And another on the tooth next to it. They say it isn't covered by my insurance and it isn't optional. They won't do the filling without it. Is this a scam, rip off or essential dental treatment? It's some kind of coating on the tooth, sealant?
You are paying $190 for a one surface tooth coloured filling. Some insurance companies will only pay for the silver coloured (amalgam) fillings, not the white (composite resin) ones. It would be a good idea to check with your insurance company to see exactly what they cover before you have any more dental treatment.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Pea size lump on lower gum line.....?
About 5 years ago I had to have a tooth extracted and now I have noticed that small pea size lump has appeared below were the tooth would have been. The lump is of the same color of my gum tissue and only hurts if I touch it. My dental insurance is maxed out so I really cannot go to the dental office and have it checked out. Please help......
You should go to the dentist, or cut it off with a knief.. Haha. Like off cast away use a knief to cut it off! Hhahha.
You should go to the dentist, or cut it off with a knief.. Haha. Like off cast away use a knief to cut it off! Hhahha.
necrotizing gingivitis?
when i did have dental insurance they told me i had that... i have no pain... the only thing is sometimes my gums bleed pretty badly and like my gums are a little white.. i have severe decay too.. but i cannot do anything... i brush everyday..verrrry softly. but its just not helping... what should i do.. dental costs sooo much i cant afford it.
Here's a suggestion for you. Go to: (800) 370 - 3447 and order the NEEM Oil and NEEM Bark they make. It is the best you can buy and it will stop the bleeding in one day. Take the two items and mix a little of each into a paste and apply it to the gums all around, on all your gums. This will heal the gums. It will even get rid of the "pockets" the dentists talk about, but that takes longer depending upon the severity of the problem. The worst I've seen are pockets rated at 5. It took about 2 months to clear those and make the gums healthy. The biggest issue you have is infections in the teeth. If you have amalgam fillings, you have severe infection under each one of those. If you have root canals done by typical dentists using gutta percha to fill the canals, you have severe infections under those into your bones and it is called cavitations (NICO). Any amalgams must be removed and replaced with good bonding materials. Don't let them use that hypochlorite solution all the dentists use to sanitize the teeth before putting the repair in place, it only kills about 30% of the germs. Modern dentistry is causing huge problems for many people. The word "modern" is just a fancy word and don't be fooled by it. You will need to have any decay fixed, but do NOT let them use silver fillings (amalgams) because the mercury that leaches out from them is causing all kinds of Alzheimer's disease everywhere. The infections in the mouth can cause you to have many degenerative diseases if you ignore them. Each tooth is connected to various organs in the body and when you get infections there, the organs will become weak. good luck to you
Here's a suggestion for you. Go to: (800) 370 - 3447 and order the NEEM Oil and NEEM Bark they make. It is the best you can buy and it will stop the bleeding in one day. Take the two items and mix a little of each into a paste and apply it to the gums all around, on all your gums. This will heal the gums. It will even get rid of the "pockets" the dentists talk about, but that takes longer depending upon the severity of the problem. The worst I've seen are pockets rated at 5. It took about 2 months to clear those and make the gums healthy. The biggest issue you have is infections in the teeth. If you have amalgam fillings, you have severe infection under each one of those. If you have root canals done by typical dentists using gutta percha to fill the canals, you have severe infections under those into your bones and it is called cavitations (NICO). Any amalgams must be removed and replaced with good bonding materials. Don't let them use that hypochlorite solution all the dentists use to sanitize the teeth before putting the repair in place, it only kills about 30% of the germs. Modern dentistry is causing huge problems for many people. The word "modern" is just a fancy word and don't be fooled by it. You will need to have any decay fixed, but do NOT let them use silver fillings (amalgams) because the mercury that leaches out from them is causing all kinds of Alzheimer's disease everywhere. The infections in the mouth can cause you to have many degenerative diseases if you ignore them. Each tooth is connected to various organs in the body and when you get infections there, the organs will become weak. good luck to you
Are the young the group that are most ignored and neglected by politicians in the UK?
