i just want someone who lives in CT and has good insurance to kind of direct on what health insurance for ct i dhould use
The best policy for your friend or neighbor may not be the best policy for you because everyone is different and most policies are different. You should visit a local independent agent that works with all the major companies. The agent can find the best policy for your situation and budget and you won't be charged any extra. Most health insurance has little to no coverage for dental and vision unless the treatment is medically necessary. Some do have dental and vision as an option but the coverage is generally poor or not cost effective. I'm a health insurance agent and I do not have the optional coverage even though my health insurance offers it. I use a fee for service discount plan which I got here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Have had braces on for 4 months, dental insurance was just cancelled. What do i do?
I have Amerigroup/Healthplex insurance. I got my braces on when i was 18, this past june. I turned 19 in september and i went to the ortho this morning and they told me i dont have insurance. Im guessing because im 19 and considered an adult. But im a full time student, and i live with my parents, do i have any other options? i Cant afford to pay cash each month for them, since ive only had them on for 4 months. My teeth are perfectly straight right now, should i possibly think of taking them off? I dont know what to do, i cant afford paying for my own braces, i dont even work. Im gonna call my insurance company in a little bit, what should i ask them? Someone help!!
health-quotes.isgreat.org - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
What is a good dental insurance provider for a 22 yr old male in S. Illinois?
I live in Carbondale, Illinois. I live on my own. Work and go to school. I pay my own bills and tuition. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't have alot of extra money. All 4 of my wisdom teeth need to come out. And im looking for a simple, effective, and affordable insurance plan.
You may be better off just paying cash. I have found that when a patient pays for insurance, they end up paying more for the insurance than what the insurance pays out. And they still have to pay the dentist what was not covered. That being said, it is not the insurance company that you need to look at, it is the individual plan. Insurance companies have many different plans to choose from. Pick the one that is the most affordable and the least restrictive. Also, make sure that there are not any waiting periods for major dental treatment or for surgical procedures. You sound like a very responsible and mature 22 year old. You should be very proud of yourself for doing what you are doing. Good luck to you
You may be better off just paying cash. I have found that when a patient pays for insurance, they end up paying more for the insurance than what the insurance pays out. And they still have to pay the dentist what was not covered. That being said, it is not the insurance company that you need to look at, it is the individual plan. Insurance companies have many different plans to choose from. Pick the one that is the most affordable and the least restrictive. Also, make sure that there are not any waiting periods for major dental treatment or for surgical procedures. You sound like a very responsible and mature 22 year old. You should be very proud of yourself for doing what you are doing. Good luck to you
my wisdom teeth claim was rejected by my health insurance company my dental surgeons office appealed it not me?
why did the office appeal it and why would it be in the best instersts of the dental surgerys office to appeal
It benefits the dental office to appeal a rejected claim because they have already done the work. If your insurance company verified that you had coverage for extractions, and then did not pay the claim, the dentist office has to resubmit all of the information with a narrative as to why the extractions needed to be done. Generally, if your insurance company still rejects payment for the claim, you will be liable for all of the charges incurred for that visit. It is wise to also contact your insurance company and inquire why the claim was denied so that you are clear on your benefits. You can also ask them to send you a copy of their fee schedule along with a break down of your benefits, That way you can also calculate what you will have to pay per visit, per procedure.
It benefits the dental office to appeal a rejected claim because they have already done the work. If your insurance company verified that you had coverage for extractions, and then did not pay the claim, the dentist office has to resubmit all of the information with a narrative as to why the extractions needed to be done. Generally, if your insurance company still rejects payment for the claim, you will be liable for all of the charges incurred for that visit. It is wise to also contact your insurance company and inquire why the claim was denied so that you are clear on your benefits. You can also ask them to send you a copy of their fee schedule along with a break down of your benefits, That way you can also calculate what you will have to pay per visit, per procedure.
Dental Insurance... I don't want to pay out of pocket...Possible problems with teeth.?
Really dont want to get destroyed by an out of pocket bill. Help me peazze.
Well any insurance helps, contrary to what some people say in here. Just have to find the right one. I had gum problems… didn't go to the dentist for years. I found this site and its great… covers preexist conditions and gave me a flexible afford payment plan. They offer nice discounts and have an incredible satisfaction record. I wouldn't wait any longer. Check out http://www.dentalplans.com/afftracker.as… It really is worth getting. They have over 30 plans for individuals and families… FYI.
