how to disenroll? You can try the link below.
Healthcare and Insurance incentives?
Ok I do the right thing and keep my automobile insured, my home insured, and I have a rider on my contents. I'm already paying out the nose on these because some people choose not to insure their cars and have wrecks, some people feel they need to steal other peoples belongings, and god forbid I have a faulty switch or gas leak and loose my home. So with that already coming out of my pocket why don't the powers to be give me an incentive to support their health care wants by giving me a break for already carrying other types of insurance. I get a break for multicar, smoke alarms, and defensive driving. How about giving me a break on my medical and dental and call it a multi insurable policy and cut my cost 30% on all of them. Wouldn't that be an incentive for other persons to go out get insurance? Of course I may be thinking to much here......I tend to forget who's running things now.
True...But don't forget , we live in capitalist society where criminals get rich and honest people (or 95% of population) will live in poverty forever...
True...But don't forget , we live in capitalist society where criminals get rich and honest people (or 95% of population) will live in poverty forever...
Is there a Dental plan that you have higher monthly fee so that you have a significantly lower copay?
I have extensive work that needs to be done, but I can't do it on credit, and I can't afford $800 for each crown with the current insurance I have. I'd rather pay a higher monthly rate ($100 or $200 a month) and have lower copays. I'm not interested in lectures, my dental issues stem from the poor nutrition my mother had while she was pregnant with me. Even the dentists are amazed how soft my teeth are.
There are many different plans out there. Most pay 50% on crown and bridge work. I have seen one plan that pays 70% on crowns. The issue here is that there is a maximum the insurance company will pay out per year... most of the time it is $1000 to $1500. So, you need to take into consideration the higher premium for the insurance and what your copay will be. If you are paying $1000 a year in premiums and the maximum the insurance company will pay out is $1000 you have saved no money and just had to deal with the headache of dealing with an insurance company. Look around and MAKE SURE to check the maximum annual payout before you sign anything.
There are many different plans out there. Most pay 50% on crown and bridge work. I have seen one plan that pays 70% on crowns. The issue here is that there is a maximum the insurance company will pay out per year... most of the time it is $1000 to $1500. So, you need to take into consideration the higher premium for the insurance and what your copay will be. If you are paying $1000 a year in premiums and the maximum the insurance company will pay out is $1000 you have saved no money and just had to deal with the headache of dealing with an insurance company. Look around and MAKE SURE to check the maximum annual payout before you sign anything.
Does anyone know of anywhere in Ohio you can go to get cheap dental care.?
I have a few dental problems right now that are really starting to bother me. I am on a medigap insurance and I have checked with all of them in this area, no one has dental added to their medigap. Some of them have discount plans, but that doesn't help much, when you really don't have the extra money. Why doesn't this country get dental care for everyone? It would eliminate alot of other problems that bad teeth and gums cause. I can't get any help with medicaid, because I would have a spendown of about $500 or more. I worked alot of years, but it doesn't matter, if you make too much money on disability, they just don't have dental, unless you have kids. Please help.
University hospital in Cincinnati, Cincinnati Dental, not sure where you are but there are dentist that will take what your dental insurance(not familiar with medigap) pays as full payment,,,,check with the dentist in your area,,,
University hospital in Cincinnati, Cincinnati Dental, not sure where you are but there are dentist that will take what your dental insurance(not familiar with medigap) pays as full payment,,,,check with the dentist in your area,,,
How to get dental help in or near Saint Augustine, florida.?
I had a filling fall out a few months back. I have been dealing with the pain, keeping the area clean, etc. I can no longer deal with the pain. It keeps getting worse and worse. I have passed out twice now due to this, often have dizzy spells at work, my whole body is getting weird, sluggish, almost aching. I don't know what is going on, but I need help. I have spent the past 2 weeks looking up everything I can think of, there are no dental schools left in my area, there are no dentists I can find willing to help, and no insurance company that has less then a 3 month waiting period for what I need done. I just want the tooth removed. I can't afford much, have about 200 bucks, and the cheapest I can find for the extraction and the x-rays is around 450-500. My credit sucks and I have not tried to re-establish it therefor I can get no assistance that way. The local health clinic no longer assists adults, and I am out of options on what to do. For the first time in my life, I am actually afraid for my health, my life. If anyone out there has a suggestion, or is willing to help point me in the right direction, I will forever be in your debt. I live in St. Augustine, Florida, if that is of any relevance.
either ER or you can get a discount plan. there is one called the careington 500 series plan at http://www.1dental.com, it starts immediately and usually cuts the price of those procedures about in half at a general dentist. also here is a coupon to to aspen dental. it should get you a free exam and xray. http://www.aspendental.com/coupons/freee… for the discount plan it looks like they have an office in their plan at Coast Dental 1081 A1a Beach Blvd Saint Augustine, FL 32080 Smilecare Dental Associates-St Augu 9 St Johns Med Pk, Ste B St Augustine, FL 32086 and Mark Weaver DDS Pa 150 S Park Blvd Saint Augustine, FL 32086 I hope that helps.
either ER or you can get a discount plan. there is one called the careington 500 series plan at http://www.1dental.com, it starts immediately and usually cuts the price of those procedures about in half at a general dentist. also here is a coupon to to aspen dental. it should get you a free exam and xray. http://www.aspendental.com/coupons/freee… for the discount plan it looks like they have an office in their plan at Coast Dental 1081 A1a Beach Blvd Saint Augustine, FL 32080 Smilecare Dental Associates-St Augu 9 St Johns Med Pk, Ste B St Augustine, FL 32086 and Mark Weaver DDS Pa 150 S Park Blvd Saint Augustine, FL 32086 I hope that helps.
