My teeth are bad and getting worst due to the fact that I cant afford to go to the dentist. I'm 21, been unemployed, no insurance, with barely a cent to my name.I don't qualify for any government assistance and have NO ONE to get a dime from. And if I get any money its not nearly enough to take care of my many dental problems. I have had a broke and rottening tooth in mouth for over 7 years!!! YES 7-years.. Its hard for me to eat b/c I'm already missing two vital teeth already. My jaw alignment is so messed up that I get a headache almost anytime that I yarn. Besides the breathe smells HORRIBLE. I'm so self-consicous about it to the point that I don't date. So please if you know where I can get assistance please tell me. I need FREE help...I can't afford low cost... I barely can afford a stick of deordorant. Please HELP ME!!!
Some dentists will reduce the fees or allow you to pay on a payment plan. There is no free dental help. You need to get a job to support yourself. Many people have the notion that they can just rely on the government for a free handout in times of need. Truthfully, it's quite hard to qualify for government assistance and the quality of help will be very low. Dental care is not a necessary procedure and you cannot just go to a dentist and get free work done like you can in a county hospital. Your best bet is to negotiate a deal with a dentist and just get them to pull the tooth. Focus on getting a job - not on getting a date. You should not have let a tooth rot for 7 years before seeking help. And toothpaste/brush, floss, and fluoride rinse are very inexpensive in our country. There's really no excuse to allow your teeth to decay so severely. I'm am sorry this is not the answer you are looking for, but good luck to you. :( EDIT: I was trying to be nice to be nice to you. What's your problem?? No one owes you anything. If you are looking for someone to support your desire to leech off society indefinitely while not taking care of yourself you will not find sympathy here. I've worked very hard in my life. I put myself through school to get my accounting degrees and I do what it takes to support myself. If the US is SO messed up why don't you go to Mexico and ask them for a handout? The US is the best country in the world to live in. I don't say that because I'm a snob. I say it because I'm deeply grateful for the opportunities I have here. You choose to spit in the face of the soldiers and founding fathers who gave you the opportunity to work and make a good life for yourself. Hmm.. where has that gotten you? My teeth are healthy, yours are rotting out of your head. You made your bed. Now lie in it.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Responsible fathers paying child support (dental support question)?
I am the mother and my son lives with me the majority of the time (except the summer and holidays). Well my son is 9 now and both of his parents have jacked up teeth and he is well on his way to having the same issue. About a year ago I talked to his dad about possibly getting him braces or at least going to a specialist and he said he was willing to pay half since insurance does not cover it. Well he got remarried in July and is expecting a baby next month and I am worried that he may not be financially capable at this time and I have the referral for an orthodontist. My husband and I can afford the bills but I think giving him the opportunity to help out would be the right thing to do. If I tell him we are starting the dental process will he think I am being an ****** because of the timing? I only found out they were going to have a baby last month and I already had the ball rolling. Sorry it's probably a stupid question but I would like to know how it looks from the other perspective. Should I wait to tell him or just be upfront but tell him he can hold off on paying his portion until everything settles down.
You should be up front with him, just because he has a baby on the way doesn't mean that he no longer has a son. He has responsibilities and offered to pay half so that is what he should do. Hope this helped.
You should be up front with him, just because he has a baby on the way doesn't mean that he no longer has a son. He has responsibilities and offered to pay half so that is what he should do. Hope this helped.
how to pay for a dentist?
i need a lot of work done but don't have a lot of money, but not low enough to get Medicaid...what r my options? wut would be the best dental insurance? or maybe discount plans? financing? how do i find a good dentist? i'm so lost :(
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here is a very resourceful one.
My dentist is charging me for work they told me my insurance company would cover.?
