She is not entitled to his insurance, and she claimed it as spouse. They have been divorced for 10 years, and she has a live-in boyfriend ever since. Which is not the point - what would you do about it? I don't talk to her. I don't know if my husband would say anything to her, he is a bit of a wuss when it comes to his ex for who knows what f'n reason.
Call the insurance company and let them know they received a claim from a person who is no longer insured under that policy. While you're on the phone, update their records with the incorrect information of your name and info you are his spouse now. They will probably send her a bill. Sounds like she needs one.
Friday, February 25, 2011
I need dental work?
I have dental insurance but the deductible is also expensive.Are there any local dentists in the columbus ohio area that are willing to take monthly payments from patients without taking out a loan?
Dentists are not generally going to allow you to make payments unless it's a procedure such as a bridge that is going to take more than one visit to complete. Then they will expect you to just have your part paid in full by the time the bridge is actually seated in your mouth. Good luck in your quest to find one that will accept payments, but don't get your hopes up.
Dentists are not generally going to allow you to make payments unless it's a procedure such as a bridge that is going to take more than one visit to complete. Then they will expect you to just have your part paid in full by the time the bridge is actually seated in your mouth. Good luck in your quest to find one that will accept payments, but don't get your hopes up.
can you go see a dentist without having any insurance??
i have had a toothache for around 2 is killing me..i have tried everything but i do not have health/dental it still possible to see a dentist...what can i do to prevent pain for now until i can see a dentist??
You can go see a dentist you will just have to pay cash.
You can go see a dentist you will just have to pay cash.
Whats the best health insurance in florida?
Im 19, college student, just moved to florida with my father. I have insurance with amerigroup in new jersey, but i've passed the age limit. I know its available in florida, but unfortunately my father earns too much money. I need a plan with dental, for my braces, and vision for glasses. I don't have a job to pay for it but i will get one. I want something affordable, maybe student insurance idk. but i need insurance aspa.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
YOu are not the only one who met this problem,I have met this type of problem before.I have good experience here to solve my similiar problem.
insurance question for minimum wage people?
For minimum wage persons, does it happen that if they don't do health insurance and then they can't afford to pay for it and get into debt and then end up suffering from debt all their life? Also how much does dental checkup cost without any insurance?
You sound like you need AmeriPlan. go and check them out There is some great information there and who knows could be just what you are looking for.
You sound like you need AmeriPlan. go and check them out There is some great information there and who knows could be just what you are looking for.
I have social security disability. I don't need the medical insurance since I have that. I need dental.?
Anybody know of a dental plan that I can join?
red cross dental insurance thats what worked 4 me
red cross dental insurance thats what worked 4 me
Need cheap/free dental work in CA or help finding insurance A.S.A.P. - from tooth hurty?
Need multiple root canals plus wisdom teeth problems. No money, not working, helping support younger sister and her two year old son. In a lot of pain. I live in San Mateo County, CA. My zip code is 94018.
Goto your city hall and ask about it. In my county in california, they have a dental program set up for indigent people.
Goto your city hall and ask about it. In my county in california, they have a dental program set up for indigent people.
Insurance help needed?
I'm 18 almost 19 in a couple months and i need braces, but my job don't offer medical or dental insurance and i do not want to leave my job for another job that offers insurance. is there something out there i could get insurance from that i could pay for. i tried to get insurance with my spouse but couldn't prove that we've been together for a year.
You could look into a discount dental plan - some plans can save you up to half off of your orthodontics. I have located a website with best dental discount plans, as I do not have personal experience with any other than Ameriplan. I will list both sites as sources. You should compare three things when shopping for discount dental - monthly premium, local providers, and savings. Best of luck to you.
You could look into a discount dental plan - some plans can save you up to half off of your orthodontics. I have located a website with best dental discount plans, as I do not have personal experience with any other than Ameriplan. I will list both sites as sources. You should compare three things when shopping for discount dental - monthly premium, local providers, and savings. Best of luck to you.
Is dental hygiene a good career?
I'm thinking about becoming a dental hygienist when I graduate high school and I have a few questions. Is it a difficult job? Are there full time opportunities available? Do they get vacation time? Do you need malpractice insurance?
My friend's sister is a dental hygienist. She told me that she love her job because she can schedule the way she wants to work. I believe there are full time opportunities out there but you just have to look for them. I don't know about the malpractice insurance though. She also told me that she gets to have a lot of teeth products for a discount because she is a dental hygienists. Hope this helps....I becoming a dentist so I don't really know a lot about this.
