I posted a question earlier but nobody answered so, hopefully I get one now. I'm thinkin' 'bout gettin' dental implants. First thing first, I have no upper teeth right now, haven't in 4 months. I do have dentures but they were mad poorly 'n my dentist refuses to fix 'em 'n my insurance will not pay to have another made so my last place to try is thru a cosmetic surgen here in WI 'n I'm doin' it cuz I can get patient financin'. So, wit that said, if my teeth have been removed for 4 months would it still b a long process or a simple step? Please, please help.
Implants to put the inserts in, fittings to make the new teeth and fit them, screwing in the screws and then gluing and fitting the teeth. It isn't quick. good luck.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Dental Question What To expect If I havent' Been to a dentist in 10 years?
What To expect If I havent' Been to a dentist in 10 years. I brush my teeth everyday.I haven' had any dental. Just about all of my teeth are sensitive to my spit in my mouth alone. I had my wisdome teeth removed. When they removed the teeth did I get a root canal with the extraction. I am scared they might take all of my teeth. How much are those fake tooth implants per tooth? If I was able to pay for insurance in the future would it pay for fake teeth. I am going to a dentist today at a federally subsidized health care service. Do they do the tooth implants or is that cosmetic? Also: Do all dentist put metal fillins in your mouth or do they have another alternatives?
Cosmetic dentistry is expensive. That includes porcelain veneers, whitening and whatnot. And there are substitutes to metal fillings. I have composite resin filings. Here's a good site for dental information (including filling types): http://www.mamashealth.com/dental/cfilli… You will probably undergo an extensive and routine cleaning also. Other than that, I can't tell you what to expect because I can't see your teeth. But don't stress out too much, be proud of yourself for finally making an appointment! :)
Cosmetic dentistry is expensive. That includes porcelain veneers, whitening and whatnot. And there are substitutes to metal fillings. I have composite resin filings. Here's a good site for dental information (including filling types): http://www.mamashealth.com/dental/cfilli… You will probably undergo an extensive and routine cleaning also. Other than that, I can't tell you what to expect because I can't see your teeth. But don't stress out too much, be proud of yourself for finally making an appointment! :)
Husband has bad Dental Hygine???
I'm ready to loose it on my husband. YES he brushes his teeth every morning but when night rools around he gets so lazy and only brushes then maybe 2 out of every 7 nights. First off it is so gross. I dont want to even kss him any more. Second off for 2 YEARS IN A ROW we have used our ENTIRE tax check ($2,000 + with no insurance) to get fillings, root canals, crowns, etc for him because he is so lazy. The irony in it all is that 4 yrs ago after a VERY hard pregnancy I had to have a total of $1,000 of dental work done , not becuae I was lazy, but because throwing up 24/7 for 9 monthes ate away at my enamal. Since then and before then I have NEVER had to have any dental work done. I done with it. He doesnt even try. What can I do, I'm tired of being called a B **** because I hound him to brush his teeth like a NORMAL PERSON at night???
It's got to be more than not brushing his teeth at night. He must eat alot of junk, sweets, and drink soda. It could be hereditary (bad teeth in the genes) medication, not flossing, not brushing for the full 2 minutes recommended, something more than not brushing at night. I have only had one cavity in my whole life and I'm not a nightly brusher, and I'm not particularly anal about flossing. I brush in the morning of course. Something else is going on with him, unless you find out what it is you can expect to keep forking out the big bucks.
It's got to be more than not brushing his teeth at night. He must eat alot of junk, sweets, and drink soda. It could be hereditary (bad teeth in the genes) medication, not flossing, not brushing for the full 2 minutes recommended, something more than not brushing at night. I have only had one cavity in my whole life and I'm not a nightly brusher, and I'm not particularly anal about flossing. I brush in the morning of course. Something else is going on with him, unless you find out what it is you can expect to keep forking out the big bucks.
Cancer survivor getting health insurance or life insurance.?
I'm a childhood bone cancer survivor. I had osteosarcoma back in 1992 and had my leg amputated but the cancer never returned and the only issue after is I can't donate blood. I'm Canadian living in the province of Newfoundland. and while Canadian's have most of their health care covered though taxes most medications, private rooms, ambulance services, dental, and other services are not covered by all provinces. ( the big one for me is no coverage of prosthetic limbs) I was covered under my parents health insurance and will continue to be covered until I finish university. I'm also covered partly under my Fiance's work health insurance ( not very much) I'm getting married in 2010 and want to get some extra coverage for myself and any future family. I also want to get life insurance because I want my Fiance and family taken care of should any thing happen. The only other health concern I have is hypothyroidism. but I'm on medication which controls it and it's not serious. Can I get life and health insurance. any experience from other cancer survivors would be appreciated.
Congrats on being a 16 year survivor! You may be able to get insurance because you've been cancer free for so long. It will probably end up costing you more, of course, but it isn't necessairly impossible. I know a few people who had cancer 10 years ago, and they were able to obtain life insurance coverage. The best way to obtain coverage (either life or health) is probably through your job. Suggested reading: http://www.kantrowitz.com/cancerpoints/l… http://www.livestrong.org/site/c.khLXK1P… http://www.canceradvocacy.org/resources/… Best of luck to you!
