Sunday, February 20, 2011

What are some good ways to take care of cavities that you can't get filled right away?

I have several cavities in my mouth that I can't afford to get filled right now (as I don't have dental insurance and I make minimum wage). I'm planning on going as soon as I have the money, but I was wondering if there was anything I could do in the meantime to keep them from getting worse, aside from brushing and flossing (which I do almost compulsively now). Thanks for any input.
I once used a sugar free gum to make a temporary filling. Just to keep the air out. First I brushed my teeth thoroughly then I put a little toothpaste in the actual cavity, then filled the space with the well chewed gum. It did work. But cleanliness is important.

How much does it cost to get a cavity fixed?

I don't have any dental insurance, And I need to get some cavities drilled and filled or something. Does anyone know how much this may cost? Thanks for any input.
My dentist office charges about $150 per cavity, and I had three!

How important is it to extract an impacted wisdom tooth?

I'm having a huge amount of pain from my impacted wisdom tooth. I think it's actually pushing my jawbone. My dental insurance doesn't start until June (3 weeks) so I'm putting off going to the dentist until then. Will there be complications if I wait that long?
No there will be no dire results if you wait that long other than being in pain. You might want to call the dental office and explain the delay reasoning and the pain you are in. They may start you on a course of pain pills and/or antibiotics. Good luck

What can i do to help reduce a abcess in my mouth?

I don't have dental insurance was wondering if there were any homeopathic remedies or anything like that that would help my abcesses.
You could try warm water and salt rinses. Just add a tsp of salt to about 4 ounces of water, stir it up, and rinse your mouth. Take the salt water into your mouth and swish it around for a few seconds then spit it out. Finish the whole glass and repeat it 3-4 times a day. Sometimes this helps.

If I have physical custody and claim my son as a dependent can his father deduct his half of medical expenses?

I have full custody and pay for everything. I provide the medical and dental insurance. We split all deductibles and copays in half. He wants the receipts and does not want me to put on the receipt that I paid up front because he wants to deduct them off his taxes.
Let the father file his taxes however he feels necessary. He will get audited, not you. Don' t give him receipts for anything you paid for. You may need them later in a court situation. I was in a similar situation where the father was to pay 1/2 of all medical expenses that insurance did not cover. I have received $0.00 for his 1/2. Change your mind set, and do what is necessary for this child. And don't do him any favors. Whatever he pays for he can keep his receipts and do as he likes with them. His finances are not your responsability. Always pay these expenses with a debit or credit card so they can reflect as coming from your own personal account, or check. You never know what the future brings and you need to cover they @#% now!

How much does it cost to remove wisdom teeth?

I have to have wisdom teeth removed, but don't have dental insurance. I know it is a surgery and sounds like a big ordeal. How much is this going to cost?
You will be best to talk to a denitst. But before you do that you should deffinatley get dental insurance. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed (surgically) and they had to knock me out to do it. Without insurance it would have cost me about $2000. With insurance I only paid $800. You may not have as big of a problem as I did though, and it could be a TON cheaper. So check with your dentist

Is it possible that my Dentist caused my tooth to become abscessed when he replaced an old crown?

I developed a gum boil shortly thereafter. I have had a root canal in the tooth for ten years. If it is likely his actions that caused it, what course can I take to get him to take responsibility for treatment since I do not have dental insurance?
It is very unlikely that your dentist did anything in replaceing the crown that would have caused an infection. Why did you have to have the crown replaced? sometimes people get decay around the crown and that can cause an infection. If the decay occures below the gumline the dentist cant always see it. Also, its possible that you cracked the tooth under the crown. That is always an issue with rootcanaled teeth and it can happen when the temp crown is on. When that happens it can allow bacteria down into the root so that it can cause infection. But, main point here, is that baring the dentist doing something terrible, you getting an infection is an unfortunate situation but not something that he/she would be responsible for. You can see if they will give you some antibiotics and it might clear up. Also, i dont know if you are a female, but they have found that women are often more sensitive to metals in their mouth, so maybe if your crown has metal under it, it could be causeing some of the problem.

What is the average cost of having a tooth pulled?

I may have to have a tooth pulled and maybe a filling. Does anyone know how much this usually costs? I do not have dental insurance. Also, do most offices offer payments or financing? If offered would they have to do a credit check? I do not have good credit?
Hello, I would encourage you to visit this site, it may help: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars over the years on all of my procedures. From root canals, exams, cleanings, xrays..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day.

What does a person do when they do not qualify for medicare and they havea toothache?

