Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dental crown needs replaced after 1 this usual?

Why would there be bad decay and need to replace a crown after 1-1 1/2 years? Would you just have it pulled and deal with the chewing problem? I have a dull tooth ache. Three back teeth are bad. Two had crowns in 2005 and the very back one has to be pulled. No dental insurance.

dental coverage per year ?

When you have a dental insurance plan and states up to $1500 year is that per calender year (jan to dec)? I want to see if I can get some work done before the end of the year then more after the first ot the year.
I completely understand, been there. I have insurance and another plan for that reason. When I max out or if there services that my insurance does not cover I use this unlimited plan. I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 5 years ago now and they have saved me thousands since. From crowns, xrays, fillings, cleanings..etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. hope this helps.

I have a rare dental disorder.?

I am in my 20's and only have 8 adult teeth. (top & bottom front 4) all of the other teeth are baby. I DO NOT have adult teeth underneath them. nor do I have wisdom teeth. When I was a freshman in High school they wanted to pull them all out and get me dentures. They are slowly dying from the inside out, and it's becomming painful. The bone density will eventually wither away to a point where I will not be able to support Dentures. I do not have dental insurance. Does anyone know the name of the disorder, and have any sugestions for me. I would love to get implants. (it would be great to eat an apple etc. pain free. Thanks, sugarcookie
Hi Sugar Cookie,how are u? Firstly ignore the rude answerer who said u need a make-over,sadly these people exist and have access to computers! I'm a newly qualified dentist in Ireland and can explain this condition to you,why not email me at my profile.

I have been in the dental profession for 26 years, i need a change what career would best suit me?

I love people, I am a happy person, I get results. I am agressive,I am a thinker. I know about insurances,I prefer to be left alone to do my job, I am a self starter.I am a team player. I 've done banking, Quick books input invoices, and paying invoices. collections from insurance companies for outstanding payments. I have posted payments to patients accounts, sent out monthly bills to patients. I can type 45 wpm or so.I've ran monthly reports, I worked closely with accountants. Managed a large successful dental practice. Kept up with monthly budgets. Made collection calls,sent letters, delt with patients problems. Assisted dentist with patients, as a dental assistant, took xrays,charted problems, assisted with general dentistry, root canal, surgery. I am what you would call expanded function dental assistant, which mean, after the dentist numbed the patient he drilled the tooth for filling,crown,etc. I would finish the job, which was valuable to the dentist and his time. order supply
Human Resource Officer...IT INVOLVES all of your listed assist with out looking in peoples mouths.

does any one know a org. that helps out with dental fee's beside the state? i live in?

volusia county thats in florida ? I need a extraction done by a oral surgeon and my dental insurance will not cover it! I am pregnat and it can lead to all types of problems if not treated.
Apply for Medicaid or call the colleges. Sometimes they have dental schools that will work on you for free.

How much would you pay for insurance if you knew they would not pay what they agreed they would?

I paid in to Minnesota Life insurance from 1984 -2000 insurance meant to cover if a wage earner of the family died only to have them change to accidental death 1 year before my husbands death. Wisconsin Health Fund drops my husband health, life, prescription coverage when he becomes to ill to return to work. Blue Cross Blue Sheild refuses to pay my migraine medication time and time again as well as dental, counseling all medical bills of 2003. Medicaid then refuses to pay therapy for my disabled daughter and other necessary wheelchair adaptations jepordizing my daughter life and well being the county and school help by charging truancy and suing me for cost shares even tho medical necessities are being refused.
Suing insurance companies and government agencies are actually very profitable for attorneys. Insurance companies are legally bound to pay for the things are stated in the contract while that contract is still good. If you feel you have legal grounds in these instances, you should talk with a lawyer.

How much did your Braces cost? With what insurance?

I go to western dental & they cost $3200 with their insurance. I also have PacifiCare Dental so I wonder if I should go to another place for braces (top & bottom teeth). I know I could probably get them way cheaper.
My children are getting their braces through a local dental school. They will cost between $1,800 and $2,100. We frankly may never go back to a dentist in private practice, because we are happier with the care at the dental school, and the prices are so much better. Look into it...