Congrats on being a 16 year survivor! You may be able to get insurance because you've been cancer free for so long. It will probably end up costing you more, of course, but it isn't necessairly impossible. I know a few people who had cancer 10 years ago, and they were able to obtain life insurance coverage. The best way to obtain coverage (either life or health) is probably through your job. Suggested reading: http://www.kantrowitz.com/cancerpoints/l… http://www.livestrong.org/site/c.khLXK1P… http://www.canceradvocacy.org/resources/… Best of luck to you!
my dentist got false information regarding my dental plan?
ok i need to have 2 Porcelain crowns for my 2 front teeth, it is a two visit process i was told the dental office requires half my portion on the first visit and half on the second... and i am fine with that but the amount they said the insurance company would cover seemed off, so i contacted the company and i was right the dentist said that porcelain crowns were not covered so i would need to pay the difference between porcelain and metal, and they said i was only covered at 50% the insurance said they dont not cover for porcelain crowns for posterior teeth and that i was covered at 80% obviously they have already overcharged me AND they will expect an additional payment next week.. sure they said i'd get reimbursed any over paid amount but i dont really have free 500 to fork over regardless of whether or not i'll be getting it back... so the question is what should i do if the dentist wont accept my report from the insurance company? i already have started with them so switching dentists is not an option since i have temp crowns and they already took the molds and are ordering the new crowns... plus i'm pretty sure i would still need to pay even if i switched
I would keep all documents that you insurance has sent you and who the person you talked to at the insurance office. Also you have to remember that you only have a certain amount that the insurance is going to give you 80% on. So find out what that is. Most insurance companies are either $1500 a year or $2000 a year and then anything after that you will pay out of pocket. So make sure that you have meet your amount already. Remember you get that per year. So when did you husband have work and how much was it. Also call you insurance company back and find out what your yearly cost is that they will help pay the 80% on. Then I would go from there. Good Luck
I would keep all documents that you insurance has sent you and who the person you talked to at the insurance office. Also you have to remember that you only have a certain amount that the insurance is going to give you 80% on. So find out what that is. Most insurance companies are either $1500 a year or $2000 a year and then anything after that you will pay out of pocket. So make sure that you have meet your amount already. Remember you get that per year. So when did you husband have work and how much was it. Also call you insurance company back and find out what your yearly cost is that they will help pay the 80% on. Then I would go from there. Good Luck
Question about Dental - Tooth Extraction?
I have two wisdom teeth that have rather large cavities in them. I'd say half of the tooth on each one is close to gone. I know I need to get these removed, but I need to either wait a year to get dental through my company, or get Badger Health Care and be put on a 6 month waiting list to have the teeth removed. One of the teeth is starting to give me headaches. I have started to stick to only non-sugary drinks and only soft foods, like noodles. I need to get these teeth pulled NOW. Do I have to have insurance or will a dentist allow me to set up a payment plan? Does anyone know in what ball park how much this might cost? Both of them are fairly well gone, and one of them is only half sticking out. I was told I might need dental surgery from a friend, and I want to be put under for something like this. Having my last normal tooth removed while I was awake was not a fun time.
First, sorry about your trouble. Dental pain is the worst! As far as having to put under for the 2 teth to be extracted, that just depends. Most people are sedated for wisdom teeth extraction but many can tolerate it with just laughing gas (nitrous oxide) & local anesthesia (shot on the gums to numb it) alone. Usually if the teeth are erupted & will be fairly easy to extract you could probably do with out being sedated. But if you already have a history of unpleasant / bad experience with pulling teeth it might be worth it to have a mild sedative prescribed. Maybe just a Valium like pill. One where you're still conscious but won't remeber a thing :) Now, to the real question- what should you do? Answer: you HAVE to have them pulled ASAP! you'll have to find a way because if left untreated, it could cause way bigger problems that end up costing triple what the extractions will cost. If they get infected, which eventually they will. Then they could get abscesses & lead to problems SO much worse!! Look into your community I'll bet you have a cimmuntiy health denta clinic that will do most treatment free or based on your income. Good luck to you!!
First, sorry about your trouble. Dental pain is the worst! As far as having to put under for the 2 teth to be extracted, that just depends. Most people are sedated for wisdom teeth extraction but many can tolerate it with just laughing gas (nitrous oxide) & local anesthesia (shot on the gums to numb it) alone. Usually if the teeth are erupted & will be fairly easy to extract you could probably do with out being sedated. But if you already have a history of unpleasant / bad experience with pulling teeth it might be worth it to have a mild sedative prescribed. Maybe just a Valium like pill. One where you're still conscious but won't remeber a thing :) Now, to the real question- what should you do? Answer: you HAVE to have them pulled ASAP! you'll have to find a way because if left untreated, it could cause way bigger problems that end up costing triple what the extractions will cost. If they get infected, which eventually they will. Then they could get abscesses & lead to problems SO much worse!! Look into your community I'll bet you have a cimmuntiy health denta clinic that will do most treatment free or based on your income. Good luck to you!!
Looking for individual/family health insurance in Arizona...?
