I think I have tooth decay in one of my teeth. actually im pretty sure since there is a hole there. but it dont hurt when i eat or anything so Im guessing its not that bad. I admit I havnt taken good care of my teeth in the past but since I found this problem it has scared me into taking better care of my teeth. But My question is if i keep brushing my teeth 2 to 3 times a day will the hole get worse? I dont have dental insurance and dont have the money to pay to get it fixed.
Once decay has started in a tooth, it will never go away and you cannot fix it... It will only get worse over time... The decay is usually under the tooth where you cannot see it and brushing it more will not make it go away... You can have IV dental surgery to prevent you having pain associated with this tooth if need be... That's what I do...
Monday, August 29, 2011
my mouth is so sore somebody please help?
OK first off it's not a tooth ache...My gums are swollen but not real bad and I believe it is from my wisdom teeth coming in....I'm not going to lie and say that dont have any teeth problems or that I never have...but I have never had pain last like this I have been hurting on and off for 3 days...more on than off....Its not always hurting but the most annoying part of it is that it feels like my jaw is really tired and I cant relax it..like when you chew for a long time.....my point is anyway is there anyway to ease the pain...i have tried orajel...tylenol...and warm salt water.....nothing seems to help.....my other problem is I dont have dental insurance anymore plus Im pregnant so they cant cut my wisdom tooth out.....Please help??
You need to find a dental school around you or a community clinic that is low cost. Many people think they can't go to the dentist when they are pregnant, but that is not true. They can even take your wisdom teeth out with just a local anesthetic. (not put to sleep) Tooth pain will not go away with anything until the problem is taken care of. (example-take the tooth out) How far along are you? Most likely if you ask your OB you can take antibiotic and tylenol 3. Use half warm water and half peroxide rinses and you can even brush with it. Use warm compresses on your face 10 mins on 10 mins off. (These instructions are all for wisdom teeth pain) So hopefully that is what it is.
You need to find a dental school around you or a community clinic that is low cost. Many people think they can't go to the dentist when they are pregnant, but that is not true. They can even take your wisdom teeth out with just a local anesthetic. (not put to sleep) Tooth pain will not go away with anything until the problem is taken care of. (example-take the tooth out) How far along are you? Most likely if you ask your OB you can take antibiotic and tylenol 3. Use half warm water and half peroxide rinses and you can even brush with it. Use warm compresses on your face 10 mins on 10 mins off. (These instructions are all for wisdom teeth pain) So hopefully that is what it is.
Can I get my chipped tooth fixed free because of their mistake?
I went to the dentist on Wednesday (6/2/10) to get two cavities filled. After the dentist was done drilling the person who fills the drilled wholes came and started working on my teeth. I didn't know what she was doing because the most she said to me was you need to start flossing better. I notices she was filling because I figured she was just trying to get the rough edges from where it was drilled. I couldn't feel anything so I didn't know any better. When she was done she said she took the liberty of filling in a small practically unnoticeable chip because it bothered her. Never bothered me mind you. I was thankful for the gesture though I didnt no I had a chip anyways, she told me not to tell and also told me that the filling might not hold. She however did not tell me that if the filling didn't hold it would be larger and sharp. My filling fell out today a week later, I don't have dental insurance and paid out of pocket for my cavities and I am not sure what to do but I need my tooth fixed. Any advice? For the record I would have told her no if she had asked to fix my tooth because if I didn't notice it is not a big deal...
Yeah, but the tricky thing is getting them to admit that it was their fault. Good luck with that!
Yeah, but the tricky thing is getting them to admit that it was their fault. Good luck with that!
I just found out I have to get a tooth pulled by an oral surgeon. Anyone know how much this would cost?
Yesterday, my dentist told me that one of my back molars will have to be pulled by an oral surgeon. She gave me a couple of referrals, but before I make the calls, can anyone out there tell me an approximate cost? I do not yet know if it can be done with a local or general anesthetic, and I (sadly) do not have dental insurance.
I would encourage you to visit this website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental work and they have saved me thousands throughout the years. From Extractions, xray, exams, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use the same day. Good Luck.
I would encourage you to visit this website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental work and they have saved me thousands throughout the years. From Extractions, xray, exams, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use the same day. Good Luck.