Well any insurance helps, contrary to what some people say in here. Just have to find the right one. I had gum problems… didn't go to the dentist for years. I found this site and its great… covers preexist conditions and gave me a flexible afford payment plan. They offer nice discounts and have an incredible satisfaction record. I wouldn't wait any longer. Check out http://www.dentalplans.com/afftracker.as… It really is worth getting. They have over 30 plans for individuals and families… FYI.
Problems with Delta USA (dental insurance)?
I am on my second year using this company. I got a root canal done on an abscessed tooth last year, about six months after I had enrolled, and had a crown put on it, and they refused to pay the dentist for it because it was a "pre-existing condition" when I signed up (for reference, the tooth had a cavity, but was not abscessed, when I enrolled). The dentist was very generous, and did not ask for me to pay the difference, but was not able to treat me anymore. I switched to another dentist, and it is about six months into my second year with Delta (continuously enrolled), and about three weeks ago, I had a root canal done on another tooth, which had some decay at the point when my first dentist looked at it a year ago, but was not even a cavity yet. I had a wisdom tooth extracted yesterday by a dental surgeon at the same office on Friday, and when I got home, there was a letter waiting for me from Delta, saying that they would not be paying my present dentist for the root canal, since there was evidence of decay reported by my previous dentist, and that these records had been passed on to my present dentist before they did the root canal procedure. Is this even legal? There was no way the tooth for which I received the most recent root canal was in any state of "pre-existing condition" when I initially signed up with Delta. Moreover, I waited to have the crown put on until I got the wisdom tooth extracted, and now I'm worried that the dentist will either refuse to finish the crown, or will do it, but that neither he nor the surgeon will get reimbursed for any of their work by Delta. Should I worry about Delta calling my wisdom tooth a "pre-existing condition" as well?
health-quotes.isgreat.org - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
health-quotes.isgreat.org - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
dental insurance question?
"Remedial or restorative treatments such as, but not limited to, fillings, crowns, bridges and dentures when received as an NHS patient" what does this mean??in simple words
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
I need HELP- health and dental insurance won't cover me AFTER I asked and they said they would?
About 3 months ago I went to the dentist for the first time in about 7 years because I had been having horrible jaw pain and figured I had a bad tooth. Turns out, it was my wisdom teeth, which were fully impacted and developing cysts around them and deteriorating my jaw bone. My dentist told me I needed to get them out ASAP, and referred me to a maxillo facial surgeon. I called my insurance company first to make sure it was covered, they told me I would have to pay a $300 deductable and they cover the rest. So I went, had my teeth removed and went through the week of excrutiating recovery. 3 weeks later, I get a letter from my insurance company saying that it in fact will NOT pay for my wisdom teeth removal because it does not cover procedures done on NORMAL, HEALTHY, FUNCTIONING teeth (I do not understand how they were normal or functioning, but oh well) and that I owe this surgeon $1598. What went wrong and is there anything I can do about it? Who do I call? Thanks
Yes, you can do something about it. Call your dentist office because apparently they coded the claim incorrectly. The insurance company doesn't know anything about your teeth; they just know what the dentist office tells them. The dentist will have to file the claim again.
Yes, you can do something about it. Call your dentist office because apparently they coded the claim incorrectly. The insurance company doesn't know anything about your teeth; they just know what the dentist office tells them. The dentist will have to file the claim again.
Are there any DENTAL insurance?
If you do know one, can you please list it for me? I'm in need great need to go see a dentist.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
What besides my insurance can save me $$$ at the Dentist?
Are there other plans for dental co-insurance that work WITH my dental insurance (EDS) to save my family money? Please leave links if possible.
Some employers allow for money to be set aside from your check pre-taxed that you can use on any medical/ dental expense. This sometimes helps, but the best way to save money is to invest time in prevention and learning. Sonic Care or Oral B make very good brushes that seem expensive (~$100) until you think about how much you save by eliminating/ preventing one cavity ($200-$300 for a filling)
Some employers allow for money to be set aside from your check pre-taxed that you can use on any medical/ dental expense. This sometimes helps, but the best way to save money is to invest time in prevention and learning. Sonic Care or Oral B make very good brushes that seem expensive (~$100) until you think about how much you save by eliminating/ preventing one cavity ($200-$300 for a filling)
If you didn't have dental insurance would you...?
pay the $785 to put a crown on the fractured tooth, or just pull the tooth out?
