Tuesday, May 3, 2011

how can i lower the cost of braces?

Hey. I am in need of serious help. Im 14 and I need braces but i don't think my parents can't afford them. I was going to get a work permit but im 14 still not 16 my parents can afford braces if i can lower the cost so can u tell me how i can lower the cost of braces i dont want to move or get dental insurance and im going to get my braces at a dental school how do i lower the cost
i think you should just wait until you get a job so you can help pay for them.

how can i get my tooth fixed with no more insurance and not a lot of income.?

My job closed down and my dental ins just expired about two months ago. I chip my tooth this weekend and need to get it fixed ASAP. Its a front tooth and i don't think it will be a "good look" during my professional face to face interviews. Any suggestions on getting dental work for little too nothing
Look for a dental school in your area, usually they will do for free or really cheap.

I can feel a wisdom tooth growing in, what should I do?

We don't have dental insurance, so I'm no sure if I should have my mom call them and stuff. My brother says that its possible for it to grow in straight, but if it doesn't then it'll mess up all the work I had done from having braces. What do i do?! It hasn't started hurting yet, but I'm scared of having all my teeth getting pushed around. SHould I get it removed or whaat? :(
Leave it and see how it goes - there is no point removing the unless they need removed. When they break through the gum it will be a bit sore but ibuprofen will sort that out (ibuprofen is better than paracetamol because it is an anti inflammatory as well as a painkiller)

Anyone have an experience with ANTHEM health insurance?

My family is looking for a new health insurance. Does Anthem cover: -regular annual check ups: pediatrician, mammogram, ob/gyn, optical, dental -ER visits -Pharmacy= prescription drugs -dermatology Anything else????
Anthem owns Blue Cross in California. They have good coverage. I know they cover regular annual check ups. dental is optional with extra monthly payment. I haven't seen vision coverage in Anthem. ER, dermatology, and pharmacy are covered as well. Pharmacy is divided into generic drugs and brand name drugs. some plans cover both others cover only generic drugs. Agent https://www.anyhealthinsurance.com

Should i remove my wisdom teeth?

Well, I believe that my wisdom teeth are going to come in soon because the back of my mouth is swollen and super painful and if i feel the gum i can clearly tell that a tooth is under it.. But everyone i know is getting theirs removed and my mom said that i will be fine and that i shouldn't worry. But we have good dental insurance so its stupid, she wont take me in. I'm in a lot of pain and my bottom teeth are already crooked i don't want them to be worse because of these teeth. Do i really need to get them removed, or should i just deal with it?
I had mine out monday and it wasnt that bad, i just wish i had done it earlier. Mine pushed on the back of my cheeks some and caused problems with my sinus'. Mine werent impacted though. Tell your mom to take you the dentist because your in pain. If you have insurance there is somewhere that will more than likely take what she has. Since your her child you should be covered until your 25. Good luck.

How much braces cost?

I am a adult and only need braces for my bottom row. Any ideas how much it will cost. I do have dental insurance but I don't think it will cover any of it.
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org

Where do I take classes to become......?

A dental insurance clerk? How long are the classes? And how much do they charge?
Check with JobLink (look them up on a search engine). JobLink is a government-sponsored agency that helps people with job searching techniques. They could give you free advice. Also if dental insurance clerk is an understaffed career field, they might have funding available to train you. There are a couple of hurdles to clear: you have to be in an overstaffed field and want to go to an understaffed field. You'll also have to go through some of their red tape (it's a Government agency after all :-) and they have to have funds remaining. It's a medium-range shot, but worth taking. I also advise checking in with your local community college. They have people there who know what kind of training is needed to position yourself for jobs in any career field.

Child support special expenses when custodial parent doesn't work.?

I pay child support. But the mother who has the custody doesn't work, she lives with her parents. She doesn't have plans to work. Now, child support pays for basic needs, but the law says that for special expenses (vacations, travel tickets, health/dental insurance, private school, college, university) parents must share the expenses according to their incomes. But her income is 0, so I must pay 100%. I've been paying 100% of those expenses cause I love my child, but I feel this is not fair. Also I live in Canada and the mother in the caribbean, so I spent a lot of money each month to visit my child. The mother's parent help with the basic needs but they don't want to pay for this "special expenses". Is this ok? When we set up the agreement for child support, the court ordered an X amount for child support, but I agreed to pay twice Xto ensure the baby would have a good quality of life.
Try to gain custody. Sounds like she could ill afford a good lawyer..

I have never removed my right side canine tooth. Now it is shaking.?