House prices are out of control, youngsters with professional well paid jobs are living in poverty, while the middle aged are spending their free money on expensive holidays and four wheel drives. National insurance is the highest it has ever been, yet youngster can forget a state pension or free dental treatment. We have to pay for our own private pensions as well as our parents free state pensions. Public transport costs a fortune, the old get it free. Gas bills are massive the old get heating allowance. University is only for the rich.
they have spent a lot of time and effort on the young,but not in the way we would like, the effort has been to brainwash them demoralise and cause division, like the young against the old, as you have just pointed out, not forgetting bringing drugs in and poisening them, its going to get worse before it gets better, dont lett these crafty decievers turn the young against the old, the gov would love that, as long as they are not bothering them, my policy is to when they get a job, to let them keep their dole for a year or longer if they start a business, this is an investment into the british young and their ideas. at least thats what i will be putting forward when i become a free english councilor if that happens.
they have spent a lot of time and effort on the young,but not in the way we would like, the effort has been to brainwash them demoralise and cause division, like the young against the old, as you have just pointed out, not forgetting bringing drugs in and poisening them, its going to get worse before it gets better, dont lett these crafty decievers turn the young against the old, the gov would love that, as long as they are not bothering them, my policy is to when they get a job, to let them keep their dole for a year or longer if they start a business, this is an investment into the british young and their ideas. at least thats what i will be putting forward when i become a free english councilor if that happens.
Braces or porcelain veneers?
Ok so I have brace i got my wire on today. The pain is so horrible!! And its effecting my singing so i can't make more youtube videos of me singing. It hurts to bad. Shud I deal with the painfor 2 years or try to get dental veneers?? Does dental insurance cover venneers..I'm 15 btw so let me know thanks and does anyone know how to ease the pain
Braces! with veneers, they shave down your teeth to little nubs and put caps on them..I think. The pain gets better, after a week I couldn't even feel mine. besides, braces will make your teeth and bite beautiful, AND they'll be your real teeth. besides, you already have them on! good luck (=
Braces! with veneers, they shave down your teeth to little nubs and put caps on them..I think. The pain gets better, after a week I couldn't even feel mine. besides, braces will make your teeth and bite beautiful, AND they'll be your real teeth. besides, you already have them on! good luck (=
Teeth Gap: Shall I use bands myself ?
Guys, I don't have dental insurance currently..I found the following interesting.. It sounds like rubber bands. Has anyone got any idea about this ? Would there be any side affects ? How long should I wear them ? Would gap appear again, if I discontinue using them ? Or is it preferred to go dentist after getting insurance and think of other options ? Please suggest. Thanks
i would wait for insurance to go see an ortho because they may end up moving back without a retainer or fiber resection. i had braces twice growing up and the first time was to correct a big old gap i had between my front teeth. good luck. :-)
i would wait for insurance to go see an ortho because they may end up moving back without a retainer or fiber resection. i had braces twice growing up and the first time was to correct a big old gap i had between my front teeth. good luck. :-)
Read slowly plz!!hopefully a payment plan!!?
Now for starters I do have pretty good dental insurance but I still have to come out my pocket some.I am gonna be getting braces in the near future.My question is this the portion that my insurance DOES not pay.Will they set up a payment plan, or will I have to pay all at once,coz I dont have credit cards so I cant put it on credit :''((
Speak to the office staff at your orthodontist. They are perfectly happy to work with you to set up a payment plan. Many places are willing to accept what your insurance covers as a down payment.
Speak to the office staff at your orthodontist. They are perfectly happy to work with you to set up a payment plan. Many places are willing to accept what your insurance covers as a down payment.
Serious answers only?
I'd really like some help for my mom. Our new health/dental insurance doesn't kick in until Feb. but she has an absessed tooth, she's in horrible shape, and she's a very strong woman who doesn't complain much but she needs some help. I need to know how, or where I can find an antibiotic for her to take to kill the infection until she can get in to the dentist. I don't want answers saying "she needs to go now" because she can't. She's not well off right now, and my father just divorced her meaning she's off his insurance. Is there anywhere online where I can order antibiotics? She is one of those people who beleive if you take antibiotics too much, you will become immune to them, (which is true) she never goes to the doctor over a sniffle, but I think she really needs something right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Depending on where you live, she can probably get aid from the state. Call your county offices to find out more info. Good luck. Hope your mom feels better.
Depending on where you live, she can probably get aid from the state. Call your county offices to find out more info. Good luck. Hope your mom feels better.
Dentures Advice..?
Hi, I need some advice.Am in my 30's and the dentist told me I have a bad case of periodontal disease and that although I have great teeeth nothing in the world can save them ( my denstist's words).Basically my teeth have been coming loose from my gum and I already wear two partials some for my two top teeth and two bottom teeth. Now here is the problem, my insurance only covers only $ 1500 worth of dental work. If I get the rest of my teeth pulled out @ 65 a tooth ( the cheapest I could find @ affordable dentures) it adds up to almost the total amount from insurance. I will be left with no teeth and no dentures! So I have to come up with the rest of the balance to make the top and bottom set of dentures, am at a loss because I dont have this money. I know the least amount I have to have together on top of the $1500 dental insurance money is $1000. Any suggestions?