Is Nadya Suleman AKA "OCTOMOM" is going to make a porno?
http://news.bostonherald.com/track/star_… I'm curious if she uses Yahoo Answers, Answer me Nadya if you do Vivid and Nadya Suleman to make – a porno??? By Inside Track Thursday, February 26, 2009 - Updated 18h ago EmailE-mail PrintablePrintable Comments(20) Comments LargerSmallerText size ShareShare Rate(0) Rate Today's installment of the "Adventures of Octomom" has Nadya Suleman being offered $1 million and free medical and dental insurance for her and her brood - if she stars in multiple porn videos. Vivid Entertainment, the world's largest peddler of adult flicks, has just fired off a letter to the serial mom asking her to consider becoming a contract "Vivid Girl" (like Jenna Jameson) and starring in a few X-rated flicks, TMZ.com reports. Who knew stretch marks - after a whopping 14 kids - were sexy? A Quick Way to Raise Your Credit Score The Secret to Getting Highly Discounted Cruise Tickets How to Destroy Acne Without Destroying Your Skin In other news, Nadya told TV shrink Dr. Phil McGraw that she's worried that the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in California won't release her eight newborn babies to her. (See first "Octomom" installment, above) "If you don't have a plan in place you need to say so, so we can help . . . People need to know you get it," Dr. Phil said at one point during an interview with Suleman during yesterday's show. "I think I'll fully get it when they are ready to come home," she responded. Later, Dr. Phil told the Los Angeles Times: "What she is telling me is that unless and until she has a better living arrangement, that they are not likely to release the children to her." And this is a bad thing? Suleman, 33, a single mother who already had six children before giving birth to octuplets Jan. 26, lives in Southern California with her mother in a three-bedroom house that is slated to be auctioned off next week. The mother owes more than $23,000 in back payments, a source told US Weekly .
She needs medication, and to have all those kids removed from her custody. The woman is a looney tune. I couldn't imagine WHAT kind of porno she could possibly star in. She looks like Angelina Jolie on meth, but minus every ounce of sex appeal.
She needs medication, and to have all those kids removed from her custody. The woman is a looney tune. I couldn't imagine WHAT kind of porno she could possibly star in. She looks like Angelina Jolie on meth, but minus every ounce of sex appeal.
i have a problem i have a wisdom tooth that is gone and all thats left is the root and now its infected?
and ive been in seroius pain. ive been to the ER and they gave me penniclin becuase its infected and my other wisdom teeth are also gone from constant grinding of my teeth over the years. Does anyone have a solution that includes a natural remedy from the pain? becuase i dont have dental insurance and they wont begin to cover me for at least months becuase i need oral surgery. What can i do to remedy this problem before i go crazyfrom the pain..right now im on darvocet and im taking 1000 milligrams a day of pennicilin for the last 4 days and im supposed to keep taking it for the next 6 days, but im also afraid of the infection returning so i need a natural remedy....fast.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a quite low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Abcessed tooth while Pregnant?
I've had a troublesome wisdom tooth for quite some time now. Eventually it broke off and is now decaying. Or should I say, all the way decayed. Gross I know :/ I didn't previously have dental insurance and it cost too much to treat. Now the tooth is pretty much all the way gone but my whole mouth is KILLING me. and it's very sensitive to touch. Also, there's a nasty taste I get in my mouth, and food gets stuck back there all the time. It's so disgusting. I am now 6 weeks pregnant, is there anything I can do?! Or did I wait to long? Are these, in fact, symptoms of an abcessed tooth? If so, what needs to be done since the tooth is already gone?!
Call your dentsit ASAP, first treatment is antibiotics for the infection then the tooth will need to be removed. Only your dentist can assess exactly what needs to be done and when.
Call your dentsit ASAP, first treatment is antibiotics for the infection then the tooth will need to be removed. Only your dentist can assess exactly what needs to be done and when.
How do i get rid of severe gingivitis at home?
I researched and came to the conclusion that i have severe gingivitis...I brush my teeth daily and dont abuse any kind of drugs so i cant figure out how i got it...But my gums are red and swallon and bleed a lot when i brush...I dont have dental insurance so thats not even an option so i am hopeing someone has a good home remedy to this...Right now i am just brushing more and use Crest Pro Health Alchol free mouth wash...I want to get rid of this ASAP i hate nasty teeth!!
Brushing, flossing daily and rinsing with mouthwash daily will all help. However, it's likely that you've developed calculus beneath the gum tissues around the teeth. This is plaque that has formed into hard deposits over time. The only way to remove it is to have a dental professional clean your teeth. Leaving it there will continue to irritate the gum tissues and the rough surface it creates will make it much easier for additional plaque to build up... eventually also developing into more calculus. You're in a caught in a cycle. The best solution is to get a professional cleaning done, then continue diligent home care to prevent a recurrance. Since you have no insurance, consider looking into local colleges that have dentistry or dental hygiene programs. They often need patients for their students which the services may be free or at a highly discounted rate. Good Luck!