Ok, so I had some dental work done about 2 months ago. I had something like 7 fillings done which amounted up to about 1200 dollars. I aprooved the procedure and signed paper work saying that my insurance company would cover the other half. So I paid 600 bucks and got the procedure done. I then get a letter in the mail 3 weeks later saying I still owe 600 dollars, so I called the dentist office back and said "I paid my portion, my insurance is suppost to cover the rest." The lady frorn the dentist office says that my insurance doesn't cover white resin fillings so I need to pay the other half. I told her that the dentist office (infact I was her) told me that MY insurance would cover the other half, I said I wouldn't have gotten it done if they weren't going to cover the other half. So she says that they don't guarantee that my insurance is going to cover my half. So I said but your the one who told me they would cover it, the paper I signed said they would pay the other half. So I call my insurance and they say they don't cover white resin fillings, they said that its my responsibility to cover it. What the @$@# #%#@$%! How can they do this? Should I contact the better business bereu? Should I write them a letter? Get a lawyer? I called another dentist office and they said that's the secretaries fault for not researching it properly, then I called another office and they said "well u got the work done, you gatta pay" Please someone help me with some words of advice….
With the dentist, I'm afraid you're going to have to consider it "lesson learned." The dentist's scretary is not an agent of the Insurer and thus cannot make peomises on their behalf. In the future, don't get anything done without a pretreatment estimate from your dentist and insurance company - in writing. I doubt that you can sue them (except perhaps in Small Claims Court), because no lawyer will take your case (they can't make any money on it). If you want to go the Small Claims route, it is possible that in the mediation phase (if that's they way Small Claims works in your jurisdiction) you may be able to get them to forgive part of the amount as a good will gesture. It would be a long shot, but perhaps worth trying. Now, as to your insurance company - you always have a right of appeal, so use it. The worst that can happen is that they will say "no." Unless, of course, your insurer is allowed to keep you out of court and use binding arbitration to resolve disputes. That isn't worth the risk, because if you lose in binding arbitration, you have to pay their lawyers. So read your policy/contract and make sure you meet any deadlines. You may also consult your state's Department of Insurance, if there is one.
With the dentist, I'm afraid you're going to have to consider it "lesson learned." The dentist's scretary is not an agent of the Insurer and thus cannot make peomises on their behalf. In the future, don't get anything done without a pretreatment estimate from your dentist and insurance company - in writing. I doubt that you can sue them (except perhaps in Small Claims Court), because no lawyer will take your case (they can't make any money on it). If you want to go the Small Claims route, it is possible that in the mediation phase (if that's they way Small Claims works in your jurisdiction) you may be able to get them to forgive part of the amount as a good will gesture. It would be a long shot, but perhaps worth trying. Now, as to your insurance company - you always have a right of appeal, so use it. The worst that can happen is that they will say "no." Unless, of course, your insurer is allowed to keep you out of court and use binding arbitration to resolve disputes. That isn't worth the risk, because if you lose in binding arbitration, you have to pay their lawyers. So read your policy/contract and make sure you meet any deadlines. You may also consult your state's Department of Insurance, if there is one.
Question about a root canal/dental crown?
About 4 yrs. ago I had a root canal done and they placed a dental Crown or cap whatever its called over my tooth which had a big hole in it. My question is, about a year later or so I started to notice that when I would chew something on that side of my mouth, I would get this funny taste. It doesn't taste like "metal" its more like my tooth is rotted or something. Its really uncomfortable...I know I should go to the dentist but I don't have health insurance so I'm not able to but what should I do? The smell bothers me. It doesn't smell all day long it just bothers me when I chew something on that side cause I could smell it.
can you go see a dentist without having any insurance??
i have had a toothache for around 2 is killing me..i have tried everything but i do not have health/dental it still possible to see a dentist...what can i do to prevent pain for now until i can see a dentist??
You can go see a dentist you will just have to pay cash.
You can go see a dentist you will just have to pay cash.
ok im new to all this.. but whats "death insurance" and "dental coverage"?
i have this at work and i pay $13 for it im new
If you die your relative will get money from the insurance. Not much because you pay only 13$ If you need to go to the dentist some treatments are under the insurance. Look with the human resources for more details.