My Insurance didn't pay much either, my dentist suggested Care Credit… I got a $2500 limit approved, my dentist called them and got it increased as I needed a lot of work and the dentures aren't cheap. Check out the website and see if your dentist will accept it before you apply. If not, you can check the website for a dentist that will accept it. The credit line is interest free as long as I pay it back within 36 months. My re-payments are only $150 a month. I can also use the line of credit for more dental work, not only for me but for any family member. Check it out
My Insurance didn't pay much either, my dentist suggested Care Credit… I got a $2500 limit approved, my dentist called them and got it increased as I needed a lot of work and the dentures aren't cheap. Check out the website and see if your dentist will accept it before you apply. If not, you can check the website for a dentist that will accept it. The credit line is interest free as long as I pay it back within 36 months. My re-payments are only $150 a month. I can also use the line of credit for more dental work, not only for me but for any family member. Check it out
I need braces.....?
I need braces and I don't have dental insurance. Is it possible to get them without insurance? If not, I live in Cincinnati, what are some good dental insurance companies? (quality and cost wise)
There is a common misconception that either dental insurance or wealth is required to get braces. First, you don't have to have dental insurance to get braces. Even people who have dental insurance rarely get more than 30% of the total cost reimbursed. To put that another way, the average dental insurance subscriber, on average, gets $1,000 towards the average $3000 orthodontic fee. Buying dental insurance for orthodontics alone is also a losing bet. If your parent's employer doesn't pay for most of the insurance, your family ends up paying more in monthly premiums in just one of two years than your insurance policy will ever pay out. To get on a decent dental PPO, the premium is usually $100+/mo. That's $1200 per year, for a $1000 onetime, lifetime orthodontic benefit. That's not good math to me. Second, you don't have to be rich to get braces. Most competitive dentists and orthodontists have payment plans. It's not uncommon to pay $100-$200 a month. Cut out Taco Bell and McDonald's every month, and you'll have it. Some offices finance the plans in-house, other rely on an independent company like CareCredit. In-house plans usually require a down payment, but typically offer lower interest rates. Carecredit offers no down payment, and often no interest, but if you miss a payment or do not pay off the work in time, you will get a very large interest rate increase. It's important to ask for the cost of the braces without financing vs the total cost of the payments. In some cases, you may be better off charging it on a credit card, or taking a small home equity loan. A final word about scrimping: you get what you pay for. Dental offices all have roughly similar overhead. So if you get quoted a much lower fee, that means they will make it up in volume. Higher volume just means they will give you much lower attention because there are 27 other patients booked at the same time as you. Go where you feel you will get the best care, and figure out the finances secondarily. Don't settle for a good deal on bad treatment. When in doubt, ask your friends or your general dentist for a recommendation.
There is a common misconception that either dental insurance or wealth is required to get braces. First, you don't have to have dental insurance to get braces. Even people who have dental insurance rarely get more than 30% of the total cost reimbursed. To put that another way, the average dental insurance subscriber, on average, gets $1,000 towards the average $3000 orthodontic fee. Buying dental insurance for orthodontics alone is also a losing bet. If your parent's employer doesn't pay for most of the insurance, your family ends up paying more in monthly premiums in just one of two years than your insurance policy will ever pay out. To get on a decent dental PPO, the premium is usually $100+/mo. That's $1200 per year, for a $1000 onetime, lifetime orthodontic benefit. That's not good math to me. Second, you don't have to be rich to get braces. Most competitive dentists and orthodontists have payment plans. It's not uncommon to pay $100-$200 a month. Cut out Taco Bell and McDonald's every month, and you'll have it. Some offices finance the plans in-house, other rely on an independent company like CareCredit. In-house plans usually require a down payment, but typically offer lower interest rates. Carecredit offers no down payment, and often no interest, but if you miss a payment or do not pay off the work in time, you will get a very large interest rate increase. It's important to ask for the cost of the braces without financing vs the total cost of the payments. In some cases, you may be better off charging it on a credit card, or taking a small home equity loan. A final word about scrimping: you get what you pay for. Dental offices all have roughly similar overhead. So if you get quoted a much lower fee, that means they will make it up in volume. Higher volume just means they will give you much lower attention because there are 27 other patients booked at the same time as you. Go where you feel you will get the best care, and figure out the finances secondarily. Don't settle for a good deal on bad treatment. When in doubt, ask your friends or your general dentist for a recommendation.
can the american dental association?
i hear rumors on the internet about the ada and i don't know if it this is true, but i would like to know if someone can tell me if its true or not..but can ada help people who do not have any money/ and no insurance help fix their teeth, no matter what the problem are?
