I have not been to a dentist in about 7 years. I have been terrified of the dentist all my life. I need help acquiring either dental insurance or any health care I can get. Its funny I work for a doctor at a major hospital in Los Angeles and all these years they have never given me health care insurance. Now I am older, 24, and I am in extreme pain. I want to see a dentist and get this straightened out. The pain is excruciating it is indescribable. Can anyone referr me to a good Dental Insurance program or any programs in the state of CA that I would qualify for. I have a 4 year old son who also needs medical insurance. I have a college degree I work and somehow that isnt good enough to get medical insurance in this state. I just want to see a dentist to get this pain under control - it is so debilitating. If anyone can help me or advise me on what I should do or what my next step is I would really appreciate it. I even need my wisdom teeth pulled and I went to a dentist last week and he is going to charge me about 250$ per wisdom tooth. I cant afford to pay that. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
Common situation you met like many other people,be patient,and check the resource here http://www.HealthInsuranceIdeas.info i found useful.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Dear Sir can i believe on this email which can make my dream come true to do the overseas job here the details?
Dear Candidate, Thank you for choosing Global Recruitment as your doorway to the USA ! We are here to take the uncertainty out of your overseas J1 Program by guiding you through the necessary processes. Attached you'll find an e-brochure outlining the sorts of positions available, what you stand to gain from the experience, what will be required from you, information regarding the traineeship, and step by step instructions for what you'll need to do. The e-brochure includes a list of sample traineeship positions, please note these are sample positions only, and new positions become available every day. If you do have a preference with a location or position, please let us know. To secure your placement please send to Global Recruitment: Signed and Completed: Registration and 'Terms & Conditions', Reformatted Resume, Cover Letter, and Statement of Purpose (please use attached sample as template) Must Follow the sample! Upon receipt of this, we will advise of the steps required to get you to the USA ! Once again, Congratulations and we look forward to helping you fast-track your Hotel Management career! Feel free to call us or e-mail at your convenience to process your application for the program! Best regards, Ben Maradani Career Consultant B.A, M.B.A, L.L.B, (L.L.M) Diploma in Hospitality Management A: PO BOX: 309 Margate Beach QLD Australia 4019 P: + 61 7 3883 3703/ M: +61 401 594 624 Skype: maradani1970 E: ben@globalrecruitment.com.au W: http://www.globalrecruitment.com.au The total investment for your Career travel adventure is USD $ 4,950.00 for 12 months. This will cover you for your USA J-1 Sponsorship (work permit) and medical insurance, dental and emergency travel insurance. Part of the requirement for J1-Work permit is compulsory medical insurance and work cover. This must be PAID IN FULL before the J-1 Visa can be issued by the US consulate in your Home country. Please note cost of your airline ticket to the USA is not included in the amount paid **** A one way ticket is all that is required for this program in most cases**** Expense Item Total (USD $) Program registration Cost Your Sponsorship – (work permit for 12 months): Emergency Medical and Dental insurances for 12 months. Emergency Medical and travel insurance for 12 months US Government charges. Generation of documentation for visa process Program Training Plan- which includes: We organize the job Interview We offer the best choice of location available We get you the training plan We liaise directly with the Hotel on your behalf We manage the time zone difference We organize all documentation We liaise directly with US sponsorship companies on your behalf We offer 24 hour support whilst in USA We do all phoning, mailing, and FedEx etc, for you We provide step by step guidance through the entire process We can have you in the USA as soon as possible of your successful interview US$ 1000.00 USD $ 4,000.00 Total Cost – for 12 months USD$ 4,950.00 Pay By Direct Deposit: Global Recruitment - Bank Details Important: In order to process your application you have to send us the completed registration application and terms and conditions signed pages 2 & 3 of this form and Resume (CV) In GR Sample. Important: Allocate your Name as reference so funds can be tracked. Please fax, post, e-mail your receipt of payment to global recruitment BANK NAME ANZ – Bank Australia BRANCH NAME ANZ Bank Sandgate BRANCH ADDRESS Corner of Brighton Road & Third Avenue, Sandgate – QLD 4017 - AUSTRALIA SWIFT CODE BSB # (ROUTING NUMBER) ANZBAU3M 0 1 4260 BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER 539580125 How Much Will the Program Cost? What are you paying for? PO BOX 309, MARGATE BEACH, QLD- 4019, AUSTRALIA PH: +61 7 3889 3703 M: +61 401594624 W: WWW.GLOBALRECRUITMENT.COM.AU E: USJOBS@GMAIL.COM; BEN@GLOBALRECRUITMENT.COM.AU ABN: - 72 092 693 260 GLOBAL RECRUTEMENT INDIA PARTNER (I.S.P.A) OFFICE : HYDERABAD MOBILE : + 91 9985091820 Land Line: +91 40 27120987 2 Please complete this form, e-mail scanned document and fax or post to Global Recruitment (details below) together with the registration deposit of USD $1000.00. Registration deposit can be paid via-Direct Deposit (bank details above). Please fax or post your receipt of payment to Global Recruitment. Family Name: First Name: Home Address: Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax Number: Email: Date of Birth: Age: How soon would you like to go? How Long would you like to Stay? How you ever been to the USA Before Have you been overseas before? Have you been to the USA before? If, YES, what was the reason, where did you go and how long did you go for? Do you have relatives or friends living in the US and if so, where? Areas of Training that would interest. Example: F & B, FO, Chefs, and Housekeeping Supervisors, Hotel Engineering, Administration: Referral Reward program: If you refer a friend or colleague and they find C
Huh? What has that got to do with R&S?
Huh? What has that got to do with R&S?