This person can not afford dental insurance and can not pay for the dentist to do the work they need done on their mouth. There's no way to get it done? That's it? Say bye bye to painfree mouth because person is alone and can't afford it?
Because our government is stupid. The people out there who need the help the most can't get it because of the lazy people on welfare who sap the system of the taxpayer's hard-earned money! If I was to cut my arm off right now, I couldn't afford to get it sewn back on or a prosthetic because I HAVE A JOB BUT NO HOSPITALIZATION. Not that I'm bitter or anything...

How do I calculate my post tax income?

My taxable income is $40,000, residence is in MD and I'm single. Not accounting for Health/dental insurance contribution. I work for a non-profit organization if that makes any difference.
I would calculate it as follows: Take the selling price of the posts and subtract the purchase price of the posts. This is your profit and is fully taxable. Add this to your taxable income. You can also deduct part of your home as an office if you spend enough time there with post purchasing and selling matters. Be careful! The IRS is very strict regarding the home/office deduction. Just out of curiosity what kind of posts are you selling?

What home remedies are suggested for gingivitis and periodontal disease?

I sometimes have bleeding when brushing my teeth and chronic bad breath. I have exhausted my dental insurance ($750.00 annually) I do not have more money for a dentist right now.
If you are diagnosed with periodontal disease, there are no home remedies that can do what a Periodontist does. Continue brushing, flossing and you could use a rubber-tipped instrument between the teeth to massage the gums to prevent further problems, but the Periodontist really needs to get in there and do the proper root planning and scaling procedures to get all that tartar that is down under the gums off so that the gums can heal up properly and tighten back up, (hopefully).

How do I get relief from a killer toothache?

I'm staying with a friend for a couple of weeks, don't have any dental insurance and I can't bite down on this tooth or I get shooting pains through my upper jaw and almost to my eye! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh yeah, and I've already taken some Motrin since that is what my friend has in the cupboard. Didn't faze the pain!
Hi Pippa A, I've been there, my Friend! Take an aspirin or Anacin, something not coated, apply it right ON the tooth, don't talk r anything until it's completely melted, so when it's in, on the tooth clench r mouth shut until it dissolves, the pill & tooth will not inflict pain once it starts working, which is asp. If needed use 2 uncoated though for best results! Diana D Sorry for your pain, but this I had to grow up with because of Poverty, and know it works. Try to get the Strongest Aspiran u can, & repeat as needed.

How much whiter will my teeth be after I get them cleaned?

Okay, I know it sounds bad, but I have never had my teeth cleaned. I honestly have never had dental insurance before now and that is why I have never done it. Will it make a dramatic difference, a subtle difference, no difference at all, or what?
having your teeth cleaned will not whiten your teeth. they may however appear whiter than before the procedure once the stain and calculus have been removed. they did not really become whiter. cleaning simply exposes the true color/condition of your teeth. i hope no cavities will be discovered during the procedure but then again it would be best to discover them earlier than later.

Will Pennsylvania medicaid cover dental work please read for further information I really need help on this?

I am a stay at home mother I am engaged to be married in September but I don't have health insurance right now because I never needed it. I need to have some dental work done to have a filling repaired and a cavity fixed and I am not sure if Pennsylvania Medicaid will cover it. I am 21 and I just need the insurance to get the dental work done and that is it and then I will cancel it, I just need to know before I go and apply if anyone knows if I will be able to get it. Thanks in advance for all answers
I am a single mother and a dental assistant. I am in the same shoes as you except my fiance is the one who needed the Medicaid. If you live w/ your fiance, do not tell social services. They will go by his income and you may not qualify. Your best bet would be to tell them that your boyfriend just moved out and left you with all of the bills and no money. Then tell them a friend is helping you financially (as much as possible), but that is coming to an end. You will need a letter from a family member or friend stating that they are helping you. If you have a joint checking account, have your name removed for the time being. They will check to see if you have money in the bank. Claiming poverty is a sure way to get what you need from the state. If you own property such as a car, house, boat...this is considered too. Switch these items into someone elses name and claim that they were sold in order to keep your head above water. Since you are asingle mother and you are unemployed, you will qualify for more than medicaid. To receive Medicaid you may also have to apply for food stamps. It can be embarrassing to receive state assistance, but it will be well worth it in the end. As soon as you get married you will have to inform social services, or they will fine you!

i need to get the two bottom wisdom teeth out, is there anyone that can tell me of good dental coverage?

i am trying to get info on dental insurance, many offices are quoting me prices of $325 per wisdom tooth, and i am in alot of pain right now, the pain goes and comes, but these wisdom teeth are expensive when you have no dental insurance, if there is anyone with really great info please share. Info in FLORIDA is what i need, if there is anyone with some great info please it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I would encourage you to visit this website: I signed up online over 3 yeas ago now for all my dental needs. They have saved me thousands of dollars throughout the years from Root canals, extractions, cleanings,fillings, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Orthodontics and cosmetic surgery also included. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. good Luck and hope this helps

I need to have some dental work done, & my wisdom teeth removed but Im a poor college student w/ no insurance?