You would need to contact a dental group on a more local level. Your state dental society would be able to give you more information about any free clinics in your area. Good luck
You would need to contact a dental group on a more local level. Your state dental society would be able to give you more information about any free clinics in your area. Good luck
I want braces?
I have wanted braces since I was in middle school. I am 26 and I have dental insurance but after getting all the work I needed done to get brace,I went for a consulation and found out that i need more work done. I am so upset because it seems that even with dental insurance i don't have enough money. Does anyone known what other plan I could do so I can get the dental work done and my braces so I can have a pretty smile.
I totally feel for you. I got braces at 21, and 6 years later I am still soooo happy I did. But you are going to have to take care of your other issues first. The thing about braces is you can pay them off. You make payments (what the insurance doesn't cover) as you go. BE WARNED: If it's time to get them off and you haven't paid your balance in full, they wont take them off! I paid less than a hundred bucks a month for a couple of years and had a great experirnce! Good luck. I hope it works out for you. PS-you could always get your other dental work done at a local college of denitstry. Save you a bunch of $$ that way, if you don't mind being worked on by residents. Worth looking into!
I totally feel for you. I got braces at 21, and 6 years later I am still soooo happy I did. But you are going to have to take care of your other issues first. The thing about braces is you can pay them off. You make payments (what the insurance doesn't cover) as you go. BE WARNED: If it's time to get them off and you haven't paid your balance in full, they wont take them off! I paid less than a hundred bucks a month for a couple of years and had a great experirnce! Good luck. I hope it works out for you. PS-you could always get your other dental work done at a local college of denitstry. Save you a bunch of $$ that way, if you don't mind being worked on by residents. Worth looking into!
Tooth Question?
I had my left impacted wisdom tooth removed in feb of this year. And I know they have you sign a form of risks and complications suck as broken jaw, broken or chip teeth, loose teeth, etc. Ever since Ive noticed that one of my molars in the back same side as the impacted tooth feel loose. I have no dental insurance but I dont know what to do about this tooth? Any suggestions?
When you remove the tooth it takes time for the bone to grow and fill in the "hole" If your impacted tooth was leaning right up against the tooth in front of it (even under the tissue and not seen by you) there could be no bone or minimal bone on the backside of the remaining tooth. STOP WIGGLING IT! That can keep it from healing as best it can. If it is really really loose you can return to the dentist or oral surgeon to have an xray to see what the condition of the bone is. Perhaps returning every six months to see where the bone level is, to make sure that it is filling in. If it is not perhaps a bone graft would be an option to consider. You can also compare with your pre-extraction xrays to see what kind of bone you had to start with. You don't state your age, but the older you are, the longer it takes to heal. So if you are in your early 20's things should happen more rapidly than if you are in your 30's or 40's. And good home care is vital. Make sure you are cleaning the area thoroughly with a tooth brush, floss and possibly a proxybrush (a small cone shaped brush on a long handle) on the backside. Plaque accumulation can inhibit bone growth. good luck
When you remove the tooth it takes time for the bone to grow and fill in the "hole" If your impacted tooth was leaning right up against the tooth in front of it (even under the tissue and not seen by you) there could be no bone or minimal bone on the backside of the remaining tooth. STOP WIGGLING IT! That can keep it from healing as best it can. If it is really really loose you can return to the dentist or oral surgeon to have an xray to see what the condition of the bone is. Perhaps returning every six months to see where the bone level is, to make sure that it is filling in. If it is not perhaps a bone graft would be an option to consider. You can also compare with your pre-extraction xrays to see what kind of bone you had to start with. You don't state your age, but the older you are, the longer it takes to heal. So if you are in your early 20's things should happen more rapidly than if you are in your 30's or 40's. And good home care is vital. Make sure you are cleaning the area thoroughly with a tooth brush, floss and possibly a proxybrush (a small cone shaped brush on a long handle) on the backside. Plaque accumulation can inhibit bone growth. good luck
how much does it cost ?
How much does it cost to have all your teeth pulled atonce and i will have to have a oral surgery and i do not have Dental Insurance
Hi Chris! If money is a problem, then find a school of dentistry and sign up for the free care program. Granted, you will be used to train dentists, but in your case, you have nothing to lose. Pulling all teeth at once is a lot of tissue trauma in your mouth. You might want to speak to a dentist about how to go about this. What ever you do....don't bite off more than you can chew! (sorry...)
