7 months ago I went to the dentist and I had a tooth that needed a peridontist to do surgery on. I went to the peridontist about 4 months later, had an evaluation, and later had the surgery. The insurance paid 80% for the service as promised. Then a month ago I had my 6 month check up, which the insurance only paid a fraction of. I have had this insurance and this dentist for years and haven't had to pay for check-ups so I called up the insurance to ask why. They said part of the claim was called an evaluation and I had an evaluation less than 6 monthes ago. I assured them it had been over 6 months since I'd been to the dentist and they said it was with the peridontist. I explained that was a peridontist and the other was my dentist check up and she said it didn't matter - you can only have one evaluation in 6 months. I asked if I could do anything since this sounded absurd. She gave me a fax # to file a grieviance. Has anyone done this? Do I stand a chance? What should I make sure to include? Thanks!
Go talk to the person at your dentist office who does the billing. Is there another code that could be applied to this visit? If so, can the change it and re-submit the bill?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Whats the best Health, Dental, Vision insurance to get with a PPO that has 100% coverage in everything?
Blue Cross Blue Shield??
i dont know ANY dental insurance that covers 100%, as goes for vision.
i dont know ANY dental insurance that covers 100%, as goes for vision.
Question about dental insurance?
Does most insurance cover for braces? for ex:blue cross blue shield of alabama
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Dental Insurance?
When I started my job I signed up for insurance but im moving soon (out of state) and should use the insurance to get a cleaning before I leave... If I go to the dentist in the beginning of may and quit my job at the end of the month the insurance would still of covered that dentist appt right?
Yes, it is the day of service.
Yes, it is the day of service.
Does any dentist in Tarrant County give free emergency dental care for school employees?
I broke my front tooth............my dental insurance will not cover for a year.. soooooooooooooooo anybody a dentist that does not want me looking at my class with this broke tooth! HELP!
Doubtful, but most have a plan similar to CareCredit which is something you can apply for and get 1 year no interest. Pay it off within the year and you should be good. Or, get a bank loan.
Doubtful, but most have a plan similar to CareCredit which is something you can apply for and get 1 year no interest. Pay it off within the year and you should be good. Or, get a bank loan.
I need dental insurance,,,?
I'm trying to get braces and my insurance at work doesn't cover any expense...please help.
If another form of health insurance is not an option for you, you might try looking into Care Credit. Its a form of credit card used specifically for medical care including dental work. You can apply online at www.carecredit.com. You simply pay back the total balance in increments and most doctors offices, after seeing that you use Care Credit, will offer discounts on the total cost of the doctors visit and treatments needed. I got a small $1,000 limit for a root canal I needed earlier this year (you can get a much larger limit than that if you need it) and it was kind of a god-send because we didn't have the time or the money to apply and get approved for dental insurance and my dental situation was urgent. And my favorite part is that Care Credit can even be used at some vet's offices, so now that we have this Care Credit card, if we ever have any emergencies with our little pet Boston terrier, we have no worries about making sure we can pay for whatever she needs! :) Hope that helps....
If another form of health insurance is not an option for you, you might try looking into Care Credit. Its a form of credit card used specifically for medical care including dental work. You can apply online at www.carecredit.com. You simply pay back the total balance in increments and most doctors offices, after seeing that you use Care Credit, will offer discounts on the total cost of the doctors visit and treatments needed. I got a small $1,000 limit for a root canal I needed earlier this year (you can get a much larger limit than that if you need it) and it was kind of a god-send because we didn't have the time or the money to apply and get approved for dental insurance and my dental situation was urgent. And my favorite part is that Care Credit can even be used at some vet's offices, so now that we have this Care Credit card, if we ever have any emergencies with our little pet Boston terrier, we have no worries about making sure we can pay for whatever she needs! :) Hope that helps....
No Insurance and have to go to the dentist?
I have a chipped tooth, I think it might be a wisdom tooth, and it needs to be pulled. Its causing me a lot of problems. I don't have any dental insurance though. How much do you think it would cost and also...how do I find a good dentist for someone with no insurance?
Question about dental insurance?
Does most insurance cover for braces? for ex:blue cross blue shield of alabama
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - my family have this health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Dental Insurance?
When I started my job I signed up for insurance but im moving soon (out of state) and should use the insurance to get a cleaning before I leave... If I go to the dentist in the beginning of may and quit my job at the end of the month the insurance would still of covered that dentist appt right?