If you die your relative will get money from the insurance. Not much because you pay only 13$ If you need to go to the dentist some treatments are under the insurance. Look with the human resources for more details.
does dental insurances cover braces and teth whiting?
hello yahoo. i got out of the military and uncle sam said the only way he will cover my dental and health. i have to raise my right hand again. i told him ill pass 4 now. anyway i want to get dental and health insurances. but does the dental insurances cover baraces teeth whiting. than you
a certain percentage of the braces. whitening, never heard of insurance coverage for that. it is considered elective.
a certain percentage of the braces. whitening, never heard of insurance coverage for that. it is considered elective.
Dental Plans Are A Rip Off, What Say You.?
I had one and it was totally useless. Not dental Insurance. Dental Plans, Where you might pay $40.00 to $50.00 to start and then pay $15-$30 per month. I paid for over a year and I went to the dentist. I then called other dentist and told them that I had no insurance or plan and got prises $70-$100 lessthan my plan. What a rip off.
I agree with "rip-off" statement. Most dental insurance plans were started in the late 50's early 60's. Many have had very few increases in benefit amounts but have multiple increases in premiums. Therefore, they seem to think that a $1000/yr benefit is appropriate, yet dental prices have risen every year and benefits have not. I really think that most plans are of very little value, the paperwork needed to file a claim is excessive and in the end not worth the premiums payed. Just as a reference a typical crown in the 60's may have been around $200, now expect to pay $700 to $1000 depending on your area. Really not worth the price! Dr. Dan
I agree with "rip-off" statement. Most dental insurance plans were started in the late 50's early 60's. Many have had very few increases in benefit amounts but have multiple increases in premiums. Therefore, they seem to think that a $1000/yr benefit is appropriate, yet dental prices have risen every year and benefits have not. I really think that most plans are of very little value, the paperwork needed to file a claim is excessive and in the end not worth the premiums payed. Just as a reference a typical crown in the 60's may have been around $200, now expect to pay $700 to $1000 depending on your area. Really not worth the price! Dr. Dan
Need dental work done. No ins, low income, new in city, what can I do?
I'm a young person, going to college, working part time. I need some dental work, but I do not have insurance. I've been out on my own for quite awhile, but my mother might be able to help me a little. How do I find a good dentist that will work with me?
Does your college/university offer an insurance program? A lot of larger schools, especially those with dental programs, offer insurance to students, and you can go see their dental students for free. Also check the state your living in - many offer subsidized insurance plans to low income households/students - I know in Massachusetts *everyone* is now required to have insurance, so there are a lot of programs. Dental insurance, compared to general medical insurance, is actually relatively cheap (I think I pay $10 a month?), so signing up for a dental-only private insurance plan might be the way to go. Or, if you find an office that will do a payment plan (many will!), depending on the work you need done (cleaning, cavities/fillings?), you can get by with spending a couple hundred bucks on something, out of pocket. I know a cleaning is generally around $120 without coverage. Doing a Google search on dentists + payment plan + your city might give you some results. Good luck! I've just had a raft of dental work done, myself :)
Does your college/university offer an insurance program? A lot of larger schools, especially those with dental programs, offer insurance to students, and you can go see their dental students for free. Also check the state your living in - many offer subsidized insurance plans to low income households/students - I know in Massachusetts *everyone* is now required to have insurance, so there are a lot of programs. Dental insurance, compared to general medical insurance, is actually relatively cheap (I think I pay $10 a month?), so signing up for a dental-only private insurance plan might be the way to go. Or, if you find an office that will do a payment plan (many will!), depending on the work you need done (cleaning, cavities/fillings?), you can get by with spending a couple hundred bucks on something, out of pocket. I know a cleaning is generally around $120 without coverage. Doing a Google search on dentists + payment plan + your city might give you some results. Good luck! I've just had a raft of dental work done, myself :)
What kind of lawyer do I need for Consumer Insurance dispute?
