Hello! I'm going to need to have all 4 of my impacted wisdom teeth taken out within the next month or so. I have basic dental insurance with MetLife through my employer, but they do not cover any part of the wisdom teeth extraction procedure. None of the oral surgeons in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area will allow me to make payments, but they will let me use care credit. I have heard many mixed reviews on Care Credit. Several people say that they were slammed with unknown fees, late fees (even when they weren't late), they weren't allowed to make a payment bigger than the minimum, and other horror stories. My question is...do you have any suggestions for me? I don't have the cash to just hand out to the surgeon upfront. Could you please tell me about your experience (good or bad, please!) with Care Credit. Thank you all so much!
They not good, they dont pay out well
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How to get low cost medical/dental help in Georgia?
Greetings, I am an adjunct instructor in the technical university system of Georgia. As an adjunct I get no medical/dental insurance. I work in the joint enrollment program so basically I teach high school students. Due to the nature of adjunct instructing I don't always have steady employment it bounces from month to month so I can't afford private insurance (who want upwards of 1/2 my monthly income at times) and I am currently in a lot of pain. I've always had poor teeth, despite constant brushing and flossing, and this is really bad. My wisdom teeth have all come in, one of them has a crack in it, and together they are just insanely painful. I've gone for three weeks in daily pain and I simply can't take it any more. I found out the procedures I will need will cost about $800 per tooth to have the wisdom teeth removed, and that is more (for all 4) than I make in 4 months, at full pay, which isn't possible with rent and bills. I don't think I qualify for medicare or anything like that and I am at my wit's end. If anyone has any advice I'd love to take it.
Hi, I see that you are in need of dental help. I have come across a dental plan for under $20 per month and they are offering 1/2 off for the next year. The 1/2 off ends on 9/14/09. If this sound like it will help you or if you need more information, please send a email. Thank you and hope this can help.
Hi, I see that you are in need of dental help. I have come across a dental plan for under $20 per month and they are offering 1/2 off for the next year. The 1/2 off ends on 9/14/09. If this sound like it will help you or if you need more information, please send a email. Thank you and hope this can help.
I need dental advice [pictures included] please?
Here's two pictures of my disgusting smile. I have terrible, weak, crooked teeth that make my smile horrible. [I floss, brush, and use mouth wash twice a day. So it's not my fault.] Front http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/rachismeh/grosso.jpg Side http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/rachismeh/gross.jpg (My smile/jaw isn't crooked. It's the angle I took the picture at.) Please help me figure out the best option to fix that incisor gap. The tooth is there, but it's been pushed back for 15 years. So I've been hiding my smile since then. I don't want adult braces. So I want to get it pulled and replaced with something. Perhaps an implant or a bridge. But I don't have any dental insurance right now. So. I'm broke and can't spend a lot, have a hideous smile, and don't know what to do. Someone with experience PLEASE give me some hope :(
Your canine is in cross bite and instead of being over the lower canine, it is locked behind it. You said you don't want adult orthodontics, but I think it would be the fastest and least expensive way to correct that problem tooth. Ask an dentist what he would recommend.
Your canine is in cross bite and instead of being over the lower canine, it is locked behind it. You said you don't want adult orthodontics, but I think it would be the fastest and least expensive way to correct that problem tooth. Ask an dentist what he would recommend.
Is There A Program To Help Me Pay With Dental Work?
I Am Needing Over $3000.00 Worth Of Dental Work Done. I'm A Stay At Home So I Do Not Have A Dental Insurance But My Husband Makes To Much For Us To Qualify For Medicaid. Is CHIP Just For Children Or Would I Be Able To Get It. I'm Currently 21 Years Of Age. And I Have Spoken To Many Insurance Company's And It Wont Be Worth An Individual Plan Because They Only Cover So Much. Or Is There Any Other Programs That Could Help Me Pay
Are you near a dental school? For information about reduced-cost orthodontic treatment, contact your local dental school. Many schools often have clinics that provide basic and even complex dental care at a reduced cost. http://www.orthodontist-dentist.com/dent…
Are you near a dental school? For information about reduced-cost orthodontic treatment, contact your local dental school. Many schools often have clinics that provide basic and even complex dental care at a reduced cost. http://www.orthodontist-dentist.com/dent…
Once a root canal is performed on a front tooth, is a crown necessary?
