Hey everyone. I am a first time parent (My daughter is 2 years old) and I was just wondering if I am paying too much for child support each month. I pay $325.00 a month and I only have one child. My daughter is covered under my medical and dental insurance, I pay all her doctor bills, co-pays, etc. I spend about $225 a month in gas driving to pick my daughter up because her mom refuses to meet me half way little or none of the time. Her mom lives about 60 miles away from me. I DO have my daughter every wednesday and every other weekend (just an FYI) I have never missed a single solitary child support payment. I am not looking for a pat on the back for being a responsible dad. I am just wondering if I am paying too much, too little, or just the right amount for child support?? Thank you for your answers. I appreciate your time.
It depends where you live. If you go to yahoo or google and type in child support for your area. There should be a chart on how much child support you should be paying based on salary. I believe that the distance maybe able to be factored in. I would talk to a lawyer and see what they say.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I went to the orthodontist today to get braces, he said my top molars don't touch with my bottom molars....?
is that a really big deal? Does anyone know what negative affects this could have in the long run? I can eat food just fine, I use all of my teeth and there is only about a 1/4 of an inch gap . As a treatment he suggested that an orthopedic surgeon would have to lower my upper jaw. Does anyone have any opinion on this? To me, it sounds stupid to have major surgery just because my molars don't touch. Does/did anyone else have this problem? Tell me your opinions. p.s. I don't have any dental insurance.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
YOu are not the only person who have ever met this kind of problem,I met this type of problem before.I have good experience here www.HealthInsuranceFree.info to solve the problem.
Are braces considered a medical expense as far as child support is concerned?
My husband's ex-wife just mailed us a letter serving as some sort of "bill" for $1000 toward his daughter's braces. She's 13 and we carry dental insurance (which covered a big portion of the cost). She included a copy of the divorce decree which mentions medical expenses to be split between them, but I didn't think that included orthodontia (since that is considered a cosmetic procedure and not a necessity). And before anyone gets nasty stating that my husband should "take care of his kids" etc. He does - he pays child support on time - is not ONE CENT behind and buys the extras for the kids when needed. He's no deadbeat. We are just on a tight budget, have a daughter of our own, both work 45 hours plus a week in order to pay for ALL the kids' needs and all the while, she works part time, carries a LV purse, gets her nails done weekly, has a MAID come in to clean her house. Ever since she had a new baby with her live-in BF she expects us to pay for more. We can't pay $1K for this
Don't pay it like you said it is not a necessity unless it is state in his decree then you do not have to pay this is cosmetic a lot of dental insurance co. won't pay any of the cost over the xrays.
Don't pay it like you said it is not a necessity unless it is state in his decree then you do not have to pay this is cosmetic a lot of dental insurance co. won't pay any of the cost over the xrays.
Legitimate work from home?
Let me give you a little bit of my background. I am a college student experienced in customer service and telecommunications. I live in a small town and there are NO jobs here. What I am looking for is a legitimate work from home job. I have NO money to put in a start up business. I have tried Avon, Cloud 10, and that Dental Insurance place Ameriplan. These do not work for me. Cloud 10 was fine but the position ended in like 2 days and that's not enough for me. I am looking for something legitimate and would appreciate any help. Thank you.
have you tried 1800Flowers.com i work for them now. Also hirepoint.com and westathome.com to work from home and are real companys. I also do Avon.
have you tried 1800Flowers.com i work for them now. Also hirepoint.com and westathome.com to work from home and are real companys. I also do Avon.
army marriage benefits for non military spouse?
My boyfriend and I are talking about marriage but hes in the army. I know I get medical and dental insurance but what else am I entitled to? He has mentioned that the army would pay for my college as well as his. Is this true? What are all the benefits I would get as his spouse not living on base?
I hope you are not getting married for love and not benefits... If he meets requirements he can pass a portion of his GI Bill to you. Well he will be in barracks more than likely unless he is going reserve or guard. If you are married the military will pay your way.
