I live in Bend, Oregon just moved here a month ago, Looking for a job. I am looking for good insurance where dental and vision are included. I am 21. I already went to a dentist office to get my teeth checked out. I owe them money now..and they suggested I get insurance first since I do need a root canal done I have looked so many places. I am thinking either going with OHP or blue cross blue shield
healthplans.bebto.com - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
how can i treat a cavity by myself?
i have a cavity on my one of front teeth. it's not really bad yet as it doesn't hurt at all. but ihe thing is i can't go see a dentist since i don't have an dental insurance. (it would cost me seriously a lot to get a treatment w/o an insurance.) so i'm wondering if there's any way i can treat the cavity myself as it's not really serious yet.
Severe dental problems usually start in simple BAD CAVITY, then eventually - mouth ulcers, sore lumps, bleeding or strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line. These conditions could threaten your health and worst could kill you. Before it's too late, visit your dentist for an advice and get immediate dental health care advices and solutions at http://www.themouthdoctor.com/dentalheal… and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.
Severe dental problems usually start in simple BAD CAVITY, then eventually - mouth ulcers, sore lumps, bleeding or strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line. These conditions could threaten your health and worst could kill you. Before it's too late, visit your dentist for an advice and get immediate dental health care advices and solutions at http://www.themouthdoctor.com/dentalheal… and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.
Need to find a good place and affordable price for dental care..?
Hello I'm from Oklahoma and I'm looking for a good Dentist.That is affordable.I have BCBS Insurance.But it only pays a small amount.I will be 33 next week and I'm so depressed over my teeth.I got real sick a few yrs back and the meds and all just made my teeth rot..Please someone help..Thanks Melody
gotta be careful with cheap dentist, they just wanna pull all your teeth out cause this is cheaper than fixing them... once they are gone they are gone.. not a good look, better off saving them if you can and that cost $$$$$t
gotta be careful with cheap dentist, they just wanna pull all your teeth out cause this is cheaper than fixing them... once they are gone they are gone.. not a good look, better off saving them if you can and that cost $$$$$t
im trying to find out who excepts medical for dental in my community?
i just moved here to maine from ca.and im trying to find out what dentists in my area texcepts medical insurance
i have no idea. my husband handles all of that for us.
i have no idea. my husband handles all of that for us.
Exactly how does Dental Works work?
I'd like to go in for a Ortho Consultation. I want to get braces. Is the consultation free? Are their monthly payments expensive if you don't have insurance? Is it okay if I come in every month and pay cash? I contacted them but they haven't gotten back with me yet.
The consultation is free. It depends what you orthodontist says, but yeah, most likely you can pay monthly. Don't take my word for it though. :)
The consultation is free. It depends what you orthodontist says, but yeah, most likely you can pay monthly. Don't take my word for it though. :)
what is the best insurance that good for the family in washington?
Im looking for the cheapest one for the family and cheapest co-payment that covers dental medical and vision . im relocating to washington state
Cheapest? You get what you pay for. You can likely find insurance with very low monthly rates, but the the co-pays and deductibles will be high. You might find one iwth low co-pays, but them you will pay more for the monthly. Insurance comapnies are in business to make money. If you buy insurance, you need to decide what you want. If you will use it and want it to cover preventative care, it will cost more. If you want something that is very cheap and only covers catostrophic events, you will find it, but it will not allow you to make $10 doctor visits, for example. In short, you need to look at all your options and decide which one is best for YOUR SITUATION.