Brushing, flossing daily and rinsing with mouthwash daily will all help. However, it's likely that you've developed calculus beneath the gum tissues around the teeth. This is plaque that has formed into hard deposits over time. The only way to remove it is to have a dental professional clean your teeth. Leaving it there will continue to irritate the gum tissues and the rough surface it creates will make it much easier for additional plaque to build up... eventually also developing into more calculus. You're in a caught in a cycle. The best solution is to get a professional cleaning done, then continue diligent home care to prevent a recurrance. Since you have no insurance, consider looking into local colleges that have dentistry or dental hygiene programs. They often need patients for their students which the services may be free or at a highly discounted rate. Good Luck!
What's the cheapest way to get braces?
The dentist always tells me I need braces.My jaw has been popping/cracking a lot lately.Do braces fix this?I asked my mom about getting braces,but shes says"You'll get them when you're 16 and can pay for them yourself!" I pay for everything by myself!Can't my parents just pay for braces?She says that we don;t have enough money,but she's gonna buy a $3,000 popup that we don't need!Where can I get braces cheap w/o dental insurance?I'm 14.I'm so self conscious about my teeth!
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. My braces only cost me $2000 because of the great plan. From root canals, cleanings, xrays..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. My braces only cost me $2000 because of the great plan. From root canals, cleanings, xrays..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.
my mouth is so sore somebody please help?
OK first off it's not a tooth ache...My gums are swollen but not real bad and I believe it is from my wisdom teeth coming in....I'm not going to lie and say that dont have any teeth problems or that I never have...but I have never had pain last like this I have been hurting on and off for 3 days...more on than off....Its not always hurting but the most annoying part of it is that it feels like my jaw is really tired and I cant relax it..like when you chew for a long time.....my point is anyway is there anyway to ease the pain...i have tried orajel...tylenol...and warm salt water.....nothing seems to help.....my other problem is I dont have dental insurance anymore plus Im pregnant so they cant cut my wisdom tooth out.....Please help??
You need to find a dental school around you or a community clinic that is low cost. Many people think they can't go to the dentist when they are pregnant, but that is not true. They can even take your wisdom teeth out with just a local anesthetic. (not put to sleep) Tooth pain will not go away with anything until the problem is taken care of. (example-take the tooth out) How far along are you? Most likely if you ask your OB you can take antibiotic and tylenol 3. Use half warm water and half peroxide rinses and you can even brush with it. Use warm compresses on your face 10 mins on 10 mins off. (These instructions are all for wisdom teeth pain) So hopefully that is what it is.
You need to find a dental school around you or a community clinic that is low cost. Many people think they can't go to the dentist when they are pregnant, but that is not true. They can even take your wisdom teeth out with just a local anesthetic. (not put to sleep) Tooth pain will not go away with anything until the problem is taken care of. (example-take the tooth out) How far along are you? Most likely if you ask your OB you can take antibiotic and tylenol 3. Use half warm water and half peroxide rinses and you can even brush with it. Use warm compresses on your face 10 mins on 10 mins off. (These instructions are all for wisdom teeth pain) So hopefully that is what it is.
How do i get rid of severe gingivitis at home?
I researched and came to the conclusion that i have severe gingivitis...I brush my teeth daily and dont abuse any kind of drugs so i cant figure out how i got it...But my gums are red and swallon and bleed a lot when i brush...I dont have dental insurance so thats not even an option so i am hopeing someone has a good home remedy to this...Right now i am just brushing more and use Crest Pro Health Alchol free mouth wash...I want to get rid of this ASAP i hate nasty teeth!!
Brushing, flossing daily and rinsing with mouthwash daily will all help. However, it's likely that you've developed calculus beneath the gum tissues around the teeth. This is plaque that has formed into hard deposits over time. The only way to remove it is to have a dental professional clean your teeth. Leaving it there will continue to irritate the gum tissues and the rough surface it creates will make it much easier for additional plaque to build up... eventually also developing into more calculus. You're in a caught in a cycle. The best solution is to get a professional cleaning done, then continue diligent home care to prevent a recurrance. Since you have no insurance, consider looking into local colleges that have dentistry or dental hygiene programs. They often need patients for their students which the services may be free or at a highly discounted rate. Good Luck!
