I am almost 20 weeks pregnant am I am having the most awful toothpain I have ever had in my life. I tried clove oil that didn't help, tylonol didn't even affect it AT ALL. I have no dental insurance. I can't sleep and I don't know what to do. I just can not take it anymore!
go to the dentist my ob approved it first but i had 2 teeth pulled and i was 36 weeks preggers.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Why are Doctors and Dentist more worried about money than there patients?
I went to a dental college to check to see if I could get a discount on dental work. First of all I work everyday and I have dental insurance. The work I need is very expensive and insurance will only pay a little. Every dentist I have seen wants 2000.00 up front to start the work. The dental college does not accept insurance and there fee's are right up there with the other dentist's I have seen. The student I saw at the college told me up front that they would need the money before anything could be done. I don't want free dental work. I just can't pull that much money out of my hat. What single working mother could?
Because some people won't pay and you can't repo the work. Dentist cost money for staff and equipment and to pay off student loans. Dental schools need people to practice on so should be a little cheaper so look for people without insurance so they need a bargain. Since you have insurance go to a practicing dentist so you pay less there.
Because some people won't pay and you can't repo the work. Dentist cost money for staff and equipment and to pay off student loans. Dental schools need people to practice on so should be a little cheaper so look for people without insurance so they need a bargain. Since you have insurance go to a practicing dentist so you pay less there.
My tooth is loose...?
I was eating a sandwich and bit into a hard little plastic thing. I deno what it was but it cracked my tooth and now it's loose! What should I do? I might be able to pull it out because it's sooooo loose or maybe I should wait till it falls out? I don't have dental insurance so.. yeah. I know that a tooth wont grow back but soon I'll be able to pay for a bridge just not atm cause of some financial situations I'm in right now. So what can i do right now?
If the tooth doesn't hurt, I would recommend one of the two following options; 1- Wait... leave it alone and see what happens. Do not try to pull it out yourself! You will just end up hurting yourself, or breaking the tooth further and needing a surgical extraction to remove the root tip rather then a simple one to get the whole thing out! 2- Call your local dentist. Ask them how much a "Limited Exam, X-ray, and a simple extraction" cost. It is pricey but not WAY pricey. If you still don't think you can afford that, ask if they do a payment plan, or if they know of a Dental school in the area or a free clinic you could go to. They will be full of info for you! Good luck, and keep brushing the loose tooth until you make up your mind.
If the tooth doesn't hurt, I would recommend one of the two following options; 1- Wait... leave it alone and see what happens. Do not try to pull it out yourself! You will just end up hurting yourself, or breaking the tooth further and needing a surgical extraction to remove the root tip rather then a simple one to get the whole thing out! 2- Call your local dentist. Ask them how much a "Limited Exam, X-ray, and a simple extraction" cost. It is pricey but not WAY pricey. If you still don't think you can afford that, ask if they do a payment plan, or if they know of a Dental school in the area or a free clinic you could go to. They will be full of info for you! Good luck, and keep brushing the loose tooth until you make up your mind.
Gums-Swollen with pics Any suggestions?
Every since I can remember, I've had swollen gums to varying degrees. Sometimes it isn't so bad and sometimes it is. The main complaint I have is that there is an extra "piece" of gum right over the middle point above my two front teeth. My last dentist had no suggestions or explanation. I don't currently have dental insurance. But I really don't understand what is wrong with my gums-- the extra "piece" has always been there since I was a little kid. Here are pics just look above the two front teeth thanks!! http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i106/p…
Gums are like fingerprints- no two alike. No dental insurance. Try 1 800 dentist- they may be able to direct you to a dentist in your area that is reasonable- or contact your own State- many have help for those unable to pay for a dentist. Now... For the swollen gums : in a small cup put a teaspoon of baking soda and a cap full of hydrogen peroxide. add about 1-2 ounces warm water. Apply this concoction to your teeth and at the the base of your gums with a Q-tip. Gently massage into the gums. Then rinse thoroughly with arm water- swishing it in your mouth. Do NOT swallow the mixture. Repeat this no more often than once a week. Good luck.