My friend's sister is a dental hygienist. She told me that she love her job because she can schedule the way she wants to work. I believe there are full time opportunities out there but you just have to look for them. I don't know about the malpractice insurance though. She also told me that she gets to have a lot of teeth products for a discount because she is a dental hygienists. Hope this helps....I becoming a dentist so I don't really know a lot about this.
How should I care for my toddler's bottle tooth decay until we can get to a dentist?
We had a fairly casual oral hygeine routine for my 22-month old until recently we noticed bad breath and more plaque buildup (we assumed it was due to changing diet). After beginning a more aggressive brushing routine, we noticed the top half of his upper front teeth have moderate decay. (The rest of his teeth are spotless :( ) Our dental insurance kicks in in two weeks, and I have two questions: given that we are now taking scrupulous care of his teeth, will it advance quickly enough that we should run him to a dentist RIGHT NOW and deal with the debt, or will it hold steady? And two, can I cause more damage to his teeth through incautious cleaning until they are repaired? Please, I'm begging anyone with dental training to help me.
you said the insurance kicks in in four weeks and you are taking good care now of his teeth and he is NOT in pain. if it were my child i would wait. 4 weeks in this case is not probably going to change the outcome UNLESS you see visible swelling or the child has pain.
you said the insurance kicks in in four weeks and you are taking good care now of his teeth and he is NOT in pain. if it were my child i would wait. 4 weeks in this case is not probably going to change the outcome UNLESS you see visible swelling or the child has pain.
i need extensive dental work on two teeth, like both are broke in half and starting to feel nerve,?
i dont have any dental insurance, anyone been in same boat and what are suggestions cause dont make much $$ either to pay for this extensive work
You need a plan with no waiting periods so things don't get worse, and a plan with no limits because you have extensive work to be done. My first choice is eHealthPlus and if that doesn't work for you, one of the Dental
You need a plan with no waiting periods so things don't get worse, and a plan with no limits because you have extensive work to be done. My first choice is eHealthPlus and if that doesn't work for you, one of the Dental
Does anyone know of any good financing programs for Orthodontist?
Hi I recently had a orthodontist consultation. I have dental insurance but my insurance does not cover braces. Does anyone know of a good financing company that I can use with low monthly payments even if I only have fair credit? Or does your credit rating even matter. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Hello. I do know that Ameriplan does cover braces. They are an excellent discounted Dental Plan that gives you Vision, Chiropractic Care, & Prescription for free with their Dental Plan. They will cover about 50% or better on your braces. Only $14.95 a month. Hope this has helped. Go to
Hello. I do know that Ameriplan does cover braces. They are an excellent discounted Dental Plan that gives you Vision, Chiropractic Care, & Prescription for free with their Dental Plan. They will cover about 50% or better on your braces. Only $14.95 a month. Hope this has helped. Go to
Delta Dental PPO Preferred?
My husband's new dental insurance plan is Delta Dental PPO (preferred) we are in NJ and i was wondering if anyone is familiar with this type of insurance plan? I used to have Horizon so I am just wondering if anyone that has Delta Dental can help me ou with some experienced information! Thanks!
I have had Delta foever and I was fortuneate enough to get it with my current employer. The coverage is simple and you can easily find out how much you owe or whats covered before any work is done. DPO is better than DHMO since you can go to better higher end dentists than the cheapo limited dentists that you can go to with the DHMO. I hope it helped. Try going to the benefits person at work and get a print out on whats covered, everything is listed very specifically.
I have had Delta foever and I was fortuneate enough to get it with my current employer. The coverage is simple and you can easily find out how much you owe or whats covered before any work is done. DPO is better than DHMO since you can go to better higher end dentists than the cheapo limited dentists that you can go to with the DHMO. I hope it helped. Try going to the benefits person at work and get a print out on whats covered, everything is listed very specifically.
is there free dental care in geaua county oh ? cant afford insurance but cant afford to pay?
very low income but to high for welfare please i need help
If your female, Read this:… Also, if your young enough, try lake county Lake County Free Dental Clinic 54 S. State St., Rm. 302, Painesville, OH 44077 (440) 352-4438 For children age 2 to 16 only Just do a google search for more places
If your female, Read this:… Also, if your young enough, try lake county Lake County Free Dental Clinic 54 S. State St., Rm. 302, Painesville, OH 44077 (440) 352-4438 For children age 2 to 16 only Just do a google search for more places
How can I get my gums to stop bleeding?
