okay so a year ago i had a bad sinus infection and I had severe pain on my face and ear and I,ve been talking to ppl about it they think i could have an impacted tooth when I brush my teeth the tooth feels weird it doesnt hurt it feels numb or something. I don't know that to do My main question is should i get it out asap and another thing i have no dental insurance and I know its gonna cost alot i havent been to the dentist in a while and I know I need work done so does anyone know any good dental insurance that arent very expensive.
Just go to the dentist and see what it is wrong. Your problem might not be all that bad. If it is going to be expensive, then at least you know what it will be. My dentist is actually willing to work out payment plans when it is needed to save a tooth.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Is this way I really pay?
http://www.dentalandmedicalcare.com/disc… Is this for real? From what I understand I only pay 11.95$ a month for any type of dental. Is that what it means or are there hidden cost. If it is do you know a low cost dental insurance that will help pay for T.M.J. or a low cost oral sergen. Please help, the dentist I went to want to charge my $1600.00 for somthing that might not work, For those who don't know T.M.J is The joint formed between the head of the lower jawbone (the condyle) and the temporal bone (fossa-eminence). Also referred to as the "articulation temporomandibularis" and the "mandibular joint." This joint is responsible for the lower jaw's ability to open vertically and shift laterally. I have a deases in that joint that insurance does not cover. Please help me with infor so I can stop the pain.
Try taking Ibuprofen to decrease the swelling in the joint. I had the same problem and have had TMJ to one degree or another for 45 years. When I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis two years ago, the upper half of my right jaw hinge would swell so much I couldn't even close my mouth. The Ibuprofen eliminated the the swelling and repaired the jaw. It might be a simple solution. I have been on a short run of Prednisone twice in the past year for 10 days each, for my RA. So it's possible that is what totally fixed my jaw. See your MD, it would be much cheaper and much less invasive. Good Luck and Happy Holidays.
Try taking Ibuprofen to decrease the swelling in the joint. I had the same problem and have had TMJ to one degree or another for 45 years. When I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis two years ago, the upper half of my right jaw hinge would swell so much I couldn't even close my mouth. The Ibuprofen eliminated the the swelling and repaired the jaw. It might be a simple solution. I have been on a short run of Prednisone twice in the past year for 10 days each, for my RA. So it's possible that is what totally fixed my jaw. See your MD, it would be much cheaper and much less invasive. Good Luck and Happy Holidays.
Memo to All Employees? ( A bit on the long side, but what else are doing)?
Memo to All Employees: Due to the recent economic downturn, we have been forced to implement a new method of employee deductions to paychecks effective as of January 1, 2005. *SICKNESS AND RELATED LEAVE* We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work. *SURGERY* Operations are now banned. As long as you are an employee here, you need all your organs. You should not consider removing anything. We hired you intact. To have something removed constitutes a breach of employment. *BEREAVEMENT LEAVE* This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or coworkers. Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases, where employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and subsequently leave one hour early, provided your share of the work is enough to keep the job going in your absence. *YOUR OWN DEATH* This will be accepted as an excuse. However, we require at least two weeks notice as it is your duty to train your replacement. *REST ROOM USE* Entirely too much time is being spent in the rest room. In the future, we will follow the practice of going in alphabetical order. For instance, those whose names begin with 'A' will go from 8:00 to 8:10, employees who's names beginning with 'B' will go from 8:10 to 8:20 And so on. If you're unable to go at your time, it will be necessary to wait until the next day when your time comes again. In extreme emergencies employees may swap their time with a coworker. Both employees' supervisors in writing must approve this exchange. In addition, there is now a strict 3-minute time limit in the stalls. At the end of three minutes, an