Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Much Does A Prophylaxis (Cleaning) At An Holistic Dentist Cost?

I was wondering if anyone here knows how much a prophylaxis (cleaning) at an holistic dentist costs for one without dental insurance?

Should I elect to get my wisdom teeth pulled? Will my teeth shift or my gums shrink?

When i was a teen I had bad crowding and had 4 teeth pulled in order to have braces. During college, my bottom left wisdom tooth (they've all grown out) got a bad cavity, and since i was a broke student, I decided to just get it pulled out rather than spend a fortune on a root canal. Now i'm working full time and have good dental insurance. When i went in for a checkup, my dentist pointed out that my top left wisdom tooth had grown out further than the rest b/c the bottom one had been extracted and there is space. My top right wisdom tooth on the other hand sticks out a bit, causing me to accidentally bite my cheek from time to time. I was referred to an Orthodontist and advised to have both these upper wisdom teeth pulled to prevent future problems. My bottom right wisdom tooth is fine and doesn't need to be pulled. While I trust the dentist's advice, I'm apprehensive of having 2 more permanent teeth pulled, making a total of 7! I don't experience any pain of discomfort.
Press your dentist for an alternative. If you are not happy with his advice go to a different dentist. Your gum will shrink and the shape of your face will be different. Avoid extraction wherever possible. But if a tooth gives persistent problems root canal treatments are not always a success and can give persistent problems. Perhaps try several more dentists for advice. It is you have to live with your teeth not the dentist. I have lost 3 of the 4 teeth before the wisdom teeth. If I had my wisdom teeth pulled I would be without any back teeth. Wisdom teeth can be an insurance against losing other teeth

I have never been to the dentist and I am 20 years old? I am so embarassed- what should I do?

My parents never had dental insurance and could not afford it out of pocket. Now I am embarrassed. I have very bad crooked teeth and I want to go so bad-- I don't care if I pay out of pocket. I am just embarrassed to go.
There is always a first time. Just go and get started. It is just like giving the first kiss or going on your first date. Then everything gets easy !!

On Average: How much does Invisalign Cost?

And do you know if a standard Dental Insurance plan would pay for any part of it? I have United Healthcare
I'm pretty sure you have to pay for it all. I know that insurance doesn't cover braces. Dunno about the cost, they say its less than braces. (my braces were over $4000)

Can a Florida judge order that a non-custodial parent be allowed to claim child on his taxes.?

I keep finding conflicting information on the internet regarding the authority of state courts. I, as the custodial parent, am the sole provider for my child's health/dental insurance (I footed the bill for braces and any co-payments), I solely pay the mortgage for the house she lives in, father does not want to see or know his child and she is now 17 years old. He pays $500 per month in mandate child support from age 13 to 18 years of age. The court order says he is allowed to claim her on his taxes every other year. He pays no state tax where I pay state tax and an additional local tax which is equal to half of what I pay for state taxes. I also pay property taxes. I provide more than 50% of her support. Do I have to confirm to the judges order? Because the case was heard in the NCP's state, I was allowed to participate by phone but at the last minute the judge decided I couldn't and my child's father had his lawyer present where I had no one acting on my behalf.
A judge can and in alot of cases does order this. Have you ever heard of a form 8332? The parent who has custody signs this paper in the year the other parent wants to claim the child. For example, if your ex gets the child on his 2006 taxes, you sign it in 2006 for him to use. Only catch is, it only releases dependancy and child tax credit, which your child is too old for, to the non custodial. You keep the Head of Household (if you qualify), the day care expenses, and the Earned Income credit (if you qualify). Hope this helps.

how much did you pay for a root canal on a back molar #32?

I just went to the dentist and they quoted me $1900 for a root canal, build up, and crown. This seemed a little high to me (especially since I do not have dental insurance)? To pull the tooth would cost $290 which also seemed quite high. I just want to know what everyone else thought about the price before I pay for a second opionion. Thanks
Tooth #32 is a wisdom tooth. You don't really need this tooth. Most adults don't have enough room in their mouths for their wisdom teeth anyway. Your dentist knows this or at least he should. There is no reason to keep this tooth. Save your money and hve it removed. $290 is reasonable for the removal of the tooth. You can get a second opinion if you would like, but I'd remove the tooth. Save your money.

