Okay So I Have Two Insurance Cards One Is Medicare And The Other One Is Maryland Smiles Dental Program So When I call an orthodontist do i tell them i have medicare insurance or Healthy SMILES DENTAL PRogram Insurance Plz Help
Tell them you have both and they will sort out which one they should bill to. Good luck.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Does an employee of 10yrs have any rights (ways to fight back) if their insurance benefits are taken away?
insurance, as in dental/medical benefits, etc. and rights, as in stop the employer from doing this. employee works for a franchise of a company. also, where are some good resources where employees can find info on how to make sure they are getting their rights? (if that makes sense)
In the US, if there isn't a contract or a union involved, then the employee doesn't have any rights to heath coverage. If the franchise decides to stop paying for it, that's up to them.
In the US, if there isn't a contract or a union involved, then the employee doesn't have any rights to heath coverage. If the franchise decides to stop paying for it, that's up to them.
NO insurance and need dental care yesterday?
I was in the same situation about 3 years ago. I could not afford to pay the full amount because I was in college. I would encourage you to visit this website www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up with them online about 3 years ago and I saved about 50% off the regular price. Not just that, but also on the exams, xrays etc. I still have them and they are extremely affordable. They had my benefits active in 2 hours, so you could go later today and not pay the full amount. Good Luck and Hope this Helps.
I was in the same situation about 3 years ago. I could not afford to pay the full amount because I was in college. I would encourage you to visit this website www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up with them online about 3 years ago and I saved about 50% off the regular price. Not just that, but also on the exams, xrays etc. I still have them and they are extremely affordable. They had my benefits active in 2 hours, so you could go later today and not pay the full amount. Good Luck and Hope this Helps.
Most of my front teeth are decayed w/ visible cavities. No insurance, what's the right dental procedure?
I'm only 25 years old and it's affecting my self esteem. I don't want to go out and socialize. I want my smile back, but can't figure out whether vaneers, bonding,crowns,etc. are right for me and don't know the differences in price. Anyone?
a dentist will be the one to decide the best treatment option for you. composite fillings being the cheapest and crowns or veneers being the most expensive. they will have to see how much of the teeth are able to be saved then you will know what needs to be done. you think a filling is expensive? if you wait too long you will need root canals which are $600+ per tooth. if your front teeth are decayed your back teeth are probably worse, since those are usually the first teeth to need dental work. your cheapest option is to find a dental school, otherwise find a regular dentist and work out a payment plan. there are dentists out there who will work with you on payment. good luck!
a dentist will be the one to decide the best treatment option for you. composite fillings being the cheapest and crowns or veneers being the most expensive. they will have to see how much of the teeth are able to be saved then you will know what needs to be done. you think a filling is expensive? if you wait too long you will need root canals which are $600+ per tooth. if your front teeth are decayed your back teeth are probably worse, since those are usually the first teeth to need dental work. your cheapest option is to find a dental school, otherwise find a regular dentist and work out a payment plan. there are dentists out there who will work with you on payment. good luck!
Dental office help with Primary and Seconday insurance?
I just started working in a dental office with no experience and the girl who is training me is not doing a good job, hell when I ask her a question she won't even look at me. Therefore I am coming on here for some help. I use the program tracker and when the clients come in for thier appointment we send thier claim electronically to the insurance company. The EDI then says that it's been approved and then they pay the money for thier appointment. I get confused when it comes to primary and seconday insurance. Last week a client came in and I put his claim through to his insurance. It said claim was under review and he also had secondary insurance. what does it mean when it says the claim is under review. Do I have to wait till he gets the cheque from his insurance to see how much they covered and then send in the seconday insurance paper. Please help me out if anyone knows how to help me. Thank you
we cannot speculate here why there is a review as we have no clue how the claim was submitted, so we do not know exactly what they are looking at. the claim is submitted to the primary carrier. they make their determination (apply to deductible, pay, or deny), and any outstanding balance is then submitted to the secondary insurance. they will do the same process as the primary carrier and make their determination. yes, you need to wait to see what the primary carrier will pay before you bill the secondary as you need to submit that information to the secondary carrier.
