Ok so I live in Solano County in California. I can be seen in the Fairfield office for Western Dental to get a single filling done. Its the only place I can get an appointment on short notice. A filling from a previous dentist fell out. This is the third filling to fall out from this dentist. I had the other two missing fillings redone months ago while still under my parents insurance. The one that is missing now is VERY sensitive and causing alot of pain. Ive read some horror stories about western dental. but none regaurding their work on fillings. has anyone had fillings done by them? were they of good quality?
I loive in NJ.We have several dental offices called Eastern Dental.If Western Dental is anything like these, I would not go.(just from my experience)
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Dental Cleaning vs. Annual Maximum?
Let me preface this question by saying I just want an answer for what happens in most circumstances. I know all insurance companies vary greatly. Anyway, let's just assume I have the usual 100% UCR with no deductible for regular cleanings and I have an annual maximum of $1500. If I get my regular dental cleaning, x-ray, etc. and it costs $100, I won't pay for any of it (because it's covered 100%), but should it drop my allowed charges for the year down to $1400? I was under the impression that in most circumstances, cleanings are completely separate from your annual maximum. Can someone that works or used to work in a dental office or someone that's had an issue with this before tell me what you think? Thanks.
No, cleanings are NOT separate from your annual maximum. Yes, your annual maximum WILL drop to $1400 after the cost of exam, x-rays and cleaning gets deducted. Unfortunately, that is the way it is done because you ARE utilizing the dental benefit. Otherwise, the insurance company will go broke leaving you with no insurance !!
No, cleanings are NOT separate from your annual maximum. Yes, your annual maximum WILL drop to $1400 after the cost of exam, x-rays and cleaning gets deducted. Unfortunately, that is the way it is done because you ARE utilizing the dental benefit. Otherwise, the insurance company will go broke leaving you with no insurance !!
Dental Hygienist or Physical Therapist?
Which profession is better in terms of job demands and health care insurance? I have 24 hours to make a major decision and your answers will partake in this life-changing decision. I can either pursue the dental hygiene starting Fall of 2009 and complete it by Spring of 2011 or continue my Biology Major which I have two years left of, graduating in Spring of 2011 and pursue Physical Therapy which will take three additional years, which if I get in the program I will finish in approx. Spring 2014. Should I grab onto the dental hygiene opportunity or prolong my studies and believe that hard work will pay off? Please help!!!
Ok this may become a bias decision on my behalf. Do what u enjoy. Dental hygiene becomes real repeatative. Trust me. J this is M.Davis. I wouldve answered ur question on facebook but oh well. Becoming an hygienist does bring it's benifits. If your working for a private practice then your only supervision is the dentist and only rarely would they over see ur work. They pay is fairly decent. Insurance purposes may vary on who your employer is. UF offers me many great benifits, but I've never been offered any from a private practice. Mind you that I'm only an assistant. I don't kno much about physical therapy cuz I'm n the dental field. But job demand for Hygiene is fairly high. Being accepted into hygiene school is the hardest part. Dr. Maria Hagen DDS was first a hygienist, she brought to my attention it took her 3 years to be accepted, so think about that one as well. But with all else said they are both rewarding professions with instant gratification you cannot go wrong either way in my opinion. Be easy and if u ever have questions just ask. And when they day finally comes when I'm a dentist and you decide hygiene, I'd love to have you :). Luv ya girl
Ok this may become a bias decision on my behalf. Do what u enjoy. Dental hygiene becomes real repeatative. Trust me. J this is M.Davis. I wouldve answered ur question on facebook but oh well. Becoming an hygienist does bring it's benifits. If your working for a private practice then your only supervision is the dentist and only rarely would they over see ur work. They pay is fairly decent. Insurance purposes may vary on who your employer is. UF offers me many great benifits, but I've never been offered any from a private practice. Mind you that I'm only an assistant. I don't kno much about physical therapy cuz I'm n the dental field. But job demand for Hygiene is fairly high. Being accepted into hygiene school is the hardest part. Dr. Maria Hagen DDS was first a hygienist, she brought to my attention it took her 3 years to be accepted, so think about that one as well. But with all else said they are both rewarding professions with instant gratification you cannot go wrong either way in my opinion. Be easy and if u ever have questions just ask. And when they day finally comes when I'm a dentist and you decide hygiene, I'd love to have you :). Luv ya girl
Dental Procedure gone wrong?