About a month and a half ago, I had a crown and 2 cavities filled. Since then, I have lost my dental insurance. Over the past 3-4 weeks, my gums have been bleeding. It seems to be getting worse. Everytime I brush my teeth there is blood in the sink. I'm getting a little worried but I don't have the money to go back to my dentist right now without the insurance. Is there any thing I can do or try to help with the bleeding?
Floss your teeth daily! Bleeding gums are often a sign that you don't floss enough. Plaque builds up between the teeth and causes inflammation that causes bleeding. Did you know that research shows that if you regularly floss your teeth, it can increase your life by 6 years! The inflammation from your gums can go to your heart and other arteries and cause inflammation there also.
Floss your teeth daily! Bleeding gums are often a sign that you don't floss enough. Plaque builds up between the teeth and causes inflammation that causes bleeding. Did you know that research shows that if you regularly floss your teeth, it can increase your life by 6 years! The inflammation from your gums can go to your heart and other arteries and cause inflammation there also.
Does the self whitening kits for your teeth work?
I have no dental insurance, not a smoker, but do love coca-cola. I have had some dental work done when I was young and have damage to my jaw-line but would love to have a whiter smile any suggestions on what could improve my smile.
The problem with the self whitening kits is the mouth trays. They aren't custom molded to your teeth so you have a chance that the bleach will not be on some spots or all your teeth. The bleach you buy on amazon or ebay generally doesn't have the same strength as professional bleach does. You can however buy the syringes on the internet that do offer the same bleach amount and sometimes you can buy exactly what the dentist would sell you. The white strips are very popular and I have heard they work also. They won't give you the results a professional would give you. If you do end up going to the dentist for bleaching you can get the trays and bleach for about $250.00 so not too expensive.
The problem with the self whitening kits is the mouth trays. They aren't custom molded to your teeth so you have a chance that the bleach will not be on some spots or all your teeth. The bleach you buy on amazon or ebay generally doesn't have the same strength as professional bleach does. You can however buy the syringes on the internet that do offer the same bleach amount and sometimes you can buy exactly what the dentist would sell you. The white strips are very popular and I have heard they work also. They won't give you the results a professional would give you. If you do end up going to the dentist for bleaching you can get the trays and bleach for about $250.00 so not too expensive.
Discount Dental in Southern California?
Do anyone know of a place that provide extremely discount dental work. I live paycheck to paycheck, very low income no dental insurance I was told I need around $1,800 worth of dental work to save my teeth (gum diese)
Ok, here is your best bet. First off can you apply for financing? Most dental offices will offer some type of financing. That is where you want to start. Now...instead of financing the whole $1800, we can reduce that by using this new product called DentaCard ( , it's going to hopefully reduce that $1800 by 20-50%, then once you've reduced it you'll use your financing on the rest. Check out their website it's pretty straight forward and you can even search for dentists in your area! Ok, if you can't apply for financing your best bet is still to use the DentaCard, I think it's only $49 or something, and it will still reduce your bill 20-50% then you can work out a payment plan with the dental office. Hope this helps my friend!
Ok, here is your best bet. First off can you apply for financing? Most dental offices will offer some type of financing. That is where you want to start. Now...instead of financing the whole $1800, we can reduce that by using this new product called DentaCard ( , it's going to hopefully reduce that $1800 by 20-50%, then once you've reduced it you'll use your financing on the rest. Check out their website it's pretty straight forward and you can even search for dentists in your area! Ok, if you can't apply for financing your best bet is still to use the DentaCard, I think it's only $49 or something, and it will still reduce your bill 20-50% then you can work out a payment plan with the dental office. Hope this helps my friend!
What does a root canal cost for a lower, front tooth?
I have PPO dental insurance and I need a root canal for one of my front, lower teeth. What can I expect for the total cost after the crown and everything?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -
How do you research review Dentists in your area?
I've got Cigna Dental Insurance with my company and I'm trying to find a good dentist in my area. San Jose / Fremont , CA area to be exact. Anybody know of any websites I can go to to research review Dentists?
This is a tough one. What you have to do is ASK several co-workers who have the same insurance plan that you have who they see as a dentist. I mean, ask at least 20 people. After you've asked 20, you will probably see several different names, but one will come up ten times. This is who you want to go to.
This is a tough one. What you have to do is ASK several co-workers who have the same insurance plan that you have who they see as a dentist. I mean, ask at least 20 people. After you've asked 20, you will probably see several different names, but one will come up ten times. This is who you want to go to.
How much will it cost to get 2 root canal treatments?
I have dental insurance but with only a $1000 maximum cap. Should this be sufficient to cover 2 root canal surgeries? The teeth in question are #13 and #30.
