I live in Ohio, so obviously it needs to cover us here, I've searched google and there are so many and most are regular health, we have that, we need really good dental with low copays. Primarily one that has pediatric dentists. Thanks for the help!
Think about this. Dental insurance really is not "insurance" in the same way that life insurance or even other kinds of health insurance is an " insurance". 1. Insurance companies are smart. 2. They will not lose money on you. Dental "insurance" is prepaid dental ( managed) care. The company has to take your money, pay themselves a salary, pay a profit to their investors and then with what is left, they will help you pay for some of your dental care. If you have a large group of individuals such as a large company, the insurance company can give you more benefits because their costs are spread over more clients and some of the clients will not need as much care as some of the others and then the ones that have a higher need can get more benefits than they have individually paid in. That is because of the group. The group will still pay in more than they get as a benefit but an individual can get more if he needs it. If you go out on your own, you will have a very, very tough time getting a "good deal" for you because insurance companies know that an individual can time his dental care for some of the more expensive procedures. They know and anticipate that a lone person will sign up for insurance, get a lot of crowns bridges, dentures etc done then drop the insurance so that they do not have to pay premiums after they are brought up to health. So the best answer is to get a job that has good benefits in health care as part of a system. State jobs are normally excellent for dental care. The feds are good for general health care but their dental is thought to be less than ideal by many people. Look it up and decide for yourself.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Is there a dental program that helps people with no insurance or medicaid?
I badly need to see a dentist for a broken tooth, but I do not have insurance, and do not qualify for medicaid. Does anyone know where I can get dental help? It's quite urgent! Thanks!
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. If you are a senior citizen, call your local Area Agency on Aging or Office on Aging. If you can not find a listing in your local phone book on the "County Government" pages (usually marked with blue borders), call toll-free 1-800-677-1116 to find how to contact the Area Agency on Aging serving you. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you. Check http://www.nfdh.org/DDS.html to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs.
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. If you are a senior citizen, call your local Area Agency on Aging or Office on Aging. If you can not find a listing in your local phone book on the "County Government" pages (usually marked with blue borders), call toll-free 1-800-677-1116 to find how to contact the Area Agency on Aging serving you. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you. Check http://www.nfdh.org/DDS.html to see if your state has a "Donated Dental Services" program. D.D.S. is designed to locate dentists who will give free care to patients who are financially compromised due to medical problems. This is a process that will take a couple of months to get your information and then arrange for someone to see you. Not all states have D.D.S. programs.
Need dental work but low income and no insurance?
I was just wondering if anyone knows how I can get dental work (filling in cavity, other minor stuff like that) for free. I can't get insurance through the state and I don't have money to pay for it. The local health dept offer free dental care but you have to be under 21 and I am 22...Is there ANYTHING I can do or do I just have to live with it?? Thanks in advance!
If you have a dental school near you call them. They work on teeth free.
If you have a dental school near you call them. They work on teeth free.
Does anyone in the Chicago (south-side or downtown) area have dental cigna insurance?
Does anyone in the Chicago (south-side or downtown) area have cigna insurance that could recommend a reliable dentist in the network?
Probably best to do some homework about your confusing area.Here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info/insurance-for-free.htm is a great start point.
Probably best to do some homework about your confusing area.Here http://www.InsuranceFreeTip.info/insurance-for-free.htm is a great start point.
Where can i get medical/health and dental insurance!?!?!?!?!?
Ok so i'm basically living on my own renting a room, going to school and working part time. And now i need to know if anyone knows where i can get health insurance? I can't get medical cause i don't have kids, so i don't qualify. Is there something cheap i can pay for monthly? I'm also looking for a good insurance company. To know that I can choose my own Doctor and Hospital etc
Try this site http://www.usainsurancequotes.net/ Here you can compare quotes from different companies
Try this site http://www.usainsurancequotes.net/ Here you can compare quotes from different companies
Dental v.s Medical Insurance for Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
I have an appt. to get two more wisdom teeth surgically removed. I had one removed at the end of last year. Since I was out of dental insurance (Delta) money, medical insurance (medica) covered 80%, and paid the surgeon considerably less than what the initial bill was which made my 20% less which was nice. I have not used any dental insurance money this year, so I am concerned that the surgeon will bill Delta first and I will get stuck with bigger bill since it seems like dental insurance isn't as tough as medical ins. is on restricting what a surgeon can bill a patient. Anyone have experience on this? Should I delay extraction to the end of the year given their is not immediate problem so that I have some dental money left for cleanings and other issues?