I am a stay-at-home mom (in Arizona) and I need to get health insurance. My boyfriend (and our toddler) have insurance through his employer but it's like $400/month for just the two of them and it doesn't cover much. To add me to his plan we would have to get married first and it would be over $200/month more than he's already paying now. So that's over $600/month for insurance that doesn't cover much. It doesn't seem like a very good deal at all. So I'm looking for a health insurance plan that would take all three of us as an unmarried family, for less than $600/month. So far I don't see any that cover maternity, and we do want to have another child within the next year or two... We don't get sick often, but our baby needs her regular checkups and vaccinations, we need our regular checkups, vision and dental, and of course catastrophic coverage in the event something really bad were to happen. I don't see much purpose in me having insurance for myself, a young woman, that doesn't cover maternity or birth control, other than for the sake of catastrophic coverage. But if need be I could get my own insurance plan for maternity/birth control/whatever if I could find an affordable one, and they can be on their own plan that doesn't cover maternity. Blue Cross Blue Shield has some cheap rates but they don't cover maternity. Neither does Aetna. Cinergy is too expensive for just me, let alone my family too. So my question(s) to you specifically are: Can you suggest any health insurance companies that cover maternity? Can you suggest any that are affordable? Can you suggest any that would insure us as a family even though we are unwed?
I'm an independent agent in AZ and there are several companies, including Blue Cross, that have policies that cover maternity. If they are "affordable" depends on your point of view. The problem you'll find with individual maternity is that the insurance company, if you do the math, is not going to pay out more for your delivery than they receive from you in extra premium. A group policy is different because everyone on the plan, including your toddler, is paying more for your maternity coverage and the employer is probably kicking in quite a bit. Complications of pregnancy are covered even if you don't have maternity. None of the Arizona companies will accept an unmarried couple. Many healthy young people get insurance just for catastrophic occurrences because that will keep the premium lower. They will save the premium difference in the bank for those occasional doctor visits and many women will work with their doctor and hospital to prepay the prenatal visits and delivery.
I'm an independent agent in AZ and there are several companies, including Blue Cross, that have policies that cover maternity. If they are "affordable" depends on your point of view. The problem you'll find with individual maternity is that the insurance company, if you do the math, is not going to pay out more for your delivery than they receive from you in extra premium. A group policy is different because everyone on the plan, including your toddler, is paying more for your maternity coverage and the employer is probably kicking in quite a bit. Complications of pregnancy are covered even if you don't have maternity. None of the Arizona companies will accept an unmarried couple. Many healthy young people get insurance just for catastrophic occurrences because that will keep the premium lower. They will save the premium difference in the bank for those occasional doctor visits and many women will work with their doctor and hospital to prepay the prenatal visits and delivery.
My husband has 32 cavities because he has no enamel on his teeth due to Sjogren's -fix em or pull em ?
he has systemic scleroderma... the dds wants $4,000 just to fix the cavities...and I guess no way to restore the enamel..... we have no dental insurance either..
No way to restore enamel. Sorry, sounds like a tough spot. I would say that without insurance or a big checkbook, the best thing to do it pull and put in falsies. Your doctor should be discussing your options with you in detail. If you are leaving with questions, may I suggest that you get a second opinion?
No way to restore enamel. Sorry, sounds like a tough spot. I would say that without insurance or a big checkbook, the best thing to do it pull and put in falsies. Your doctor should be discussing your options with you in detail. If you are leaving with questions, may I suggest that you get a second opinion?
im looking for dental assistance? or financial aid?
i need to get my teeth fixed about $2000 of work. i applied online @ carecredit.com i have really bad credit i didn't qualify. i dont have a credit card. dont have enough in my 401k for a loan. i have a loan already thru the bank for car repairs / school clothes. and they will not renew it for that much money. does anyone know any good websites or web address for assistance with this? i would need a specific address. i asked this question before and all i got was insurance plans. i already have insurance. it doesnt cover the full cost. or does anyone know of any one that offers financial aid in regards to dental work? or anyone have any other ideas?
Medicaid or Medicare Edit: Go to the Public hospitals, they will tell you what Health plans are available. You can pick whatever suits you! http://www.ibx.com/health_plans/ Also try: http://www.basichealth.hca.wa.gov/rate.h… Financial Aid is government help to pay for college expense not medical!
Medicaid or Medicare Edit: Go to the Public hospitals, they will tell you what Health plans are available. You can pick whatever suits you! http://www.ibx.com/health_plans/ Also try: http://www.basichealth.hca.wa.gov/rate.h… Financial Aid is government help to pay for college expense not medical!
Dentist/or dental student question..brown stain between two upper front teeth?
