I am considering getting braces. I had them when i was a teen about 10-11 years ago but my mom never took me to the ortho so i just ended up taking them off myself. I had them on the top row only for 2 years and in the end my teeth were really straight but i didn't wear a retainer so they got all jacked up again. Now that i'm older i want them cause i want my teeth straight. The whole time i had them they bugged me. The wires in the back would unravel (even when my mom would take me to get them tightened) and cut into the back wall/gum of my mouth. I used to have to get a ball off wax or even a wad of gum and shove it back there and keep it there and as soon as i would take it out i would be in agony. I still even have a bump (scaring) on both sides of my mouth. Also the braces would cut up and irritate the back of my upper lip which i also had to keep wax or gum between them. Not to mention when you get them tightened your mouth gets so sore it sucks. So i was wondering if there have been new improvements since i had my braces. I am really interested in getting clear braces also. Website links would be appreciated thanks.
Hey~ I had braces for 4 years... i deffinately know where you are coming from pain wise.... I know that the type i had were the traditional front of the teeth braces.... i know that as far as prices go.... i paid 5000 for mine (no insurance) and invisalign are about the same price unless you need more severe corretion then they will cost more... but now they are doing a thing called lingual braces and they are brackets placed on the backs of your teeth so they arent visable from the front and they are supposed to be supprisinly comfortable please feel free to im or email me at: avalons_number1_fan@yahoo.com here are some website links hope i helped you out... INVISALINE: http://www.docshop.com/education/dental/orthodontics/invisalign/cost/ LINGUAL: http://www.dentalfind.com/Lingual_Braces/
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Does anyone really expect the cost of health insurance to go down as a result of government meddling?
How could it possibly go down if insurers are forced to cover pre existing conditions, dental, prescriptions, & Dr. office visits? Does anyone really think costs will go down when they government isn't even addressing the issues that make prices high in the first place?
As the State intrudes among conflicting interests, it becomes a focus of all social tensions, a mediator transforming the economic into a social crisis affecting all classes and spreading misery to the broadest masses, deepening a political crisis around the central question of political power itself. There is no a return to the post-war Keynesianism nor a revival of the Welfare State in the developed capitalist countries ; the State does not "expand" but destroys public services (hospitals, education, etc) by privatizing them and accumulates deficits and public debt to secure resources to bail out the bankers and other capitalists. In fact, there is a strengthening of the role of the capitalist State as the "savior of last resort" of capitalism in bankruptcy. The success of its regulatory intervention in the economy is more than doubtful. "The market may be bust but so is the state", wrote Philip Stephens in Financial Times (6/4/09).
As the State intrudes among conflicting interests, it becomes a focus of all social tensions, a mediator transforming the economic into a social crisis affecting all classes and spreading misery to the broadest masses, deepening a political crisis around the central question of political power itself. There is no a return to the post-war Keynesianism nor a revival of the Welfare State in the developed capitalist countries ; the State does not "expand" but destroys public services (hospitals, education, etc) by privatizing them and accumulates deficits and public debt to secure resources to bail out the bankers and other capitalists. In fact, there is a strengthening of the role of the capitalist State as the "savior of last resort" of capitalism in bankruptcy. The success of its regulatory intervention in the economy is more than doubtful. "The market may be bust but so is the state", wrote Philip Stephens in Financial Times (6/4/09).
Pros and Cons of dental assisting career? Going to an accredited school, will I get health insurance/benefits?
when I get a job? I am 18 I wanted to do hygiene but several hygienist told me not to. In my area a girl from my town works one day a week! She drives 20 minutes to work also. I stand a good chance of getting in at a community college near me for assisting. We will do clinicals at the college. It says on the college site you will make between $14-$18 an hour plus benefits after you graduate. I have read some things on indeed.com and many assistants hate their jobs? I don't know what to do.
The starting salary sounds a bit high depending on where you live. As to benefits, most offices offer them including health insurance. If you work for a good dentist, he will treat the staff special as he really knows their value toward the success of his practice. If you work for a jerk who treats his staff like dirt, you will be unhappy. Fortunately these types are rare. Good luck in your career.
The starting salary sounds a bit high depending on where you live. As to benefits, most offices offer them including health insurance. If you work for a good dentist, he will treat the staff special as he really knows their value toward the success of his practice. If you work for a jerk who treats his staff like dirt, you will be unhappy. Fortunately these types are rare. Good luck in your career.
cost of dental care service in different states?
i just wondered the dental care cost difference of each states. for example, in case of bridge, which state is the most (least) expensive? just assume that patients use an average level of health insurance. hope to hear your kind answers.
