One of my molars....I'm pretty sure is decaying....a few months ago..maybe almost 2 years ago, my dentist put a filling inside of my tooth, its rather large...then sometime last year my tooth cracked *part of it...the part that connects to the next tooth..if that makes sense* and i had ALOT of pain for a while...but no insurance...and couldn't afford anything....then a few months ago the pain stopped...didnt hurt anymore....a few days ago...i was eating and and even bigger piece chipped off...the tooth is still in place but the side that faces the tounge is partially gone with the filling exposed...but you cant see any part of the tooth...just the enamal on the sides i guess my question is is there someting i can do...before the pain kicks in..if it does...until i can find some good dental insurance? i dont really have alot of money..and i am working 2 jobs....but alot of benifits dont kick in till 90 days or so
I would get into a dentist that would be willing to work with you. You could also try your local superstore (Wal*Mart) or drugstore to see if they have an emergency dental clinic. In the meantime, Walgreens (and I am sure others) carry temporary filling kits. Please see the links below. Good luck.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I need immediate information on Dental Insurance!?
I just got hired and will have dental through my employer in 3 months. The thing is, i want to fix my two front teeth as soon as possible because one of them is dark...for breaking my teeth when i was younger. Im 23 and just dont like the fact that my smile is not all white. I have been looking over insurance companies, and found SafeGuard dental and vision, their premier coverage is $11.99 a month. That is cheap and there's no waiting period for the crown i need to get. Do you think i should wait for my employer or do it on my own?
I have met this sort of situation before,here is the resource I found helpful.
I have met this sort of situation before,here is the resource I found helpful.
Gradeschooler's broken tooth and dental insurance?
My stepdaughter has dental insurance through her mother at the moment. Her mom is in the air force (I don't know if that makes a difference). She was playing on the playground with her friends and fell and broke her front tooth in half. She went to the dentist today to have it repaired. I talked to her later this morning and she said she didn't get it fixed because the insurance wouldn't pay. Now she is going to have to wait until January to get her tooth fixed. This is unacceptable to me. Why should a ten year old have to be embarrassed and walk around with a broken tooth!? I am sure it is also uncomfortable and painful when she eats. Does anyone know why the insurance would deny this?
Well, if she cant get it fixed now why is she going to be able to get it fixed in Jan.? That is the real question, is the insurance going to cover it then? This may be a waiting peroid, or maybe she has already met the yearly max amount of coverage.
Well, if she cant get it fixed now why is she going to be able to get it fixed in Jan.? That is the real question, is the insurance going to cover it then? This may be a waiting peroid, or maybe she has already met the yearly max amount of coverage.
is there a dental insurance that covers for braces for teens?
okay use this as a guide..… so what if your lateral incisors is almost underneath your Central incisors and your canines are up, which looks like fangs, and your first permolars are pushed out and your second permolars are pushed in and it keeps going like a wave. my friend was too embarrassed to ask, so i'm asking for her, just in case if your wondering.. so if your teeth look like that, is there any insurance that will pay for all of it because your in real need of straight teeth?
i have CIGNA insurance (traditional) and it covers a lot of it... im getting braces and its original price is 5000 dollars but covered by the insurance is id say.,... hmm///.... a meer 2500?
i have CIGNA insurance (traditional) and it covers a lot of it... im getting braces and its original price is 5000 dollars but covered by the insurance is id say.,... hmm///.... a meer 2500?
Can I add more dental insurance to the plan I already have?
I just found out I need a root canal and two wisdom teeth pulled. By the time I get this done, my dental insurance will be maxed out. I only have a $1,000 benefit for the year. I won't even be able to get my teeth cleaned after all this. My root canal alone is going to be $704 out of pocket. I need to know if there is any way to add more insurance or something just until I get my teeth taken care of. Maybe just for the year. It has been about 10 years since I have gone to the dentist. So I just need to get my teeth healthy again.
I don't know what state you are in, but Pacificare Dental has a good plan. There is no yearly max, no six month or a year waiting period before you can do anything major. You can start it right away. It's only offered in California to individuals. If you live here , check it out. It's the Signature Value plan. 1 person $15.50 a month 2 for $24.53 And i do believe you can have another dental insurance to help cover the cost.