I was asked to take out a $1700 dental loan up front to begin work on a broken tooth. When everything was done, my insurance covered all but $300. The dentist will not refund the loan, even after (2) 30-day notices from my insurance company demanding payment. They did not submit all the codes, made up codes when asked to submit them by insurance, and charged me individually for services that they also charged to insurance (basically, insurance fraud) They have refused payment, stopped returning phone calls by my insurance, and sent back certified letters from insurance demanding payment. Is there any recourse, can I find a lawyer to help, and which kind of lawyer would I need?
You need a plaintiff's litigation lawyer.
You need a plaintiff's litigation lawyer.
I need dental implants but don't have the money. Affordable dental implants...where can I get them?
I need 7 dental implants. My mouth is in bad shape. 6 implants are going to cost me $40,000 dollars. I don't have that kind of money. Any suggestions? Please help, I am desperate. I have no dental insurance, medical insurance.:-(
you may need to settle for dentures (partials). if your credits good almost all dentists have Care Credit, which basically allows you to pay on your dental bills. do they want it all up front or immediately after? if not then maybe you can just pay alittle out of each pay check on them. they can't sue you as long as you do try and pay alittle. you should also look into dental insurance, although dental implants aren't generally covered because their usually more for cosmetic reasons. go to a dental school, depending on the state you live in, some states only have 1, while bigger states have several. but alot of dental schools will reduce the cost on anything they do to you just for going to them, mainly because your contributing your dental health for their students education.
you may need to settle for dentures (partials). if your credits good almost all dentists have Care Credit, which basically allows you to pay on your dental bills. do they want it all up front or immediately after? if not then maybe you can just pay alittle out of each pay check on them. they can't sue you as long as you do try and pay alittle. you should also look into dental insurance, although dental implants aren't generally covered because their usually more for cosmetic reasons. go to a dental school, depending on the state you live in, some states only have 1, while bigger states have several. but alot of dental schools will reduce the cost on anything they do to you just for going to them, mainly because your contributing your dental health for their students education.
Which medical insurance plan should I get?
Right now I have medical insurance. I'm worried that my husband and I are going to get a divorce and I am planning to buy my own insurance. I am particularly interested in gastro and Ob/Gyn insurance. I was diagnosed with acid reflux and I'm taking Nexium. No other problems. I don't care for dental. Which insurance should I get?
Still in the wrong category!!!
Still in the wrong category!!!
I Need Medical and dental assistance please help!!!?
I dont have any medical or dental insurance and my wisdom teeth need pulling. I dont have any medical insurance and my leg is causing me pain. i went to a free clinic and they said i needed to be homeless to get free medicare. what r my options at this point without going to Canada :(
Need to find a low cost dental care school. It's low cost and you receive great care from students learning to do dental care under a licensed dentist this gives the students experience and you free dental work.For a list of NIDCR go to website this will help find a school near you== click on "Finding Dental Care or call 301/402/7364. HRSA-this is another community health centers that provide free/reduced cost health services also dental care.List of centers call 1/888/ Ask-HRSA website==http://ask.hrsagov/pc/ Your state or local health department may also have info for your low cost or free programs call them. United Way may also be of some help with locations of some low /reduced dental programs to help you out. Low cost health- Medi-Cal and Healthy Families this offers dental, vision, and medical at no cost some will be low cost call 1/888/747/1222 ( for info)…
Need to find a low cost dental care school. It's low cost and you receive great care from students learning to do dental care under a licensed dentist this gives the students experience and you free dental work.For a list of NIDCR go to website this will help find a school near you== click on "Finding Dental Care or call 301/402/7364. HRSA-this is another community health centers that provide free/reduced cost health services also dental care.List of centers call 1/888/ Ask-HRSA website==http://ask.hrsagov/pc/ Your state or local health department may also have info for your low cost or free programs call them. United Way may also be of some help with locations of some low /reduced dental programs to help you out. Low cost health- Medi-Cal and Healthy Families this offers dental, vision, and medical at no cost some will be low cost call 1/888/747/1222 ( for info)…
How Would I go About Getting my own Insurance?