Tooth whitening cost depends on the type of tooth whitening product or service you want. There are professional tooth whitening system that cost up to $1000, for example laser tooth whitening. Other tooth whitening system with cheaper tooth whitening cost are opalescence tooth whitening, crest tooth whitening strip, use of tooth whitening pen. Dentists in different areas render tooth whitening products and services. Such as tooth whitening Chicago, tooth whitening Los Angeles, tooth whitening Boston, tooth whitening Denver tooth whitening san Francisco, tooth whitening Beverly hills, tooth whitening Houston and so on. for details visit http://toothwhitening.fateback.com
Tooth whitening cost depends on the type of tooth whitening product or service you want. There are professional tooth whitening system that cost up to $1000, for example laser tooth whitening. Other tooth whitening system with cheaper tooth whitening cost are opalescence tooth whitening, crest tooth whitening strip, use of tooth whitening pen. Dentists in different areas render tooth whitening products and services. Such as tooth whitening Chicago, tooth whitening Los Angeles, tooth whitening Boston, tooth whitening Denver tooth whitening san Francisco, tooth whitening Beverly hills, tooth whitening Houston and so on. for details visit http://toothwhitening.fateback.com
How much do braces (teeth) cost for children in the US (Midwest)? I have 2 kids (ages 7&8) and their dentist?
has said they both are going to require braces. Our dental insurance has no orthodontic coverage! I am freaking out! My daughter has teeth that look like they're coming in like mine and I needed braces as a kid but I didn't get them and I needed them. I have TMJ and often wonder if I had of gotten braces as a child would I be suffering from this? Do you think it is completely necessary to have braces put on them (both) I know this is hard when you can't see their mouths and every situation is different but I am just curious to see what you would do if the dentist said they needed them but you have no ins. coverage? Is getting braces put on/taken off painful? And what age did you have your braces put on? It seems like they're putting them on kids younger and younger these days. I know this is more than 1 question but I hope you can help anyways! Thanks a bunch! =)
As others have said, the cost depends on where you live. National average is about $5000. There is a dental/vision/Rx/chiropractic plan that would save you between 50-60% on the cost of braces. Thats a big chunk of change that gets to stay in your pocket! The plan is only $19.95/month for an entire household. No waiting periods, no limits on visits or services. You simply get a discount every time you use your card. Savings are up to 80%. Bare minimum savings is 25%, and that is on highly specialized and cosmetic work. More common procedures see higher savings. This site has info on the plan, and a link to enroll: www.everyonebenefits.com/burke If you have any questions, email or instant message mrs.mama21@yahoo.com Good luck with your kids! I was supposed to have drastic orthodontic work done too, but they told me it was best to wait until after age 18, otherwise the teeth can still shift and undo all the orthodontic work.
As others have said, the cost depends on where you live. National average is about $5000. There is a dental/vision/Rx/chiropractic plan that would save you between 50-60% on the cost of braces. Thats a big chunk of change that gets to stay in your pocket! The plan is only $19.95/month for an entire household. No waiting periods, no limits on visits or services. You simply get a discount every time you use your card. Savings are up to 80%. Bare minimum savings is 25%, and that is on highly specialized and cosmetic work. More common procedures see higher savings. This site has info on the plan, and a link to enroll: www.everyonebenefits.com/burke If you have any questions, email or instant message mrs.mama21@yahoo.com Good luck with your kids! I was supposed to have drastic orthodontic work done too, but they told me it was best to wait until after age 18, otherwise the teeth can still shift and undo all the orthodontic work.
Is there a Dental Financing Aid that can help me pay for my 3 yr old Dental Surgery?
My 3 year old son had dental surgery. I owe money to the Dental Surgery Center. Is there a program that can help me pay this bill, or financial aid, healthcare financing plan. We are not low income. I have insurance, but unfortunally only covered less than half of the amount owed. Right now I'm on disability and can't afford to pay for this bill. I called the surgery center the payment plan they have is $627.50 a mo. for four months. I still can't affort it. I have good credit and don't want this bill to go to collections. Can someone please help me giving me advise. Thanks,
Medical Insurance for parents?
I just graduated from college and getting into a new job (nurse). i was wondering if there was any way i can get medical insurance for my dad and mom .... i am sure that i would get benefits such as medical, dental , paid vacation etc.. but would it be possible to get medical insurance for my parents as well.. if it does.. how much would it cost me around to pay for their medical?