I went into the dentist office because a procedure he had done earlier that previous month was bothering me. He proceeded to explain how I needed a root canal. As usual I explained to him about my problem with being hard to numb and how sensitive my tooth was. He said that was the only thing that would get me out of pain. He did the root canal and before I left his office my feeling started to return. I went straight to the pharmacy and got my prescription fill but because of the pain and swelling I was unable to make it home. I drove four blocks to my mom house and she had to drive me home. In less than two and a half hours my right side was completely swollen, I thought it was a reaction by that evening I had taken three vicadon and two 800 tylenol all of which he prescribed. I didn't sleep for four days. I wasn't able to eat for two weeks, nothing but liquids. I ended up at urgent care on the next day all the while calling the dentist (to never get a return call). My husband called for four days and got a return call and fax two week later. In the interim I ended up in urgent care twice until they had to send me to the hospital. I ended up at the hospital twice on iv antibiotics, because of staph infection that I was informed by urgent care and the hospital was given via my dental procedure. The Urgent Care, Hospital and my Primary Care physicians all explained to me that having that type of infection inside of the tissue of my face was rare, and usually comes from an un-sterile environment or the dentist pushing the infection into my tissue when he numbed me. I just stop taking antibiotics at the end of September and I am still under doctor and dental care. The two teeth that he worked on have completely fallen apart and to add insult to injury he charged me for two procedures that he did not do which exhausted my insurance. The day I walked into the dentist, a grandmother told me how her granddaughter was in the chair and was having a bad reaction, bleeding and that the dentist had to strap her down. Her question was simple did I trust this dentist? Well two and a half months later I am constantly thinking did that little girl get infected too.
If your dentist really refused to answer your calls then this is a very serious problem. However I do find parts of your story a little hard to believe. If you feel the work was done incorrectly then you need to contact your state's dental association. They usually have a program where in independent dentist will evaluate the qualtiy of work and offer advice on how to proceed. This, of course, is free to you.
If your dentist really refused to answer your calls then this is a very serious problem. However I do find parts of your story a little hard to believe. If you feel the work was done incorrectly then you need to contact your state's dental association. They usually have a program where in independent dentist will evaluate the qualtiy of work and offer advice on how to proceed. This, of course, is free to you.
I went to the ER for pain, now the insurance says I have to pay for it? Can anyone help w/ info?
I went to the ER for help the other night, because my jaw and neck were swollen and I was in a great deal of pain. I advised the registrar that I didn't have much money, so only wanted services that were covered under my insurance. She said, "I qualified" and had me seen by a DR. The dr. stuck his finger in my mouth, and announced that I had gingivitis and prescribed some antibiotics for it. It actually turned out that I was getting my Wisdom Tooth. My insurance refuses to pay for it, because it was diagnosed as a dental problem. Anyone got any advice? Seems like if I'm in pain, and don't know it's a dental problem, I shouldn't have to pay 800.00 to find out that's what it is. Anyone know who to talk with or what to do, to help me out? THANKS!
800 dollars?!?!? or 80? yeah talk to them. they should pay for it.
800 dollars?!?!? or 80? yeah talk to them. they should pay for it.
Can my family doctor (not dentist) help with wisdom tooth pain?
Right now, my health insurance doesn't include dental, but I am having horrible wisdom tooth pain and need to do something. I think it might be infected. I'm afraid to call my regular medical doctor, that he'll tell me I need to see a dentist, which I just can't afford right now, without insurance..... So, will a regular doctor be able to prescribe me anything, like pain medication and antibiotics?
depends on the relationship you have with your doctor. personally, my doc is great and I've know him for 15 years or so. He's even seen me for free when i didn't have insurance one time. I'd say yes. Schedule an appointment, tell him/her the situation and they can probably write you for an antibiotic and some vicoden. Good luck.
depends on the relationship you have with your doctor. personally, my doc is great and I've know him for 15 years or so. He's even seen me for free when i didn't have insurance one time. I'd say yes. Schedule an appointment, tell him/her the situation and they can probably write you for an antibiotic and some vicoden. Good luck.
Inflammation in my joints but in a month I wont have insurance?
Okay, Im 21, and as of Jan 1 I wont be on my parents insurance any longer, because I wont be in school anymore. My boyfriend and I got our own apartment because he has a great job so we moved out of our parents houses and closer to his work. He has insurance now, and now I wont. Anyways, for a few months I've been having extreme joint and muscle pain and I went to the rheumatolgist and he told me I have carpal tunnel in both wrists and I have been in so much pain with it I can barely sleep at night or do housework. Anyways, I also have pain in my legs and feet as well so they did bloodwork. I talked to him yesterday and he told me that I have inflammation and is prescribing me anti inflammatory medicine. He wants to re-do the bloodwork in 6 weeks with a bone scan...but by then I wont have insurance...what do i do???? PS- I know I need to get a job to get insurance, which ive been trying to do since august since i graduated dental assisting school and ive been trying to get a job since then but everywhere wants someone with more experience, so i might go to a phlebotomy training workshop in janaury. I have been looking like crazy tho for a job that offers insurance. And usually you have to wait like 3-6 months after working anyway. Thanks for everyones answers!