Cheapest? You get what you pay for. You can likely find insurance with very low monthly rates, but the the co-pays and deductibles will be high. You might find one iwth low co-pays, but them you will pay more for the monthly. Insurance comapnies are in business to make money. If you buy insurance, you need to decide what you want. If you will use it and want it to cover preventative care, it will cost more. If you want something that is very cheap and only covers catostrophic events, you will find it, but it will not allow you to make $10 doctor visits, for example. In short, you need to look at all your options and decide which one is best for YOUR SITUATION.
im just wondering cuze i dont have any Dental insurance and it will cost me alot to go to the dentist so i need a way to get rid of it at home the pain.
the following method can remove pain in 3 days and fill the cavity by itself if you avoid negative foods for 2 months... Disease or financial setback or family proble, is due to placement of planets in bad places in the person's horoscope and also due to hereditary causes..a soul can enter into the womb of a woman whose sins match the sins of previous birth of this soul..this is secret of creation..a soul cant take birth in a wealthy family or pious family,if it has got previous sins.. .when your forefathers have these diseases you will get them...sometimes due to sins of your forefathers and foremothers ,diseases are caused...when there are such sins ,your horoscope will contain placement of good planets in bad places...diseases may develop in a person due to sins of that particular individual...sins means viiolation of natural law...eating fast foods,nonveg,sweets etc come under this category...evil thinking and evil doing come under the category of serious sins.. such sins and doshas in horoscopes can be repaired or modified by doing tapas or penance... it is due to eating wrong and negative foods and negative style of life... follow this method for two month...you will improve from 15th day... holistic healing method.. when the body is having a disease, the patient should not be given a nutritious food... he should be asked to fast for 7 or 10 day... but he can take unlimited fruits(not sweet) and uncooked vegetables... this is also called semi-fasting method...during semi-fasting, the bodies energies will be conserved to fight and throw out the disease...that is why , patients are asked to stop so many negative foods ...all high nutritious foods are negative foods for sick people... . a person requires so much culture and intelligence, to understand the basic principles of holistic healing ... this is part of yoga and spirituality...this is great indian science... i am telling you about indian thinking, which the new generation has forgotten or is ignorant of culture...though this is called hindu thinking , these methods are prevalent in china,egypt japan,and east asia... that is why , i am doing this service to sick people in yahoo and otherwise,for the last 25 years freely, to awaken people of their slumber...this is great indian method,which does not require any expenditure to cure any type of disease...write me.. kumrao99@yahoo.co.in Holistic healing method.... 1avoid milk ,curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,horlicks,, sweets,sweet fruits, ,nonveg,cashewnuts,almonds,peas,cooldr… fish,eggs,f,alcohols for 30days.these are all negative foods for a person with disease...unless these foods are stopped ,he or she cant clean the body,blood and nerves...persons without disease can take them... 2.daily eat 300 gms of uncooked cucumber( or 60 gms of uncooked bittergourd or 300 gms of blackgrapes containing seeds.) 4daily eat 20 gms of ginger uncooked.. 5.daily eat 30 uncooked leaves of ponna ganti aku-telugu(ponnan kanni keera-tamil) and 20 uncooked leaves of coriander.. and 3 betel leaves..(after one week take 6 betel leaves) 6.you can eat rice items,wheat items ,ragi balls,jowar items of food..dont take ragi malt. 7,you can take daily oranges,promagenates,watermelons,pineapp… good wishes, k.umamaheswara rao 2nd method:- colour ray therapy of sunlight-----(this is part of holistic healing) the sunlight has got 7 colours... red and yellow colour rays have got healing property to cure most of the diseases. purchase a sheet of red colour celliphone paper from a local book shop or paper shop....it is transparent and glazed. it will cost rs6 or 7...divide into 4 pieces...each piece should measure 5in by7in. then lie down in sunlight ... keep one of the pieces of yellow coloured silaphan paper on stomach , so that sunlight falls on the red or yellow paper (which is placed on stomach)...you should not wear any banian or shirt,when you lie down in sunlight... allow the sunlight to pass through the paper for 7 min...then yellow or red rays will enter into your body and clean all ailments in your body...after one week ,you can increase the time to 10 min daily(for elders) and 6min for children.it should not be used for children less than 3 years. many diseases like blood pressure,sugar,arthritis,pains ,ulcers,acidity,skin disease,virus fevers,cold,bronchitis,piles,fissures,… will be cured with this method