I clench my teeth at night. Apparently so hard that I caused irreparable damage to my front tooth (possibly teeth). My dentist tells me I don't need a crown because it's a front tooth. But, I've also heard that removing the root from a tooth makes it very brittle and can easily break/crumble. This is my front tooth; I'm extremely nervous about doing this correctly. I'm going to lose my dental insurance in a few months and want to do this the right way the first time. I had my first appointment for my root canal today. I'm going back in a couple weeks for them to fill it. The dentist has recommended that I wear a night guard to prevent any more clenching/grinding. I will wear it faithfully, but am still nervous about losing my front teeth. What should I do?
It depends on how much tooth structure remains. In back teeth, a root canal really hollows out the top of the tooth, because the pulp chamber is pretty big. If a front tooth, there is usually a lot of tooth remaining around the perimeter of the tooth. My own rule is to recommend a crown on back teeth and, if the tooth is pretty much sound, to leave a front tooth without a crown. Besides... With a front tooth, when you grind the tooth down for a crown, you leave it weaker at the neck of the tooth - by the gum line - because you have made it thinner. I've seen enough front teeth break off INSIDE of crowns that were supposedly done to protect the tooth that I now judge on a tooth-by-tooth basis instead of by any rule book. If your dentist says not to get a crown, I'd go with that. Trust me... If you had to have a post and then a crown, the fee would be around $1,000 or more. If he's recommending against you paying him $1,000, you don't need it. In your case, with the grinding, I'd rather see you have a night guard to protect all of your teeth than a crown to protect just one.
It depends on how much tooth structure remains. In back teeth, a root canal really hollows out the top of the tooth, because the pulp chamber is pretty big. If a front tooth, there is usually a lot of tooth remaining around the perimeter of the tooth. My own rule is to recommend a crown on back teeth and, if the tooth is pretty much sound, to leave a front tooth without a crown. Besides... With a front tooth, when you grind the tooth down for a crown, you leave it weaker at the neck of the tooth - by the gum line - because you have made it thinner. I've seen enough front teeth break off INSIDE of crowns that were supposedly done to protect the tooth that I now judge on a tooth-by-tooth basis instead of by any rule book. If your dentist says not to get a crown, I'd go with that. Trust me... If you had to have a post and then a crown, the fee would be around $1,000 or more. If he's recommending against you paying him $1,000, you don't need it. In your case, with the grinding, I'd rather see you have a night guard to protect all of your teeth than a crown to protect just one.
Is it ever to late to get braces?
I'm and 17 years old, will be 18 on April 3rd, 08. I have needed braces for a long time, but my mom hasn't been able to get them for me because my parents are divorced and my dad has never paid child support. She is now starting to get her money situated and looking for dental insurance. Is there a certain age or anything that I won't be able to get them or if I do it won't correct my teeth?
nope, my dad just got his off and he's 43
nope, my dad just got his off and he's 43
I took off my braces and there is glue still stuck on my teeth , how do I get it off?
HELP, dental woes!?
I have a few poorly done fillings (were not properly cleaned before being filled). I had been putting off having them redone because I no longer have dental insurance. Well one of the old fillings has fallen out. Luckily it's one of the smaller ones but it's still scary. I won't be able to get to a dentist until Thursday at least and even then I don't know if they'll do the filling then. My main question is what can I do in the meantime? I don't want to do anything to make it worse and I don't know anything that could make it better until then. I haven't had any pain yet. I've been able to drink but I haven't tried to eat yet and I'm a little scared to. Please help! Any advice would be appreciated.