Ok it's a dark brown stain and I'm going to make an appointment because for awhile I wasn't on my mother's dental plan (got taken off dads) and I was only making enough payments for my car which were about $400/month at the time, so I couldn't really afford a dental cleaning because I wasn't making enough to reimburse the amount that would be deduced from my bank account. So I have been for awhile..late summer, so starting from that time (because I was overdue for a cleaning the last time, which at that point I wasn't on a plan) it's been six months, I know, procrastination not good..been 3 months since my sis went in so she's on my moms plan and isn't in school (i am now) so poor excuse for not going sooner but I had to be sure considering that extra cash taken out for it would have been double with the car payments, which that amount included insurance. So, anyway, the real question is is it a stain? Like I read online it could be from coffee tea, which I drink, but I floss, brush, and use mouth wash everyday (faithfully), so plaque couldn't have accumulated that much, unless it's the hard stuff, but I do floss and brush. I'm pretty anal about teeth now (took me long enough to be since I didn't care as a child) because I absolutely hate the drills and I wear a retainer because I had braces but this stain appeared a short time ago, sometime in mid to late december. Or rather I noticed it out of the blue, so can anyone that knows about this can help? I'd like to set this worry aside now before calling. Also, I know it looks like something is stuck there but isn't, trust me, flossed, picked at it, looked in a mirror, it's a stain. But there is no pain whatsoever. Can anyone help?
Since you state your hygiene is very good, I seriously doubt it's a cavity. I would guess it's just a stain, just like you thought. How did you get it ... probably the tea and coffee. I have patients with very good oral hygiene and they still sometimes get stains. Please don't worry, a quick polishing will remove the stain and your back in business. I have seen teeth stain even though there is very little plaque. I'm not aware of any method you could use at home to remove the stain. Some one will probably tell you to buy an over the counter dental instrument and remove it yourself, BAD idea. If you haven't had a cleaning in a long time, it may be time to get one. Even the best brushers still leave a little plaque that can only be removed by your friendly hygienist! Dr. Dan Update: No, you might not have any sensitivity with this type of decay (if it was). This are sneaky little cavities and are often only seen on radiographs (x-rays). So short answer, it may never "hurt" and you might never see anything other than a "weird" color change. With your history, relax, just a stain!
Since you state your hygiene is very good, I seriously doubt it's a cavity. I would guess it's just a stain, just like you thought. How did you get it ... probably the tea and coffee. I have patients with very good oral hygiene and they still sometimes get stains. Please don't worry, a quick polishing will remove the stain and your back in business. I have seen teeth stain even though there is very little plaque. I'm not aware of any method you could use at home to remove the stain. Some one will probably tell you to buy an over the counter dental instrument and remove it yourself, BAD idea. If you haven't had a cleaning in a long time, it may be time to get one. Even the best brushers still leave a little plaque that can only be removed by your friendly hygienist! Dr. Dan Update: No, you might not have any sensitivity with this type of decay (if it was). This are sneaky little cavities and are often only seen on radiographs (x-rays). So short answer, it may never "hurt" and you might never see anything other than a "weird" color change. With your history, relax, just a stain!
how bad will the dentist be!?
so, i haven't been to the dentist in ten years due to the fact that i haven't had dental insurance. last time i went i was seven. What can i expect? I brush twice a day, but i often forget to floss, and i have been smoking for a year. will my dentist know? what will the process be that i will have to go through with cleaning? I only have a thousand dollars to spend. how much do you think it will cost?
First you will get and x-ray and an assessment. They will design a treatment plan for you. Cleaning,and removing plaque. Most likely you have a few cavities and they will be drilled cleaned and filled.You will be given a numbing gel which takes away most of the pain from the injection of Novocain , After the first injection you won't feel any pain at all.It's really not bad at all. I had 6 teeth pulled and a bunch of reconstruction surgery and it wasn't any where's near as bad as I thought it would be.
First you will get and x-ray and an assessment. They will design a treatment plan for you. Cleaning,and removing plaque. Most likely you have a few cavities and they will be drilled cleaned and filled.You will be given a numbing gel which takes away most of the pain from the injection of Novocain , After the first injection you won't feel any pain at all.It's really not bad at all. I had 6 teeth pulled and a bunch of reconstruction surgery and it wasn't any where's near as bad as I thought it would be.
do I have a dental malpractice case?
I went to the dentist to a general check up. Dentist told me that I have a couple of small cavities in my left wisdom teeth. Ultimately, she suggested that they fill the cavities. The initial shuts for the procedure felt truly painful and abnormal. But, dentist told me that it is normal when procedure is done for wisdom tooth. Additionally, during the procedure dentist and her assistant were consistently tried to open my mouse bigger and bigger. After the procedure was done doctor told me that I will feel pain and discomfort for the next several days. Ten days later, I still could only open my mouth about 1.5 fingers, left side of my face is still hurting, my left ear and left side of my neck is hurting as well. I feel that my teeth do not align the same way they did before the procedure. I have called the dentist and they invited me to stop by the office. In office dentist told me that complications resulted from procedure because my mouth was open too big. She told me that I have to see TMJ specialist. However, they could not refer me to anyone. Instead they gave me a sticky note with the phone number to some dental school that might be able to recommend me to someone. I asked who is going to pay for the medical treatments and they said that I need to contact my insurance company and discuss this matter with them. I opposed, stating that complications arised from the procedure. They said that it is not the case. I asked to invite the doctor, they refused. Additionally, I requested my dental records (copies), on which they refused as well. Meanwhile, I have contacted my general doctor and waiting for the referral to a specialist. I truly feel that this dental office should be responsible for their negligence. I am not sure what my exact diagnose but my symptoms are very disturbing.