Yes, it is the day of service.
Yes, it is the day of service.
MetLife Dental Insurance...?
Does anyone know how this insurance actually works? I got this insurance through my employer (haven't had insurance in a LONG time!!), and from what I'm reading...it sounds like you have to pay for services up front, and then they reimburse you?? Is this how it works, or am I mistaken? I'm so confused, and really want to go get a general cleaning and exam....but don't have the money to pay for it when I go!
I have MetLife through my employer too! It is not a reimbursement plan. If you're going in for a cleaning, it should be covered at 100%, and your dentist office will not charge you anything. I just had my cleaning appt in November, 1st time with this insurance, and it was totally free. I did have to pay $15 for the prescription toothpaste they gave me, because that's not covered by insurance. But I wasn't charged for the cleaning, bitewings, etc. If you need fillings or anything that isn't covered at 100% at a later appointment, they will charge you the portion that you are responsible for, and bill the rest to your insurance. If there's a difference later, you'll get a bill from Metlife for it. Just make sure you go with a dentist that is part of their plan, you can find their names on MetLife's website, which your employer should have provided you with. But definitely go for that cleaning, you shouldn't be charged anything at your appointment. Good luck.
I have MetLife through my employer too! It is not a reimbursement plan. If you're going in for a cleaning, it should be covered at 100%, and your dentist office will not charge you anything. I just had my cleaning appt in November, 1st time with this insurance, and it was totally free. I did have to pay $15 for the prescription toothpaste they gave me, because that's not covered by insurance. But I wasn't charged for the cleaning, bitewings, etc. If you need fillings or anything that isn't covered at 100% at a later appointment, they will charge you the portion that you are responsible for, and bill the rest to your insurance. If there's a difference later, you'll get a bill from Metlife for it. Just make sure you go with a dentist that is part of their plan, you can find their names on MetLife's website, which your employer should have provided you with. But definitely go for that cleaning, you shouldn't be charged anything at your appointment. Good luck.
Can anyone recommend HSA Dental Insurance!?
I've seen a few good plans but the £17 a month HSA seems the best! Does anyone have this or have dealt with them before and can give me confidence before getting a plan with them?! Thanks so much!
Try this one - http://healthplans.bebto.com - I personally have their health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
Try this one - http://healthplans.bebto.com - I personally have their health insurance. It is affordable and has good coverage for dental issues.
please I need your advice I don't have enough money and no dental insurance?
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. all services are included in this very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
I would strongly encourage you to visit this site: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars since. From root canals, extractions, xrays, exams...etc. all services are included in this very very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.
i dont have dental insurance, but i need braces!!?
i have one crooked tooth. thats it. its annoying.. and i really want braces.. wut else could i do to fix it.. or not pay a crazy huge bill.
I'm not sure where you live but maybe you can try a dental school. That's what I did. The students work on you (properly supervised) and depending on the type of work what year student you get too. The down turn may be that you have to have more than one visit but it is so much more inexpensive.
I'm not sure where you live but maybe you can try a dental school. That's what I did. The students work on you (properly supervised) and depending on the type of work what year student you get too. The down turn may be that you have to have more than one visit but it is so much more inexpensive.
question about dental insurance?
My dentist siad he couldn't get any money from Aetna because my plan is DMO. Is it possible? The dentist clean my teeth and do the other work and I even don't need to pay copayment. Why the dentist accept this plan if they can't get any money from insurance company?
If he's not in network, and you didn't select him as your service provider, he isn't getting paid. YOU have to set it up, that he gets paid. He only gets paid $10 a month by Aetna, for each patient who signed up UNDER HIM. An analogy here. Your employer pays you. I want you to come over to my house, and paint it. Next week would be great. It shouldn't be a problem, because you're getting paid by your employer!!! Right? Wrong. You only want to work for the guy paying you. He only wants to work for the guys paying HIM.
If he's not in network, and you didn't select him as your service provider, he isn't getting paid. YOU have to set it up, that he gets paid. He only gets paid $10 a month by Aetna, for each patient who signed up UNDER HIM. An analogy here. Your employer pays you. I want you to come over to my house, and paint it. Next week would be great. It shouldn't be a problem, because you're getting paid by your employer!!! Right? Wrong. You only want to work for the guy paying you. He only wants to work for the guys paying HIM.
is there a dental organization who can assist me with the wide range of needs that i have?
i have very advance stage of periodontal disease which has now lead to heart disease. some of my teeth are broken off and terribly infected. i do not have dental insurance. i am a full time student living on workmans compensation. is therre a program that can assist me before i have another heart attack?