alarm bell will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, and the stall door open AND YOUR PICTURE WILL BE TAKEN. *PAYCHECK GUIDE* The following helpful guide has been prepared to help our employees better understand their paychecks. This will apply in all cases per/$1000 earned: Gross Pay $1,000.00 Income tax $244.40 Outgo tax $45.21 State tax $11.61 Interstate tax $61.10 County tax $6.11 City tax $12.22 Rural tax $4.44 Back tax $1.11 Front tax $1.16 Side tax $1.61 Up tax $2.22 Down tax $1.11 Tic-Tacs $1.98 Thumbtacks $3.93 Carpet tacks $0.98 Stadium tax $0.69 Flat tax $8.32 Surtax $3.46 Corporate tax $2.60 Parking fee $5.00 FICA $81.88 T.G.I.F. Fund $9.95 Life insurance $5.85 Health insurance $16.23 Dental insurance $4.50 Mental insurance $4.33 Reassurance $0.11 Disability $2.50 Ability $0.25 Liability $3.41 Unreliability $10.99 Coffee $6.85 Coffee Cups $66.51 Floor rental $16.85 Chair rental $0.32 Desk rental $4.32 Union dues $5.85 Union don'ts $3.77 Cash advance $0.69 Cash retreats $121.35 Overtime $1.26 Undertime $54.83 Eastern Time $9.00 Central Time $8.00 Mountain time $7.00 Pacific Time $6.00 Time Out $12.21 Oxygen $10.02 Water $16.54 Heat $51.42 Cool air $26.83 Hot air $20.00 Miscellaneous $113.29 Sundry $12.09 Various $8.01 Net Take Home Pay $0.02 *FINAL THOUGHTS* Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive employment experience. All questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations, contemplation's, consternation's, or input should be directed elsewhere. All comments and concerns should be sent to the company arbitrator. Costs for this service is $.02 per $1000 salary earned. Please pre-pay this fee with all correspondence.
hahahhaa omgoshhh that's sooo funny ^^ hehe really2 different, keep posting please... for creativity n mathematical joke *yes i did minus all the tax* 9 out of 10... hoho ^^ never heard of it before.. thx u definitely make my day =)
hahahhaa omgoshhh that's sooo funny ^^ hehe really2 different, keep posting please... for creativity n mathematical joke *yes i did minus all the tax* 9 out of 10... hoho ^^ never heard of it before.. thx u definitely make my day =)
Braces help! please answer!?
is there anyway to get cheaper braces if I don't have insurance? people talk about dental schools how would you do that? also if you have a friend that has the best dental insurance is there anyway i could use it? or is that just impossible? Thanx! :D
I would call the main number at the university and ask for the dental department. The person answering should be able to answer your questions. No you cannot use another persons insurance, unless you were going to try to impersonate that person but that would be like identity theft.
I would call the main number at the university and ask for the dental department. The person answering should be able to answer your questions. No you cannot use another persons insurance, unless you were going to try to impersonate that person but that would be like identity theft.
do free clinics do dental work.?
i need one tooth pulled and 3fillings but no insurance. if they do,how much will this work cost (im in cleveland ohio)
I'm in Heath, Ohio. free clinics are great! If you have one in your area and meet the finacial requirements you should use it.
I'm in Heath, Ohio. free clinics are great! If you have one in your area and meet the finacial requirements you should use it.
Does Fidellis cover braces?
Hi there. I recently just got health and dental insurance through Fidellis. I really need braces, and want to know if i can get braces through the insurance company. Ive looked everywhere online and havent found an answer to my question, so if anyone has fidellis and got braces through it, please let me know :)
Question about losing teeth+cavities?
I lost one of my bottom teeth, close to a molar a few years back. When I lost it, I saw that there was a cavity on the molar behind it right where the tooth had been, due to not flossing. I didn't tell my parents, and the dentist never filled anything. I let the new tooth grow in, no problem. I'm sure that it was a cavity and not a stain too. Now, I am having severe pain and sensitivity between those teeth, and I have braces on. It hurts so bad that I can't chew on that side. What should I do? My parents said that their dental insurance only covers dental visits 2 times a year. Will they damage my braces if I get them filled? I have gotten many cavities (like 8) as a child on baby teeth. I only have 1 on a permanent tooth, and I want to stay healthy. If a root canal is needed, I really don't want to do it because I know that It will hurt a TON!!!
