I'm not going in with them. But I do plan on using my dental insurance to get them
Monday, April 25, 2011
can a hospital pull a hurting tooth ?
I dont have dental insurance and i have a very bad tooth ache, can a doctor at the emergency room pull it ?
It will cost more in the long run to go to ER. Call some dentists in your area. I am sure one of them will help you and take payments or know of a dental agency that will. Try the colleges some might have practicing dentists earning credits.
It will cost more in the long run to go to ER. Call some dentists in your area. I am sure one of them will help you and take payments or know of a dental agency that will. Try the colleges some might have practicing dentists earning credits.
Can you help me with my dental issue?
I had a rooth canal done a few years ago on a back molar. They took off a corner of my tooth and filled the root and then covered the corner of my tooth back up. Well when I was eating one day that corner they took off and replaced broke off. Soon after my insurance would no longer cover me because my dad lost his job. I'm now in intense pain and I don't know what to do. I don't have insurance and I don't have the money out of pocket. Can anyone help me please?
I am sorry about your tooth and your financial trouble. It seems more and more people are having diffculty making ends meet. Well the thing I can suggest you do is go to the dentist or a local hospital and ask if there is some sort of program or aid that will allow you to fix your dental needs. I believe, but I am not sure, that there must be some sort of help or aid for people who cannot pay immediately out there. Besides this, I also suggest looking at your spendings. Cutting back on luxury items can definetly increase your extra cash. Let me elaborate on my definition of "luxury items". Luxury items means anything that is not necessary for normal living. Buying a cheap ipod, going out to eat to some fancy restaurant, watching a flick or two, etc are not essential parts of life. They are enjoyable events in life but if you are in a money crunch, try cutting back a bit. Additionally, when it comes to important things like food, look for weekly specials on the ads that come in the mail. Doing these little things really adds up. Of course your tooth will probably not wait for these changes to take effect so I suggest taking my advice on what I said above.
I am sorry about your tooth and your financial trouble. It seems more and more people are having diffculty making ends meet. Well the thing I can suggest you do is go to the dentist or a local hospital and ask if there is some sort of program or aid that will allow you to fix your dental needs. I believe, but I am not sure, that there must be some sort of help or aid for people who cannot pay immediately out there. Besides this, I also suggest looking at your spendings. Cutting back on luxury items can definetly increase your extra cash. Let me elaborate on my definition of "luxury items". Luxury items means anything that is not necessary for normal living. Buying a cheap ipod, going out to eat to some fancy restaurant, watching a flick or two, etc are not essential parts of life. They are enjoyable events in life but if you are in a money crunch, try cutting back a bit. Additionally, when it comes to important things like food, look for weekly specials on the ads that come in the mail. Doing these little things really adds up. Of course your tooth will probably not wait for these changes to take effect so I suggest taking my advice on what I said above.
Cobra Dental retroactive due from the Date? (not worried about the money aspect of it)?
I am going to get it this time since it will be cheaper, my question is will it still remain that I had coverage for three years (prior to being laid off and couldnt afford it since November)? I need a crown and if it goes back to waiting period of a year to get discounts on the crown then there is really no reason to get dental again, because Obama is only allowing it for 9 months, right?? Someone please help. I had insurance with my company three years prior... Anyone know the answer?
Your employer should be sending you a letter about the new stimulus rules for Cobra. The Cobra will be retroactive to the date you left, but you'll have to pay those premiums. However, this means the waiting period for the crown will be not be reset, you will be OK. good luck
Your employer should be sending you a letter about the new stimulus rules for Cobra. The Cobra will be retroactive to the date you left, but you'll have to pay those premiums. However, this means the waiting period for the crown will be not be reset, you will be OK. good luck
Do corporations exploit their workers for personal gain?
Most major corporations offer workers, In addition to a wage, Profit sharing opportunities, Performance bonuses, Matching 401k plans, Health and dental insurance, Education assistance, Company vehicles, Sick days, Vacation time, Funeral leave, etc. So how are they exploited?
No. Unless you believe that paying someone to actually work is exploitation.