Ask your parents if there is a way to remain on their insurance; maybe if they pay additional member ship fees or something it could be offered at a reduced rate. Ask your boyfriend if his insurance allows him to add people, he might be able to add you onto his insurance (maybe because you live w/ him, maybe because you could be considered his dependent?) Go to your local Medicaid office. That's the states insurance, but you need to see if you qualify - their kinda strict. If you qualify http://www.cms.hhs.gov/apps/contacts/ Tell your current doctor about your insurance dilemma immediately and find out if your doctor accepts Medicaid while your at it. He may provide more medication to hold you over, he may order or give you tools you may need to survive daily (med's, splints, heating pads, etc.). Make sure you get all that you can before your insurance expires, including information that best helps you understand the effects and recovery (just in case you don't see any doctor again). Ask him if his paperwork will reflect if your disabled or not. If you are considered disabled by your doctor, file for State disability. I'd give you the link but i don't know what state you live in. I think you qualify for Medicaid if you receive state disability, but I'm not positive on that.
Ask your parents if there is a way to remain on their insurance; maybe if they pay additional member ship fees or something it could be offered at a reduced rate. Ask your boyfriend if his insurance allows him to add people, he might be able to add you onto his insurance (maybe because you live w/ him, maybe because you could be considered his dependent?) Go to your local Medicaid office. That's the states insurance, but you need to see if you qualify - their kinda strict. If you qualify http://www.cms.hhs.gov/apps/contacts/ Tell your current doctor about your insurance dilemma immediately and find out if your doctor accepts Medicaid while your at it. He may provide more medication to hold you over, he may order or give you tools you may need to survive daily (med's, splints, heating pads, etc.). Make sure you get all that you can before your insurance expires, including information that best helps you understand the effects and recovery (just in case you don't see any doctor again). Ask him if his paperwork will reflect if your disabled or not. If you are considered disabled by your doctor, file for State disability. I'd give you the link but i don't know what state you live in. I think you qualify for Medicaid if you receive state disability, but I'm not positive on that.
Dental Abscess question, please answer?
I have a dental abscess that i've had now i'd say a month now.. (I have had no pain with it btw) and I have no insurance btw After the third day after noticing an abscess had come up on my gums by my cavity I went to the dentist and they x rayed and offered to either root canal ($600) or a tooth extraction ($157) but they would not pull it until the infection dyed down so they prescribed me Amoxicillyn until my next appointment with them which was a week later. Well I took all the pills (7 pills) but when it came time for the appointment I did not have the money to pay for the extraction so I cancelled the appointment. (By this time I had all the symptoms "ill feeling, and a little swollen cheek".) That same night that I cancelled my appointment I went to my friends and he gave me left over antibiotics that we're still good (I looked online and found that they would work for a tooth infenction or dental abscess so I took them for about a week and a half) after coming home I told my mom about my abscess and how I was worried and she called a dentist office called "Quality of Life" who would provide a good price for low income families or w/e and my appointment isn't until August 7th. So a week ago while still waiting for this appointment I showed my gf's mom (who is a nurse) my abscess and she sterilized a needle and drained my abscess and since then my abscess has gone down and the swelling is gone. is this good? I know that as long as you have the infection tooth the infection would always be there but I wonder if you drained an abscess successfully it would kill the infection and make it start all over again? So I've had an abscess for a month now... How does this all sound, do I sound like i'd be ok til August 7th? of course i'm worried.
As long as the infection has a way to drain through the abscess, you shouldn't swell up any more. It's good that you drained it out. If you feel like it's starting to swell again call the dentist and have them call in an antibiotic for you. Depending where you live, some stores only charge $3-6. Otherwise you should be fine until the 7th. The reason you swell up is because there's no place for the infection to escape to and it just builds up. With antibiotics and draining the infection you may feel fine and want to skip the treatment but those things just hide the infection and the abscess will just come back. The infection is inside the tooth and the antibiotics don't reach it.
As long as the infection has a way to drain through the abscess, you shouldn't swell up any more. It's good that you drained it out. If you feel like it's starting to swell again call the dentist and have them call in an antibiotic for you. Depending where you live, some stores only charge $3-6. Otherwise you should be fine until the 7th. The reason you swell up is because there's no place for the infection to escape to and it just builds up. With antibiotics and draining the infection you may feel fine and want to skip the treatment but those things just hide the infection and the abscess will just come back. The infection is inside the tooth and the antibiotics don't reach it.
