the pain i am having is on my left side of my jaw all the way up to my eye and have toothaches off and on,i still have my wisdom teeth.i cant see a dentist yet because waiting for my dental insurance to it my wisdom teeth that are causing the jaw pain?
Most likely your wisdom teeth are causing your pain. That's why the majority of people have them removed. The teeth could be pressing up against a nerve or something. Try using orajel and some pain medicine for your tooth pain and an ice pack for you eye. Good luck, I hope you get better!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
My Tooth is Killing me HELP?
Ok my front tooth was rotted about a year ago I went to denist and had it fixed I just moved out of state and dont have my free dental insurance any more its wierd because I cant even figure out what tooth is it that the pain is coming from but on the left side of my nose its HURTS and its really swollen and the whole top left row of my teeth are KILLING me anyone have ne ideas to what it could be? my dad said maybe an absessing tooth??
Most likely an abscessed tooth, probably the one that has the biggest filling. You can tell which tooth by tapping on it with your finger to see which one hurts the most and that's the one.
Most likely an abscessed tooth, probably the one that has the biggest filling. You can tell which tooth by tapping on it with your finger to see which one hurts the most and that's the one.
Lumineers questions?
would lumineers work for a 15 year old with a gap in his 2 front teeth? also, around how much does lumineers cost? is it covered by dental insurance? has anyone ever had a bad experience with lumineers? ty.
retainer? invisalign, metal?
how much does a retainer cost in waterloo ontario? both invisalign and the normal metal kind. i have no dental insurance btw first, best answer gets 10 pts.
First of all, invisalign is not a retainer. It is the series of appliances that work the same way as braces. The cost is the same for metal and Invisalign, though some Orthodontists charge more for invisalign. Can cost around $5000. You will need retainer afterwards.
First of all, invisalign is not a retainer. It is the series of appliances that work the same way as braces. The cost is the same for metal and Invisalign, though some Orthodontists charge more for invisalign. Can cost around $5000. You will need retainer afterwards.
Cost of braces?
I only need braces on my top row of teeth. The bottom row of teeth is perfect. My dentist even said it was a really really nice formation and he asked if I had ever had braces before. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone knew that what the price range would be and if my dental insurance would cover any of it? Thanks in advance :)
it's about 3grand 3.000$ there are alot of play in that number depending on what you get
it's about 3grand 3.000$ there are alot of play in that number depending on what you get
Please answer?
I need dental insurance where i don't have to pay when i go to the dentist . I want to find one where they cover everything.
There is no such animal. Dental insurance is different than health insurance, most policies pay approx 100% for a cleaning, exam and xrays, 80% of a filling or root canal and 50% of any major work like a crown, bridge, partial or denture. (Plus a $50 deductible to boot- some deductibles may be even higher) Depending on the policy and what the dentist charges there may also be a difference between what the dentist charges for a procedure and what the insurance allows. Meaning, for example - a dentist may charge $100.00 for a filling and the insurance allows $80.00, the insurance would then pay 80% of $80 (not the $100.00 charged), and if this is your first dental procedure (aside from a cleaning and exam) they will also make you pay your deductible at that first visit, wonderful huh!
There is no such animal. Dental insurance is different than health insurance, most policies pay approx 100% for a cleaning, exam and xrays, 80% of a filling or root canal and 50% of any major work like a crown, bridge, partial or denture. (Plus a $50 deductible to boot- some deductibles may be even higher) Depending on the policy and what the dentist charges there may also be a difference between what the dentist charges for a procedure and what the insurance allows. Meaning, for example - a dentist may charge $100.00 for a filling and the insurance allows $80.00, the insurance would then pay 80% of $80 (not the $100.00 charged), and if this is your first dental procedure (aside from a cleaning and exam) they will also make you pay your deductible at that first visit, wonderful huh!
where to find a dentist...?
my mother is suffering from a large pain in her back teeth.. she needs to see a dentist but she doesn't have dental insurance... where in san diego california, is there an affordable dentist that can help her remove the tooth?...
Check out the University of California, I believe they have a free student dental clinic in San Diego.