we cannot speculate here why there is a review as we have no clue how the claim was submitted, so we do not know exactly what they are looking at. the claim is submitted to the primary carrier. they make their determination (apply to deductible, pay, or deny), and any outstanding balance is then submitted to the secondary insurance. they will do the same process as the primary carrier and make their determination. yes, you need to wait to see what the primary carrier will pay before you bill the secondary as you need to submit that information to the secondary carrier.
Has anyone else had major problems with their gums/ dental issues during pregnancy?
Right from the beginning of this pregnancy, my gums became tender and bled a lot.. now I actually have "growths" on part of my lower gums. My husband's dental insurance will kick in this week, so luckily I will be able to make an appointment in a week or two, but I'm very nervous, and due to have the baby in only 5 weeks, so they probably won't be able to do anything to help until after...
Your mouth is the 1st place the baby takes nutrients from. They can work on your teeth while you're pregnant. I fact it's very important to go to the dentist atleast once during your pregnancy. If you get an infection it will get in your blood stream & be passed on to the baby. I had the same problems with my gums. I went to the dentist when I was 7 months & had to get a tooth pulled.
Your mouth is the 1st place the baby takes nutrients from. They can work on your teeth while you're pregnant. I fact it's very important to go to the dentist atleast once during your pregnancy. If you get an infection it will get in your blood stream & be passed on to the baby. I had the same problems with my gums. I went to the dentist when I was 7 months & had to get a tooth pulled.
How much does it cost to have your wisdom teeth removed (with insurance)?
I have a very good insurance plan, but I know dental work is always expensive. Does anyone know how much getting one wisdom tooth removed will cost? (I have an excellent insurance plan because of my job).
well i have an excellent insurance plan..and they covered the cost completely...without a plan..an oral surgen will work with you, and a payment plan...i think it maby cost me $500 for the one tooth i had removed without the insurance...with payment of $60 a month..if your having all 4 wisdome teeth removed at the same time..ask them to check to see how much the insurance will cover, because you don't want to have to pay much out of pocket..
well i have an excellent insurance plan..and they covered the cost completely...without a plan..an oral surgen will work with you, and a payment plan...i think it maby cost me $500 for the one tooth i had removed without the insurance...with payment of $60 a month..if your having all 4 wisdome teeth removed at the same time..ask them to check to see how much the insurance will cover, because you don't want to have to pay much out of pocket..
i have delta dental usa ppo insurance?
i might have to get my wisdom tooth pulled out, will it be covered by my plan??? thanks
There is no reason for it not to be unless your plan has waiting periods for such treatments. Have the oral surgeons office check on it for you before you schedule the appointment though. (they normally do this anyway in order to give you an estimate as to how much you will have to pay out of pocket.)
There is no reason for it not to be unless your plan has waiting periods for such treatments. Have the oral surgeons office check on it for you before you schedule the appointment though. (they normally do this anyway in order to give you an estimate as to how much you will have to pay out of pocket.)
Is there a way I can get cheap dental and medical insurance for me and my daughters?
I am now employed with someone who does not give benefits but is willing to give me $300 extra a month for insurance out side of work. I have always had insurance provided to me from work, so I don't know what to do and how expensive it is going to be! If anyone could help me that would be great! I live in texas.
Many states (I do not know if Texas is one of them) can provide health/dental coverage for your kids. There may be limits on income and such. You will have to do some research on your own. As for private insurance coverage, $300 per month won't provide much coverage. Contact Blue Cross/Blue Shield in your area for a quote.
Many states (I do not know if Texas is one of them) can provide health/dental coverage for your kids. There may be limits on income and such. You will have to do some research on your own. As for private insurance coverage, $300 per month won't provide much coverage. Contact Blue Cross/Blue Shield in your area for a quote.
