Anyone here from california and know if there is a specific process for how one parent reimburses the other for medical and dental expenses not covered by insurance? This is a divorce situation where the kids are covered by the moms insurance.
You need to pay by check notating what the expense is for. She needs to provide you with copies of the bills so that you can pay your half. You will also need a receipt showing payment. When you get all that done, you need to start a file with all these things. Staple together: Copy of the bill Cancelled check Receipt showing payment. Put all that together so you'll have it in the future if needed.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Most affordable health insurance?
I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can't afford to go through my work's insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?
Ultimately, you are the one who determines the affordability of your health insurance plan by deciding how much you will participate in sharing the cost of your health care with your insurance company. You decide what the right balance is between affordability and policy benefits. If you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as low deductibles, low copays and optional vision and dental benefits your monthly premiums will be significant. On the other hand if you are young, presumably healthy and probably use the health care system sparingly you could consider a plan that covers only the major health catastrophe. If that is too scary consider a plan with a higher in hospital deductible, higher co-pays for doctor's office visits and perhaps not cover prescription drugs.. Either of these approaches will result in a lower monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit or prescription and still come out ahead. You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. That adviser can answer questions as to what is and is not covered by the policy, explain deductibles and copays and show you the hospitals and doctors that participate in the network. Check with the agent that writes your home or auto insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation. Some are going to suggest you go to their web site so that they earn a few pennies on a "click through". Some may suggest going on line to get a quote but you probably already know that there is more to a good health insurance policy than price. Some might even "pitch" a discount plan that is not insurance at all. Use the Internet to educate yourself but use an agent to purchase the coverage.
Ultimately, you are the one who determines the affordability of your health insurance plan by deciding how much you will participate in sharing the cost of your health care with your insurance company. You decide what the right balance is between affordability and policy benefits. If you choose a plan that covers everything i.e. doctors office visits, prescription drugs, preventative health benefits, maternity coverage as well as low deductibles, low copays and optional vision and dental benefits your monthly premiums will be significant. On the other hand if you are young, presumably healthy and probably use the health care system sparingly you could consider a plan that covers only the major health catastrophe. If that is too scary consider a plan with a higher in hospital deductible, higher co-pays for doctor's office visits and perhaps not cover prescription drugs.. Either of these approaches will result in a lower monthly premium. You then can use the monthly premium savings to pay for the occasional doctor visit or prescription and still come out ahead. You need a trusted adviser to help you through the process of purchasing health insurance so that you understand what you are purchasing. That adviser can answer questions as to what is and is not covered by the policy, explain deductibles and copays and show you the hospitals and doctors that participate in the network. Check with the agent that writes your home or auto insurance he/she can provide you a health insurance proposal that takes into account your budget and health situation. Some are going to suggest you go to their web site so that they earn a few pennies on a "click through". Some may suggest going on line to get a quote but you probably already know that there is more to a good health insurance policy than price. Some might even "pitch" a discount plan that is not insurance at all. Use the Internet to educate yourself but use an agent to purchase the coverage.
Most affordable health insurance?
I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can't afford to go through my work's insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies
Try this site Here you can compare quotes from different companies
Is Ameriplan health coverage a scam?
I came across Ameriplan while looking for dental insurance online. I have visited their site, watched the videos on them and read reviews, but most reviews and statements I've read are from people that work for them. Have any of you had insurance through them? I'm just wondering if their service is good or would any of you recommend them, or is this just another scam?
I've done the math on one of these plans. You are much better off paying out of your own pocket. Even with some plans you get through work. You end up paying less per year if you just need routine check ups. /
I've done the math on one of these plans. You are much better off paying out of your own pocket. Even with some plans you get through work. You end up paying less per year if you just need routine check ups. /
Is Ameriplan health coverage a scam?
I came across Ameriplan while looking for dental insurance online. I have visited their site, watched the videos on them and read reviews, but most reviews and statements I've read are from people that work for them. Have any of you had insurance through them? I'm just wondering if their service is good or would any of you recommend them, or is this just another scam?