Health insurance question bluecross and blueshield?
I don't have any kind of insurance. My fiancee has insurance but I can't get on it until we get married in Dec of 08. I need medical, dental, and vision. Could I get all three through bluecross and blueshield? It would be me paying out of my pocket and not through a company. I work as a nanny so I don't have benifits. I went online and they are sending my info. Any info would be a big help.
The BC/BSs are all independent (they are under an organizational umbrella for identity, but unlike when they originated, some are for profit, some are still not-for-profit). Plus all states have all kinds of rules and regs as to what plans have to/can't offer, so without knowing your state, can't say. Typically BC/BS is a solid company. You might want to do a search off a web site that handles multiple policies and see what you can get, like ehealthinsurance.com You might want to consider an HSA as you could set aside money when you're young and healthy for when you're older and may have health issues. You can search above site for HSAs as well. It's actually a good idea if you can get insurance on your own--not at the mercy of your employer and ERISA shield (insurance advantage, not yours) does not apply. Granted you probably will pay more in premiums, but if you're healthy, an HSA could be the best choice for you. You may want to think about the "need" for dental. My brother has dental. I think he gets $2K in benefits a year. They limit who he can see. He's paying a good $4K or so out of pocket this year because of what his dentist, on plan, charges. That's more than $1K per crown. I just got a crown for $500. I don't think he saves a cent. Similar with vision--lots of low cost yet legit exams out there and glasses if you need them. May not be so important as you think. An eye injury should be covered under health--though it pays to ask as they can come up with the most interesting twists in that line of work. Too bad Hollywood writers are not so creative as insurance writers are.
The BC/BSs are all independent (they are under an organizational umbrella for identity, but unlike when they originated, some are for profit, some are still not-for-profit). Plus all states have all kinds of rules and regs as to what plans have to/can't offer, so without knowing your state, can't say. Typically BC/BS is a solid company. You might want to do a search off a web site that handles multiple policies and see what you can get, like ehealthinsurance.com You might want to consider an HSA as you could set aside money when you're young and healthy for when you're older and may have health issues. You can search above site for HSAs as well. It's actually a good idea if you can get insurance on your own--not at the mercy of your employer and ERISA shield (insurance advantage, not yours) does not apply. Granted you probably will pay more in premiums, but if you're healthy, an HSA could be the best choice for you. You may want to think about the "need" for dental. My brother has dental. I think he gets $2K in benefits a year. They limit who he can see. He's paying a good $4K or so out of pocket this year because of what his dentist, on plan, charges. That's more than $1K per crown. I just got a crown for $500. I don't think he saves a cent. Similar with vision--lots of low cost yet legit exams out there and glasses if you need them. May not be so important as you think. An eye injury should be covered under health--though it pays to ask as they can come up with the most interesting twists in that line of work. Too bad Hollywood writers are not so creative as insurance writers are.
What prevents people from buying health insurance and then using it the next day to cover an operation?
For example, Enrolling in health insurance or getting a job with benefits, with the raw intentions of using it to get what you need for a lot less cash. ( Ex. operation or dental work or Xray ) Is there a time limit before you can use the insurance? Is there a contract that keeps you locked in for several years? How could someone turn a 30,000 dollar surgery into a hundred bucks per month with no penalties? Ive got into an argument with a friend about this and he says you can buy it and use it the next day ...
insurance companies tend to look for "precondition" as an excuse not to cover you. you can get the work done, or attleast started but you will get that most unfortunate letter in the mail 2-3 months or later down the road saying, "sorry but your claim was refused due to preconditions..." which then makes you responsible for all costs, even what they already covered. if you watch "sicko" by michael moore, you'll see the insurance companies at their best. they often have no grounds for this claim of "precondition" particularly with long time clients of theirs that all of a sudden get diagnosed with a costly sickness. they refuse the claim based on "preconditions" and what do you do? they will draw out the case in court till you die, with their high dollar lawyers, or youll wish you died and have a huge lawyer bill too. insurance companies are in business to make money. they pay alot of money to "claim advisors" who do the dirty work for the company. these people get bonuss' to find grounds to terminate your claim. if they can dig up a genetic tie to your disease and your parents thay can toss your claim out. insurance companies bank on statistics. more people will pay for a policy than the amount of money theyll have to pay out to their clients. obviously bigger claims require a closer look in their eyes
insurance companies tend to look for "precondition" as an excuse not to cover you. you can get the work done, or attleast started but you will get that most unfortunate letter in the mail 2-3 months or later down the road saying, "sorry but your claim was refused due to preconditions..." which then makes you responsible for all costs, even what they already covered. if you watch "sicko" by michael moore, you'll see the insurance companies at their best. they often have no grounds for this claim of "precondition" particularly with long time clients of theirs that all of a sudden get diagnosed with a costly sickness. they refuse the claim based on "preconditions" and what do you do? they will draw out the case in court till you die, with their high dollar lawyers, or youll wish you died and have a huge lawyer bill too. insurance companies are in business to make money. they pay alot of money to "claim advisors" who do the dirty work for the company. these people get bonuss' to find grounds to terminate your claim. if they can dig up a genetic tie to your disease and your parents thay can toss your claim out. insurance companies bank on statistics. more people will pay for a policy than the amount of money theyll have to pay out to their clients. obviously bigger claims require a closer look in their eyes
Published Authors: Insurance? How does that work?