I'll be 17 in a few months and have not seen my doctor in three years and my dentist in six. My mother refuses to take me because we lost our insurance when I was 13.[Regardless she goes to the doctor three times a year and the dentist just because her tooth is sore or needs a cleaning, etc. And my father goes every three months to both Dr. and dentist and my brother goes to al kinds of doctors and psychiatrists and blood tests and all. Where am I in this? Apparently no where.] I went to my boyfriend's dentist appointment today adn he asked how much a visit would be without insurance and they told him $259 for clean up and X-ray. He didn't asked for teeth puling.[I need appx. six pulled an cavity fillings.] He told me he would pay half if my mother or me come up with the other half. So, I'm just getting sick of being excluded and in pain[physical pain and being sick.] I have a job and I will be moving out in a year, but my health status is getting worse and I can't wait another year. [Been waiting since before middle school and I'll be a Jr this year.] I need to see if I can get a diagnosis for the pain in my joints. [I assume it's the arthritis that runs in my family. All the women get it when they are about my age.] My boyfriend will assist in the payments, so that will help a lot. I'm especially worried about dental right now, health later on. So how do I go about this? What should I look for? My mother won't tell me anything about insurance and my boyfriend doesn't know much about it himself since he is still under his parents insurance through their work because he is in college and living with them still. I would like to ask his parents, but they don't need to know my condition right now.[If they knew, they'd think I'm irresponsible and end up like my mother, which it is the exact opposite.] I know it all depends on the company and whether it is through work or not and all, but I need a general idea.[My work only has it available to managers.]
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Medicaid / Low Income Government Plans Medicaid is the United States health government program for individuals and families with low incomes and resources.Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with limited income. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here is a good one.
Medical Discount Plan ideal for those who cannot afford or qualify for traditional health insurance. The companies offer discounted health services for a low monthly fee. Benefits include a range of discounts for doctors, hospitals, dental, vision, prescriptions, vitamins, as well as other health services. Medicaid / Low Income Government Plans Medicaid is the United States health government program for individuals and families with low incomes and resources.Medicaid is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for people with limited income. Individual & Family Health Plans This is a major health insurance plan for individuals and families. If you are looking for comprehensive long term health insurance coverage for yourself and/or your family members who are 62 years old or younger - this is the plan to choose. Short Term Medical Plans This plan is ideal for individuals in transition. Maybe you have just graduated from college and are no longer covered under your student health insurance or you moved out on your own, and you're no longer covered under your parents' medical insurance plan. Or perhaps you're employed part-time, going to school, leaving home for the first time, or even retiring early. Maybe you've found a new job, but your new employer's group health insurance plan won't kick in until you've been with months. My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here is a good one.
what is cinergy insurance advertized on the tbn channel??
cinergy covers dental and medical procedures and costs $139.89 for couples(married) and sounds too good to be true, anyone know??
I'd just do a web search. I'm sure it's like every other insurance company and there this a catch as far as the deductible, or co-pays, or what it does and doesn't cover. Oh, and be carful going with insurance you arn't familiar with! I did and I paid for it! Literally!
I'd just do a web search. I'm sure it's like every other insurance company and there this a catch as far as the deductible, or co-pays, or what it does and doesn't cover. Oh, and be carful going with insurance you arn't familiar with! I did and I paid for it! Literally!
What should I do about insurance... Health Insurance?
I have not been to the doctor in a while now because I have no health insurance. But I want to know if I should get it or just call the doctor and see how much it costs without it. I have a job that would give me insurance if they weren't so cheap to put me on seasonal status because they don't want to pay out so I need to get it on my own. I think. Also I need dental and vision should I get that or no? Or would it be cheaper just to pay in cash?
There are many levels of health coverage. If you are a healthy person and doesn't go to the doctors very often, that would be a different coverage than a person who needs to see a doctor quite often. If you are talking about taking a health insurance to see a doctor just for this visit, it would be cheaper to see the doctor. However, keep in mind that if the doctor finds out there is something wrong with you and you have to go through serious of treatments, it is going to be almost impossible to get a health insurance afterwords.
