What would you do??? I went to the dentist and I was having pain from temp. being too high. The assistant removed my temp and half of my tooth along with it. Now I have to go and have a crown lengthening performed. When I original ly went to the dentist my tooth was cracked in half. The tooth is in the back of my mouth at the top, next to last tooth. I was supposed to be going in to get my impression from my crown, none of this was mentioned at my last visit!! I left with a referral to a periodontist for crown lengthening. I have to pay for this out of my pocket I do not have dental insurance. Has anyone else had this happen. It seems like I was better off before I went to the dentist. Would it be better for me to get a implant. When they showed me the tooth today I was livid. 85% of the tooth is now gone there is only a sliver of the tooth left.When they put the temp. crown on last time I had WAY more tooth left than that. I am open for any and all suggestions.
When you have a tooth that has had a root canal the tooth becomes brittle because they have taken out the living part of the tooth eg. the nerve/pulp. Did you have the root canal recently or years/months ago? Your question is some what confusing. Did you have the temp. on and then the tooth cracked? Or did you have the cracked tooth first and then they put on the temporary? Most of the time a dentist will rec'd a crown for a posterior tooth that has had a RC, for the reason that I mentioned above. Root canaled teeth become very brittle. The crown helps with the strength of the tooth. If you had this tooth root canaled months or years ago and did not have it crowned than I am not surprised that it fractured.. Which ever your situation if the tooth was going to fracture at some point, you should be glad that it fractured before you have had the perm. crown cemented. It may be to your benefit to look into possibly having an implant placed. You have to have enough bone support to hold one, however it may be a better solution to a tooth that sounds like it does not have much going for it. A tooth that has an RC, with 85% of it being missing, and you still need a crown lengthening? Check on an implant. I have two singles, (#20, and #2) and they are great. Nobody can tell except my dental friends. They are expensive but well worth it. One implant is now just as cost effective in our area, as having an RC, crown length., build-up, and crown. You may want to check it out. As a side note implants can fail as well depending on several factors. I have had mine for two years now and have never had a problem. Good luck.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
where can I find affordable dentistry, ie; such as a teaching college or university. i have no dental insuranc
Having no dental insurance,,i need extensive dental work needing to be done. Essentially, I'm looking for affordable dental care w/ financing....In the NE Arkansas area. I presently am employed and have been w/ the same company for 4 years. Teaching colleges or university is preferred..What better way to learn a practice w/ real live subjects to practice on? Thank you.
i'm a dental student and you should consider going to the UT dental school in memphis. it probably isn't that far from you since you're from NE arkansas. i have several patients that come to the school from arkansas. let me know if you want more info...
i'm a dental student and you should consider going to the UT dental school in memphis. it probably isn't that far from you since you're from NE arkansas. i have several patients that come to the school from arkansas. let me know if you want more info...
Help shopping for dental coverage?
Hello, I am in the process of searching for a dental insurance that will cover a specific kind of braces ("6 month smiles") and one that also allows me to visit my current dentist. While searching for companies how would I address this to them so that I know I am getting the coverage I want?
You're not going to find what you want. See, here's how it works: For orthodontics, a policy will typically pay a set amount - like 50%, up to $1,000. You have to buy coverage for a full year, at least, until it will PAY for any orthodontics. It pays the $1,000, divided up by the expected treatment (ie, if the orthodontist has a 12 month treatment plan, the policy would pay 1/12 per month), and you have to make the rest of the monthly payment yourself, AND pay the orthodontist a big fat downpayment besides. Private dental insurance doesn't usually pay out more than it costs. What you want - something where you pay in $25 a month for six months ($150), and get $10,000 in paid benefits, just doesn't exist.
You're not going to find what you want. See, here's how it works: For orthodontics, a policy will typically pay a set amount - like 50%, up to $1,000. You have to buy coverage for a full year, at least, until it will PAY for any orthodontics. It pays the $1,000, divided up by the expected treatment (ie, if the orthodontist has a 12 month treatment plan, the policy would pay 1/12 per month), and you have to make the rest of the monthly payment yourself, AND pay the orthodontist a big fat downpayment besides. Private dental insurance doesn't usually pay out more than it costs. What you want - something where you pay in $25 a month for six months ($150), and get $10,000 in paid benefits, just doesn't exist.