FINNALLY have employers looking at me! now how do i choose which offer!?
ok so got laid off mid aug and FIANNLY the second job fair and NUMBEROUS past applications got me somewhere! Not sure where to start so here's me: -18 years old with resume built up..have been working since age 16. -Took 3 years of computer networking courses in high school which lead ----into an internship that gave me 9 months experience in the IT and engineering dept. working in the office at a prestigious steel mill! awesome!! Couldn't have learned half of what I know now from the classroom! Having hands on experience rocks! right now im living with my gparents trying to help them..however looks like he will have to go in to a nursing home..one person cant keep him out..doc's afriad of my health going down the drain too. Love the gparents but dont even have a space to hang my clothes so am wanting a job that will give me enough doe to get my own place..however small it may be this first job will help me get into computers...not exaclty sure if thats what i want to do for the rest of my life but its what i studied for3 years. most likely would not make much above min wage ..some employers will want to hire and send ppl to school rather than pay full price for a person with a lot of experience-- in some places at least this is what ive found to be true. This second job is kina nice in benifits and am interested in criminal justice. it would give me enough doe to get my own place as well as be able to afford things like truck insurance under my own name! and have off days ..working for gov may open up grant opportunities and that leaves time to actually study even if it is to get an online degree.....that is if i pass inspection...ill be able to get in thorugh the screening prossess the only thing im worried about is my knee..its well healed and can do anything with it but dislocated it a few months shy of turning 12. Got to talk to a training Coordinator from one company have already applied to...when I showed her and started explaining the internship her jaw dropped...no joke. She gave me this one guys number and said if he did not call me in a few days for me to call her! It didn't matter that I don't have a college degree or certificate awesome right! (the company has scholarship opportunities!!!) She said instead of working in the company stores I could be working with her...basically in the main office because they are CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS IT AKA Computer networking!! With the info she handed me found the benifits are: -Scholarships -Health Benifits, voluntary dental insurance, life insurance, rx discountcard -voluntary cancer insurance -paid weekly -opportunity for advancement but here's the other job I could get into that would train me...(Correctional officer for Texas) would have to go to get a screening ...hotel, gas, food for that i would have to pay myself unfortunately but the recruiter said once I get a call back the state pays for the 6 weeks training...all the lodging, transportation ect. benefits: -Salary is several dollars over min wage (downside only get paid once a month) the longer you are there (in months) the better the pay raises -state pays 100% employees health benefits even preventive care benefits, and prescription payment help, dental and life insurance program available -Uniforms (including laundry experience) and equipment is furnished at no cost - free meals while on duty -legal protection plan -vacation, sick leave, paid holidays, retirement -work is four days on four days off...basically .12 hours a day for four days...My aunt worked a schedule like this and loved it...I think this would be a nice schedule that I could stick to as well -Once I reach age 21 I could switch to a federal prison which will most likely have more benefits? ANY ADVICE APPRECIATED!!!
Which ever pays the most
Which ever pays the most
question on my root canal?
ok i broke my tooth like 7 months ago , my front left tooth is broken in half. like cut straight. i had it checked but the dentist said it would cost $1500 for the half tooth. i did not accept it because i did not have the money for it. with no insurance also. and its now 7 months from then and now i got a bump. now my question is. should i get it taken care of it now? the problem is not getting the half tooth fixed. its the root canal now. still with no insurance, my company has told me i need to work for 2 more months before i get my dental insurance and im just wondering how long can a root canal last? can i last 2 more months to finally get some dental insurance or should i get it fix now? and btw i really have no clue what a root canal can do to you, the damage it does if u dont get it fixed. so if anyone knows please post and give me advice..man i have having no insurance...
I hate it too. Trust me. I had the same problem with health insurance and lost lots of teeth before I got some. the 1500 was for a root canal and crown. Because simple repair work would have been cheaper. That means your tooth was damaged beyond a big chip. You didn't save month or lose money by waiting, you just put it off. A root canal can last from a month to twenty years. Depending on the skill of the dentist. Bad dentist means you waste money. The lump is an abcess. truth? People will say you might die if you don't get it treated cause it's an infection and some people "do" die from infections. But, people wihtout money or insurance? I know lots and lots of people have abcesses. If it doesn't bother you, and you willing to risk it, just wait two months. The tooth is already dead. It's not going to get deader. BUT, insurance usually has a pre-exisiting condition clause. Says if you already have something going on, you pay for it until nine months. So check out your insurance. It might (and probably does) have the clause. Most do. So you not saving money either. I'd go to your local dental college and see if they can let a student work on you for cheaper. Or call around and see if your local free clinic knows any free dental clinics. what can a root canal do to you? Make you feel better. BAD ones make you feel worse. If you don't get it fixed, the abcess WILL grow bigger and hurt more. It depends on your pain tolerance threshold. It makes you lose bone mass in your jaw. BUT if you can live with it? It's up to you. No one can see the loss of bone mass.
I hate it too. Trust me. I had the same problem with health insurance and lost lots of teeth before I got some. the 1500 was for a root canal and crown. Because simple repair work would have been cheaper. That means your tooth was damaged beyond a big chip. You didn't save month or lose money by waiting, you just put it off. A root canal can last from a month to twenty years. Depending on the skill of the dentist. Bad dentist means you waste money. The lump is an abcess. truth? People will say you might die if you don't get it treated cause it's an infection and some people "do" die from infections. But, people wihtout money or insurance? I know lots and lots of people have abcesses. If it doesn't bother you, and you willing to risk it, just wait two months. The tooth is already dead. It's not going to get deader. BUT, insurance usually has a pre-exisiting condition clause. Says if you already have something going on, you pay for it until nine months. So check out your insurance. It might (and probably does) have the clause. Most do. So you not saving money either. I'd go to your local dental college and see if they can let a student work on you for cheaper. Or call around and see if your local free clinic knows any free dental clinics. what can a root canal do to you? Make you feel better. BAD ones make you feel worse. If you don't get it fixed, the abcess WILL grow bigger and hurt more. It depends on your pain tolerance threshold. It makes you lose bone mass in your jaw. BUT if you can live with it? It's up to you. No one can see the loss of bone mass.
How do I get a refund from my periodontist for overcharges?
I had periodontal treatment in early December 2009 and paid over $1100 for the services with the rest to be paid by dental insurance? I received a Explanation of Benefits that said I was only responsible for $903. I called my insurance provider and the customer service representative said I should receive a refund for the overcharges. He also charged me $75 for an initial consultation earlier, but said they would file with my insurance. Insurance paid $260 and said that my out of pocket costs were zero. I sent a letter to my periodontist, but have not received a refund for either the initial consultation or the over $200 in overcharges. What should I do now? One friend suggested filing a letter of complaint for insurance fraud with the state dental board.