Can taking Anti-Depressant/Anxiety meds affect acceptance into Dental Hygiene Programs?
Ok so this might not be everyone's first eh heh question, haha...and yes i know about all the 'jokes' needing anti-depressant/anxiety meds After starting work in this field...but can taking these affect initial acceptance into a dental hygiene program?? ..all you hygienists who are in school and have went through school already do they check for this? I notice that all hygiene programs have 'proof of good physical and mental health' as being a requirement. What does this mean exactly, how do they prove this? LOL I know this sounds crazy but I am not. Separating from my husband who I thought was my soul-mate. It seems to be leading to divorce. Process is leaving me needing a little 'help', nothing major and hopefully not forever. Paying out of my own pocket so it stays out of the health insurance preexisting scam system. Anyhoo (just a little background)back to the dental hygiene...so do schools screen for that? If it does affect acceptance that seems a little discriminatory! Thanks for your thoughts :):)
They shouldn't affect acceptance at all. To deny acceptance into such programs based on a disability (such as having depression/anxiety and taking the appropriate medications for it) would be a violation of the Americans with disabilities act. Odds are they won't ask about medications at all, and if they ask about disabilities it would only be to provide accommodation for those disabilities.
They shouldn't affect acceptance at all. To deny acceptance into such programs based on a disability (such as having depression/anxiety and taking the appropriate medications for it) would be a violation of the Americans with disabilities act. Odds are they won't ask about medications at all, and if they ask about disabilities it would only be to provide accommodation for those disabilities.
Question about cavaties?
I have like 2 cavaties that need filled, and although I have dental insurance, I still have to pay out of pocket costs. The most I've had to pay is around $200 dollars. Is there any dental insurance plan out there that anyone recomends? Any advice would be welcome, and I will look into any dental insurance companies that is provided.
Dental insurance is the best that they can do. $200 isn't so bad for a couple fillings! Good luck and god bless
Dental insurance is the best that they can do. $200 isn't so bad for a couple fillings! Good luck and god bless
Question about dental infection and keflex?
I had a bridge done a few years ago and have been havinga severe, and I mean asevere infection in it for about 2 years now. When it acts up my face swells, my eye swells almost closed and my eye turns black. I have been using amoxicillian (fish mox) to keep the infection under control when it flares up as I don't have insurance and cannot afford to have it fixed. For the past few months (since the last infection) I have a lump under my eye and have lost vision in the eye as well. I can see but if I cover the other eye everything is a complete blur I cannot make anything out. I am afraid this is from the dental infection. I have saved enough money to have my upper teeth pulled (I am afraid of this happening again so want to just get it over with at once as I have quit a few crowns and two bridges, I had these done before my husband lost his job and we had insurance now cannot afford repairs) since I have been taking the amoxicillian for the infection for the last couple of years I am trying Keflex (fish flex forte) this time at 4 X a day 500 mg. Is this enough to make sure the infection is all gone before having the teeth pulled or should I take more. Please don't say see a dentist or doctor because if I do I won't have the money to have the work done. Thanks
What is your life worth? You say please do not say to go to a dentist or a doctor and then you ask for advice. Here's some advice. Every time you take antibiotics they become less effective. Pretty soon you will have developed super resistant bacteria that no antibiotic will touch. Antibiotics will not cure infection if the cause of the infection is not taken care of. What do you want someone to tell you. Swish holy water from Lourdes in your mouth and hope for a miracle cure? So after fooling around with antibiotics for a couple of years it comes down to the fact that you either beg, borrow or steal the money to see a dentist, go to a free clinic, find a dental school, and have the bad teeth extracted. Not ideal but the least expensive and at least you will return to health without any more risk of dying.
What is your life worth? You say please do not say to go to a dentist or a doctor and then you ask for advice. Here's some advice. Every time you take antibiotics they become less effective. Pretty soon you will have developed super resistant bacteria that no antibiotic will touch. Antibiotics will not cure infection if the cause of the infection is not taken care of. What do you want someone to tell you. Swish holy water from Lourdes in your mouth and hope for a miracle cure? So after fooling around with antibiotics for a couple of years it comes down to the fact that you either beg, borrow or steal the money to see a dentist, go to a free clinic, find a dental school, and have the bad teeth extracted. Not ideal but the least expensive and at least you will return to health without any more risk of dying.
how much would a full dental implant procedure cost?