There are many levels of health coverage. If you are a healthy person and doesn't go to the doctors very often, that would be a different coverage than a person who needs to see a doctor quite often. If you are talking about taking a health insurance to see a doctor just for this visit, it would be cheaper to see the doctor. However, keep in mind that if the doctor finds out there is something wrong with you and you have to go through serious of treatments, it is going to be almost impossible to get a health insurance afterwords.
A difficult procedure and dental school?
Ok so I need to get the following done-- *Adult tooth removal of the canine tooth thats still up in the jaw. Its classified as a "difficult extraction" *Bone graft of where the tooth is removed *Implant *2nd part of implant w/ use of drill stent *and the crown itself. My insurance is barely covering any of the procedure (i want to appeal and see if i can get them to cover more then just the extraction and the crown, its going to cost me just around $3000) but some one also suggested to go to a dental school. There is Case western reserve not too far from me. For what i need to get done i'm nervous about getting it done at a school. Is it safe? Is it students doing the procedures? Theres no prices what-so-ever listed, so is it really anymore cost effective?
I had quite a bit of work done at a dental school and my experiece was: it was safe and relatively cheap. The work was done by students who were heavily supervised by professors. Their grades depended on their doing a good job so the students were extremely careful. Students work slower than full-fledged dentists and the supervising profs were checking the work as it progressed, so the procedures did take longer than they would have at a dentist's office. But it was a lot cheaper. Bottom line- if I were strapped for cash and needed work done, I wouldn't hesitate to go to a dental school to get it done.
I had quite a bit of work done at a dental school and my experiece was: it was safe and relatively cheap. The work was done by students who were heavily supervised by professors. Their grades depended on their doing a good job so the students were extremely careful. Students work slower than full-fledged dentists and the supervising profs were checking the work as it progressed, so the procedures did take longer than they would have at a dentist's office. But it was a lot cheaper. Bottom line- if I were strapped for cash and needed work done, I wouldn't hesitate to go to a dental school to get it done.
Anyone ever had a Dental Abscess before?
I had a wisdom tooth pulled out about a month ago....after all the pain and swelling went away I got a dental abcess (or at least thats what the dr. told me I had) I had to go to the ER with excrutiating pain, unable to open my mouth, felt like my throat was swelling, pain by my ear, under my tongue and jaw. Anyone experience this before? I was told I would need to drain my long is the recovery time for this? I am in the process of switching dentists, I have had bad experiences with my dentist & my insurance is taking its sweet time to let me see another one. Serious answers only please, thank you!
Unfortunately yes. When I was 16 I became very sick when I had all of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. Around my wisdom teeth where abscess filled with bacteria. It was very painful and I looked like a chipmunk for about 2 weeks due to all the swelling. I had to take antibiotic the whole time. It was Not fun. Yes they did drain and remove the abscess(s) at the time they removed my teeth. If you have had negative experiences from your current dentist, talk to him/her, and if nothing comes of that then really push your insurance company. You have the right to see a new and hopefully better dentist. Good Luck and take care of yourself!
Unfortunately yes. When I was 16 I became very sick when I had all of my wisdom teeth surgically removed. Around my wisdom teeth where abscess filled with bacteria. It was very painful and I looked like a chipmunk for about 2 weeks due to all the swelling. I had to take antibiotic the whole time. It was Not fun. Yes they did drain and remove the abscess(s) at the time they removed my teeth. If you have had negative experiences from your current dentist, talk to him/her, and if nothing comes of that then really push your insurance company. You have the right to see a new and hopefully better dentist. Good Luck and take care of yourself!
Why won't my dental abscess go away?