I took an xray and it showed another canine is growing inside. My previous ortho said i have to remove it surgically. now, i don't have dental insurance. i think i have to take the shaky one out, then surgically remove the one inside and get a fake canine tooth. I don't have dental plan. Does anyone here knows how much it would cost? Also. should i go to sears dental plan? does anyone suggest that? or to some local ortho?
I definitely think that you should get in to see a dentist. If you don't have dental insurance, check out the dental savings plan here at http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/40398854 It's only $19.95 a month for the entire household, up to 20 people. And there is no waiting period so you can actually use it immediately. In fact if you'd like to call me to get you set up, we can then get you into the dentist office sometime the beginning of this week. You don't actually have to wait until your membership cards come, all you'll need to take with you is your member ID and they can call & verify that you are in fact an active member and will be able to see you then. Hopefully this can help you out!

I have a dental bridge needs repair free?

I chipped my dental work i need it fixed as cheaply as I can.It was done at a privite home and I cant find there insurance co. of home owner
go to a dental school...the work is quality, but there is a fee. if you are a veteran, you may be able to get help at your local veteran's hospital. otherwise, you are just gonna have to live with or pay out of your own pocket.

free or cheap dental work?

I don't have insurance and I desperately need dental work done. I have a tooth that is broken and is close to becoming infected. I can feel it getting worse by the day... Help!
Look in your phone book for your local health Department or a free clinic. Best wishes to you hun. If it gets infected go to the emergency room as you will need antibiotics.

I went to Emergency room for pneumonia . I have insurance -Bill was $3000 for room and $500 for physician?

How can they possibly justify charging SO MUCH for one visit? This is part of the problem with health care. I was there for a few hours , given prescriptions and sent home.HOW can they get away with charging so much and does it bother you ( other WORKING people ) that people on welfare get free medical AND dental when we pay for them and have to pay this much besides ?
Welcome to the new Pre-Obama Health care NIGHTMARE! ! ! ! You get to pay lots more for your mandatory insurance and the actual COST of the care does not go down. They charged you that much because they CAN! BTW, did you know that Tri-Care (healthcare for the US Military) is NOT, say again NOT an "authorized plan" for the purpose of ObamaCare. What is our military and all their family members supposed to do for heath care insurance?!?!?!? Congress is not going to PAY THEM any more to pay for anything else.

Dental work?

I need about 7800$ worth of dental work done (that is with insurance) but I have bad credit. does anybody know where to go?
Managed Dental Care Plans: Your dentist receives some money each month from your insurance company. In turn, your dentist must meet all or any of your dental requirements within an agreed time frame. The problem that these plans have is that the dentists your insurance company chooses can have one clinic, making it difficult for you to meet the appointments. http://www.freewebs.com/getanswer/DentalInsurancePolicies.html

How would closing the border with Mexico affect the U.S. economy?

I've heard it said that without illegal aliens to do our drudge work, we'd have to pay legal citizens a lot more money to do the same work, we'd have to give them health insurance and dental and medical and our economy would sour without illegal aliens. Remember it's not the illegal aliens that are the problem, it's the Americans who are using their cheap services that are the problems here.
It will reduce the effects of trade creation under NAFTA, and might increase the trade diversion that is harmful to the US economy. Hugh government budget is required to enforce the law. The US would have lost the oppotunity to employ cheap labors, and in some cases creativity.

Health Insurance. What exactly does "Maximum Benefit" mean?

I'm looking at two health care plans, dental specifically. One has a maximum benefit of $1,500 per year and the other Unlimited. Want to make sure I understand this perfectly before I sign on the dotted line. Thanks.
If the maximum benefit is only $1,500 that means anything over that amount is not covered so I hope you don't need braces! Unlimited is just that. Naturally the unlimited will probably cost a lot more. Have you considered the alternative to dental insurance? It is called discount benefits. Instead of all the paper work that goes with insurance, you have a membership card . The company has over 500,000 providers nation wide such as Sears, Pearl Vision, Walmart, CVS, K-mart and independent denist and doctors. You just presented the card and the discount is taken off immediately. Up to 80% off on dental and your entire family can be covered for less that $20 a month and this encludes, vision care, perscriptions, and chiropratic care. If you want medical benefits (doctor, hospital ect) entire family is covered for $39.95 a month and there is no exclusions. It's a wonderful alturnative to insurance. For more information you can check it out at : www.healthcareandmore.info I hope this has helped you.

If someone puts you as their power of attorney(my grandfather) can i add them to my health/dental insurace?