its for 30 teeth idk if everybody has the same amount of teeth but there's 30 of them in my husbands mouth who wants them i was also wondering if anyone knew if badger care or forward health care would cover some of the cost if there is serious tooth decay on 8 teeth to where the tooth is only held on by a small piece of the tooth the rest is decayed into the gum and down to about the middle of the tooth and pieces of his teeth fall off occasionally and lots of small cavities on most of the others his teeth are very nasty looking and needs to be fixed before he gets Periodontal disease he didn't take care of his teeth before we were married and the decay was there but was not noticeable at the time but it is now painful for him to even brush his teeth even with the expensive sensitive tooth paste he is a heavy mountain dew drinker and refuses to give it up even if it kills him and he reuses to see a dentist because he don't want a dentist to pick at his teeth unless its to pull them out for the implant because his teeth hurt him so much so i would really like an estimate on a full dental implant procedure and if you know if my forward/badger state heath insurance would help with some of the cost
a full mouth would cost $30,000+ your better off with dentures.. its usually considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered... your husband has to man up and stop being immature and go and see a dentist!!!
a full mouth would cost $30,000+ your better off with dentures.. its usually considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered... your husband has to man up and stop being immature and go and see a dentist!!!
Question about an unexpected dental bill?
I have a friend who has gone to the dentist several times in the past year to get extensive dental work done. She doesn't speak very much english. Recently she was told that she would need to get a root canal done. She asked the doctor how much it would cost and she was told that they won't find out until they bill the insurance company. She had the work done and then she got a huge bill where her insurance only covered about 10% of the work because at this point, she had already maxed out her yearly coverage. We went back to the dentist together and we were told that they never know how much any of the work will be until the insurance claims are processed and that they could only provide an estimate. However, even when she asked for an estimate, they didn't even give her one. All they told her was that she didn't have much of an option and that she needed to get the root canal done right away or else it would cause her more trouble. Now she is stuck with a huge bill and she can't afford to pay it. Someone told me that it is against the law for dentists to bill customers without sitting them down first and explaining what the costs are going to be. Does anyone know anything about this and have any advice on what our options are?
the explanation of her dental insurance should have been a conversation between her and her dental insurance not between her and the the dentist, although most dental offices go over it with you to some degree. But you are right, the cost is usually an ESTIMATE only. AND if she filled out the health history and signed at the bottom, most health histories has a clause that she is entitled to pay the bill no matter what the insurance pays. just like you are in an auto collision, the auto insurance is who you talk about payment, not the repair shop. A repair shop also calls you with an estimate only. But you are responsible for working out payment with your own insurance company. it is up to the consumer to know about their own health/dental insurance policies and not the job of the dental office to figure it out for you. her Human Resource manager or the insurance company should be able to provide a booklet of benefits and details of the maximum allowable benefits. i find that when someone has a bill in their hand, that is the first time they actually look into their policy.
the explanation of her dental insurance should have been a conversation between her and her dental insurance not between her and the the dentist, although most dental offices go over it with you to some degree. But you are right, the cost is usually an ESTIMATE only. AND if she filled out the health history and signed at the bottom, most health histories has a clause that she is entitled to pay the bill no matter what the insurance pays. just like you are in an auto collision, the auto insurance is who you talk about payment, not the repair shop. A repair shop also calls you with an estimate only. But you are responsible for working out payment with your own insurance company. it is up to the consumer to know about their own health/dental insurance policies and not the job of the dental office to figure it out for you. her Human Resource manager or the insurance company should be able to provide a booklet of benefits and details of the maximum allowable benefits. i find that when someone has a bill in their hand, that is the first time they actually look into their policy.
does anyone have helpful information?
m y husband is a 100 percent disabled veteran.problem is his dental care is covered but mine and kids is not.i have a dental disease and must have all my teeth removed.i am in constant pain.is causing other health problems and they generally want alot more money up front than we have saved at any given time.have tried getting doctors to write them letters stating this so insurance would help with the cost.insurance said letters from 3 dr would work.have been waiting 2 yrs for an answer and still nothing.some of them has to be surgically removed.did have website for the tricare dental insurance but now cant find it.please any helpful info is greatly appreciated
When colleges offer $54,000 and they list on the job ad that?
the district provides medical, dental, and vision insurance for the employee and eligible dependents and life insurance for the employee. Does that mean all those insurances are part of the $54,000? I mean will the cost of medicial, dental, and vision insurnace will be deducted from the $54,000 or they will be for all those insurances on the top of $54,000??
The $54,000 is your salary. They also offer benefits on top of that. Normally, part of the cost of some of those benefits (the insurances, usually) will be split between you and your employer. You'll pay part of the cost of the insurance - maybe about 20% of it or so - and that will come out of your salary. The rest of the cost will be paid by your employer. The amount you actually have to pay for your insurance varies from employer to employer. It's possible that, at some employers, the employer will pick up all, or most of the cost of the insurance. It's more likely that you'll pay about 20% of the cost.