Gums are like fingerprints- no two alike. No dental insurance. Try 1 800 dentist- they may be able to direct you to a dentist in your area that is reasonable- or contact your own State- many have help for those unable to pay for a dentist. Now... For the swollen gums : in a small cup put a teaspoon of baking soda and a cap full of hydrogen peroxide. add about 1-2 ounces warm water. Apply this concoction to your teeth and at the the base of your gums with a Q-tip. Gently massage into the gums. Then rinse thoroughly with arm water- swishing it in your mouth. Do NOT swallow the mixture. Repeat this no more often than once a week. Good luck.
broken tooth...oh god it hurts!!?
I have a broken tooth, it hurts like hell. It had a silver filling put in it a while ago and now its broke but the filling is still hanging in there. the enamel has been eaten off on the side of it too. I swear I could just rip it out right now, it hurts so bad. I am dirt poor, no dental insurance, how much do dentists usually charge for extractions....and yea I know it depends on the dentist..obviously, but ballpark figure here...
which tooth are you talking about? it sounds like after your tooth broke you may possibly have some nerve exposure. an extraction may be less costly but if this tooth is one that you do alot of chewing with then perhaps having it fixed may be better. it's hard to say ballpark depending on your location. where i live, an extraction, without doing a surgical (difficult) extraction, it would cost about $90. or the filling may only cost you $120 to save the tooth. but thats where i live. good luck.
which tooth are you talking about? it sounds like after your tooth broke you may possibly have some nerve exposure. an extraction may be less costly but if this tooth is one that you do alot of chewing with then perhaps having it fixed may be better. it's hard to say ballpark depending on your location. where i live, an extraction, without doing a surgical (difficult) extraction, it would cost about $90. or the filling may only cost you $120 to save the tooth. but thats where i live. good luck.
ive become the worst.?
i have extremely weak bones and teeth now. i can hardly eat i let myself go for almost 5 months now..not going out and hardly moving..so its led me to have a 50 year old body..and im only 20.. i have no dental insurance to cover for dentures..is there another option to get dentures?
You can get your dental problems addressed by going to a local dental school or a community health care center. However, that will not take away your problems altogether. You need to see your PCP to get your medical condition taken care of. Good luck !!
You can get your dental problems addressed by going to a local dental school or a community health care center. However, that will not take away your problems altogether. You need to see your PCP to get your medical condition taken care of. Good luck !!
Is tooth sensitivity around the gumline normal? I have always gone to the dentist 2 times per year for cleaning, but have not been able to go since August 06 because I don't have dental insurance now and can't afford to go. It is just along a few teeth (not in the same area). It doesn't hurt when I eat, but is bothersome whenever I touch it with my fingernail or rinse with cold water. Not something that hurts, but has concerned me for the last few months.
It sounds like you have some tooth abrasion. This may be caused by the way you brush. Always use a soft toothbrush and light pressure. Take note of where you are starting when brushing(we usually start and end in the same place by habit), then try to start somewhere other than were you are sensitive. This is not something that can be reversed, although you can keep it from getting worse. Try a sensitive toothpaste for 2wks. and see if that helps also. Good luck and see a dentist as soon as possible. This is for JFK - I'm surprised that your dentist didn't mention that you have slight recession. You might want to give him/her a call and talk about it--and how to stop it now before it gets worse.
It sounds like you have some tooth abrasion. This may be caused by the way you brush. Always use a soft toothbrush and light pressure. Take note of where you are starting when brushing(we usually start and end in the same place by habit), then try to start somewhere other than were you are sensitive. This is not something that can be reversed, although you can keep it from getting worse. Try a sensitive toothpaste for 2wks. and see if that helps also. Good luck and see a dentist as soon as possible. This is for JFK - I'm surprised that your dentist didn't mention that you have slight recession. You might want to give him/her a call and talk about it--and how to stop it now before it gets worse.
My Fake tooth just fell out....help!?
I have a marylin bridged tooth and it has been in for about a year...it just fell out while i was eating....can i get it glued back in for cheap...i just got rid of my dental insurance
if you need a temporary fix until you get to your dentist you can go to any drug store and get some temporary cement that will last for a day or two. its by the dental stuff, its easy to use. it should cost you less than fifty dollars to have it re-cemented, if you go to the dentist that put it in it may cost nothing, just call and ask.
if you need a temporary fix until you get to your dentist you can go to any drug store and get some temporary cement that will last for a day or two. its by the dental stuff, its easy to use. it should cost you less than fifty dollars to have it re-cemented, if you go to the dentist that put it in it may cost nothing, just call and ask.
Wisdom Teeth?
