I know I need to be a full time student to be covered under my parents insurance (medical and dental). This semester I was a full time student, but I had to drop a class because it was too hard. So now I only have 9 hours instead of 12. Will I still be covered? Or will the Insurace drop me.
If your college considers 9 hours to be full-time, then you're fine. If not, they may drop you, but they probably won't find out about it until next fall when they certify whether you are still a student. I'm not 100% sure about that though, so be careful.
Friday, February 11, 2011
How much does health insurance cost?
I have no clue about health insurance from employers. I've never had to deal with it and now I do. My husbands job said they have a national PPO. I have no idea what that means. My husband will be grossing around 2800 a month, if that helps. Can someone tell me how much to expect will be taken out each pay check for insurance on 2? (dental, vision and medical coverage)
How much is taken out of each paycheck depends on the employer, the insurance provider, and the deals they've worked out. Sometimes the coverage doesn't cost anything for the employed person, sometimes it does. It just depends. Your husband can find out through his work, usually through HR or the benefits administrator. Read this for general information on PPOs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preferred_p…
How much is taken out of each paycheck depends on the employer, the insurance provider, and the deals they've worked out. Sometimes the coverage doesn't cost anything for the employed person, sometimes it does. It just depends. Your husband can find out through his work, usually through HR or the benefits administrator. Read this for general information on PPOs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preferred_p…
Currently paying for braces no insurance?
If I get dental insurance could I use it to pay the remaining amount of money I have toward the bill? Or is it to late? Also if it is possible what dental insurance should I go with or orphadontist insurance if it makes a difference
I'm guessing your braces won't be covered...pre-existing thing. As for insurance, I would just make a few calls to agencies that carry it, they could best advise you on that.
I'm guessing your braces won't be covered...pre-existing thing. As for insurance, I would just make a few calls to agencies that carry it, they could best advise you on that.
can one person have two dental insurances both being united concordia and use both of them?
My daughter has united concordia insurance with her step father and real father. Can they both be used twords her braces?
The above answers are good and I would only add this: Since the relationship is father and step-father, you will need to know which plan is primary and which is secondary. If it were a simple "mom & dad" arrangement, the person with the earlier birthday in the year would be primary. But in this non-traditional family other factors come into consideration, such as family court orders. Once you find out who is primary, ask about the secondary's "coordination of benefits". They should be either "standard/full" or "non-duplicaton". Since both plans are with the same company, they shold be able to explain everything to you completely. It's a tricky situation, so make sure you know everything before you start. The very best way would be to ask your dentist or orthodontist to pre-authorize the treatment. It takes about 30 to 45 days, but at least you would know what the braces will end up costing YOU.
The above answers are good and I would only add this: Since the relationship is father and step-father, you will need to know which plan is primary and which is secondary. If it were a simple "mom & dad" arrangement, the person with the earlier birthday in the year would be primary. But in this non-traditional family other factors come into consideration, such as family court orders. Once you find out who is primary, ask about the secondary's "coordination of benefits". They should be either "standard/full" or "non-duplicaton". Since both plans are with the same company, they shold be able to explain everything to you completely. It's a tricky situation, so make sure you know everything before you start. The very best way would be to ask your dentist or orthodontist to pre-authorize the treatment. It takes about 30 to 45 days, but at least you would know what the braces will end up costing YOU.
how does a deductible on an insurance policy work? is the deductible paid by the patient to the provider?
example: $1500 worth of dental services are rendered to the patient. The patient's insurance policy pays at 80%, leaving the patient a co-pay of 20%, meaning the patient pays $300 to the dental provider. If there is a $200 deductible, is that paid to the dental provider or to the insurance company? If the deductible is to be paid to the provider, does the patient then pay a total of $500 to the provider?
In this instance, you would pay ths first $200.00 to the dentist and then the insurance company would pay 80% of the remaining $1200.00. That would be $960.00. That leaves another $240.00 for you to pay. The billing clerk or insurance specialist in the dentist's office handles this for you. Every office has one and they are very adept at working with insurance offices.
In this instance, you would pay ths first $200.00 to the dentist and then the insurance company would pay 80% of the remaining $1200.00. That would be $960.00. That leaves another $240.00 for you to pay. The billing clerk or insurance specialist in the dentist's office handles this for you. Every office has one and they are very adept at working with insurance offices.
What's the best health insurance, blue cross?
I'm 23 yrs old and I'm just seaching for a good health insurance plan for dental and medical, specifically for dental though and please don't give me united health insurance, I rather have something else.