I hope you are not getting married for love and not benefits... If he meets requirements he can pass a portion of his GI Bill to you. Well he will be in barracks more than likely unless he is going reserve or guard. If you are married the military will pay your way.
What to do about decalcification in area of receding gums?
I am young, and have some recending gums as a result of having been a smoker, in an area which I had missed brushing as my teeth are a bit crooked. On the upper part of my tooth with this problem, I've had dealcification (light color, sensitivity) for years. All of a sudden, one night while brushing, a piece of the enamel came off (tiny)...so now I have an indentation there...can this be filled like a cavity? I'm so worried, but I have no dental insurance and don't know what could be done...what, if anything, can be done to save this tooth (and my smile)?
Visit a dental college. You can have it filled in with composite. It is white in color and is used to make the tooth look natural again. Visit www.ada.org and look up dental colleges in your state. There are 3 in massachusetts if you live near there. It costs much less than a private office. Also start using an over the counter fluoride rinse every night before bed after brushing (ACT brand example)
Visit a dental college. You can have it filled in with composite. It is white in color and is used to make the tooth look natural again. Visit www.ada.org and look up dental colleges in your state. There are 3 in massachusetts if you live near there. It costs much less than a private office. Also start using an over the counter fluoride rinse every night before bed after brushing (ACT brand example)
can anyone else help, question about a possible dead tooth?
i've asked this questin twice now and i got alot of help but i'm still want to get some more advice. I did that that ice cube trick the one where you get an ice cube and place it on your teeth to see if it feels the cold..it doesn't. But sometimes i can feel some cold tingly sensation on it like with water or yesterday a frappucino but i'm really scared that it's gonna turn black or grey since i'm only 22 and have no dental insurance. i know i'm gonna end up paying out of my pocket but has anyone out there been through this and can give me some advice?
I understand your worries. I am also 22,and the frustrating part is that I have already lost 2 teeth,and some of them are dead. This is so not fair since I visit dentist regularly,and every time I go there are cavities in my teeth. I think it is inherited. As to your problem,you won't know for sure what's happening until you go to the dentist,do X-rays an so on. Yes,going to the dentists is so expensive. I am not able to take all the necessary treatment because I'll soon run out of insurance money,but I have one year to go. The tingy sensation you feel might be not from yuor tooth,but from the gums around it or maybe that tooth is not really dead. Anyway,good luck.
I understand your worries. I am also 22,and the frustrating part is that I have already lost 2 teeth,and some of them are dead. This is so not fair since I visit dentist regularly,and every time I go there are cavities in my teeth. I think it is inherited. As to your problem,you won't know for sure what's happening until you go to the dentist,do X-rays an so on. Yes,going to the dentists is so expensive. I am not able to take all the necessary treatment because I'll soon run out of insurance money,but I have one year to go. The tingy sensation you feel might be not from yuor tooth,but from the gums around it or maybe that tooth is not really dead. Anyway,good luck.
Help, I need a career by three months!?
Hi. Please help! My father will help me fund my education if I can get a full time job that will give me medical and dental insurance and that pays more than minimum wage. The job has to be in South Florida or at home. The catch is that I only have an Associates Degree in Biology and the only work experience I have is working with college students for two years. I can write and speak in Spanish well and I have taken a bunch of computer and chemistry classes. What jobs can I get with the condition he has set and what approach should I use to land the job? I really want to continue with my education. I really need this opportunity. Thanks, in advance!
A translator for a doctors office or hospital may be the easiest fit. Sometimes they will go through a temp agency first. Here is a article on how to use a temp agency to get were you want to be: http://www.ehow.com/how_2255601_out-work…
A translator for a doctors office or hospital may be the easiest fit. Sometimes they will go through a temp agency first. Here is a article on how to use a temp agency to get were you want to be: http://www.ehow.com/how_2255601_out-work…
Toothache? now a headache?