the following method can remove pain in 3 days and fill the cavity by itself if you avoid negative foods for 2 months... Disease or financial setback or family proble, is due to placement of planets in bad places in the person's horoscope and also due to hereditary causes..a soul can enter into the womb of a woman whose sins match the sins of previous birth of this soul..this is secret of creation..a soul cant take birth in a wealthy family or pious family,if it has got previous sins.. .when your forefathers have these diseases you will get them...sometimes due to sins of your forefathers and foremothers ,diseases are caused...when there are such sins ,your horoscope will contain placement of good planets in bad places...diseases may develop in a person due to sins of that particular individual...sins means viiolation of natural law...eating fast foods,nonveg,sweets etc come under this category...evil thinking and evil doing come under the category of serious sins.. such sins and doshas in horoscopes can be repaired or modified by doing tapas or penance... it is due to eating wrong and negative foods and negative style of life... follow this method for two month...you will improve from 15th day... holistic healing method.. when the body is having a disease, the patient should not be given a nutritious food... he should be asked to fast for 7 or 10 day... but he can take unlimited fruits(not sweet) and uncooked vegetables... this is also called semi-fasting method...during semi-fasting, the bodies energies will be conserved to fight and throw out the disease...that is why , patients are asked to stop so many negative foods ...all high nutritious foods are negative foods for sick people... . a person requires so much culture and intelligence, to understand the basic principles of holistic healing ... this is part of yoga and spirituality...this is great indian science... i am telling you about indian thinking, which the new generation has forgotten or is ignorant of culture...though this is called hindu thinking , these methods are prevalent in china,egypt japan,and east asia... that is why , i am doing this service to sick people in yahoo and otherwise,for the last 25 years freely, to awaken people of their slumber...this is great indian method,which does not require any expenditure to cure any type of disease...write me.. kumrao99@yahoo.co.in Holistic healing method.... 1avoid milk ,curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,horlicks,, sweets,sweet fruits, ,nonveg,cashewnuts,almonds,peas,cooldr… fish,eggs,f,alcohols for 30days.these are all negative foods for a person with disease...unless these foods are stopped ,he or she cant clean the body,blood and nerves...persons without disease can take them... 2.daily eat 300 gms of uncooked cucumber( or 60 gms of uncooked bittergourd or 300 gms of blackgrapes containing seeds.) 4daily eat 20 gms of ginger uncooked.. 5.daily eat 30 uncooked leaves of ponna ganti aku-telugu(ponnan kanni keera-tamil) and 20 uncooked leaves of coriander.. and 3 betel leaves..(after one week take 6 betel leaves) 6.you can eat rice items,wheat items ,ragi balls,jowar items of food..dont take ragi malt. 7,you can take daily oranges,promagenates,watermelons,pineapp… good wishes, k.umamaheswara rao 2nd method:- colour ray therapy of sunlight-----(this is part of holistic healing) the sunlight has got 7 colours... red and yellow colour rays have got healing property to cure most of the diseases. purchase a sheet of red colour celliphone paper from a local book shop or paper shop....it is transparent and glazed. it will cost rs6 or 7...divide into 4 pieces...each piece should measure 5in by7in. then lie down in sunlight ... keep one of the pieces of yellow coloured silaphan paper on stomach , so that sunlight falls on the red or yellow paper (which is placed on stomach)...you should not wear any banian or shirt,when you lie down in sunlight... allow the sunlight to pass through the paper for 7 min...then yellow or red rays will enter into your body and clean all ailments in your body...after one week ,you can increase the time to 10 min daily(for elders) and 6min for children.it should not be used for children less than 3 years. many diseases like blood pressure,sugar,arthritis,pains ,ulcers,acidity,skin disease,virus fevers,cold,bronchitis,piles,fissures,… will be cured with this method
Can you recommend a good dentist near Warrenville, IL?