You can't add your parents on to your health insurance, here in the USA. However, you CAN go to a local broker, and buy them private policies. Health insurance covers medical, but dental and vision are two seperate policies. How much it costs, depends on how healthy they are, how much they weigh, and how old they are. If they're perfectly healthy, not overweight, and around 60 years old, in most parts of the country, a decent low/no deductible plan will run $700 a month - each.
You can't add your parents on to your health insurance, here in the USA. However, you CAN go to a local broker, and buy them private policies. Health insurance covers medical, but dental and vision are two seperate policies. How much it costs, depends on how healthy they are, how much they weigh, and how old they are. If they're perfectly healthy, not overweight, and around 60 years old, in most parts of the country, a decent low/no deductible plan will run $700 a month - each.
Ok so since the medical or dental deductible is something you pay to the provider before the insurence benefit
start to kick in I don't see the point of having insurence like the deductible for my daughter and I is 1,000 dollars a peice. We don't even get sick enough to pay 1000 dollars to a provider. Like for this year I would say my medical expenses for this year would probably be 300 dollars. Am I right about not seeing the point in getting this insurance?
Your getting the point but if you were to be hospitalized for any reason, it would cost more than your deductible so in a case like that it would be a good thing to have insurance. Even having a couple of blood tests a year could cost anywhere from 1 to 5 hundred dollars. I know it's frustrating but a crappy insurance is still better than none.
Your getting the point but if you were to be hospitalized for any reason, it would cost more than your deductible so in a case like that it would be a good thing to have insurance. Even having a couple of blood tests a year could cost anywhere from 1 to 5 hundred dollars. I know it's frustrating but a crappy insurance is still better than none.
Some questions about Invisalign?
I want to look into getting Invisalign braces, but I do not have dental insurance. I went looking for dental insurance, and it's very difficult to get it as an indivdual, so I don't think i'll get it. I know Invisalign is pricey, but i'd be willing to pay the price! how much do you think the monthy bill would be?
Just do regular braces.
Just do regular braces.
Expenditures for a family of four?
Hi, I'm in a Sociology class. My partner and I are trying to find the following expenditures for a family of four: Rent for a 2 bedroom house or apartment Food Automobile/Insurance/Gas/Repair Clothing Entertainment/Travel Health/Dental/Life Insurance Savings We've found a few sites, but not many of them have been accurate. We've mostly come across living costs calculators, which doesn't help us much. Thanks in advance!
Expenditures depend on income and location especially housing which can vary as much as a factor 10 between the most expensive and cheapest for essentially the same accommodations because of where it is located and average income in the area. The BLS collect the data of the CPI and is the source of most of the information about average consumer expenditures in the US. You can find their information http://www.bls.gov/cex/
Expenditures depend on income and location especially housing which can vary as much as a factor 10 between the most expensive and cheapest for essentially the same accommodations because of where it is located and average income in the area. The BLS collect the data of the CPI and is the source of most of the information about average consumer expenditures in the US. You can find their information http://www.bls.gov/cex/
military wife question about insurance?
well, i have open enrollment for health insurance at my work right now and my husband also just joined the marines and will be shipped off on Nov. 5th. i was wondering how good military insurance is for dependents. dont they pay less for dependents then they do for inlisties? i just wanted to know which insurance i should go with, and if i will be covered under military insurance as soon as he leaves for boot camp? and also if anyone knows the percentage they cover for depents on certain things such as dental, etc? thanks in advance.
First, you won't be covered by military insurance until such time as he has graduated boot (because they can terminate his enlistment at any time prior to that). So until then you're not going to be covered by his insurance benefits. Secondly, if you have a military treatment facility nearby, then it is FAR better to go with military insurance, as you will be covered 100% for all treatment at no cost (providing the MTF treats civilians -- which most do). If you don't have an MTF, then you'll have to pay co-pays, and those can be comparable to public health policies, so you'd have to do your homework and find out which is the better bargain. Dental is a pain (and again, you'll have to wait till he graduates to get coverage). While I can't speak for the Marines, the Navy coverage through Concordia is dismal. You get $1200 a year, and heaven help you if you've got SEVERE dental issues...that $1200 goes fast, after that, it's all out of pocket, not to mention that most major procedures are only covered 50%. As an example, a root canal & crown will cost about $1000....but Concordia only covers 50% of that, so $500 is out of YOUR pocket. So be prepared for that.