Don't panic yet. You're talking about something that started last month. Insurance and medical paperwork can take several months to settle. Plus with the Holidays, a lot of billing employees take their vacation. Offices might be closed for 2 weeks. Then, as work resume, they are tons of paperwork to catch up...until they get to yours which is a more complicated matter if you overpaid and have to be issued a refund. Sometimes, I just drop the matter, because it's like $30 that I overpaid...then 2 years later, I get a check in the mail! Do not assume they're any fraud anywhere, just know that things are very slow regarding these matters. Keep on top of it (make a detail file) but be aware that letters get piled up in other piles while a direct phone call, keeping good notes (name of the person, dates...) can yield faster results since the person will make your case a priority if you talk directly to him/her.
Don't panic yet. You're talking about something that started last month. Insurance and medical paperwork can take several months to settle. Plus with the Holidays, a lot of billing employees take their vacation. Offices might be closed for 2 weeks. Then, as work resume, they are tons of paperwork to catch up...until they get to yours which is a more complicated matter if you overpaid and have to be issued a refund. Sometimes, I just drop the matter, because it's like $30 that I overpaid...then 2 years later, I get a check in the mail! Do not assume they're any fraud anywhere, just know that things are very slow regarding these matters. Keep on top of it (make a detail file) but be aware that letters get piled up in other piles while a direct phone call, keeping good notes (name of the person, dates...) can yield faster results since the person will make your case a priority if you talk directly to him/her.
Which job offer would you take?
this first job will help me get into computers...not exaclty sure if thats what i want to do for the rest of my life but its what i studied for3 years. most likely would not make much above min wage ..some employers will want to hire and send ppl to school rather than pay full price for a person with a lot of experience-- in some places at least this is what ive found to be true. This second job is kina nice in benifits and am interested in criminal justice. it would give me enough doe to get my own place as well as be able to afford things like truck insurance under my own name! and have off days ..working for gov (as a prison correctional officer for Texas) four days on four days off... may open up grant opportunities and that leaves time to actually study even if it is to get an online degree.....that is if i pass inspection...ill be able to get in thorugh the screening prossess the only thing im worried about is my knee..its well healed and can do anything with it but dislocated it a few months shy of turning 12. Job 1 benifits -Scholarships -Health Benifits, voluntary dental insurance, life insurance, rx discountcard -voluntary cancer insurance -paid weekly -opportunity for advancement job 2 benifits -Salary is several dollars over min wage (downside only get paid once a month) the longer you are there (in months) the better the pay raises -state pays 100% employees health benefits even preventive care benefits, and prescription payment help, dental and life insurance program available -Uniforms (including laundry experience) and equipment is furnished at no cost - free meals while on duty -legal protection plan -vacation, sick leave, paid holidays, retirement -work is four days on four days off...basically .12 hours a day for four days...My aunt worked a schedule like this and loved it...I think this would be a nice schedule that I could stick to as well Here is my situation, experience, edu ect -18 years old with resume built up..have been working since age 16. -Took 3 years of computer networking courses in high school which lead ----into an internship that gave me 9 months experience in the IT and engineering dept. working in the office at a prestigious steel mill! awesome!! Couldn't have learned half of what I know now from the classroom! Having hands on experience rocks! right now im living with my gparents trying to help them..however looks like he will have to go in to a nursing home..one person cant keep him out..doc's afriad of my health going down the drain too. Love the gparents but dont even have a space to hang my clothes so am wanting a job that will give me enough doe to get my own place..however small it may be what do you think is the best job opportunity?
I was a correctioal officer in Indiana. I worked in an all male facility, I got cut with razors and it stinks in the prison, but I loved my job. I would go with the prison if you can but It can get really scary
I was a correctioal officer in Indiana. I worked in an all male facility, I got cut with razors and it stinks in the prison, but I loved my job. I would go with the prison if you can but It can get really scary
My employer covers how much after I pay my coverage?
I just recently got laid off and they said it was for the slowing economy. In my opinion, there are others that should have been laid off before me, like the sales person who doesn't sell and continues to make excuses. Anyhow- I worked for this company for 9 months. For 6 months, I did had medical insurance and also dental insurance coverage through this company, both through different providers. I ended up seeing the doctor at least 1x - 2x a month for a slew of different reasons that led from thing to another which could have led to surgery. Unfortunately, I no longer have my job, so I don't have insurance coverage. I'm not too familiar with how medical/dental insurance works and how much, if any amount- does the company I work for pay for these benefits. Are they required to pay for any of my medical visits, exams, tests etc. For example.... A normal office visit is $95 without insurance, my co-pay was $10. Who/what makes up the $85 difference owed to the doctor's office? Could the company I worked for make up an excuse of a "slowing economy" to avoid paying for a future procedure and additional tests if they knew they had to pay for them? Could I have been wrongfully let go from my job?
There is no way for us to know if you were wrongully terminated since we do not know the details/circumstances. About the medical insurance: A company pays an insurance company to cover its employees. The actual costs of medical visits and/or procedures do not come directly from the company themselves. Its the insurance company that pays them. The company usually pays a set amount for medical benes for each employee. So although its unlikely that you were let go because of your recent abundance of medical claims, they could very well have let you go because of 'the economy'. Just because YOU feel that other employees deserved to be let go before you holds no water. As for medical insurance now, I suggest you look into the COBRA plan. You do have to pay for it and it doesnt last forever, but its usually cheaper than buying med insurance on your own. Good luck.
There is no way for us to know if you were wrongully terminated since we do not know the details/circumstances. About the medical insurance: A company pays an insurance company to cover its employees. The actual costs of medical visits and/or procedures do not come directly from the company themselves. Its the insurance company that pays them. The company usually pays a set amount for medical benes for each employee. So although its unlikely that you were let go because of your recent abundance of medical claims, they could very well have let you go because of 'the economy'. Just because YOU feel that other employees deserved to be let go before you holds no water. As for medical insurance now, I suggest you look into the COBRA plan. You do have to pay for it and it doesnt last forever, but its usually cheaper than buying med insurance on your own. Good luck.