I think I am just starting to get my wisdom teeth in. I can't really tell for sure, but I feel that my teeth are more extended than they used to be and I am constantly biting my inside cheek. We don't have dental insurance so I'd like to be able to be sure before I have to go to a dentist. If there's a way to tell, please let me know. Also, it seems that this is only for the left side of my mouth. Is that likely to happen? Would it be something else? Thank you.
If there is enough room for your teeth, you won't even necessarily have to do anything. You are allowed to have wisdom teeth! You could keep biting your cheek because it got swollen by the first random accident - try and suck on some ice and be extra careful for a few days. You can get free dental care often at dental schools. Good luck, I hope it's nothing :)
If there is enough room for your teeth, you won't even necessarily have to do anything. You are allowed to have wisdom teeth! You could keep biting your cheek because it got swollen by the first random accident - try and suck on some ice and be extra careful for a few days. You can get free dental care often at dental schools. Good luck, I hope it's nothing :)
i want my teeth fixed!!?
My teeth are straight and all aligned, but i have so many gaps between them! my parents don't have dental insurance, and it costs like 4000 dollars to fix them... which we can't afford. but i want my teeth fixed more than anything! are there any alternative plans?
There are a few options, such as a going to a dental university to be a guinea pig for graduating dentists to work on you, but these waiting lists can be long, and if there are mistakes, you will have to come back to get them corrected. They will redo the work, but you will have to endure the pain all over again. You can try looking south of the border in Mexico. I started www.mexicandentalvacation.com because I had dental work done in Mexico, and was not very happy with the results. I figured, why not set up a US style dental clinic in Mexico, with excellent quality? It has been 4 years now, and we have a Seattle dentist, Dr. Stephen Mackey working with us, and we charge Mexican prices, about 50% less than what you would pay in the US or Canada. We have a long list of satisfied customers, and can provide these references on request. This may be a great way for you to take care of it. No offense, but given the choice, I would rather have an American dentist work on my teeth than a Mexican dentist.
There are a few options, such as a going to a dental university to be a guinea pig for graduating dentists to work on you, but these waiting lists can be long, and if there are mistakes, you will have to come back to get them corrected. They will redo the work, but you will have to endure the pain all over again. You can try looking south of the border in Mexico. I started www.mexicandentalvacation.com because I had dental work done in Mexico, and was not very happy with the results. I figured, why not set up a US style dental clinic in Mexico, with excellent quality? It has been 4 years now, and we have a Seattle dentist, Dr. Stephen Mackey working with us, and we charge Mexican prices, about 50% less than what you would pay in the US or Canada. We have a long list of satisfied customers, and can provide these references on request. This may be a great way for you to take care of it. No offense, but given the choice, I would rather have an American dentist work on my teeth than a Mexican dentist.
I need a root canal....?
I need a root canal on my 2nd molar on the top right side. I live in St. Louis MO. I was just wondering if anyone knew the approximate cost of it because I don't have dental insurance. I'm hoping that I can afford it after my income tax refund comes back.
Now a days root canals are pretty much painless. You take the medicines they give you and you'll be fine. Here in NJ it costs about $600-$800 on average for a root canal. Then you will need a crown. They run from $800-$1450 that I've seen. Hope you get this taken care of. You'll be fine. :)
Now a days root canals are pretty much painless. You take the medicines they give you and you'll be fine. Here in NJ it costs about $600-$800 on average for a root canal. Then you will need a crown. They run from $800-$1450 that I've seen. Hope you get this taken care of. You'll be fine. :)
broken tooth - help?
sigh...ok, i have my self worked into an anxious panic - i hate dentists...i have horrible teeth...bad shape....countless problems...and i understand it won't get any better... one of my molars broke this morning while i was eating cereal....it broke around a filling...this tooth is in bad shape, and i think it is pretty much dead... it doesn't hurt....but i have my self all worked up ...shaking, anxious...wondering what bad things will happen because of it... i hate dentists....i always hurt so badly afterwards...and my gums bleed... here is the fear i'm running with right now....infectious 'stuff' is pouring out of the tooth....making me sick...sigh...crazy right....it's not bleeding....doesn't seem to hurt...it's been about an hour...i rinsed with listerine... what can i do...sigh....i know i should go to the dentist.....i have no dental insurance....AND am recovering from shoulder surgery.... i'm really freaked out u guys....
go to the dentist and go as often as he or she tells you too the reason they hurt and bleed after going is the neglect......also make sure to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day and use mouthwash good luck
go to the dentist and go as often as he or she tells you too the reason they hurt and bleed after going is the neglect......also make sure to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day and use mouthwash good luck
I need veneers on my top 6 teeth.?