I don't know what state you are in, but Pacificare Dental has a good plan. There is no yearly max, no six month or a year waiting period before you can do anything major. You can start it right away. It's only offered in California to individuals. If you live here , check it out. It's the Signature Value plan. 1 person $15.50 a month 2 for $24.53 And i do believe you can have another dental insurance to help cover the cost.
Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Ameriplan OR Dental Insurance?
All 4 of my wisdom teeth are impacted - 1 is 2/3rds the way out, 1 is moving slightly and I've yet (knock on wood!) to have any issues with the other 2. I was a member of Ameriplan a few years back but never had to use it because I was covered under BlueCross in which I am no longer covered under either. Would it be best to re-register with the Ameriplan (25% discount) or an individual dental insurance (which would POSSIBLY be more beneficial depending on the coverage amount/deductible, etc.) for about the same $ monthly? If you feel as though the individual dental insurance would be best, does anyone have any recommendations for coverage companies, etc.? Thanks! ps- PLEASE don't SPAM this with the Ameriplan links & false reviews!
Thats a tough decision to make. Ameriplan will cover anywhere from %25-%50 and you pay less per month on the benefits, on the other hand insurance may cost a little more each month and also have a waiting period before it can be used. I believe the insurance should cover %50 of the cost or typically up to $2500 for orthodontic treatment. I believe the best bet would be for you to call the providers in the area and find out how much it would cost for braces weather it would be ameriplan or insurance. Im like you, I have both. Here is my reps website.. there should be a link for provider search and begin your search by calling the orthodontist. Then compare with possible insurance. will have some insurance companies you could compare to. Call providers and get an estimate.
Thats a tough decision to make. Ameriplan will cover anywhere from %25-%50 and you pay less per month on the benefits, on the other hand insurance may cost a little more each month and also have a waiting period before it can be used. I believe the insurance should cover %50 of the cost or typically up to $2500 for orthodontic treatment. I believe the best bet would be for you to call the providers in the area and find out how much it would cost for braces weather it would be ameriplan or insurance. Im like you, I have both. Here is my reps website.. there should be a link for provider search and begin your search by calling the orthodontist. Then compare with possible insurance. will have some insurance companies you could compare to. Call providers and get an estimate.
Best place to get Dental Insurance ??? Need help please!?
Well, now that I work for myself I need to find a good place for medical and dental insurance, I need dental asap because i have a cavity I think and i want it taken care of.. So are there any good places online that have very good coverage ( like 50%+ ) cuz im gonna also have to get my wisdoms pulled soon as well.. So i want to make sure i dont get some crap coverage thats only like a 15% discount on everything I live in Wisconsin if that matters . thanks everyone
Badgercare in WI
Badgercare in WI
help! i dont know what to do.I ran out of dental insurance coverage!I had to have a deep clean and a root?
canal.Now i need a crown,but i used up all my ins.The crown will be more than i can afford.I dont know what to do
just pay for it any way
just pay for it any way
What percentage of my insurance should I expect my employer to pay?
I work for a small startup company and have no idea what I should expect my employer to pay for my medical/dental insurance.
Depending on the size of the company-- they may not even provide medical/dental insurance. I would go in with the expectation of 0 - then you will not be disappointed. Or, just ask your supervisor or HR department/person - what they pay.
Depending on the size of the company-- they may not even provide medical/dental insurance. I would go in with the expectation of 0 - then you will not be disappointed. Or, just ask your supervisor or HR department/person - what they pay.
Is there program or social service that helps out with serious dental help?
I'm having a major struggle right now, my fiance needs serious dental help, as in ALL his teeth need to be taken out, but that's a $4000 operation and we don't have any dental insurance. Is there a program or social service that could help us?
i am sorry to hear that, and i don't know about the service in your area.. but one way about it is to have a treatment from a skilled student in his/her residence (practical) term under the supervision of the dental professor. it costs less than the half. a mutual help hope your fiance get well soon
i am sorry to hear that, and i don't know about the service in your area.. but one way about it is to have a treatment from a skilled student in his/her residence (practical) term under the supervision of the dental professor. it costs less than the half. a mutual help hope your fiance get well soon
Where can I find good orthodontic insurance?