I have had dental problems since I was a teenager (I am now 24), but I don't have any insurance so going to the dentist or doctor has not been an option as I simply cannot afford it. The last time I went to the dentist was to have a tooth pulled because it was causing me tremendous pain and that was a couple years ago. Well I have a couple teeth causing me problems right now, but one in particular needs to be extracted but it can't be until I get rid of this bad abscess. My cheek has been swollen for 3 or 4 days now. I went to the ER the day it started and they prescribed Keflex and Lortab. Well I have been taking them faithfully but the swelling has not gone down. The abscess has not ruptured or started draining yet but it has become more bearable (perhaps its the pain medication). Today I heard that maybe hydrogen peroxide might help so I did that a bunch of times today plus rinsing with salt water, but I don't see any dramatic improvements from using it. I don't want to go in to the dentist/doctor and have them rupture it, I would rather it just do it on its own then have the tooth extracted once the infection is gone. I have heard good and bad things about it rupturing and I'm kinda confused - some people say that if it ruptures it could make me sick and possibly die, others say that if I don't then it could get worse and go to my brain and I could die. What am I supposed to do? I am currently broke at the moment and have no way of going to the dentist right now. If I have any luck at all I might get paid tomorrow but it may be too late to get in because of the labor day weekend, places will be closed for sure on Monday and some will be closed Friday. Will I be ok if I am forced to wait til Tuesday? Please help me! I look like I have a rock in my cheek and it hurts!
my advice to you is to go to the hospital or the doctor's office if opened and explain that you absolutely have no money. They can as a one time favor write yoou aprescription for a very stong antibiotic. This happened to me. You will have to figure a way out because you can die from it. The infection can get in your brain becoming a brain abscess from abscesses tooth. It will NOT go away on its own. I cried and cried because I felt the same as you and I was so scared. I ended up taking bits and pieces from my account and credit cards to get it done and that was by luck. If there is a teaching hospital near you for a university, see if they have a student ran dental clinic. That is usually more affordable and depending on what they are teaching I have heard of it being free. That is unlkiely however. If all else fails, go to the hospital. they won't take care of pulling it unless you are knocking on death's door though. Tried that as well. Call around different dentist and oral surgeons and see if they have a sliding scale or will put you on a payment plan. I am so sorry and will pray for you dear. Iknow you are in tremendous pain. This may help. in addition to the frequent saly water rinses, go to cvs or walgreens and get some Zilactin swabs for tooth pain. also, disolve aspirin right on the sore tooth and let in sit for a minute. You can also get liquid ambesol at the same place and keep re-applying it. Very helpful. Also, get some wiskey if you are old enough and swish it around. The old fashioned way of deadening a tooth. feel better.
my advice to you is to go to the hospital or the doctor's office if opened and explain that you absolutely have no money. They can as a one time favor write yoou aprescription for a very stong antibiotic. This happened to me. You will have to figure a way out because you can die from it. The infection can get in your brain becoming a brain abscess from abscesses tooth. It will NOT go away on its own. I cried and cried because I felt the same as you and I was so scared. I ended up taking bits and pieces from my account and credit cards to get it done and that was by luck. If there is a teaching hospital near you for a university, see if they have a student ran dental clinic. That is usually more affordable and depending on what they are teaching I have heard of it being free. That is unlkiely however. If all else fails, go to the hospital. they won't take care of pulling it unless you are knocking on death's door though. Tried that as well. Call around different dentist and oral surgeons and see if they have a sliding scale or will put you on a payment plan. I am so sorry and will pray for you dear. Iknow you are in tremendous pain. This may help. in addition to the frequent saly water rinses, go to cvs or walgreens and get some Zilactin swabs for tooth pain. also, disolve aspirin right on the sore tooth and let in sit for a minute. You can also get liquid ambesol at the same place and keep re-applying it. Very helpful. Also, get some wiskey if you are old enough and swish it around. The old fashioned way of deadening a tooth. feel better.
Cost of a "dental facelift"?
I have suffered from severe bruxism since my early teens, and it's really taken a toll on my teeth. I'm only in my twenties but I have lost a large amount of vertical facial height between my nose and chin. We I clench my teeth together, my face looks like that of a senior citizen's. So after researching on the internet, I've discovered a "dental facelift" procedure which can help restore my teeth and vertical facial height. A few questions... How much does this procedure cost, and is it similar to the (outrageously) expensive procedure of a full mouth restoration with crowns most dentists use in my case? How would the dentists know how much of your teeth you have lost due to bruxism? Also, I know it's considered a cosmetic surgery, but my worn teeth has really damaged my lifestyle including my speech and ability to eat properly. Would insurance cover this? Sorry the question's so long...Thanks
It can cost upwards of 20 thousand dollars, depends on what you need to have done
It can cost upwards of 20 thousand dollars, depends on what you need to have done
Questions About Medicaid Insurance?