Is dental hygiene cleaning good?

Our university has this dental clinique that as we have paid our insurance they charge us like $10 now for dental cleaning. They told us that only Flouride process is not included. I am afraid that my tooth get more sensitive after cleaning. Does it make make the tooth more sensitive? and is it required really to remove the plaques and cavities from tooth?
If you want to keep your teeth, dental cleanings are absolutely necessary. If you haven't had a teeth cleaning in a few years, then there may be a lot of tatar buildup (hardened plaque). If there is a lot of buildup under the gums, then yes it can be a little sensitive. But if you dont have your teeth cleaned and the tartar just stays there, it will buildup more and more and you will get whats called gum disease. This causes the gums to be inflamed and recede and even bone loss, and will result in tooth loss, but this happens over years. Having a cleaning will remove the buildup and plaque, which is required if you dont want cavities and gum disease. And if cavities are left untreated they will just become bigger and reach the nerve of the tooth and then you will need a root canal. These major problems can be avoided with regular cleanings. And dont forget to always take care of your teeth at home inbetween cleanings. Brush and floss.

What would the average basic coverage be from Manulife Financial..?

...for health and dental insurance?
I recently quote a 30yr old female (non smoker) for a basic Manulife plan and it worked out to around $50 a month. Talk to your Advisor and she/he can get you some numbers.

Does Medicaid in Florida cover dental fillings?

I used to be covered by my moms insurance but recently got kicked off because I turned 18. I just found out today medicaid excepted me and I need to get fillings. Does anyone know if in the state of florida those would be covered. I hope so im sick of paying extreme amounts of money anytime I have to get somthing done.
Geez, that sucks! It's such a pain when you need dental work and you can't seek the treatment you need, either because lack of coverage or the high cost involved. You might find this place to helpful, http://www.dentistsofflorida.com/Categor… You know, a lot of times dental clinics can work with you and settle on a reasonable payment plan if you ask. I hope you get something figured out. Fillings gone unchecked can get ugly. I hope you can figure something out.

Sister adding younger sibling to health insurance?

I wasn't eligible for medicaid and I'd really like to get some braces. I've been wanting some since I was about 8 or 9 . Im 16 now! My sister said that she would contact Blue Cross/Blue Shield to see if I could be put on hers . What are the chances of me actually being put on her plan and being able to receive dental help?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

what will happen to us if the social security system will not exist in the future?

it will increase the wages? or more benefits offered...like health insurance, dental, college will be free?? what do you see?
Back in the sixties the Dems started spending the money in the Social Security account and replacing it with IOUs. The IOUs start coming due pretty soon. This will be like taking a pay cut AND sending a child to an ivy league university. Social Security, or "elder welfare" will have to exist in one form or another OR people who can't work will just be allowed to die or even killed by the government. If Dems are in control I think the last two choices are likely. If Republicans or Libertarians are in control then I think they will probably fix the Social Security system and start taxing people on the first million in income, which they should do tomorrow. Dems are way too chicken-sh*t to put forward a bill that raises the social security tax to be on the first million in income and even Republicans are afraid of upsetting their largest private donors.

My mom is 42 years old, we live in Texas, she is unemployed...?

She has diabetes ( which she takes medicane for) and acid reflux (also takes medicane for this). I am looking for some reasonable health and hopefully dental insurance for her. Anybody have any suggestions. I would like a response from somebody that currently has the insurance and can give me some round about prices and info. Thanks a lot
If she is single and unemployed she can go to the County Health Office and get help with her meds and diabetic supplies and probably insurance through the State.

Anyone get dentures that has Tri-care dental?

My husband is in the military we have tri-care prime insurance and tri-care dental coverage. My teeth are bad, I am certain that when I finally stop being a chicken and make an appointment that dentures will be the fix. I am wondering what to expect for my out of pocket expenses? thank you!
Why don't you call the insurance carrier and ask them directly. They can probably tell by your policy number what you can expect. I would also think it might have something to do with the practitioner that you select unless they offer a list of participating dental practices. I have dentures, if you want some insight into them, please feel free to contact me. Sandy

How much are cosmetic veneers (teeth)?