I went to the dentist a month ago, and was told I needed 24 teeth pulled, which is all of my upper ones and most of the lowers ones. The dentist told me they only pull four at a time, and I would need an entire upper denture, and two partials for either jaw in the lower. The partials would clamp onto the lower ones I'd retain. I have about four abcessed teeth, as well. But, I have no dental insurance....whatsoever....and I'm not having all these teeth pulled if I can't afford the replacements....I wouldn't have any jaw teeth.... What are all my options? Is there some place that offers an affrodable monthly plan, or inexpensive dental insurance?
Medical clinics may remove the teeth, but dentures you will have to pay for. There are dental credit cards you can apply for as well
Medical clinics may remove the teeth, but dentures you will have to pay for. There are dental credit cards you can apply for as well
please help!!!!!! cavities!!!!!!?
i am pretty sure that i just recently los my insurance.. i am 18.....and i have alot of bad cavities....i got a mirror the other day and looked at my molars and noticed that they looked horrible.......my molar next to the last molar in the crease on the side of my tooth i can see a small black hole im guessing it is...i just started to brush my teeth like 5 times a day and rinsing with peroxide...i am looking for a job now and looking into dental insurance and was wondering about this hole or what ever this is and how long i have b4 this really gets bad. because theres nothing i can do about this right now...and when i do get insurance i wont be able to go to the dentist anyways right away will i cause i have to pay the dectuble right? and whatare some dental insurance company that you can recommend for me that i can go to the dentist with right away?? it is possible that i dont sign up for insurance or even have enough money saved up to go to the densist for another 6 months at the longest?? so will my teeth problems most likely worsen alot in this time if im taking care of my teeth?
I have the number of cavities as well. I don't have insurance and have put off dentist, until recently. It got really bad and one particular tooth has been giving me a problem. Half my tooth is actually gone, my molar way back. You still have time before it gets really bad, but if it starts hurting you, then Id see a dentist anyway as soon as possible because the infection can harm your immune system and cause illness (that's what happened to me).. When you go to the clinic without insurance, they will charge you for the visit and tell you what you need done after some ex-rays. Try to locate a clinic who does both medical and dental assistance. One that offers eligibility for money aid, they'll ask how much money you make, your living situation, and probably a bank statement along with other relevant question. It's kinda like a quick insurance for the poor. I'm currently undergoing such the process (it sucks, but it's worth trying and the wait). Meanwhile, try not to eat very acidic foods and sticky candy. Avoid ice cold drinks and drink from a straw. I didn't ask anyone how to get around all this, I just kinda figured it out on my own, but it also made me take my sweet little time getting to the clinic and now I have to pay with pain. Don't wait too long because sometimes appointments make you wait and you're dealing with the pain throughout the whole waiting process. P.S YOU'RE NOT ALONE!! DON'T FEEL BAD...I hope I helped at least a little...please take care and I hope you don't go through pain ( believe me, it's pain you wish you could sleep through, causes migraines that last for days, and seems there's no hope at all ) ... if you want to chat during your process to help you through it, I'm here :)
I have the number of cavities as well. I don't have insurance and have put off dentist, until recently. It got really bad and one particular tooth has been giving me a problem. Half my tooth is actually gone, my molar way back. You still have time before it gets really bad, but if it starts hurting you, then Id see a dentist anyway as soon as possible because the infection can harm your immune system and cause illness (that's what happened to me).. When you go to the clinic without insurance, they will charge you for the visit and tell you what you need done after some ex-rays. Try to locate a clinic who does both medical and dental assistance. One that offers eligibility for money aid, they'll ask how much money you make, your living situation, and probably a bank statement along with other relevant question. It's kinda like a quick insurance for the poor. I'm currently undergoing such the process (it sucks, but it's worth trying and the wait). Meanwhile, try not to eat very acidic foods and sticky candy. Avoid ice cold drinks and drink from a straw. I didn't ask anyone how to get around all this, I just kinda figured it out on my own, but it also made me take my sweet little time getting to the clinic and now I have to pay with pain. Don't wait too long because sometimes appointments make you wait and you're dealing with the pain throughout the whole waiting process. P.S YOU'RE NOT ALONE!! DON'T FEEL BAD...I hope I helped at least a little...please take care and I hope you don't go through pain ( believe me, it's pain you wish you could sleep through, causes migraines that last for days, and seems there's no hope at all ) ... if you want to chat during your process to help you through it, I'm here :)
my husband is getting a medical retirement from the army..i have questions?
my husband has combat related injuries from his afghanistan deployment and is now starting his medical discharge. His ETS date or (date he was already getting out) is july 16th, basically we have not yet been enrolled in dental insurance through his tricare and now that we need to be they say he doesnt have a year left so they wont accept us! he was going to re enlist but cant because they are medboarding him and i dont think that it is his fault for getting blown up while deployed!!! then i went on the website and tried to enroll as not being in the military and they said they dont accept aplications from TN yet.....i mean we need a really good dental insurance thats why i wanted to stick with the military one but looks like getting injured and kicked out because of it gets you crap out of luck! anyway, does anyone know if we keep our same medical insurance after this med bored is over? he is going to get 80% if that helps for thoes of you who know about this if anyone could at least give me some names of really good dental insurance companies that would be helpful. thank you very much for taking the time to read all this.
Is he being discharged or retired? There is a big difference between them in what will be offered to you by the military and VA. If he is being retired then you have hte option of Delta Dental program that is around $125 or so a month for the whole family. It might also be an option for him if he is getting medically discharged but not necessarily you. Tricare Dental Program is what is offered to those families of AD personnel. But as he is being med boarded it will not be an option right now. He can get some coverage through the VA as well. What you might want to do is go to Family Service Center and ask for some information on programs that they have and what you are eligible for with him being discharged above 80%. If he is retired then you can keep Tricare, base privledges/access as well. They can also offer what is called a TAPS class where it will give you a lot of information as well.
Is he being discharged or retired? There is a big difference between them in what will be offered to you by the military and VA. If he is being retired then you have hte option of Delta Dental program that is around $125 or so a month for the whole family. It might also be an option for him if he is getting medically discharged but not necessarily you. Tricare Dental Program is what is offered to those families of AD personnel. But as he is being med boarded it will not be an option right now. He can get some coverage through the VA as well. What you might want to do is go to Family Service Center and ask for some information on programs that they have and what you are eligible for with him being discharged above 80%. If he is retired then you can keep Tricare, base privledges/access as well. They can also offer what is called a TAPS class where it will give you a lot of information as well.