No. Unless you believe that paying someone to actually work is exploitation.
is it possible to cut out your wisdom teeth yourself?
my wisdom teeth are killing me and i dont have dental insurance. i have a high, high tolerance for pain and i want to cut my wisdom teeth out myself. it is only the ones on the bottom that are hurting. also, i have some amoxicillin 500mg capsules and 5 levaquin 750mg, so i am not worried about getting an infection. do you think this is do-able, and how would one go about doing this? thanks for your help
O,O What the fruit, dude... That's a no no. I wouldn't do that... It's not the same as cutting your own hair. It's like performing brain surgery on yourself! I would leave it to a professional. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt. Plus, you need stitches in the end AND there's loads of blood and I don't think it would be very good to swallow it all... Sell some crap from your house in a garage sale! I mean, come on. Everyone has crap in their home! Kay
O,O What the fruit, dude... That's a no no. I wouldn't do that... It's not the same as cutting your own hair. It's like performing brain surgery on yourself! I would leave it to a professional. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt. Plus, you need stitches in the end AND there's loads of blood and I don't think it would be very good to swallow it all... Sell some crap from your house in a garage sale! I mean, come on. Everyone has crap in their home! Kay
Dentist Japan? Have you gotten a filling replaced in Japan?
With no dental insurance for another 6 weeks I have to pay full price. How much do you think 1-2 surfaces will cost? How many visits to the dentist? I just need this filling refilled so I don't go around with a hole in my tooth that could get infected. I have been down that road.
TokyoE is right. If you have a health insurance, that will cover your dental care too. If you just remove plaque and clean your teeth, it will take only a couple of days. It will cost... roughly about 2,000yen, I think... I don't remember. If you have your decayed tooth filled, it will take a month or so, and will cost ... 1,500yen to 3,000yen at least, and if you have a really, really bad tooth, it will cost 7,000yen and up. http://cost.ha-channel.net/musiba.shtml Oh, before they start fixing your teeth, they usually take a X-ray of your mouth (teeth). For one tooth, it will take for a month (once a week visit).
TokyoE is right. If you have a health insurance, that will cover your dental care too. If you just remove plaque and clean your teeth, it will take only a couple of days. It will cost... roughly about 2,000yen, I think... I don't remember. If you have your decayed tooth filled, it will take a month or so, and will cost ... 1,500yen to 3,000yen at least, and if you have a really, really bad tooth, it will cost 7,000yen and up. http://cost.ha-channel.net/musiba.shtml Oh, before they start fixing your teeth, they usually take a X-ray of your mouth (teeth). For one tooth, it will take for a month (once a week visit).
Tooth question, pull it or come out on its own?
I have a crater in my lower back left mouth in the tooth, it rarely causes me pain. I don't have dental insurance and the dentists pain relievers don't work on me. The tooth is gone at the core, should I have it pulled or let it come out on its own.
If you wait, it may not erupt at all. If it does erupt to a point where you could pull it yourself, it would take months, maybe years, before... meanwhile the tooth will break constantly as the crown has up to this point, making it harder for you to pull. Plus it probably stinks. Additionally, you run the risk of it abscess forming, increasing pain, and giving a fat jaw. Sometimes run the risk of dying... no kidding... from just a tooth ache. Ludwig's angina. Bacteria from the decaying tooth essentially closes off the wipe pipe by swelling below the tongue and back of the mouth. Get it pulled. Most general dentists should be able to get most teeth out. Less than 200 bucks. That's on the higher end with a dentist. An oral surgeon may charge much much more. There are community clinics, dental schools where you could even get a dental extraction for way cheaper. 70 bucks, maybe less. Good luck and get it pulled. It'll be much less painful in the long run. ttg
If you wait, it may not erupt at all. If it does erupt to a point where you could pull it yourself, it would take months, maybe years, before... meanwhile the tooth will break constantly as the crown has up to this point, making it harder for you to pull. Plus it probably stinks. Additionally, you run the risk of it abscess forming, increasing pain, and giving a fat jaw. Sometimes run the risk of dying... no kidding... from just a tooth ache. Ludwig's angina. Bacteria from the decaying tooth essentially closes off the wipe pipe by swelling below the tongue and back of the mouth. Get it pulled. Most general dentists should be able to get most teeth out. Less than 200 bucks. That's on the higher end with a dentist. An oral surgeon may charge much much more. There are community clinics, dental schools where you could even get a dental extraction for way cheaper. 70 bucks, maybe less. Good luck and get it pulled. It'll be much less painful in the long run. ttg
I am doing some research on radiologic technicians (which is my major) for a class and had some questions?
what are some Hazards or risks of the job? Wages: is it salary? Do you get paid overtime? What is the starting wage? Top wage? Average wage? Future wages? Any benefits such as extended medical, dental, insurance etc? THANKS SO MUCH :)
Try here http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos105.htm The Dept of Labor publications are a pretty good resource.