How often is a visit to the dentist necessary if you don't have a problem?

I recall dental visits used to be once a year for a cleaning and check up. Now 6 months seems to be the norm and most dentists are pushing return visits every 4 months. Is this just a business strategy or is there a valid reason for the shrinking timeline? I don't have dental insurance and exam, x-rays, and cleaning can cost $150 to $200 each time.
You need to go every 6 months. I'm actually a dental assistant. You can build up a pretty good bit of calculus on your teeth if you don't have them cleaned as often as the dentist suggests. Some people get a thicker build up than others. It may cost you some money out of pocket, but I think you'd like to have your teeth in tact for as long as possible. X rays should only be done once a year (bitewings). Unfortunately there are some clinics that try to "nickel and dime" their patients. Usually the 3 or 4 month recalls are for patients with periodontal (gum disease) problems. Hope this helps somewhat.

What is the deductible on insurance?

i just got insurance for 110 for my employer for health dental and life benefits and there says a 500 deductible has to be received before benefits is released? what does this mean... Can anyone explain how this works out,
You pay $110 each month for your insurance. For the $500 deductible, it means the insurance doesn't kick in until AFTER the first $500 in bills have been submitted. If your doctor visit was $250, then that's half your deductible. You need to submit it, because it shows the insurance company you're halfway to the deductible. In case you didn't notice, it's not very hard to get $500 in medical bills. This is a YEARLY deductible, I'm assuming, so after a couple doctor bills (with tests, bloodwork, whatever) you'll likely be over your deductible - even if there's 'nothing wrong'. One trip to the emergency room, and you'll be glad you had it. Heaven forbid you break your leg walking to your car - the health insurance is what covers it.

Does anyone know any good dentists that offer free consultations and estimates in NW San Antonio?

I am looking to get a set of upper dentures to replace several missing teeth and some type of replacement for a lower missing tooth. However, most dentists automatically want to charge a $75 fee for X-rays when all I want is an explanation of options and an estimate on what it would cost. Certainly X-rays aren't required for that. Like most Americans I don't have dental insurance and even if I did most coverages don't cover cosmetic work.
You might check out a dental school. There are several in San Antonio. Also I took a friend to the west coast of Mexico and She got upper dentures for about $200. That was about 18 months ago and she hasn't had any problems with them.

What is the cost of getting an Exposure and Bracketing of an Impacted Tooth?

OKay so I need that done because it's been over a year that I got my teeth pulled out but the adult teeth woon't come in!!! And my dental insurance hardly pays anything, so if it is too expensive here, I may just go to Brazil and get an exposure and brackteeted of an impacted tooth since I have an uncle their who is a dentist. OH yeah, please answer this hahah=)
The surgical exposure can cost anywhere between $350 - $500. May get higher if involves an oral surgeon with I/V anesthetic. The placement of the bracket should be included in the total cost of the Orthodontic treatment.

how long can i stay in the Philippines if I have a green card?

I'm planning to go back to the Philippines this summer to have braces for my teeth. It is cheaper there and I can't afford it here even though I have a dental insurance which will only cover $1000 per year and in Bay Area braces cost range from $4000-$8000 max. Can i stay there for a year? or 6 months? Thanks!
yes, if you're planning to stay for less than a year, there's no problem. but if you're staying out of the US for more than a year, you'll need a re-entry permit before leaving otherwise, you'll lose your green card status and you can never come back.

Desperately Need To See A Dentist But Have No Insurance (Chicago Area)?

I desperately need to see a dentist, but I have no insurance. My molars ache like crazy, but that's the least of my worried. I have (what I believe) is an infected tooth (the gums above it in front and back are swollen and red and it hurts but I have no fever). Also, I believe I have gingivitis (possibly even peridontitis). I'm panicking because I know the seriousness of both conditions. I just don't know what to do. The dental insurance plans available only offer coverage after a very long waiting period (average is 12 months) and I just don't know what to do. I do work, but it's only 30 hours/week so my job doesn't extend insurance for me. Does anyone have any suggestions? I live in the south suburbs of Chicago if anyone can recommend a place locally that can help...I just don't know where to start. Even if it's general advice, please help! And please don't be mean...I'm already scared enough.
Listen to always moos. You could call the Cook county medical dental bureau, tell them your problem and see what they can do Also, check this web site. It's 44 pages long, so you'll have to do some wading through it to find someone near you. Good luck.