You are probably not experiencing any severe tooth problem. The area you noticed as what looked like "decay" was probably nothing more than stain, which can be deceiving. Decay would never have gone undetected by your dentist during and after the extraction, or the orthodontist, who "examined" you and viewed all of your "x rays" before your ortho placement. Decay is always taken care of prior to having your ortho placed. What you are experiencing sounds like and probably is due to movement of the teeth. Try taking some Motrin or Advil for the pain, avoid chewing on that side and see if it settles down. If not see your dentist next week to have it checked. Additional information: A root canal can easily be completed without disturbing the bands; we open the occlusal surface exposing the pulp chamber allowing for access to remove the nerve for this procedure. Root canal procedures are virtually painless unless there is an abscess involved. Restorations (filling) can also be placed, usually without the removal of a band, although a band "can be easily removed" (without any damage to it) for this procedure (or any other) in the event that decay does happen to develop while in orthodontic treatment. The bands are cemented on the molars which should arrest and deter any decay except what may develop at the gingival margins and the occlusal surfaces that are exposed with poor hygiene habits. Just because you "think it will be painful and impossible" while in orthodontic treatment, doesn't necessarily mean that it will be. We have a great deal of experience, not to mention years of school just for dentistry. We are thoroughly competent in taking care of your "complete dental health" along with "any possible dental problem" that may occur at any time as well as during your orthodontic treatment. Have a little faith in your dentist and orthodontist; they will do their part in taking excellent care of your teeth. The day to day care which includes flossing and brushing is all up to you, so make sure to do a good job with your hygiene so decay won't have a chance to develop! If your pain persist or becomes worse, see your dentist early next week for an emergency appointment. The two annual appointments covered by the dental insurance your parents were refering to, are for the semi annual hygiene or cleaning appointments with once a year x rays.
You are probably not experiencing any severe tooth problem. The area you noticed as what looked like "decay" was probably nothing more than stain, which can be deceiving. Decay would never have gone undetected by your dentist during and after the extraction, or the orthodontist, who "examined" you and viewed all of your "x rays" before your ortho placement. Decay is always taken care of prior to having your ortho placed. What you are experiencing sounds like and probably is due to movement of the teeth. Try taking some Motrin or Advil for the pain, avoid chewing on that side and see if it settles down. If not see your dentist next week to have it checked. Additional information: A root canal can easily be completed without disturbing the bands; we open the occlusal surface exposing the pulp chamber allowing for access to remove the nerve for this procedure. Root canal procedures are virtually painless unless there is an abscess involved. Restorations (filling) can also be placed, usually without the removal of a band, although a band "can be easily removed" (without any damage to it) for this procedure (or any other) in the event that decay does happen to develop while in orthodontic treatment. The bands are cemented on the molars which should arrest and deter any decay except what may develop at the gingival margins and the occlusal surfaces that are exposed with poor hygiene habits. Just because you "think it will be painful and impossible" while in orthodontic treatment, doesn't necessarily mean that it will be. We have a great deal of experience, not to mention years of school just for dentistry. We are thoroughly competent in taking care of your "complete dental health" along with "any possible dental problem" that may occur at any time as well as during your orthodontic treatment. Have a little faith in your dentist and orthodontist; they will do their part in taking excellent care of your teeth. The day to day care which includes flossing and brushing is all up to you, so make sure to do a good job with your hygiene so decay won't have a chance to develop! If your pain persist or becomes worse, see your dentist early next week for an emergency appointment. The two annual appointments covered by the dental insurance your parents were refering to, are for the semi annual hygiene or cleaning appointments with once a year x rays.
Wife needs APICOECTOMY, Bone grafts, Endodontics.?
She has infection in the bone supporting her 6 upper front teeth. My dental insurance covers only $1000 per patient per year. I have been quoted a cost of over $8000 for the procedure to remove infection, and graft bone. The Endodontist will not bill my Health Insurance company. If I get a letter of Medical Necessity is it possible that they will cover it? Should I take her to a regular doctor for evaluation and the letter? Please, any input would be appreciated.
