I have my wisdom teeth coming in and they need to be pulled out asap. I found a dentist that can pull out the two bottom ones for $495. I have no dental insurance and am not currently working, does anyone know of any other low-cost dentist in southern Cali who may do it for less than what I was quoted? I heard there are some clinics that charge based on your income. Does anyone know of any??? Please help. And thanks.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Cavity tooth ache?
As an uncommited estimate, what do you think a fair price is to fill a tooth cavity? Have no dental insurance in California
depends on what filling you need or want. Amalgam is cheaper but composite fillings are expensive.
depends on what filling you need or want. Amalgam is cheaper but composite fillings are expensive.
Wisdom tooth pain?
A wisdom tooth on the bottom of my mouth has fully erupted and looks decently aligned with the rest of my teeth. It is somewhat translucent. I've not had major pain with it until the last few days which have been very difficult. The entire gum area is sore, and even one side of my tongue is quite sore. Does this sound like an infection? I had chewed gum earlier this week, which I never do. I'm reticent to go to a dentist immediately as I don't have dental insurance, but will probably have it by October of this year.
pericorinitis, infection of the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth. Take some antibiotics & pain killers along wit a muscular relaxent. Gargle with warm salt water regulerly. It will go after few days. If it comes again, get it removed.
pericorinitis, infection of the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth. Take some antibiotics & pain killers along wit a muscular relaxent. Gargle with warm salt water regulerly. It will go after few days. If it comes again, get it removed.
my tooth broke off?
I have dental insurance and will go on monday. I was wondering what if possible can be done. IT is my front tooth. I was eating and it broke really far up..It had a crown on there from years back.
If it's a crown, then there's no need to put it in milk. Just how really far up are we talking about? Is the root involved? If it is just the crown with no actual tooth being broken off, then your dentist can just cement it back on (probably not for free though). If a part of the root came along with it then you'll need root canal and a post along with cementing that crown (if it's in good condition). Hard to tell without actually looking at your tooth.
If it's a crown, then there's no need to put it in milk. Just how really far up are we talking about? Is the root involved? If it is just the crown with no actual tooth being broken off, then your dentist can just cement it back on (probably not for free though). If a part of the root came along with it then you'll need root canal and a post along with cementing that crown (if it's in good condition). Hard to tell without actually looking at your tooth.
Infected Wisdom Gums?
I had my wisdom teeth taken out around a year ago and for the past few months i've had alot of pressure in the area and recently its gotten worse..mostly after i eat...and my eye blood vessel popped..could this be related? and could it be something worse than infection?? Not sure what to do....I don't have dental insurance so i'm not sure what i can do. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also the person who took out my wisdom teeth are in another state now so i can't go see them.
swish around some warm salt water a couple times a day. Also dip a soft cloth in salt water a massage the effected area lightly. If the pain continues,you will need to get it checked out by an oral surgeon. Check to see if your local county or state gov. offer low cost care for low income or uninsured patients.
swish around some warm salt water a couple times a day. Also dip a soft cloth in salt water a massage the effected area lightly. If the pain continues,you will need to get it checked out by an oral surgeon. Check to see if your local county or state gov. offer low cost care for low income or uninsured patients.
braces $$$?
I am 26 years old. I have dental insurance that will pay for 75% if I get braces. How much do braces cost?
$5000...do it now...my insurance paid 50% but only until the age of 18
$5000...do it now...my insurance paid 50% but only until the age of 18
Florida Teaching Hospitals?
Are there any teaching hospitals on the panhandle of Florida that deal in dentistry? Or does anyone know of another cheap way to get a filling without dental insurance? Maybe a chain of dentists(like Perfect Teeth)?
Problem with sealants?
A few years ago I lost my dental insurance. I had sealants put on my back teeth to prevent cavities since I knew I wouldn't be visiting the dentist regularly. Now it turns out that there is a "defect" in one of the sealants and I have a cavity back there. Is this normal, or a mistake by the dentist who put in my sealants? Should my sealant doctor pay for the cavity and fixing the defect?