Check out the University of California, I believe they have a free student dental clinic in San Diego.
mouth question?
ok so on the left side of my cheek (inside my mouth? i have this weird bump. it appeared about 2 weeks ago but the side the bump is on, my jaw hurts on that side for like 5 weeks. im just wondering if this might be serius? can it be cancer? also right now i dont have dental insurance and my mom cant afford me to go right now, so i have no way of getting it checked. Also i know i didnt bite my cheek becsuse my teeth cant reach that spot.
it sounds like it could be a problem but i would hust wait to see if it heals or if it starts to hurt more. i think you should just keep ur eye on it
it sounds like it could be a problem but i would hust wait to see if it heals or if it starts to hurt more. i think you should just keep ur eye on it
fafsa, change to lower income parent...?
i applied for fafsa since i started college three years ago, and have NEVER been eligable. thing is, i dont even live at home with my mom, i live with my boyfriend, and i live off $500 a month from stipend i get from my scholarship. here's my problem. i want to do "corrections" on my 07-08 fafsa and put that i'm living with my father, who gets low income. i know that if i just use only his income, i will be eligable to get some fafsa. is it ok for me to just put my father's income on the fafsa, and not my mom's and stepdad's, if i dont leven live with any of them and live on my own, to get any amountof financial aid? is it considered illegal to not report my mom's income, even if i'm not living with her? other than medical and dental insurance, i don't get anything else from my mom, no money, nothing, i support myself in every other way. so, can i just make corrections to fafsa and only put my father's income?
Honestly? I would check with your schools financial aid office. It's been a while since i've had to fill out fafsa but there's certain rules and requirements. And until youre age 25, married, in the military or have children you're going to be considered a dependent by your parents whether or not they actually claim you as one (which in my opinion really sucks because I got shafted the same as you are). But if you "misrepresent" your parents financial situation (at least misreppresent by FAFSA's standards) it could get you into really big trouble in the long run if the feds find out. Your Schools financial aid office should be able to give you an idea of who's income is required for you to report whether it be one or both since your parents are divorced. If they give you the go ahead then definitely switch to your dad's income it could certainly help you out a lot if it's lower than your mom's.
Honestly? I would check with your schools financial aid office. It's been a while since i've had to fill out fafsa but there's certain rules and requirements. And until youre age 25, married, in the military or have children you're going to be considered a dependent by your parents whether or not they actually claim you as one (which in my opinion really sucks because I got shafted the same as you are). But if you "misrepresent" your parents financial situation (at least misreppresent by FAFSA's standards) it could get you into really big trouble in the long run if the feds find out. Your Schools financial aid office should be able to give you an idea of who's income is required for you to report whether it be one or both since your parents are divorced. If they give you the go ahead then definitely switch to your dad's income it could certainly help you out a lot if it's lower than your mom's.
Question about Braces and Cost...!?
Ok, well I really need braces and my parents never got them for me. I am now 18, though I don't have a job yet but hopefully i'll get one soon. I think I have a few cavities but I don't have any dental insurance. Do I need to get fillings before braces are put on? And how much do you think I should have before I get my braces started?
depends how bad your teeth are. my braces cost like 2 or 3,000 by brothers cost 6,000....he had buck teeth lol i had fillings when i had dsnt matter at all. you should save about 2 grand. edit: btw i just had the simple metal ones that most people have. not the ceramic or clear ones. the ones where u can pick your colors etc...oh and i never need an expander or anything like tht. i live in florida and usually everything down here in miami is soo much more expensive...i mean by teeeth were bad i had a space in my 2 front teeth my teeth were coming out from here and there and it was only like 2 or 3 thousand so tht guy above me must of had one messsed up face for it to cost him 9,000 dollars.
depends how bad your teeth are. my braces cost like 2 or 3,000 by brothers cost 6,000....he had buck teeth lol i had fillings when i had dsnt matter at all. you should save about 2 grand. edit: btw i just had the simple metal ones that most people have. not the ceramic or clear ones. the ones where u can pick your colors etc...oh and i never need an expander or anything like tht. i live in florida and usually everything down here in miami is soo much more expensive...i mean by teeeth were bad i had a space in my 2 front teeth my teeth were coming out from here and there and it was only like 2 or 3 thousand so tht guy above me must of had one messsed up face for it to cost him 9,000 dollars.
Has anyone tried ValueDental AmeriPlan???
I saw an add on tv . This is my third time seeing it. First by phone, second by brochure and now tonight on tv. I have dental insurance but it does not cover what I need to get done (oral surgery on all four wisdom teeth and Braces). This plan has some major discounts on everything i need. Has anyone tried it?. Please let me know so I dont get caught up in any scam. Thanks!.