For about 5 days I have had a weird pain in one of my teeth on the left side on my jaw, lower teeth. (Sorry bad description). It does not hurt to eat or chew or drink anything. However, when I floss it hurts the most on one tooth. My dad suggested I stop flossing for a few days and see how that helps. However, while it does not hurt to eat or chew, after I eat, I have been brushing my teeth for three minutes and then using scope and that seems to help. I also have been getting headaches lately which I think is related. I have had one root canal before, but this is not nearly as painful. I have just bought dental insurance and it is not effective til May 1st. I will go then to see a dentist and get an exam and cleaning. Any idea what this could be?
If the tooth is located where the root canal was..its possible its teeth sensetivity. Perhaps your flossing to far down and iritating the gums. Your headaches more than likely are related...lots of nerves in the mouth connected to the head after all.. Try some sensetive toothpaste like sensodyne and see if it improves anything..or switch floss.. you can get a special sensetive floss that is more like silk ribbon than the normal rope-feeling like floss..if you know what i mean.. Its also possible you may have a little tooth decay in between your teeth which could cause sensetivity, but its too small to see.. but you wont know for sure till you see a dentist.
If the tooth is located where the root canal was..its possible its teeth sensetivity. Perhaps your flossing to far down and iritating the gums. Your headaches more than likely are related...lots of nerves in the mouth connected to the head after all.. Try some sensetive toothpaste like sensodyne and see if it improves anything..or switch floss.. you can get a special sensetive floss that is more like silk ribbon than the normal rope-feeling like floss..if you know what i mean.. Its also possible you may have a little tooth decay in between your teeth which could cause sensetivity, but its too small to see.. but you wont know for sure till you see a dentist.
Could my last wisdom tooth be the pain I'm feeling in my mouth?
I go to the dentist every six months and went in Jan, they did an x-ray and nothing came up on it. I got 3 wisdom teeth out 4 and half years ago and am 21 years old. I am having pain on the quadrant that did not have a wisdom tooth before. The pain is in the gums behind my last tooth and it is nasty. Could this be a wisdom tooth? Would it not have shown up on my x-ray in Jan? I don't want to go to the dentist if it isn't because I don't have dental insurance and I can't afford it right now, what do you think.
Yes its the wisdom tooth, see an oral surgeon
Yes its the wisdom tooth, see an oral surgeon
Are these my wisdom teeth?
Hello! I'm 18 and I haven't gotten my wisdom teeth yet. I woke up this morning and felt a small, tender, sore spot in my mouth. It past my last molar on the bottom left side of my mouth. It is not directly on the top of my gum. I don't have many issues eating or talking, but if it gets rubbed or anything it is very sore. No stinging or burning, just sore. I do have a cold, and I don't know if that could be the cause or not. I don't have great dental insurance, so I'd like to not waste money for a co-pay unless someone out there REALLY thinks it is my wisdom tooth growing in. Thank you!
okay the teeth that are growing in behind all ur teeth are u wisdom teeth
okay the teeth that are growing in behind all ur teeth are u wisdom teeth
Why do I have a blood clot in the socket where 1 of my wisdom teeth were pulled 4 1/2 yrs. ago?
Last night, I had chicken nuggets. So when I woke up this morning, I thought I had a piece of chicken residue in my mouth. I kept constantly chewing on it with my gums (no teeth back there), thinking it was that leftover piece of chicken roaming around in my mouth. But it didn't & still doesn't hurt right now. It felt very annoying. I looked in the mirror, & it was a blood clot. I'm scared & worried. I also can't afford to go to the dentist because my Medicaid doesn't cover dental insurance since I'm over 21. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled @ the same time back in August 2003. Why is it bothering me NOW? As I said, it's not painful, but I'm worried because many people told me that if a blod clot bursts, you can bleed to death. & it feels like a stuck little piece of that chicken nugget. My friend told me to gargle with salt & water.
Dental schools have clinics that see patients for free or at a greatly reduced rate. Check with the nearest dental school.
Dental schools have clinics that see patients for free or at a greatly reduced rate. Check with the nearest dental school.