I cannot help with any of the other, but as far as your dental records are concerned this is the law for Texas as copied from the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners website. I do not know where you live though. A dentist shall furnish copies of dental records to a patient who requests his or her dental records. Requested copies including radiographs shall be furnished within thirty (30) days of the date of the request, provided however, that copies need not be released until payment of copying costs has been made. Records may not be withheld based on a past due account for dental care or treatment previously rendered to the patient. (1) A dentist providing copies of patient dental records is entitled to a reasonable fee for copying which shall be no more than $25 for the first 20 pages and $0.15 per page for every copy thereafter. (2) Fees for radiographs, which if copied by an radiograph duplicating service, may be equal to actual cost verified by invoice. (3) Reasonable costs for radiographs duplicated by means other than by a radiograph duplicating service shall not exceed the following charges: (A) a full mouth radiograph series: $15.00; (B) a panoramic radiograph: $15.00; (C) a lateral cephalometric radiograph: $15.00; (D) a single extra-oral radiograph: $5.00; (E) a single intra-oral radiograph: $5.00. (4) State agencies and institutions will provide copies of dental health records to patients who request them following applicable agency rules and directives.
I cannot help with any of the other, but as far as your dental records are concerned this is the law for Texas as copied from the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners website. I do not know where you live though. A dentist shall furnish copies of dental records to a patient who requests his or her dental records. Requested copies including radiographs shall be furnished within thirty (30) days of the date of the request, provided however, that copies need not be released until payment of copying costs has been made. Records may not be withheld based on a past due account for dental care or treatment previously rendered to the patient. (1) A dentist providing copies of patient dental records is entitled to a reasonable fee for copying which shall be no more than $25 for the first 20 pages and $0.15 per page for every copy thereafter. (2) Fees for radiographs, which if copied by an radiograph duplicating service, may be equal to actual cost verified by invoice. (3) Reasonable costs for radiographs duplicated by means other than by a radiograph duplicating service shall not exceed the following charges: (A) a full mouth radiograph series: $15.00; (B) a panoramic radiograph: $15.00; (C) a lateral cephalometric radiograph: $15.00; (D) a single extra-oral radiograph: $5.00; (E) a single intra-oral radiograph: $5.00. (4) State agencies and institutions will provide copies of dental health records to patients who request them following applicable agency rules and directives.
Question about a health insurance claim?
I got new health insurance about a year and a half ago when I started a new job. I was sent a dental card and a medical card in the mail not a vision card. Turns out that was by mistake, I was supposed to get a vision card too (doesn't make sense, why not just give me one card!). Anyway, I have a medical condition with my eyes and I guess growing up my parents would put some of my eye exams under medical not vision coverage. I went in to get a check up at my eye doctor. I hand them my insurance card and they ask for my vision card...immediately I'm confused because I know I have the vision insurance but didn't know I had to give them a separate card. So I proceed to explain that growing up sometimes due to medical issues it was billed under medical. They say ok, just send us your vision coverage info later and we will get you squared away. I paid a small fee that day and called the next day to give them all my vision info. Now a month later the doctor sends me a bill? I called and asked and they said the medical coverage denied my claim. I didn't even know how they filed it since I gave them both a medical and a vision card. I called my vision insurer and they said it was the medical people that denied it not them. The vision insurer said tell them to send the claim and we will pay for it all. I call the doctors office to explain and they say they can't send the claim through as a vision claim because they already sent it through as medical. The doctors office said they cannot and will not, they aren't allowed they tell me I call the insurer to tell them this. The insurer says that's bogus. They call the doctor and request them to file a claim. The doctor tells them they can't file the claim as vision because it was a medical procedure? I just had a routine eye exam and a refraction. That's what I got and that's what the doctor told me to tell my insurer. Now when the insurer calls and asks they say otherwise. The bill the Dr sent me has no codes or info explaining what the charges are for, it just lists insurance companies and dollar amounts. I'm going to request a more detailed bill. The secretaries haven't been helpful or nice. I don't see what's going on. I mean I have the insurance why can't they just file it? Why would they just start doing procedures on me without my consent? If they preformed something other than a general eye exam I should have to agree to it first. Any advice?
the provider does NOT have to bill any insurance for you. it is a courtesy. call the doctors office and request a copy of the actual bill. send it to the vision carrier.
the provider does NOT have to bill any insurance for you. it is a courtesy. call the doctors office and request a copy of the actual bill. send it to the vision carrier.
Dental payment/Invisalign?
I staring Invisalign at a new dental office about 9 months ago and was told it would be $1500 total out of pocket (after my insurance). I paid the amount and when I went in for my appointment on monday there was a new receptionist and she asked me if I was going to make a payment today. When I told her I already paid in full she told me that I still had a balance of $1500. I guess what happened is that the receptionist that used to be there messed up a lot and was fired. I never received a print out of the total cost and was only told what it would be. They apologized a lot and told me that they might be able to give me a discount and that I could make payments, but they did acknowledge that it was their fault and told me that they could work something out so they didn't lose me as a patient. But I don't think that I should have to pay for an office mistake and if I knew it was going to be that much I wouldn't have done it. Is there anything I can do about this, isn't there a problem with ethics or something legally wrong with this?