I have Ameriplan, and it is good if you use a dentist in the plan, it is also good for eyeglasses at some places. If you want to cancel, you can not do it by phone, it has to be in writing. It is not that expensive and you can have the entire household for just one extra five dollars. I think it is worth trying. I pay only forty five dollars quarterly for my faimly.
I have Ameriplan, and it is good if you use a dentist in the plan, it is also good for eyeglasses at some places. If you want to cancel, you can not do it by phone, it has to be in writing. It is not that expensive and you can have the entire household for just one extra five dollars. I think it is worth trying. I pay only forty five dollars quarterly for my faimly.
would it be weird if...?
a 14 year old girl got veneers like to fix their teeth... i have big gaps in my teeth that i really dont like and the dentist said that they may close a little when i get my wisdom teeth in but they havnt started growing yet!! she also said that the only way to fix them would be to get veneers which she said are very expensive since their not covered by dental insurance.... does anyone know how much veneers would cost if i did get them?? and when do wisdom teeth start growing in!!!
veneers cost too much,you need to wait for your wisdom teeth in there, can't braces correct the problem, that would be what I would do, is get an opinion from an orthodontist.wisdom start growing in between 14 and 22, x rays could tell about how far they are along.
veneers cost too much,you need to wait for your wisdom teeth in there, can't braces correct the problem, that would be what I would do, is get an opinion from an orthodontist.wisdom start growing in between 14 and 22, x rays could tell about how far they are along.
my tooth smells funny?
my wisdom teeth came in but one of them is sideways, and i can't clean it properly. it's was getting dirty/dark looking in the cracks so i'd just put mouth wash on it. but now I swear it smells funny, it doesn't hurt. but it smells... is there something that i can put on it to help it out, I don't have dental insurance
how do you smell your own teeth ?
how do you smell your own teeth ?
I hate my teeth!! When I was younger I wished they would all just fall out.?
When I was 12 I had 4 big molars pulled out and big metal fillings put in most of my teeth cuz I had cavities. My front teeth are all overlapping and crammed together. Then another 1 of my back teeth cracked in half and I had to have it pulled out. Now that I'm 15, the fillings have all turned black, some have come out and I have holes in those teeth, and my front teeth seem to be getting pretty wobbly. I can move a couple with just my tongue they're so loose. I mean they move like quite a bit real easy. The last time I went to the dentist was like about 3 years ago(when I had the last 1 pulled out) and he said I grind my teeth a lot and that's messing up my teeth. Can that make them loose too? Some of mine are so wobbly now I think they actually will fall out unless I just take them out first. We don't have dental insurance and not much money, so if it's gonna cost a lot to do whatever it probly won't be happenin. If they do fall out I can probly get some kind of fake teeth right?
When you don't have money to get the care you need:………… Free and low cost prescription medication:……… Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer:Cancer imposes heavy economic burdens on both patients and their families. For many people, a portion of medical expenses is paid by their health insurance plan. For individuals who do not have health insurance or who need financial assistance to cover health care costs, resources are available, including Government-sponsored programs and services supported by nonprofit organizations. Cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns they may have about health care costs with their physician, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic. This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you!… Hill Burton Hotline 1-800-638-0742 (1-800-492-0359 in Maryland) In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility's area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care. Medicaid is for people under 65, medicare is for the seniors. How to apply for Medicaid or medicare…… For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at How To Pay for Mental Health Services…… Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children:… DENTAL HELP: Free or low cost dental care United States…… FREE AND LOW COST DENTAL HELP FOR DENTURES , BROKEN TEETH , PAIN , ETC.… Need eyeglasses or eye care?…… How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices. Here's a list for every state:… Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too! Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: · Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code · For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081 · Call or contact your local Health Department.