Usually Endos don't do bone grafts, would you elaborate more on what she is having done?.................Do not listen to the answer below. She posts all over the place with misinformed info.
Usually Endos don't do bone grafts, would you elaborate more on what she is having done?.................Do not listen to the answer below. She posts all over the place with misinformed info.
My wisdom tooth is hurting.?
I have all four coming in, but the ones on bottom are coming in a lot faster than the ones on top. My bottom, right wisdom tooth is hurting now and the gums around that wisdom tooth is swollen. It hurts so what should I do? I want and need to get them removed but I don't have dental insurance. What should I do? Are there any good dental places in North Texas that can help me?
I would encourage you to visit this great site www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 6 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental procedures. From Root canals, xrays, exams, cleanings....etc. Even my braces had fantastic coverage. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Even check out carecredit also....Good luck and hope this helps you out
I would encourage you to visit this great site www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 6 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all dental procedures. From Root canals, xrays, exams, cleanings....etc. Even my braces had fantastic coverage. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Even check out carecredit also....Good luck and hope this helps you out
Wisdom teeth?
I haven't been to the dentist in 2 years. When I left my house at 18 I no longer qualified to be on the insurance and have since not been able to afford it. My dentist had left my wisdom teeth in because he said my mouth was "big enough for them to fit". I brush my teeth and floss but have extreme difficulty getting to the back teeth because my wisdom teeth are in the way. I've been getting major pain on both sides in the back of my mouth and know that I have to have at least one cavity. I just made a dentist appointment for next week to get them cleaned and get his opinion. I am pretty sure my wisdom teeth need to be taken out. How much would that cost, without dental insurance? What does an absess tooth feel like? Can really bad cavities cause you to feel tired, achy, and get frequent headaches? I used to love the dentist but now I'm scared that he's going to yell at me for not saving up money and going to him more often.
He won't yell at you, I promise. Cost depends on your area and whether or not you get put to sleep. You'll be just fine. Just let him know that cost is an issue and ask him to send you to the least expensive oral surgeon that he refers to. Check carecredit.com. They pay the bill for you and you pay them back. It's a legit program used in most medical offices today. He may give you some antibiotics and/or pain medicine that could buy you a little time, but you must get your wisdom teeth out if that's what he prescribes. Your teeth will continue to give you problems down the road if you do not. The pain meds and antibiotics are just a band-aide. I hope everything goes well! Best wishes!
He won't yell at you, I promise. Cost depends on your area and whether or not you get put to sleep. You'll be just fine. Just let him know that cost is an issue and ask him to send you to the least expensive oral surgeon that he refers to. Check carecredit.com. They pay the bill for you and you pay them back. It's a legit program used in most medical offices today. He may give you some antibiotics and/or pain medicine that could buy you a little time, but you must get your wisdom teeth out if that's what he prescribes. Your teeth will continue to give you problems down the road if you do not. The pain meds and antibiotics are just a band-aide. I hope everything goes well! Best wishes!
Dentists in Phoenix Metro Area Plzzzz plzzzz HELP..Im in severe pain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Hi everyone , My tooth's fillings fell and i am in severe pain as I type. I am looking for a good dentist in Phoenix Metro Area (AZ) who can take patients without dental insurance. I live in Tempe. I lost my job and i dont have insurance right now. Any help would be monumentally appreciated. God Bless.
You will have to pay cash then
You will have to pay cash then
living on my own?
igonna have to leave home soon when i turn 18 so im making my financial plan. its kinda hard and im not sure if ive got all the correct numbers. how much does life insurance, dental insurance, and healthcare cost?
A LOT! The best thing would be if you can get a job that will offer those benefits. Or see if you can remain on your parents plan (most allow you to stay on if you're in college) and just pay them. Health insurance alone is at LEAST $100/month
A LOT! The best thing would be if you can get a job that will offer those benefits. Or see if you can remain on your parents plan (most allow you to stay on if you're in college) and just pay them. Health insurance alone is at LEAST $100/month
any suggestions??!? wisdom teeth..?