I am moving to Warrenville, IL, and I also have a new DMO Dental insurance plan, so I have to find a new dentist. I'm not comfortable just going to any random dentist without a referral, so can anyone recommend a good dentist in the area. Wheaton, Naperville, and possibly even Aurora are all okay locations. Thanks!
Michelle Modaff Procare Dental Group PC 1304 Macom Dr #4 Naperville, IL 60564 (630) 585-5005
Michelle Modaff Procare Dental Group PC 1304 Macom Dr #4 Naperville, IL 60564 (630) 585-5005
i phad $1041.00 deducted from my paycheck before taxes were taken out for the entire year. is this deductable?
i had $1041.00 deducted from my total wages for 2009 and they were all pre tax. are theese helth and dental insurance premiums deductable?
If your insurance premiums were deducted pretax, they are NOT deductible.
If your insurance premiums were deducted pretax, they are NOT deductible.
How much will braces cost?
I need three teeth pulled. My teeth right now are just a little crowded, so there should be minimal surgical work required. I reside in Illinois. No dental insurance. I am 19. How much, with all these factors taken into account, how much should braces (and other procedures) cost in total? (Ballpark estimates are good--I know this type of thing varies from individual to individual)
The average amount is about $4,000-$6,000, buuuut...orthodontist offices have payment plans. You basically pay $100-$150 a month, instead of having to pay all at one time. It's very convienent. :) Good luck..
The average amount is about $4,000-$6,000, buuuut...orthodontist offices have payment plans. You basically pay $100-$150 a month, instead of having to pay all at one time. It's very convienent. :) Good luck..
How much are cosmetic veneers (teeth)?
I'm wondering how much it costs to get my top teeth lined with veneers? It's not covered by dental insurance correct?
$700-$1,100 per tooth. eHealthPlus members get 50%-60% off this cost. Make sure you have participating dentists in your area before you sign up for the membership.
$700-$1,100 per tooth. eHealthPlus members get 50%-60% off this cost. Make sure you have participating dentists in your area before you sign up for the membership.
insurance question...please answer all of you that can...any answer is beneficial!!?
My family is going through somwhat of an economical problem...my dad just got fired and my mom gets paid fairly..we need dental and medical insurance...so my question is how do you get things like medicate and medicare and/or what other insurances are really good and for very low cost...please help as much as you can..
Most states now offer free or low cost insurance for children and, depending on income, it is sometimes also avalable for parents. Doesn't sound like medicare/medicade will be available for your family since your mom works and your dad is not disabled. Call your town or state's social services department as they will be better able to advise you.
Most states now offer free or low cost insurance for children and, depending on income, it is sometimes also avalable for parents. Doesn't sound like medicare/medicade will be available for your family since your mom works and your dad is not disabled. Call your town or state's social services department as they will be better able to advise you.
Is a career in Dental Hygiene what it's cracked up to be?
I am a pre-dental hygiene student and recently was told that jobs are getting very difficult to find (unless you only want to work only 2 days a week) and that the lifespan of the career is not very long. Additionally she told me that the great pay was basically to offset the out of pocket insurance costs and limited hours.... I am starting to get concerned that this is perhaps not the stable career that I thought it was when I started school. Was the person I spoke to representing "the norm"? Or just disgruntled??