I have tooth decay and such and I was told $6,000 for the 6 veneers. I'm too young to get dentures LOL and I can't really afford the $6 grand for my teeth! I do have dental insurance but I don't think they cover cosmetic dentistry. Are there any other options? I live in Canada!!
FYI, although porcelain veneers are the nicest, these are the most expensive and no insurance will pay for elective cosmetic work. Resin bonding is a wiser alternative.
FYI, although porcelain veneers are the nicest, these are the most expensive and no insurance will pay for elective cosmetic work. Resin bonding is a wiser alternative.
braces questions?
are braces really that bad?? and do they hurt? and about how much do they cost without dental insurance?
All your questions vary on different things. The younger you are....the less pain you will have. I have brace and am in my mid twenties....honestly, they hurt the first 2 -3 weeks. But then again, my teeth have been in my mouth for many years as opposed to a younger child. My niece who is 8, got her braces put in Feb 27, and she had mild discomfort for about 2 - 3 days, mainly it was just a matter of getting used to something that wasn't there before. IMO, brace are not really that bad. I've had my brace for 10 months now and my teeth look 90% better. I still have quite a few months to go...but still I am so excited. In the long run all the discomfort, and mild pain is worth a beautiful smile. As far as the cost, that will vary from person to person. I have referred my two close friends and my niece to the orthodontist and no one is paying the same. I had a lot of crowding at the bottom and a bit on the top, I had clear braces, not the invisalign but the ceramic bracket, I paid $5000 without dental insurance and I pay it month by month $156/month with no interest which is pretty cool! My niece was quote $1800 for upper and lower she pays (her mom actually) $88 per month however, she only got brackets on 8 teeth cause she hasn't lost all her baby teeth. My BFF got quoted $4200 for upper and lower and she pays about $125/month without interest My other Friend paid $4000 for upper and lower and she paid it up front with her income tax refund So to be honest, the amount will vary greatly on how bad your teeth are, crowding, spacing, overbite, underbite, will you need headgear, teeth removed to make room, etc Sometimes people need two phases. Like my niece, she is only 8. Her braces will be removed when she is 9 1/2 and then once the rest of her teeth fall of she well resume orthodontic treatment when she is 11 1/2. Sorry my explanation was so long...hope I helped.
All your questions vary on different things. The younger you are....the less pain you will have. I have brace and am in my mid twenties....honestly, they hurt the first 2 -3 weeks. But then again, my teeth have been in my mouth for many years as opposed to a younger child. My niece who is 8, got her braces put in Feb 27, and she had mild discomfort for about 2 - 3 days, mainly it was just a matter of getting used to something that wasn't there before. IMO, brace are not really that bad. I've had my brace for 10 months now and my teeth look 90% better. I still have quite a few months to go...but still I am so excited. In the long run all the discomfort, and mild pain is worth a beautiful smile. As far as the cost, that will vary from person to person. I have referred my two close friends and my niece to the orthodontist and no one is paying the same. I had a lot of crowding at the bottom and a bit on the top, I had clear braces, not the invisalign but the ceramic bracket, I paid $5000 without dental insurance and I pay it month by month $156/month with no interest which is pretty cool! My niece was quote $1800 for upper and lower she pays (her mom actually) $88 per month however, she only got brackets on 8 teeth cause she hasn't lost all her baby teeth. My BFF got quoted $4200 for upper and lower and she pays about $125/month without interest My other Friend paid $4000 for upper and lower and she paid it up front with her income tax refund So to be honest, the amount will vary greatly on how bad your teeth are, crowding, spacing, overbite, underbite, will you need headgear, teeth removed to make room, etc Sometimes people need two phases. Like my niece, she is only 8. Her braces will be removed when she is 9 1/2 and then once the rest of her teeth fall of she well resume orthodontic treatment when she is 11 1/2. Sorry my explanation was so long...hope I helped.
Wisdom Tooth Pain....................................…
My boyfriend is having his wisdom tooth come in. He doesn't have any dental insurance and we have very very little money (going to the dentist is out of the question) is there anyway he can remove the tooth himself? Can he slice his gum to relieve the pressure?
