So on my left side, my 2 last molars (one on the top and one on the bottom) have had cavities in them for a while because I hate going to the dentist. So should I get a root canal or extraction? I'm 18 years old and my family doesn't have that much money to spend on dental work. Also, we don't have dental insurance... So if I were to get an extraction, I wouldn't need an implant or bridge right? because if i get both the top and bottom molar out (on the same left side), then they won't be bothering each other. So I wouldn't need an implant or bridge right? Maybe a partial denture in the beginning healing time or something. So yeah, if anyone can help with suggestions? Thanks a lot guys!
Okay, if you are talking about your 3rd molars (aka Wisdom teeth) then most people need to have them extracted. Now if you are talking 2nd molars, you have more to think about. Ask any [elderly] person with a partial denture or full denture about teeth and I'll bet you hear, "I wish I would have taken care of my teeth." If at all possible, especially since you're 18 with years and years yet to chew, try to keep them by the root canals and crowns. The cost per procedure, per tooth varies some at different offices so get all pricing info in writing. (I'd say over $1000+ each) Implants could be a possibility later as they would fill in for the teeth that were extracted but they can also be costly and more involved. Your dental office will be able to go over all of the different options and costs and hopefully offer some payment plans. Oh, if you are scared or nervous with the dentist then tell them so they can help you. And remember... brush brush brush and floss floss floss... (it might have saved you from this problem)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Can I go to the ER to get my tooth pulled if I can't stand the pain?
After visiting a dentist for the first time in several years, I was told I needed 2 root canals as soon as possible. I have no dental insurance and I cannot afford to pay over $1000 for both root canals. But both teeth are causing so much excruciating pain that I can't sleep at night. The pain shoots through the left side of my mouth and throbs in my jaw. This has been happening for the past week and as the days pass, the pain intensifies and lingers for longer periods of time. I have to take 4-6 500mg Aleve or Naproxen everyday to get rid of the pain. I'm at the point of tears. If I go to the emergency room, will they be able to pull both teeth and cease the pain forever? I have health insurance through my parents.
The E.R or any other non-dentist WILL NOT pull teeth. Trust me, I've had 5 pulled out of my skull. It's about $150 per tooth if it's not too decayed to pull without breaking. If they won't pull it at the first dentist you went to, find one that will.
The E.R or any other non-dentist WILL NOT pull teeth. Trust me, I've had 5 pulled out of my skull. It's about $150 per tooth if it's not too decayed to pull without breaking. If they won't pull it at the first dentist you went to, find one that will.
Abcess or infected toth?
My mouth started hurting yesterday. Right where my wisdom tooth is. I'm wondering if it may be an abcess or and infection. Don't tell me to see a dentist, I can't afford it and don't have dental insurance. Anyways, it hurts, and it's even made it painful to swallow. I've also heard that it can be caused by sinus problems, which also makes me wonder because I've been having serious sinus headaches for the last few weeks. Has anyone else had this problem and what was it and what did you do? I tried researching it a little bit but I'm not getting any real answers. I want to avoid the dentist if at all possible. Like I said, no insurance, cant afford much, and I just started a new job a few weeks ago and I don't think I can get the time off for an appointment. Let me know what what you guys think.
I know the feeling and have been there. Hold Listerine on the tooth for severl minutes 3-4- times a day.
I know the feeling and have been there. Hold Listerine on the tooth for severl minutes 3-4- times a day.
This is one major reason California is on the brink of bankruptcy! WHAT AN EYE OPENER!!! Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal Here is an example of why hiring illegal aliens is not economically productive for the State of California ... You have 2 families..."Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal". Both families have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California. "Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes $25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted...."Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has "NO" Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table". Joe Legal...$25.00 per hour x 40 hours $1000.00 per week, $52,000 per year Now take 30% away for state and federal tax. Joe Legal now has $31,231.00 Jose Illegal...$15.00 per hour x 40 hours $600.00 per week, $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes... Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00 Joe Legal pays Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage $1000.00 per month $12,000.00 per year Joe Legal now has $19,231.00 Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00 Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for Food Stamps or welfare Joe Legal pays for food $1,000.00 per month $12,000.00 per year Joe Legal now has $ 7,231.00 Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and Welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200..00 Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000..00 per month $12,000.00 per year Joe Legal is now in the hole minus (-) $4,769.00 Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy Jose Illegal pays rent $500.00 per month $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $25,200.00 Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work to break even. Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family. Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after school ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home. Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services. Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay. Why would you support any politician that supports illegal aliens? Its PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans and vote these people out regardless of their part affiliation!
Jose is still illegal and should not even be considered for anything.
Jose is still illegal and should not even be considered for anything.
What's your perspective on dentures/braces/or jacked up teeth for a 21 year old?