Can adults get Medicaid just for themself, and does it cover dental work? I live in FL.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
-------------------- - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Is it illegal to hire non-registered dental assistants?
I have volunteered for this dentist and there is something seriously wrong going on here. He is working with these two dental assistants, but both assistants did not even get education related to the field, and therefore not-registered. One of them is a college student and the other one is a housewife. I get a strong feeling that there is something wrong, but I want to make sure if it is illegal before I report them to police. This doctor also claims more amount to the insurance company than he's supposed to. He saves a lot of money by hiring non-registered assistants, and by claiming more amount for his dental work. I think it is very dangerous for them to deal with patients without proper education. Do you think I should report them? If I do, where should I report to?
Actually it's not illegal...well it depends on the state. They all have different regulations. On the job training is ok in some states. From ADA: Dental assistants can become certified by passing an examination that evaluates their knowledge. Most dental assistants who choose to become nationally certified take the Dental Assisting National Board's (DANB) Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) examination. Becoming a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) assures the public that the dental assistant is prepared to assist competently in the provision of dental care. Dental assistants are eligible to take the CDA examination if they have completed a dental assisting program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Individuals who have been trained on the job or have graduated from non-accredited programs are eligible to take the national certification examination after they have completed two years of full-time work experience as dental assistants. Some states also recognize passage of components of the CDA examination, such as the Radiation Health and Safety examination, or the Infection Control examination, for licensing and regulatory purposes. State regulations vary, and some states offer registration or licensure in addition to this national certification program.
Actually it's not illegal...well it depends on the state. They all have different regulations. On the job training is ok in some states. From ADA: Dental assistants can become certified by passing an examination that evaluates their knowledge. Most dental assistants who choose to become nationally certified take the Dental Assisting National Board's (DANB) Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) examination. Becoming a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) assures the public that the dental assistant is prepared to assist competently in the provision of dental care. Dental assistants are eligible to take the CDA examination if they have completed a dental assisting program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. Individuals who have been trained on the job or have graduated from non-accredited programs are eligible to take the national certification examination after they have completed two years of full-time work experience as dental assistants. Some states also recognize passage of components of the CDA examination, such as the Radiation Health and Safety examination, or the Infection Control examination, for licensing and regulatory purposes. State regulations vary, and some states offer registration or licensure in addition to this national certification program.
Insurance Coverage- 1 wiz!?
I am 23 years old. I am having extreme pain in my bottom left wisdom tooth. You can see about half of it popping up. It really hurts. My gums in that area are really swollen and I have a tightness just in that whole jaw area. Needless to say, I will have to have it taken out asap. To get all my wisdom teeth pulled with my insurance (Mercy) I would have to shell out $800-$1000 cash. And I will not have that kind of money in hand for a very very long time. I'm wondering if there is anyway to look it up or figure out how much I would have to pay right now for just the one Wisdom tooth extraction. I get $1000 for dental care a year, if that helps. Thanks so much.
But you said its only 1 wisdom tooth that is hurting you right now. So just pull out the one that is hurting. Then you would only have to pay around $200- $250 because it sound like your insurance is only going to cover half. And ask the endodontist if they have payment play for 1 wisdom tooth. My advise, just do one at a time. You dont have to pay one lump sum. I had a friend do just that.
But you said its only 1 wisdom tooth that is hurting you right now. So just pull out the one that is hurting. Then you would only have to pay around $200- $250 because it sound like your insurance is only going to cover half. And ask the endodontist if they have payment play for 1 wisdom tooth. My advise, just do one at a time. You dont have to pay one lump sum. I had a friend do just that.
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