What is a good health insurance?
I want to get insurance for me and my husband. I need an insurance that offer health dental and vision benefits. I have seen alot of insurances, but i want an insurance that gives me good benefits, not just discounts. Can someone please give me opinions about your insurance and what benefits they provide you?
For the most part you will want to make sure you purchase a major medical health insurance plan with comprehensive coverage for prescriptions and doctors visits. The plan should not have any procedure limits or annual limits on care and it should have a lifetime maximum coverage limit of at least $3,000,000. Choose a plan from a reputable company like United Healthcare, BCBS, Aetna, Humana, etc. Steer clear of discount cards and other scams. Here is some more information on finding the best health insurance plan:
For the most part you will want to make sure you purchase a major medical health insurance plan with comprehensive coverage for prescriptions and doctors visits. The plan should not have any procedure limits or annual limits on care and it should have a lifetime maximum coverage limit of at least $3,000,000. Choose a plan from a reputable company like United Healthcare, BCBS, Aetna, Humana, etc. Steer clear of discount cards and other scams. Here is some more information on finding the best health insurance plan:
Insurance coverage by former employer?
I was working for a company about a year ago. I was given vision, medical and dental benefits. a few days ago, I fixed some teeth. I found out that they had not cancelled my insurance, dental and vision so I used it. the insurance company paid about 20 percent of all expenses. today I checked that they had cancelled my benefits. Am I guilty for using the insurance or not?
Don't be surprised when they come after you for that 20 percent they paid.
Don't be surprised when they come after you for that 20 percent they paid.
Does (medical) health insurance cover gum recession surgery?
Or only dental insurance? Any idea?
healthplans.bebto.com - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
healthplans.bebto.com - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
how much are dental implants?
how much would it cost to get all your teeth yanked out , and have dental implants puts in? i brush twice a day, floss, and dont know why have so many dental problems. tired of having root canals, and fillings done. im tired of using up all the dental insurance for a year and waiting till the next year to have dental work again.id rather have them all yanked out, and have those implants put it.
Hi Read this guide and learn about the advantages and disadvantages of implants vs bridges. Also check out the prices of all the steps needed in the dental implant procedure. check out the videos too. http://www.dental-implants-guide.com/ good luck
Hi Read this guide and learn about the advantages and disadvantages of implants vs bridges. Also check out the prices of all the steps needed in the dental implant procedure. check out the videos too. http://www.dental-implants-guide.com/ good luck
wisdom teeth/cysts/insurance issues - how fast does a cyst grow?
Went to the oral surgeon yesterday for a consultation to find that one of my wis/teeth is severely impacted and has developed a cyst. It's small as of now, but we don't know when it started to develop. Here's the catch: after an hour long consultation she tells me that dental insurance won't cover the impacted teeth, medical insurance does. And she doesn't accept mine. I'd need a hospital surgery and it will be very expensive. A couple of things– A) I really like this doctor and would prefer her to do the procedure. I am insanely anxious when it comes to medical ANYTHING. B) With my current insurance, even if I saw another doctor I'd have to pay a $600 deductible+20% of procedure. C) I have the option of changing my insurance in January to one that the current doc accepts, and it would be fully covered. I told the doc about option C and she thinks it would be ok to wait until January. Right now they are not bothering me. How fast do these cysts typically grow? Is this a bad idea?
Screw you! Some of us don't even have medical insurance, or dental insurance and we're middle aged. If you've got a job with medical insurance then you're doing better than most people- just shut up and pay the difference. Some of us just have to make monthly payments to the doctors to keep from dying
Screw you! Some of us don't even have medical insurance, or dental insurance and we're middle aged. If you've got a job with medical insurance then you're doing better than most people- just shut up and pay the difference. Some of us just have to make monthly payments to the doctors to keep from dying
Price of dental services in Ontario, Canada?