Try here http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos105.htm The Dept of Labor publications are a pretty good resource.
Dont have health insurance? I have a link that will get you discounted prices for office visits!!?
Have you considered an affordable alternative to expensive health insurance such as discounted dental and medical benefits. It allows you to visit a doctor/dentist at a discounted rate instead of paying full price. The cost to enroll in the dental plan is only $19.95 a month for the entire household. Includes FREE Vision, RX & Chiropractic Benefits. No limits on visits, services or age. All ongoing dental/medical problems are accepted. No claim forms. Cosmetic dentistry included. Orthodontics (Braces) included. Medical Benefits start at $29.95 - $59.95 a month. You should check it out. It's better than having nothing at all and paying full price. I know we can't post links so if you would like more info email me and I will send you the link to check it out. I have the dental plan. It's been great and save me money on every visit.
Hi , I am thinking to have braces next month. Dont have dental insurance and I can't afford 4000 or 5000 dollars for braces. Right now im in boston.It would be great if you could let me know which dental insurance is good which covers braces too. Thanks and regards.
Hi , I am thinking to have braces next month. Dont have dental insurance and I can't afford 4000 or 5000 dollars for braces. Right now im in boston.It would be great if you could let me know which dental insurance is good which covers braces too. Thanks and regards.
Is it really necessary to undergo expensive dental work on a 34 mo. child (primary teeth)?
This child (supposedly) has 9 cavities, gingivitis. The estimated dental care will cost nearly $5,000. She will need to be anesthesized and the ped. dentist will need to use the O.R. at the hospital. The hospital charges approx $1250 per hr. for use of their O.R.. It will take approx. 2 hrs, that's about $2500 just for the use of the O.R.. The insurance the parents have will pay very little. These are primary teeth, so, is it really necessary to undergo all this extensive dental work (pulpotomy, caps, etc.). Thus far the parents have only visited one ped. dentist, should they consult with other ped. dentist' before rushing into allowing this particular one to perform the necessary? work? Are there other (more economical) ways of getting this done? Are there any assistance programs to help with the cost' of this? I realize your teeth are very important, but, $5K to fix (possibly) a toddler' teeth is a lot of $ to the people involved here. Realistically, they cannot afford it.
the parents should be charged with child neglect for letting tyhe child's teeth get so bad in the first place this is pure child abuse
the parents should be charged with child neglect for letting tyhe child's teeth get so bad in the first place this is pure child abuse
Dental work while pregnant?
I went to my dentist yesterday, he gave me an X-ray (i was double vested for safety) and told me that i have to come back in 2 weeks. I will be 24 weeks by then. He told me that i have to a cavity fixed and a filling must be put in and extra flabby tissue from my gum must be cut. my OB said this was okay... but i think she is wrong.. i am worried that something bad will happen during this. i know she knows what shes talking about, but i still feel unsafe and don't believe her.... should i just cancel????? i really don't want to, my insurance stops covering my dental work in 3 months, i will still be pregnant then. my teeth need to be fixed before aug. but i am worried about the babys safety. has anyone else had dental work done while pregnant and had everything go okay???? -paranoid mom
"I was double vested for safety"....You police officers are a credit to your nation. You never let your guard down even for a second!
"I was double vested for safety"....You police officers are a credit to your nation. You never let your guard down even for a second!
Where are the Free Dental Colleges??? someone? anyone?
Ok 2 years ago I had 3 teeth worked on. I had one root canal and 2 temp fillings put in. I was in the process of going through getting the permission from my insurance company to get the cap for the root canal and the permenant fillings in the 2 teeth. Well my insurance ran out. I could not get the cap or the permenant fillings. My teeth are litterally rotting out my head. I have no insurance and I am in constant pain. I keep cleaning my teeth and putting in that over the counter temporary fill in because I can't afford a dentist. Even sliding scale fees are to much for me to pay. Can dental colleges help me? I just want them yanked out my head. My ear canal constantly hurts, my gums ache and it feels like massive pressure in my mouth under the teeth. I live in Upstate,NY near Albany. If anyone has any info please let me know! Oh an I make to much money to get Medicaid or any family health plus in New York. Thanks Pataki.
Come to Charleston, SC for your next vacation. MUSC (Medical University of SC) has a dental school that's first class. If you just want to get some pulled, there are two denture clinics down here that will pull individual teeth for cheap.