Sealants are basically a thin layer of material that fill in the deep groves on the top surfaces of your molars. By having sealants they help bacteria from becoming trapped in spaces your toothbrush can't reach. Sadly, they do not last forever for most people. After time and wear, like anything, they begin to break down and slowly chip away causing more crevices to trap bacteria which leads to decay. I'd love to jump on the band wagon and try to get a free filling done at the expense of the dentist but truth be told, they are a preventative measure and I'm glad you had them done because you probably would have had more cavities a lot sooner but you were smart enough to have them done. So my answer is yes, this is a normal thing. They're just there to help prevent cavities but they are not a permanent restoration type of thing. Make sure your home-care is top notch too since your out of dental insurance and scrub those teeth well, even where the sealants were placed. And flossing will prevent cavities from forming in between your teeth because there is no type of sealants to prevent decay there. It's all up to you. So take care. :)
Sealants are basically a thin layer of material that fill in the deep groves on the top surfaces of your molars. By having sealants they help bacteria from becoming trapped in spaces your toothbrush can't reach. Sadly, they do not last forever for most people. After time and wear, like anything, they begin to break down and slowly chip away causing more crevices to trap bacteria which leads to decay. I'd love to jump on the band wagon and try to get a free filling done at the expense of the dentist but truth be told, they are a preventative measure and I'm glad you had them done because you probably would have had more cavities a lot sooner but you were smart enough to have them done. So my answer is yes, this is a normal thing. They're just there to help prevent cavities but they are not a permanent restoration type of thing. Make sure your home-care is top notch too since your out of dental insurance and scrub those teeth well, even where the sealants were placed. And flossing will prevent cavities from forming in between your teeth because there is no type of sealants to prevent decay there. It's all up to you. So take care. :)
getting braces, i need some info.?
i want to get my braces put back in my teeth are as crooked as hell and if you asked me if I could change 1 thing about myself, it would be my teeth. I can afford treatment but its gunna cost me close to £5000 which is alot of money what i was wondering is are thre any dental insurance plans that would cover that sort of cosmetic treatment? If not, would it be cheaper for me to go abroad somewhere like poland and get it done, even with the return flight for checkups every so often?
Some insurance companies give a certan percentage off of the price of braces. Checkups are usually every two months, at least they were for me so re-think about going to poland. I've had braces and the results are great. Good luck
Some insurance companies give a certan percentage off of the price of braces. Checkups are usually every two months, at least they were for me so re-think about going to poland. I've had braces and the results are great. Good luck
Need a dentist.?
I do not have dental insurance, and I really need to have some teeth extracted. The pain comes and goes every few months, but when it happens it's torture. All i can do is take pain medicine, and lay in bed, waiting for it to subside. I've tried calling clinics, and health centers that charge you based on your income, but they are either not taking any new patients, or do not perform oral surgery. From what I can gather, it'll probably take about $1000. Please help, i cannot deal with this pain anymore. Is there anyone who can help.
dental schools will take you for extraction if you are not absessed so go before the pain hits again
dental schools will take you for extraction if you are not absessed so go before the pain hits again
Dentures at age 25?
I had braces twice. I have many problems with my teeth. Beginning with braces, the first time at age 15, they didnt work. The second time i got braces at age 21, there wasnt even space for them to go back, so now my teeth relapsed, and our a little buck. My first dentist had also filed 3 of my molars saying he was correcting my bite, but it just made me start grinding my teeth at night. I wear a nightguard at night now. I have trouble chewing cuz most of my teeth are flat. I have many fillings, root canal, crowns, swollen gums, relapsing teeth that hurt. I hate my teeth, They not only look bad, but are also unhealthy. Should i remove all my teeth and get dentures at age 25? Are dentures very uncomfortable? I have dental insurance, but i'm not sure if it will help me cover for these reasons. I have been very depressed, I need advice. Thanks!