I am in such terrible pain ecause of my wisdom teeth. the problem is i don't have dental insurance, i do have health insurance tho. i need them out but i dont have the $1000 ++ it will cost. does anyone have any suggestions or know if i can go to a doctor or hospital to have them out?
it should be covered by ur med insurance becuase its surgery and its medically necessary.
it should be covered by ur med insurance becuase its surgery and its medically necessary.
Getting dentures?
I have bad teeth and the only reasonable thing I can do is to have them all pulled and get dentures. However, my insurance doesnt cover that. Does anyone know of a dental insurance company I could sign up with that would cover it?
Not really. I've looked into dental insurance a few different times. The plans I've seen involved (mind it's been a few years) a $10-$20 week payments and the work done is usually limited to check-ups and simple visits and you have a co-pay. Denture and braces are only allowed after at least 2 years of being on the plans, and then they only cover a percentage (40-60%). You might find it more cost effective to get a credit approval though a company at your dental office, usually interest free for a year. At the end of the year, get a new credit card and transfer your balance for interest free payments for another year to 18 months.
Not really. I've looked into dental insurance a few different times. The plans I've seen involved (mind it's been a few years) a $10-$20 week payments and the work done is usually limited to check-ups and simple visits and you have a co-pay. Denture and braces are only allowed after at least 2 years of being on the plans, and then they only cover a percentage (40-60%). You might find it more cost effective to get a credit approval though a company at your dental office, usually interest free for a year. At the end of the year, get a new credit card and transfer your balance for interest free payments for another year to 18 months.
Wisdom tooth coming in?
My wisdom teeth on my left side of my mouth have came in. I can feel the top side is in and the bottom the whole thing is coming through. My jaw is really sore and I can barelly open my mouth up and just touching it and touching my neck hurts. I was just wondering if this is normal for when the teeth are breaking through the gum or what. I have no dental insurance and I have no way to have it taken out. Idk what to do but im in alot of pain. My husband gets paid wed.. but only 300 dollars and I have to pay my car insurance or else its getting off. any advice please?? its not dangerous to just put up with the pain is it? my teeth are not shifting , or atleast i cant feel they are. I also can feel a little hole on my upper left cheeck, Coudl it just be a sore or what? plz help
When you don't have money to get the care you need: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… http://ask.hrsa.gov/pc/ http://www.omhrc.gov/templates/browse.as… http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm http://www.thefrugallife.com/medicalalte… http://www.google.com/search?q=Free+Low+… Free and low cost prescription medication: http://www.nami.org/Template.cfm?section… http://www.themedicineprogram.com/links.… This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you! http://www.hrsa.gov/hillburton/default.h… Hill Burton Hotline 1-800-638-0742 (1-800-492-0359 in Maryland) In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility's area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care. http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm How to apply for Medicaid or medicare http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MedicaidEligibili… http://www.aarp.org/money/lowincomehelp/… For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. http://www.ssa.gov/ For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at www.CMS.gov How To Pay for Mental Health Services http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publicati… http://depression.about.com/cs/findadoc/… Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… DENTAL HELP: Free or low cost dental care United States http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/53… http://www.raconline.org/info_guides/den… FREE AND LOW COST DENTAL HELP FOR DENTURES , BROKEN TEETH , PAIN , ETC. http://dental-assistance.app-sl-1.aidpag… Need eyeglasses or eye care? http://www.nei.nih.gov/health/financiala… http://www.uniteforsight.org/freeclinics… How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices. Here's a list for every state: http://cancer.about.com/od/screeningandd… Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too! Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: · Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code · For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081 · Call or contact your local Health Department.