If part of a tooth has already broken from the root, can I get the rest of the tooth pulled or is it surgical?
I have a baby tooth in my mouth since well, I was a baby. Unfortunately there was never an adult tooth to follow and my dentist warned me that the tooth most likely would not last very long. He was obviously right because it had become looser and actually died (I can tell by the discoloration). So my question is, part of the tooth has broke off from the root and in order to get the remainder repaired can they just pull it or would it be surgical? Also how much do you expect it to cost without dental insurance?
It can be pulled but it may turn out to be a surgical
It can be pulled but it may turn out to be a surgical
Question about gum disease and setting up appointment?
I'm pretty sure I have gum disease. I have all the signs and symptoms of periodontitis. Anyways, I have no dental insurance and I'm pregnant and I mostly need a consultation. I have two questions though. My first is, is it common for dentists/periodontal specialists to give you a consultation? I don't make a ton of money and i really need to get this done soon, but I have little to no money left after bills so if I could get a free consultation to know my price it would be good. Also, should I make an appointment with a dentist or periodontal specialist? If I'm pretty sure I know I have the disease?
I too had gum disease and when I found out, I did not have dental insurance. The consultation was free. The subsequent treatments were NOT, they were very expensive. So to your first question, I think a lot of dentists will in fact do a free consultation- in fact I think I googled "Free dental consultation" and that is how I came up with my dentist! Second, I think you should go to a dentist first and let THEM diagnose you. Further, the dentist might be able to help you with the costs or might know someone who can help you at a lower cost. My dentist set me up with a company that gave a loan for dental care that gave me one year to pay back with no interest, and after the year very low interest. I didn't end up using it (I got a job and was able to pay out of pocket, which PS was tax deductible and I got sooo much money back in April!). There are options out there- don't give up. Healthy gums are so important for you and for your unborn baby! Check out this website for some direction: http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm
I too had gum disease and when I found out, I did not have dental insurance. The consultation was free. The subsequent treatments were NOT, they were very expensive. So to your first question, I think a lot of dentists will in fact do a free consultation- in fact I think I googled "Free dental consultation" and that is how I came up with my dentist! Second, I think you should go to a dentist first and let THEM diagnose you. Further, the dentist might be able to help you with the costs or might know someone who can help you at a lower cost. My dentist set me up with a company that gave a loan for dental care that gave me one year to pay back with no interest, and after the year very low interest. I didn't end up using it (I got a job and was able to pay out of pocket, which PS was tax deductible and I got sooo much money back in April!). There are options out there- don't give up. Healthy gums are so important for you and for your unborn baby! Check out this website for some direction: http://www.hrsa.gov/help/default.htm
My tooth is very sensitive?
My flossing habits have always been a little poor, I admit. The space between the 2nd&3rd teeth back from my left upper canine tooth, is very sensitive. If sugar, cold water, hot water, ice cream, etc. touch it, it hurts. I haven't been to the dentist in probably 2 years.. oops. What are my options? How much would it cost to just have that tooth removed? (the third one back from the molar) ALSO, I did have braces, and I'm not sure if that is the cause, but the very top of the molar (and also the one on the right side) is abruptly indented from the rest of the tooth (near the gums), as if the tooth near the gum is broken away in a perfectly straight line across the width of the tooth. I'm not sure how this is possible. It is rigid enough that I can put my fingernail on it and apply downward pressure and my finger stays in place. The narrow exposed area near the gum is VERY sensitive to pressure from my fingernail if I swipe my fingernail across the area horizontally. I'm inclined to have the tooth removed, just get rid of the source of pain completely, but I know I'll probably look kinda stupid and it might be expensive. I do not currently have dental insurance, but I probably will in about 1 month. Thanks