I agree with Queen's answer....my dentist once told me to do the same thing. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the magical stuff either--but the pharmacist should be able to help you out on that count. My dentist told me I could last a couple weeks with this stuff, if I was careful (no chewing sticky stuff obviously).
I agree with Queen's answer....my dentist once told me to do the same thing. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the magical stuff either--but the pharmacist should be able to help you out on that count. My dentist told me I could last a couple weeks with this stuff, if I was careful (no chewing sticky stuff obviously).
Delta Dental PPO/Preferred plans, do these cover orthodontics for a 21 year old? 10 POINTS FOR BEST!!!?
I read that these 2 do cover braces, and I know you have to have the coverage for a year before you may apply or whatever you need to do for braces, but I just wanted to know if this covered braces for a 21 year old. And how does it all work? Do you pay your portion BEFORE the braces on placed on. Or do they get placed on then you make your payment? Can you do monthly payments? I've never had Dental Insurance before, so it's a little confusing!
Your best bet would be to call the insurance company..they are used to helping people understand their plan. They will also be able to help you find a dentist/orthodontist that accepts their insurance. i have a different company..but usually they have a lifetime max for things such as braces..the rest you pay out of pocket which you arrange with the orthodontist. (they usually accept payment plans) good luck!
Your best bet would be to call the insurance company..they are used to helping people understand their plan. They will also be able to help you find a dentist/orthodontist that accepts their insurance. i have a different company..but usually they have a lifetime max for things such as braces..the rest you pay out of pocket which you arrange with the orthodontist. (they usually accept payment plans) good luck!
Why would I be having dental pain,in two separate teeth, since having a sore throat, 3 weeks ago?
I got a sore throat a little over 3 weeks ago. It was a negative strep. Doctor put me on antibiotics just in case. Ever since my sore throat, I have had two teeth really hurting. Long story short-I've been to my dentist several times and they can't find anything wrong. She put me on a stronger antibiotic, steroid, and a mouth gard. The two teeth that are bothering me are my front-top left and a left- top middle. I have been hurting for so long and with the holidays coming up, I want an answer to why I'm in pain. I'm ready just to have them pulled to relieve the pain. Does anyone know what could be going on? My dentist has taken several x-rays and nothing shows up. I even had a cleaning. I'm having a hard time eating and I'm loosing weight. We don't have a lot of money and the dental insurance we have, my dentist doesn't except. I can't get into the dentist who does take the insurance until at least December. I can't be in pain that long. I'm desperate.
Yes, my answer was going to be the same as April V's. I'm thinking you probably have a sinus infection. The drainage from that (even though you may not even feel drainage) can cause a sore throat. Sinus infections also can cause the top teeth to feel pain. And that's right, they won't see anything wrong on the xrays. I'm surprised a doc hasn't figured this out, too. You might have been on antibiotics, but if it's a viral infection, the antibiotics aren't going to help, except maybe prevent a secondary bacterial infection. Sometimes sinus infections can linger for quite some time. The steroid should have brought the swelling down, however. I would suggest calling your doctor's office back (no need for dentist anymore since you got that checked out...there's nothing dentist can do if it is sinus infection.) Just ask the nurse if there's a chance you might have a sinus infection. I would definitely mention it to them. Then they might put you on something different, maybe it's even from allergies...that can affect sinuses, too, and antibiotics won't help that, either. I would try over-the-counter Sudafed and if that doesn't help, I would also try over-the-counter allergy medicine, like Claritin. You can try Benadryl, too, but it will make you sleepy. But call the doctor. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Yes, my answer was going to be the same as April V's. I'm thinking you probably have a sinus infection. The drainage from that (even though you may not even feel drainage) can cause a sore throat. Sinus infections also can cause the top teeth to feel pain. And that's right, they won't see anything wrong on the xrays. I'm surprised a doc hasn't figured this out, too. You might have been on antibiotics, but if it's a viral infection, the antibiotics aren't going to help, except maybe prevent a secondary bacterial infection. Sometimes sinus infections can linger for quite some time. The steroid should have brought the swelling down, however. I would suggest calling your doctor's office back (no need for dentist anymore since you got that checked out...there's nothing dentist can do if it is sinus infection.) Just ask the nurse if there's a chance you might have a sinus infection. I would definitely mention it to them. Then they might put you on something different, maybe it's even from allergies...that can affect sinuses, too, and antibiotics won't help that, either. I would try over-the-counter Sudafed and if that doesn't help, I would also try over-the-counter allergy medicine, like Claritin. You can try Benadryl, too, but it will make you sleepy. But call the doctor. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Why does it seem that at work liberals are not as dedicated as conservatives?