When you don't have money to get the care you need: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… http://ask.hrsa.gov/pc/ http://www.omhrc.gov/templates/browse.as… http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm http://www.thefrugallife.com/medicalalte… http://www.google.com/search?q=Free+Low+… Free and low cost prescription medication: http://www.nami.org/Template.cfm?section… http://www.themedicineprogram.com/links.… This is about FREE hospitalization, if you need it and they WILL help you! http://www.hrsa.gov/hillburton/default.h… Hill Burton Hotline 1-800-638-0742 (1-800-492-0359 in Maryland) In 1946, Congress passed a law that gave hospitals, nursing homes and other health facilities grants and loans for construction and modernization. In return, they agreed to provide a reasonable volume of services to persons unable to pay and to make their services available to all persons residing in the facility's area. The program stopped providing funds in 1997, but about 300 health care facilities nationwide are still obligated to provide free or reduced-cost care. http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm How to apply for Medicaid or medicare http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MedicaidEligibili… http://www.aarp.org/money/lowincomehelp/… For information about Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. http://www.ssa.gov/ For information about Medicaid, contact your local social service or welfare office. You can also find information about Medicare and Medicaid at www.CMS.gov How To Pay for Mental Health Services http://mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/publicati… http://depression.about.com/cs/findadoc/… Additional Public Benefits for Families Raising Children: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/finan… DENTAL HELP: Free or low cost dental care United States http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/53… http://www.raconline.org/info_guides/den… FREE AND LOW COST DENTAL HELP FOR DENTURES , BROKEN TEETH , PAIN , ETC. http://dental-assistance.app-sl-1.aidpag… Need eyeglasses or eye care? http://www.nei.nih.gov/health/financiala… http://www.uniteforsight.org/freeclinics… How to Get a Free or Low Cost Pap Smear, The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program provides free or low cost Pap smears to eligible women across the country. Through this program, uninsured and impoverished women can receive Pap smears at local clinics and doctor's offices. Here's a list for every state: http://cancer.about.com/od/screeningandd… Where can I go to get free or reduced-cost prenatal care? You can call this number if you need free birth control help, too! Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies. This prenatal care can help you have a healthy baby. Every state in the United States has a program to help. Programs give medical care, information, advice and other services important for a healthy pregnancy. To find out about the program in your state: · Call 1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229) This toll-free telephone number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code · For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081 · Call or contact your local Health Department.
I'm not covered by insurance as I started a new job.Would prefer to pay myself rather than use gov. assistance.But my daughter is in need of them now
Yes theres a great one down in San Andreas. Search for a doctor Carl Johnson.
Yes theres a great one down in San Andreas. Search for a doctor Carl Johnson.
I need a dentist in Hackensack NJ.?
I need to get a tooth pulled in Hackensack nj. I do not have dental insurance. I don't want to pay 400.00. Any ideas?
Maybe this site will help: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From fillings, root canals, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
Maybe this site will help: www.healthsavings.ourperfectcard.com I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From fillings, root canals, xrays, exams...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps
2 wisdom teeth growing, weird taste?
i don't have dental insurance so i can't go see a dentist AT ALL.... ...but i have a wisdom teeth growing on each side. it doesnt hurt, but around that area, it has a weird taste/foul smell. i know it's not gingivitus cause i brush my teeth usually twice a day and floss. it that normal to have that smell? what can i do to get rid of the smell?
Hope this link helps you with all information regarding your teeth.Try out http://useinfo-dentalcare.blogspot.com/ for more details.
Hope this link helps you with all information regarding your teeth.Try out http://useinfo-dentalcare.blogspot.com/ for more details.
Wisdom Teeth help please!!!!?
I have been having problems with my wisdom teeth. One seems to have had some of the tooth eaten away, so that there is the outer tooth and then an inner tooth surrounded by a canal or cavern, i know kinda wierd. The one on the bottom has a piece of skin over it and I think a cavity in it too. I dont have dental insurance and have no money to spend on getting them removed at this time. Any ideas on how to subside the pain? Im scared of poping IBprofin like 6 pills a day, but sometimes it hurts so bad!!! Ive tried using H2O2 on the teeth to clean them out and then with mouth wash but that seems like a temp. fix. Any help would be great!
If you dont get them taken out right away,you will get lock jaw and then you will be in big pain and trouble.GO NOW and get them out.