I didn't even finish reading and I can tell you already....use you're medical insurance for this. Most patients do if at all possible. You need to save your dental for other uses like needing a crown or fillings and cleanings. Don't use up that "small amount" that dental allots you each year (as if that's enough to cover anything really) when you can let medical pick up on it. Hope I've been of some help and you can always talk to the insurance rep at the surgeons office, she will guide you in the right direction and she knows how to word it to the insurance co. We all know it's better to use the medical and save that precious dental insurance for dental treatment. Good luck with your surgery!
I didn't even finish reading and I can tell you already....use you're medical insurance for this. Most patients do if at all possible. You need to save your dental for other uses like needing a crown or fillings and cleanings. Don't use up that "small amount" that dental allots you each year (as if that's enough to cover anything really) when you can let medical pick up on it. Hope I've been of some help and you can always talk to the insurance rep at the surgeons office, she will guide you in the right direction and she knows how to word it to the insurance co. We all know it's better to use the medical and save that precious dental insurance for dental treatment. Good luck with your surgery!
mini dental implant vs insurance?
I would like to get mini dental implants to hold my bottom denture in place, but dental insurance does not cover it. I think medical should cover some of it, because you cannot eat or chew food properly which causes stomach problems. Is there any help out there for us?
Probably not.
Probably not.
is there any dental insurance that cover ongoing braces.?
i have them on and need them on for two more years. my husbands insurance we had before canceled us cause he wasn't working his 40 hours anymore. so now i'm trying to find an insurance that that is going to cover my braces.
benefit/medicade americhoice give full coverage, but u need an approval from thier dentist that u need the braces and cant afford it!
benefit/medicade americhoice give full coverage, but u need an approval from thier dentist that u need the braces and cant afford it!
what is the best dental insurance?
who covers the most and is accepted by most places?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Cheap individual dental insurance plans in NY?
Does anyone know of an affordable dental plan in NY area? Thanks!
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
is there any dental insurance that covers Porcelain Veneers ??????????????
im looking to sign up for a dental insurance that covers custom dental jobs... any idea? please help, also how much is now days to do the porcelain veneers without insurance? thanks
my suggesting would be getting as much information as you can before taking any action,here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a good place for tha
my suggesting would be getting as much information as you can before taking any action,here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a good place for tha
is there a dental insurance for diabetics that is low cost or no cost with no deductible?
I had seen a few years back that there was a dental plan that assisted diabetics with providing no cost for their dental work needed, but now i don't remember exactly where i found this info and need assitance.
Your local Social Security office may be able to help. I kow alot of people that go to the local dental schools and get their work done for a very cheap rate
Your local Social Security office may be able to help. I kow alot of people that go to the local dental schools and get their work done for a very cheap rate
help with the right dental insurance for me?
I need some sort of dental insurance, just to get me in the door to see the dentist b/c no one will see me without insurance, and i need 2 root canals asap....i have never gotten any type of dental insurance before and i just need some reccomondations on companies that are cheap and resonable, and quick ...thanks
You can have dental insurance and still have to pay a lot out of pocket for the root canals. Most of the time they will pay around 50%.
You can have dental insurance and still have to pay a lot out of pocket for the root canals. Most of the time they will pay around 50%.
Affordable Dental Insurance? Can it be true?
I recently lost my job. I would like a separate dental insurance plan besides my basic health insurance. I wonder if anyone else is feeling the pain like me. Any suggestions?
Well David, I tell you what. I just found this site and its great. I was in the similar position as you a couple weeks ago. I heard this site from a friend - so i decided to check it out. It is wonderful. Very affordable and lots of benefits my other insurance wouldn't cover. The main thing - doesn't matter if you have a pre-existing condition. Which is wonderful !!!!!!!! Most insurance companies wont cover that. Very affordable - i am still in shock sometimes. Please check it out - especially in these hard times. http://www.dentalplans.com/afftracker.as…
Well David, I tell you what. I just found this site and its great. I was in the similar position as you a couple weeks ago. I heard this site from a friend - so i decided to check it out. It is wonderful. Very affordable and lots of benefits my other insurance wouldn't cover. The main thing - doesn't matter if you have a pre-existing condition. Which is wonderful !!!!!!!! Most insurance companies wont cover that. Very affordable - i am still in shock sometimes. Please check it out - especially in these hard times. http://www.dentalplans.com/afftracker.as…
Supplemental vision and dental insurance?
I don't work, and my husband's job only offers basic health coverage. We need to pick up a supplemental plan for our 6 month old son, since he'll be getting teeth soon.
I use Delta Dental and am very happy with them.
I use Delta Dental and am very happy with them.
