I am moving from Quebec to Ontario and will no longer have dental insurance. Could someone tell me about how much it costs to have a standard dental exam and teeth cleaning in Ontario (I'll be in the Ottawa region specifically). Also, if you know, how much it costs to get a filling for a cavity. Thanks for whatever info you may have. When i try googling, i get all sorts of dentist websites, but none list their prices that I have seen. Just want to know what I should be prepared to deal with.
It really depends on the dentist/person doing the work.
Friday, July 1, 2011
I am on disablity. I have a major dental problem and two insurance policys to help...not enough still,help?
I need to have all teeth extracted and some form of replacement teeth. My bones are degenerating.
Sorry that sounds really awful. On Monday call the county health department and ask them for suggestions. There probably are programs (such as Medicaid) to help you. Good luck.
Sorry that sounds really awful. On Monday call the county health department and ask them for suggestions. There probably are programs (such as Medicaid) to help you. Good luck.
Does anyone know where I can find a discount dental plan??
My employer does not offer dental insurance, and I have a horrible cavity that needs to be folled, and I dont think I can afford to pay for it all, I need some kind of discount plan or card. Can anyone help????
You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you and actually they do a very good job. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. Visit a local independent agent for help finding a plan. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
You have four options with dental. 1. Visit a local dental school. You can get many procedures done for a reduced price if you're willing to let them practice on you and actually they do a very good job. 2. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. You pay a $50 deductible first, they have an annual maximum that they'll pay per year of $750 - $1500, they have a waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. Visit a local independent agent for help finding a plan. 3. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$12 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Be very wary of these plans because most are scams. The people that sell these plans have little or no knowledge about health & dental insurance and do not need a license to sell them. The plans are not regulated by the state so you have no recourse when you have problems. Some states are starting to ban these plans from being sold. Here is an informative link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/wes… concerning these plans. 4. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
What are some health insurance that is affordable?
I am a 17 year old female and i want to know what are some affordable insurance that include dental, eyes, and a regular doctor.
If you are currently uninsured and you're only looking for the coverages you describe, then you might want to check into a limited benefit plan. Such coverage wouldn't offer the same benefit maximums as a traditional medical insurance policy, but the premiums are affordable for basic care.
If you are currently uninsured and you're only looking for the coverages you describe, then you might want to check into a limited benefit plan. Such coverage wouldn't offer the same benefit maximums as a traditional medical insurance policy, but the premiums are affordable for basic care.
Does anyone know of a dental school near the Dallas/Ft Worth area that sees people that doesn't have insurance
I need major dental work done but don't have any money. Please help.
Like the others said, Baylor. If you go to their website you will see the guildlines they use for selecting patients. It doesn't matter if you had insurance or not, they don't file it anyways. They do not take payment plans, however their fees are usually alot lower than you would pay at a private dental office. They do not accept all patients who apply for dental work though. You have to go through a screening process. All this is on their website.
Like the others said, Baylor. If you go to their website you will see the guildlines they use for selecting patients. It doesn't matter if you had insurance or not, they don't file it anyways. They do not take payment plans, however their fees are usually alot lower than you would pay at a private dental office. They do not accept all patients who apply for dental work though. You have to go through a screening process. All this is on their website.
How can I get my wisdom teeth pulled without insurance?
I actually have health insurance, but no dental. And I am wondering how much it would cost to have them pulled. And is there any public assistance? Because I don't have a job. Thanks!
how do you have health insurance and no job? If the teeth are impacted then the health insurance will cover some of the cost but never 100%. There is no public assistance
how do you have health insurance and no job? If the teeth are impacted then the health insurance will cover some of the cost but never 100%. There is no public assistance
Buy all the insurance you can afford, and then a little extra?