I do not know where you are located or about programs that offer aid for these services. What I can tell you is that you should be brushing well twice per day. Rinse with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide split in a 50:50 ratio. (Only put a little in your mough at one time and swish for 30 seconds because it will expand in your mouth) Repeat twice. Rinse your tongue with water when you are done but not your mouth. Gently floss before rinsing. This will all help keep the most dangerous bacteria from proliferating, and keep things from getting too much worse. Do this until you find some program that may help. Sorry for your trouble!
I do not know where you are located or about programs that offer aid for these services. What I can tell you is that you should be brushing well twice per day. Rinse with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide split in a 50:50 ratio. (Only put a little in your mough at one time and swish for 30 seconds because it will expand in your mouth) Repeat twice. Rinse your tongue with water when you are done but not your mouth. Gently floss before rinsing. This will all help keep the most dangerous bacteria from proliferating, and keep things from getting too much worse. Do this until you find some program that may help. Sorry for your trouble!
I need to purchase dental insurance.?
My employer does not offer it. I have good teeth and just need the basic coverage. Is this typically expensive? And where do I go about finding it?
If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam will cost you less without insurance. However, if you need more you have three options with dental. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. $50 deductible, annual maximum of $750 - $1500, waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$10 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam will cost you less without insurance. However, if you need more you have three options with dental. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. $50 deductible, annual maximum of $750 - $1500, waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$10 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Can anyone help me? I need to find a program or dental service that helps with dental cost ?
I am a stay home mother and my husbands income is our only income and I have maxed out my dental insurance
i think this will help http://www.dentalplanshealthinsurance.co…
i think this will help http://www.dentalplanshealthinsurance.co…
I need medical insurance including dental but my job doesn't offer benifits.....which kinda is stupid since
the state I live in requires you to have insurance....so what if anyone knows is the best kinda indivdulal insurance at an affordable price?
what state do you live in? I live in New York and they offer a plan called Healthy New York which is $200 a month for an individual.
what state do you live in? I live in New York and they offer a plan called Healthy New York which is $200 a month for an individual.
How does dental insurance work?
I have 2 dental insurance policies. Blue Cross/Blue Shield & Met Life. Will they work together and pay 100% like one pays 80% the other paying the remaining 20%, or will only one pay? Will I have any out of pocket expenses? Will I have to pay a co pay or deductable? I've tried to read over my policies but they might as well have been written in french.
I have worked with dental ins for a long time. When you're trying to figure out what ins will pay it is really a math problem. First you need to determine what you're benefits are. There are 3 main categories: Preventative, Basic, and Major procedures. Most policies cover these categories as followed. Preventative (cleanings and such) 100% Basic (fillings, perio disease, extractions, root canals) 80% Major (Crowns, Dentures) 50% To determine what each ins company will pay, you need to know what the procedure will cost, if both policies cover the procedure, and how much is covered. Lets say that BCBS is your primary policy and metlife is your secondary. Lets also say that they both have the same policy coverage (100%, 80%, and 50%). If you are having a preventative procedure done, then BCBS should pay for all of it and Metlife is off the hook. Lets say you are getting a filling done that costs $100 total for the procedure. BCBS would pay $80 of the filling because they cover it at 80%. The remaining $20 is requested from Metlife and they should cover 80% of that, which is $16 dolars. The remaining $4 is your portion. The same goes for Major. If a major procedure costs $1000, BCBS will pay $500 and Metlife will pay $250. Something to consider when figureing out what ins will pay and what your portion is, is that you pay have a maximum and a deductible in your plan. That gets trickier to figure out. I hope this helps, if it does, vote this for best answer please. I'm trying to rack up my points!