No, he can't and he shouldn't. That could cause a life-threatening infection! There are dentists out there that do charity care or set up very low monthly payment plans. Get out your local phone book and call EVERY dentist! Chances are, you will find someone that will help. It is very dangerous to try to do any dental work yourself. Your boyfriend needs to see a dentist. Make it happen!
No, he can't and he shouldn't. That could cause a life-threatening infection! There are dentists out there that do charity care or set up very low monthly payment plans. Get out your local phone book and call EVERY dentist! Chances are, you will find someone that will help. It is very dangerous to try to do any dental work yourself. Your boyfriend needs to see a dentist. Make it happen!
Florida child support guidelines.?
My wife and I are coming up with a settlement for child support, she's ready to get this divorce over with. The amount the guidlines say we both are responsible for is 1384 a month. So my half monthly would be 692.00. Is it normal for the judge to order me to pay half the medical/dental insurance and half the daycare expense too, in addition to the 692?
this is the way it works.. the only way its cut in half like what you are saying is if you and her make exactly the same amount every month.. if not they go by the difference in percentages.. for example.. lets say you bring home 4000 a month and she brings in 2000.. they would say your responsible for approx 70 percent of that 1384 a month so basically if your income is more then hers expect to pay over the 692 .. and yes they will order u to pay half of all medical and dental bills, if u have medical / dental through your company they will have u put the kids on your insurance .. now lets say they figure out your child support is 700.00 a month and u have insurance through your job.. and lets say you pay 200 for your insurance and lets say you have 1 child.. a family plan would cover insurance for you and the child so they would divide that 200 in half.. 100 for u, 100 for your child.. then the 100 for your child would be divided in half cause your half responsible for the insurance and your x wife is half responsibile so that would leave your spouse owing u 50 dollars a month to pay towards that insurance, so they at that time would drop your child support payment to 650.00 to give u the 50 dollars your entitled to for the insurance from your x wife.. .. now if your x wife carrys the medical insurance on the kids and then your child support would go up the 50 dollars that u'd owe for your share of the insurance premium.. and yes you would be responsible for atleast half of the day care expenses as well.. and depending on how much more you make then her, they could actually make you pay for a higher percentage.. my husband had to pay 75% of my childrens day care Ok if you make pretty much even amounts.. then expect it to be pretty much 50/50 acrossed the board other then who carrys the insurance, depending on the medical insurance .. if you carry the medical insurance, figure out how much u pay a month in insurance divide it by how many people are on the plan, then divide only the childs / or childrens share of that insurance plan in half to figure out the difference .. and either subtract that from your share of the child support or add it to hers depending on who carrys it.. but just so you know.. its mandatory now in florida that all child support payments go through the florida child support depository now..
this is the way it works.. the only way its cut in half like what you are saying is if you and her make exactly the same amount every month.. if not they go by the difference in percentages.. for example.. lets say you bring home 4000 a month and she brings in 2000.. they would say your responsible for approx 70 percent of that 1384 a month so basically if your income is more then hers expect to pay over the 692 .. and yes they will order u to pay half of all medical and dental bills, if u have medical / dental through your company they will have u put the kids on your insurance .. now lets say they figure out your child support is 700.00 a month and u have insurance through your job.. and lets say you pay 200 for your insurance and lets say you have 1 child.. a family plan would cover insurance for you and the child so they would divide that 200 in half.. 100 for u, 100 for your child.. then the 100 for your child would be divided in half cause your half responsible for the insurance and your x wife is half responsibile so that would leave your spouse owing u 50 dollars a month to pay towards that insurance, so they at that time would drop your child support payment to 650.00 to give u the 50 dollars your entitled to for the insurance from your x wife.. .. now if your x wife carrys the medical insurance on the kids and then your child support would go up the 50 dollars that u'd owe for your share of the insurance premium.. and yes you would be responsible for atleast half of the day care expenses as well.. and depending on how much more you make then her, they could actually make you pay for a higher percentage.. my husband had to pay 75% of my childrens day care Ok if you make pretty much even amounts.. then expect it to be pretty much 50/50 acrossed the board other then who carrys the insurance, depending on the medical insurance .. if you carry the medical insurance, figure out how much u pay a month in insurance divide it by how many people are on the plan, then divide only the childs / or childrens share of that insurance plan in half to figure out the difference .. and either subtract that from your share of the child support or add it to hers depending on who carrys it.. but just so you know.. its mandatory now in florida that all child support payments go through the florida child support depository now..