Brushing, flossing daily and rinsing with mouthwash daily will all help. However, it's likely that you've developed calculus beneath the gum tissues around the teeth. This is plaque that has formed into hard deposits over time. The only way to remove it is to have a dental professional clean your teeth. Leaving it there will continue to irritate the gum tissues and the rough surface it creates will make it much easier for additional plaque to build up... eventually also developing into more calculus. You're in a caught in a cycle. The best solution is to get a professional cleaning done, then continue diligent home care to prevent a recurrance. Since you have no insurance, consider looking into local colleges that have dentistry or dental hygiene programs. They often need patients for their students which the services may be free or at a highly discounted rate. Good Luck!
What's the cheapest way to get braces?
The dentist always tells me I need braces.My jaw has been popping/cracking a lot lately.Do braces fix this?I asked my mom about getting braces,but shes says"You'll get them when you're 16 and can pay for them yourself!" I pay for everything by myself!Can't my parents just pay for braces?She says that we don;t have enough money,but she's gonna buy a $3,000 popup that we don't need!Where can I get braces cheap w/o dental insurance?I'm 14.I'm so self conscious about my teeth!
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. My braces only cost me $2000 because of the great plan. From root canals, cleanings, xrays..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.
I would encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. My braces only cost me $2000 because of the great plan. From root canals, cleanings, xrays..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.
I'm having pain in just 1 tooth....?
Ok so, this morning while taking a shower, one of my teeth on the bottom just started hurting really bad. Then right before I got out I spit some blood out of my mouth, I went and looked in the bathroom mirror and I couldn't see where the blood was coming from but it wasn't the tooth, but I spit blood about 3 more times. My tooth is really hurting right now. I haven't been to the Dentist in years, because we can't afford it (and I don't have dental insurance) and I'm 19. What could it be? A cavity? Thanks, Cory
hey not fun, I agree with the other poster, you really need a dentist. It could be evidence of gum disease, an abcess in the tooth/gums, sign of cavity and it also could be evidence of something more sinister. You should def. get it checked out, You probably need a check up and possibly most likely need a course of antibiotics. Don't let it get any worse, please go and get it looked at ASAP.
hey not fun, I agree with the other poster, you really need a dentist. It could be evidence of gum disease, an abcess in the tooth/gums, sign of cavity and it also could be evidence of something more sinister. You should def. get it checked out, You probably need a check up and possibly most likely need a course of antibiotics. Don't let it get any worse, please go and get it looked at ASAP.
How can I help my horrible toothache?
I have had the worst toothache since 8pm, and it's now 7 in the morning. It woke me up when I was napping, and has been hurting since. I've tried everything from brushing my teeth, to make sure nothing was caught in there, to using mouthwash, swishing salt water, taking advil, and using a numbing gel. Nothing is seeming to help. The pain will die down for a bit, but then it comes right back. I don't have enough money for a dentist appointment right now (no dental insurance), so I am kind of screwed. The pain is so excruciating that it's making me feel a little dizzy, and I was having a mini-panic attack. Any suggestions as to what I could do to at least sooth this thing until I get a hold of some cash for a dentist appointment?
Well it sounds to me like you have done everything! But you can try one more thing and that is applying heat. Sometimes that can work wonders! Also if you don't have a heating pad you can use a washcloth, wet it, and put it in the microwave. Usually 20-25 secs will do it, but be careful to not burn yourself because they can get really hot really fast. Hoped this helped!
Well it sounds to me like you have done everything! But you can try one more thing and that is applying heat. Sometimes that can work wonders! Also if you don't have a heating pad you can use a washcloth, wet it, and put it in the microwave. Usually 20-25 secs will do it, but be careful to not burn yourself because they can get really hot really fast. Hoped this helped!
Whitening A Chipped Tooth That Was Filled?
When I was younger I chipped the corner of my front tooth and had it filled by my dentist, it was when I was younger and my teeth were yellower so he matched the color. Now that I want to whiten my teeth, and the filling part won't whiten, what can I do? Will my dentist be able to recolor the filling part to match my whiter teeth if I whiten it? How much would it cost typically? Would dental insurance cover any of it at all? Thanks for reading this long question and I hope an expert will reply. (The chipped part is pretty small, but is noticeable up close).
its very easy the dentist will remove the old filling and replace it with a whiter composite to match your other teeth , because its small it wont cost alot probley around $130 im not to sure if dental insurance would cover it would depend on the fund your in but its a very easy and simple thing to get done.
its very easy the dentist will remove the old filling and replace it with a whiter composite to match your other teeth , because its small it wont cost alot probley around $130 im not to sure if dental insurance would cover it would depend on the fund your in but its a very easy and simple thing to get done.