Ameriplan is not insurance, it's a discount plan. Here's some information about discount plans, and what to look out for:…
Ameriplan is not insurance, it's a discount plan. Here's some information about discount plans, and what to look out for:…
Should homeowners pay more tax so single moms on welfare can be given a car and insurance?
If homeowners paid a little more in property taxes single moms on public assistance could be given a car and insurance. Free housing, utilities, food stamos, medical and dental are good but a car, and insurance should also be given. Its hard to afford cell phones and cable TV for a single mom on assistance.
when i was a single mom, i had two jobs, so i could afford to have a car, i never asked for anything, and maybe they should get a job.
when i was a single mom, i had two jobs, so i could afford to have a car, i never asked for anything, and maybe they should get a job.
Can one deduct dental work done in another country?
I had three root canals and 4 fillings done in EUROPE AT one third the cost here ( no health insurance) CAN i DEDUCT THIS expense from my taxes if i ITEMIZE AND IS THE TRIP THERE TO HAVE THIS DONE ALSO TAX DEDUCTIBLE?
No problem. You can deduct health care expenses. Where they are incurred is irrelevant.
No problem. You can deduct health care expenses. Where they are incurred is irrelevant.
I am getting two dental implants soon. Any advice from those with them? Cheaper in Mexico?
Also: - How long after my tooth was extracted do I have to wait? - How long does the procedure take? - Can you get them without cadaver material (that just creeps me out, even though I am told it is safe)? - I am told it will cost about $3500/tooth. My insurance does not cover implants. Should I go to Mexico and if so, where?
I had one placed right after the tooth was extracted (minutes). The screw needs to stay in place apprx. 6 months to ensure it fuses with the bone. If you're talking cadaver material you must need a bone graft which will add another 4-6 months on the process. If you don't need a bone graft (bone you have is sufficient to hold the implant) then you don't have to worry about cadavers. Whole process including crown usually takes apprx. 7-12 months. I would not go to Mexico unless you live near the border. Too many things can go wrong and progress needs to be periodically checked by the dentist. $3500 seems a little high per implant. You might want to shop around your area. Also, make sure the implant is guaranteed against failure in the first year. The dentist usually has insurance on the implant and it's included in the price. I had one fail after 6 months and replacement was free including the crown.
I had one placed right after the tooth was extracted (minutes). The screw needs to stay in place apprx. 6 months to ensure it fuses with the bone. If you're talking cadaver material you must need a bone graft which will add another 4-6 months on the process. If you don't need a bone graft (bone you have is sufficient to hold the implant) then you don't have to worry about cadavers. Whole process including crown usually takes apprx. 7-12 months. I would not go to Mexico unless you live near the border. Too many things can go wrong and progress needs to be periodically checked by the dentist. $3500 seems a little high per implant. You might want to shop around your area. Also, make sure the implant is guaranteed against failure in the first year. The dentist usually has insurance on the implant and it's included in the price. I had one fail after 6 months and replacement was free including the crown.
what benefits are employers required to give to a full time employee?
i live in new jersey and i work full time, on average 55 hours a week. I am unable to get any paid vacation, no set breaks, but they are flexible with days off except on mandatory holidays. they also give me free medical insurance that covers no dental and only 70 percent medical, and i also make time and a half over 40 hours a week
no benefits are "required" at all. vacation is a PRIVILEGE and is not at all required by a company to give be grateful you ahve a job and have what they give you.
no benefits are "required" at all. vacation is a PRIVILEGE and is not at all required by a company to give be grateful you ahve a job and have what they give you.
Help! Health Insurance Plan Advice?