Here's a few thoughts on finding what you're looking for: 1. Go to www.nahu.org and find a local agent. NAHU is the professional association for agents (like me) who "specialize" in health insurance coverage. 2. Go to www.genesis-grp.com (my site) and get your own "set" of health insurance quotes from a wide variety of companies and plans. Or, do an online search for "health insurance quotes AND," then get some quotes to review. 3. Stick with "name brand" companies like Blue Cross, Aetna, Humana, etc. There are a lot of other plans out there that look good & have good prices, but "you don't get something for nothing." Stick with the big companies. As far as which insurance company is the best, that depends, of course, on who you ask, what experience they have, what features & benefits are important to you, and so forth. The point, of course, is that the answer is very subjective: some folks hate Blue Cross, some folks love United Healthcare, and vice-versa. Check with your friends & find out who they have & like (or don't like); check with your doctor (if you have one) and see what companies they have, like/prefer, and recommend. Find an agent/broker you like & trust, then ask your questions & pick the one YOU like. Hope this helps a bit... have a swell evening!
Here's a few thoughts on finding what you're looking for: 1. Go to www.nahu.org and find a local agent. NAHU is the professional association for agents (like me) who "specialize" in health insurance coverage. 2. Go to www.genesis-grp.com (my site) and get your own "set" of health insurance quotes from a wide variety of companies and plans. Or, do an online search for "health insurance quotes AND
Australia- private health insurance for FAMILY, average cost? hospital cover & some extras like dental, optica?
i just called 2 places mbhba and hba,, its roughly $200 a month,, way over $$$$ what i was hoping for its for a family of 6,, we want hospital cover, optical, dental mainly,, any idea what insurance company is best? thanks or is that pretty much what they all charge? you reckon its worth getting?
Calling over places mbhba and hba is a A1 idea
Calling over places mbhba and hba is a A1 idea
I feel SO overwhelmed by the dental work in front of me and the cost, that I am considering suicide. I don't
have a dentist. I don't have dental insurance. I have taken excellent care of my teeth, but a combination of an injury and side effects from medication have made a mess in my mouth and I am in pain and do not know where to turn. I wish I lived in a country where health/dental care was provided for. But I don't have the money or the energy and no dentist will help me. For some reason, the only solution that I seem to come up with is to end my life. Does anyone have any other options?
well first of all you have to calm down and you have to go to your doctor and explain to him what you are saying here. i am sure that they will help you to deal with this. i think there are many ways to get out of the problem rather than end up with your life. good luck! one thing more a neighbour who was in the same situation as you are now when to do all his dental needs with university students and got a beautiful teeth for free and i am not joking his teeth are absolutely gorgeous now.
well first of all you have to calm down and you have to go to your doctor and explain to him what you are saying here. i am sure that they will help you to deal with this. i think there are many ways to get out of the problem rather than end up with your life. good luck! one thing more a neighbour who was in the same situation as you are now when to do all his dental needs with university students and got a beautiful teeth for free and i am not joking his teeth are absolutely gorgeous now.
Do salon's offer health insurance if you work for them as a cosmetologist?
I'm currently looking into going to Cosmetology school at the Aveda Institute. I currently have a job that pays 70 percent of my health insurance and i have dental also. I know it is hard to get affordable health insurance these days and I'm hoping some salons offer it.
Some do, Some don't, It just depends on the Salon..Like a Regis salon(Or a salon under a big comany like that.) Would.
Some do, Some don't, It just depends on the Salon..Like a Regis salon(Or a salon under a big comany like that.) Would.
what are some low price health insurance that include dental & medical for a good price under $80-100?
in the state of nevada
Dental is always seperate, and I haven't seen any dental plans that pay out more than they cost. For health insurance, you get what you pay for. If you're perfectly healthy, male, 20, for $100 a month, you're looking at a $500 to $1,000 deductible on a decent plan. That means, you pay the first $500 to $1,000 of medical bills, before the insurance kicks in. If you're older, female, or not perfectly healthy (including overweight), it's quite possible that you won't find ANY type of "insurance" for under $80 a month.
Dental is always seperate, and I haven't seen any dental plans that pay out more than they cost. For health insurance, you get what you pay for. If you're perfectly healthy, male, 20, for $100 a month, you're looking at a $500 to $1,000 deductible on a decent plan. That means, you pay the first $500 to $1,000 of medical bills, before the insurance kicks in. If you're older, female, or not perfectly healthy (including overweight), it's quite possible that you won't find ANY type of "insurance" for under $80 a month.
Is there a dental finance waiver?