I'm wondering how much it costs to get my top teeth lined with veneers? It's not covered by dental insurance correct?
$700-$1,100 per tooth. eHealthPlus members get 50%-60% off this cost. Make sure you have participating dentists in your area before you sign up for the membership.

insurance question...please answer all of you that can...any answer is beneficial!!?

My family is going through somwhat of an economical problem...my dad just got fired and my mom gets paid fairly..we need dental and medical insurance...so my question is how do you get things like medicate and medicare and/or what other insurances are really good and for very low cost...please help as much as you can..
Most states now offer free or low cost insurance for children and, depending on income, it is sometimes also avalable for parents. Doesn't sound like medicare/medicade will be available for your family since your mom works and your dad is not disabled. Call your town or state's social services department as they will be better able to advise you.

I would like to know if there is a program to help pay for dental, for low income people?

it is for a single mother who does not get child support from the father unless it's close to taxes and i get two checks. My son needs braces and i don't make enough money to pay for them. I do have insurance which will pay except 3700.00 so i am looking for help.
DentAfford has an affordable dental plan. For as little as $6 per month you can obtain substantial discounts -60% or more in some cases- on all types of dental work. Also known as CIGNA Dental Network Access, it uses a pre-negotiated, reduced Fee Schedule.

No insurance and I need to extract my wisdom tooth.?

Hi, I have no medical insurance and I need to have my four wisdom tooth extracted. I have tried calling College Dental Clinics and they are charging way more than a regular Oral Surgeon. I am a college student and It's very expensive. Does anyone have and Idea of what I'll have to pay?? Thank You
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthplans.my-age.net

My fiance and his twin boys are on my insurance? How do i claim this on my taxes?

At my job, my fiance is considered my domestic partner, as well as on my medical dental vision insurance. Now due to us not being married I cannot claim the boys as dependents that is on him.He has joint custody, and was nice enough to pay child support. But my question is due to the boys and him being on my insurance how can I claim that, since I do pay a lot more than would for myself?
Simple. Get married before the end of the year. OH! before getting married just for the deduction, this is one of those really hard deductions. You must itemize and the total of all medical expenses are reduced by 7.5% of your gross income!

Where do i find a free dental clinic in Fort Myers, FL?

I need a lot of work & my insurance will not cover most of what i need. I need my front teeth to be done as new & i got to pay more that $2000 where do i find something cheaper or FREE please help!!!
You'll never find free. At discounted rates, you're looking at going to a dental college to be worked on by students (supervised by a pro). If you have a job with insurance, your income is likely too high to qualify for subsidized care, which isn't very extensive anyway. http://www.technical-schools-guide.com/f… is a list of dental schools in Florida. They don't usually do strictly cosmetic stuff, but I'm not sure what you're looking to have done -- restorations, crowns, and veneers are possible. Their waiting lists can be quite long, so check them out and make your appointment as soon as possible. Good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for.

how much did your dental implants cost you?

what kind of insurance did you have?
I have not seen any insurance that cover implants. I was quoted by two places between 2600 - 2800 which is like OMG. I have good dental insurance and it does not cover implants. I am still saving up. LOL

Can I take a legal action regarding my ex-gf using my insurance without my authorization or consent?

My ex-gf and were separated for almost 4 years now. We have two kids. I am now married, and she's dating someone for a quite a while now too. Me and my ex-gf use to have a domestic partnership thing filed at work so that i can cover her from my insurance. But since we broke up, I filed something at work to waived the demostic partnership. And also to remove her as a dependent on my medical, dental vision insurance, except for my kids. But I found out from VSP, that my ex-gf was able to use my VSP insurance just last year, june 2008 without my knowledge. We've been separated since late 2005.I double check with my HR rep and they said that she's been out since 2006. And the dependents that i have are my 2 kids plus my wife. Things are pretty nasty between me and here before this happened. I do have 50/50 custody with the kids, and i am paying child support at the same time. Is there anything that i can do legaly on my part for using my insurance without my authorization? Please let me know... Thanks!
Notify the insurance company, if the insurance company told her that she was covered, it isn't fraud, the insurance company will be obliged to get their money back from her. For you to go after her, you have to prove that she did it with the intent to defraud, she can claim that she just assumed she was insured. He said she said. Make sure her insurance is canceled, and move on.