Is it smart, socially responsible, and good parenting to buy all the insurance a person can afford? Health ins. (the good kind with all the extras), the best dental possible, $500 deductible but high limit full auto w/ everything, max life ins., max disability, best homeowners/renters ins available, & what else??? Even if you have to cut out common luxuries - no cable TV, or skipping a few vacations, for example - doesn't it seem like a no-brainer to insure yourself to the max?? Consider the sad stories of wrecked lives caused by Katrina, car accidents, kids who lose a parent, impoverished old folks who have only SSDI or SSI, and uninsured kids who get sick. By the way, I was born with a very high risk taking personality too - but after fifty years, I'm weary of depending on good luck (can't recall ever making an ins. claim except 4 emergency room visits). I love feeling of security. Is there a better use of money than buying max amount of insurance? Is there a wiser investment?
No, it's not. Health insurance IS a good idea. Private dental insurance is not. You need to insure yourself to meet your current financial goals. There is such a thing as being "insurance poor". Insurance is only PART of a financial planning package. Living under your means, budgeting, and investing is the other part.
No, it's not. Health insurance IS a good idea. Private dental insurance is not. You need to insure yourself to meet your current financial goals. There is such a thing as being "insurance poor". Insurance is only PART of a financial planning package. Living under your means, budgeting, and investing is the other part.
In Pain, in need of a root canal.?
Hi. My brother is in need of a root canal. We have insurance, but my dad is unwilling to pay for another root canal because he's had three already. Is there any sort of aid I can help him with? Any government aid at all? He's only 19, and doesn't have the money to pay for any sort of dental work that's not covered by our dental insurance.
If you have insurance you will not qualify for public assistance. Your dad needs to quit being a butt head and have it covered under his insurance. Perhaps your brother can reimburse him for the co-pays.
If you have insurance you will not qualify for public assistance. Your dad needs to quit being a butt head and have it covered under his insurance. Perhaps your brother can reimburse him for the co-pays.
Iowa common law marriage for insurance?
ok, so I have been seeing my boyfriend for a year and a half, we have living together for almost a year. I have been in and out of dental surgeries all week and will be needing more in the future but I am not working and have no insurance. My boyfriend is eligible through his work within the next few weeks. They recognize common law marriage and I can be covered in his insurance if we go that route. His mother opened her mouth last night when he brought this up and now he is concerned about us actually being married based on me getting insurance with his. We only want to have us both under his insurance, not doing taxes together or anything of the nature. So does that make it a real marriage based on that? How should we go about this without any worries?
Iowa: The requirements for a common-law marriage are: (1) intent and agreement to be married; (2) continuous cohabitation; and (3) public declarations that the parties are husband and wife.
Iowa: The requirements for a common-law marriage are: (1) intent and agreement to be married; (2) continuous cohabitation; and (3) public declarations that the parties are husband and wife.
Health Insurance Coverage question?
If you are married and on your husbands insurance policy and youve been seperated for a while ( seperated because he cheated multiple times) and you become pregnant by your boyfriend, does the husband's insurance policy cover your prenatal care?? I am still his dependent and in my state you are unable to get a divorce while pregnant so it cant happen until after the baby is born (then they make you do an DNA test) But our policy is paid every month and I am still able to use it because we are married, ive been using it for dental and I had to have a routine check-up before I had been pregnant...so his policy should still cover me because I am his dependent correct? I understand the policy will no longer cover me after the divorce though.
Yes, the insurance would cover you, and your prenatal/birth care. Most states don't recognize "seperation". Either you are married, or you aren't. Also, no state that I know of, will let a pregnant woman get divorced until the baby is born. So, you're married. Coverage applies.
Yes, the insurance would cover you, and your prenatal/birth care. Most states don't recognize "seperation". Either you are married, or you aren't. Also, no state that I know of, will let a pregnant woman get divorced until the baby is born. So, you're married. Coverage applies.
What prevents people from buying health insurance and then using it the next day to cover an operation?
For example, Enrolling in health insurance or getting a job with benefits, with the raw intentions of using it to get what you need for a lot less cash. ( Ex. operation or dental work or Xray ) Is there a time limit before you can use the insurance? Is there a contract that keeps you locked in for several years? How could someone turn a 30,000 dollar surgery into a hundred bucks per month with no penalties? Ive got into an argument with a friend about this and he says you can buy it and use it the next day ...