First, you won't be covered by military insurance until such time as he has graduated boot (because they can terminate his enlistment at any time prior to that). So until then you're not going to be covered by his insurance benefits. Secondly, if you have a military treatment facility nearby, then it is FAR better to go with military insurance, as you will be covered 100% for all treatment at no cost (providing the MTF treats civilians -- which most do). If you don't have an MTF, then you'll have to pay co-pays, and those can be comparable to public health policies, so you'd have to do your homework and find out which is the better bargain. Dental is a pain (and again, you'll have to wait till he graduates to get coverage). While I can't speak for the Marines, the Navy coverage through Concordia is dismal. You get $1200 a year, and heaven help you if you've got SEVERE dental issues...that $1200 goes fast, after that, it's all out of pocket, not to mention that most major procedures are only covered 50%. As an example, a root canal & crown will cost about $1000....but Concordia only covers 50% of that, so $500 is out of YOUR pocket. So be prepared for that.
My bottom tooth is hurting. What should I do?
One of my bottom front teeth is hurting. Its sensitive to pressure (touching it, or chewing and biting). I dont have dental insurance and work for minimum wage. Does anyone know how to get lower costs dental treatment? Or what to do?
I don't know where there are low cost clinics in your area, but I can tell you what is going on with your tooth. The nerve is starting to die. It will continue to become more painful and infection will build up and swelling will start. Your whole lower jaw may be involved. The only way the tooth can be saved is to do a root canal on it. But you will need to get help asap. Sorry for the bad news and I wish I could help you more.
I don't know where there are low cost clinics in your area, but I can tell you what is going on with your tooth. The nerve is starting to die. It will continue to become more painful and infection will build up and swelling will start. Your whole lower jaw may be involved. The only way the tooth can be saved is to do a root canal on it. But you will need to get help asap. Sorry for the bad news and I wish I could help you more.
free dental clinic in round rock/austin area?
My husband needs to go to the dentist because of some really excruciating pain he has. Our insurance does not kick in until the end of this month and cant afford much right now. Does anyone know of a free dental/medical clinic that he can go to in the Round Rock/Austin, TX area?
There are several options you have. I know for sure aspen dental will give a free exam and x-ray. I have posted the link to the coupon in the sources below. Other than that i am not aware of any free clinics. Since you are near austin though check with dental schools in your area and see if they can do anything free. If that doesnt work, you can buy something called a dental discount plan (you can have those in addition to insurance and they start immediately. The plan i personally recomend is the Careington 500 series plan. I have them as well as insurance and i have been pleased with them so far. But see if you can at least get the xray and exam free, and then check with a local university to see if they would do the work free. If not check out a dental discount plan like the Careington 500 series. and again the coupon for the free exam is attached in the sources section below. Hope that helps.
There are several options you have. I know for sure aspen dental will give a free exam and x-ray. I have posted the link to the coupon in the sources below. Other than that i am not aware of any free clinics. Since you are near austin though check with dental schools in your area and see if they can do anything free. If that doesnt work, you can buy something called a dental discount plan (you can have those in addition to insurance and they start immediately. The plan i personally recomend is the Careington 500 series plan. I have them as well as insurance and i have been pleased with them so far. But see if you can at least get the xray and exam free, and then check with a local university to see if they would do the work free. If not check out a dental discount plan like the Careington 500 series. and again the coupon for the free exam is attached in the sources section below. Hope that helps.
What is the most affordable HMO Insurance I can buy in California under $200/mo. I am self employed.?
I have recently begun contracting. Previously I was on a PPO healthplan with BLue SHield from my employer. I am 26. Healthy. Have almost never had to go to the hospital, but for regular check ups. It would be great to have a basic Dental & Prescription coverage included too.
I would highly recommend you look at the Blue Cross of Ca. Select HMO plan, one of the best and least expensive plans sold in California. Learn more at www.HealthCareman.com
I would highly recommend you look at the Blue Cross of Ca. Select HMO plan, one of the best and least expensive plans sold in California. Learn more at www.HealthCareman.com
Anyone get dentures that has Tri-care dental?
My husband is in the military we have tri-care prime insurance and tri-care dental coverage. My teeth are bad, I am certain that when I finally stop being a chicken and make an appointment that dentures will be the fix. I am wondering what to expect for my out of pocket expenses? thank you!