Does anyone have information on Ontario government medical programs for long term disability coverages?
I am a disabled amputed that has his private insurance running out at the first of the year and would like any information on Ontario goverment programs that would assist me with prescriptions, dental and eyeglass coverages.
If you've previously paid into CPP (Canada Pension Plan) through any employment, within the last 4 years, you may do well to apply for benefits through them. The forms for this should be available at any Social Services or Human Resources office. Another route is to apply to Ontario Disability and again these forms would be available from the above offices. Be aware however that there is every possibility that you will be turned down on your first application attempt however supply as much medical documentation as you can to support your claim and if you do find you have to appeal...have your doctor write a letter to them covering every single aspect of your disability. It is rumoured that 1 in 25 will be rejected regardless of what their disability or documents support. Also, apparently (as the rumour goes) they will allow a specific number of applications in the beginning of the month and reduce the amount as the month goes on...whether this is true or not I can't say but it's what I was told by a rather reliable source. There is also a program called the Trillium program with applications for this available at drug stores (Shopper's is one). Complete this form and again, you are either accepted or denied based on your information...Appeals can take place with additional support for your case being added if necessary...also here a doctor's letter is beneficial. Note however that this particular avenue requires that you wait 3 months I believe before you are covered and you also must reapply every year. You are allowed a certain max. on drugs etc so read the application carefully. If you are not eligible for LTD with your current carrier (Insurance) your best bet is CPP, if you haven't worked however and thus not paid in...you will have to go the Ontario Disability route as they don't assess your application on whether you paid into a plan or not. They are very sticky however and I know of one person who has appealed several times only to be turned down. However, she also has a disability that is invisible and is likely not a recognized or debilitating one in their eyes. I am also classed as medically disabled...I have Insurance LTD and CPP both of which I fought for, I was denied first time for both and obtained a lawyer in both cases and won. Good luck, it will probably work out very well for you...take care
If you've previously paid into CPP (Canada Pension Plan) through any employment, within the last 4 years, you may do well to apply for benefits through them. The forms for this should be available at any Social Services or Human Resources office. Another route is to apply to Ontario Disability and again these forms would be available from the above offices. Be aware however that there is every possibility that you will be turned down on your first application attempt however supply as much medical documentation as you can to support your claim and if you do find you have to appeal...have your doctor write a letter to them covering every single aspect of your disability. It is rumoured that 1 in 25 will be rejected regardless of what their disability or documents support. Also, apparently (as the rumour goes) they will allow a specific number of applications in the beginning of the month and reduce the amount as the month goes on...whether this is true or not I can't say but it's what I was told by a rather reliable source. There is also a program called the Trillium program with applications for this available at drug stores (Shopper's is one). Complete this form and again, you are either accepted or denied based on your information...Appeals can take place with additional support for your case being added if necessary...also here a doctor's letter is beneficial. Note however that this particular avenue requires that you wait 3 months I believe before you are covered and you also must reapply every year. You are allowed a certain max. on drugs etc so read the application carefully. If you are not eligible for LTD with your current carrier (Insurance) your best bet is CPP, if you haven't worked however and thus not paid in...you will have to go the Ontario Disability route as they don't assess your application on whether you paid into a plan or not. They are very sticky however and I know of one person who has appealed several times only to be turned down. However, she also has a disability that is invisible and is likely not a recognized or debilitating one in their eyes. I am also classed as medically disabled...I have Insurance LTD and CPP both of which I fought for, I was denied first time for both and obtained a lawyer in both cases and won. Good luck, it will probably work out very well for you...take care
Which is cheeper?
I am 25 and need alot of dental work, I am looking into braces but I need alot of work done before then. Of course no insurance covers braces for adults. Here at work the insurance used to cover adults I recently left and came back so I get to wait 3 months again before I can get insurance again. My question is I have over 9,000 dollars worth of work my insurance covers 5,000 and I am responsible for the other 4,000 if I buy an outside insurance to cover the remainding 4,000 is that good? Do I actually pay anything out of pocket besides the copay? Can I present 2 dental insurances. I think it would be cheeper but I really dont know I dont really understand how it works please help.
You must ask if the second insurance will coordinate benefits with another insurance. If so, you are in luck and will probably not have to pay much out of pocket. If they have a non-duplication of benefits clause, then don't even bother purchasing it because they will not pay anything over what the first insurance pays.
You must ask if the second insurance will coordinate benefits with another insurance. If so, you are in luck and will probably not have to pay much out of pocket. If they have a non-duplication of benefits clause, then don't even bother purchasing it because they will not pay anything over what the first insurance pays.
Symptoms of TMJ?
So I have a lot of problems with my teeth because when I was young I had really bad acid reflux and no health insurance. Now Im a college student with no dental insurance and can't afford to get them fixed. They dont really hurt I just have a lot of cavities but I brush excessively so I wasn't too worried. Now however for the past thee months the muscles in my jaw just below the joint have been stiff and painful. My left ear pops constantly and it feels like Im underwater. In addition my lymph nodes under my jaw are all swollen and painful. I tried taking antibiotics in case it was just a sinus infection but it hasnt helped. Any advice?
Common symptoms of TMD include: Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear when you chew, speak or open your mouth wide Limited ability to open the mouth very wide Jaws that get "stuck" or "lock" in the open- or closed-mouth position Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth (which may or may not be accompanied by pain) A tired feeling in the face Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite – as if the upper and lower teeth are not fitting together properly Swelling on the side of the face Other common symptoms include toothaches, headaches, neckaches, dizziness, and earaches and hearing problems.
Common symptoms of TMD include: Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear when you chew, speak or open your mouth wide Limited ability to open the mouth very wide Jaws that get "stuck" or "lock" in the open- or closed-mouth position Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth (which may or may not be accompanied by pain) A tired feeling in the face Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite – as if the upper and lower teeth are not fitting together properly Swelling on the side of the face Other common symptoms include toothaches, headaches, neckaches, dizziness, and earaches and hearing problems.