There may or may not be a time limit. But pre-existing conditions would definitely be excluded. It an individual got started on an insurance plan and a provider submitted a bill soon thereafter, it would get a very good look from the insurance company personnel! If there were any evidence of abuse or fraud it would likely be rejected. Only if it were found to be a total coincidence (like if the insurance started and the next day the person fell and broke their arm) would it be paid. But if it were for, say removal of a tumor they would almost certainly reject the claim and maybe claim fraud if you knew about the condition but did not disclose it beforehand. There is usually no contract.
There may or may not be a time limit. But pre-existing conditions would definitely be excluded. It an individual got started on an insurance plan and a provider submitted a bill soon thereafter, it would get a very good look from the insurance company personnel! If there were any evidence of abuse or fraud it would likely be rejected. Only if it were found to be a total coincidence (like if the insurance started and the next day the person fell and broke their arm) would it be paid. But if it were for, say removal of a tumor they would almost certainly reject the claim and maybe claim fraud if you knew about the condition but did not disclose it beforehand. There is usually no contract.
really bad toothache and no insurance?
I have a really bad toothache, but I lost my insurance in the past 6 months. The only other insurance I could get (through my school and not until this fall) doesn't cover dental. I'm really not sure what to do. It's my gums that hurt really bad just around this one tooth that I got a root canal in 6 years ago. I'm not sure what's wrong, but I'm worried it may be something big/expensive. I brush twice a day, mouthwash twice a day, floss daily, and use a waterpik daily - and have for years. So I've never really had any problems besides the root canal; which happened because of an accident where I knocked the tooth and it died. I've had it for two weeks now and I can't concentrate or do anything. It's a constant throbbing pain, and it hurts immensely when I chew on that side or when I floss around that tooth (though the gums aren't puffy and they don't bleed). The only pain killer that works is my left over vicadin from when I got my wisdom teeth out last fall (I try not to abuse it, I've only used it twice because I couldn't fall asleep with the pain). IBProfin, advil, etc. don't work; neither does clove oil or chewing garlic. Ice works temporarily, but not very well. I'm just not sure what to do. There's no way I can afford to go to pay for anything beyond a checkup - which really does me no good. Either they say, I'm fine, so I waste money on a checkup; or they say there's a problem, which I can't afford to fix. In a year and a half I'll go to grad school and they give you better health insurance then; but I don't think I can wait that long. I don't know what to do, does anybody have any ideas?
Try contacting your local Department of Human Services or Health and Human Services. They should have a list of dentists who provide free services or services on a sliding scale fee. (With sliding scale you pay according to your income.)
Try contacting your local Department of Human Services or Health and Human Services. They should have a list of dentists who provide free services or services on a sliding scale fee. (With sliding scale you pay according to your income.)
Health Insurance for 16 and 19 year old.... which company and which plan?
I am trying to find health insurance for my sister and I. I have done some research on Humana, Blue Cross & Blue Shield and United Health Care, but I'm not really sure which one to pick. We are relatively healthy with no pre-existing health conditions and probably only get sick about once a year. We basically need the routine essentials, visit to the eye doctor once a year, dental cleanings every 6 months, and an annual visit with the gynecologist. Neither of us smoke, or are on prescriptions, and we don't need maternity leave or anything like that. I'm looking for something that won't make me broke since I'll be paying for it, but still provides adequate coverage, and for that just in case in accident the insurance will cover it so I don't go home with a bill for thousands of dollars...What would be the best company and plans to look into? Thanks for the suggestions! (BTW we are Illinois residents)
You'll want to call or visit a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area instead of trying to be your own agent. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with the different plans. There is no extra charge using an agent; you'll pay exactly the same premium using an agent or being your own agent. Health insurance doesn't have dental coverage, although in most areas all three that you mentioned do have dental you can add as an option and an additional premium. You'll need to compare the dental plans just like the health plans (or the agent can do that as well) and also compare them to the stand-alone dental plans available.
You'll want to call or visit a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area instead of trying to be your own agent. The agent can find the best plan for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with the different plans. There is no extra charge using an agent; you'll pay exactly the same premium using an agent or being your own agent. Health insurance doesn't have dental coverage, although in most areas all three that you mentioned do have dental you can add as an option and an additional premium. You'll need to compare the dental plans just like the health plans (or the agent can do that as well) and also compare them to the stand-alone dental plans available.