I live in Michigan and already have dental insurance but need orthodontic insurance that cover children and adults.
Best orthodontist plan in Michigan that covers both children and adults braces is Orthodontist4Less. Make sure you see how you can save at the minimum of 25% and up to 60% on dental braces.
Best orthodontist plan in Michigan that covers both children and adults braces is Orthodontist4Less. Make sure you see how you can save at the minimum of 25% and up to 60% on dental braces.
Where can i get low cost or free dental work ?
I work very hard, but dont have any dental insurance. My teeth need major work. I would love to smile again. I work in sales and my confidence is low. My little boy passed away last summer and my self esteme is very low. It's been very hard without him. I was a single father and he was my best friend. It would help me a great deal to get my teeth fixed. It would boost my spirits. I can make payments and would love for someone to answer my prayers. Thank you.
I got work done at the local dental school (NYU dental). I went in to get some work on my lower teeth (root canals, etc) and they screwed up really, really badly and I ended up having to get a lower partial denture. It took them 14 months to do it (takes 3 normally) and it has to now be redone. It took 45 appointments, and they billed medicaid for $30,000 dollars. I'm still going to suggest you go, however. You need the work, and it's very cheap. (up to 1/4 the price) But there's some rules you have to obey (personal rules) if you want to get a good result. 1: The student is relatively unimportant. They're ALL terrible. The important thing is the supervising dentist. Not all teachers are created equal. Ask around. Find out who the best supervising dentist is for your needs. 2:Then stick with him. Only book appointments when that teacher is there. You MUST NOT switch around. I did this and it's a led to disaster. 3. Always make sure the supervisior checks the work. When he comes over, tell HIM the problems you're having. Then when the work is done, get him back over and tell him if there's a problem. 4: Students lie. They could care less about you. You're just a grade to them, no matter what they say. NEVER trust that a student is reporting truthfully if there is a problem. When the teacher comes over, repeat exactly what's going on. 5: If the teacher is dismissive and glib, doesn't check the work carefully, get another. He's no good. 6: If it's taking an inordinate amount of time to do something, and they keep screwing up (they won't admit to that, but you aren't an idiot!) then get another student/teacher. They're both incompetent. The schools are slower, btw. But it shouldn't take more than twice as long as normal. 7: Use the Patient Advocate frequently. They're almost useless for most things, but they can help clear red tape. And remember, th PA is there to PROTECT the school, regardless of her title. Don't trust her 100%. I'm actually getting some good final work there now, and this is the formula I use. And remember, these schools are IMMUNE to lawsuits. They are not held responsible at all for any bad work, legally.
I got work done at the local dental school (NYU dental). I went in to get some work on my lower teeth (root canals, etc) and they screwed up really, really badly and I ended up having to get a lower partial denture. It took them 14 months to do it (takes 3 normally) and it has to now be redone. It took 45 appointments, and they billed medicaid for $30,000 dollars. I'm still going to suggest you go, however. You need the work, and it's very cheap. (up to 1/4 the price) But there's some rules you have to obey (personal rules) if you want to get a good result. 1: The student is relatively unimportant. They're ALL terrible. The important thing is the supervising dentist. Not all teachers are created equal. Ask around. Find out who the best supervising dentist is for your needs. 2:Then stick with him. Only book appointments when that teacher is there. You MUST NOT switch around. I did this and it's a led to disaster. 3. Always make sure the supervisior checks the work. When he comes over, tell HIM the problems you're having. Then when the work is done, get him back over and tell him if there's a problem. 4: Students lie. They could care less about you. You're just a grade to them, no matter what they say. NEVER trust that a student is reporting truthfully if there is a problem. When the teacher comes over, repeat exactly what's going on. 5: If the teacher is dismissive and glib, doesn't check the work carefully, get another. He's no good. 6: If it's taking an inordinate amount of time to do something, and they keep screwing up (they won't admit to that, but you aren't an idiot!) then get another student/teacher. They're both incompetent. The schools are slower, btw. But it shouldn't take more than twice as long as normal. 7: Use the Patient Advocate frequently. They're almost useless for most things, but they can help clear red tape. And remember, th PA is there to PROTECT the school, regardless of her title. Don't trust her 100%. I'm actually getting some good final work there now, and this is the formula I use. And remember, these schools are IMMUNE to lawsuits. They are not held responsible at all for any bad work, legally.