Algebraic word problems....?
A corporation pays 1/2 of the health insurance premium and an additional $200 a month toward other health benefits, such as dental insurance. The total benefit package is $450 a month. How much is the health insurance premium each month? 2. Jack is three times as old as Jill. Ten years ago, Jack was five times as old as Jill. How old are Jack and Jill now?
1. 1/2x+200=450 -200 -200 2(1/2x=250)2 x=500
1. 1/2x+200=450 -200 -200 2(1/2x=250)2 x=500
What can I do about my teeth?
So my wisdom teeth are starting to grow in and the pain is ten times more excruciating than I thought it would ever be. I haven't been able to eat anything solid for two days now and I almost want to cry. Obviously I need to go to a dental clinic, but I'm currently unemployed and I don't have the insurance to cover the work I need done. Help, please?
Until you can get some funds to see the dentist (and you need to work on getting there ASAP because you can get infections, abscesses, etc), try taking ibuprofen (Motrin works wonders) for the pain. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth at once and they grew in impacted (touching other molars, pushing teeth together, did quite a bit of damage). That may be a big reason why you're experiencing the pain. Wisdom teeth come so late in age and at a time when your mouth is, basically, out of room. So they force themselves in there. It is CRITICAL that you get to a dentist. Perhaps you should check your local listings for a free dental clinic or places that make provision for people with no insurance and little or no funds. But get some ibuprofen for the pain and try to endure. EAT. Soft foods...applesauce, cheese, cream of wheat, oatmeal, peas. And stay away from straws. Hope this helps...
Until you can get some funds to see the dentist (and you need to work on getting there ASAP because you can get infections, abscesses, etc), try taking ibuprofen (Motrin works wonders) for the pain. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth at once and they grew in impacted (touching other molars, pushing teeth together, did quite a bit of damage). That may be a big reason why you're experiencing the pain. Wisdom teeth come so late in age and at a time when your mouth is, basically, out of room. So they force themselves in there. It is CRITICAL that you get to a dentist. Perhaps you should check your local listings for a free dental clinic or places that make provision for people with no insurance and little or no funds. But get some ibuprofen for the pain and try to endure. EAT. Soft foods...applesauce, cheese, cream of wheat, oatmeal, peas. And stay away from straws. Hope this helps...
Analyze my BUDGET!!!???!!!???
OK, so I will be starting my first full time job in about 5 months, and I will be making $40,000 dollars per years. What do you think of this budget? What am I missing? Gross Monthly $3,333.34 Fed Income Tax ($350.50) State Income Tax ($134.00) Social Security ($194.26) Medicare ($45.44) Health Insurance ($52.00) Dental Insurance ($25.00) Vision Insurance ($7.82) 401(k) (6%) ($200.00) Net Monthly $2,324.32 Expenses: Rent/Mortgage ($550.00) Utilities ($70.00) Cable/Internet ($65.00) Cell Phone ($50.00) Food ($250.00) Car Payment ($115.00) Gas ($100.00) Spending Money ($160.00) Remaining for Savings$964.32 My biggest short term goal is to save for my own house. I currently have about 18,000 already saved up for that.
I think you are shorting your plan on utilities and vehicle fuel, also, I don't know where you live, but 550 for a mortgage or rent is pretty cheap. The car payment might be a little low, unless that is your current payment and you are content with your vehicle. You better allow more for spending money... You are missing clothing (new job, promotions, events), life insurance, IRA funding (401(k) and Soc. Sec. will not be enough), vehicle repairs, maintenance, tires etc., home-owner assoc./condo fees, home improvements, unreimbursed medical expenses (co-pays etc. ), vehicle insurance, existing debt (student loan or credit card), haircuts etc. I am not trying to burst your bubble, but these thing are the items that have popped up in our life recently, that were not planned on 3 years ago. It is good that you are thinking like this though. Keep up the good work.