They seem to think that by being dedicated to the company they are "bowing down to the man". I see my coworkers who are obviously conservatives paying attention to detail, taking responsibility and getting the job done. The liberals here at work are more often than not lackadaisical and "laid back". In my business their mistakes cost our company money which in turn causes our customers to have to pay more for their premiums which is funny because if mistakes were reduced to a minimum our dental insurance would be much cheaper and liberals like to scream the loudest about affordable insurance!
I think you are generalizing because you have a filtered lens on your perception. You obviously have something against liberals, so you find flaws in those around you who are liberal and gloss over them with your conservative pals. While your workplace may have individuals that fall under your perceptual pattern, I guarantee you it is not how it is in the real world. Politics have nothing to do with dedication to one's work.
I think you are generalizing because you have a filtered lens on your perception. You obviously have something against liberals, so you find flaws in those around you who are liberal and gloss over them with your conservative pals. While your workplace may have individuals that fall under your perceptual pattern, I guarantee you it is not how it is in the real world. Politics have nothing to do with dedication to one's work.
What, where do you go/do when you need dental work done but do not have insurance (wonderful land of USA)?
Will need major work done (possible implant or two) and do not have $$ (thanks to the ex). Am I screwed? This is my worst nightmare. Help!
Please understand that insurance would not cover implant services anyway. Implants are a real premium service. Everyone in the USA does not have the rite to have dental implants any more than everyone has the rite to drive a Rolls Royce. Consider less expensive services. Implants are only one way to solve a problem.
Please understand that insurance would not cover implant services anyway. Implants are a real premium service. Everyone in the USA does not have the rite to have dental implants any more than everyone has the rite to drive a Rolls Royce. Consider less expensive services. Implants are only one way to solve a problem.
Dental Plans?
Anyone have any experiences with Dental Plans? I don't have dental insurance and I probably need to have a fixed bridge or something for my four front teeth. I don't have a lot of money.
You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you, which you know before getting the procedure done. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you, which you know before getting the procedure done. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
dental schools?
i need some fillings and 1 extraction.i dont have any dental insurance.ive heard u can have procedures done at dental schools for cheap.how wopuld i go about doing this?do i call and just say i want some work done on me ?loland do u know how much cheaper it is than a regular dentist?
Dental schools frequently see regular dental patients, but charge much less than private-practice dentists do. Do an online search for dental schools in your area, and call for an appointment. Believe me, when I was in dental school, I couldn't find enough patients - they should be excited to have you. If you're in the area, I recommend the University of Washington School of Dentistry. Bear in mind that though the work is usually excellent (everything done the by the dental students is supervised by licensed dentists), it will take longer. Dental students aren't going to be as fast as private-practice dentists.