K so my teeth or messed up. When I was a teenager I used to be stupid & bulimic so I have a lot of cavities that hurt. I dont' have dental insurance but I'm about to get it. I'm trying to figure what's best for me. I am thinking about getting braces. Regular ones because they are cheaper and I will have tricare insurance. The thing is I'm 21 and I think I might look gross with braces. That's why I'm thinking of dentures. Because then I'll have straight teeth right away and my husband didn't seem to care at all.
Definitely do the braces. They are temporary, if you get all your teeth pulled out, that's permanent! Braces are different now, you only have to wear them for like, 16-18 months now. Good luck hun.
Definitely do the braces. They are temporary, if you get all your teeth pulled out, that's permanent! Braces are different now, you only have to wear them for like, 16-18 months now. Good luck hun.
Getting married while in college (financial issues)?
Me and my fiance have been together 6 years and want to get married this summer. Our parents have agreed to pay for the wedding, but we are looking into how getting married will change our financial status. How will we get medical, eye, and dental insurance? Will we still be able to get school loans? Can our parents still cosign a loan if we aren't dependent on them? We each take out 20,000 a year in loans for school and we have 4 more years to go before he is a pharmacist and I am a mental health therapist. We dont want to get married and then find out we cant get loans or insurance and not be able to finish college. Any advice???
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! 1. Insurance: you have three options for insurance. Most people get it through their employer, but if neither of you have an employer that offers insurance, you'll have to take a different option. Some universities have programs for students, so check with your school. Other than that, you can just go see an insurance agent and buy private pay insurance. You can start with your car insurance agent, and if s/he doesn't sell health/eye/dental insurance, s/he can probably recommend somebody. 2. Yes, you can still apply for and qualify for student loans. However, you need to be careful and not take out a lot of loans for a career that isn't going to pay a lot. My husband works in the student loan industry, and he's had teachers making $28k a year calling because they can't pay off their $80k in student loans. Well, duh. If you're only going to be making $28k a year, you probably shouldn't take out that much in student loans. To be honest, it looks like the two of you are heading in that direction. If you're PLANNING on taking out $160,000 in the next four years -- on top of whatever loans you already have -- before either of you has a job, and your jobs are not going to pay six figures when you graduate (and they won't), you are setting yourself up for financial catastrophe. The sensible thing for the two of you to do is to work out another game plan. For example, your fiance can become a pharm tech after only three years of schooling and get a decent income after that. So you could go to school part time and work full time (perhaps as an aide in a psychiatric institution) until your fiance completes that much training. Then your fiance could go to work full time as a pharm tech and go to school part-time while you return to school full time to finish your degree. When you've graduated and acquired a job as a mental health therapist, your fiance can then return to school full-time to complete the full pharmacy degree unless he's already finished up. That's just one possible scenario. No matter what plan you implement, be aggressive in applying for scholarships and grants. 3. Depending on how the loan is written, your parents may or may not be able to co-sign a student loan for you.
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! 1. Insurance: you have three options for insurance. Most people get it through their employer, but if neither of you have an employer that offers insurance, you'll have to take a different option. Some universities have programs for students, so check with your school. Other than that, you can just go see an insurance agent and buy private pay insurance. You can start with your car insurance agent, and if s/he doesn't sell health/eye/dental insurance, s/he can probably recommend somebody. 2. Yes, you can still apply for and qualify for student loans. However, you need to be careful and not take out a lot of loans for a career that isn't going to pay a lot. My husband works in the student loan industry, and he's had teachers making $28k a year calling because they can't pay off their $80k in student loans. Well, duh. If you're only going to be making $28k a year, you probably shouldn't take out that much in student loans. To be honest, it looks like the two of you are heading in that direction. If you're PLANNING on taking out $160,000 in the next four years -- on top of whatever loans you already have -- before either of you has a job, and your jobs are not going to pay six figures when you graduate (and they won't), you are setting yourself up for financial catastrophe. The sensible thing for the two of you to do is to work out another game plan. For example, your fiance can become a pharm tech after only three years of schooling and get a decent income after that. So you could go to school part time and work full time (perhaps as an aide in a psychiatric institution) until your fiance completes that much training. Then your fiance could go to work full time as a pharm tech and go to school part-time while you return to school full time to finish your degree. When you've graduated and acquired a job as a mental health therapist, your fiance can then return to school full-time to complete the full pharmacy degree unless he's already finished up. That's just one possible scenario. No matter what plan you implement, be aggressive in applying for scholarships and grants. 3. Depending on how the loan is written, your parents may or may not be able to co-sign a student loan for you.