Come to Charleston, SC for your next vacation. MUSC (Medical University of SC) has a dental school that's first class. If you just want to get some pulled, there are two denture clinics down here that will pull individual teeth for cheap.
Tricare Dental Program?
my husband just recently enrolled in the army and i am trying to get signed up for united concordia dental program through tricare military insurance but it says something about "power of attorney" . . what is this ? i put in all his information and then it says i need the power of attorneys first , last name , & address to finish the enrollment . im new to this and i need help ! plsss ! =)
power of Attorney means that there is some one that can legally sign for you. Normally if its your husband insurance he would be his own power of attorney. But usually power of attorney is seen with older people that may have dimentia, mentally challeged individuals, foster kids etc. and the courts have granted a care taker power of attorney to sign things for them like contracts. So power of attorney occurs when someone is not mentally capable as determined by the courts to sign contracts by themselves. But in your case you husband should be his own power of attorney
power of Attorney means that there is some one that can legally sign for you. Normally if its your husband insurance he would be his own power of attorney. But usually power of attorney is seen with older people that may have dimentia, mentally challeged individuals, foster kids etc. and the courts have granted a care taker power of attorney to sign things for them like contracts. So power of attorney occurs when someone is not mentally capable as determined by the courts to sign contracts by themselves. But in your case you husband should be his own power of attorney
Dental services in Abu Dhabi?
I am leaving for Abu Dhabi in a month. I have a medical insurance but it does not include dental services. Does anyone know how much the following costs? 1. filling 2. cleaning 3. caps Thanks
Ok .. the average price for filling almost 300 and im saying the because maybe you can find less than this price , cleaning should less ,
Ok .. the average price for filling almost 300 and im saying the because maybe you can find less than this price , cleaning should less ,
Medicaid insurance/child support question?
I provide full insurance which includes Medical/Dental minus small co pays in the state of Michigan. The mother went and put the child on Medicaid also years later, now I am paying a monthly amount for it in addition to providing the primary insurance. Is this suppose to happen? If the mother is using the Medicaid to pick up the co pays instead of having to pay them why am I also responsible to pay for the secondary? I thought in Michigan that if another insurance is required that each parent is responsible to pay for one not just one providing both? Also if it is MIchild, I am paying enough for the monthly premium for the "whole family" which includes her other kids that are by other men, so does this mean that I am paying insurance for the also? Another question is there any way that this can come back on me and I have to pay back the Medicaid bill? When the mother had the child we had broken up for a while and she went on welfare/Medicaid with out me knowing and I had to pay all of that back, which is fine, but I provide a very good insurance now and she has not been using it for a very long time according to the primary insurance which makes me think she is only using the Medicaid. Thanks.
Look at this link: http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,1607,7-13… According to this, MIchild cannot be used as a secondary coverage (see the section "Questions pertaining to other insurance ". The first section "Questions pertaining to families " also answers your question about who can apply for MIchild. I woud suggest you call them if you have any further unanswered questions: 1-888-988-6300
Look at this link: http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,1607,7-13… According to this, MIchild cannot be used as a secondary coverage (see the section "Questions pertaining to other insurance ". The first section "Questions pertaining to families " also answers your question about who can apply for MIchild. I woud suggest you call them if you have any further unanswered questions: 1-888-988-6300
Does dentist make you pay the whole bill the same day or is there a payment plan option.?
I really need to see the dentist but I can't afford to pay everthing in one day. I don't qualify for medicaid or care whatever it is, and my job dosen't pay for dental. I plan on getting dental insurance but it may take a while to shop for it. Help
Payment arrangements are a courtesy to the patient who does not have dental insurance. Some offices do not offer this because they get 'stuck' for the balance. The patient gets all of their work done, making payments at each visit towards the balance that continues to increase... then the work is completed, the patient still has an outstanding balance and suddenly disappears, leaving the office with an unpaid account.... and usually no signed payment contract. Be up front with the dental office and offer to sign a payment agreement... hopefully they'll work with you and you'll be able to get your dental treatment completed. Good luck to you! :)
Payment arrangements are a courtesy to the patient who does not have dental insurance. Some offices do not offer this because they get 'stuck' for the balance. The patient gets all of their work done, making payments at each visit towards the balance that continues to increase... then the work is completed, the patient still has an outstanding balance and suddenly disappears, leaving the office with an unpaid account.... and usually no signed payment contract. Be up front with the dental office and offer to sign a payment agreement... hopefully they'll work with you and you'll be able to get your dental treatment completed. Good luck to you! :)
Why do I have to wait one year for a root canal.?