Well by not going to the dentist in about two years you may have other issue that are not even know to you yet. I would not wait to see a dentist for to much longer. It seems to me you are not sure if you will have dental insurance in one month or not. You will need to ask yourself just how much longer you can put up with being in pain for. I am a baby myself so no way i would not have it looked at as soon as possible. It hard to say that whether or not a dentist would need to pull your tooth. It may still be able to be saved. either by a root canal and crown or just a filling. I am not sure if money is an issue for you but if not go to the dentist now and get it taken care of. Otherwise if money is an issue you can try and wait it out to see if you get the dental insurance.If you decide to do that then be very careful of that tooth. You do not want to damage it more you may want to see if Tylenol or Orajel helps at all for your pain. Also rinse your mouth out as often as you can with warm salt water. Another choice you may want to look into is getting a dental discount plan. I suggest a discount plan only because they start right away and you will get a discount on whatever you need to have done. At least then it will help off set your dental cost.I gave you a link for your review so you can check it out to see if it is something that will work for you. http://www.insurancecompany.com Good luck to you
Well by not going to the dentist in about two years you may have other issue that are not even know to you yet. I would not wait to see a dentist for to much longer. It seems to me you are not sure if you will have dental insurance in one month or not. You will need to ask yourself just how much longer you can put up with being in pain for. I am a baby myself so no way i would not have it looked at as soon as possible. It hard to say that whether or not a dentist would need to pull your tooth. It may still be able to be saved. either by a root canal and crown or just a filling. I am not sure if money is an issue for you but if not go to the dentist now and get it taken care of. Otherwise if money is an issue you can try and wait it out to see if you get the dental insurance.If you decide to do that then be very careful of that tooth. You do not want to damage it more you may want to see if Tylenol or Orajel helps at all for your pain. Also rinse your mouth out as often as you can with warm salt water. Another choice you may want to look into is getting a dental discount plan. I suggest a discount plan only because they start right away and you will get a discount on whatever you need to have done. At least then it will help off set your dental cost.I gave you a link for your review so you can check it out to see if it is something that will work for you. http://www.insurancecompany.com Good luck to you
Get answers from millions of real people.?
My ex wife and I share a child and due to our inability to communicate in person because she has a habit of twisting ever thing I say and due the the fact that she has lied about me when we were in litigation regarding visitation I have been advised to communicate with her in writing via email so that I will always have a written record of what is discussed between her and I. Apparently she does not like the fact that our communications are recorded and now her lawyer has threatened to seek law enforcement assistance or judicial intervention to make me stop emailing her regarding our daughter. I have researched NYS law regarding Aggravated harassment and spoken to a few law enforcement officers and they all have said she does not have a case. Has anybody experienced something similar? Please keep in mind that I ONLY communicate with her regarding our daughter, ie: her school schedule, extracurricular activities issues, medical and dental insurance issues, ETC...
learn to get along for your daughter's sake. poor you? no. poor kid.
learn to get along for your daughter's sake. poor you? no. poor kid.
Could my last wisdom tooth be the pain I'm feeling in my mouth?
I go to the dentist every six months and went in Jan, they did an x-ray and nothing came up on it. I got 3 wisdom teeth out 4 and half years ago and am 21 years old. I am having pain on the quadrant that did not have a wisdom tooth before. The pain is in the gums behind my last tooth and it is nasty. Could this be a wisdom tooth? Would it not have shown up on my x-ray in Jan? I don't want to go to the dentist if it isn't because I don't have dental insurance and I can't afford it right now, what do you think.
Yes its the wisdom tooth, see an oral surgeon
Yes its the wisdom tooth, see an oral surgeon
Why do I have a blood clot in the socket where 1 of my wisdom teeth were pulled 4 1/2 yrs. ago?
Last night, I had chicken nuggets. So when I woke up this morning, I thought I had a piece of chicken residue in my mouth. I kept constantly chewing on it with my gums (no teeth back there), thinking it was that leftover piece of chicken roaming around in my mouth. But it didn't & still doesn't hurt right now. It felt very annoying. I looked in the mirror, & it was a blood clot. I'm scared & worried. I also can't afford to go to the dentist because my Medicaid doesn't cover dental insurance since I'm over 21. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled @ the same time back in August 2003. Why is it bothering me NOW? As I said, it's not painful, but I'm worried because many people told me that if a blod clot bursts, you can bleed to death. & it feels like a stuck little piece of that chicken nugget. My friend told me to gargle with salt & water.