Pay for the crown. If you have the tooth extracted you may develop the followng problems: 1. the teeth beside the space may shift and lean into the void which will impact on their stability and your chewing ability and future options if you choose to replace the tooth with an implant or bridge in the future. 2. the tooth that occludes (bites) with the missing tooth may start to over erupt (grow up into the space) which will impact your bite and your options should you choose to replace the tooth in the future. 3. An implant to replace the missing tooth is probably 4 or 5 times as expensive as the crown 4. A bridge that crowns the teeth on either side of the hole and puts a "falsie" into the space is about 3 times as expensive as the crown 5. A denture is only 25% as effective at chewing as a natural or crowned tooth. Most dental offices will either offer you payment options or put you in touch with a financing company that can spread the payment pain out over a few months.
Pay for the crown. If you have the tooth extracted you may develop the followng problems: 1. the teeth beside the space may shift and lean into the void which will impact on their stability and your chewing ability and future options if you choose to replace the tooth with an implant or bridge in the future. 2. the tooth that occludes (bites) with the missing tooth may start to over erupt (grow up into the space) which will impact your bite and your options should you choose to replace the tooth in the future. 3. An implant to replace the missing tooth is probably 4 or 5 times as expensive as the crown 4. A bridge that crowns the teeth on either side of the hole and puts a "falsie" into the space is about 3 times as expensive as the crown 5. A denture is only 25% as effective at chewing as a natural or crowned tooth. Most dental offices will either offer you payment options or put you in touch with a financing company that can spread the payment pain out over a few months.
How does a temporary layoff from work (3-4 weeks) affect your medical insurance?
Someone I know was just layed off on a temporary layoff ( 3-4) weeks and I was wondering how that affects your medical, dental, Life insurance? Any help please?
That someone needs to consult the employer.
That someone needs to consult the employer.
what are the dental requirements to join the navy ?
i have holes in a couple of my teeth. do i need perfect teeth to join the navy ? i am a DOD employee and it is open season right now so i am going to get dental insurance. i just wanted to know the dental requirements
Get ALL your teeth fixed before joining the NAVY! You need them to eat NAVY chow & MRE's!
Get ALL your teeth fixed before joining the NAVY! You need them to eat NAVY chow & MRE's!
What type of insurance can help me save money on lingual braces/dental care? Please help
How would a 17 year old, almost 18 save a good bit of money on insurance that would pay for a good bit of lingual braces (braces behind the teeth) I know a lot of insurance plans only cover you until age 18, and if the braces would be kept from 17 until part of 18, they might not cover. Im thinking my braces will NOT be the average 1-2 year time. In fact its only about one or two teeth crooked, and the dentist said it might only take about 5 to 6 months before they are straight. But i would like braces behind the teeth instead of traditional braces, however they are more expensive. Is there any way an insurance plan can pay good amounts of money on the braces on a 17 year old? Please help Thank you
insurance policies are priced based on the assuption that most people will not claim. since you seemm certain to claim, it is unlikely to get anyone to cover you.
insurance policies are priced based on the assuption that most people will not claim. since you seemm certain to claim, it is unlikely to get anyone to cover you.
How the heck does dental insurance work?
I called my insurance company buy the lady I talked to sounded really confused. If she's confused, how is that supposed to help me??? I know it varies from plan to plan. Here is what I know so far: I have a $2500 maximum per calendar year. I have an "80%/20%" plan (???) My deductable is $300 (???) Here is what I don't get: I went to the dentist, my bill was $306, my insurance paid for all but $28 of it... if my deductable is $300, shouldn't I have to pay $300? I do not understand the 80/20 thing, if I have a deductable too. Anyone insurange brokers out there?
You should pay the first $300, and 20% of the remainder. But with dental, there are some things that are covered, and some that aren't. Say you got a flouride treatment - that's usually not covere - you'd pay 100% of that. But usually the cleaning and exam is covered in full, not subject to the deductible.
You should pay the first $300, and 20% of the remainder. But with dental, there are some things that are covered, and some that aren't. Say you got a flouride treatment - that's usually not covere - you'd pay 100% of that. But usually the cleaning and exam is covered in full, not subject to the deductible.