Computer help!!! pseudocode?
what is the answer to the following q's? 9. A group of variables is often called a ____. (Points: 1) linked group data structure data object module . A statement that asks a user to enter information is called a ____. (Points: 1) delimiter breaker prompt read 13. What is the problem with the following pseudocode if you assume that the housekeeping() module does not perform a read? start perform housekeeping() (without read) while not eof read invRecord profit = invPrice - invCost print invItemName, invPrice, invCost, profit endwhile (Points: 1) there is no priming read and the while not eof check may fail there is no check for the end of the file the loop is not structured there is no input Assume that out of 1000 employees, 900 employees in the company have medical insurance and 500 have dental insurance. How many times will the following decision structures be executed in total? if empDentalIns = "Y" then if empMedicalIns = "Y" then print empIdNumber, empLastName, empFirstName endif endif (Points: 1) 500 900 1500 1900 What pseudocode is used in a binary selection? (Points: 1) if-then if-then-else while do-while
I agree with one of the other answerers on 4 out of the 5 questions. Their answers were. 1. data object 2. prompt 3. there is no input 4. 500 5. if-then-else But I believe they have got question 3. wrong. The answer should be: there is no priming read and the while not eof check may fail As the while loop while activate, and if it is the end of file when you first read it in, there will be no invRecord. A priming read should be done to check if the file is not empty. The following: perform housekeeping() (without read) while not eof read invRecord profit = invPrice - invCost print invItemName, invPrice, invCost, profit endwhile (Points: 1) Should be changed to something like. perform housekeeping() (without read) read invRecord while not eof profit = invPrice - invCost print invItemName, invPrice, invCost, profit read invRecord endwhile (Points: 1) On another note: It would only be 500 for the question about health and dental insurance if you need to have health insurance to be able to have dental insurance. If you could have dental insurance without health insurance, the answer would be: A minimum of 400 and a maximum of 500.
I agree with one of the other answerers on 4 out of the 5 questions. Their answers were. 1. data object 2. prompt 3. there is no input 4. 500 5. if-then-else But I believe they have got question 3. wrong. The answer should be: there is no priming read and the while not eof check may fail As the while loop while activate, and if it is the end of file when you first read it in, there will be no invRecord. A priming read should be done to check if the file is not empty. The following: perform housekeeping() (without read) while not eof read invRecord profit = invPrice - invCost print invItemName, invPrice, invCost, profit endwhile (Points: 1) Should be changed to something like. perform housekeeping() (without read) read invRecord while not eof profit = invPrice - invCost print invItemName, invPrice, invCost, profit read invRecord endwhile (Points: 1) On another note: It would only be 500 for the question about health and dental insurance if you need to have health insurance to be able to have dental insurance. If you could have dental insurance without health insurance, the answer would be: A minimum of 400 and a maximum of 500.
Can I wait a day or two to have an abscessed drained?
I made a post earlier this morning about a tooth problem I was having, thinking it was just a toothache/mild infection. But i just noticed I have a bubble/blister on my gum so I am guessing it is an abscess. I did call the dentist office this morning (i have no dental insurance, but there is a good affordable dental clinic I can go to) and they had no openings today and said they would call tomorrow if someone were to cancel. I just called and left a message about what I found, hoping they will squeeze me in tomorrow. I know this has to be drained and I will not attempt to do it myself...but if they cant fit me in until Friday or so will I be ok? I am on antibiotics and rinsing with salt water and peroxide.
What you have is a Fistula . It is already draining most likely. When a tooth becomes infected (Abscessed) usually the infection finds the least path of resistance and forms a boil outside of the tooth so it can drain. It seeps slowly so you probably have no idea you are swallowing all that infection. The boil will often times remain a boil but will drain from the center (usually hard for you to see) I would not poke at it, you will make it worse. Leave it be and get to a professional. If you have to wait a few days, no worries. When Fistulas do not form, that is when you see people with severe swelling in the face. Your face will not swell since the fistula is present and draining. You stated that "you know this has to be drained" and that is incorrect. If your face was huge and swollen that is when they do an I & D (incise and drain) leaving small rubber tubing in the area, keeping it open for drainage. This is not you. You will be fine, since you are already on antibiotics, to wait a few days. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. All the best
What you have is a Fistula . It is already draining most likely. When a tooth becomes infected (Abscessed) usually the infection finds the least path of resistance and forms a boil outside of the tooth so it can drain. It seeps slowly so you probably have no idea you are swallowing all that infection. The boil will often times remain a boil but will drain from the center (usually hard for you to see) I would not poke at it, you will make it worse. Leave it be and get to a professional. If you have to wait a few days, no worries. When Fistulas do not form, that is when you see people with severe swelling in the face. Your face will not swell since the fistula is present and draining. You stated that "you know this has to be drained" and that is incorrect. If your face was huge and swollen that is when they do an I & D (incise and drain) leaving small rubber tubing in the area, keeping it open for drainage. This is not you. You will be fine, since you are already on antibiotics, to wait a few days. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. All the best
Doxycycline for infected wisdom tooth?