I am moving from Quebec to Ontario and will no longer have dental insurance. Could someone tell me about how much it costs to have a standard dental exam and teeth cleaning in Ontario (I'll be in the Ottawa region specifically). Also, if you know, how much it costs to get a filling for a cavity. Thanks for whatever info you may have. When i try googling, i get all sorts of dentist websites, but none list their prices that I have seen. Just want to know what I should be prepared to deal with.
It really depends on the dentist/person doing the work.
It really depends on the dentist/person doing the work.
Are utilities and insurance considered services or goods for 1099 purposes?
Need to determine if it is necessary to send companies providing utilities (gas, electric, internet, etc.) and insurance (med, dental, retirement, etc) a 1099 form,
currently no, but in 2012 very likely it will be necessary, the deluge of the use of 1099's will be overwhelming
currently no, but in 2012 very likely it will be necessary, the deluge of the use of 1099's will be overwhelming
can you cancel your insurance through your job if you quit?
im sure this is a common sense question, but i have no clue! my husband just got dental and medical insurance through his job, he is about to apply somewhere else and if he gets the job hes putting his 2 weeks in. so can we simply cancel his insurance? we cannot afford it on our own, so surly we can! do you just call and cancel or what? OR i guess, will it automatically terminate once he quits?
When your husband quits, the policy will cancel automatically. If however, you decide you want to actually keep the coverage (IE: the new job doesn't offer benefits), you have up to 30 days to convert your old jobs benefits to an individual policy. And to correct the previous answer. YES, in some cases you can cancel it prior to quitting. MOST emploters require 100% participation (meaning all employees have to take it), but some do not. I have a side job where benefits are offered, but are not required by all employees, so I am personal proof that you can infact cancel employee benefits even while still working at a place.
When your husband quits, the policy will cancel automatically. If however, you decide you want to actually keep the coverage (IE: the new job doesn't offer benefits), you have up to 30 days to convert your old jobs benefits to an individual policy. And to correct the previous answer. YES, in some cases you can cancel it prior to quitting. MOST emploters require 100% participation (meaning all employees have to take it), but some do not. I have a side job where benefits are offered, but are not required by all employees, so I am personal proof that you can infact cancel employee benefits even while still working at a place.
My boyfriend has been with out medical insurance almost his whole life and he comes from a low-come family?
and he is low income also. what can he do to get medical and dental insurance? we live in nebraska
Look for state assisted insurance first but after that, look for a catastrophic policy. There are some decent ones out there that even will pay for a specific number of office visits. You basically want to make sure that if he (heaven forbid) gets cancer or something like that, that he is covered. Also, have him start looking for an employer who will give him health benefits through his workplace.
Look for state assisted insurance first but after that, look for a catastrophic policy. There are some decent ones out there that even will pay for a specific number of office visits. You basically want to make sure that if he (heaven forbid) gets cancer or something like that, that he is covered. Also, have him start looking for an employer who will give him health benefits through his workplace.
where can i get resonable health, dental and vision insurance? Thanks CR.?
health,dental optical
Try this one - http://healthplans.bebto.com - my family have their health insurance - it is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Try this one - http://healthplans.bebto.com - my family have their health insurance - it is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Need affordable health insurance that also covers dental and optical?
I live in Arizona and I need reliable affordable health insurance for my fiance. I have never had to shop for health insurance before since I have Tri-care so I have no idea what I'm doing. His main thing is optical because things keep happening to his glasses and now he has none. Dental is important for him as well since he had some recent things done with his teeth that give him trouble now and then. A little help?!? I have no idea where to start. I tried google but I do not know if I can trust many services out there. Thanks for your help.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
How can I get dental care for teeth ravaged by chemo-therapy drugs.....the health insurance won't pick it up
health insurance won't cover it and neither will medicaid for a 44 year old.