The $54,000 is your salary. They also offer benefits on top of that. Normally, part of the cost of some of those benefits (the insurances, usually) will be split between you and your employer. You'll pay part of the cost of the insurance - maybe about 20% of it or so - and that will come out of your salary. The rest of the cost will be paid by your employer. The amount you actually have to pay for your insurance varies from employer to employer. It's possible that, at some employers, the employer will pick up all, or most of the cost of the insurance. It's more likely that you'll pay about 20% of the cost.
Affordable Dental Procedures?
I recenctly went to the dentist due to a couple of infected teeth. After a thourough look into my mouth he said that I needed a few procedures done to "save my mouth", including a couple of root canals and other extensive work. Once he left the room, his assistant stated that between her and I their is a dental school in the area that does procedures at sometimes more than half the cost of at least the dentist that I went to. She said the name, but I don't remember, and I don't want to call the office and ask her and possibly get her into any trouble. I unfortunately don't have insurance, and am awaiting the next sign up date through my work, I am also looking and considering other insurance. Does anyone know of a school in the Chicagoland / NW Indiana area where I could look into getting the work done? Thank you
Call the Dental office and tell them you had a question about root canals and would like to talk to the Asst who helped with your exam. Best wishes.
Call the Dental office and tell them you had a question about root canals and would like to talk to the Asst who helped with your exam. Best wishes.
My Dental Abcess has become softer and moved higher on my gums and im scared?
I have a dental Abcess.Its not so big that my face is swollen but it is noticable. Before It was tight and felt firm so that when I pushed on it it felt kinda like the gums no give. Now when I push on it is squishes around my finger like a water baloon. I Went to the ER and they put me on Clindamyacin like 5 days ago. Its a 10 day dose of 300mg 3 times daily. I dont have insurance and no dentist around will see me. A few days ago I got really dizzy and lightheaded and slighty feverish. Thats what motivated me to go to er.Im really scared that I could die but dont know what else to do. No insurance, no money, No where to go. and all the er is willing to do is give me clindamyacin and send me on my way (300$ all together). any ideas?
A dental abscess can quickly turn into an emergency situation, especially if you say your face is swollen. All of those toxins can leak into your blood stream. Call your local health department, they have dentists who volunteer, for people who cannot afford it. In the meantime, use a saltwater rinse, that will keep the level of bacteria down a little.
A dental abscess can quickly turn into an emergency situation, especially if you say your face is swollen. All of those toxins can leak into your blood stream. Call your local health department, they have dentists who volunteer, for people who cannot afford it. In the meantime, use a saltwater rinse, that will keep the level of bacteria down a little.
Tooth infections. No dental cover and can`t afford the dentist. Texas?
I really need dental work i.e. all teeth extracted and given dentures but due to having no insurance or plan I cannot afford it. I`ve tried fianance and was turned down twice. The dental school here don`t do extractions and no one will let me pay in installments. Welfare dentists are not an option for me as have tried and was given no help due to not having a social security number (long story). I am willing to pay installments i.e. 50 to 100 dollors a week. Do I have any options or am I up creek without a paddle?
Find a dentist that you like and ask him if he will agree to monthly payments. There is also a credit card called "Care Credit" that is issued by GE Money Bank. A lot of times a dentist's office will help you enroll for the card. I used "Care Credit" for almost $12,000 worth of work. Makin the payments and a little more when possible. Just looked this up. Go to: www.gemoneybank.com/carecredit/com
Find a dentist that you like and ask him if he will agree to monthly payments. There is also a credit card called "Care Credit" that is issued by GE Money Bank. A lot of times a dentist's office will help you enroll for the card. I used "Care Credit" for almost $12,000 worth of work. Makin the payments and a little more when possible. Just looked this up. Go to: www.gemoneybank.com/carecredit/com
How can anyone trust private insurance?
After paying in to private insurance all my husbands life from the time he was 17 til his death he paid in. Wisconsin Health Fund dropped him when he needed the insurance the most, made him lose his doctor Shapiro. This ability is written in law that they can drop you if you get to sick to work. Despite having insurance I was forced in to hearing after hearing to get them to pay my migraine prescription, and dental, then still didn't pay(Compcare Blue) and now am uninsured and have been turned down for insurance because of preexisting conditions. Public insurance may be bad but this is the worst kind of fraud. You think you have insurance and they do not pay. If nothing else we need the public to keep private insurance honest and provide for us that have paid in all our lives and now have conditions so am being refused health care and insurance.
at age 65, you can get medicare , and then get a medicare supplelent insurance plan, that has pretty good rates, as it supplelents medicare. I bought mine online texas best medicare supplements group at http://www.texasbestmedicare.com/
at age 65, you can get medicare , and then get a medicare supplelent insurance plan, that has pretty good rates, as it supplelents medicare. I bought mine online texas best medicare supplements group at http://www.texasbestmedicare.com/
wisdom teeth need to be pulled. No insurance?