Dental schools have clinics that see patients for free or at a greatly reduced rate. Check with the nearest dental school.
Dental schools have clinics that see patients for free or at a greatly reduced rate. Check with the nearest dental school.
My back gum lining hurts real bad.... bleeding?
Ok i dont really understand i brush my teeth everyday!!!! but the last two days the back teeeth gum lining has been killing me!!!! its soo sore!!! then today at work i tasted blood and they were bleeding.. FOR NO REASON.. i wasnt eating or anything... i also havent been able to eat like steak for a month now because it jams between my gums back there soooooo easily... Im 23 yrs old.... i brush my teeth everyday...i shouldnt be having this.. WHAT IS IT???? i wish i could go straight to a dentist, i have no dental insurance!!
-You're probably brushing too vigorously. try brushing lighter near the inflamed area of your gums, and try not to brush the gums. -The food also may be rubbing against them, or maybe its an allergic reaction to something. -Gingivitis???
-You're probably brushing too vigorously. try brushing lighter near the inflamed area of your gums, and try not to brush the gums. -The food also may be rubbing against them, or maybe its an allergic reaction to something. -Gingivitis???
Help, I need a career by three months!?
Hi. Please help! My father will help me fund my education if I can get a full time job that will give me medical and dental insurance and that pays more than minimum wage. The job has to be in South Florida or at home. The catch is that I only have an Associates Degree in Biology and the only work experience I have is working with college students for two years. I can write and speak in Spanish well and I have taken a bunch of computer and chemistry classes. What jobs can I get with the condition he has set and what approach should I use to land the job? I really want to continue with my education. I really need this opportunity. Thanks, in advance!
A translator for a doctors office or hospital may be the easiest fit. Sometimes they will go through a temp agency first. Here is a article on how to use a temp agency to get were you want to be: http://www.ehow.com/how_2255601_out-work…
A translator for a doctors office or hospital may be the easiest fit. Sometimes they will go through a temp agency first. Here is a article on how to use a temp agency to get were you want to be: http://www.ehow.com/how_2255601_out-work…
How to tell if a tooth is infected?
I've been grinding my teeth in my sleep as of late and one of my upper wisdom teeth has had part of the front broken off, with a small crack going left to right in he back. It ached in agony for days, to the point where I would wake up just hours after sleeping from the throbbing. I took a swig of 80 proof rum, held it on the tooth for a few minutes then spat it out and it seems the nerve has more or less died, I couldn't feel the throbbing anymore. Now and then I can feel a softer, fainter throbbing deeper in the gum of the tooth though, along with a low ache in my ear on the side of my body the tooth is on, as well as an occasional pain in my head on the side where the tooth is. I can sleep for more than a few hours now, but not a full night's rest. I still wake with a low ache as the cause. Does this mean the tooth is infected, or just that the nerve is still in the process of dying even though I can't feel it? Or that I need to take a swig of high proof alcohol to fully kill the nerve? Quick answers would be appreciated. :) PS: If your only advice is 'Go to the dentist', please don't. I don't have dental insurance. The prices out here means I literally have to choose between having a dentist look at the tooth or eating this month. I'd rather eat.
i have both a broken molar and an infected wisdom tooth right now. the broken molar hurt like a *itch. i could feel the nerve throbbing. but i don't think it was ever infected. my wisdom tooth that is infected caused my face to suddenly swell, i had an awful taste in my mouth, my throat hurt. like you, i simply don't have the money for a dentist. so i went to the er, that's expensive too i know but i was scared the infection would spread. they gave me antibiotics and pain meds. for the broken tooth i have i held some whiskey on it a couple times and within a day the pain went away. i still have episodes where it aches but it's not as bad. the doc told me that my broken tooth could have been infected and the infection could have moved to the other side of my face. so basically what i'm telling you is i don't really know. it could be infected. do you have a doc that would call you in some meds without being seen? i hope you figure out what's wrong soon. i don't think there is anything worse than tooth pain.