I'm having a difficult time deciding on a sensible health plan in my open enrollment package... My company insurance pays over 90% of medical expenses on average. The insurer is Aetna. My average income is about 25K per year. I am a full time college student, living alone. My medical needs are minimal... a couple of normal daily prescriptions and routine examinations. I have had a family doctor for 16 years who is very lenient with my retail health care costs, and is in the network of preferred providers. Coverage (even low level) comes with visual and life insurance, and the dental options are just a couple bucks a month. The PPO plan runs 113.00 per month. This leaves my provider options open, annual deductible of 200.00 and a 2,000 maximum "out of pocket" (not including copay, coinsurance, or deductible). This plan has a $250 copay for hospital inpatient, and pays 90%. ER is 100 copay then 90%. The remaining services have an affordable copay with 100% coverage. The EPO (higher) is a pretty 102.00 per month, and models an HMO. No deductible, 1500 maximum out of pocket, 100% coverage on each benefit, and a cheaper hospital/ER copay of 75/100 dollars. To me, this somehow seems like a sweeter deal... (given my docs are in the network)... The lowest option is 63.00 per month, no deductible, 2,000 max, and covers most benefits at 100%, except inpatient (250 copay, 80%)... The emergency copay doubles, the remaining copays just go up about 5 bucks. It seems to me... the best "deal" is the EPO (higher) plan. I don't understand how the PPO can be more expensive, offer less coverage, and be a better plan. Is this all related to "network" providers? Even so, the higher EPO is pretty dang expensive. Its going to cut a big chunk from my regular pay (2x the smaller EPO). As a young woman with a (thus far) clean bill of health, would taking the smaller option be a better "bet" for me? I'll save nearly 500/year on the smallest plan, but if a hospital visit pops up I could be left so broke I can't pay attention. In the opinion of you experienced insured workers out there.. what is best for a single student? Take a smaller plan and save precious dollars? or take the bigger plan "just in case"??
I agree with you, the EPO is the best option. You could probably get away with the lowest option, but you're only saving $39.00 for month, and a $2000. max is pretty low. Insurance is like gambling. You try to predict what will happen this year, medically. Based on the past, you probably don't need much, but there's no way to be sure. As you said, if something unexpected happens, you want to be able to get excellent care without hesitation.
I agree with you, the EPO is the best option. You could probably get away with the lowest option, but you're only saving $39.00 for month, and a $2000. max is pretty low. Insurance is like gambling. You try to predict what will happen this year, medically. Based on the past, you probably don't need much, but there's no way to be sure. As you said, if something unexpected happens, you want to be able to get excellent care without hesitation.
Sliding scale or reduced cost dental implants?
I have spent a lifetime paying big bucks to preserve horrible teeth and now I believe my teeth are not going to last much longer. Everytime I go in for work, (last three problems) I am told that the problem cannot be fixed and the tooth comes out. I would love to have them all removed on my own terms instead of crisis by crisis, but I am only 37 and the prospect of dentures at my age is horribly depressing. I LOVE the idea of dental implants. False teeth that are installed. I live in East Texas. My insurance plan, I'm sure doesn't cover this, as it is regarded as cosmetic. I have heard that a person who knows how to do this...can do so with a minimum of expense to him/herself. The supplies are dirt cheap but the knowhow is expensive. I CAN'T afford the full cost of this to be done. And I think it would be rather selfish of a dentist not to donate some expertise now and again. Does anyone know any dental schools or really sweet people that know how to do this in my area?
If you can do some research or calling around to different dental offices or go on the American Dental Associaton, you may find a Dentist that has just completed his training in implant surgery,and has his Certification in Dental implants, and he may want to use you as his first case, and charge you mabye a minimum fee,Just call a office, they maby not do it, but may know a dentist that is in implant training and pass the word on with your name and number, asle you may be able to post it on a dental website,(or the American Dental Associaton )in your state, I believe they are like 1000 per tooth, they can do 2 implants and ancor your denture into your gums,(back tooth area on both sides)
If you can do some research or calling around to different dental offices or go on the American Dental Associaton, you may find a Dentist that has just completed his training in implant surgery,and has his Certification in Dental implants, and he may want to use you as his first case, and charge you mabye a minimum fee,Just call a office, they maby not do it, but may know a dentist that is in implant training and pass the word on with your name and number, asle you may be able to post it on a dental website,(or the American Dental Associaton )in your state, I believe they are like 1000 per tooth, they can do 2 implants and ancor your denture into your gums,(back tooth area on both sides)
How would I get Life Insurance?