Would it be ok to take doxycycline for an infected wisdom tooth? I went to the dentist on Thursday and he gave me some mouth rinse to seems to have helped a bit. The actual area around my tooth is a bit better-less red and painful, but still a bit swollen. But I noticed a couple nights ago that it is now really red back behind the infected tooth-like towards my throat, but not quite in my throat. It doesn't really hurt, maybe burns a bit, but nothing too bad. I thought maybe the infection had spread to that tissue possibly. The thing is, I don't have dental insurance and i really can't afford to go back to the dentist just to ask him this. I had some doxycycline left over from an illness a few months ago. About a weeks worth. Is it ok if I take it to see if it clears up this red area? I already took one last night after reading that the infection can spread to the throat and it can be very serious. I will also be having my wisdom teeth out in a couple weeks by an oral surgeon, do I need to tell him I took the doxycycline for this? I apologize for this not being in the dental section, but I never get any help there. Thanks.
amoxcillin is better for an oral infection. and yes i would advise your dentist you have been taking it.
amoxcillin is better for an oral infection. and yes i would advise your dentist you have been taking it.
how do i get my old dentist to pay for a crappy crown job to be replaced after only 2 yrs??? HELP!!?
So, 2 years ago my previous dentist told me i should get some crowns b/c of my old silver fillings were big. Since i'm no dentist and i believed that he was looking out for me, i said okay. So I paid so much money, i mean lots of money, they aren't cheap.. Now, my new dentist (i had to switch b/c of dental insurance) said that they need to be replaced b/c of spacing(meaning you can see it and it's not covering the tooth ). she asked me how long it has been like this and i said since the first day i got them. She said this is something you would see after 10 years..OMG!! i got so sad and starting thinking how am i going to pay for this.. i got laid off 6 months ago and i cant afford this. This shouldn't be happening! oh and to top it off, one of the crowns fell out 2 days after it was put in, and he just cleaned it out a little and glued it back on. Long story short, how do i get the old dentist to pay for the work that needs to be done? I believe i should not pay to have them replaced. (I'm on California) what would be the best way to go about this? I was thinking of doing a complaint to the cali dental board and maybe getting a lawyer . I really need help!!
first you should contact your previous dentist. They will have on record the part about gluing them back in and anything else you may have encountered. Most dentists will warranty their work. Just let him know you are disappointed in the crowns. Dentists like people to like their work!! If they don't word of mouth is then negative. See what your dentist offers you. then go from there! Good luck!
first you should contact your previous dentist. They will have on record the part about gluing them back in and anything else you may have encountered. Most dentists will warranty their work. Just let him know you are disappointed in the crowns. Dentists like people to like their work!! If they don't word of mouth is then negative. See what your dentist offers you. then go from there! Good luck!
23 no dentist?
Im 23 and basically my whole life Ive never been to the dentist , I went once when I was 13 to have a tooth pulled but other than than I never went to the dentist , my parents never had enough money to take us. Now that Im older and I have my own kids I know how important it is to take them to the dentist every 6 months. About 4 years ago I noticed my teeth started decaying , the back two molars are almost completely gone from cavities and I have other cavities that are now coming up but it has never hurt until now - I can barely talk and all my words are slurred because my teeth are sooo sensative. I know its important that I see a dentist right away but Im scared and embarrassed that my teeth are soooo bad and Im scared about what the dentist is going to say. Im also scared about how much money it is going to cost me , I dont have insurance for myself . Any advice or tips on how to deal with this situation or maybe a dental Insurance info can help ??? And what can I expect when Igo.
You are not the first person this has happened that is nothing to be scared need to tell your story just as you did here and they have all heard this before... Now on to the problems...if your teeth are decaying, it is an infection and bad for your whole body, not just your mouth...they sound like they need to be extracted...but, you need to find a good dentist,(ask around to friends you trust, or call your local dental society for someone reputable) and see if they offer a plan like CareCredit (a dental line of credit, google it) then you can make payments and spread the cost over a year or more... It is better just to get started, and may not be as bad as you think....they will do a inital health history, exam, then some x-rays, and then tell you what is needed.... Do not be afraid to get into a dialogue over what you want to be done first and what you can afford. The best policy is to be up front about your needs and concerns and then you establish a good, open and complete rapport with the office. Again.....please do not be concerned that you have never been....many young adults are in your same situation, and the important thing to do is to get it taken care of....even if it will take some time, it is better to get started so you can get healthy again....remember, the decay is an infection, and needs to be is not good for your general health!! Good luck.....and not to worry....