Does anyone know how to get a cheap dental cleaning in San Diego?
I don't have dental insurance or anything. I think my teeth are in decent health, but I want to get a routine cleaning and checkup done. Any suggestions?
Southwestern College in National City has a free dental hygiene clinic. All services are free and you would be helping a student meet their requirements for graduation! Win, win! They are closely supervised by faculty and have to do a lot of preparation before they are allowed to work on actual people so you don't have to worry about some one being totally clueless! The only down side is that sometimes it takes a little longer since they are students and have to go through a lot of protocol. If you are interested call (619) 216-6665
Southwestern College in National City has a free dental hygiene clinic. All services are free and you would be helping a student meet their requirements for graduation! Win, win! They are closely supervised by faculty and have to do a lot of preparation before they are allowed to work on actual people so you don't have to worry about some one being totally clueless! The only down side is that sometimes it takes a little longer since they are students and have to go through a lot of protocol. If you are interested call (619) 216-6665
Can my ex wife make me pay for half of my kids braces before insurance?
My Ex is remarried and carriers dental insurance on our kids through her work insurance and her new husbands insurance. She is stating that I owe half of the amount for braces without her new husband using his insurance. I told that is fine if she doesn't submit it to his insurance, but if she does and his insurance pays then I should only owe half of the out-of-pocket costs. Does anyone know if I am right?
Actually you need to check with the provisions of your divorce decree. I found out that since braces are "cosmetic" that my ex-husband could refuse to pay for any of it, which he did. I paid for all out-of-pocket expenses for my son's braces all by myself. Sounds like she's trying to get over on you!
Actually you need to check with the provisions of your divorce decree. I found out that since braces are "cosmetic" that my ex-husband could refuse to pay for any of it, which he did. I paid for all out-of-pocket expenses for my son's braces all by myself. Sounds like she's trying to get over on you!
What's best dental coverage for white composite fillings?
Many dental insurance or dental plans do not offer coverage for white composite fillings except for front teeth. If I needed fillings repaired or new ones, I only want composite, non mercury based fillings. Any direction on plan type or specific companies to look at that are cost effective is appreciated? Thanks.
I just pay for them -approx £30-100 as an additional extra - cheaper for me as I don't have insurance. If you ask your dentist you should be able to book a fully private non plan covered appointment for not much extra.
I just pay for them -approx £30-100 as an additional extra - cheaper for me as I don't have insurance. If you ask your dentist you should be able to book a fully private non plan covered appointment for not much extra.
How much would braces cost if we dont have insurance?
Okay, so basically my mom keeps saying she's going to look into braces for me since my teeth are really messed up. I'm 14, and I don't have dental insurance but I really want to get my teeth fixed. How much do you think on average it would cost if she were to pay a monthly payment?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
I want to know how to find a free or low cost dental clinic. My mother is on a fixed income?
My mom has social security as her sole support. She is 64 and has no Medical or Dental insurance coverage. After rent, utilities and grocerys she does not have much left. She really needs to see a doctor because of arthritis pain and her diabetes. She really needs to see a dentist because she has many missing teeth and is in bad need of dentures. I am not in a financial position to help her. I need to find her free or low cost care. Any suggestions?
How can she be on Social Security and not have Medicare? There is no free dental care. The dental clinics that were popular in the 90's were overwhelmed and most have opted to treat only children now. All they ever did was pull teeth out anyway. So there's no free care. Have you looked into your local county and state dental society or your nearest local dental school? They will offer reduced fees but not by too much. Most require payment up front and there are huge waiting lists. Sorry. Because of the economy it's just a bad time all around.