Well, I'm sixteen to start off- so I'm not an adult. And for the past year or so I have not had life insurance because my mother died [and we were in a "transitional insurance phase" at the time]. I moved in with my Grandma, and she has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's (progressive) so it seems I am on my own because my sister no longer lives with me (college) and my father is in Jail at the moment. My sister said she went to Blue Cross Blue Shield (Florida) to get a life insurance plan. Also dental. However, unlike her I'm not over 18. So, I went to the website to apply (I have SS money from my Mom that I can use) but the site said I needed to look at a "Child only application". I looked for a link and search-engined for a document/ registration place. But I was unable to find one. Also, Is it okay to have my Grandmother sign off on anything? She is still mentally alright to me (for now). Life insurance is important- I need this in case anything happens to me. Thanks is advance for any advice or suggestions that you make. =D
You can easily check life insurance quotes in internet, for example here -
You can easily check life insurance quotes in internet, for example here -
For a family of 3, in MN, what is the best of Health Insurance Plan?
I have been browsing, but I can't decide. And why don't I see Dental as part of the benefits? My budget is about $500 a month.
I live in MN and my family has First Plan Blue( for low income), it has a very good dental plan and it travels with me, my co pays are small. Or when I was working at this one job making OK money I had MN-care I was very Happy with that one to and might be going back to it. My monthly payments were about 23.00 for my daughter and I. Check them out.. Good luck,
I live in MN and my family has First Plan Blue( for low income), it has a very good dental plan and it travels with me, my co pays are small. Or when I was working at this one job making OK money I had MN-care I was very Happy with that one to and might be going back to it. My monthly payments were about 23.00 for my daughter and I. Check them out.. Good luck,
Anyone in the Dental field willing to fix my mouth for free?
I was taken advantage of by this Dentist who is now in jail. He ripped off the insurance co and took out most of my teeth. It will cost me thousands of $$$ to have my mouth fixed, I dont have the money, can anyone help or recommend
call a dentist school. sometimes they are willing to fix your mouth, but it will still cost you, but cheaper.
call a dentist school. sometimes they are willing to fix your mouth, but it will still cost you, but cheaper.
help with insurance pls?
hi im 19 years old and i have to have insurance, i have a thyroid desiase that i have to take meds and i take brithcontrol, (which most young girls should be on) lol any ways i have some fillings done to so not only do i need health insurance i need dental too....i applyed for golden rule and they have been giving me such a hard time im goin to drop them on i think im goin back to blue cross insurance can u give me addvice or maybe a better insurace???
OK, I'm going to hit this one at a time. 1. Any preexisting condition is likely to be excluded on a private health insurance policy. Not a problem with thyroid, as the meds are SO cheap anyway, you're really just looking at the cost for loodwork. 2. most young girls should NOT be on hormone birth control pills. Aside from the whole moral issue, it does Bad Thing to your body. And it doesn't protect you from STD's. 3. Health insurance doesn't cover dental, and dental doesn't pay out as much as it costs. 4. You need to get a job, with health insurance. Yes, even if you're in college. Lots of people can go to school full time, and work full time. Bonus - you won't have time for the whole sex thing, and won't have to worry about the birth control, or an unplanned pregnancy, or a fatal STD.