He's 80 years old and only had Medicare. I have insurance through my job and I was told this could happen, does anyhow know if this is true and if so how do you go about doing it?
Power of atorney has nothing to do with it. I work in the medical field, did 2 years in records alone. POA is only active when your grandfather is incapable of making his own decisions and it expires when he expires. And it only gives you access to records and lets you make medical decisions. I don't know what type of insurance you have at work but I have never heard of one letting you cover your grandparents, only spouses and children. Sorry I wish I had better news for you.

does anyone know where i can get a discounted price on dental work or someone willing to donate their services

i have o.k. teeth but i am amom of three whom i make take care of their teeth. but i have some major problem, i have no insurance and really need help don't have a lot of money. i live in south carolina. thank you if anyone knows
dental schools will provide very cheap dental care. they are in the last stages of training but have a dentist present during procedures. call some local colleges to see where the closest dental program is then go from there. oh, they will also see your children as well... good luck!

How much does a dentist appointment cost?

I am new in Melbourne and my health insurance does not cover dental charges.Just wondering how much it will cost me for a general check up and cleaning?
It really does depend.... If you want something really cheap, try going to a dental school and see if they have a clinic. When I was in school, the clinic was charging 35.00 for a new-patient visit. That was for an initial check-up and x-rays.

how do u tell a friend something without hurting their feelings or offending them?

well here it is I have a friend and he is a sweetheart, gentlemen, giving, he dresses really nice and will do anything u ask him to do. but he is missing some teeth and I feel that if fixed his grill he would be open to so much more.But how do I tell him in a ncie way to maybe consider fixing his mouth... He has a good job and I am sure he has dental insurance....help a sista out
Try talking about your teeth with him say man I need to go to the dentist I think I got a cavity. Or while using a toothpick looking in the mirror say man I need to get my tooth fixed I am looking crooked or like Man she has such pretty teeth while looking at a magazine together and say wonder if there veneers, what do you think about veneers? Would you ever get any?. Hope it helps, he sounds like a great guy.

how much did you pay for a root canal on a back molar #32?

I just went to the dentist and they quoted me $1900 for a root canal, build up, and crown. This seemed a little high to me (especially since I do not have dental insurance)? To pull the tooth would cost $290 which also seemed quite high. I just want to know what everyone else thought about the price before I pay for a second opionion. Thanks
Tooth #32 is a wisdom tooth. You don't really need this tooth. Most adults don't have enough room in their mouths for their wisdom teeth anyway. Your dentist knows this or at least he should. There is no reason to keep this tooth. Save your money and hve it removed. $290 is reasonable for the removal of the tooth. You can get a second opinion if you would like, but I'd remove the tooth. Save your money.

How to pay for braces?

what is the average cost for braces? if i do not have any kind of medical or dental insurance how would i pay for them? do dentist let you pay monthly?
They do let you pay monthly! It is a good idea to have as large of a down payment as possible, because it will allow you to negotiate a lower monthly payment. You may also want to take a low max. credit card out. Typically, standard braces cost about $2500 total, and this includes all visits to the office, even orthodontic emergencies.

What percent of illegal immigrant children don't have health insurance?

If you know the percent who don't have health care in California that would be even better. California is proposing an initiative that would raise cigarette taxes to $3.47/pack in part to pay for health, dental and vision benefits for illegal immigrant children.
The current figure is 7.5% of all immigrants. I'm all for the tax increase. You, like everyone else, got bombarded with information at a young age about how smoking is bad. But you wanted to be cool, so you did anyway. You should have listened to your parents and school. I'd rather have you paying for this healthcare than me. Yes!!!

Is dental hygiene cleaning good?

Our university has this dental clinique that as we have paid our insurance they charge us like $10 now for dental cleaning. They told us that only Flouride process is not included. I am afraid that my tooth get more sensitive after cleaning. Does it make make the tooth more sensitive? and is it required really to remove the plaques and cavities from tooth?
If you want to keep your teeth, dental cleanings are absolutely necessary. If you haven't had a teeth cleaning in a few years, then there may be a lot of tatar buildup (hardened plaque). If there is a lot of buildup under the gums, then yes it can be a little sensitive. But if you dont have your teeth cleaned and the tartar just stays there, it will buildup more and more and you will get whats called gum disease. This causes the gums to be inflamed and recede and even bone loss, and will result in tooth loss, but this happens over years. Having a cleaning will remove the buildup and plaque, which is required if you dont want cavities and gum disease. And if cavities are left untreated they will just become bigger and reach the nerve of the tooth and then you will need a root canal. These major problems can be avoided with regular cleanings. And dont forget to always take care of your teeth at home inbetween cleanings. Brush and floss.

What would the average basic coverage be from Manulife Financial..?

...for health and dental insurance?
I recently quote a 30yr old female (non smoker) for a basic Manulife plan and it worked out to around $50 a month. Talk to your Advisor and she/he can get you some numbers.