How can she be on Social Security and not have Medicare? There is no free dental care. The dental clinics that were popular in the 90's were overwhelmed and most have opted to treat only children now. All they ever did was pull teeth out anyway. So there's no free care. Have you looked into your local county and state dental society or your nearest local dental school? They will offer reduced fees but not by too much. Most require payment up front and there are huge waiting lists. Sorry. Because of the economy it's just a bad time all around.
Can you claim out-of-pocket dental expenses when filing your taxes?
I live in MN and though I have dental insurance, it didn't cover all the work I had done this last year. Can I get an old invoice from the dentist's office and claim them???
If you itemize deductions you can claim medical payments above and beyond 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. For example if your adjusted gross income is $30,000, 7.5% of that is $2,250.00. Your medical expenses are $3,000.00. You can claim the difference of the two, which is $750.00. If your medical expenses are under this 7.5%, you can't claim any of them. I hope this makes sense. Good luck.
If you itemize deductions you can claim medical payments above and beyond 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. For example if your adjusted gross income is $30,000, 7.5% of that is $2,250.00. Your medical expenses are $3,000.00. You can claim the difference of the two, which is $750.00. If your medical expenses are under this 7.5%, you can't claim any of them. I hope this makes sense. Good luck.
How much does it cost to get your teeth whitened at a Dental office?
I live in Canada..and was wondering if that is covered by dental insurance. I want my teeth white but not too white that it will look fake. And what would be the best over the counter whitening product other then that?
Don't know about Canadian law, but in the US whitening is considered cosmetic, and is not covered. Depending on the system that's used, it can range from $200-$500.
Don't know about Canadian law, but in the US whitening is considered cosmetic, and is not covered. Depending on the system that's used, it can range from $200-$500.
How can I hire a family member as a house employee and pay them properly including insurance?
Has anyone done this? If so, what was the experience like and how did you approach payment and getting them medical/dental insurance. Thank you for your time.
paying them is not the problem as long as it is under the gift limit of 10,000 per year. However they would have to be considered an independent contractor
paying them is not the problem as long as it is under the gift limit of 10,000 per year. However they would have to be considered an independent contractor
how can a person get extensive dental work done if they are on medicaid, medicare and limited income?
Can they get private dental insurance and not lose those benefits?
Married lady I would have loved to answer your question, but I do not have enough information, therefore I will speak in general terms. I need to know what state you live in, and what treatment you will require, and your age. over or under 21? I will speak generally. Medicare part-B has a blanket exclusion for dental services, unless they are being done as a result of an existing condition, or accident. i.e., if you needed jaw reconstruction after an accident, or reconstruction after cancer in the mouth. Most states offer dental coverage for all medicaid recipients. You would have to find a dentist who accepts Medicaid, and get an estimate for the services. Another option you may consider is the local county hospital often they have indigent healthcare programs which will pay the residual costs after Medicare and Medicaid. Another source is a dental school most dental schools have clinic days where they offer assistance to the public. You also have to option of purchasing private dental insurance or buying a Medicare Supplemental policy that offers dental care. If you buy a Dental policy, it will not affect your medicare benefits. However, it will affect your medicaid dental benefits, as both companies would work together and coordinate care and payment for your services. Good luck.
Married lady I would have loved to answer your question, but I do not have enough information, therefore I will speak in general terms. I need to know what state you live in, and what treatment you will require, and your age. over or under 21? I will speak generally. Medicare part-B has a blanket exclusion for dental services, unless they are being done as a result of an existing condition, or accident. i.e., if you needed jaw reconstruction after an accident, or reconstruction after cancer in the mouth. Most states offer dental coverage for all medicaid recipients. You would have to find a dentist who accepts Medicaid, and get an estimate for the services. Another option you may consider is the local county hospital often they have indigent healthcare programs which will pay the residual costs after Medicare and Medicaid. Another source is a dental school most dental schools have clinic days where they offer assistance to the public. You also have to option of purchasing private dental insurance or buying a Medicare Supplemental policy that offers dental care. If you buy a Dental policy, it will not affect your medicare benefits. However, it will affect your medicaid dental benefits, as both companies would work together and coordinate care and payment for your services. Good luck.