FYI, just to have the dental lab make these custom aligners for you costs a separate fee NOT PAID BY INSURANCE. Your dentist has to pay this cost, so he bills you for it. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO NOT HAVE TO PAY THIS FEE, The true problem is this whole cost affair was inadequately explained to you. Your insurance can cover a part of INVISALIGN but not all the costs associated with it.
FYI, just to have the dental lab make these custom aligners for you costs a separate fee NOT PAID BY INSURANCE. Your dentist has to pay this cost, so he bills you for it. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO NOT HAVE TO PAY THIS FEE, The true problem is this whole cost affair was inadequately explained to you. Your insurance can cover a part of INVISALIGN but not all the costs associated with it.
Aetna DMO ; dental group on list, charged me for something I should not have paid for.?
I was reading some questions about Aetna's DMO and how ppl are being overcharged. My husband's plan is DMO; we can go to anyone on the list. Found mostly "dental groups" within the DMO program. Meaning a gazillion dentists are employed there as well as "specialty" DDS's . I read on my husbands insurance that Root canals are 100%' referral required, which I got from my PCD. Upon finish of just the RT, i was charged 96.00. Aetna's website shows they paid the Dentist 100% ; so why did the dentist take 96.00? They had to have their butts set on fire to send Aetna a pre treatment letter. I never got that. I got a half estimate of what to expect but the numbers aren't matching up. I have to get my final crown on this RT(been a month now on one tooth) and I refuse to pay what I already did. I hope they don't get ticked after all they probably have 1000 dollars more than they are supposed to have from one tooth. (quoted 1000 per tooth on RT, crown post and whatnot) I think I paid that plus Aetna paid out 1000 as well. Damn, Im in the wrong business. lol Should I take this one step up and write to the Atty. General of my state? Consumer affair fraud dept.? (state : NJ) I think we are being charged for stuff clearly stated to be 100% paid by Aetna. This dental group IS in the list for DMO.
First turn your Aetna card over and call the member service number. Speak to them and have them explain why you are charged what you are charged and tell them all the payments you have made to the insurance.
First turn your Aetna card over and call the member service number. Speak to them and have them explain why you are charged what you are charged and tell them all the payments you have made to the insurance.
Will my son be turned down for insurance?
I have an autistic son, and I have decided he needs better hospital insurance than what he has (I have regular health insurance, but his hospital coverage is not great). So I applied for extra hospital insurance. Aside from being pretty severely autistic, he's physically a pretty healthy kid, no major problems, no ongoing treatment. However, recently he needed to have a dental procedure, and they decided it was best that it be done in the hospital, and that he be fully knocked out. A few years back, he also needed to be knocked out for an MRI (he had a seizure, but none since). Anesthesia is expensive, and when he had the dental procedure, it maxed out the hospital coverage on my current plan and I got stuck with a $9000 bill. Hence, the decision for better hospital insurance. When applying for health insurance, they do 5 year medical records check, and those two things are going to come up. What's going to happen... Will I have higher premiums? will they refuse to cover anything they deem is caused by his autism? Or will they flat out reject him? Or will it not be a problem?
You will find the following sites below to have a wealth of information about your problems: Arguments In Support of Private Insurance Coverage of Autism-Related Services http://www.autismspeaks.org/docs/argumen… When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents do what they know best – pursue the most effective intervention services they can find for their child. This is what Joe and Elizabeth Micheletti did for their son Jake when he was diagnosed with autism two years ago. They found an effective intervention http://autismblog.easterseals.com/tag/he… Mom wins fight for autism insurance : http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/condition… How To Get Your Child's Autism Treatments Covered By Health Insurance http://autism.about.com/od/financialreso… Health Insurance Reimbursement Tips & Tricks http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/hea… Autism Speaks Pushes Health Insurance Coverage in Florida, California and Michigan http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2007/… How to find autism health insurance information: http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2008/… INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR AUTISM http://www.cga.ct.gov/2006/rpt/2006-R-07…
You will find the following sites below to have a wealth of information about your problems: Arguments In Support of Private Insurance Coverage of Autism-Related Services http://www.autismspeaks.org/docs/argumen… When a child is diagnosed with autism, parents do what they know best – pursue the most effective intervention services they can find for their child. This is what Joe and Elizabeth Micheletti did for their son Jake when he was diagnosed with autism two years ago. They found an effective intervention http://autismblog.easterseals.com/tag/he… Mom wins fight for autism insurance : http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/condition… How To Get Your Child's Autism Treatments Covered By Health Insurance http://autism.about.com/od/financialreso… Health Insurance Reimbursement Tips & Tricks http://www.talkaboutcuringautism.org/hea… Autism Speaks Pushes Health Insurance Coverage in Florida, California and Michigan http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2007/… How to find autism health insurance information: http://autismbulletin.blogspot.com/2008/… INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR AUTISM http://www.cga.ct.gov/2006/rpt/2006-R-07…
What's the best way to...?
Unfortunately I do not have dental insurance so I haven't been to the dentist in 7 years. I wondering the best way to take care of my teeth. Anything you can think of - Do' and Don'ts? Products?
walmart is now selling a new toothbrush which is not like the normal one it is more rubbery and cleans plaque easier without all the abrasive scrubbing..and cost is less mix toothbrushes i would suggest
walmart is now selling a new toothbrush which is not like the normal one it is more rubbery and cleans plaque easier without all the abrasive scrubbing..and cost is less mix toothbrushes i would suggest
Question regarding a dental bill?