Acscess tooth, no dental insurance, what do you recommend?
My husband has a back tooth that is broken and abscess. We know he needs to go see a dentist right away, but we dont have the cash to just walk right in and have it fixed. We have a dental plan but it doesnt go into effect until July 1st, 08. What other options do you think we have? I dont want him to keep suffering or something worse happen. And the detists that I have called wont tell me what it might cost because it depends on how bad it is....my husbands is bad. It is a broken tooth, they cant just pull it, they will have to cut it out I am sure.
I just got a large, chipped molar right next to my wisdom tooth extracted and it was abcess as well. I have insurance, but it didn't cover much. The bill said the cost was $226 for the extraction, $30 for the novocaine, and $20 for the after care before insurance. Almost half of the tooth was missing and they were still able to pull it without cutting. They caught the abcess early but it was still abcess nonetheless. I live in Maryland, and I think your price might be much cheaper than mine even without insurance. If this still doesn't sound like it suits you, talk to different dental places about payment plans and I'm sure some of them will try to work something out with you. Definitely don't wait until July! I can only imagine what kind of pain your husband is in, I couldn't sleep for three days because of my pain and mine had only just started to abcess.
I just got a large, chipped molar right next to my wisdom tooth extracted and it was abcess as well. I have insurance, but it didn't cover much. The bill said the cost was $226 for the extraction, $30 for the novocaine, and $20 for the after care before insurance. Almost half of the tooth was missing and they were still able to pull it without cutting. They caught the abcess early but it was still abcess nonetheless. I live in Maryland, and I think your price might be much cheaper than mine even without insurance. If this still doesn't sound like it suits you, talk to different dental places about payment plans and I'm sure some of them will try to work something out with you. Definitely don't wait until July! I can only imagine what kind of pain your husband is in, I couldn't sleep for three days because of my pain and mine had only just started to abcess.
Question for anyone who has GHI dental insurance.?
My husband works for the state.He gets his dental coverage through GHI.He added me to his policy for dental,vision and health as soon as we got married on the 14th of march.Shouldnt i have gotten a card?Am i covered and use the same card?I got my card already that has mine,my husbands and my sons name on it for health and vision(there under the same card and dental is seperate) a long time ago?Am i covered or is there like a waiting period or something?I read somewhere that there is like waiting period of 56 days or something from the day you become covered?Does anyone know anything about this??Hes going to call tommorow,just wondering about it now.
YEs there is a 3 months waiting period usually, and yes you must get a card
YEs there is a 3 months waiting period usually, and yes you must get a card
what is the best dental insurance for someone with out a job? PLEASE HELP!!!?
ok, i have a nice smile, but to be honest need a lot of work done, i am missing a front tooth, ( dentist pulled it out when i was younger, can't get him to pay) since i am missing a front tooth to the right of my two front teeth, these two teeth have spaced, also the lower teeth have spaced and need whiteing as well. I had braces and teeth went together, paid this in cash, but never had enough money after this to get an implant, so now am back to square one, it really sucks. So i am going to have to need oral surgery I think, orthodontist, and general dentistry. PLEASE HELP, i really do want to get this fixed, and am saving right now, but think insurance might be the best bet. I am a mechanical engineer without a job. Possibly if i get a job, the job might offer insurance..... Please Help!!!!!!
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
healthplans.my-age.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
What type of insurance can help me save money on lingual braces/dental care? Please help
How would a 17 year old, almost 18 save a good bit of money on insurance that would pay for a good bit of lingual braces (braces behind the teeth) I know a lot of insurance plans only cover you until age 18, and if the braces would be kept from 17 until part of 18, they might not cover. Im thinking my braces will NOT be the average 1-2 year time. In fact its only about one or two teeth crooked, and the dentist said it might only take about 5 to 6 months before they are straight. But i would like braces behind the teeth instead of traditional braces, however they are more expensive. Is there any way an insurance plan can pay good amounts of money on the braces on a 17 year old? Please help Thank you
well i suppose you arent 18 yet so you cant apply for private health cover but it is really good for instances like yours, as if you need a whole stack of money to be paid relating to your health, its affordable and will pay it all for you.why are u paying for them anyway? well there isnt any possible insurance plan you can use at seventeen, period. to get it covered by insurance you would have to wait until you are 18 unfortunetely.
well i suppose you arent 18 yet so you cant apply for private health cover but it is really good for instances like yours, as if you need a whole stack of money to be paid relating to your health, its affordable and will pay it all for you.why are u paying for them anyway? well there isnt any possible insurance plan you can use at seventeen, period. to get it covered by insurance you would have to wait until you are 18 unfortunetely.