OK, I'm going to hit this one at a time. 1. Any preexisting condition is likely to be excluded on a private health insurance policy. Not a problem with thyroid, as the meds are SO cheap anyway, you're really just looking at the cost for loodwork. 2. most young girls should NOT be on hormone birth control pills. Aside from the whole moral issue, it does Bad Thing to your body. And it doesn't protect you from STD's. 3. Health insurance doesn't cover dental, and dental doesn't pay out as much as it costs. 4. You need to get a job, with health insurance. Yes, even if you're in college. Lots of people can go to school full time, and work full time. Bonus - you won't have time for the whole sex thing, and won't have to worry about the birth control, or an unplanned pregnancy, or a fatal STD.
Can my boss legally force me to take the company health insurance?
I work for a very small company. They "offer" us insurance but I pay for it, the cost coming out of my biweekly paycheck. I found the same plan, with the same insurance co. for less than half the price if I do it on my own. Can my boss force me to participate in the company insurance? They added dental to the plan 6 months ago. I told them originally I didn't want dental, but they said I HAD to have dental, because either everyone got it, or no one got it since it's a small office. I'm afraid they'll have the same policy for the health insurance. I've worked here for 3 years and I like the work so please don't advise me to quit.
Legally, I don't think anyone can force you to sign something that you don't want to. And if they did you would still be responsible so it's your decision but I wouldn't.
Legally, I don't think anyone can force you to sign something that you don't want to. And if they did you would still be responsible so it's your decision but I wouldn't.
Insurance advise?
Ok, so I am thinking of moving out on my own (I'm 19) and when I do I will no longer be covered by my parents insurance policy. So I was wondering what was a good insurance I could get that would not cost a fortune? I am looking for dental coverage and also medical coverage, in case I am in an accident or need to go see the doc. I also have wisdom teeth coming in, so it would need to cover an oral surgeon also. I am currently working at lowes, but I am unsure of how good their insurance is, and will need to work there another 2 months before I can sign up for the insurance. So, my question is, is lowes insurance good? And what are my other options for insurance for dental and medical? Thanks.
I believe as long as you are a full time student (it doesn't matter if you live with your parents or not) you can still be covered under your parents' insurance. Once you're no longer a full time student, you wouldn't be covered anymore though. As far as whether or not Lowe's insurance is good... it is probably better than buying your own policy. Health and dental insurance costs a lot of money, and whatever Lowe's would contribute to it is probably better than you getting your own individual coverage. Go with their group insurance.
I believe as long as you are a full time student (it doesn't matter if you live with your parents or not) you can still be covered under your parents' insurance. Once you're no longer a full time student, you wouldn't be covered anymore though. As far as whether or not Lowe's insurance is good... it is probably better than buying your own policy. Health and dental insurance costs a lot of money, and whatever Lowe's would contribute to it is probably better than you getting your own individual coverage. Go with their group insurance.
NCRA Insurance programs and membership?
I am currently a court reporting student and my teacher wants us to join the NCRA. Which is the National Court Reporters Association. Normally the fee for this membership is close to $200. But since I'm a student I get it for $60. I'm just curious as to the insurance programs they offer. My friend in my class thinks that the insurance comes with the membership. They have everything from dental, medical, and life. But is that extra? If I get the membership does it come with the insurance? If not how much would it be for the dental and medical? I appreciate any help.
Once you become a member you will get all of the information about what the group offers. You will have to buy the coverages you need or want, the association just gets you the special group rates.
Once you become a member you will get all of the information about what the group offers. You will have to buy the coverages you need or want, the association just gets you the special group rates.
chipped front tooth no insurance?
I need dental care in Atlanta Ga , I have no insurance and can not afford to pay for a dentist at this time. My front tooth is chipped and another one is broken.
They should have those cheap dental clinics that only charge a fraction of the cost. Just look at the local phone book, they usually have payment plans also. This is serious you should try to borrow the money or put it on a credit card. If all else fails get them both covered with gold fronts like the rappers. Good Luck
They should have those cheap dental clinics that only charge a fraction of the cost. Just look at the local phone book, they usually have payment plans also. This is serious you should try to borrow the money or put it on a credit card. If all else fails get them both covered with gold fronts like the rappers. Good Luck
Where is there a good dentist in Seoul ?