Do you live in a city or state with a dental school?..also why won't your medicaid cover it?..that doesn't make sense..is there a hospital that is the county hospital for you who offers a dental clinic?..and finally have you called around and spoken with any dentist about making arrangements for dental care because of your budget?..many dentist now have "credit or financial services which allow you to pay over time"..hope this helps
Do you live in a city or state with a dental school?..also why won't your medicaid cover it?..that doesn't make sense..is there a hospital that is the county hospital for you who offers a dental clinic?..and finally have you called around and spoken with any dentist about making arrangements for dental care because of your budget?..many dentist now have "credit or financial services which allow you to pay over time"..hope this helps
Who can I talk to about insurance?
I am trying to help my boyfriend find some affordable health and dental insurance....I have attempted finding it online and I am overwhelmed...Does anyone know if there is some kind of person I can actually sit down and talk to to find the best plans we can afford that isn't gonna just be there to try to to sell me something...I just need someone to genuinely help me...
You need to sit down with a local, independent agent to help balance coverages and costs. You can find one at www.iiaa.org
You need to sit down with a local, independent agent to help balance coverages and costs. You can find one at www.iiaa.org
I work for a company in the state of ohio that does not offer dental inurance, where can i obtain coverage?
I checked with aetna and cingna but you have to also purchase health insurance to get dental.
There's a company out there that helps people who do not have and need affordable dental benefits. It includes all basic things and then surgery, crowns, even orthodontics. There's no high premiums, deductibles, co-pays, waiting periods, or anything like that at all. They can save you up to 80% on your out of pocket expenses for a very small fee every month. It could end up saving you a lot of $$ over traditional insurance. Try this website and you can check out the specifics and providers in your area. http://www.everyonebenefits.com/40424269… They are wonderful. I have benefits through them as well. Hope you find what you need. Please email me if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to help you if I can. Best of luck.
There's a company out there that helps people who do not have and need affordable dental benefits. It includes all basic things and then surgery, crowns, even orthodontics. There's no high premiums, deductibles, co-pays, waiting periods, or anything like that at all. They can save you up to 80% on your out of pocket expenses for a very small fee every month. It could end up saving you a lot of $$ over traditional insurance. Try this website and you can check out the specifics and providers in your area. http://www.everyonebenefits.com/40424269… They are wonderful. I have benefits through them as well. Hope you find what you need. Please email me if you have any questions, and I'd be happy to help you if I can. Best of luck.
Is it normal for a dentist to keep a credit from an insurance reimbursement?
If you had a dental procedure and your insurance covered it, but the dentist still made you pay out of pocket, shouldn't the dentist inform the patient immediatley once the insurance company reimburses them? Shouldn't the patient know that he/she has a credit? Is it normal for them to not tell you and just apply it to your next appointment without your knowledge?
Usually dental insurances do not pay the whole thing. They pay part of it and then the patient pays the rest of the fee or a copayment. If you are unsure CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. The number is on your card. Call and speak to someone there. Ask them if they covered the whole dental procedure you had done. And then if they say they covered 100% then tell them that you also paid the doctor and the doctor didnt give you any money back. The insurance company needs to know if the doctor got paid 2 times (once by you and them) if he shouldnt have. They can help you. Most likely the insurance paid about 80% and you had to pay the balance.
Usually dental insurances do not pay the whole thing. They pay part of it and then the patient pays the rest of the fee or a copayment. If you are unsure CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. The number is on your card. Call and speak to someone there. Ask them if they covered the whole dental procedure you had done. And then if they say they covered 100% then tell them that you also paid the doctor and the doctor didnt give you any money back. The insurance company needs to know if the doctor got paid 2 times (once by you and them) if he shouldnt have. They can help you. Most likely the insurance paid about 80% and you had to pay the balance.
Can someone help me with this dental issue?
I need to find an Insurance Company that will help people in Georgia. (USA) The people that need the help either do not work, or cannot afford to go to the dentist. I need to know of a low cost insurance company that will still handle MAJOR dental work. The major coverage would have to include teeth removal, and dentures. Please no spam links, only true companies, and real information.