You are not the first person this has happened that is nothing to be scared need to tell your story just as you did here and they have all heard this before... Now on to the problems...if your teeth are decaying, it is an infection and bad for your whole body, not just your mouth...they sound like they need to be extracted...but, you need to find a good dentist,(ask around to friends you trust, or call your local dental society for someone reputable) and see if they offer a plan like CareCredit (a dental line of credit, google it) then you can make payments and spread the cost over a year or more... It is better just to get started, and may not be as bad as you think....they will do a inital health history, exam, then some x-rays, and then tell you what is needed.... Do not be afraid to get into a dialogue over what you want to be done first and what you can afford. The best policy is to be up front about your needs and concerns and then you establish a good, open and complete rapport with the office. Again.....please do not be concerned that you have never been....many young adults are in your same situation, and the important thing to do is to get it taken care of....even if it will take some time, it is better to get started so you can get healthy again....remember, the decay is an infection, and needs to be is not good for your general health!! Good luck.....and not to worry....
What are long-term risks of wisdom teeth extraction?
I had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted about a year and a half ago. All the sockets healed up fine, but my lower right socket had some bleeding problems and took a little longer. Actually, that one caused me the most pain during the procedure, as well. Now, there is a swell in the place where the socket used to be, like something is going to come out. It hurts quite a bit, and has cause that side of my face and my ear to swell. Also, it is difficult to chew on that side because of pain in the jaw; certain ways I move my neck also aggravate it. I have brushed this area out and made sure there's nothing stuck in my gums. I'm sure this is a dental problem because this has actually caused my lower teeth to move, just like they did when my wisdom teeth started giving me problems. Does anyone know what this could be? Is is possible to have a second wisdom tooth come in? Could something else becoming in? I'm 21, and already have my adult teeth. Advice is appreciated, as I have no dental insurance.
It sounds like an infection has settled in your socket and in your glands. You need to see a dentist. It may have been that you got dry socket when you had this done and never took care of it. My daughter had this and we had to go back twice for treatment to the surgeon that did the surgery. She could not take care of it herself - he had to use special tool and medicine when this happened. This can only get worse. You need to take care of it soon. Go to they are a discount dental benefits company you can get coverage immediately for $14.95 a month and go to dentist same day. Also see if there are any providers in your area too before you do anything financially. Hope this helps. Take care of soon.
It sounds like an infection has settled in your socket and in your glands. You need to see a dentist. It may have been that you got dry socket when you had this done and never took care of it. My daughter had this and we had to go back twice for treatment to the surgeon that did the surgery. She could not take care of it herself - he had to use special tool and medicine when this happened. This can only get worse. You need to take care of it soon. Go to they are a discount dental benefits company you can get coverage immediately for $14.95 a month and go to dentist same day. Also see if there are any providers in your area too before you do anything financially. Hope this helps. Take care of soon.
Can an inpacted wisdom tooth cause a lot of pain?
I have 4 impacted wisdom teeth, and they've been that way for years. Once in awhile, one of them will hurt and start to swell, and I need antibiotics because it has become abscess (this happens maybe once every 6-18 months.) Anyway, one of my impacted wisdom teeth has been hurting for about 2 days. It's not infected/abscess because it's not swollen, but it hurts BAD and it has been getting worse each day for a few days. I have medical insurance but do not have dental insurance. Do you think the pain is just the tooth trying to push through, or could it be something else? Thanks! :D
OH yeah ! If they try to start coming up thru the jaw bone and the socket isnt big enough ( which is what impacted means) . It hurts like crazy. I had to go in the middle of the night once, and get my one bottom tooth removed. The top ones are easy. They are usually just the crown and no roots. I think its the pain from the tooth and not something else. You might see if they will give you some Darvon or something to ease the pain, and maybe it will ease off. ( Actually, I have dental insurance and what I pay per month. I think I could just as well pay my bill ) Here's what going on…
OH yeah ! If they try to start coming up thru the jaw bone and the socket isnt big enough ( which is what impacted means) . It hurts like crazy. I had to go in the middle of the night once, and get my one bottom tooth removed. The top ones are easy. They are usually just the crown and no roots. I think its the pain from the tooth and not something else. You might see if they will give you some Darvon or something to ease the pain, and maybe it will ease off. ( Actually, I have dental insurance and what I pay per month. I think I could just as well pay my bill ) Here's what going on…
My wisdom teeth are coming in, and I go on a cruise in 3 1/2 weeks. What do I do?