Dental schools frequently see regular dental patients, but charge much less than private-practice dentists do. Do an online search for dental schools in your area, and call for an appointment. Believe me, when I was in dental school, I couldn't find enough patients - they should be excited to have you. If you're in the area, I recommend the University of Washington School of Dentistry. Bear in mind that though the work is usually excellent (everything done the by the dental students is supervised by licensed dentists), it will take longer. Dental students aren't going to be as fast as private-practice dentists.
dental financing?
i haven't been to a dentist in more than 5 years, so i'm not really sure how any of this works. i know i'm going to need lots of work done. i have 2 teeth that are killing me, so i've gotta go soon. i just got dental insurance at the start of this year, but everything is still VERY expensive, compared to what i make. also, i can't understand what anything means on my benefits list, since it's all in dental terms, but that's a diff question altogether. so what i really want to know is, if i have to have all kinds of work done, are they going to want payment the day i get it done, or do most dentists let you do payments? is there financing? if so, is it hard to get approved? does the work need to come to over a certain amount? i've been putting off going, cause i'm afraid they're going to tell me i need to pay them like a thousand dollars, and i don't have that in the bank. thanks!!!
I don't know if he's unique but my dentist allows his patients to make payments. I was in a situation similar to your's some time ago. I discussed it with him and he was good enough to allow me to make payments based on MY budget. Have you tried that? Discuss it with your dentist or the person in charge of billing and maybe they'll let you make payments based on your budget. For the first visit, you'll probably have to make a co-payment (standard insurance procedure), but it won't be "a thousand dollars". If you're unclear about your benefits, ask your dentist or the person in his/her office in charge of billing; they'll explain how everything works. I haven't heard of this CareCredit, so I can't comment on it. My dentist just sends out monthly bills until you're paid in full.
I don't know if he's unique but my dentist allows his patients to make payments. I was in a situation similar to your's some time ago. I discussed it with him and he was good enough to allow me to make payments based on MY budget. Have you tried that? Discuss it with your dentist or the person in charge of billing and maybe they'll let you make payments based on your budget. For the first visit, you'll probably have to make a co-payment (standard insurance procedure), but it won't be "a thousand dollars". If you're unclear about your benefits, ask your dentist or the person in his/her office in charge of billing; they'll explain how everything works. I haven't heard of this CareCredit, so I can't comment on it. My dentist just sends out monthly bills until you're paid in full.
dental implants..please help!!?
im 21 years old and have bad teeth. well i used to. right now i have no insurance, but i have one temp bridge, and two crowns in my upper teeth. the bridge consists of 3 teeth. these are all my 5 upper teeth together. i hate it! they always come loose and i have to go in like every 5 months to get them re cemented on. and i can't afford anything. however, i just got a new job, and i will have dental insurance. im thinking about implants. now i would do my top 6 teeth, since its the two crowns, my real tooth, then the 3 tooth bridge. would this be worth it? even at a young age? i just hate my smile, the bridge is starting to change color, and im so embarassed to smile. when getting dental implants, can they do any color i would want? how long do i have to wait to start eating normal again? please tell me any expierances you have, and any info you have. approx how much would it cost in the northeast wisconsin area for 6 dental implants? i am willing to do anyting for a beautiful smile!
I had a 1 dental implant 2 months ago. There is no dental coverage on implants. They do a color to match your existing teeth. The procedure is extensive and expensive but worth it. First you see a periodontist $250.00 to see if your mouth is healthy enough, a cat scan $300.00 of your jaw for perfect placement, you need a appliance for the cat scan $200.00. Then you have appointment for the surgery $2500.00 - $4000.00 depending on if you need bone or gum grafting. They drill into jaw bone with several different bits and implant post for crown. You then wear a silver cap for 2 - 3 months until implant is healed enough to accept crown that you get from your dentist $1760.00. Now waiting for lummineers for that perfect smile.
I had a 1 dental implant 2 months ago. There is no dental coverage on implants. They do a color to match your existing teeth. The procedure is extensive and expensive but worth it. First you see a periodontist $250.00 to see if your mouth is healthy enough, a cat scan $300.00 of your jaw for perfect placement, you need a appliance for the cat scan $200.00. Then you have appointment for the surgery $2500.00 - $4000.00 depending on if you need bone or gum grafting. They drill into jaw bone with several different bits and implant post for crown. You then wear a silver cap for 2 - 3 months until implant is healed enough to accept crown that you get from your dentist $1760.00. Now waiting for lummineers for that perfect smile.