I broke my wisdom tooth last week and it is starting to hurt... What should I do??? I have insurance but the dental insurance isn't that great.... I don't have a lot of $$ to put down up front???
If you really can't see a dentist right now, at the least you need to make sure you are brushing your teeth two to three times a day and if you you ACT mouthwash, it will help to prevent decay. If your tooth starts to decay, you definately need to get to a dentist before it gets absessed. But, if at all possible you should go see a dentist now.
If you really can't see a dentist right now, at the least you need to make sure you are brushing your teeth two to three times a day and if you you ACT mouthwash, it will help to prevent decay. If your tooth starts to decay, you definately need to get to a dentist before it gets absessed. But, if at all possible you should go see a dentist now.
Death from a toothache?
So I'm sitting , reading my facebook page last night and a chat screen comes up.. "Did you here about Rachael... she died.?" I sat there for a minute thinking who's Rachael? The sender was my daughter. The Chat Screen pops up again and it says.. "First LaRae and now Rachael" Oh my god, Rachael is LaRaes Daughter... LaRae died a few years ago from and infection or something. This morning I read an email from my daughter... Rachael died from an abscessed tooth. Apparently she had no insurance and the infection went to her heart. It makes me sit here and think haw in this country does a beautiful young woman die at 25 of something like and abscessed tooth... that's nuts... I also remember when I was reading about health care offered by other countries and that they covered basic dental like tooth infections or abstractions. This is why I was fighting for comprehensive health care for all, because there are people out there that die of things like tooth aches because they have no insurance. Many of us have health insurance and in most cases its lousy insurance, but we have no dental insurance for the basics. Should our health insurance cover basics such as infections and extractions?
There should be no need for health insurance. The whole insurance system is not of benefit of the users, it is only a way of milking money from the populace. Here in Norway, health care is financed by taxes, and only small sums are paid for most consultations, and only up to a certain total. If you go above a certain amount, you get free health care for the rest of the year. Dental care is not covered by this system, but a patient with a life threatening infection would never be turned away. An accommodation would be found after the necessary surgery was done. From over here, the US system looks criminal, and it is difficult to understand how such a system is accepted. But then Joseph McCarthy probably has to take a lot of the blame for causing mass hysteria around anything that fit his catch-all definition of socialism. For the record : Having a government that that provides needed services in return for taxation does not make the state socialist.
There should be no need for health insurance. The whole insurance system is not of benefit of the users, it is only a way of milking money from the populace. Here in Norway, health care is financed by taxes, and only small sums are paid for most consultations, and only up to a certain total. If you go above a certain amount, you get free health care for the rest of the year. Dental care is not covered by this system, but a patient with a life threatening infection would never be turned away. An accommodation would be found after the necessary surgery was done. From over here, the US system looks criminal, and it is difficult to understand how such a system is accepted. But then Joseph McCarthy probably has to take a lot of the blame for causing mass hysteria around anything that fit his catch-all definition of socialism. For the record : Having a government that that provides needed services in return for taxation does not make the state socialist.
Please help my mom's pain is becoming unbearable what do i do?can i go to the same place for my problem?
i have two problems so can you please help ?? My mom's problem: ok well she is 50 yrs old and is just now getting her wisdom teeth she need to go to the doctor to get it pulled but she doesn't have dental insurance so i suggested going to dental school so they can do it i'm only 16 so i really don't know what to do but i know that it is getting unbearable what can she do ? My problem: i have two missing teeth in the front i want to get teeth implants i know how to take care of them well i read about it online and i wanted to get them done at dental school also i have dental insurance me and my mom have different kinds of insurance but anyways what can i do? how much will it cost for both of us? and how long will it take for it to heal? oh yeah what will be the outcome? for both of us i mean?
Your Mom: Going to a dental school is a really good idea since she isn't covered by insurance. I can't really give you a price since each dental school is different but most schools charge about 50% less It'll take about a week for her to heal and shouldn't be a hard precedure at all. You: First off, dental implants are not usually covered by insurance unless you have a super good plan. They are considered a cosmetic procedure which is why insurance companies don't cover them. But if you ARE covered they are very costly things. They cost about 1500-3000 dollars each. Depending on what your insurance covers, you can do the deduction. They are also very time consuming. First, an oral surgeon will drill a hole in to your bone. Once that has had time to heal they will place the actual dental implant post. This also needs time to adjust. It is very important to take good care of them or there is a possibilty it will fail. The last step is to place the crown or "tooth" on the post. It is a relatively painful procedure but so worth it!
Your Mom: Going to a dental school is a really good idea since she isn't covered by insurance. I can't really give you a price since each dental school is different but most schools charge about 50% less It'll take about a week for her to heal and shouldn't be a hard precedure at all. You: First off, dental implants are not usually covered by insurance unless you have a super good plan. They are considered a cosmetic procedure which is why insurance companies don't cover them. But if you ARE covered they are very costly things. They cost about 1500-3000 dollars each. Depending on what your insurance covers, you can do the deduction. They are also very time consuming. First, an oral surgeon will drill a hole in to your bone. Once that has had time to heal they will place the actual dental implant post. This also needs time to adjust. It is very important to take good care of them or there is a possibilty it will fail. The last step is to place the crown or "tooth" on the post. It is a relatively painful procedure but so worth it!
Bad breath makes me paranoid....?
Probably about 5-6 months ago I notice that my mouth tends to dry up and my mouth starts to taste pretty nasty. I know my breath has to smell as bad as it tastes even though no one ever says anything, lol. I brush my teeth and try to brush my tounge but I have VERY strong gag reflexes on my tounge which makes it almost impossible to brush it! Even when I first wake up, I brush my teeth right away and about 10 mins later my tounge is completely dry and my mouth tastes bad. Mouthwash has the same affect. I do not have medical or dental insurance and have not been to a dentist in over a year which I know is bad but I just can not afford the insurance right now and I need to know something that I can do to fix this problem. My teeth do not hurt or anything like that so I do not think I have any cavities. I have had the same oral hygiene methods for as long as I can remember but only recently have I had bad breath problems. What works??