I am a dental hygienist in Idaho, and I love my job. A lot of dentists don't advertise employment in the newspaper. I think this is for a couple of reasons: First, the dental community is small. Any time a job opens, every hygienist within a 100 mile radius knows about it... so dentists usually have a pretty good response without having to place any sort of ad. Second, I think for the most part, hygiene is a very stable job. Once you find a good job, you keep it. So, sometimes, it is pretty difficult to find employment if you're not already working. A great thing about hygiene is that it is okay to work at more than one office. So, even though some offices may only offer 2 days a week, it's pretty easy to find 2 or 3 days a week at another office. Or, you can sub at pretty much any office. So, basically you can choose your own hours... which is great if you have a family. When you get your license, you can sign up for the state association which will sometimes put your name on a list to be called for fill-in. The pay is excellent, and you can find offices that provide benefits. My office offers insurance, but a friend of mine works for an office where the dentist gives her a $250 bonus every month to cover insurance costs (or whatever she wants to do with it...) As far as career lifespan, you learn in school what you have to do to be able to practice indefinitely. You need to focus on your posture at all times, make sure your back muscles and your forearm muscles are strong and be very careful with how you move your writst when working. Hygienists will ALWAYS be in demand. And, like someone said above, there are always opportunities internationally. Traveling hygienists make good money and are able to see the world. Beyond that, there are a lot of opportunities outside of a clinical setting. You can be an educator, work for a dental sales company, or do community dental health care by working with Head Start programs or health and welfare. The possibilities are endless. Good luck! It's totally worthwhile, and I have to say that I chose the perfect profession!
I am a dental hygienist in Idaho, and I love my job. A lot of dentists don't advertise employment in the newspaper. I think this is for a couple of reasons: First, the dental community is small. Any time a job opens, every hygienist within a 100 mile radius knows about it... so dentists usually have a pretty good response without having to place any sort of ad. Second, I think for the most part, hygiene is a very stable job. Once you find a good job, you keep it. So, sometimes, it is pretty difficult to find employment if you're not already working. A great thing about hygiene is that it is okay to work at more than one office. So, even though some offices may only offer 2 days a week, it's pretty easy to find 2 or 3 days a week at another office. Or, you can sub at pretty much any office. So, basically you can choose your own hours... which is great if you have a family. When you get your license, you can sign up for the state association which will sometimes put your name on a list to be called for fill-in. The pay is excellent, and you can find offices that provide benefits. My office offers insurance, but a friend of mine works for an office where the dentist gives her a $250 bonus every month to cover insurance costs (or whatever she wants to do with it...) As far as career lifespan, you learn in school what you have to do to be able to practice indefinitely. You need to focus on your posture at all times, make sure your back muscles and your forearm muscles are strong and be very careful with how you move your writst when working. Hygienists will ALWAYS be in demand. And, like someone said above, there are always opportunities internationally. Traveling hygienists make good money and are able to see the world. Beyond that, there are a lot of opportunities outside of a clinical setting. You can be an educator, work for a dental sales company, or do community dental health care by working with Head Start programs or health and welfare. The possibilities are endless. Good luck! It's totally worthwhile, and I have to say that I chose the perfect profession!
Did you have health insurance? If not, how do you pay for medical care.?
I was wondering if there is anyone out there who does not have medical coverage. If not, how do you pay for doctor's visits, dental care, etc.
When I was in college, I could not afford the cost of health care. Then i found this great plan. www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From Dental, Medical, Rx, Vision..etc. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. good luck.
When I was in college, I could not afford the cost of health care. Then i found this great plan. www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands on all services. From Dental, Medical, Rx, Vision..etc. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. good luck.
do dentists take a discount if you pay cash?
i don't have dental insurance, I was wondering what kind of discount they would offer if i was to pay cash.??
The dentist i work for ALWAYS gives a discount for cash patients. So yes. :D
The dentist i work for ALWAYS gives a discount for cash patients. So yes. :D
i get mouth sores frequently and my gums are irritated as well. I brush and flosss twice daily . Whts wrong?
I am a forty-two year old woman with good hygein so what could be going wrong in my mouth. I dont have dental insurance so i have been trying to heal myself by buying expensive otc mouth rinses. It has been helping a little since i started that.
Maybe your diet is causing sores in your mouth...maybe cut back on acidy foods? Irritated gums signal gingivitis. Keep brushing and flossing and using mouth rinses but at some point you will have to find a dentist if doesn't get better. Instead of buying the expensive mouth rinses, find a dentist that will have a look at you for minimum charge. Most offer payment plans and a lot of dental colleges offer really low cost treatment because the students do the work.