I think you are shorting your plan on utilities and vehicle fuel, also, I don't know where you live, but 550 for a mortgage or rent is pretty cheap. The car payment might be a little low, unless that is your current payment and you are content with your vehicle. You better allow more for spending money... You are missing clothing (new job, promotions, events), life insurance, IRA funding (401(k) and Soc. Sec. will not be enough), vehicle repairs, maintenance, tires etc., home-owner assoc./condo fees, home improvements, unreimbursed medical expenses (co-pays etc. ), vehicle insurance, existing debt (student loan or credit card), haircuts etc. I am not trying to burst your bubble, but these thing are the items that have popped up in our life recently, that were not planned on 3 years ago. It is good that you are thinking like this though. Keep up the good work.
western dental in the 90201 zip code?
i have a severe toothache, i have no money and no job and no insurance what can i do ? where can i go. i'm a 25 yr. old male...please help, severe toothache!!
brush, floss and use fluoride rinse, daily. brushing also before bed is important. look for a free clinic. go to the county hospital, they have very affordable programs for people with no insurance.
brush, floss and use fluoride rinse, daily. brushing also before bed is important. look for a free clinic. go to the county hospital, they have very affordable programs for people with no insurance.
afraid to take hiv test :-'(?
Health insurance and scared of HIV testing? I need to find a good dental insurance that would cover braces, teeth cleaning and and x-ray. I'm married (only 22) and I'm a full time student and part time worker. My husband is a full time worker, but he quit his old job, meaning that we lost our health and dental insurance. My husband has been accepted to a job that pays him really well, but no health or dental insurance. So i need to find a good dental and health insurance that will cover my braces, and it must be inexpensive. Another question, lately I've been so scared, I can't sleep nor eat. My body is trembling with fear thinking that I might be HIV+. I want to take the HIV test, because I'm afraid that I might be positive. two years ago, my husband and I got married on April '07 so we had intercourse. Then on June '07 my husband went to take the HIV test and he came out negative. Now two years later he is going to take an HIV test again just to make sure, but I'm so scared to take it. I'm afraid to tell my husband that I want to come with him to the doctor so we can both take the test, and I'm afraid to talk to him about it. I'm afraid my husband will leave me, if I positive with HIV. When I was 19 years old, I lost my virginity to my ex boyfriend, but we broke up. Then I had sex with a friend of mine, thinking we can make this relationship work, but it didn't. Overall I had sex with 3 guys in my life including my husband. The friend and the ex boyfriend had sex before i knew them. My husband has never slept with any woman before me, so basically i was his first. .I regret losing my virginity at 19, because I'm the first girl that my husband had sex with. My husband is a awesome guy and very well conservative. My husband knew about the two guys that i had sex with before we dated, but I'm afraid he will leave me if i take the HIV test and it comes out positive. I'm also afraid that if I tell my parents and family that I'm HIV positive they will cry and yell at me. In the past I have done horrible things to my parents: yelled, rebelled against them, and etc. Now I'm trying really hard to fix my broken relationship with my parents. what should i do? i want to have kids with my husband one day, but i feel like i might be HIV positive because i had sex with two guys before I know him and if i am, my dreams of having a family with my husband will be broken into pieces. :-'( please help ... 13 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer. gosh i'm so scared. i can't stop thinking about it all day. I wantt to go to the clinic and get test tomorrow, but i work tomorrow. My only day off is next Tuesday and Friday
Aren't you being a little melodramatic UNLESS one of the men you have slept with has test positive for HIV? Tell hubby you would like to prove beyond a doubt you are negative before considering a child in your near future. You are a grown up with grown up issues so you need to act like it.
Aren't you being a little melodramatic UNLESS one of the men you have slept with has test positive for HIV? Tell hubby you would like to prove beyond a doubt you are negative before considering a child in your near future. You are a grown up with grown up issues so you need to act like it.
Dentist denying forwarding my records/x-rays due to unpaid bill?