I think I need to get one of my wisdom teeth pulled? Any suggestions on a good dentist? Also, does the national insurance cover dental bills?
i don't know about national insurance.. I have something else. but the general buzz is that the Linton family are the ones to see. Dr. John Linton is the Head of the International Clinic at Severance Hospital in Yonsei University. His parents were American missionaries in Korea during the poorest of times. He grew up here, thus speaks perfect Korean. Went to medical school here as well and now trains interns at Severance. He married a fellow intern who went on to become a dentist, Here is the info: KOREA SEOUL Jina Lee Linton, DDS, MA, PhD (Level III) #1704 Kyobo Life Bldg, Jongno 1GA, Seoul 110-714 Phone: 82-2-735-2851 Email: Website: they have a daughter at Seoul foreign School and JOhn is also on the board there, so they are very active in the International Community. (also, founding family of Seoul church)
i don't know about national insurance.. I have something else. but the general buzz is that the Linton family are the ones to see. Dr. John Linton is the Head of the International Clinic at Severance Hospital in Yonsei University. His parents were American missionaries in Korea during the poorest of times. He grew up here, thus speaks perfect Korean. Went to medical school here as well and now trains interns at Severance. He married a fellow intern who went on to become a dentist, Here is the info: KOREA SEOUL Jina Lee Linton, DDS, MA, PhD (Level III) #1704 Kyobo Life Bldg, Jongno 1GA, Seoul 110-714 Phone: 82-2-735-2851 Email: Website: they have a daughter at Seoul foreign School and JOhn is also on the board there, so they are very active in the International Community. (also, founding family of Seoul church)
Why are they able to get away with this?
My son needs orthagnathic surgery, but the dental insurance says it is a medical condition so they won't cover it, and the medical insurance says it is a dental condition so they won't cover it. Why are they allowed to have these loopholes in our coverage?
Our health system is so screwed up. But if you wanted to go overseas and study the mating habit of a swamp rat, you would get help. sad isn't it....
Our health system is so screwed up. But if you wanted to go overseas and study the mating habit of a swamp rat, you would get help. sad isn't it....
My mom's health insurance premium is killing me...?
I am paying more than 500 bucks/month for my mom's KAISER health insurance. It covers physica/dental and not vision. Does anyone have any idea how much it costs for a non-smoking/54yo/healthy woman to get good health insurance privately when she's not working FT? Thank You so much for your help! :-)
It doesn't surprise me that it's that much as the cost of healthcare has gone through the roof. You can try getting a quote from the link I'm posting as this should help you compare costs.
It doesn't surprise me that it's that much as the cost of healthcare has gone through the roof. You can try getting a quote from the link I'm posting as this should help you compare costs.
How can I learn to be intimate with husband with bad teeth?
I love my husband very much. He's a good man and a good provider and he loves me. But there is one thing about him that I am ashamed to say really turns me off...over the past couple of years, his teeth have begun to fall out and he even has front teeth and bottom teeth missing. The few remaining teeth are awful. He has always brushed his teeth daily and has good hygiene, but his family has a history of severe dental problems. When we got married, 20 years ago, his teeth were fine. It's not that he hasn't been to the dentist and tried to get them taken care of. Even though we have dental insurance, it only will pay a mere fraction of the cost of oral surgery and dentures. (Also, I know he is now avoiding the dentists because he doesn't want to get dentures....he's only 42.) We don't have $6000 to pay upfront. But lately, I am having great difficulty just being close to him and I feel so terrible and shallow for feeling that way. Any advice?
I don't know where you live, but $6000 for dentures? That seems a bit high. Check around. You can always get on a payment plan. Bad teeth can lead to other health problems. I'd suggest you figure out someway to get the man some teeth.
I don't know where you live, but $6000 for dentures? That seems a bit high. Check around. You can always get on a payment plan. Bad teeth can lead to other health problems. I'd suggest you figure out someway to get the man some teeth.
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