How is a patient who has secondary insurance billed?
I need to know how to bill a patient who has both primary and secondary dental insurance. Is the patient's co-pay limited to the primary carrier's contracted amount or, because of the secondary, would they owe the full doctor's fee? If the secondary carrier's payment doesn't fully cover the patient's co-pay portion, what amount is the patient then responsible for? If the provider is bound to the primary carrier's contracted fee, regardless of what the secondary allows, does any remaining charge exceeding that contratced amount get written off? If the patient has deductibles on both plans, do they owe both deductibles? If I have left out any relevant questions, any and all pertinent information would be most helpful. Thank you.
As "Zippy" suggests, you can bill the patient after you receive the primary's response to the claim. However -- you can ONLY do this if you don't participate with the secondary. If you're also a par provider for the secondary, you cannot bill the patient instead of billing the secondary. That would be a blatent violation of your contract with the secondary. Assuming you participate with both, your best tactic is to send the bill along with the primary's EOP to the secondary. Let the secondary tell you what the patient is responsible for. Some secondary contracts cover the primary's co-pay and others don't. You won't know what the patient is truely liable for until the secondary processes the claim. Your office's agreement to accept the primary's fee as payment in full doesn't prevent you from attempting to collect payment for the patient's co-payment from the secondary. However, if there is no co-pay remaining after the primary has paid, AND you're contractually bound to accept the amount the primary has paid as payment in full, there's nothing to bill the secondary, is there?
As "Zippy" suggests, you can bill the patient after you receive the primary's response to the claim. However -- you can ONLY do this if you don't participate with the secondary. If you're also a par provider for the secondary, you cannot bill the patient instead of billing the secondary. That would be a blatent violation of your contract with the secondary. Assuming you participate with both, your best tactic is to send the bill along with the primary's EOP to the secondary. Let the secondary tell you what the patient is responsible for. Some secondary contracts cover the primary's co-pay and others don't. You won't know what the patient is truely liable for until the secondary processes the claim. Your office's agreement to accept the primary's fee as payment in full doesn't prevent you from attempting to collect payment for the patient's co-payment from the secondary. However, if there is no co-pay remaining after the primary has paid, AND you're contractually bound to accept the amount the primary has paid as payment in full, there's nothing to bill the secondary, is there?
Where in Austin,TX can I get affordable dental work done?
I have a cracked filling and a few possible cavities. I was wondering, A: Is there a dental school or some place like that that does cheap work? And B: If anyone knows a good place to get low-income dental insurance, that would be very helpful. Thanks, all.
Go to to see about dental insurance. Lost cost also means discounted dental treatments, not really insurance. If you have a college near you that specializes in dental programs, call and make an appt. Other wise, just call around.
Go to to see about dental insurance. Lost cost also means discounted dental treatments, not really insurance. If you have a college near you that specializes in dental programs, call and make an appt. Other wise, just call around.
In Texas, do you have to prove to your employer you have other insurance if declining?
I have insurance through my husband's company. My employer says we need to fill out the enrollment form and check "reject" if we are not wanting their insurance. This form also says if you are rejecting, it wants the name, addresses and policy numbers of my health and dental insurance from my husband's company. This seems like invasion of privacy to me. Is this legal?
Are you sure you're not misreading the form? Generally, the form would ask for the policy information of other coverage if you are *accepting* your employers coverage. Also, just some advice. Double check that rejecting won't cause problems with your husbands coverage - many health insurance policies require that a spouse or dependant child accept coverage if available through their own employment. You "might" find, if you read the small print, that if you reject coverage through your work, your husbands insurer may drop you. Richard
Are you sure you're not misreading the form? Generally, the form would ask for the policy information of other coverage if you are *accepting* your employers coverage. Also, just some advice. Double check that rejecting won't cause problems with your husbands coverage - many health insurance policies require that a spouse or dependant child accept coverage if available through their own employment. You "might" find, if you read the small print, that if you reject coverage through your work, your husbands insurer may drop you. Richard
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