When I lived in Seattle, I saw a dentist once, and his son (also a dentist with his own practice) twice. Once for routine, again when I was sure I had a cavity, and again when the tooth with the cavity had pain. I was told it was not a cavity, and that it was "just decay" and that they would "put a watch on it." Now, my insurance was giving them hell about paying, even though I had full dental insurance. They had to resubmit for each visit many times. The last time, though I was still covered and verified this with insurance, the office claims insurance denied the claim, and that I owe them $240. I have not paid this due to current financial strain. (You know, keeping electricity and water on.) Anyway, just recently, this tooth I was having issue with BROKE. Now, I take insanely good care of my teeth, to the point of where strangers compliment my 'beautiful smile.' Now that I'm back in Massachusetts, I went to my family dentist, who's great, the day after the tooth broke, and was told I needed a root canal and a crown. :( Cue a bill of almost $3,000. My dentist wants those x-rays and records. *I* want those X-rays and records because if this was caused by negligence on their part, of their not finding an obvious cavity and ignoring my pleas for help and a filling...I will be getting an attorney to insure these dental bills are compensated. :( So my major question is, do they legally have the right to deny me access to my dental records due to a bill being unpaid? I *was* insured and do not know why the insurance was denied (we had separate dental, not just supplemental) for a routine checkup. I thought that under the Freedom of Information Act, any records they had on me could be obtained at any time, regardless of financial standing, since this impacts my oral health, and so, overall health. Any help would be appreciated, and sorry for the long-windedness; I just wanted to cover all bases.
Almost all State laws say that a dentist cannot refuse to forward your records or copies of them for any reason including an unpaid balance. I don't believe the Freedom of Information Act has anything to do with this problem but almost all State Dental Boards have it specifically written into the dental laws of their state. Google the dental board of the specific state to find it.
Almost all State laws say that a dentist cannot refuse to forward your records or copies of them for any reason including an unpaid balance. I don't believe the Freedom of Information Act has anything to do with this problem but almost all State Dental Boards have it specifically written into the dental laws of their state. Google the dental board of the specific state to find it.
OUCH!!!!! My tooth!!!!!!!!!!!?
Part of my molar (2nd from the rear) broke off and now it feels very sensitive like cavities. It broke off last year and I couldn't do anything because I don't have dental insurance. Food used to always get caught in there and since the toothbrush can't reach inside I guess I got cavities. So should I just let the cavities do away with the tooth? I let it eat away my wisdom tooth that way and it came out. Or should I try to save it even though I don't have dental insurance.
You will have to go to the dentist for this no matter what anyway. You don't just yank out a molar or wisdom tooth, those things have some pretty serious root systems attached to your head. If you ignore it and continue to let it rot away, then you will be much worse later on. These things NEVER get better, only worse. You can also do severe damage to your jaw if you don't treat it. Find yourself a dentist, get the work done, and figure out a payment scheme that works best for you both. Few dentists will expect full payment up front.
You will have to go to the dentist for this no matter what anyway. You don't just yank out a molar or wisdom tooth, those things have some pretty serious root systems attached to your head. If you ignore it and continue to let it rot away, then you will be much worse later on. These things NEVER get better, only worse. You can also do severe damage to your jaw if you don't treat it. Find yourself a dentist, get the work done, and figure out a payment scheme that works best for you both. Few dentists will expect full payment up front.
Does this look like your paycheck?
PAYCHECK GUIDE: The following helpful guide has been prepared to help our employees better understand their paychecks: ITEM AMOUNT Gross pay $1,222.02 Income tax $244.40 Outgo tax $45.21 State tax $11.61 Interstate tax $61.10 County tax $6.11 City tax $12.22 Rural tax $4.44 Back tax $1.11 Front tax $1.16 Side tax $1.61 Tic-Tacs $1.98 Thumbtacks $3.93 Carpet tacks $0.98 Stadium tax $0.69 Flat tax $8.32 Surtax $3.46 Corporate tax $2.60 Parking fee $5.00 F.I.C.A. $81.88 T.G.I.F. Fund $9.95 Life insurance $5.85 Health insurance $16.23 Dental insurance $4.50 Mental insurance $4.33 Reassurance $0.11 Disability $2.50 Ability $0.25 Liability $3.41 Unreliability $10.99 Coffee $6.85 Coffee Cups $66.51 Floor rental $16.85 Chair rental $0.32 Desk rental $4.32 Union dues $5.85 Union don'ts $3.77 Cash advance $0.69 Cash retreats $121.35 Overtime $1.26 Undertime $54.83 Eastern time $9.00 Central time $8.00 Mountain time $7.00 Pacific time $6.00 Time Out $12.21 Oxygen $10.02 Water $16.54 Heat $51.42 Cool air $26.83 Hot air $20.00 Miscellaneous $113.29 Sundry $12.09 Various $8.01 Net Take Home Pay $0.02 Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience. All questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplation's, consternation's, or input should be directed elsewhere.
Exactly except I also had to pay for toilet paper!
Exactly except I also had to pay for toilet paper!
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