My husband is 24 and desperately needs his wisdom teeth removed ASAP. He hasn't been to the dentist in 12 years and his dental hygiene hasn't been the best (better now sense we have been married lol). His new job offers insurance (but isn't that great for the amount we would have to pay) and I am on maternity leave (no job = no insurance). We applied for Medi-Cal but were told we would have a "Share of Cost" (meaning we would have to pay around $3,200 a month before they would cover anything)... I am not sure if it makes any difference...but... we are in Redding California (no dental schools around here...) Anyways... My questions to you wonderful people are... -Can he get insurance just to have his wisdom teeth pulled? -If he hasn't been to the dentist in YEARS, does he need to see a dentist before the Oral Surgeon or can we just see the Oral Surgeon? -If he can't get insurance, how much is this gonna run us? Thank you for all your help I really appreciate it!
He will probably need a referral from a dentist to see an oral surgeon. I am in a similar bind, I need my wisdom teeth pulled and have no insurance. I looked online and found a few sites that might help. I'm not sure what they are right now, i have them written down at my mother's house, but you could try googling it. It's not really "insurance" but you can get it up to 3 days before you need dental surgery and you basically pay like $145/year and then they'll cover the extractions except you'll have to pay maybe a couple hundred bucks for it. Which would be better than a couple thousand. Edit: another option would be to ask the oral surgeon to remove one or two at a time so you don't have to pay as much right away. you could wait a few months inbetween and try to save up money. also, don't do general anesethesia as it will cost you more. try to do just locally numb it.
He will probably need a referral from a dentist to see an oral surgeon. I am in a similar bind, I need my wisdom teeth pulled and have no insurance. I looked online and found a few sites that might help. I'm not sure what they are right now, i have them written down at my mother's house, but you could try googling it. It's not really "insurance" but you can get it up to 3 days before you need dental surgery and you basically pay like $145/year and then they'll cover the extractions except you'll have to pay maybe a couple hundred bucks for it. Which would be better than a couple thousand. Edit: another option would be to ask the oral surgeon to remove one or two at a time so you don't have to pay as much right away. you could wait a few months inbetween and try to save up money. also, don't do general anesethesia as it will cost you more. try to do just locally numb it.
I have a question about my root canal...?
My dentist gave me a root canal then covered it with a filling until my crown came in. What I want to know is if I really need the crown, or can I make do with the filling. I'm asking because my dental insurance will pay 50%, and my 50% makes it seem like they only paid 5%. Furthermore, would you recommend getting another dental insurance policy?
A tooth with a root canal usually becomes brittle in time and it is prone to fracturing. A crown in placed on the tooth to prevent that from happening. A filling does not protect the rest of the tooth; it only fills in the hole that the dentist drilled to do the root canal. Some people elect not to place a crown on the tooth because of finances and sometimes you're lucky and other times the tooth cracks in half and you have to extract it. I would only get another dental insurance policy if your employer covers it. Otherwise, you may find yourself paying more in monthly premiums than what the insurance company pays for your dental work.
A tooth with a root canal usually becomes brittle in time and it is prone to fracturing. A crown in placed on the tooth to prevent that from happening. A filling does not protect the rest of the tooth; it only fills in the hole that the dentist drilled to do the root canal. Some people elect not to place a crown on the tooth because of finances and sometimes you're lucky and other times the tooth cracks in half and you have to extract it. I would only get another dental insurance policy if your employer covers it. Otherwise, you may find yourself paying more in monthly premiums than what the insurance company pays for your dental work.
Hi i have a dental question and I am very worried,?