My wisdom tooth is coming in on the upper left side. I am leaving for a cruise on April 13th. I don't know if I should just suck it up and deal with it while I'm on my cruise, or have them removed before then? But then I get in the spot where I don't have dental insurance (or any insurance for that matter). I'll probably just deal with it untill after my cruise. I know that it will take WEEKS for it to heal if I have them extracted. Let me knwo what you think
The extraction will take about a week to heal, but it will be tender aferwards. How long? Everyone's different maybe 1 week or 3 weeks the most. If I was in your situation, I would wait until after my cruise. You are going to want to enjoy your vacation and not have to worry about the kind of food you eat (crunchy stuff will feel like murder, all that poking) and not have to worry about keeping it clean. It will be very sore afterwards, so you may want to wait until your cruise is over so you can deal with it in the comfort of your own home.
The extraction will take about a week to heal, but it will be tender aferwards. How long? Everyone's different maybe 1 week or 3 weeks the most. If I was in your situation, I would wait until after my cruise. You are going to want to enjoy your vacation and not have to worry about the kind of food you eat (crunchy stuff will feel like murder, all that poking) and not have to worry about keeping it clean. It will be very sore afterwards, so you may want to wait until your cruise is over so you can deal with it in the comfort of your own home.
Can i still get flippers?
i know that flippers are usually used for patients with missing teeth, but i really hate my off-centered, crowded front teeth i have, not to mention my impacted canines that are stuck up under my lip like fangs and don't contribute at all to my smile... so in that sense i guess i do have "missing" teeth, or at least teeth that you can't see! anyway my question is, would it be sensible for me to get flippers anyway? we don't have great dental insurance so braces are out of the question for now, but my mom's working on the insurance so basically i want to use flippers until something permanent can be done with my teeth! i hate my smile :(
Possibly. You mentioned you have "crowding" but open spots where the missing canines are. If there is crowding to the point you can't fit a canine in there, you probably can't fit a flipper tooth in either. You would have to have little skinny teeth in these spot that may not look any better than an open gap. You'd really need to post at least a picture to get a reliable answer on this one. A couple pictures with a measuring ruler up next to the gaps would be even better.
Possibly. You mentioned you have "crowding" but open spots where the missing canines are. If there is crowding to the point you can't fit a canine in there, you probably can't fit a flipper tooth in either. You would have to have little skinny teeth in these spot that may not look any better than an open gap. You'd really need to post at least a picture to get a reliable answer on this one. A couple pictures with a measuring ruler up next to the gaps would be even better.
In the state of California, what expenses are and are not included in a general child support order?
I am a single mother and full custodial parent to four children. I have full physical and full legal custody of my children. My children are with their father 0% of the time (his choice). The original child support order stated that he would fully support the children until I finish school and find a job. In exchange, I agreed to waive spousal...we were married 10 years so it is saving him alot. I will be graduating soon and we will be re working the child support order. I am needing some input on what expenses are included, in child support orders, and what expenses are not and are to be split 50/50. His work pays for the medical and dental insurance so he pays nothing out of pocket for this. How do childcare expenses figure into child support? Are braces included with medical/dental? How about extracurricular activities?
Normally, the expenses are not broken down, but rather a percentage of his income goes for child support, most likely with 4 children, about 35%. Have your lawyer help you draw up the new agreement to include some things you want, is my advice!
Normally, the expenses are not broken down, but rather a percentage of his income goes for child support, most likely with 4 children, about 35%. Have your lawyer help you draw up the new agreement to include some things you want, is my advice!
I think I need a root canal?
I was eating some hard candy about 2 years ago and broke a tooth (one of the ones on top, on the side...not visible when smiling). I haven't felt any pain whatsoever but for the past couple of months it has really been bothering me. What can I expect of the overall experience? I will be going through Greenberg Dental so if anyone has any experience with this group, your feedback would be great. How much can I expect to pay (I have Delta Dental insurance)? What is the pain like? How much will it cost? What is the recovery time? Is there any maintenance afterwards (other than normal oral hygiene)? I am going to try to do it in January but may have to get it done sooner because I can no longer chew on that side of the mouth and it hurts to even brush my teeth on that side of my mouth. PLEASE HELP!!!
i just had two done not to long ago. i didn't get them from that dental group though. it is painful because they numb you. i had to wait a couple of hours before i could eat again. and you have to have a couple apointments. it's basicly like a big cavity. i don't know about the price because my parents insurance covered it
i just had two done not to long ago. i didn't get them from that dental group though. it is painful because they numb you. i had to wait a couple of hours before i could eat again. and you have to have a couple apointments. it's basicly like a big cavity. i don't know about the price because my parents insurance covered it
Marriage problems - stay or go?