If there is a United Cerebral Palsy Association nearby, they have a dental clinic that treats low-income and special needs patients...... Also, if 'the people' are 50 and over, AARP has a Dental Plan through Delta Dental, and the premiums are low. Good luck!
If there is a United Cerebral Palsy Association nearby, they have a dental clinic that treats low-income and special needs patients...... Also, if 'the people' are 50 and over, AARP has a Dental Plan through Delta Dental, and the premiums are low. Good luck!
Does insurance covered for lost retainer?
Does Med life or Delta Dental insurance cover lost retainers?
Can I opt out of an employer's health insurance coverage if they stop paying their share of it?
In January, my employer is making me pay for 100% of my health insurance. They also dropped vision and dental. I am one of the only young people in the firm, and I don't want to be forced to pay a higher premium for reduced coverage. I quoted the most comprehensive plan I could find for me as an individual (including vision/dental), and it's $200 less a month. Can I drop the firm's insurance and just get my own?
You have to opt out of it during open enrollment. As long as it's open enrollment, yes, you can drop out.
You have to opt out of it during open enrollment. As long as it's open enrollment, yes, you can drop out.
NYU dental care program for the NYC's general public?
Does anyone living in NYC knows about the dental care program for the general public offer through NYU's dental school. Not the professional dentist will cure/inspect your teeth, but the NYU's dental students. All works done are supervised by a licensed and professor of the NYU dental school. When I was a college student, I enjoyed such service for an annual fee of only $150.00 Does anyone know if such program still exists, and for adult without a proper dental insurance plan?
http://www.nyu.edu/dental/patientinfo/fa… this is the frequently asked questions page, but you can link to other pages, as well
http://www.nyu.edu/dental/patientinfo/fa… this is the frequently asked questions page, but you can link to other pages, as well
Low cost or free dental in Houston, no Insurance I want to be able to smile again.?
I am a 25 year old who resides in the Houston area. I have bad teeth. I have had bad teeth for a long time. I recently went to a dentist to have one tooth pulled who told me that I need to have all of them pulled and get dentures. He said that I could get fillings but they would not last long with my teeth being as bad as they are. But the price of getting that done with them is $9,200.00. I do not have health insurance, and I am a truck driver. I barely made $23,000 last year and I cannot afford to pay that much to have this procedure done. I am in constant pain with my teeth being as bad as they are. I do not smile. I am married and my own wife has never really seen me smile. My teeth were fine until I turned 18 when they began going bad. I do not do drugs, and I always brushed my teeth and used mouth wash, the only thing I never did was floss. The dentist I saw actually asked me if I was using meth. I have never used that before in my life. I do not do drugs. If anybody knows where in the Houston area or anywhere close where I could get this done with no insurance, at very low cost or free please let me know. I would really love to get this taken care of. I usually try to hide it as best I can. And when I do slip up and smile a "cheese" smile I am usually embarrased and worried that the person I smiled at is digusted by what they saw. It is very bad and I am in constant pain with this constant stream of infection in my mouth. The dentist did prescribe me pain medication and an anti-biotic. But it's either I find a way to get them pulled or keep relying on pain medication to keep me half decent. Please help if you have any information which could help me. I can pay all of it if I could find a dentist who would take payments. But I cannot get financing to have it done. My credit is not good enough and I do not have any family or anybody who could co-sign for me. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
I think this will help you...good luck!
I think this will help you...good luck!
I have a major dental problem, but my insurance doesn't cover Orthodontics. Is there any recourse?
I did not realize it while it was happening, but my teeth were slowly being worn away and moved around because my jaw is not aligned correctly. I knew something was wrong, but I am the type to just live with it. Three different orthodontists and two dentists tell me that if I don't get braces for two years plus jaw surgery on my upper and lower jaw, and then braces again after that, then I'll lose most of my teeth eventually due to grinding and cavities. I have a decent job and great health insurance, but no Orthodontic services are covered except for dependents younger than 18 years old. What am I supposed to do? Can I petition the insurance company? I cannot nearly afford the procedures that I need.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
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