In a health insurance policy what does it mean about X amount $ for a deductible?
Also any suggestions on any other good yet affordable policies? I am looking at one from work $40 copay $800 deductible but I had better with a prior company. Also I would like dental,on this plan dental is extra at $18.The policy is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama.
I work for an insurance company and I must say...your BCBS policy through work sucks. A 800.00 ded through a work plan is awful. Maybe the x amount for $ deductible means the amount of money you have to pay before your insurance starts to pay out your benefits or , if I am not understanding your question correctly, you may can pay something different for a different ded amount. Many insurance companies offer free quotes on-line. Just look through a search engine for health insurance.
I work for an insurance company and I must say...your BCBS policy through work sucks. A 800.00 ded through a work plan is awful. Maybe the x amount for $ deductible means the amount of money you have to pay before your insurance starts to pay out your benefits or , if I am not understanding your question correctly, you may can pay something different for a different ded amount. Many insurance companies offer free quotes on-line. Just look through a search engine for health insurance.
Low cost dental plans....?
I do not have dental insurance, and two of my wisdom teeth are comming in. I have a limited amount of money to put towards a dental plan and the cost of the surgery. Does anyone have one of those low cost dental plans they have advertised online? They sound good, but you know some things are just too good to be true. I just need to do something before the pain becomes unbarable.
If you're 50 or older, AARP has a great dental plan with Delta Dental.... Can you get insurance through your employer? If you opt for a dental plan and not dental insurance, you are commited to only see a participating provider who accepts the plan...at a reduced rate. Also, if you choose to go with an HMO, the same rules apply. Met Life, Aetna, United Concordia and Guardian, to name a few, have EXCELLENT dental benefits... Best of luck to you~
If you're 50 or older, AARP has a great dental plan with Delta Dental.... Can you get insurance through your employer? If you opt for a dental plan and not dental insurance, you are commited to only see a participating provider who accepts the plan...at a reduced rate. Also, if you choose to go with an HMO, the same rules apply. Met Life, Aetna, United Concordia and Guardian, to name a few, have EXCELLENT dental benefits... Best of luck to you~
What is a good health insurance policy for me and my husband?
He just lost his job, and I am self-employed. We are looking for something with a high deductible, maybe dental coverage as well. Any thoughts on a good policy that isn't really expensive?
I think that the best insur would be the one that is most popular in your area as there will be more participating dr/hospitals. Try calling your local Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They offer individual accts. If your husband had coverage with his prior employer he may qualify for COBRA although quite expensive. Going with an individ. acct would be cheaper but you wouldn't get dental or vision. Also keep in mind that most of the individ. plans out there have a pre-existing clause and/or underwriting requirements. Again I would call the major health insurance companies in your area and see what individ. products they have to offer. Also look to see what your state offers. Most states realize that adults need coverage and they have a basic plan for low income families that make too much for welfare but too little to pay for full coverage elsewhere. Good Luck!!
I think that the best insur would be the one that is most popular in your area as there will be more participating dr/hospitals. Try calling your local Blue Cross/Blue Shield. They offer individual accts. If your husband had coverage with his prior employer he may qualify for COBRA although quite expensive. Going with an individ. acct would be cheaper but you wouldn't get dental or vision. Also keep in mind that most of the individ. plans out there have a pre-existing clause and/or underwriting requirements. Again I would call the major health insurance companies in your area and see what individ. products they have to offer. Also look to see what your state offers. Most states realize that adults need coverage and they have a basic plan for low income families that make too much for welfare but too little to pay for full coverage elsewhere. Good Luck!!
What is Massachusetts Dental procedure or process when accepting new patients?