How much does it cost to get 3 permanent teeth from the dentist?

My mom was in an auto accident, last yr. She got 3 of her teeth knocked out. I'm not sure exactly which ones, but I think its her right front tooth, the one next to it and one on her left side. Now she's embarrassed to go anywhere cause she has her teeth missing. So I really want to help by saving some money so we can get the procedure done. She doesn't have dental insurance but I really want to look into getting some for her so maybe that can help with the cost. Do you think it will? Also, she wants 3 permanent teeth not dentures so if you can, please give me some advice. Or at least a website where I can go to look up some information because I don't even have a dentist.
it really depends on the area where ya'll live. implants can range to - $3400* each, a bridge can be 2500. your best bet would be to have her consult a dentist. someone mentioned in another post to another question -- try the local university that has a dental program - they might be able to help her while she's helping them!! top periodontist in jacksonville florida (i have some dental issues so a special specialist is needed) $595 for extraction & bone graft $1866 for the implant (titanium screw!!) $1000 for the crown

How much is the average orthodontics braces? and how long do you have to have it on?

How much is the average orthodontics braces? how much is the average full package here in vancouver *for normal teeth*? without the dental insurance yet.. just give an estimate or whatever.. oh, and how aboout how long do you have to wear the braces , just an estimate or average for normal teeth?
it is about $4,000-$7,000. here is a link to find out about how much they would cost in your area.… how long you have them on depends on how crooked your teeth are. if they are really really crooked, they might stay on for up to 5 years or maybe more. if they are only slightly crooked, then they will only stay on for about a year or more depending on the certain circumstances.

How can I repair my dentures without a high cost?

I have a little dental insurance, but not a lot of cash.
You can crazy glue them back together ONE TIME ONLY. This WILL NOT LAST in your mouth and you really need to do it perfectly. After you crazy glue it back together, you have 2 or 3 weeks to take it to your dentist to get it fixed right. If it breaks again, DO NOT USE CRAZY GLUE. It will eventually attack the acrylic in your denture and make it so that even your dentist will have a hard time fixing it right. Most repairs won't cost over $100-125, so if you have insurance, it's still going to be inexpensive to get it done right.

Im Canadian........where can I go for free dental care?

I am in so much pai, i just got laid off and no longer have my benefits........also, EI does not provide dental insurance. Anyone know?
I am canadian as well and I am 21 so for the longest time i was under my fathers insurance but he did not have dental only medical. the only thing we had to do it go through blue cross insurance. i went to my provincial government and they do have separate insurance companies that can cover dental. you pay a monthly or annual fee and than you get so much amount for your dental insurance. i do believe the only thing it does not cover is cosmetic dental but when your in pain than i guess it is not a cosmetic issue. Well This could be different to the province you are living in, similar in it's own ways but different agreements. I am from British Columbia.

How do you treat a toothache that is causing extreme headaches?

My dental insurance does not kick in until September, but my back tooth is starting to cause me so much pain that i want to take a screwdriver and take it out. How can i stop the pain
run, don't walk to the dentist or hospital. tooth infections can go right to you heart or brain. it can be very serious, it's worth the trip.

Dental costs, dental worries, Anne Arundel, Maryland.?

I live in Anne Arundel county in Maryland, and I'm having difficulty finding a dentist. I'm horribly afraid of the dentist. I have no dental insurance, and lots of problems with my teeth. Is there anyone out there that knows of dental practices that have decent prices and are good with intensely nervous patients?
I didn't go to the dentist for almost 16 years because I knew I had cavities and I'm terribly afraid of needles. I began to think of it this way.... Either I can go to the dentist and have my problems fixed or I can, eventually, deal with the embarrassment and pain of having broken and rotting teeth. It sounds bad, but it would happen if you just let it go. I was soooo nervous, but the dentist I chose was so nice and understanding. I would ask your friends and family who they go to and how well they like their dentist. Call some select offices and ask if they have payment plans or just explain your situation and ask if there is anything you two can work out in the way of payment. And remember, dentists see all kinds of teeth: the pretty and the not-so-pretty. Don't be embarrassed about not having gone. They understand and they see it much more frequently than we would think.