Late last week, I received a bill in the mail for "pulp cap - indirect" for $50. I have a couple of questions about this. My first one being, what exactly does this term mean? Onto my issue... I had a filling done about 3 months ago. At the time I was told he was going to put some type of medicine under the filling to protect whatever is underneath, and prevent further problems (I'm assuming maybe that's what the bill is for?). I have medicaid, and at the time I was not working, so I had no income of my own. I did receive child support payments, and social security benefits for my brother. I was completely baffled after seeing the bill, so I called today in question of it, since I'd thought my insurance covered most things. I was told that this just happened to be something my insurance did not cover, a first for me in my 2 years having it. Still, I didn't think it was a huge issue, I mean it's only $50. However, I'm pretty upset that no one at the dental office told me I might be billed, and now 3 months later - surprise! I was told from someone in the billing dept that if I can prove my wages for the time this was done, they might be able to bring down the bill a little bit. Problem is, I didn't have any wages! So my questions... Firstly, am I wrong for being upset that no one told me I'd be billed for this? Is there any way to prove my wages from 3 months ago? I plan on setting up a sliding fee with them in case this happens again (since I didn't know until today I could do that). I'm not trying to get out of the bill, I am just upset I didn't know about it until now. Thanks for any help!
That term could very well refer to the filling. As for proving what you were earning so that the billing department could consider bringing down your bill, ask them what information they need to prove what you weren't making. As for them waiting for three months - WOW! You heard back from them soon! The way things go with our dental insurance plan, we often don't get bills until six months or longer after the procedure when we have something to pay on it. (And my husband and I each have dental insurance through our employers with a well known and trustworthy dental insurer.) The dental office may not have told you about this because they might not have known just what you were going to have to pay or not pay until after medicaid had finished with the bill.
That term could very well refer to the filling. As for proving what you were earning so that the billing department could consider bringing down your bill, ask them what information they need to prove what you weren't making. As for them waiting for three months - WOW! You heard back from them soon! The way things go with our dental insurance plan, we often don't get bills until six months or longer after the procedure when we have something to pay on it. (And my husband and I each have dental insurance through our employers with a well known and trustworthy dental insurer.) The dental office may not have told you about this because they might not have known just what you were going to have to pay or not pay until after medicaid had finished with the bill.
Getting braces...switching insurance?
Hi I am thinking about getting braces...but I may be switching insurance providers. Right now, I have this discount plan that gives discounts on medical, vision and dental services or costs called Ameriplan. But I am getting married in a year and my husband/fiance is in the military so I will be switching to his healthcare insurance, which I believe is Tricare. If I switch insurance companies will my new insurance(tricare) providers care for my braces even though it was preexisting? I do not mean that cost, I only mean the exams, the tightening that needs to be done with braces and etc? Thanks.
Having braces isn't the same pre-existing condition as compared in healthcare. Switching over to another insurance basically means your previous insurance will cease payments and your new insurance will just pick up where you were. My advice, since I work in dental and handle insurances, is that you make sure your husband's Tricare policy covers orthodontics. Once you know it covers orthodontics, and you find out the maximum and the percentage it pays out, you should be fine. Tricare pays very well, they take care of their own.
Having braces isn't the same pre-existing condition as compared in healthcare. Switching over to another insurance basically means your previous insurance will cease payments and your new insurance will just pick up where you were. My advice, since I work in dental and handle insurances, is that you make sure your husband's Tricare policy covers orthodontics. Once you know it covers orthodontics, and you find out the maximum and the percentage it pays out, you should be fine. Tricare pays very well, they take care of their own.
Should I get this tooth pulled?
Here's the gist.. about 8 months ago I had a root canal on a tooth. Because my family lacks dental insurance (ours only covers about half) I put off getting it crowned. Now my tooth hurts, and on the backside of the tooth it is dark, as if there is a cavity but inside the tooth. I've looked up other questions on here and it seems that there could be multiple reasons for this. Now, here is my current situation. I am 22 and have my wisdom teeth coming in, the one on the bottom right is already mostly in, but there is no room for it really. The currently hurting tooth that had the root canal is bottom left. Because my parents (who I am currently dependant on) worry about the expenses, I am scheduled to go have the root canal tooth pulled next week and let the wisdom tooth on the left side grow in. Obviously, the idea of this scares me, I'm worried about if this whole thing will work out or if the wisdom tooth on the right side will cause issues with the sudden gap in my teeth.
Root canals can need to be repeated, after a few years. Don't pay attention to the answer before this. If she really is a dental assistant, she would know that. It's also possible that they didn't get all of the nerve/tissue out of the root the first time. That, while not common, has been known to happen. If you have a root that can't clearly be seen on an x-ray, it is likely. Also, when a root canal is done, they remove the nerve and tissue from the root itself, not the surrounding bone and tissue. If you have something else going on around that tooth, it's logical that it would hurt. Talk to the dentist who did the root canal and ask if he or she would be willing to look at it. My dentist does root canal corrections for free.