If you dont get them taken out right away,you will get lock jaw and then you will be in big pain and trouble.GO NOW and get them out.
cheap cosmectic dentist wanted?
hi I was wondering if any one knew of any dentist that are fairly cheap or reasonable in price.. At this present time I am in need of one very badly but I do not have any type of dental insurance and on a very minumal type income. I am basicaly looking for one in the palos heights , oak forest , tinley park, orland,area's If anyone could help I would appreciate it
First of all do not put the words cheap and cosmetic and dentist in the same sentence. You are asking for trouble, many cheap dental procedures can lead to health problems later on. If you do not have insurance coverage, look for a dentist that will work out a payment schedule with you, or contact a college in your area that has a dental school. You can get the work done at the dental college, generally for a very low fee as the students will be the ones who are performing the actual work. These students are closely supervised by licensed dentists and dental surgeons so you will be a lot safer than a "cheap" dentist elsewhere. Poor dental care and oral infections have been found to lead to blood infections and other health damaging problems.
First of all do not put the words cheap and cosmetic and dentist in the same sentence. You are asking for trouble, many cheap dental procedures can lead to health problems later on. If you do not have insurance coverage, look for a dentist that will work out a payment schedule with you, or contact a college in your area that has a dental school. You can get the work done at the dental college, generally for a very low fee as the students will be the ones who are performing the actual work. These students are closely supervised by licensed dentists and dental surgeons so you will be a lot safer than a "cheap" dentist elsewhere. Poor dental care and oral infections have been found to lead to blood infections and other health damaging problems.
Braces... what should i do???!!!?
Ok i have a gap inbetween my teeth, they are crooked, and i have a major overbite that causes my jaw to hurt. I want and need braces really bad but my mom says we dont have the money. I understand that but i was wondering if theres anything that will help me get them without having to not have money because we do have money but i dont have dental insurance either.
My mom lived in the projects when she needed braces. But she went to a dental school to get it done.
My mom lived in the projects when she needed braces. But she went to a dental school to get it done.
Can I get them fixed?
Hi, I'm fourteen almost fifteen, and I haven't been to a dentist in five years. My dad lost his job and we didn't have dental insurance it's a long story. So anyway I can see four cavities in my back teeth, and I know I probably have more, but is it possible to just be able to get fillings? If not what will they do?
always get the fluoride rinse it doesn't taste that great but think about it this way i eat ALOT of candy occasionally forget to brush before bed :$ and drink alot of pop and i always get the fluoride rinse my brother does none of those, brushes 3 times per day and never gets the rinse because of the taste last dentist cleaning he had 2 cavities on his bottom right molars i had none
always get the fluoride rinse it doesn't taste that great but think about it this way i eat ALOT of candy occasionally forget to brush before bed :$ and drink alot of pop and i always get the fluoride rinse my brother does none of those, brushes 3 times per day and never gets the rinse because of the taste last dentist cleaning he had 2 cavities on his bottom right molars i had none
I'm unemployed and need help!?
I am unemployed and have no medical or dental insurance. My wife is also unemployed. we can get public assistance because we own our own home (have two mortages on it). We been able to make these payments but have medical and credit card debt around $20k. I'm looking for work but as each day passes we get further into debt. We sold items that we no longer needed and at this point I don't know where to turn? Suggestions??
Hi, I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate. Icame across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here: http://is.gd/7il
Hi, I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate. Icame across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here: http://is.gd/7il
Filling Came Out! What to do?
I had my teeth filled in a few years ago...three I think. Anyhow, the fillings have come out and I have a little discomfort (not much) but I know I need to get them filled in ASAP because I think pieces of the tooth that are unsupported are breaking off. The bad part is that I no longer have dental insurance. I tried to fill out an application for Care-Credit but was denied. I make too much to go to a free clinic. Any suggestions?
Really the only thing you can do is go to the dentist. In the mean time I would try not to bite on anything to hard or chewy. Even better just eat on the opposite side of your mouth.
Really the only thing you can do is go to the dentist. In the mean time I would try not to bite on anything to hard or chewy. Even better just eat on the opposite side of your mouth.
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