I don't know what to do about insurance?
I make too much money to get assistance from social services and I don't make enough to pay for dental insurance. Does anyone have any advice? I really need to see a dentist. Thanks in advance. I live in upstate New York
** I had the same thing happen to me, and ended up letting my teeth go for a few years. I finally HAD to do something, so after a lot of searching I stumbled upon this dentalplans.com. Its not "Dental Insurance", but a Discount Plan. There are a bunch of different options to choose from, but basically you pay a one time fee of $75-$100, (basically a membership fee) and then get a huge list of great dentists to choose from that accept the plans. I chose the NDA plan which gives you about 80% off the cost of everything... It makes it a do-able deal now. My total estimate w/out the plan was going to be $6,500.00. With the plan it is going to be $1,500.00. A HUGE difference! The dentist I was afraid was going to be terrible, w/ a million people in the waiting room, and a 5 hour wait, for a check up, but I was so wrong. Its in a great part of town, a new office, and I got right in, and right out, like you wouldn't believe! So look them up, and good luck! **
** I had the same thing happen to me, and ended up letting my teeth go for a few years. I finally HAD to do something, so after a lot of searching I stumbled upon this dentalplans.com. Its not "Dental Insurance", but a Discount Plan. There are a bunch of different options to choose from, but basically you pay a one time fee of $75-$100, (basically a membership fee) and then get a huge list of great dentists to choose from that accept the plans. I chose the NDA plan which gives you about 80% off the cost of everything... It makes it a do-able deal now. My total estimate w/out the plan was going to be $6,500.00. With the plan it is going to be $1,500.00. A HUGE difference! The dentist I was afraid was going to be terrible, w/ a million people in the waiting room, and a 5 hour wait, for a check up, but I was so wrong. Its in a great part of town, a new office, and I got right in, and right out, like you wouldn't believe! So look them up, and good luck! **
What do I do about dental?
I have no dental insurance and I do not want discounted insurance. I live in NC and I can not find any dental anywhere. I have missed signing up with my employer so they tell me I have to wait a yr. Does anyone have any good ideas where I can find dental insurance? I do not make that much money.
Discounted dental insurance like an HMO is probably about the only choice you have if finances are an issue. If you need to visit a dentist you may be able to work about a payment plan. Many offices have extended payment arrangements you can make to get needed treatment done. Many offices have Care Credit or something like it. It is like a dental credit card. And next year sign up with your employers plan. Good luck.
Discounted dental insurance like an HMO is probably about the only choice you have if finances are an issue. If you need to visit a dentist you may be able to work about a payment plan. Many offices have extended payment arrangements you can make to get needed treatment done. Many offices have Care Credit or something like it. It is like a dental credit card. And next year sign up with your employers plan. Good luck.
Who sells affordable professional liability / malpractice insurance for dentists?
Looking for more affordable insurance for me, my partners and our dental practice. We think there is too little choice of insurance companies offering professional liability and other commercial insurance to dental practices and dentists. Does anyone know who else can offer us more choices in competitive coverage?
Well, professional liability isn't much of a moneymaker, from the insurance company's point of view. Luckily for you, dental malpractice is a lot less hazardous, however, unluckily for you, most insurance companies won't offer just ONE class of malpractice insurance. That means, in any given state, there is very, very little competition for professional liability coverage. You don't say where you are, but there are probably less than five carriers in your state. Several of those would probably be non-admitted carriers. The best thing to do is see if you can hook into a state wide professional group, and have the group negotiate a 5% cut in rate based on volume discount. Sorry !
Well, professional liability isn't much of a moneymaker, from the insurance company's point of view. Luckily for you, dental malpractice is a lot less hazardous, however, unluckily for you, most insurance companies won't offer just ONE class of malpractice insurance. That means, in any given state, there is very, very little competition for professional liability coverage. You don't say where you are, but there are probably less than five carriers in your state. Several of those would probably be non-admitted carriers. The best thing to do is see if you can hook into a state wide professional group, and have the group negotiate a 5% cut in rate based on volume discount. Sorry !