Root canals can need to be repeated, after a few years. Don't pay attention to the answer before this. If she really is a dental assistant, she would know that. It's also possible that they didn't get all of the nerve/tissue out of the root the first time. That, while not common, has been known to happen. If you have a root that can't clearly be seen on an x-ray, it is likely. Also, when a root canal is done, they remove the nerve and tissue from the root itself, not the surrounding bone and tissue. If you have something else going on around that tooth, it's logical that it would hurt. Talk to the dentist who did the root canal and ask if he or she would be willing to look at it. My dentist does root canal corrections for free.
Suffering from EXTREME toothache pain. Feel very faint what should I do? Please help!?
Ive taken extra strength Tylenol and applied clove oils but nothing works...Does anyone know what I can do? I don't have dental insurance nor a job. I cant wait on assistance. Can the emergency room do anything about this? I am in so much pain I feel faint and weak. Please Please please help.
You need to see a dentist. An emergency room might see you but there isn't much they can really do.
You need to see a dentist. An emergency room might see you but there isn't much they can really do.
question about marine reserves from somone in marine reserves or with good knowledge of them...?
i am thinking of joining marine reserves and i need to know do they pay for any of your schooling...and what health and dental insurance am i elligable for and will i stay in my hometown when i get back and go to drill on weekends once a month ..and if i pick a mos will i go to a sort of ait training after boot or how does that work just all this and anything else ive left out would be greatly appreciated thank u ....
Here is some basic info on the reserves USMC. -You get to choose your actual/specific job. It is in your best interest to pick a job that is nearest you to avoid long travel. You can only pick a job that is in your area. -You will do boot camp, then if your job is NOT infantry you will do combat training for 1 month. After this you will go to your MOS school and once you graduate you go home and do the weekend warrior thing. -If your job is infantry then after boot camp you go to infantry school for 2 months and you do not do combat training. -While you are in boot camp, school or on any type of duty you have free medical and dental as you need it. When you are at home doing the weekend warrior thing you do not get those benefits. -You do get the GI bill but not immediately. I do not know the specifics of this, but you do get educational benefits. The longer you serve the more you get. -Remember that reserve units can become active for up to a year. This means you will be gone for a year or longer if activated. You never know if you will or will not get activated. While active you get all the benefits.
Here is some basic info on the reserves USMC. -You get to choose your actual/specific job. It is in your best interest to pick a job that is nearest you to avoid long travel. You can only pick a job that is in your area. -You will do boot camp, then if your job is NOT infantry you will do combat training for 1 month. After this you will go to your MOS school and once you graduate you go home and do the weekend warrior thing. -If your job is infantry then after boot camp you go to infantry school for 2 months and you do not do combat training. -While you are in boot camp, school or on any type of duty you have free medical and dental as you need it. When you are at home doing the weekend warrior thing you do not get those benefits. -You do get the GI bill but not immediately. I do not know the specifics of this, but you do get educational benefits. The longer you serve the more you get. -Remember that reserve units can become active for up to a year. This means you will be gone for a year or longer if activated. You never know if you will or will not get activated. While active you get all the benefits.
question about a dead tooth, please help!?
I have a tooth that i think may be dead, I did the ice cube trick and did not feel the cold but when i drank a frappucino i felt a cold sensation on it... What can i do about it? I know I should go to the dentist but unfortunately have no dental insurance. I will still go but can anyone tell me what may happen to it and if there are any options other than extracting it? thanks and all help is appreciated!!!!!
You should read this page.... My friend told me she got a root canal and I didn't know what exactly it was so I looked it up and I think you should read it too I have a wisdom tooth that needs to go out this coming Sat I have no insurance either but when you gotta go you really can't avoid things like that when it comes to your health you should look around your area for an affordable dentist that can treat you and offer you a payment plan. http://tuberose.com/Root_Canals.html Best Wishes!
You should read this page.... My friend told me she got a root canal and I didn't know what exactly it was so I looked it up and I think you should read it too I have a wisdom tooth that needs to go out this coming Sat I have no insurance either but when you gotta go you really can't avoid things like that when it comes to your health you should look around your area for an affordable dentist that can treat you and offer you a payment plan. http://tuberose.com/Root_Canals.html Best Wishes!
not the greatest smile, what should i do?
my boyfriend of 10 months and i talked about marriage and when i asked him if it was something he wanted he said yes but you have to fix you teeth before we think or even talk about it, my teeth are not that bad but they could be whiter and are not completely Straight.is this really a reason to not marry someone? and at the same time its something i want to do but i have no dental insurance and don't even know where to start, and help or suggestions.
I would kick him to the curb. He is obviously more concerned with appearances rather than you for you. If you do fix your teeth, make sure you do it for yourself and not him. If you do decide to fix your teeth, see if there are any dental clinics that charge based on income, see about getting a care credit account, try to find a dental school in the area; schools will often let students work on people for low prices, also call around to dentists and check prices and see if they do free consultations.
I would kick him to the curb. He is obviously more concerned with appearances rather than you for you. If you do fix your teeth, make sure you do it for yourself and not him. If you do decide to fix your teeth, see if there are any dental clinics that charge based on income, see about getting a care credit account, try to find a dental school in the area; schools will often let students work on people for low prices, also call around to dentists and check prices and see if they do free consultations.
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