I will have dental insurance in two months, but I have a cavity now?
It's in my lower back left teeth. What should I do? My insurance will be activated in 2 months, (six months, but it's already been 4 months since I got my job). What should I do? I don't want to lose my teeth. My parents said they will not pay for it because it's too expensive. They said wait the two months, but I'm scared that the hole will get bigger and filled with more plaque which will result in root canals... I don't know what to do. Should I just stop eating or something?
The best thing I advise is to make sure you are maintaining EXCELLENT oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after your meals, floss whenever you can, and use mouthwash. You can eat but there are certain food to stay away from. Don't eat anything to sticky or chewy, like taffy or gum. Sometimes teeth can survive years without turning into root canals but there are times that the decay inside the tooth is too sufficent and in that case the only way you can avoid a root canal is by have a filling placed in time.You need to maintain your oral hygiene as best as you can and wait until your insurance kicks in.
The best thing I advise is to make sure you are maintaining EXCELLENT oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after your meals, floss whenever you can, and use mouthwash. You can eat but there are certain food to stay away from. Don't eat anything to sticky or chewy, like taffy or gum. Sometimes teeth can survive years without turning into root canals but there are times that the decay inside the tooth is too sufficent and in that case the only way you can avoid a root canal is by have a filling placed in time.You need to maintain your oral hygiene as best as you can and wait until your insurance kicks in.
Is there any dental insurance that pays for crowns and root canals?
I went to a dentist to get a second opinion on my teeth. The first dentist, said I needed an implant where I now have a crown. The second dentist told me that this was not pressing at this time. However, the second dentist tried to tell me I needed 13,000 dollars worth of dental work including root canals, crowns and fillings. I have always taken care of my teeth, and gone to the dentist, twice a year. I am very upset and confused about this plan of treatment this dentist gave me. Any help from any dentists out there would be appreciated.
No health plan will cover 100% of everything, but do search around
No health plan will cover 100% of everything, but do search around
Where can a person go and find low cost dental services in North Texas?
I have a sibling who has no dental/health insurance (she works part time and goes to college), and she believes she has a couple of abscessed wisdom teeth. Does anyone know of a local dental professional or local health services (Denton or Collin County) which would provide low-cost (and/or payment plan) for dental care?
You are asking the world when you should be asking around your town. Start by phoning your local dental school. They are always seeking patients for their students to work with. Ask at your local church. Call the county health services department. In the USA, counties typically manage health care services. And, of course, ask at the college! Students are always looking for low-cost health care (and not just contraceptives!), so the school will know who provides service in the community.
You are asking the world when you should be asking around your town. Start by phoning your local dental school. They are always seeking patients for their students to work with. Ask at your local church. Call the county health services department. In the USA, counties typically manage health care services. And, of course, ask at the college! Students are always looking for low-cost health care (and not just contraceptives!), so the school will know who provides service in the community.
Dental Office Billing/Insurance problems...?