Online dental plans........ do they work?
I want to purchase a dental plan online for my family. We already do have dental insurance through my husbands work but it doesn't cover anything "major". How do these plans work? I've done research but want to know from some of you that have used it. Do you pay the full price of a procedure and then get reimbursed? Thank you for a detailed answers.
If you have been shopping for dental or medical coverage for you and your family you may have come across a variety of different and sometimes confusing programs. Whether you are searching for medical or dental coverage there are basically two options to choose from including traditional insurance plans and discount health programs. Medical or dental discount programs are not actually insurance. Discount dental and medical benefits provide their members with discounts on dental and medical treatment through participating network providers. Members pay a fee to participate in exchange for discounts that can range from 10-80% off regular prices. The leading discount dental provider is Ameriplan USA®. The medical and dental providers contract with the program to only charge members based on these discounts. The members benefit from reduced fees and the providers benefit from the exposure to the membership pool. Because this is not an insurance contract program there are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions or limitations on treatment. Ameriplan® offers a low monthly membership fee for discount dental services, no forms to fill out, and a wide network of quality dentists for you to choose from. AmeriPlan has a Dental Plan for only 19.95 a month and includes up to 20 people in one household - related or not. All you do is pay the discounted price that AmeriPlan has set and you can save up to 80% off. You You can look at our plans we offer at: www.mybenefitsplus.com/dare2dream Hope this helps! dentalplus4u@gmail.com
If you have been shopping for dental or medical coverage for you and your family you may have come across a variety of different and sometimes confusing programs. Whether you are searching for medical or dental coverage there are basically two options to choose from including traditional insurance plans and discount health programs. Medical or dental discount programs are not actually insurance. Discount dental and medical benefits provide their members with discounts on dental and medical treatment through participating network providers. Members pay a fee to participate in exchange for discounts that can range from 10-80% off regular prices. The leading discount dental provider is Ameriplan USA®. The medical and dental providers contract with the program to only charge members based on these discounts. The members benefit from reduced fees and the providers benefit from the exposure to the membership pool. Because this is not an insurance contract program there are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions or limitations on treatment. Ameriplan® offers a low monthly membership fee for discount dental services, no forms to fill out, and a wide network of quality dentists for you to choose from. AmeriPlan has a Dental Plan for only 19.95 a month and includes up to 20 people in one household - related or not. All you do is pay the discounted price that AmeriPlan has set and you can save up to 80% off. You You can look at our plans we offer at: www.mybenefitsplus.com/dare2dream Hope this helps! dentalplus4u@gmail.com
what if i use my medical insurance?
i got my 1st job 5 month a go and i have medical and dental insurance as well, and i need to c a Dr soon coz i go to gym a lot, i luv to workout and my right hand is hurt a little, i'm fine i can function but something is wrong so i'm afraid to use my medical insurance, is this bad for the company if employees use there medical insurance, i'm i gonna get fired if i use my medical insurance? pls help!
Companies are mostly self-insured and sign up as a pool. A health provider merely manages. Rates will never go up for you just because you have a claim. Trust me - we've had claims - rates never go up. If they do, they'll go up for the entire company and everyone pays equally. It's not like car insurance. Enjoy your doctor. /
Companies are mostly self-insured and sign up as a pool. A health provider merely manages. Rates will never go up for you just because you have a claim. Trust me - we've had claims - rates never go up. If they do, they'll go up for the entire company and everyone pays equally. It's not like car insurance. Enjoy your doctor. /
HELP :"( I need dental coverage but I am a temp.Can anyone recommend insurance?!?
I'm having a really hard time finding an insurance company that are available to temps. Unfortunately I make too much to be eligible for medicaid, which is ironic because I don't make a lot of money! lol So any suggestions!? I really need to go to the dentist asap, I'm in a lot of pain :'(
I would encourage you to visit this great website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved us thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From extractions, exams, xrays, cleanings, fillins...etc. Even my braces were covered. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps.