Why don't you call the insurance carrier and ask them directly. They can probably tell by your policy number what you can expect. I would also think it might have something to do with the practitioner that you select unless they offer a list of participating dental practices. I have dentures, if you want some insight into them, please feel free to contact me. Sandy
Why don't you call the insurance carrier and ask them directly. They can probably tell by your policy number what you can expect. I would also think it might have something to do with the practitioner that you select unless they offer a list of participating dental practices. I have dentures, if you want some insight into them, please feel free to contact me. Sandy
Best way to whiten your teeth (without the help of a dentist)?
I used to smoke & love my coffee ~ and my teeth show it :( I would love to whiten them for my wedding, but don't have dental insurance. What is the best product I can use at home? I'm not getting married until April, so I've got some time. If you *do* or *do not* like a particular product, can you please say why? Thanks :)
Strawberries are one of the best/cheapest products to buy. There are celebrities that only use strawberries to whiten their teeth. All you need is one strawberry a night or morning. Brush your teeth, and then rub the strawberry on your teeth like you would your toothbrush. Trust me it works. Crest Whitening stripes work just as well as the treatments at the dentist for only $30.00 and you can usually get a coupon online for them. Here's one I found online for you - $5.00 off. https://crestwhitestripspremium.offerpro…
Strawberries are one of the best/cheapest products to buy. There are celebrities that only use strawberries to whiten their teeth. All you need is one strawberry a night or morning. Brush your teeth, and then rub the strawberry on your teeth like you would your toothbrush. Trust me it works. Crest Whitening stripes work just as well as the treatments at the dentist for only $30.00 and you can usually get a coupon online for them. Here's one I found online for you - $5.00 off. https://crestwhitestripspremium.offerpro…
Why are my teeth breaking? and why are they black inside?
This afternoon I was eating a lifesaver and & I bit it and my tooth broke in half. It's on the right side behind my eye tooth. I mean like a huge chunk (like most of the tooth)just broke off and the piece that's left is black. Why's this happening? My 2 front teeth did the same thing in November. I haven't been to a dentist in a long time but I thought I was doin ok takin care of my teeth. Maybe not? So what now? I'm 14 and we don't have dental insurance.
Wander, wonder is right. Go to the public health clinic, they have programs that help children. Toothaches are not normal!!! It means there is something wrong. I am assuming it was your parents that told you toothaches are normal. They are ignorant. The fact that your mouth is a mess indicates that you are abused. Yes, NEGLECTING your child's needs is a form of child abuse!!! It is a situation that DISGUSTS all oral health professionals and there is no excuse for it. It doesn't necessarily happen to just poor families, wealthy parents can be guilty of neglecting their child's oral needs too. In my area, you can get free dental work funded by the public health unit if you are a child. Here is a link... http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/publ…
Wander, wonder is right. Go to the public health clinic, they have programs that help children. Toothaches are not normal!!! It means there is something wrong. I am assuming it was your parents that told you toothaches are normal. They are ignorant. The fact that your mouth is a mess indicates that you are abused. Yes, NEGLECTING your child's needs is a form of child abuse!!! It is a situation that DISGUSTS all oral health professionals and there is no excuse for it. It doesn't necessarily happen to just poor families, wealthy parents can be guilty of neglecting their child's oral needs too. In my area, you can get free dental work funded by the public health unit if you are a child. Here is a link... http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/publ…
how long do you have to have a retainer after having braces?
idk why im just wondering i don't even have braces and how much does retainers cost if you don't have dental insurance
it depends ask your dentist
it depends ask your dentist
Im 19 and have really bad teeth, how much do veneers or lumineers cost?
There bad to the point where i think i need new ones put in like the veneers or lumineers.. how much do they cost? and could i still get them if i dont have dental insurance? and if i did pay for them cash is there any kinda payment plan they offer anywhere? someone help please
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
My fiance needs to see the dentist badly?
He has a abscessed tooth among other things. How can we afford to get his teeth taken care of, does anyone know of any dental insurance plans that have low co payments, please help if you can
I went through the same problem. I went to a local clinic to get antibiotic for the absess first. Then I signed up with Delta Dental's "DeltaCare USA" plan - it was very affordable at around $95 per year. You can get more info, and enroll online at http://www.deltadentalins.com/plans/individual.html
I went through the same problem. I went to a local clinic to get antibiotic for the absess first. Then I signed up with Delta Dental's "DeltaCare USA" plan - it was very affordable at around $95 per year. You can get more info, and enroll online at http://www.deltadentalins.com/plans/individual.html
Canine tooth grown in behind a baby tooth?