First. Do you have a lot of anxiety? If so, calm down and relax. Being anxious will only make this problem worse and doesn't help in your everyday life. . Second. Do you snore? That would make your mouth dryer. Third. Do you drink plenty of fluids? Keep hydrated. Fourth. What kinds of foods do you eat? Stay away from a lot of sugar, coffee, garlic and onions. Fifth. Has a friend told you that you have foul-smelling breath? If so, it can possibly be gingivitis, or it can be a smell radiating out from your stomach. An antibiotic will help the latter. Sixth. Buy a tongue scraper. It can get the deeper areas of the tongue that hold bacteria. Seventh.Save up some money so you can get professional help if it doesn't go away. You will be happier for it!
First. Do you have a lot of anxiety? If so, calm down and relax. Being anxious will only make this problem worse and doesn't help in your everyday life. . Second. Do you snore? That would make your mouth dryer. Third. Do you drink plenty of fluids? Keep hydrated. Fourth. What kinds of foods do you eat? Stay away from a lot of sugar, coffee, garlic and onions. Fifth. Has a friend told you that you have foul-smelling breath? If so, it can possibly be gingivitis, or it can be a smell radiating out from your stomach. An antibiotic will help the latter. Sixth. Buy a tongue scraper. It can get the deeper areas of the tongue that hold bacteria. Seventh.Save up some money so you can get professional help if it doesn't go away. You will be happier for it!
Can I sue my dentist?
I wanted to know if anyone out there thinks I have a case for personal injury or medical malpractice? Back in 2004 I was working at a salon and had a pain in my lower back tooth. The salon owner suggested I go to her husband, who was a local dentist. I didn't have insurance at the time and she told me that he would give me a break just to have him look at it. So I went to him a few days later and was surprised when, after he examined me and took xrays, he handed me a printout of all the work I needed to have done, which totaled $11,500. I thought it was weird since only one of my teeth had been bothering me, but accroding to the dentist all 8 of my back teeth, which had large silver fillings on them, needed to all have root canals and crowns on them. I didn't get a 2nd opinion since I had no insurance(which was stupid) and throughout a period of 3 years, had all that work done. The dentist conviinced me that I had to have it all done and I opened up 2 dental credit cards to pay for it all. By mid 2006, after going to this dentist and the endodontist for the root canals, all the work was done! And I ended up paying close to $16,000. The problem was that suddenly now, alot of the teeth that had been worked on were sensitive and aching. The dentist said that this was normal, so I believed him. Then in January of 2007 my husband went to this dentist for a check-up and received another printout saying that he had 5 cavaties(he's never had even one cavity before). By this time we had dental insurance and decided to go with my old dentist because they covered us 100%, whereas the other dentist did not. So I made the appt. for my husband to go to my old dentist for 5 fillings. The problem is that when my husband went to the appt. with the new dentist, he said he could not find any cavaties, let alone 5 of them! Right away I called the old dentist and demanded all of my and my husbands xrays. For about 2 months he refused, until my husband went into the office and demanded them, in not so nice of a manner. We got them! Unfortunately, when we took them back to my old dentist he said that he couldn't really tell from mine if I needed ALL that work done, but I should've gotten a 2nd opinion before. My husbands did show however that he had no cavaties. So fast forward....just this year, Feb. 2010, I had to go to another endodontist because I have infections in 4 of my bottom back teeth. I had to have a root canal redone in July 2010, and the infection came back so now they might want me to get a dental implant in at least 2 of my back teeth, maybe more later! This endodontist even told me that my root canals weren't "ideal" because the old endodontist used these long metal post that go way down to almost my bone. He said no one does that anymore. He feels that these root canals might be the cause of all the infections I keep getting! I've had enough with all this dental work!!! My question is can I sue this awful dentist and maybe the old endodontist(who suddenly closed down his office 2 years ago) for all my pain and suffering? I cannot spend my whole life getting my teeth worked on! Before I had all this done, my teeth never even bothered me :(
In regards to the statute of limitations issue, I'm not sure of when you discovered the injury, but (in Texas at least) there are exceptions to the statute of limitations in an injury case. One of those exceptions is if the plaintiff is not aware that an injury has occurred. Texas law says that you have 2 years from the date in which you became aware of the injury. My answer to you would be to visit with a local personal injury attorney (preferably one with malpractice experience) and use the free consultation to discuss your case. Personal injury attorneys work on contingency fees, meaning you won't have to pay anything unless you win your case. Since the attorney has no incentive to have you hire them if they do not believe that you have a case, you do not have to worry about the attorney promising the sky. After you explain your situation, an attorney will be able to determine if you have a realistic chance of a successful recovery.
In regards to the statute of limitations issue, I'm not sure of when you discovered the injury, but (in Texas at least) there are exceptions to the statute of limitations in an injury case. One of those exceptions is if the plaintiff is not aware that an injury has occurred. Texas law says that you have 2 years from the date in which you became aware of the injury. My answer to you would be to visit with a local personal injury attorney (preferably one with malpractice experience) and use the free consultation to discuss your case. Personal injury attorneys work on contingency fees, meaning you won't have to pay anything unless you win your case. Since the attorney has no incentive to have you hire them if they do not believe that you have a case, you do not have to worry about the attorney promising the sky. After you explain your situation, an attorney will be able to determine if you have a realistic chance of a successful recovery.
what are the benifits of being an army wife?
do i get help with school, medical insurance, dental...?
YEs, yes, and yes. I am pregnant and due in Sept. All of my dr. appts and baby expenses are paid...no co-pays or anything...all paid. My friend, whose husband is in the army, is ATTENDING SCHOOL ON BASE FOR FREE and will attend a college when she finishes that....for free. another little known fact....the army will pay for breast implants as well. Research it online, it's true. My husband knows a guy who got his wife breast implants and the army paid. It's supposed to be a thing to boost morale. I personally think its ridiculous. When you get married your husband has to enroll you in the DEERS program...that is the health insurance program. Once he shows the marriage certificate to the appropriate people and gets you a military ID card they will direct you to the office to sign up for DEERS. A little piece of advice......do not get married just for the benefits. Some soldiers use that to lure a lady to marry him and some women marry a soldier just to be "taken care of" that is NO REASON to get married. The military life is a VERY hard one. Your husband will be gone A LOT. They have to go out and do field training for two weeks at a time, they have to go away to schools and train for a month or so at a time...this is pretty frequent. make sure you can handle being alone a lot. This causes some military wives to cheat. And believe it or not MANY soldiers cheat on their wives with the Female Soldiers...beware of that as well. It is VERY common on the base where I'm at. Be sure that you can handle a life where you will not see your husband that often. It is hard but if you truly love him it is SO worth it. Good luck!!