i have both a broken molar and an infected wisdom tooth right now. the broken molar hurt like a *itch. i could feel the nerve throbbing. but i don't think it was ever infected. my wisdom tooth that is infected caused my face to suddenly swell, i had an awful taste in my mouth, my throat hurt. like you, i simply don't have the money for a dentist. so i went to the er, that's expensive too i know but i was scared the infection would spread. they gave me antibiotics and pain meds. for the broken tooth i have i held some whiskey on it a couple times and within a day the pain went away. i still have episodes where it aches but it's not as bad. the doc told me that my broken tooth could have been infected and the infection could have moved to the other side of my face. so basically what i'm telling you is i don't really know. it could be infected. do you have a doc that would call you in some meds without being seen? i hope you figure out what's wrong soon. i don't think there is anything worse than tooth pain.
Do I really need an Onlay?
My dentist is saying I need to get an onlay. I have a cavity between my teeth, its on tooth 28 but between 28 and 29 and its pretty far down close to the gum line. There is also a second small cavity on the same tooth (28), but its on top and opposite side of the other cavity. The cavity between the teeth is medium sized to small and the one on top is small. Is an onlay necessary for what looks like such a small/medium cavity, I thought they were for teeth with very large cavities??? The onlay would cost around 800 and that's with dental insurance :-( Any information would be helpful! Thanks!
Either a crown or an onlay will offer the tooth much more protection than a larger filling that covers 3 surfaces of the tooth. I think your dentist is giving you good advice. Good luck
Either a crown or an onlay will offer the tooth much more protection than a larger filling that covers 3 surfaces of the tooth. I think your dentist is giving you good advice. Good luck
Are these my wisdom teeth?
Hello! I'm 18 and I haven't gotten my wisdom teeth yet. I woke up this morning and felt a small, tender, sore spot in my mouth. It past my last molar on the bottom left side of my mouth. It is not directly on the top of my gum. I don't have many issues eating or talking, but if it gets rubbed or anything it is very sore. No stinging or burning, just sore. I do have a cold, and I don't know if that could be the cause or not. I don't have great dental insurance, so I'd like to not waste money for a co-pay unless someone out there REALLY thinks it is my wisdom tooth growing in. Thank you!
okay the teeth that are growing in behind all ur teeth are u wisdom teeth
okay the teeth that are growing in behind all ur teeth are u wisdom teeth
a question about braces?
well, sort of. my dentist told me that my teeth are crowded. he gave me a thing to go see the orthodontist for a free oral exam, free xrays, and a free consultaion, telling me what work i might need done, and how much braces would cost for me. but anyways, my question is, is crowding of the teeth bad? like, i honestly think my teeth look fine, except for like 4 in the front. if i need braces, do you think i'd need them long? i doubt i'll be able to get braces......my family can't afford them and we don't have dental insurance. my dad said i might get them, but not forsure.
I had crowded teeth and the ortho said that without correction they would continue to keep crowding more because they weren't in the right stop to hold them in place. I am in braces now since august and was told it would take a maximum of 18-20 months. My teeth weren't that bad at all, only I and of course him could notice the crowding. The 4 front teeth you have that are crowded most likely keep moving until you will be in braces for 3-4 years. I suggest get those teeth fixed if possible. Good Luck =]
I had crowded teeth and the ortho said that without correction they would continue to keep crowding more because they weren't in the right stop to hold them in place. I am in braces now since august and was told it would take a maximum of 18-20 months. My teeth weren't that bad at all, only I and of course him could notice the crowding. The 4 front teeth you have that are crowded most likely keep moving until you will be in braces for 3-4 years. I suggest get those teeth fixed if possible. Good Luck =]
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