Maybe your diet is causing sores in your mouth...maybe cut back on acidy foods? Irritated gums signal gingivitis. Keep brushing and flossing and using mouth rinses but at some point you will have to find a dentist if doesn't get better. Instead of buying the expensive mouth rinses, find a dentist that will have a look at you for minimum charge. Most offer payment plans and a lot of dental colleges offer really low cost treatment because the students do the work.
A good health insurance plan?
I'm looking for a health insurance plan that would cover doctor visits, and possibly dental appointments. I am a 22 year old college student in school, but the school insurance doesn't cover things I need covered.
You're best bet would be to visit a local independent agent. This person knows the plans in your area and can find the best plan for your situation. They don't charge you for the service and will be there to help with any questions. Don't try to do this on the internet unless you have 3 or 4 days to compare the hundreds of plans available. Be very wary of medical discount cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldn't find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients. Dental is seldom included with the health plans. If it is it is usually not very good. I'm an insurance agent and I wouldn't waste my money on dental insurance. Instead, I've got the Aetna Dental Access fee for service discount plan. They're nation wide and you can get information here: http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… You can also look at other plans to find the best one. I like them because there is no maximum, no deductible and no waiting period, plus there is a fee schedule so you know how much a procedure would be before going to the dentist. Before signing up with any plan be sure to find a dentist first that's taking new patients and is still taking the plan.
You're best bet would be to visit a local independent agent. This person knows the plans in your area and can find the best plan for your situation. They don't charge you for the service and will be there to help with any questions. Don't try to do this on the internet unless you have 3 or 4 days to compare the hundreds of plans available. Be very wary of medical discount cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of "save up to 80%" be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. One state couldn't find any doctors in that state that took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards. Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won't give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they're still taking the card (many don't even know that they're listed as a provider) and that they're accepting new patients. Dental is seldom included with the health plans. If it is it is usually not very good. I'm an insurance agent and I wouldn't waste my money on dental insurance. Instead, I've got the Aetna Dental Access fee for service discount plan. They're nation wide and you can get information here: http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… You can also look at other plans to find the best one. I like them because there is no maximum, no deductible and no waiting period, plus there is a fee schedule so you know how much a procedure would be before going to the dentist. Before signing up with any plan be sure to find a dentist first that's taking new patients and is still taking the plan.
can a tooth infection go away by itself?
i have an infection on one of my back teeth. but its not a wisdom tooth. i want to know if theres a way to get rid of it without consulting a dentist. i have no dental insurance
There is no way that it's going to go away by itself. If you are talking about a cavity and you don't get it fixed soon it's going to turn into a root canal which is going to be a lot more expensive. So contact your dentist asap.
There is no way that it's going to go away by itself. If you are talking about a cavity and you don't get it fixed soon it's going to turn into a root canal which is going to be a lot more expensive. So contact your dentist asap.
Price of Orthodontic Treatment in Central CA?
My daughter is going for an orthodontic consultation on Monday. Are dental insurance does not include orthodontics but my daughter has such a severe crowding issue. We live in central CA so what is the average cost of a full treatment plan (possibly including pallet stretching)?
I'm sure you realize it's impossible to say because even if I was an orthodontist in your area, I'd need to see what's going on. If you insist, I'd guess it's from $3K to $6K (depending on how complicated the case is, age of your daughter, etc.)
I'm sure you realize it's impossible to say because even if I was an orthodontist in your area, I'd need to see what's going on. If you insist, I'd guess it's from $3K to $6K (depending on how complicated the case is, age of your daughter, etc.)
Insurance after 19, Why am I no covered.?