Ok first off I have dentures and I'm 27.. I got them because after having my son, who sucked away all my calcium reserves and started with my teeth. My teeth just started rotting away.. I have dentures now and I LOVE THEM.. I have pics of myself with them and Love my smile now.. There is one draw back.. it's who does them Ask you dentist if you do go ahead with this if they fit your dentures that day and put them in the day you have your teeth pulled. If they DO NOT DO THAT.. DO NOT GO TO THEM.. I have only found one place in indiana that does denture work all in one day, Which means I walked in with teeth and walked out with teeth :D.. They took molds, I left, got my perscriptions filled, and then came back later in the day, got my teeth pulled all at once, and then they put the dentures in as a pressure bandage.. The only way that the dentures will fit right is if you have them put in RIGHT AFTER you get your teeth pulled.. I have heard from many people, Young and old, that have dentures and the people that did them always waited a month or 2 before fitting them with dentures and they never really fit after then.. I personally can put my teeth in, in the morning and they won't move a millimeter. SO.. if you go get this done, it's a once in a lifetime event.. the pain is tolerable but you get NICE MEDs for that :D I still have my vicodin and I got this done about 2 months ago The last guy that posted is right.. it can be expensive. My whole procedure extraction and dentures cost 3500$ and my insurance covered $2000, So it's worth it in the long run.. I don't have to use any of the adhesive stuff either.. Sometimes I do just to make sure when I laugh all the damn time like I do.. they don't come popping out of my mouth.. it's just insurance not a necessity.. Just think about it, research it and make sure it's the best thing for you Ever since I have had people say that I look happier, and seem to like myself better, and even that I have a thinner look to my face. I hate to look at myself in the mirror without my teeth in but I love the smile I see after I put them in.. If you want to see an after picture of me I will put it in my sources.. Hope this helps.. just do research on your dentist and their procedures.. btw.. did I say I love my smile :D BTW that's what my smile looked like before my teeth went to hell in a hand basket.. so it was a good choice for me
Ok first off I have dentures and I'm 27.. I got them because after having my son, who sucked away all my calcium reserves and started with my teeth. My teeth just started rotting away.. I have dentures now and I LOVE THEM.. I have pics of myself with them and Love my smile now.. There is one draw back.. it's who does them Ask you dentist if you do go ahead with this if they fit your dentures that day and put them in the day you have your teeth pulled. If they DO NOT DO THAT.. DO NOT GO TO THEM.. I have only found one place in indiana that does denture work all in one day, Which means I walked in with teeth and walked out with teeth :D.. They took molds, I left, got my perscriptions filled, and then came back later in the day, got my teeth pulled all at once, and then they put the dentures in as a pressure bandage.. The only way that the dentures will fit right is if you have them put in RIGHT AFTER you get your teeth pulled.. I have heard from many people, Young and old, that have dentures and the people that did them always waited a month or 2 before fitting them with dentures and they never really fit after then.. I personally can put my teeth in, in the morning and they won't move a millimeter. SO.. if you go get this done, it's a once in a lifetime event.. the pain is tolerable but you get NICE MEDs for that :D I still have my vicodin and I got this done about 2 months ago The last guy that posted is right.. it can be expensive. My whole procedure extraction and dentures cost 3500$ and my insurance covered $2000, So it's worth it in the long run.. I don't have to use any of the adhesive stuff either.. Sometimes I do just to make sure when I laugh all the damn time like I do.. they don't come popping out of my mouth.. it's just insurance not a necessity.. Just think about it, research it and make sure it's the best thing for you Ever since I have had people say that I look happier, and seem to like myself better, and even that I have a thinner look to my face. I hate to look at myself in the mirror without my teeth in but I love the smile I see after I put them in.. If you want to see an after picture of me I will put it in my sources.. Hope this helps.. just do research on your dentist and their procedures.. btw.. did I say I love my smile :D BTW that's what my smile looked like before my teeth went to hell in a hand basket.. so it was a good choice for me
Dentists and insurance costs?
Ok, I have a horrable fear of the dentist and havent been in three years. Now I know I NEED to go but I have a panic attack just calling around for one. I have heard that some of them can administer a gas that calms you ar knocks you out before the dental work. Does anyone know if its covered under any insuraces? Or what the cost is per visit, or each time they do it? I have New York State Medicaid by the way. Thanks
Look in the yellow pages there are actual dentists that work with people that are scared of dentists. When you call tell the receptionists your fears and if they take your type of insurance. If not I think 1-800-DENTIST works all across the country talk to one of their representatives.
Look in the yellow pages there are actual dentists that work with people that are scared of dentists. When you call tell the receptionists your fears and if they take your type of insurance. If not I think 1-800-DENTIST works all across the country talk to one of their representatives.
Removing my wisdom teeth?..?
I wanted to get my upper wisdom teeth removed as they keep cutting my gums... however, as a college student, I have only medical insurance!!! No dental.. and I was wondering how much this procedure would typically cost. I don't want to buy a costly dental insurance plan cos..well we students are always struggling with finances so does anyone know about this procedure? Yelp?.. Thanks guys!