A while ago, I had to go to the emergency room, but I didn't have medical insurance, so the next day, a hospital worker who worked for the administrative assistance program, gave me a call and told me that I was eligible to have my medical expensive waived...And they waived every single penny. So I was wondering, because I don't have dental insurance, but I do have an income, is there a way that they can waive or discount the expenses for dental procedures, or is that only for medical emergencies?
It would be up to the dentist, to do that, just like it's up to the hospital to do that. As very, very few dentists get state grants or charity money, it's pretty unlikely that they'd waive or discount the fees. One thing to look into, is to see if you have a local dental school. They offer drastically reduced fees, in exchange for you allowing 8 students to hoover around and watch the procedures.
It would be up to the dentist, to do that, just like it's up to the hospital to do that. As very, very few dentists get state grants or charity money, it's pretty unlikely that they'd waive or discount the fees. One thing to look into, is to see if you have a local dental school. They offer drastically reduced fees, in exchange for you allowing 8 students to hoover around and watch the procedures.
Is there a dental finance waiver?
A while ago, I had to go to the emergency room, but I didn't have medical insurance, so the next day, a hospital worker who worked for the administrative assistance program, gave me a call and told me that I was eligible to have my medical expensive waived...And they waived every single penny. So I was wondering, because I don't have dental insurance, but I do have an income, is there a way that they can waive or discount the expenses for dental procedures, or is that only for medical emergencies?
sorry to say no. I'm on SSDI i receive Medicare & Medicaid and it does not cover dental. Maybe the health department can help! good luck. If i go to the dentist there is no discount for lower income or disabled.
sorry to say no. I'm on SSDI i receive Medicare & Medicaid and it does not cover dental. Maybe the health department can help! good luck. If i go to the dentist there is no discount for lower income or disabled.
No insurance, but looking for a dentist?
I have a hole in my tooth where an old filling fell out. The pain is killing me. I don't have any dental insurance and cannot afford any either. Does any1 know of any free dental services ( volunteer dentists, dental schools, etc) in Central Texas?
I am sending you some internet links that may be a source of help for you. If they themselves cannot help, they may be able to direct you to someone who can. http://www.tachc.org/about/membership/me… http://www.1dental.com/?gclid=CPjM_fnria… http://www.statesman.com/news/local/1-00… http://www.freedentalcare.us/st/texas http://www.local.com/results.aspx?keywor… I wish you well and the end to your dental pain.
I am sending you some internet links that may be a source of help for you. If they themselves cannot help, they may be able to direct you to someone who can. http://www.tachc.org/about/membership/me… http://www.1dental.com/?gclid=CPjM_fnria… http://www.statesman.com/news/local/1-00… http://www.freedentalcare.us/st/texas http://www.local.com/results.aspx?keywor… I wish you well and the end to your dental pain.
I am wondering if there is any help for dental work out there.?
I have dental insurance but can not afford my part of it. I have four teeth on top and it is unconfortable when I talk to someone or go for a job interview.
So you are looking for cosmetic dentistry? No place is going to do that for free and insurance never pays for that. That's an elective procedure....not a necessity. You can try checking into dental schools near you. Some colleges and universities have them. They won't do it for free, but you could get work done at a very low rate.
So you are looking for cosmetic dentistry? No place is going to do that for free and insurance never pays for that. That's an elective procedure....not a necessity. You can try checking into dental schools near you. Some colleges and universities have them. They won't do it for free, but you could get work done at a very low rate.
How can I get health insurance for my family member?
My little cousin has absolutely no health insurance, and he has never even been to the dentist. Right now, he really needs extensive dental work. Unfortunately, his parents are ill-equipped to help in this situation, and he is not old enough to get his own insurance (nor is he old enough to work). Basically, it's impossible for his parents to get insurance for him, so I want to help him myself. Since I am not his parent, and our slight age difference makes it impossible for me to pretend to be his parent, I don't see how I can put him on my insurance. He doesn't really speak to his parents, so that makes it even more difficult to coordinate anything with them. I don't make that much money, so I couldn't possibly pay for the work solely out of my pocket. Some sort of financial assistance is simply a must. What can I do to help pay for this dental work?