Geometry Help-PLEASE Help, Pretty Easy?
1. A car drove at an average speed of 37 miles per hour for 9 hours. How far did it travel? A. 333 miles B. 46 miles C. 28 miles D. 37/9 miles 2. Shelly drove for 250 miles at 50 miles per hour. How long did the trip take? A. 5 hours B. 200 hours C. 20 hours D. 10 hours 3. Two workers mow lawns. One worker can mow 4 lawns in 3 hours. The other worker can mow 2 lawns in 3 hours. How many lawns can they mow, if they work together, in 10 hours? A. 18 lawns B. 20 lawns C. 22 lawns D. 24 lawns 4. On his birthday, Bryan opened a new savings account and deposited the $50 his grandmother gave him. Each week he deposited half of his $15 allowance. Which of these equations represents the amount of money, m, Bryan will have deposited in his savings account after w weeks? A. m = 15w + 25 B. m = 7.5w + 50 C. m = 7.5w D. m = 15w + 50 5. Forrest needs braces. According to his dental insurance, he must pay the first $100 plus 20% of the balance, b. Which of these equations represents the total payment, p, Forrest will owe for his braces? A. p= 100 + 20b B. p = 100b + 20 C. p = 100b + .20 D. p = 100 + .20b 6. Caroline and Jacob both have a dog walking business. Caroline charges $10 per hour for every hour each month that she walks a dog. Jacob charges a fixed fee of $30 per month and an additional $6 for every hour that he walks a dog. What is the fewest number of hours per month that both could work so that Jacob is less expensive than Caroline? A. 1 hour B. 5 hours C. 8 hours D. 10 hours 8. George wants to get his grandmother a cell phone for emergencies. He is comparing the costs of two pre-paid plans. Plan A costs a flat $0.25 per minute for each call. Each call on Plan B costs $0.50 for the first minute and then $0.15 per each additional minute. Plan A will be less expensive for her if each of her calls do not go over how many minutes? A. 1 minute B. 2 minutes C. 3 minutes D. 4 minutes 9. John is on the school track team and continues conditioning at home during the summer. John leaves his home and runs to a mailbox 3 miles away. His running speed is 6 miles per hour. He turns and walks home at the rate of 3 miles per hour. How long does it take John to make the entire round trip? (Assume that he spent no time at the mailbox.) A. 45 minutes B. 60 minutes C. 90 minutes D. 120 minutes Yes, I know some are missing. But no, this isn't my homework, just helping out my nephew with his. Thanks to anyone who even tries and puts out at least some of the answers. Much appriated.
1. A) 37x9=333miles 2. A) 250/50= 5 hours 3. B) 20 hours 4. B) m = 7.5w + 50 5. D) p = 100 + .20b 6.C) 8 hours 7. 8. C) 3 minutes 9. C) 90 minutes
1. A) 37x9=333miles 2. A) 250/50= 5 hours 3. B) 20 hours 4. B) m = 7.5w + 50 5. D) p = 100 + .20b 6.C) 8 hours 7. 8. C) 3 minutes 9. C) 90 minutes
Is this what tooth decay is?
I think I have tooth decay in one of my teeth. actually im pretty sure since there is a hole there. but it dont hurt when i eat or anything so Im guessing its not that bad. I admit I havnt taken good care of my teeth in the past but since I found this problem it has scared me into taking better care of my teeth. But My question is if i keep brushing my teeth 2 to 3 times a day will the hole get worse? I dont have dental insurance and dont have the money to pay to get it fixed.
Once decay has started in a tooth, it will never go away and you cannot fix it... It will only get worse over time... The decay is usually under the tooth where you cannot see it and brushing it more will not make it go away... You can have IV dental surgery to prevent you having pain associated with this tooth if need be... That's what I do...
Once decay has started in a tooth, it will never go away and you cannot fix it... It will only get worse over time... The decay is usually under the tooth where you cannot see it and brushing it more will not make it go away... You can have IV dental surgery to prevent you having pain associated with this tooth if need be... That's what I do...
Fillings in baby teeth?