Hi i never had insurance to go to dentists on a regular basis and one day i got a cavity on my bottom tooth. I let this problem go as i did not have insurance or the money to see a dentist and i thought it would be ok as long as i brushed my teeth daily. The cavity ended up getting worse and got so bad that half of my tooth ended up breaking in half an the inside of the tooth where the cavity was also fell out. I know i am stupid for what i am about to type but even after this happened i still did not see a dentist i just kept brushing my teeth daily as usual. One day i started getting a severe throbbing pain almost an unbearable sharp shooting pain in the root of the tooth and i could not even chew on the right side of my mouth and still to this day i can't or else it hurts severely when i bite down on that side. The sharp throbbing pain finally went away after about 3 straight days of agonizing pain but the problem now is all of my lymph nodes are swollen (the node on left side of my face on jaw line and the node under my jaw right above adams apple) both of these have been swollen without going away for at least almost a year and i recently went to the doctors thinking this was cancer related because i also lost some weight but i got a CT/PET scan and everything came back normal. Until recently as in this past week i had no idea about how a dental issue can lead to swollen lymph nodes and also read that if left untreated it can lead to bacterial infection of different parts of the body such as the brain and that is when this really started to scare me. I read that when lymph nodes show up and it's dental related to something such as a tooth decay then it means it is in a very serious stage. Please any information or advice on this problem will really be appreciated such as what do you think this issue is and if it is very serious or not. I just recently got on MassHealth and as soon as my car gets fixed in 3 days i am scheduling a dentist appointment as i am very scared and freaked out with what i was reading.
Well, whatever you do, try not to freak out so much because you're only suppressing your immune system. I think I had similar case just without the swollen lymph. I actually had to get a root canal since cavity went in deep.. but in your case, it does sound like an infection and yes they can end up in your brain if left untreated. Once you go to dentist, I'm sure doctor will give you antibiotics and that should probably do the trick. Also, try to go to dentist often. Our mouth is the most filthiest place on our body where it attracts lots of bacteria. And didn't the regular doctor take a sample of the lymph area to get it tested to see for type of infection?
Well, whatever you do, try not to freak out so much because you're only suppressing your immune system. I think I had similar case just without the swollen lymph. I actually had to get a root canal since cavity went in deep.. but in your case, it does sound like an infection and yes they can end up in your brain if left untreated. Once you go to dentist, I'm sure doctor will give you antibiotics and that should probably do the trick. Also, try to go to dentist often. Our mouth is the most filthiest place on our body where it attracts lots of bacteria. And didn't the regular doctor take a sample of the lymph area to get it tested to see for type of infection?
In Extreme Pain, Need Root Canal, No Insurance, No Job, What Can I Do ?
My son who is 35 years old has a dental problem, that I can't afford or able to provide any monetary help. I only get $339.00 a month to live on, because of a heart attack and diabetes among other things. He went to the free dental clinic of SW Washington State and was told he needed 2 Root Canals. But the Free Dental Clinic does not have equipment to do root canals. He has No Insurance, No Money, No Job. He is doing good to excellent on getting his life back on track from meth addiction and the courts have have his time tied up each week with 1 court date, 3 AA meetings and 3 Clinic counseling meetings. My suggestion to him was why don't he have them pull them and he said they won't. He has been on an antibiotic and he is in extreme pain, what can he do ? Any Suggestions ?
Pity you are not in Thailand. Extractions and root canals are dirt cheap and are professionally done in places like Chiang Mai.What about Mexico? I am assuming you are American Extractions are relatively easy procedure. Surely there is some compassionate dentist who will do the job. If it is a non essential teeth like the wisdom then extraction is the go. If they are important teeth then well it is better to do a RCT
Pity you are not in Thailand. Extractions and root canals are dirt cheap and are professionally done in places like Chiang Mai.What about Mexico? I am assuming you are American Extractions are relatively easy procedure. Surely there is some compassionate dentist who will do the job. If it is a non essential teeth like the wisdom then extraction is the go. If they are important teeth then well it is better to do a RCT
Is health insurance worth having?
I have been shopping for health insurance and I'm finding it hard to actually sign up. I have never had an issue with the public health system. I have not had to wait very long on a waiting list when I have needed operations. All of the major surgeries happen in the public hospital (in my city) anyway so hospital cover seems to be a waste of money. The service I received in the public hospital was as good as I have seen family members be treated in a private hospital. The only thing the public health system lacks in is dental and optical (you can get emergency dental with public health and eye tests and a small choice of frames with public). Looking at some of the health covers some are $2500 per year per couple and that only covers $1600 dental. Is it easier just to pay for a medical service if you need it as you need it?? Does anyone swear by private health insurance? Am I being a fool? Should I sign up?
I read the first two answers, and I'm pretty sure they're from the U.S. Nothing is free here. A hospital stay + operation here runs into many thousands of dollars. An ambulance can be $1,000. Don't listen to us!! You need to ask Australians. Go to your local library. Here, the "Reference Department" of the library helps with questions like yours. They have more information than just a computer. That's my recommendation to you. :)
I read the first two answers, and I'm pretty sure they're from the U.S. Nothing is free here. A hospital stay + operation here runs into many thousands of dollars. An ambulance can be $1,000. Don't listen to us!! You need to ask Australians. Go to your local library. Here, the "Reference Department" of the library helps with questions like yours. They have more information than just a computer. That's my recommendation to you. :)
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