I would encourage you to visit this great website: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved us thousands of dollars since on all dental services. From extractions, exams, xrays, cleanings, fillins...etc. Even my braces were covered. They even had my extremely affordable plan active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Good luck and Hope this helps.
I need a good individual dental plan for my family!?
I need to find a good dental insurance plan for me and my family. It needs to cover 100% of basic dental work (like fillings, cleaning, etc.). If you have a good one, can you give me the name of it and a web address where I can read about it? Thanks!!
Check this out. http://www.deliveringonthepromise.com/40…
Check this out. http://www.deliveringonthepromise.com/40…
What would be a good health insurance plan for me?
I am just 20 years old. I need something that is low priced...I do not get sick that much, I just need something that would cover birth control, dental and vison. This whole insurance thing is REALLY confusing to me :-/
The best match for you RIGHT NOW, not in some distant future seems to be MySimpleCard. Make sure you see exactly how it will help you on birth control pills, dental and vision. When you learn about MySimpleCard you will also become less confused about insurance. Good luck!
The best match for you RIGHT NOW, not in some distant future seems to be MySimpleCard. Make sure you see exactly how it will help you on birth control pills, dental and vision. When you learn about MySimpleCard you will also become less confused about insurance. Good luck!
Where can I find assistance for dental care?
I'm in dire need of some dental work. I have no insurance and only a thousand saved up for dental work. I have a broken molar that requires a bridge and a front tooth that has a hole in the back that probably needs an implant. Anyone know how I can find a cheap dentist or anywhere that offers financial assistance?
If you can come to India, can provide you good dental care. We are specialized in dental implant. For info visit : http://www.drkadamsdental.com/
If you can come to India, can provide you good dental care. We are specialized in dental implant. For info visit : http://www.drkadamsdental.com/
Why are dental and medical problems not insured together?
I have a medical condition that requires I take prescribed drugs everyday. My prescriptions cause me to grind my teeth at night while sleeping. The drug warning says that is a side effect. This has resulted in broken teeth and other problems. I paid $500 for a night guard but that made my gums infected and even loosened some of my teeth. Meanwhile, I've spent roughly $5,000 on dental work while my health insurance continues to pay for the prescriptions the doctor prescribes that causes it. Shouldn't an effect of a prescribed drug given by a medical doctor also insure related problems from that treatment? Any doctors, RN's, insurance co people out there to answer this? Thank you.
A night guard should not loosen your teeth. I'd have your dentist re-make it.... at no charge. (It costs them about $20 to make it, so he can cut his losses.) Anyway, medical and dental don't work together because they make too much money being seperate. You can try and get your medical to pay for dental.. but it's like pulling teeth, and mostly a waste of time. They won't budge.
A night guard should not loosen your teeth. I'd have your dentist re-make it.... at no charge. (It costs them about $20 to make it, so he can cut his losses.) Anyway, medical and dental don't work together because they make too much money being seperate. You can try and get your medical to pay for dental.. but it's like pulling teeth, and mostly a waste of time. They won't budge.
does insurance cover dental surgery ? ?
i need surgery because my top teeth are inside not outside my bottom teeth . I need surgery but i dont know if i will be covered . Has anybody ever had to get surgery then wear braces ?
it should cover! good luck
it should cover! good luck
What do you do without Dental or Health insurance?
Hi guys, I've been living in the US for 2,5 years now, lucky to have great dental and medical. But I'm changing jobs so won't have medical/ dental for a while. What do I do in case of an emergency - break a bone, tooth ache?? (serious question) I'm from Europe, so it seems so foreign to me that one would not be able to have access to a doctor in those cases.....