I Need Opinions!! My son just turned 3 and we went to the dentist for his first check-up and found out the he needs a filling and they want to cap his front two teeth because there is a huge cavity between them. Along with a few other things, the bill will be $1,700 for teeth that will fall out in 2 years. We don't have dental insurance (you bet though I will be taking it out by the end of today). A lot of people I have spoke with have said I should just leave his teeth since they are baby teeth, but I am not sure I am comfortable with this. What do you think if it was your child?
My six year old son had to have his top four teeth pulled out when he was two because of cavities. He had a partial to keep his teeth from shifting and we have had to have this put back in several times. Some children just get the short end of the stick when it comes to the teeth which is caused by hereditary genes. If you do not have the caps put on he will end up with a major cavity causing the tooth to need to be removed and a partial put in. In fact my now 3 year old had two silver caps on his top front teeth.
My six year old son had to have his top four teeth pulled out when he was two because of cavities. He had a partial to keep his teeth from shifting and we have had to have this put back in several times. Some children just get the short end of the stick when it comes to the teeth which is caused by hereditary genes. If you do not have the caps put on he will end up with a major cavity causing the tooth to need to be removed and a partial put in. In fact my now 3 year old had two silver caps on his top front teeth.
i have a problem i have a wisdom tooth that is gone and all thats left is the root and now its infected?
and ive been in seroius pain. ive been to the ER and they gave me penniclin becuase its infected and my other wisdom teeth are also gone from constant grinding of my teeth over the years. Does anyone have a solution that includes a natural remedy from the pain? becuase i dont have dental insurance and they wont begin to cover me for at least months becuase i need oral surgery. What can i do to remedy this problem before i go crazyfrom the pain..right now im on darvocet and im taking 1000 milligrams a day of pennicilin for the last 4 days and im supposed to keep taking it for the next 6 days, but im also afraid of the infection returning so i need a natural remedy....fast.
daily brushing the roots after every meal and especially before going to sleep at night. use a mouthwash containing HYDROGEN PEROXIDE to rinse at night after brushing. if you keep the area clean,the infection will not return.
daily brushing the roots after every meal and especially before going to sleep at night. use a mouthwash containing HYDROGEN PEROXIDE to rinse at night after brushing. if you keep the area clean,the infection will not return.
Want to get braces, but am not sure exactly what to do?
Hello I am 22 years old and have a slight overbite and a gap between my front two teeth. And I would really like to correct this feature about myself. Honestly this problems stops me from smiling or laughing in public. The problem is not bad at all, but I know its there and most my friends never notice and others were surprised when i mentioned I had a gap or space ect... So anyone know the cost ect.. I have dental insurance and would like to get this taken care of soon as possible. I live in the state of Maryland if that helps. All advice is great hope to get some thank you very much. You can help make me smile :)
In America most dental insurance don't cover braces because it's considered cosmetic. I think the traditional metal braces are about $3500 all together and the clear ones are about $4500, so I'd check your bank account if I were you. It also comes with the retainer package. In my opinion, braces is totally worth the money. A bright smile goes a long way man =D.
In America most dental insurance don't cover braces because it's considered cosmetic. I think the traditional metal braces are about $3500 all together and the clear ones are about $4500, so I'd check your bank account if I were you. It also comes with the retainer package. In my opinion, braces is totally worth the money. A bright smile goes a long way man =D.
I want to try a different lifestyle?
quit my job, gather all the money and credit cards that I have, and move to Las Vegas, where I will live in a hotel in a casino. Under God's watchful eye, I plan on quadrupling my money, and then quadrupling that money. Then perhaps I will get a bank account and let the money sit in there and collect interest. Cocaine is too expensive for my minimum wage job to pay for, and I don't want to have to use crack instead of cocaine, because I don't want to damage my veins. Also, I found out recently that I am pregnant with triplets, and I will need to support them, so I'll probably dilute some of my cocaine with cornstarch and sugar so I can sell it to a lot more people and make enough money. Since I won't have a job, I'll also probably file for income from the state to help me support them. My teeth are rotting, and I have horrible breath and sometimes I have a hard time breathing, and have occasional seizures, and I have no medical or dental insurance to cover myself, I'm going to need to be able to pay the medical bills somehow, so don't judge me. When I get enough money from gambling, I am going to buy a large house on some property in Nebraska, where I will have a farm and be able to openly use whenever I want without worrying about police being everywhere, or neighbors watching me. So, I guess what I need to know is, is there some way to achieve this new lifestyle? What are some secrets to gambling to ensure success? And how can I hide my cocaine addiction better from the security in the casino until then?
Best troll I've read in awhile.
Best troll I've read in awhile.
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