I imagine it varies from place to place, but just the basics would be great, I suppose. Do you have insurance (medical, dental, etc.) while you're under contract, while your books are still selling, lifetime, what? Do they expect you to go out and get your own insurance? Family coverage? Pre-existing conditions? Is it group insurance? Any questions I forgot to ask, could you answer them while you're at it? Yeah, I'm kinda looking for good news for my family. Some of them already think I'm crazy for pursuing this, but they're the ones who don't read what I write and when they do say "so what?" Thanks all!
Insurance? I have never seen a standard writer's contract that offered any type of insurance. You are not an employee of the publisher, you simply sold a commodity to them -- your book. I have never heard of an author who was insured by their publishing company -- either for themselves or for their family. Dental? Are you kidding? No - there is no insurance. If you are under contract with a major publisher and have a good agent, you may get a decent advance. If you are published by a small publisher, expect royalties ONLY. But no insurance. In the case of small publishers, I doubt even their own employees have dental insurance. If your family is in need of insurance, then you would be best to get a job and write in your free time. Your family's health and well-being should come before your writing. Pax- C
Insurance? I have never seen a standard writer's contract that offered any type of insurance. You are not an employee of the publisher, you simply sold a commodity to them -- your book. I have never heard of an author who was insured by their publishing company -- either for themselves or for their family. Dental? Are you kidding? No - there is no insurance. If you are under contract with a major publisher and have a good agent, you may get a decent advance. If you are published by a small publisher, expect royalties ONLY. But no insurance. In the case of small publishers, I doubt even their own employees have dental insurance. If your family is in need of insurance, then you would be best to get a job and write in your free time. Your family's health and well-being should come before your writing. Pax- C
I need dental work ie.bridge and cap no insurance anyone know of payment plan or discount with bad credit?
dental work is high and i need to finance but i dont have good credit
The only thing I could suggest is to try to apply for Care Credit. They are pretty lenient with approvals. Try that and if you're not approved maybe you could work out a payment plan with you dds. Good luck. http://www.carecredit.com/
The only thing I could suggest is to try to apply for Care Credit. They are pretty lenient with approvals. Try that and if you're not approved maybe you could work out a payment plan with you dds. Good luck. http://www.carecredit.com/
can one person have two dental insurances both being united concordia and use both of them?
My daughter has united concordia insurance with her step father and real father. Can they both be used twords her braces?
The above answers are good and I would only add this: Since the relationship is father and step-father, you will need to know which plan is primary and which is secondary. If it were a simple "mom & dad" arrangement, the person with the earlier birthday in the year would be primary. But in this non-traditional family other factors come into consideration, such as family court orders. Once you find out who is primary, ask about the secondary's "coordination of benefits". They should be either "standard/full" or "non-duplicaton". Since both plans are with the same company, they shold be able to explain everything to you completely. It's a tricky situation, so make sure you know everything before you start. The very best way would be to ask your dentist or orthodontist to pre-authorize the treatment. It takes about 30 to 45 days, but at least you would know what the braces will end up costing YOU.
The above answers are good and I would only add this: Since the relationship is father and step-father, you will need to know which plan is primary and which is secondary. If it were a simple "mom & dad" arrangement, the person with the earlier birthday in the year would be primary. But in this non-traditional family other factors come into consideration, such as family court orders. Once you find out who is primary, ask about the secondary's "coordination of benefits". They should be either "standard/full" or "non-duplicaton". Since both plans are with the same company, they shold be able to explain everything to you completely. It's a tricky situation, so make sure you know everything before you start. The very best way would be to ask your dentist or orthodontist to pre-authorize the treatment. It takes about 30 to 45 days, but at least you would know what the braces will end up costing YOU.
Where can I find the least expensive Health Insurance?
I need to get both Dental and Medical Health insurance? Any suggestions on an affordable one?
If you are in the US this site can help you http://heinsurance.notlong.com here you can get quotes from different companies in your area, this way you compare and ifnd the least expensive for you.
If you are in the US this site can help you http://heinsurance.notlong.com here you can get quotes from different companies in your area, this way you compare and ifnd the least expensive for you.
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