I have worked with dental ins for a long time. When you're trying to figure out what ins will pay it is really a math problem. First you need to determine what you're benefits are. There are 3 main categories: Preventative, Basic, and Major procedures. Most policies cover these categories as followed. Preventative (cleanings and such) 100% Basic (fillings, perio disease, extractions, root canals) 80% Major (Crowns, Dentures) 50% To determine what each ins company will pay, you need to know what the procedure will cost, if both policies cover the procedure, and how much is covered. Lets say that BCBS is your primary policy and metlife is your secondary. Lets also say that they both have the same policy coverage (100%, 80%, and 50%). If you are having a preventative procedure done, then BCBS should pay for all of it and Metlife is off the hook. Lets say you are getting a filling done that costs $100 total for the procedure. BCBS would pay $80 of the filling because they cover it at 80%. The remaining $20 is requested from Metlife and they should cover 80% of that, which is $16 dolars. The remaining $4 is your portion. The same goes for Major. If a major procedure costs $1000, BCBS will pay $500 and Metlife will pay $250. Something to consider when figureing out what ins will pay and what your portion is, is that you pay have a maximum and a deductible in your plan. That gets trickier to figure out. I hope this helps, if it does, vote this for best answer please. I'm trying to rack up my points!
dental insurance?
I have a new job and am signing up for my benefits and they offer dental insurance through guardian BUT my dentist is not on that insurance on either plan, she doesnt take it at all. i love my dentist and she made me a nightguard since i grind my teeth at night and i'd hate to sign up for this dental insurance and have to go to one of those castle dentals or whatever just for a free cleaning when i could stay with my dentist and just pay out of pocket. i am 29 and have very healthy teeth, i dont have any cavities and i have straight teeth so no work is needed. should i opt out of dental insurance all together or should i get the dental plan and see castle dental and ditch my current dentist? i dont think it would be right to see my current dentist just for the night guard and go to another one for cleaning, etc. that wouldnt be fair. what do you think? i dont know what to do!
dental insurance is a big money maker as once your teeth are in good shape, the amount paid out in benefits is minimal, still you should weigh the cost of two cleanings a year, one set of x-rays and the potential of something going bad $300, against the premium for the year.......... in regards to the dentist that you love.......it sounds like he loves his wallet more as he doesn't participate in any insurance plans, which means he doesn't discount his services for the benefit of his patients....... try someone else who is on the plan
dental insurance is a big money maker as once your teeth are in good shape, the amount paid out in benefits is minimal, still you should weigh the cost of two cleanings a year, one set of x-rays and the potential of something going bad $300, against the premium for the year.......... in regards to the dentist that you love.......it sounds like he loves his wallet more as he doesn't participate in any insurance plans, which means he doesn't discount his services for the benefit of his patients....... try someone else who is on the plan
Dental Insurance question. Please explain this to me?
What's the difference between DHMO and PPO?
The above two answers are correct but, unless you're insurance is provided as a benefit you are probably better of not getting it. The insurance companies are in this to make money and PPO or DHMO dentists are usually on the bottom of the list when it comes to quality. DHMO is the worst but in any case, look in the yellow pages. The bigger the ad the worse the office usually is. Try to go to an office that only lists the doctor's name.
The above two answers are correct but, unless you're insurance is provided as a benefit you are probably better of not getting it. The insurance companies are in this to make money and PPO or DHMO dentists are usually on the bottom of the list when it comes to quality. DHMO is the worst but in any case, look in the yellow pages. The bigger the ad the worse the office usually is. Try to go to an office that only lists the doctor's name.
where can i get affordal dental insurance online?
full coverage
If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam will cost you less without insurance. You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
If you have good teeth and just want the basics you probably don't need any plan. A yearly cleaning and exam will cost you less without insurance. You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
Need ortho jaw Surgery For Over Bite But Need Insurance?
I need orthodontic surgery for an overbite and estimates were without dental insurance could be up to 15,000. I have Health-net Medical Insurance but don't know if that will help much.What kind of dental insurance can i get to cover this surgery and braces if possible?
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
Will I lose my health insurance if I defer my enrollment?
I got accepted to NYU for Fall 2009. I paid all of my deposits and now I just don't think I will ever have spending money or be able to get loans. I am thinking about deferring my enrollment for a year, to save up money for books and spending and build my credit so I can get loans. After a year I'll just transfer to a SUNY school and finish out there. I'm just wondering if I will lose my health and dental insurance by waiting a year to go to school?
If you are insured under your parent then yes you may lose your insurance unless there is clause that allow for the coverage of dependent children until age 25. Check you health insuracnce policy
If you are insured under your parent then yes you may lose your insurance unless there is clause that allow for the coverage of dependent children until age 25. Check you health insuracnce policy
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