How much should I be paying for a family health insurance plan?
I am a teacher in Massachusetts making approx. $48,000. My husband lost his job and is back in college full-time, and we have two children. My work health insurance family plan through Blue Cross Blue Shield and another carrier (to cover the Blue Cross deductible) including dental will cost $143.00 a week this year, $572 A MONTH! (We have co-payments 15.00 for office visits, 50.00 for hospital, and dental covers cleanings and 60% of other services.) Realize I only bring home $600 a week, so in effect I am losing an entire paycheck each month to health insurance. We don't even spend this much in groceries each month, and our monthly rent is $800. Is this amount average? Can I look elsewhere for insurance if my work offers this plan? I feel like I am budgeting the rest of my life away, but health insurance just keeps going higher and higher...
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.isgreat.org
Is my boss comitting insurance fraud?
I work for a dental office. I have been in the dental field as a front office receptionist for 2 years now. But I have only worked for my current employer for less than a year. My boss currently submits claims and sends out statements. I recently found out she is submitting limited oral evaluation with prophys to insurance. When I brought it to her attention she said "I can do that". Now Im not 100% sure if this is insurance fraud but im pretty sure, especially when the patients have to pay out of pocket for an exam that should be covered at 100%. Now I dont know what my next step is, it is very hard to work for someone who you think is being shady to her patients. I dont know what to do...i already tried bringing it to her attention, but according to her "she can do that". Someone please help me.
I don't work in a dental office nor do I know that much about dental insurance. I have no idea what a prophys is. However, you have to explain what the benefit of her doing this. If the complete exam is payable at 100% by the insurance. But what she is billing requires a patient co pay. Isn't it better to get fully reimbursed by insurance than deal with trying to get money from the patients?
I don't work in a dental office nor do I know that much about dental insurance. I have no idea what a prophys is. However, you have to explain what the benefit of her doing this. If the complete exam is payable at 100% by the insurance. But what she is billing requires a patient co pay. Isn't it better to get fully reimbursed by insurance than deal with trying to get money from the patients?
Anyone tried dental device for snoring/apnea?
There is a dental device you can get molded to fit your teeth & mouth that will place your lower jaw forward while you are sleeping. If you have problems with your muscles in the back of your throat relaxing and making you snore or have apnea, then this should help open the airway so you can breathe better. I know there are cheap molds you can buy online, but they don't last long and may be tricky to get the right fit (you have to boil the plastic in water to soften it and then put it in your mouth to mold it). I'm thinking of getting it professionally done by my dentist. It would be about $700 and would last for years. It could also be adjusted in increments. I have had a sleep study done and the test was inconclusive or my apnea wasn't severe enough for the insurance to pay for a CPAP. I desperately need a good night's sleep! Has anyone tried this for snoring or apnea and were you pleased with the results? If there's any dentists (or assistants) out there, do you know of patients that have had success?
Yes, it works well for mild apnea cases. My husband has one and we're both dentists. Beware of jaw pain though. After a while of using it, your jaw joints tend to get sore and you feel like your bite is "off" in the mornings. If this happens, you have to keep it out for a while until your mouth feels better, then you can resume using it. I don't think it's worth it to get a cheap one yourself because it is very important to get the right fit and future adjustments may need to be made to your bite which only your dentist can do. Good luck!
Yes, it works well for mild apnea cases. My husband has one and we're both dentists. Beware of jaw pain though. After a while of using it, your jaw joints tend to get sore and you feel like your bite is "off" in the mornings. If this happens, you have to keep it out for a while until your mouth feels better, then you can resume using it. I don't think it's worth it to get a cheap one yourself because it is very important to get the right fit and future adjustments may need to be made to your bite which only your dentist can do. Good luck!