I'm 24 years old and I have a canine tooth that has grown in behind a baby tooth, I really want to go to the dentist but I'm so embarrassed that I let it get so bad. I have dental insurance, and I just want to know if anyone has gone through this before and what options were given to correct my smile. Thank you!
You need braces see an orthodontist
You need braces see an orthodontist
Can an unwarranted collection be a voilation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
I saw a dentist in 2004. I had dental insurance and provided this information to the dental office. I never heard anything after that but changed dentists due to location. I get a copy of my credit report last month and see there is a collection for this dentists office. I contact them direct and was told my insurance denied the claim. My coverage was active at the time of service conducted. I called the insurance carrier and was told the dental office NEVER even submitted the claim to them. So, the dental office is going to submit the claim to the insurance now but says they still can charge me the fee that it cost them to turn it over to the collection agency. i dont feel this is right because the $38 fee would never had to happen if the dental office had submitted the claim like they were supposed to. I was referred to this dental office by the insurance company's website so I know they accepted the insurance. Is this a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act somehow?
You definately should not be held responsible for the collection agency fee. Since you had provided the insurance info at time of service, the dental office is at fault by failing to submit a claim and they should waive the fee. I agree that you should contact the insurance carrier and request something in writing to prove the dental office failed to file a claim. You should also send disputes to the CRA's for the trade lines that are being reported. You might click on my profile and click on the last link I have listed. Do some reading or ask any question you may have in the Medical Forum. You will also be able to find letter templates to use for your disputes.
You definately should not be held responsible for the collection agency fee. Since you had provided the insurance info at time of service, the dental office is at fault by failing to submit a claim and they should waive the fee. I agree that you should contact the insurance carrier and request something in writing to prove the dental office failed to file a claim. You should also send disputes to the CRA's for the trade lines that are being reported. You might click on my profile and click on the last link I have listed. Do some reading or ask any question you may have in the Medical Forum. You will also be able to find letter templates to use for your disputes.
Best kind of Private insurance for self employed...?
My husband and I are self employed in Colorado, and we need good health insurance with dental and vision, and lots of good coverage... what is the best insurance company for this?
You will need to contact an independent agent in CO. That agent can shop the market for you to find the best plan. Some states have a guaranteed issue policy for the self employed if you have health issues. The independent agent will know if CO has such a plan. Be careful when looking at "affordable group plans" for the self-employed. Many of those plans have daily limits. For example, they'll only pay $400 or so per day if you go into the hospital. Also the deductible is per occurrence, not per year. So if you have 3 accidents or illnesses in a year you pay the deductible each time. They also have very restrictive limits on how much they pay for many other procedures. On a regular "traditional" health plan you have just one deductible and fewer restrictions. Also stay away from Medical Discount Scams (oops, I meant to say "Medical Discount Plans"). If you can find a doctor that actually accepts the plan you're paying about the same as if you'd paid cash. If you are tempted to get one of these plans make sure to call some of the doctors on the provider list to see if they actually do take the plan. Also, if you're lucky enough to save the 60% or so on hospital bills that they say, if you get hit with a $200,000 hospital bill that leaves you paying $80,000.
You will need to contact an independent agent in CO. That agent can shop the market for you to find the best plan. Some states have a guaranteed issue policy for the self employed if you have health issues. The independent agent will know if CO has such a plan. Be careful when looking at "affordable group plans" for the self-employed. Many of those plans have daily limits. For example, they'll only pay $400 or so per day if you go into the hospital. Also the deductible is per occurrence, not per year. So if you have 3 accidents or illnesses in a year you pay the deductible each time. They also have very restrictive limits on how much they pay for many other procedures. On a regular "traditional" health plan you have just one deductible and fewer restrictions. Also stay away from Medical Discount Scams (oops, I meant to say "Medical Discount Plans"). If you can find a doctor that actually accepts the plan you're paying about the same as if you'd paid cash. If you are tempted to get one of these plans make sure to call some of the doctors on the provider list to see if they actually do take the plan. Also, if you're lucky enough to save the 60% or so on hospital bills that they say, if you get hit with a $200,000 hospital bill that leaves you paying $80,000.
Personal plans for dental hygienists?
Im a recent Dental Hygiene graduate and im confused on what type of personal insurance i should get.. Professional Liability and Disability?
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a very resourceful one.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info/dental.html is a very resourceful one.
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