I am in pain now and my dental insurance does not cover for two more months. I cannot wait and had to get a loan for dental work. What a shame. Only in the USA!!! I am in the medical field and do mammograms. I am afraid I will miss work worrying about the money to cover expenses. And my poor patients will have to be rescheduled.
Hey bebe use hyrodgen peroxide as a mouth wash it will kill the infection it will foam in your mouth so what on the bottle it will say oral rince dentist put it on cotton then on the infected area also take lots of vitimine c
Hey bebe use hyrodgen peroxide as a mouth wash it will kill the infection it will foam in your mouth so what on the bottle it will say oral rince dentist put it on cotton then on the infected area also take lots of vitimine c
Are liberals afraid to work for themselves?
Do they need to latch onto momma pig government and their surrogate pig momma when they need a job? They need a job with insurance, dental, life ins, a car, disability, maternity leave, drug dependency protection, a union so I don't have to make up my own mind? Then they abuse all those privileges by not caring about the cost and misuse of the benefits as if it is their right.
No they're afraid to work, but they much prefer to watch morons who march in tea party parades, or who vote NO on everything or listen to Limbaugh, & Beck and company bring down the United States of America. Then, when you guys finish that, we'll turn your crappy jobs over to Mexicans, since they'll do jobs that no one else does. I take it from you question that you have a job that pays $7 an hour but has no benefits, since you criticize people who do have them. I can't wait until you're 65 and you refuse Social Security and Medicare. You will won't you? So the rest of us can continue to have it?
No they're afraid to work, but they much prefer to watch morons who march in tea party parades, or who vote NO on everything or listen to Limbaugh, & Beck and company bring down the United States of America. Then, when you guys finish that, we'll turn your crappy jobs over to Mexicans, since they'll do jobs that no one else does. I take it from you question that you have a job that pays $7 an hour but has no benefits, since you criticize people who do have them. I can't wait until you're 65 and you refuse Social Security and Medicare. You will won't you? So the rest of us can continue to have it?
Setting up my own insurance via my corporation.?
I am a college student in Chicago. I have recently started a corporation for a few business i am in the process of starting. I want to know how would I go about setting up my own insurance (IE... life, dental, medical). Can anyone help me?
Contact an insurance company about it. It will require a resolution of the board of directors.
Contact an insurance company about it. It will require a resolution of the board of directors.
How much does dental bonding cost?
I just chipped a tooth. It is a small chip, but irritates me when my tongue runs across it. I have no insurance. I just need a ballpark figure
i had it done last month to my front tooth and it ran me around $150.
i had it done last month to my front tooth and it ran me around $150.
Is a verbal contract binding in Virginia?
My husband agreed when we separated that he would re-imburse me for his health and dental insurance premium and the premium for the dental insurance on his daughter. I carry all of the insurance through my work. He paid this to me for 3 months and then got angry and changed his mind. He refuses to pay it at all now. Since he paid it for 3 months does that constitute a contract? I am thinking of filing in small claims court when divorce is final in August.
Sure they are. The problem is proving it. Your husband is going to go to court and say "I only agreed to pay for a few months".
Sure they are. The problem is proving it. Your husband is going to go to court and say "I only agreed to pay for a few months".
How much should dental "wax ups" cost?
Need to get 12 caps most on the upper fronts and they said I have to do " wax-ups" which arent covered by insurance. How much should these cost?
it all depends on the lab. if your dentist has a lab on site or if they contract out. 'wax ups' are just a study model with your teeth with painted wax on them to show what your teeth are going to look like once treatment is complete. They are cheap to make but I don't know what the lab will charge. Your dentist should be able to give you an idea though.
it all depends on the lab. if your dentist has a lab on site or if they contract out. 'wax ups' are just a study model with your teeth with painted wax on them to show what your teeth are going to look like once treatment is complete. They are cheap to make but I don't know what the lab will charge. Your dentist should be able to give you an idea though.
Low Cost Dentist No Insurance portland oregon?
does anyone know of a place in or near the portland oregon area where i can get some dental work done(teeth pulled) for cheap if i dont have insurance?
My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here http://www.insuranceidea.info/free-insurance.htm is a good one.
My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here http://www.insuranceidea.info/free-insurance.htm is a good one.
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