I'm a dental student at a school and since I've entered the program i've discovered the various treatments I need. I know I need my wisdom teeth removed one of them is erupting currently and causing me some pain. Also, I know tooth #32 is severly decayed and I'm not sure what they will do to treat it. However, my family does not have insurance and I have no money to pay for these expensive procedures. What do I do? I need help : (
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here -

How do I get a refund for shoddy dental work?

I had dental work done about a year ago by a new dentist I had chosen as part of my college medical insurance. I had three veneers done by her that turned out to be way subpar according to two other dentists I've seen since then. One of the veneers (on a front tooth) has a brown line running up one side of it and I've had people tell me I had something stuck in my tooth three times since getting it - mistaking that brown line for food. I am very upset - she even filed my real tooth to match the veneer since it was made too short. I have since learned that she should have sent the veneers back until they matched perfectly. I am only looking for a refund on the one tooth in front with the line. How do I go about getting this? I feel horrible that she took advantage of my lack of knowledge about this and that I paid $800 for a brown line. Please help.
I had 1 veneer redone because it was too big, didn't match and black lining showing. Express how you feel and give her a chance to fix it. Ask if she can redo them. I wasn't able to get a refund but she did adjust it several times w/o any charge and was very willing to fix it. Which I was happy with for a few years. But later on, I just ended up having it redone by another dentist. It also depends on how the dentist places them too. Some are placed better than others. Try to ask your dentist about it first though. Couldn't hurt to ask about a refund. Good luck!

What can freelancers do for individual health insurance?

I have my own little freelance job that I do for cash. I'm not married and not a student, so I find myself without any medical or dental coverage. I'm just looking for coverage for gynological care (once per year), maybe a regular check-up (once per year), and prescription coverage if possible. And, if I'm really lucky, I'd like dental to be able to have a cleaning every 6 months. I've tried looking online but I don't know what or where most of the "insurance companies" are and if they are real or even trustworthy. I am not a registered business nor do I make loads of cash, but I do not want to go on welfare of any sort. Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks!
You really need to find a local Health Insurance Agent/Broker. This way, he/she can explain all the plans and options to you. Make sure the policy covers you for on the job accidents. I do not know what type of freelancing you do, but you want to make sure it covers on the job accidents.

I need to know if there is anywhere i can go to help me pay my dental bills?

I chipped my filling out of my tooth tonight and i do not have dental insurance so this may cost me alot I live in the state of Illinois so i would like to know if there are any ways i can get it fixed at a lower cost or if i can even get assistance somehow to fix it. thank you
ask your dentist office for a dental plan. they may.

Where can I find the best health insurance for me?

I need to find good quality health insurance that wont cost me alot. Both for medical and dental for myself. Im 28 and work part time.
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies

Can you start using your health insurance card as soon you receive it?

I'm planning on getting health insurance for myself. Can you use your insurance card as soon you get it? I want to use it for a health check up, dental, etc...
Most companies will make it effective next day as long as you don't have any ongoing/unresolved health problems. However if your medical situation is more complicated they can push the effective date back till they have answers. The insurance company will most likely ask to view medical records and/or receive an attending physician statement which because of the snail pace in medical records departments can take up to 18 business days - in other words about a month. Best advice? Start looking for insurance about 30 days before your current coverage will cease to give the underwriting department for your new company time to handle any snafus.

Insurance after the Navy?

Hey guys. I know that when you are in the Navy you get health and dental insurance, but do you get anything after your enlistment is over? If you do get insurance after your enlistment, and you get married later on, does your spouse get insurance too? Thanks for all the great answers!
Only if you retire from the Navy. After your get out you will have something called TAMP which is a temp tri-care for you and your family for 5 months after you get out.

can a dental plan be cancelled right after having a big expense?

Would i be able to get a dental plan for two months only? my wisdom teeth are coming out and honestly i cannot afford to pay the $6,000 "estimate". i want to get the job done trough an insurance company and then cancel but I don't want to ask this to an agent. Is this legal or possible? Thank you.
Thats illegal of course and you can get caught for fraud as they will see the claim, there are also compulsory contract periods

A good dental plan for orthodontics for a child in Nevada?

My granddaughter is 10 and needs orthodontic work in Las Vegas. Her mother has a dental plan but it doesn't cover much. Can anyone recommend a good plan that covers significant orthodontic work in Nevada? Or can anyone recommend an insurance agent in Nevada that could handle this?
I know most dental plans don't have great coverage for orthodontics