My daughter just went to the dentist and was quoted the cost of 850.00 to have two of her wisdom teeth removed, she, unlike her Mother, has a small mouth and they will have to break them apart to get them out in pieces. If you happen to live in an area where there is a teaching hospital you can get a referral and go there, I had two teeth removed for 150.00. Call around, explain your situation and see if someone can help you out or let you make payments. If those boogers are cutting into your gums you must to get them out since they can become infected and the cost of that far outweighs the cost of just the removal. Good luck, Hon
My daughter just went to the dentist and was quoted the cost of 850.00 to have two of her wisdom teeth removed, she, unlike her Mother, has a small mouth and they will have to break them apart to get them out in pieces. If you happen to live in an area where there is a teaching hospital you can get a referral and go there, I had two teeth removed for 150.00. Call around, explain your situation and see if someone can help you out or let you make payments. If those boogers are cutting into your gums you must to get them out since they can become infected and the cost of that far outweighs the cost of just the removal. Good luck, Hon
how do i get a dental grant?
hi im 25 yrs old and i have such bad teeth all of them are rotten down to the gum im in pain eevryday i get abcest 3 or 4 times a month and i need to get them taken cared of i have no job or insurance is there any 1 that can help me
At first,you may collect as much information as you can by inputing the relevant keywords in search engine,if you get good luck there ,then your problem is solved.nevertheless,if you could not find the ideal answer for your question by doing that,here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info is the resource i suggest.
At first,you may collect as much information as you can by inputing the relevant keywords in search engine,if you get good luck there ,then your problem is solved.nevertheless,if you could not find the ideal answer for your question by doing that,here http://www.HealthInsuranceFree.info is the resource i suggest.
california child support?
My boyfriend only makes about 1200 a month from his job. his ex is getting child support from him and they are taking about 600 a month from him, from my understanding they are only supposed to take 20% also $160 of it is for dental & medical insurance why does he have to pay her full medical & dental insurance? why are they taking so much? also, we have a child on the way and this just started... do his payments to her go down when our child is here because there is no way 3 people can live off of 600$ a month? and our child will be the one starving his ex makes more money than he does why is she getting so much? he would like to see the child but she forged his name on the custody papers and now she's got full custody why, if she chose to have full custody is he paying at all? i think if a mother is denying the father his child visits he shouldnt have to pay anything.
well the honor system doesnt work, thats been proven. the states and federal government are tired of parents not paying for their kids, and in some cases, making the government pay for them. so they passed stronger laws to protect the children in regards to child support. custody has nothing to do with being a parent; male or female, you are still responsible for the child(ren). full custody, joint custody, physical custody or whatever... you still have to pay. she cant deny visitation, unless he is deemed by a court of law to be a danger of some sort. if she does, i would file a motion to have my rights enforced. as for the child support amount: you pay what? 400? 600? 900? ok, lets see... rent; 1000 electric 300 food 400-600 diapers 75-150 per month (fluctuates when baby is sick or teething) heat 300 phone/cable 100 auto; (for doctors, dentists, take to school when they miss the bus, pick up when sick, pick up medicines, get food) 200 clothing/shoes/boots 200-400 every 2 to 3 months (seasonal and they grow) that doesnt even include daycare, school supplies, hair cuts, class trips, class pictures, over the counter medicines, prescriptions, laundry det, dish det, cleaners, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, christmas, easter, tooth fairy, birthdays, etc. and sooo much more. In my case, we go through 1 gallon of milk a day; that's $3.50 x 30… its almost $100 per month… AND THAT'S JUST MILK. thats right... JUST MILK. if you dont understand the child support amount, or why someone needs it, try calling 1-800- I CANT ADD --its not easy on anyone involved; him, the ex, the child(ren). hardship is an understatement, but we all do the best we can. --if you cant afford child support, dont have any more or keep having kids all over the place. --if theres no visitation, go back to court and demand your rights be enforced, and get the visitation. if he doesnt show up for visitation, its common, but his choice. --paying for insurance is saving you money; one dental cleaning is $130, one prescription can cost $75, doctors visits are $40-50, hospitals are thousands, etc. (and split 60/40 or 70/30 you'd pay more per month). be greatful you have insurance, 47 million americans dont. --get a second job to pay just the child support or whatever you need to do (thats what the rest of us americans are doing) to make ends meet. --sometimes the ends dont meet, for any of us. --suk it up like the rest of us out here. http://www.divorcelawinfo.com/states.htm http://www.divorcehq.com/spprtgroups.htm… http://www.divorceinfo.com/statebystate.