4 years ago, our little girl was born. Since that beautiful event, my wife has no interest in me at all. I don't consider myself ugly or unattractive...I could of moved on several times. Unfortunately for me, I do love her. Here are some key facts: 1. She plays Warcraft 8+ hours a day 2. She left me for a guy she met on Warcraft, about 6 months before I left for Iraq....If you ask her about it today, she will say she was just joking - the "joke" cost me 2800 in phone bills where she was calling him in Canada. 3. Upon returning from Iraq, I was dropped off by a bus in 0 degree weather and had to wait an hour in a deserted parking lot by myself for her to pick me up - then its my fault for being freaked out-which now is the running excuse that she is "afraid" of me or that i am "angry" all the time. 4. We have had sex no more than 4 times in the past 4 years. 5. She has no regard for money and only cleans the house when her mother yells at her. 6. She has serious dental problems - Up until last month I had dental insurance and enough free cash to replace every tooth in her head, she chooses to let them rot. In all of this, I just throw myself into my work. My heart breaks every day as I look at a woman I love, but doesn't give me the time of day. I really don't want to get a divorce (this would be my third) but I am not getting any younger and I'm just miserable. I have asked her point blank, no bull, what is going on - but everything is always fine according to her. I know this is rather convoluted to get to this point, but do I stay or do I go? THanks
sorry its not what you want to hear, but you should go. Your wife checked out of the marriage quite some time ago by the sounds of it. You deserve better, you may love her and not want to divorce again, but she does not love or respect you, Is it worth staying? i would rather be happy and alone and at least have the possibility of finding someones who truly loves me than settle for a lifetime of unhappiness,
sorry its not what you want to hear, but you should go. Your wife checked out of the marriage quite some time ago by the sounds of it. You deserve better, you may love her and not want to divorce again, but she does not love or respect you, Is it worth staying? i would rather be happy and alone and at least have the possibility of finding someones who truly loves me than settle for a lifetime of unhappiness,
I'm depressed. I have way too many problems.. HELP!!?
I'm going to try and make this as short as possible. I'm a 20 year old male, High-school drop-out, I'm over weight(Even though that is my best atribute cause i lost soo much weight already), I have bad front upper teeth(From drug abuse in the past).I have no dental insurance. I also have really bad back acne. Yet again, no insurance. I havent had a check-up in 2 years.. I haven't spoken to my mom in almost 3 years. (Because of the drugs, she wants nothing to do with me. I don't even know where she is, or if she's even alive) :( Both of my older brothers live out of state, Have kids and a life. I only really talk to one of them. I live with step-family. I used to be okay with chicks, then i just lost my touch. And its now been 6 years since i've had a girlfriend. And I recently lost my job. As soon as that happened, I went into this state of major depression. As I have really no REAL experience, I'm stuck unemployed. And I feel more depressed now than ever. I have NO idea what to do. I just feel as if i'm losing myself. I know i should be doing something at my age(Work, College, ETC.) But since I dropped-out of high school everyone frowns on that too.. Please, is there someone out there that can help Ease the pain..
Check out… it has lots of articles on that kind of stuff. Also, don't give up hope. There's plenty of ways to find new jobs. Like WorkSource (which I don't know if it's in you're area). Even being a highschool drop-out, there are ways.
Check out… it has lots of articles on that kind of stuff. Also, don't give up hope. There's plenty of ways to find new jobs. Like WorkSource (which I don't know if it's in you're area). Even being a highschool drop-out, there are ways.
If you were my husband, would you be mad at me?
Yesterday, I fell and chipped a tooth. Furious with pain and bleeding, I shoved our children at my husband and left in our one working car. We don't have dental insurance so now we have 120 dentist bill. (they took pity on the fact that we have no insurance.) On the way home, I someone managed to blow the engine on our one working car. Today I got a notice from our bank that I had overdrawn our account by $80 because a bill I had paid hadn't cleared for 8 days,and the bank said we had available balance. I bought diaper, formula, sugar, and soda. Of course I can't return this stuff we;ve used over the past 8 days. I've lost us thousands of dollars in 48 hours. If you were my husband, would you be pissed? I didn't do it on purpose...
Well it is all rather overwhelming, but there is no reason for him to be upset with you unless you're taking your frustrations out on him. He's not actually upset with you right? The tooth isn't your fault. The car....I seriously doubt YOU were the one that blew the engine unless you were supposed to put oil/water in it and didn't. Most likely the car was ready to die and you just happen to be the one to drive it that day. The bank...well that was kind of silly. The available balance is never the available balance. Do you have banking software like Quicken or Money? I'd recommend that you start tracking your purchases directly instead of just calling the bank. Those NSFs are a nightmare. When it rains it pours. Sorry you're going through all of this. It will get better!