A couple of months ago, my boyfriend went to the Dentist to get his teeth clean. The Dentist said that he require a deep cleaning and the estimated cost of out of this pocket around $900. He applied for the CareCredit so he can make the payment monthly instead of the full amount. A month ago, he received a bill from CareCredit for the amount little more than $900. But, less than 2 weeks ago we also received a bill for $1340 from the dentist. I called the Dentist last week to really find out the reason why they are also billing him? The Dentist call me back today and stated that the cost of the novacaine are not covered by the insurance and the estimated cost that they provide is not the exact cost for the services. When I continue to questions that wouldn't it be ethical for the clinic to information the patient if the cost of what they estimated for an out of the pocket is now mutliplied by more than 100%, he when on stating that the Dental Insurance that my boyfriend have is not active. A few things doesn't fit and doesn't make sense to me at all: 1) Wasn't the Dental office suppose to verify the Dental Insurance and what the patient are qualify for before providing the services? 2) They have almost a week to verify this information, so how come when my boyfriend when for his appointment, why didn't they mention or questions my boyfriend regarding his dental insurance company wasn't able to locate my boyfriend information? 3) Why did he first brought up the point that the cost of the novacaine was covered by the insurance, and then move to the point that the dental insurance doesn't have my boyfriend on file and that he is not a member? Something really doesn't seem right to me. What is the procedure for the Dental Clinics to do when admitting new patient? I am planning on calling his Delta Dental tomorrow for him. But, if anyone out there who are able to answer my posted questions and have any advise on what I should look at to help eleminate this extra bill from the Dental office I would greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance, from the lost and confuse...
First of all, you need to call the insurance company first! Find out if he is still on the plan. If he is not, this is not the dentist office responsibility to call for you. Some offices do call for you as a courtesy and also to protect them. But they don't have to..... It is odd that he told you the cost of the novicaine wasn't covered. I don't understand that.....the only thing I can think of that would be close to that is that maybe he meant that they didn't cover that particular procedure since a regular cleaning is covered and doesn't require novicaine, not sure that's weird? I'm a dental hygienist and at my office we send out pre-determinations for deep cleanings to make sure they will be paid for before we do them, but again that is something we do for protection and knowledge but it doesn't have to be done. Maybe the insurance company just flat out denied the procedure because they thought it wasn't necessary? And by the way, 900 out of pocket to begin with is a lot! And that was with the insurance figured in??? At my office we charge 165 per quadrant. So 165 x 4. and then most insurances cover at least 50 to 80% of that. There are a lot of Delta dental plans, but the ones in ohio I know cover 80%. We also use care credit in my office. What happens is the dentist receives the money you borrowed right then and there like a credit card payment and then you pay care credit back. So they already have your 900 dollars and they want 1340 more?? WOW! Are you sure 1340 isn't the total owed? Please check into this. The first place to start is his insurance.
First of all, you need to call the insurance company first! Find out if he is still on the plan. If he is not, this is not the dentist office responsibility to call for you. Some offices do call for you as a courtesy and also to protect them. But they don't have to..... It is odd that he told you the cost of the novicaine wasn't covered. I don't understand that.....the only thing I can think of that would be close to that is that maybe he meant that they didn't cover that particular procedure since a regular cleaning is covered and doesn't require novicaine, not sure that's weird? I'm a dental hygienist and at my office we send out pre-determinations for deep cleanings to make sure they will be paid for before we do them, but again that is something we do for protection and knowledge but it doesn't have to be done. Maybe the insurance company just flat out denied the procedure because they thought it wasn't necessary? And by the way, 900 out of pocket to begin with is a lot! And that was with the insurance figured in??? At my office we charge 165 per quadrant. So 165 x 4. and then most insurances cover at least 50 to 80% of that. There are a lot of Delta dental plans, but the ones in ohio I know cover 80%. We also use care credit in my office. What happens is the dentist receives the money you borrowed right then and there like a credit card payment and then you pay care credit back. So they already have your 900 dollars and they want 1340 more?? WOW! Are you sure 1340 isn't the total owed? Please check into this. The first place to start is his insurance.