YEs, yes, and yes. I am pregnant and due in Sept. All of my dr. appts and baby expenses are paid...no co-pays or anything...all paid. My friend, whose husband is in the army, is ATTENDING SCHOOL ON BASE FOR FREE and will attend a college when she finishes that....for free. another little known fact....the army will pay for breast implants as well. Research it online, it's true. My husband knows a guy who got his wife breast implants and the army paid. It's supposed to be a thing to boost morale. I personally think its ridiculous. When you get married your husband has to enroll you in the DEERS program...that is the health insurance program. Once he shows the marriage certificate to the appropriate people and gets you a military ID card they will direct you to the office to sign up for DEERS. A little piece of advice......do not get married just for the benefits. Some soldiers use that to lure a lady to marry him and some women marry a soldier just to be "taken care of" that is NO REASON to get married. The military life is a VERY hard one. Your husband will be gone A LOT. They have to go out and do field training for two weeks at a time, they have to go away to schools and train for a month or so at a time...this is pretty frequent. make sure you can handle being alone a lot. This causes some military wives to cheat. And believe it or not MANY soldiers cheat on their wives with the Female Soldiers...beware of that as well. It is VERY common on the base where I'm at. Be sure that you can handle a life where you will not see your husband that often. It is hard but if you truly love him it is SO worth it. Good luck!!
Braces question?
Is there anyone that can help me with this one? My 7 y/o was evaluated today because her dentist told her she may need braces do to an extra tooth that is growing. They determined that she does need them, but because she has many missing teeth that fell and also some were extracted, and because of her not having all "adult" teeth yet, she is going to not need braces this minute but later on. So, they are doing what is called a "phase 1" treatment, which is to take care of the problems before she needs the braces. This treatment alone is $2,000 plus. But, they didnt fully explain to me what exactly will be done. It's a dental school because i have no dental insurance. They told me she needs this treatment before they can put on the braces. Does anyone know what this treatment consists of??
You should talk to one of the professors at the dental school who is a dentist who can better answer your questions. May be possible to have a second opinion. Or wait until the child is 12 years and see what needs to be done then. If the child has any present decay it is best to take care of that now.
You should talk to one of the professors at the dental school who is a dentist who can better answer your questions. May be possible to have a second opinion. Or wait until the child is 12 years and see what needs to be done then. If the child has any present decay it is best to take care of that now.
What are the pros and cons to going to a "franchise" dentist?
Our family is faced with having to change dentists because of insurance reasons.....and the only ones covered under our dental insurance now are those who are affiliated with dental franchises----like Allcare or Bright Now Dental, etc., we had gone to our regular dentist anyway but the insurance only paid him $22.50 of the $112 billed for a bi-annual cleaning, which should be covered 100% under our plan, so they billed us $30 each to the tune of $120. We can't afford that twice a year PLUS why should we pay that for a service that should be 100% covered, that would just be bad money management. So, I was wondering why would a dentist become affiliated with one of these franchises instead of opening their own practice? Does it have anything to do with their ability or test scores? Is it simply because they are in debt from dental school and can't afford their own practice? Does anyone have any input?
You ask a very good question and one that is a topic of conversation at every dental meeting. In some cases the dentist who wants to be in a franchise situation is looking to avoid the management responsibility he or she would face in a private practice. You did however touch on a real issue when you asked about dentist skills. It's well known that there are many dentist in franchise operations whose skill level are questionable. There are some very fine dentists in franchises who simply want a 9 to 5 job and a check at the end of the week....You didn't ask but many franchise dental offices are owned and operated by dentist who have a great capacity to over see several operations and are very very good with people skills. They also generate, in some cases, an extraordinarily high level of income from their franchises.
You ask a very good question and one that is a topic of conversation at every dental meeting. In some cases the dentist who wants to be in a franchise situation is looking to avoid the management responsibility he or she would face in a private practice. You did however touch on a real issue when you asked about dentist skills. It's well known that there are many dentist in franchise operations whose skill level are questionable. There are some very fine dentists in franchises who simply want a 9 to 5 job and a check at the end of the week....You didn't ask but many franchise dental offices are owned and operated by dentist who have a great capacity to over see several operations and are very very good with people skills. They also generate, in some cases, an extraordinarily high level of income from their franchises.
I need to have a root canal done asap. It is really bad so says the dentist. Can I use both ins and a plan?
I have dental insurance and a dental plan. I just got dental insurance, and had a plan before. I don't know why they did not discover this earlier, anyway. My question is can I use my dental insurance for what they will cover and then the remaining balance out-of-pocket, use the plan for their percentage off? I contacted them, but they have not responded back yet. In their member handbook they said in some cases, but I was wondering if anyone knew if they have done this? What plan do you have? Thanks...
No you cant use two plans, only one
No you cant use two plans, only one
Are there any dentist schools in the DFW area?
I need a root canal but my insurance seems to want me to still pay $700 for the procedure. Im in dire need of dental treatment and need to find a school somewhere within 2 hours or so of Irving Texas. HEEELLPP!!
I have a Dental Question?
How can I tell if I had a cavity filled? I thought all I had was a cleaning. My insurance co. sent me a statement saying that I had a cleaning and fillings - 3 surfaces. Again, how can I tell if he filled the cavity?
I might be wrong but most of the patients I see would know that they had a filling done. The dentist should have informed you that you had a cavity and that he/she was going to fill it for you on a previous check up visit along with the cleaning. Also the hand piece (Drill) would have been some kind of clue as to what was going on. I'd be inclined to contact your dentist and ask them to confirm that you had a filling.
I might be wrong but most of the patients I see would know that they had a filling done. The dentist should have informed you that you had a cavity and that he/she was going to fill it for you on a previous check up visit along with the cleaning. Also the hand piece (Drill) would have been some kind of clue as to what was going on. I'd be inclined to contact your dentist and ask them to confirm that you had a filling.
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