When you don't have money to get the care you need:………… Free and low cost prescription medication:……… Financial Assistance and Other Resources for People With Cancer:Cancer imposes heavy economic burdens on both patients and their families. For many people, a portion of medical expenses is paid by their health insurance plan. For individuals who do not have health insurance or who need financial assistance to cover health care costs, resources are available, including Government-sponsored programs and services supported by nonprofit organizations. Cancer patients and their families should discuss any concerns they may have about health care costs with their physician, medical social worker, or the business office of their hospital or clinic. This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you!… Hill Burton Hotline 1-800-638-0742 (1-800-492-0359 in Maryland) In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility's area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care. Medicaid is for people under 65, medicare is for the seniors. How to apply for Medicaid or medicare…… For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at How To Pay for Mental Health Services…… Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children:… DENTAL HELP: Free or low cost dental care United States…… FREE AND LOW COST DENTAL HELP FOR DENTURES , BROKEN TEETH , PAIN , ETC.… Need eyeglasses or eye care?…… How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices. Here's a list for every state:… Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too! Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: · Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code · For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081 · Call or contact your local Health Department.
My wisdom tooth?
my dad just told me we don't have dental insurance, and I just found out my bottom wisdom tooth is coming in crooked. I have naturally straight teeth and I don't want this messing up my teeth. I thought about pulling it out myself, or getting it really loose and it will just fall out. but that is probably not the best idea. since it's still coming in, all I see is a tiny bit of it so far, is there a way I can correct it to not jab into my other teeth? thanks
You need to have your wisdom tooth professionally removed. Usually you are offered three options to have the work done. Numbing shots or shots with laughing gas (nitrous oxide) or IV sedation. The first option is the cheapest. If its numb its numb, but you might want to wear your Ipod and listen to music so you don't hear anything.
You need to have your wisdom tooth professionally removed. Usually you are offered three options to have the work done. Numbing shots or shots with laughing gas (nitrous oxide) or IV sedation. The first option is the cheapest. If its numb its numb, but you might want to wear your Ipod and listen to music so you don't hear anything.
Where can I go to...........?
I am a severe asthmatic and while in High School I spent almost 4 years on a steroid called prednisone. Along with that and a lot of time in the hospital I was on and off other steroids as well. I am finding the long term affects of prednisone to be horrible. For instance I am 24 and have horrible teeth. A long term affect of prednisone is it eats away at the enamel on your teeth. My doctors and dentist have told me that is why my teeth all of a sudden got bad after about 19 yrs old. I want to get veneers or something to make my smile more attractive and help build my self esteem. I dont have dental insurance. I live in Orange VA and know my way around Harrisonburg, Charlottesville, and Culpeper. Does anyone know somewhere I can go for cheap to look into getting veneers?
Medical Bill?
I went to a dentist and had some routine fillings done. I accidentally gave them my medical card who of course didnt pay anything. I moved and changed my phone number in August thinking that because i paid the other bills they had sent in April. I call to have my teeth cleaned and they say they can't becase they sent the bill to collections last month. I had dental insurance at the time so they submitted the claim, but is there any way I can change this for my credit report, although I was in error?
First try to dispute it with your insurance company. If you pay this bill to the collections agency first. It might be hard to have this taken off your credit report when it shows as paid and it may also be hard to get a refund. If you do get this corrected just send any paper that you get from your insurance company to the credit bureaus and ask them to delete this off your credit report.
First try to dispute it with your insurance company. If you pay this bill to the collections agency first. It might be hard to have this taken off your credit report when it shows as paid and it may also be hard to get a refund. If you do get this corrected just send any paper that you get from your insurance company to the credit bureaus and ask them to delete this off your credit report.
sharp point on tooth?
I have a friend that has been laid off work for over a year. she cant find work. so hence she has no dental insurance nor money to see a dentist. my question is this, she has a wisdom tooth that "fell apart" in the last 9 months. it doesnt hurt her but there is a sharp piece of tooth that rubs against her tongue. is there a way you can take a file of some sort and file it down to take away the sharpness?
My worry about her trying to do something like that would be that she could go from a tooth that is not really causing her pain to a tooth that could. She does not want to run the risk of making the problem worse the it already is. Times are really hard but there are places she can go and try to get the dental help she needs. I found this great blog on Where to Find Low-Cost Dental Care at I suggest that she check it out. It can help advise her. I would have copy and pasted but it was rather big. hope this has helped
My worry about her trying to do something like that would be that she could go from a tooth that is not really causing her pain to a tooth that could. She does not want to run the risk of making the problem worse the it already is. Times are really hard but there are places she can go and try to get the dental help she needs. I found this great blog on Where to Find Low-Cost Dental Care at I suggest that she check it out. It can help advise her. I would have copy and pasted but it was rather big. hope this has helped
Help with a dentist please??