… http://www.divorcenet.com/states http://www.divorcesource.com/ http://www.divorcecentral.com/ http://www.divorcelawinfo.com/calculator… http://www.helpyourselfdivorce.com/child… http://family.findlaw.com/ http://www.divorcehq.com/deadbeat.html http://www.divorceinfo.com/ http://www.divorceinanutshell.com/ http://www.lawchek.com/Library1/_books/d… http://family.findlaw.com/child-support/… http://www.supportguidelines.com/resourc… http://www.supportguidelines.com/article… http://family.findlaw.com/child-support/… FACTS AND REGIONAL FEDERAL CS OFFICE INFO http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/opa/fact_sheets/… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/oro/regi… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/ext… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/ http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/grants/grants_cs… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/index.html http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/region2/… http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/offsets_chi… http://www.govbenefits.gov/govbenefits_e… http://www.fedstats.gov/qf/ http://www.fedworld.gov/gov-links.html CHILD SUPPORT LIEN NETWORK (some states work with them) http://www.childsupportliens.com/ COLLECTORS http://www.supportkids.com/ http://www.supportcollectors.com/faq.php TAX INFO http://www.taxsites.com/index.htm http://www.divorceinfo.com/taxes.htm http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc354.html http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc422.html http://www.irs.gov/faqs/faq4-5.html http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/index.h… http://www.irs.gov/advocate/index.html http://www.irs.gov/publications/p525/ind… http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/offsets_chi…
well the honor system doesnt work, thats been proven. the states and federal government are tired of parents not paying for their kids, and in some cases, making the government pay for them. so they passed stronger laws to protect the children in regards to child support. custody has nothing to do with being a parent; male or female, you are still responsible for the child(ren). full custody, joint custody, physical custody or whatever... you still have to pay. she cant deny visitation, unless he is deemed by a court of law to be a danger of some sort. if she does, i would file a motion to have my rights enforced. as for the child support amount: you pay what? 400? 600? 900? ok, lets see... rent; 1000 electric 300 food 400-600 diapers 75-150 per month (fluctuates when baby is sick or teething) heat 300 phone/cable 100 auto; (for doctors, dentists, take to school when they miss the bus, pick up when sick, pick up medicines, get food) 200 clothing/shoes/boots 200-400 every 2 to 3 months (seasonal and they grow) that doesnt even include daycare, school supplies, hair cuts, class trips, class pictures, over the counter medicines, prescriptions, laundry det, dish det, cleaners, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, christmas, easter, tooth fairy, birthdays, etc. and sooo much more. In my case, we go through 1 gallon of milk a day; that's $3.50 x 30… its almost $100 per month… AND THAT'S JUST MILK. thats right... JUST MILK. if you dont understand the child support amount, or why someone needs it, try calling 1-800- I CANT ADD --its not easy on anyone involved; him, the ex, the child(ren). hardship is an understatement, but we all do the best we can. --if you cant afford child support, dont have any more or keep having kids all over the place. --if theres no visitation, go back to court and demand your rights be enforced, and get the visitation. if he doesnt show up for visitation, its common, but his choice. --paying for insurance is saving you money; one dental cleaning is $130, one prescription can cost $75, doctors visits are $40-50, hospitals are thousands, etc. (and split 60/40 or 70/30 you'd pay more per month). be greatful you have insurance, 47 million americans dont. --get a second job to pay just the child support or whatever you need to do (thats what the rest of us americans are doing) to make ends meet. --sometimes the ends dont meet, for any of us. --suk it up like the rest of us out here. http://www.divorcelawinfo.com/states.htm http://www.divorcehq.com/spprtgroups.htm… http://www.divorceinfo.com/statebystate.… http://www.divorcenet.com/states http://www.divorcesource.com/ http://www.divorcecentral.com/ http://www.divorcelawinfo.com/calculator… http://www.helpyourselfdivorce.com/child… http://family.findlaw.com/ http://www.divorcehq.com/deadbeat.html http://www.divorceinfo.com/ http://www.divorceinanutshell.com/ http://www.lawchek.com/Library1/_books/d… http://family.findlaw.com/child-support/… http://www.supportguidelines.com/resourc… http://www.supportguidelines.com/article… http://family.findlaw.com/child-support/… FACTS AND REGIONAL FEDERAL CS OFFICE INFO http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/opa/fact_sheets/… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cse/newh… http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/oro/regi… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/ext… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/cse/ http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/grants/grants_cs… http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/index.html http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/region2/… http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/offsets_chi… http://www.govbenefits.gov/govbenefits_e… http://www.fedstats.gov/qf/ http://www.fedworld.gov/gov-links.html CHILD SUPPORT LIEN NETWORK (some states work with them) http://www.childsupportliens.com/ COLLECTORS http://www.supportkids.com/ http://www.supportcollectors.com/faq.php TAX INFO http://www.taxsites.com/index.htm http://www.divorceinfo.com/taxes.htm http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc354.html http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc422.html http://www.irs.gov/faqs/faq4-5.html http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/index.h… http://www.irs.gov/advocate/index.html http://www.irs.gov/publications/p525/ind… http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/offsets_chi…
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