Well it is all rather overwhelming, but there is no reason for him to be upset with you unless you're taking your frustrations out on him. He's not actually upset with you right? The tooth isn't your fault. The car....I seriously doubt YOU were the one that blew the engine unless you were supposed to put oil/water in it and didn't. Most likely the car was ready to die and you just happen to be the one to drive it that day. The bank...well that was kind of silly. The available balance is never the available balance. Do you have banking software like Quicken or Money? I'd recommend that you start tracking your purchases directly instead of just calling the bank. Those NSFs are a nightmare. When it rains it pours. Sorry you're going through all of this. It will get better!
Please help, i had all my upper teeth pulled, too much bone?
broke off with 4 teeth. now im told i must have a bone graft before i can get dentures, they also must cut my gums open from side to side to do bone and root filing down and smoothing. They pulled 12 at once. I also have a BAD t.m.j. pain on my rt. side. does anyone know anything about any of this !!!!!? i searched all i could under dental surg. nothing really helped. Please help me if u can. no dental insurance and a bone graft starts at $900.00. I have already paid $1400.00 when they were pulled. i have exhausted EVERY pathway i could find. i just cant afford it. Im 61 but i still dont want to be toothless! thanx, Dixie
i don't know about this not being in usa,but i think i would be visiting a solicitor about what this dentist has done to you, sounds as if he has mashed your mouth up badly.good luck.x.
i don't know about this not being in usa,but i think i would be visiting a solicitor about what this dentist has done to you, sounds as if he has mashed your mouth up badly.good luck.x.
What would you suggest for my teeth?
I have some major dental problems with my bottom teeth. I have missing teeth and broken teeth. I take very good care of my teeth and yet the bottom ones just keep getting worse and worse. My top teeth are fine, and I have never had a problem with them. It started when I was a kid, and I have had some work done, but I am 32 now and have to do something. I used to get infections all the time but not as much anymore, but my teeth are worse. I was just wondering what you think? I do have dental insurance, but it does not cover much and I do not have $$$$. Should I just have the bottom ones taken out and replaced with dentures or what other options do you think I have? What would you do?? Please do not give me any lectures on eating too much sugar because I don't and never have. I brush, floss and everything. I don't know why they are like this but they are. Thanks
You should go to a dental school at a major University. Dental schools are usually cheaper than a traditional dental office. However, you need to be prepared for multiple visits if you decide to go to a dental school and plan on three hours per visit. I go to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan for my dental treatments because they are cheaper and if you needed major dental repairs. The repairs can be done in a hospital setting versus a traditional dental office. Good Luck to you
You should go to a dental school at a major University. Dental schools are usually cheaper than a traditional dental office. However, you need to be prepared for multiple visits if you decide to go to a dental school and plan on three hours per visit. I go to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan for my dental treatments because they are cheaper and if you needed major dental repairs. The repairs can be done in a hospital setting versus a traditional dental office. Good Luck to you
Is this a good tooth care regime?
This is what I do in the morning, and before bed: 1) 30 second rinse with plaque loosening solution (Plax) 2) soak dental tape in Listerine, floss. 3) soak toothbrush (with soft) bristles in listerine, add strip of toothpaste., brush for about 2 minutes. spit, wait about 30 minutes, rinse with some water. I have no dental insurance, I cannot afford to get even a cavity. Any realistic improvements I can add to this regime? I also floss after eating.
My dentist always recommends that his patients use an Oral B toothbrush apparently because it is far more effective at removing plaque, cleaning between individual teeth and massaging the gum lines. He also swears that Listerine is the best mouth wash to use from the perspective of dental hygiene notwithstanding its taste. He always recommends drinking several glasses of water each day. This too must make a difference with respect to the quantity or quality of the production of bacteria in ones mouth. He eats fruit at lunchtime, which is usually an apple, but sometimes a pear or an orange, and nothing else. He recommends it as part of a healthy diet that is dental friendly when chased with H2O. If he ever heard how much you floss, he might fall in love with you. He's always all over us to floss after every meal, and am a distinct disappointment to him in this regard. I know he would be impressed with your dental care regimen, but I know he would want you to spring for an Oral B oscillating toothbrush and to drink more water daily. Take care.
My dentist always recommends that his patients use an Oral B toothbrush apparently because it is far more effective at removing plaque, cleaning between individual teeth and massaging the gum lines. He also swears that Listerine is the best mouth wash to use from the perspective of dental hygiene notwithstanding its taste. He always recommends drinking several glasses of water each day. This too must make a difference with respect to the quantity or quality of the production of bacteria in ones mouth. He eats fruit at lunchtime, which is usually an apple, but sometimes a pear or an orange, and nothing else. He recommends it as part of a healthy diet that is dental friendly when chased with H2O. If he ever heard how much you floss, he might fall in love with you. He's always all over us to floss after every meal, and am a distinct disappointment to him in this regard. I know he would be impressed with your dental care regimen, but I know he would want you to spring for an Oral B oscillating toothbrush and to drink more water daily. Take care.
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