I have a wisdom tooth that I have broken. It is very painful and I think it is becoming infected. I need to have it pulled asap. I do not have dental insurance and am on a very tight budget. Does anyone out there know of a dentist in Lakeland Florida that will pull it with a payment plan? Or a Health Department that doesn't have a 2 month waiting list. Thanks so much!!
Look in the yellow pages of your phone book for Dental Schools and check with them. Sometimes they will do the work for just a minimum charge. Good luck.
Look in the yellow pages of your phone book for Dental Schools and check with them. Sometimes they will do the work for just a minimum charge. Good luck.
Look at my teeth! Should i get braces?
My mom says they are not that bad but i know that they lower my self confidence a LOT. I'm currently poor. As in really poor and {of course,) i have no dental insurance. But am gonna find a way, i'm pretty determined to close the gap. I hate it. So, should i get braces or should i use those bonding/veneer stuff. Thanks.
Braces is the answer, Bonding to close the gap may result in the two front teeth being too wide and looking like a beaver teeth. I wish you good luck.
Braces is the answer, Bonding to close the gap may result in the two front teeth being too wide and looking like a beaver teeth. I wish you good luck.
Anyone else notice this?
I've seen a LOT of younger girls coming in here saying they were pregnant with NO insurance. I'm not going to bash on these girls seeing as how I became pregnant at 17. My question is, why no insurance? My mom had insurance on me during both my pregnancies. I was on her insurance because even though I wasn't living with her, I was going to school full time (college). What kind of parents do these kids have? My kids have had health insurance since the day they were born through their father's job. I may just be imagining things, but isn't it kind of stupid not to have your kids insured? I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but my parents always made sure my brother and I had medical, vision, and dental insurance. My fiance and I do this with our girls. Anyone else think it's odd?
I totally agree. My parents have 5 kids (all adults now), and did not have any money. One of the major expenses was health insurance, because it is can't NOT have it! What is with these parents?? My parents made due with nothing too, so what's their excuse??? My children will never ever go without health insurance, no matter what the circumstances. Thanks for bringing this up...hopefully it will open some eyes!
I totally agree. My parents have 5 kids (all adults now), and did not have any money. One of the major expenses was health insurance, because it is can't NOT have it! What is with these parents?? My parents made due with nothing too, so what's their excuse??? My children will never ever go without health insurance, no matter what the circumstances. Thanks for bringing this up...hopefully it will open some eyes!
mouth question?
ok so on the left side of my cheek (inside my mouth? i have this weird bump. it appeared about 2 weeks ago but the side the bump is on, my jaw hurts on that side for like 5 weeks. im just wondering if this might be serius also right now i dont have dental insurance and my mom cant afford me to go right now, so i have no way of getting it checked. Also i know i didnt bite my cheek becsuse my teeth cant reach that spot.
Please get it checked out. You can always go to a clinic or to a dental teaching school nearby. Yes, it could be serious. Do you have a nurse at school? It really stinks with our healthcare system. Good luck. I wish you well. You can look up and do a little research. I think they might even take questions. TMJ will cause pain in your jaw but, I would be concerned about the bump.
Please get it checked out. You can always go to a clinic or to a dental teaching school nearby. Yes, it could be serious. Do you have a nurse at school? It really stinks with our healthcare system. Good luck. I wish you well. You can look up and do a little research. I think they might even take questions. TMJ will cause pain in your jaw but, I would be concerned about the bump.
Root canals and cavities D:?
I went to the dentist (i havent been there in 6 years because of dental insurance) and they said i might have to get a root canal and a couple of cavaities filled..can anyone tell me what they do?
they give u novacaine drill out the center of the tooth go into the roots with small needle like files clean out the decay close it up (ive had one they dont hurt)
they give u novacaine drill out the center of the tooth go into the roots with small needle like files clean out the decay close it up (ive had one they dont hurt)
whitening teeth?
Is there a natural home remedy to whiten teeth? i don't have dental insurance, my teeth are too senstive for the over the counter products. Don't get me wrong, i floss and brush and take care of my teeth. i would just like them to be a few shades lighter.
straw berries and lemons but becare full whith em cuz it take the enamel off your teeth so only do it for a little bit every other day(rum your teeth with it)
straw berries and lemons but becare full whith em cuz it take the enamel off your teeth so only do it for a little bit every other day(rum your teeth with it)
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