dental implants.?
hi, im 21 years old. and have bad teeth. well i used to. right now i have no insurance, but i have one temp bridge, and two crowns in my upper teeth. the bridge consists of 3 teeth. these are all my 5 upper teeth together. i hate it! they always come loose and i have to go in like every 5 months to get them re cemented on. and i can't afford anything. however, i just got a new job, and i will have dental insurance. im thinking about implants. now i would do my top 6 teeth, since its the two crowns, my real tooth, then the 3 tooth bridge. would this be worth it? even at a young age? i just hate my smile, the bridge is starting to change color, and im so embarassed to smile. when getting dental implants, can they do any color i would want? how long do i have to wait to start eating normal again? please tell me any expierances you have, and any info you have.
You might start here: http://www.aboutcosmeticdentistry.com/pr… good luck.
You might start here: http://www.aboutcosmeticdentistry.com/pr… good luck.
can a 32 year old male with diabetes qualify for medicaid?
My boyfriend is 32 has diabetes and his medical sucks so he is paying for a majority of his supplies, he pays rent and bills and everything else other people do and cant seem to get decent dental insurance so i thought he might be able to qualify for medicaid as a secondary insurance/ dental. Can someone help me with this? Does anyone know weather or not he can qualify?
As far as I know. Medicaid is solely based on income. If I were you I would google medicaid for your state and see what the income requirements are for a household of 1 since unfortunately they will not consider you a 2 member household....or will they...hmm. If you live together and share the bills I mean. But including your income would probably decrease his chances of qualifying. it doesn't hurt to apply anyhow! Just fill out the paperwork and make an appointment, they'll let you know then if it's a go. HTH! Good luck!
As far as I know. Medicaid is solely based on income. If I were you I would google medicaid for your state and see what the income requirements are for a household of 1 since unfortunately they will not consider you a 2 member household....or will they...hmm. If you live together and share the bills I mean. But including your income would probably decrease his chances of qualifying. it doesn't hurt to apply anyhow! Just fill out the paperwork and make an appointment, they'll let you know then if it's a go. HTH! Good luck!
health insurance?
What is a good website to get health and dental insurance, and what are good plans for me and my wife
There are several websites to get you a ballpark figure and information about many different policies. However, do not try to do this over the internet. It'll take you many days of solid research to intelligently compare the hundreds of plans available. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy, cause you to be declined, or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process. Also, applying over the internet is a good way to get scammed. Call or visit a local independent agent that works with all the major companies in your area. Not all companies are available in all states and plans with the same company can vary across state lines. The agent can work with you to find the best policy for your situation and budget. The plans and premiums are no different if you use an agent.
There are several websites to get you a ballpark figure and information about many different policies. However, do not try to do this over the internet. It'll take you many days of solid research to intelligently compare the hundreds of plans available. Also, if you have any pre-existing conditions that might add a rider to the policy, cause you to be declined, or if you are out of the height and weight guidelines you won't know until you've applied and gone through the underwriting process. Also, applying over the internet is a good way to get scammed. Call or visit a local independent agent that works with all the major companies in your area. Not all companies are available in all states and plans with the same company can vary across state lines. The agent can work with you to find the best policy for your situation and budget. The plans and premiums are no different if you use an agent.
How much is a dental retainer in charlotte nc?
I am trying to decide whether I would need a retainer or not. My bottom teeth are starting to shift and the gap that has been formed is bothering me. My lip gets in it and its just aggravating. I need an affordable orthodontist or dentist in charlotte north carolina. I do have met life but if my insurance doesn't cover it all I need to make sure that the office that I choose will allow me to make payments...Help!
500 us dollars
500 us dollars
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