Im 19 and no going to school fulltime. I recently had some ortho work done but my insurance company declined so now im stuck paying full for the appointments. Why do insurance companies require you to be in school full time if the coverage is being paid for!? And since apparently i need it now, what are some good insurance policies that include dental/ortho
Once you turn 18, you are legally an adult. Parents are allowed to keep their children on their medical insurance if they are still full time students in college because the children are presumably still Dependant on the parents. Most medical policies will allow a full time student to remain covered on a parents policy until age 23 - 25, depending on the insurance company or the plan the employer has. They require it because after age 18, if you're not in school, you should be working and getting your own insurance. Purchasing individual medical/dental insurance can be fairly expensive. If you are working, check and see if your employer has a medical plan you can get covered on.
Once you turn 18, you are legally an adult. Parents are allowed to keep their children on their medical insurance if they are still full time students in college because the children are presumably still Dependant on the parents. Most medical policies will allow a full time student to remain covered on a parents policy until age 23 - 25, depending on the insurance company or the plan the employer has. They require it because after age 18, if you're not in school, you should be working and getting your own insurance. Purchasing individual medical/dental insurance can be fairly expensive. If you are working, check and see if your employer has a medical plan you can get covered on.
Wisdom teeth getting removed?
I have to go to an oral surgeon to get my wisdom teeth removed but I don't have any dental insurance or any kind of insurance. How much should I expect to pay? I know it's hard to tell me since it varies but can you tell me from personal experience, how much did you pay with insurance?
I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled at once and the bill was a little over 8000 dollars, But being on the insurance i was on, i went to a fancy oral surgeon, had nitrous oxide, as well as a general anesthetic (meaning all the way out under) as compared to a local anesthetic that only numbs a certain area. Having no Insurance, i would say that a fair estimate of the total cost would be somewhere around 5000 to 6000 dollars.
I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled at once and the bill was a little over 8000 dollars, But being on the insurance i was on, i went to a fancy oral surgeon, had nitrous oxide, as well as a general anesthetic (meaning all the way out under) as compared to a local anesthetic that only numbs a certain area. Having no Insurance, i would say that a fair estimate of the total cost would be somewhere around 5000 to 6000 dollars.
have a friend single man divorced for 3 yrs, ex wife wants him to pay for medical and dental for kids, what is?
can you provide a good insurance co affordable to this man for his children? The children live in Texas with the mother and he lives in New Mexico.
Invest in your love and to be happy. When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship.
Invest in your love and to be happy. When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship.
Delta Dental doesn't cover anesthesia til you've been enrolled for a year...Question...?
I have insurance through Delta Dental through my employer Wal-Mart. I was reading they're benefits package and it says that anesthesia isn't covered til you've been enrolled for a year. I have 4 cavities, 3 of which the dentist wants to work on next Thursday. They told me after the insurance kicks in, my portion for those 3 would be $74. I HOPE they plan on using anesthesia, otherwise I'm not going. Does anyone else have insurance through Delta Dental. Does that $74 cover EVERYTHING, including anesthesia.
The anesthesia code you are referring to is for nitrous oxide and/or IV sedation. Dentists do not charge a separate local anesthesia fee for doing a filling. It's all included.
The anesthesia code you are referring to is for nitrous oxide and/or IV sedation. Dentists do not charge a separate local anesthesia fee for doing a filling. It's all included.
How can a low-income person afford to go to the dentist?
I really need to go. my work offers no dental. I have no insurance,and I can't really afford to go. Is there any kind of help I can get? Welfare is no good because I'm over 18 and have no kids.
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you.
Contact your local or state dental association and and see if there are any dentists who provide free or reduced cost care for low-income, disabled or senior patients. Call your local health department and ask about health centers that provide dental care for free or on a sliding scale. Your local United Way may also be aware of such a clinic. In some areas, you can reach them now by dialing 2-1-1 for "non-emergency information." Go to a dental school, if there is one near you, for reduced costs. Check http://www.toothwoman.net to see if low-cost or free dental services are available near you. Check http://bphc.hrsa.gov and choose "Find a Health Center" to see if there is a low-cost clinic near you.
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