wher can i get some dental help? I'm in a great deal of pain ,with no insurance and low income?

i live in corona, california .And can't take this pain anymore. I need some kind of help A.S.A.P.I am a mother of 2 and i have severe dental infectionsand don't know how or where i can get any help?I'm very desperate. If anyone knows how i can get some kind of assisstance it would be greatly appreaciated. than you
Try this: or this: or call around to community health and service organizations to find out whether there are local plans available to you. This is a really difficult thing, I know. I wish you all the best of luck. We all need to advocate for dental care available to all. Why it's separated from emergency health care, Medicaid, and Medicare is a mystery.

So private insurance companies will now be required to accept pre-existing conditions?

And have no limits to coverage, cover all prescriptions, cover all doctor's office visits, cover dental, AND be cheaper and affordable for everyone? What is this Max Baucus guy smoking anyway? How is all of that possible without costing a lot more than what most people are paying now? They want to tax insurance companies for offering "Cadillac" insurance plans then require everyone else to have one too? Huh?
Private insurers are already required to accept preexisting conditions on employer-based insurance. Even at the full rate, per person, employer insurance is cheaper than what an individual can get. If you spend more than 24,000 per person per year on health insurance, you have a "Cadillac" plan. Instead of taxing the individuals who have this type of plan, the Baucus plan is to tax the insurances that provide them.

can you tell me how a health insurance works? i need to get one.?

I am 18 years old, still in high school, only because i was not born here in Georgia and I just moved last year from Philippines. I've been trying to do a research on Health Insurance but i still dont get how it works. what do they mean by quotes? and what do you mean by file a claim? waa. and how am I supposed to find a doctor? will they find it for me once I apply for one? hm.. and actually,I really want to have dental insurance. but i know it is important to have a health insurance as well right away since anything might happen. can u suggest any cheap and affordable one? my family really needs it. and can you tell me how to find a doctor? =) thanks a lot ... =)
This is long but it barely touches the surface of your question. Find a local independent agent and go talk with them. This person will be able to explain a complicated subject that we don't have enough room here to explain. They can also help you find a plan that is suitable for your situation. They don't charge you anything for the service. The quote is the estimated premium that you will pay monthly. The insurance company will not help you find a doctor. Depending upon the plan you will have to go to a doctor in the network. The agent will explain networks and may suggest doctors or can help you find one. Normally, you don't file a claim, the doctor's office does when you visit him. The agent will be able to explain this also. Dental is completely different and not included with most plans. Some companies will have dental as an option and the agent can assist there as well. You have three options with dental. 1. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. 2. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link… concerning these plans. 3. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.

Im marrying a solier and need insurance?

When my solider gets home from Basic training for the army we are planning on getting married. Im trying to get everything in order before he gets home so its just that much easier for us but i was thinking today im still on my parents insurance. I am also 19 and still in college so i need the insurance. I know that it says on the army website family gets medical and dental health care but i just didnt know what all medical intaled. Any information would be a great help! Thanks!
As long as you are in school and unmarried you will still be covered by your parents insurance. When your guy gets home and you get married, he can add you to his military insurance. It is good coverage, but you may have to go outside your local area for care. Do you plan to go with him when he gets his assignment (assuming it is not in a war zone)? If so, you will have military doctors close by. I would not try to purchase additional coverage until you decide what to do.

Does court ordered health insurance include vision in a child support case?

I am court ordered to pay child support and provide health insurance. It states I am responsible for one half of uncovered medical expenses. I have vision coverage but my ex took my daughter to get contacts and the provider was not covered under the insurance. Now she wants me to pay the bill for her contacts event though they would have been covered if she would have used and in-network provider. I have the insurance but she won't use it properlyAm I responsible for these bills? Am I required to pay for vision expenses if my court order does not specifically list vision and dental?
The bigger question would be if you feel you are responsible for your child having these corrective lens. Not everything is about a court order....