Hi Chris! If money is a problem, then find a school of dentistry and sign up for the free care program. Granted, you will be used to train dentists, but in your case, you have nothing to lose. Pulling all teeth at once is a lot of tissue trauma in your mouth. You might want to speak to a dentist about how to go about this. What ever you do....don't bite off more than you can chew! (sorry...)
Very bad tooth pain?
I recently chipped my tooth, about a month ago. My military dental insurance (TRICARE) its not going to start until next month. Is their anyway, I can go to the ER an claim it as Emergency..... also is their anyone that can help my I have tried everything..... this pain is very severe , so bad I can't really even eat.
I'm not sure about insurance but these are a few tips that helped me. Take regular pain killers and also try clove oil.You can get it from a pharmacy and that numbs the pain.It's really good.Hope your pain goes away soon.good luck
I'm not sure about insurance but these are a few tips that helped me. Take regular pain killers and also try clove oil.You can get it from a pharmacy and that numbs the pain.It's really good.Hope your pain goes away soon.good luck
All four of my wisdom teeth ended not being coved after dentist asst. said they were. who should be billed?
i asked twice if they are covered by my insurants. The dental asst. said " yes, your insurance covers the procedure." i found out later that my insurants only pays half. who should pay?
You are responsible for the balance. Just because she said the procedure was covered, it doens't mean it was covered 100%. If it wasn't an emergency, a pre-treatment estimate could have been sent in to your insurance company to see approximately what your out-of-pocket expenses would be. Then you'd have it on paper, in black and white. Were any of them considered 'bony impactions'? If so, the claim can be submitted to your medical insurance for additional benefits.... Good luck!
You are responsible for the balance. Just because she said the procedure was covered, it doens't mean it was covered 100%. If it wasn't an emergency, a pre-treatment estimate could have been sent in to your insurance company to see approximately what your out-of-pocket expenses would be. Then you'd have it on paper, in black and white. Were any of them considered 'bony impactions'? If so, the claim can be submitted to your medical insurance for additional benefits.... Good luck!
Blood blister on abscess?
i have an abscess on my gums that i took antibiotics for and was almost gone and now it has a blood blister on it. i was brushing my teeth the other day and i was bleeding and now two days later i have a blood blister. i have no dental insurance and don't know what this means please help
my suggesting would be getting as much information as you can before taking any action,here is a good place for that purpose.
my suggesting would be getting as much information as you can before taking any action,here is a good place for that purpose.
Have you ever known anyone with...?
great dental insurance, and that person just let their teeth fall out because they don't want to pay the deductable?
No, but my in-laws have decent insurance and the dentist that my father-in-law (he has great teeth) goes to has very reasonable payment plans and my mother-in-law still will not go get her teeth cleaned (which is free) or get her teeth fixed. You cannot have a face to face conversation with her because her breath is horrible due to her rotting teeth. It has to be due to how she was raised because her sons have great teeth also. She is just lazy and irresponsible when it comes to her teeth. I avoid her as much as possible, but for other reasons too.
No, but my in-laws have decent insurance and the dentist that my father-in-law (he has great teeth) goes to has very reasonable payment plans and my mother-in-law still will not go get her teeth cleaned (which is free) or get her teeth fixed. You cannot have a face to face conversation with her because her breath is horrible due to her rotting teeth. It has to be due to how she was raised because her sons have great teeth also. She is just lazy and irresponsible when it comes to her teeth. I avoid her as much as possible, but for other reasons too.
My girlfriend's polish wisdom teeth?
my girlfriend is a polish foreign exchange girl, and her wisdom teeth need removed, she doesn't currently have dental insurance in america. Help?!?!? if we don't fix this problem she'll be sent back to poland. what's the cheapest way to get her wisdom teeth pulled?
Find a dental school in your area---where they train the dental students. They will do the procedure for next to nothing if not FREE!!! If you live in the Texas there is the UT Dental School they do a lot of FREE dental work
Find a dental school in your area---where they train the dental students. They will do the procedure for next to nothing if not FREE!!! If you live in the Texas there is the UT Dental School they do a lot of FREE dental work
i need my wisdom teeth pulled?
so i'm 21 almost 22 i should have had my wisdom teeth pulled years ago. anyway, they hurt, and my other teeth are being pushed forward and feel like some are going to fall out!!! i have no dental much should it cost me to get all four wisdom teeth out????
Go to a dental surgeon and ask them. I think it depends. Good luck!
Go to a dental surgeon and ask them. I think it depends. Good luck!
Does it cover?
I have union dental insurance,does that cover for bracess or do I pay half?
It depends on the the insurance company...they will explain your dental benefits for you over the phone!
It depends on the the insurance company...they will explain your dental benefits for you over the phone!
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