It depends on where you live & the dental office that you go to. Here in Kansas for these two root canals, I'd expect it to be around $1500- $2000. You will also NEED to get crowns done on these teeth!!! I've seen so many times where a patient gets a root canal done & doesn't have the crown done & a year or two down the road the break it & the tooth has to be taken out. Wouldn't that be a waste of $$? Hope this answers your questions. Good luck!
It depends on where you live & the dental office that you go to. Here in Kansas for these two root canals, I'd expect it to be around $1500- $2000. You will also NEED to get crowns done on these teeth!!! I've seen so many times where a patient gets a root canal done & doesn't have the crown done & a year or two down the road the break it & the tooth has to be taken out. Wouldn't that be a waste of $$? Hope this answers your questions. Good luck!
Is it safe to wait 5 months to pull out a partially grown wisdom tooth?
My wisdom tooth on my lower left jaw has been growing out. and it hurts ALOT- most likely an impacted tooth. Problem is that i don't not have dental insurance this year and i would have to wait 5 months. is it safe to wait until 2009 or should i pay out of pocket now?
Should I do what my dentist says and go into years of debt, or should I find a different dentist?
My dentist wants me to spend thousands of dollars on six crowns and one implant. He wants me to save money to do one per year and won't listen to my excuses that I can't save that much money that fast. Since they are considered cosmetic procedures, my dental insurance doesn't cover any of it. He keeps "bugging" me about it every six months I get my teeth cleaned.
Definately get a 2nd opinion! I had to have a bridge made for my bottom 4 front teeth.I wanted a partial,that I could put in and take out.(I call them hockey teeth). My dentist at the time(5 yrs ago) said,"no,thats not a good idea,but cementing this bridge in will last for 20 yrs or more" Well, the bridge fell out this past summer,messed up about 3 more teeth,and I had to get another bridge made.Difference is, a better dentist, had a partial made,and put me on a dental plan. Your dentist reminds me of my first one,only wanting the $$$ ! Good luck.....Altho it cost me another $1200(after insurance),I am much happier!
Definately get a 2nd opinion! I had to have a bridge made for my bottom 4 front teeth.I wanted a partial,that I could put in and take out.(I call them hockey teeth). My dentist at the time(5 yrs ago) said,"no,thats not a good idea,but cementing this bridge in will last for 20 yrs or more" Well, the bridge fell out this past summer,messed up about 3 more teeth,and I had to get another bridge made.Difference is, a better dentist, had a partial made,and put me on a dental plan. Your dentist reminds me of my first one,only wanting the $$$ ! Good luck.....Altho it cost me another $1200(after insurance),I am much happier!
My dentist said because I'm poor I have to have the toxic type of dental fillings?
He said since I have the type of insurance that disabled people have that my insurance only allowed 50% mercury fillings and I couldn't get the non-mercury ones. After pleading with him and arguing with his mean dental assistant lady for awhile he finally gave in and gave me the non-mercury one anyway, which was really nice. But it made me feel like I was living in the middle ages caste system and I was one of the peasants.
humm.... this doesnt make any sense. but... the only thing i can figure is that your insurance said that they would only pay for amalgam (silver) fillings and not cover the "white" ones. the doctor has to go by the insurance since that is who is paying him. they dictate to him what his prices are and if you arent covered by it and want it then you are paying full price for it. that is nice of your dentist, EXTREMELY nice since he just paid for your filling! it sucks but that is insurance for you. try looking into another one or going to a dental school to get your work done. its not really your dentist saying that but the insurance saying that.
humm.... this doesnt make any sense. but... the only thing i can figure is that your insurance said that they would only pay for amalgam (silver) fillings and not cover the "white" ones. the doctor has to go by the insurance since that is who is paying him. they dictate to him what his prices are and if you arent covered by it and want it then you are paying full price for it. that is nice of your dentist, EXTREMELY nice since he just paid for your filling! it sucks but that is insurance for you. try looking into another one or going to a dental school to get your work done. its not really your dentist saying that but the insurance saying that.
How can I find a good periodontist in Los Angeles?
I don't have any dental insurance but need to see a periodontist and was wondering how can I find a good one because I don't want to just pick a random one and don't have a dentist to refer me. How can I be sure I am getting a good doc since I am going to be paying out off pocket?
first,you should grab related information as many as possiible by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you got good luck there ,then your problem solved.however,if you are not able to find the ideal answer by doing that,here is the resource i recommend.
first,you should grab related information as many as possiible by searching the relevant keyword in search engine,if you got good luck there ,then your problem solved.however,if you are not able to find the ideal answer by doing that,here is the resource i recommend.
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