I need to buy dental insurance?
Ok, i'm 22, I had dental insurance through cobra and that was only good for 36 months. I need to get regular dental insurance according to my mom. She's sorta left this for me to handle. I never done it on my own so I don't even know where to start. While I write this question, i'm on hold with AARP. Does anyone have any good info where I should go to get good dental insurance?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
i need a list of orthodonticts that accept delta dental insurance in medina ohio?
i am inquiring my son getting braces.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info
Should I get dental insurance or pay out of pocket?
I need to get two wisdom teeth removed, probably a couple of cavities to fill...maybe a root canal? And of course the regular checkup and all of that good stuff...so should I get insurance or pay out of pocket??
You have options other then insurance, Dental plan for $14.95 a month savings up to 80% off. It will show you a fee chart in the provider search Click on it to the left after searching for your dentist. No Copay
You have options other then insurance, Dental plan for $14.95 a month savings up to 80% off. It will show you a fee chart in the provider search Click on it to the left after searching for your dentist. No Copay
Is there such a thing as affordable health and dental insurance for someone that is 60 years old?
And in pretty good health? What company(ies) would you recommend. I live in Omaha, Nebraska United States. I currently pay $330 a month for PPO BCBS a month and it is killing me! Thanks
Is your income low enough to qualify for Medicaid? Or can your health hold out for Medicare at age 65? You can get health insurance but to keep it low you'll either need high deductibles or minimum coverage. If your concern is having high hospital bills, you can protect against that. If you think you'll need more coverage for regular doctor visits, your costs will be higher. Is it possible that you can just go to the medical clinics that charge around $60-$80 for a specific problem?
Is your income low enough to qualify for Medicaid? Or can your health hold out for Medicare at age 65? You can get health insurance but to keep it low you'll either need high deductibles or minimum coverage. If your concern is having high hospital bills, you can protect against that. If you think you'll need more coverage for regular doctor visits, your costs will be higher. Is it possible that you can just go to the medical clinics that charge around $60-$80 for a specific problem?
does dental insurance usually cover "laughing gas" or is it expensive otherwise?
My dad just put me on his dental and i need to call to figure out what kind of coverage it is, but do most insurances cover laughing gas? If not, is it usually pricey? I'm a really nervous patient and i get freaked out even thinking about going. Does the gas work well for you? What does it feel like? Also, the dentist i'm looking at going to also offers the possibility of a one time prescription dose of an anti anxiety med. Would that be a better route? I have prescription coverage so that won't be expensive. thanks a bunch.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Does anyone know a good dental insurance that is not a discount card.?
I need alot of work done. I have a discount card but it diddnt help much. Where can I get insurance.
delta dental premier is a good plan, but you have to get it through work. it is only a couple dollars a week out of your check, and it doesn't cost your employer much either, so maybe it is something you could get them to consider.
delta dental premier is a good plan, but you have to get it through work. it is only a couple dollars a week out of your check, and it doesn't cost your employer much either, so maybe it is something you could get them to consider.
What Dental insurance should I choose? ?
Hi all, I have been thinking for some time now about buying dental insurance, but cant decide on the right provider. I need to be covered for just the UK and found the website http://www.insuremysmile.co.uk/ and wondered what people thought of the way its compare products. Is it any good?
I have no idea...most dental insurances are worth the paper they are written on. You will pay to much and will not have good coverage at all. Save $20.00-$30.00 per month in a small savings account and you will have plenty to pay for your preventive care. Then you shouldn't need major work which is expensive. Good luck
I have no idea...most dental insurances are worth the paper they are written on. You will pay to much and will not have good coverage at all. Save $20.00-$30.00 per month in a small savings account and you will have plenty to pay for your preventive care. Then you shouldn't need major work which is expensive. Good luck
Good dental insurance is really hard to come by these days.?
Can someone suggest a really good dental insurance company that i dont have to have large copays or just a really good company in the state of florida.
look i work in a dental feild, its so expensive to have dental insurance that we don't even get it for working there. your better off working with a dentist who will set up a payment plan.
look i work in a dental feild, its so expensive to have dental insurance that we don't even get it for working there. your better off working with a dentist who will set up a payment plan.
I need a charity or fund for people who don't have dental insurance?
I need dental work but don't have insurance. There is a charity that the actress America Ferrera from Ugly Betty has been a part of. i only got part of the name. the name of it may be "smiles for the actors"
Find a local college or university with a dental school. They usually have clinics that offer dental services at greatly reduced rates.
Find a local college or university with a dental school. They usually have clinics that offer dental services at greatly reduced rates.
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