I'm not sure whether you can include your cousin on your health insurance; you should call your insurance company, your state insurance office (link below), or a local insurance agent (link below) if you'd rather not talk with the company. I do know that the definition of "dependent" has changed lately regarding health insurance. Some states have extended the eligible age and others have broadened who can have dependents on their health insurance (grandparents, for example). As for financial assistance, I've included several links that might be of use. Some free clinics also provide dental services, so that would be a free or discounted option (also try searching for your county's health department. The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), offers health insurance for kids, although you might have to get the parents involved. Insure Kids Now is a Web site where you can look for state-sponsored insurance programs, many of which include dental coverage. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a resource page to help promote children's access to health care, and you might also want to try contacting the American Dental Association to see if they have any dentists that do pro bono work in your area. Hope this helps. It's touching that you want to help out your cousin. Barnes@MostChoice
I'm not sure whether you can include your cousin on your health insurance; you should call your insurance company, your state insurance office (link below), or a local insurance agent (link below) if you'd rather not talk with the company. I do know that the definition of "dependent" has changed lately regarding health insurance. Some states have extended the eligible age and others have broadened who can have dependents on their health insurance (grandparents, for example). As for financial assistance, I've included several links that might be of use. Some free clinics also provide dental services, so that would be a free or discounted option (also try searching for your county's health department. The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), offers health insurance for kids, although you might have to get the parents involved. Insure Kids Now is a Web site where you can look for state-sponsored insurance programs, many of which include dental coverage. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a resource page to help promote children's access to health care, and you might also want to try contacting the American Dental Association to see if they have any dentists that do pro bono work in your area. Hope this helps. It's touching that you want to help out your cousin. Barnes@MostChoice
Who Has Had Experience With Dental Implants?
I am curious as the cost, effectiveness, etc., etc., of dental implants - what kind of coverage did you get from insurance? Thanks in advance.
I have place many implants in my career and even have had one done on myself. They are incredibly successful and have brought dentistry into a new era. They allow you replace a tooth without having to involve other teeth to connect it to. The allow denture wearers to have much more stability and chewing power with their denture. They are less painful that doing an extraction. The cost is about the same as a replacement with a fixed bridge. In my experience about half of the dental insurances offer any coverage. You will not be sorry if you get one. Good luck.
I have place many implants in my career and even have had one done on myself. They are incredibly successful and have brought dentistry into a new era. They allow you replace a tooth without having to involve other teeth to connect it to. The allow denture wearers to have much more stability and chewing power with their denture. They are less painful that doing an extraction. The cost is about the same as a replacement with a fixed bridge. In my experience about half of the dental insurances offer any coverage. You will not be sorry if you get one. Good luck.
Does anyone know of a dentist school in orlando florida that does major dental work?
I am looking for places to get my teeth done..I went to a dentist last week and all together my teeth cost like 5000.00. I have to get root canal, crown and teeth pulled, but i have no insurance and i was thinking about dental credit card, but im not sure about those..any help out there!!! I work part time and go to school full time, so i have no money!!
No there is no such creditcard, you can ask if your dr will take monthly payments but in terms of layby such that you pay the full amount beofre treatment is done.
No there is no such creditcard, you can ask if your dr will take monthly payments but in terms of layby such that you pay the full amount beofre treatment is done.
What's the best medical insurance for a 20 yr old?
I'm almost 20 yr and I don't have medical insurance. I want to get one because in case I have an accident I don't want to be in debt for the rest of my life. I go to college, so I don't make a lot of money. It doesn't really matter if it doesn't cover dental. I just want it to cover emergencies. Which insurance do you recomend me? I live in the United States.
Most colleges make available some sort of health insurance for your situation. It will cover illnesses and accidents and tends to be reasonable in price. Check with the Student Services people to see if you can buy it. Also, call the state insurance commissioner and see if your state allows the sale of low income insurance that is stripped of mandates (drug and alcohol rehab, mental health counseling, etc) and who sell it
Most colleges make available some sort of health insurance for your situation. It will cover illnesses and accidents and tends to be reasonable in price. Check with the Student Services people to see if you can buy it. Also, call the state insurance commissioner and see if your state allows the sale of low income insurance that is stripped of mandates (drug and alcohol rehab, mental health counseling, etc) and who sell it
Does Medicare Australia or any dental insurances cover braces(Invisalign)?
Hi, I'm the oversea student studying in uni in Australia and thinking of getting braces preferably Invisalign, but is it qualified by any dental insurances such as Medicare? If so can I still use that though I'm not the citizen of Australia?
Medicare does not cover Invisalign. Private health funds usually refund the same for Invisalign as for braces. Normally you have to belong to the fund in their "extras cover", for 12 months to get any refund for orthodontic treatment. This site may help you investigate other funds (but they're all there to make money - not to really cover your treatment costs!) http://www.iselect.com.au/ Cheers, Ortho85
Medicare does not cover Invisalign. Private health funds usually refund the same for Invisalign as for braces. Normally you have to belong to the fund in their "extras cover", for 12 months to get any refund for orthodontic treatment. This site may help you investigate other funds (but they're all there to make money - not to really cover your treatment costs!) http://www.iselect.com.au/ Cheers, Ortho85
Has anyone ever went to a Dental School?