I had oral surgery in January 2009. The billing to me and to my insurance carrier has been hopelessly confused and confusing. Originally I was given and signed a "treatment plan" by the dental office that covered (and they acknowledged this) many possibilities for my oral surgery, most of which did not end up happening. At the time of the procedure I paid $244.60, my "co pay". What portions of my procedures this covered and how it breaks out has never been made clear to me. In fact, one person in the office today said that she wasn't sure where that amount came from! Over the next few months, I'd receive statements from the office with a large balance due, but none of these showed more than some small payments by my insurer, so I figured that the insurance payments just hadn't caught up. I called the dentist several times to ask what was going on, and was told that they still had to submit some documentation to the insurer. When I called the insurer, they would say that they were waiting for information from the dentist office. The Dental office put my account into collections in May, saying that I'd never contacted them regarding my account. This, however, is NOT the issue. I pointed out to them that I had contacted them several times, that at least part of my charges that had been denied by the insurer were being appealed and they ended the collection attempt. NOW, note that it's DECEMBER, the insurer keeps saying that they haven't gotten the documentation they need from the dentist, the dentist says that they have sent, again and again, the documentation the insurer is asking for and I'm at this point totally confused as to what I might actually owe. I have "account history" ledger printouts from the dental office that in one case does not agree with earlier copies of the same history (one amount has been changed). I'm not clear on what I'm supposed to be paying, since they've billed some items differently to me and the insurer. How can I get help sorting out what I actually owe? Thanks,
I would say that it is up to your dentist to give you a complete brake down of the services and charges they are sending to your insurance company. Your insurance company is only going by what they get from your dentist. If your dentist is changing that all the time well I can see the confusion.. Tell you dentist you want the brake down it is your right to have it. Tell them you want them to list all the ADA Codes that they are billing your insurance company for and their cost. Knowing your ADA codes is the key to this mess. Number Do Not Change. How they may word things may. ADA codes tell everyone from the dentist to the insurance carrier what it is that you had done. Once you have that complete list call your insurance carrier get the name of the person you are talking to and try to only deal with one person. If they change people on you make sure you write down their name and any extensions they may have. Tell them you are going to fax the statement to them. And that you will be calling a back to confirm that they got your fax. That will stop them from saying to you that they did not get what the need. From there you can address what is and what is not getting covered under your plan. Address services listed on the billing by their ADA codes therefore there is no confusion on what it is you are talking about. If they say something is not covered like you thought it should be ask them were it shows that in your policy. (note make sure you have your policy when calling) Never raise your voice.. and try not to get upset. Showing them that you know what you are talking about will help you out 100%, Question your dental office if the billing does not look right have them explain why they are charging you for every line item if you have to. It sounds like they are totally messed up over there. Make sure you understand what they are charging you for so that you can address that with your insurance company. It is sad that you have to get in the middle of this mess but if you just go with the flow you are the one that is losing out.
I would say that it is up to your dentist to give you a complete brake down of the services and charges they are sending to your insurance company. Your insurance company is only going by what they get from your dentist. If your dentist is changing that all the time well I can see the confusion.. Tell you dentist you want the brake down it is your right to have it. Tell them you want them to list all the ADA Codes that they are billing your insurance company for and their cost. Knowing your ADA codes is the key to this mess. Number Do Not Change. How they may word things may. ADA codes tell everyone from the dentist to the insurance carrier what it is that you had done. Once you have that complete list call your insurance carrier get the name of the person you are talking to and try to only deal with one person. If they change people on you make sure you write down their name and any extensions they may have. Tell them you are going to fax the statement to them. And that you will be calling a back to confirm that they got your fax. That will stop them from saying to you that they did not get what the need. From there you can address what is and what is not getting covered under your plan. Address services listed on the billing by their ADA codes therefore there is no confusion on what it is you are talking about. If they say something is not covered like you thought it should be ask them were it shows that in your policy. (note make sure you have your policy when calling) Never raise your voice.. and try not to get upset. Showing them that you know what you are talking about will help you out 100%, Question your dental office if the billing does not look right have them explain why they are charging you for every line item if you have to. It sounds like they are totally messed up over there. Make sure you understand what they are charging you for so that you can address that with your insurance company. It is sad that you have to get in the middle of this mess but if you just go with the flow you are the one that is losing out.
I dont have dental insurance &?
my wisdom tooth is hurting bad. it has my ear, throat & whole left side of mouth hurting. Does anyone know whr i can go that has payment plans around Hagerstown, MD or Chambersburg, PA area?? I was told I should skip the regular dentist & go straight to Oral Surgeon Place to save money. But ive calld some places & no one has payment plans. Id really just like to get the tooth pulld cuz it's given me nothing but trouble since it came thru. Anyone have any suggestions please??
Try going to www.carecredit.com you can search for dentists in your area who take carecredit, and if there are some then apply for the card, its basically a card for dental and other medical work. That way you can pay the card off and not worry about paying the dentist off since alot of dentist don't do payment plans.
Try going to www.carecredit.com you can search for dentists in your area who take carecredit, and if there are some then apply for the card, its basically a card for dental and other medical work. That way you can pay the card off and not worry about paying the dentist off since alot of dentist don't do payment plans.
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