I know of 2 options that you have. Option 1: You could look into a short term major medical policy through an independent insurance agent. They are cheap, but have high deductible amounts. If you don't think that you will have to go to the doctor, etc, then the high deductible wouldn't be so bad. Option 2: You could check into a discount health plan. I have located a website that compares discount health plans, as I only have personal experience with Ameriplan. I have listed both sites below as sources. I would compare monthly premiums, number of local providers, and savings you would receive on general visits. I hope that one of these might work for you.
I know of 2 options that you have. Option 1: You could look into a short term major medical policy through an independent insurance agent. They are cheap, but have high deductible amounts. If you don't think that you will have to go to the doctor, etc, then the high deductible wouldn't be so bad. Option 2: You could check into a discount health plan. I have located a website that compares discount health plans, as I only have personal experience with Ameriplan. I have listed both sites below as sources. I would compare monthly premiums, number of local providers, and savings you would receive on general visits. I hope that one of these might work for you.
Health insurance? How can I apply for my own Health/Medical insurance?
So from what I hear, once you're 22 years of age, you're dropped from your parents Health insurance. What i would like to know is how i can apply for my own before then, I am 18 years old and right now i just want to be safe rather than sorry. I know full time jobs have medical insurance, vision, and dental as benefits. But please, someone get this off my shoulders and explain to me how i can apply for my own medical/health insurance before the years fly by and something ends up going wrong. Thank you!
First off, the age which you could be dropped will vary by situation and company, and state. Some companies will drop you at 18 if you're not in school while others will let you go until 30 whether you are in school or not. Not all full time jobs have insurance benefits. Some part time jobs do have insurance benefits. Part of the healthcare bill stipulates that all insurance companies in all states must allow adult children to stay on their parent's policy until age 26. This will go into effect when your policy renews after 9/23/10 although some insurance companies have already started as of June 1. How you go about getting your own policy - Visit a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can find the best policy for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with each policy. There is no extra charge using an agent. You should do this anyway because in most cases an 18 year old can get their own policy much cheaper than being on their parents.
First off, the age which you could be dropped will vary by situation and company, and state. Some companies will drop you at 18 if you're not in school while others will let you go until 30 whether you are in school or not. Not all full time jobs have insurance benefits. Some part time jobs do have insurance benefits. Part of the healthcare bill stipulates that all insurance companies in all states must allow adult children to stay on their parent's policy until age 26. This will go into effect when your policy renews after 9/23/10 although some insurance companies have already started as of June 1. How you go about getting your own policy - Visit a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can find the best policy for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with each policy. There is no extra charge using an agent. You should do this anyway because in most cases an 18 year old can get their own policy much cheaper than being on their parents.
I need dental work BAD...no insurance! Anyone know of a dental college in Las Vegas, that does work for free?
Any info is highly appreciated
There are no dental colleges in Vegas that I know of. You can find the nearest one here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den… Other than a dental school you have three other options with dental. 1. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With insurance you pay $460 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 2. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With discount plans you pay around $827. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 3. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
There are no dental colleges in Vegas that I know of. You can find the nearest one here: http://www.yourhealthplanadvisor.com/Den… Other than a dental school you have three other options with dental. 1. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With insurance you pay $460 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 2. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With discount plans you pay around $827. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 3. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $919. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Cheap Health, Dental and vision Insurance?
Some One told me to join www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com But I don't know if it is a good insurance company? It says its only $19 a month but I don't know if thats is to good to be true? And It says it covers ome of the cost of Braces wich i need and no other benifits will cover braces if you are over 18. Has any one had this Isurence? Thanks!
Yeah, I have had them for 5 years now, since I was in college. They have saved me a lot money since. The company has been great to me and the rep is very knowledgeable of the services and product which makes life so much easier. They have saved me over $2000 in my braces alone. There is no contract, so if its not for you, you can always get out. Good luck
Yeah, I have had them for 5 years now, since I was in college. They have saved me a lot money since. The company has been great to me and the rep is very knowledgeable of the services and product which makes life so much easier. They have saved me over $2000 in my braces alone. There is no contract, so if its not for you, you can always get out. Good luck
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