Has anyone ever went to a school of dentistry to have thier teeth looked at? I hear they are a lot cheaper then regular dentist. My wisdom teeth are coming in and one is coming in next to a broken tooth. So I'm wondering if they wondering if they would be cheaper with my insurance I have Delta Dental PPO and they are not listed as one of the prefered dentist. I'm not worried about paying to get the bad tooth removed it only cost me $24 with my insurance. What I'm looking for is a cheaper place to get my Wisdom Teeth pulled that's even if they need to pull them.
Well I am in dental school and work on patients. It is a lot cheaper than if you were to go to a private practice. The only downfall is if you have a lot of work to be done it takes more time. The work done is good quality though. So I would recommend you going to the school to see what needs to be done. Depending on the position of your wisdom teeth a dental student could do it, but if not it would be sent to an oral surgery resident.
Well I am in dental school and work on patients. It is a lot cheaper than if you were to go to a private practice. The only downfall is if you have a lot of work to be done it takes more time. The work done is good quality though. So I would recommend you going to the school to see what needs to be done. Depending on the position of your wisdom teeth a dental student could do it, but if not it would be sent to an oral surgery resident.
where can i look 2 find help 4 getting dental help?
im a 47yr.old female no dental insurance went 2 a dentist about my teeth the work is over 7000.00 then found out i have diabetes an early gum disease i don't no what 2 do help please
before you chose to get your work done consult with another office. FREE consultation only. then ask them to print you out a treatment plan. so you can compare prices. while you are at the office ask them what sort of payment options they have and chose one that fits your budget there is always carecredit its an intrest free line of credit some dentist except it
before you chose to get your work done consult with another office. FREE consultation only. then ask them to print you out a treatment plan. so you can compare prices. while you are at the office ask them what sort of payment options they have and chose one that fits your budget there is always carecredit its an intrest free line of credit some dentist except it
Is there any free dental clinics in Hamilton County Indiana?
I have Insurance, but it does not cover dental.
Call the IU school of dentistry down here in Nap. It's not that far and it's either free or low cost. I've been there and they do a good job.
Call the IU school of dentistry down here in Nap. It's not that far and it's either free or low cost. I've been there and they do a good job.
How much health insurance coverage do I get as a military spouse?
I am a newly married Air Force wife. I am currently enrolled for TriCare North Standard coverage for health insurance. Does anybody out there have TriCare North Standard coverage and know what the whole package is like? I heard that if i go to any military base medical facility, all my medical coverage would be free. What if I were to have a doctor's appointment off-base? Also, does this cover dental costs too? I am just trying to fully grasp what me insurance does and does not cover so I can be prepared in the future.
if you have Standard you have co pays and a deductable. only PRIME is completely free when seen on base/ In network Proividers. and using the base Pharmacy. to be seen off base it must be your assigned Primary Care Manager or your PCM must have referred you to a specialist. Dental is comepletly seperate has a monthly cost plus co pays of up to 80%. 2 cleanings( 6 months apart) and one exam and set of xrays are fully covered per year.
if you have Standard you have co pays and a deductable. only PRIME is completely free when seen on base/ In network Proividers. and using the base Pharmacy. to be seen off base it must be your assigned Primary Care Manager or your PCM must have referred you to a specialist. Dental is comepletly seperate has a monthly cost plus co pays of up to 80%. 2 cleanings( 6 months apart) and one exam and set of xrays are fully covered per year.
Will my insurance cover an out of state doctor visit?
I have CDPHP insurance in New York State. I am currently a student in Boston, MA that needs a dental procedure done. Even though CDPDP is NYS insurance, will they cover this out of state procedure because i'm a student and can't make it back to New York? If i contacted them directly would they agree to cover it?
Insurance companies usually use a network of doctors that are covered. Most companies have a rule in the plan description that if there is no covered doctort within 50 miles, then they'll cover an out-of-network doctor. Every insurance is different, however. You really just need to call them and see what your options are. My guess is that they will have a covered doctor in Boston.
Insurance companies usually use a network of doctors that are covered. Most companies have a rule in the plan description that if there is no covered doctort within 50 miles, then they'll cover an out-of-network doctor. Every insurance is different, however. You really just need to call them and see what your options are. My guess is that they will have a covered doctor in Boston.
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