Kansas state Dental/ oral health care programs/assistance.?
my Girlfriend is 24 years old, works for wal-mart part time, has no insurance and makes approximately 700 dollars a month. she is now in sever need to have her wisdom teeth removed. what state funded (if any) are available through the state of Kansas to assist her? we have applied for carecredit, hers was turned down on the spot, while mine is in a 24 hour review status. our credit is shot, we both have made bad choices in the past and are now paying for them, who ever thought school would be a bad choice right? i doubt mine will be approved. i have searched for many variations of Kansas state dental/oral health care assitance/ program, so far i have not found much. i will continue my search through the nigh for more options, if you can help , please do, any good suggestion would be appricated.
Working Americans should not have to worry about dental insurance but many of us do. Here are some resources that should be able to assist you. Contact your local dental society to get the names of dentists/dental clinics that provide free, low-cost or sliding scale fee care. I have included the links below. God Bless. (I'm a Social Worker)
Working Americans should not have to worry about dental insurance but many of us do. Here are some resources that should be able to assist you. Contact your local dental society to get the names of dentists/dental clinics that provide free, low-cost or sliding scale fee care. I have included the links below. God Bless. (I'm a Social Worker)
with the economy the way it is will less people get health benefits?
back in the day in aspen and other ski towns companies restaurants offered ski passes and medical benefits to get workers, now we have immigrants to fill the positions, now there is Competition for lower jobs and perks may not be needed to get the best workers. will medical and dental become a thing of the past for most companies that were used to a big bottom line from the cubicle and other workers? insurance companies make an average of 30% which is healthy cash flow but expensive for business who want healthy and happy workers.
Yes, its already happening. Even the people that do get benefits are seeing higher co-pays and more deductions and exclusions. I am speaking about the current situation not a "what if" concerning reform.
Yes, its already happening. Even the people that do get benefits are seeing higher co-pays and more deductions and exclusions. I am speaking about the current situation not a "what if" concerning reform.
Are people on bicycles allowed to go the opposite direction on a sidewalk?
I was going the opposite direction on a sidwalk until I could get to the nearest stoplight, when a car came out of a parking lot without looking and hit me causing me to chip a tooth. When I called their insurance they said they are not going to pay for my dental fee because I was going the wrong direction on the SIDEWALK. Do I have a good case to sue them?
Check local laws to see what rules there are about cyclists riding on the sidewalk. I know in my area, bicyclists are allowed to ride on the sidewalk, they can ride in the opposite direction, and must yield to pedestrians and not ride in a reckless manner. If the driver didn't look and just sped out of the parking lot, then there is some fault to the driver for the accident. It may be worth it to at least consult with an attorney, see if there are any low cost legal services in your area that can help you. Edit: Where in California? If it's Los Angeles, that's where I live and the laws there do allow bicyclists on the sidewalk. I know an attorney who defended a similar case, and the family of the kid who was hit did recover damages. Definately consult an attorney, and maybe check out the California Bicycle Coalition to see if they have any resources that can help: http://www.calbike.org/about.htm
Check local laws to see what rules there are about cyclists riding on the sidewalk. I know in my area, bicyclists are allowed to ride on the sidewalk, they can ride in the opposite direction, and must yield to pedestrians and not ride in a reckless manner. If the driver didn't look and just sped out of the parking lot, then there is some fault to the driver for the accident. It may be worth it to at least consult with an attorney, see if there are any low cost legal services in your area that can help you. Edit: Where in California? If it's Los Angeles, that's where I live and the laws there do allow bicyclists on the sidewalk. I know an attorney who defended a similar case, and the family of the kid who was hit did recover damages. Definately consult an attorney, and maybe check out the California Bicycle Coalition to see if they have any resources that can help: http://www.calbike.org/about.htm
question about dental work.?
I got a partial and it looks terrible. I ended up breaking a tooth off and was sent to another dental office to get it fixed. The people at this office also told me it looks terrible and it would look much better if I got my canine tooth pulled even though most dentist dont like to pull this particular tooth. I told my dentist this is what I want after all whats another tooth since i already have the partial. he refuses to pull the tooth but assures me he will do the work until im happy with it even if i end up needing a completely new partial. my question is will i be charged again for another partial even though i expreseed my dislike. is he just trying to get more money out of me? any ideas on what i should do? I signed a contract with him so they wont let me switched dentist even though its the same practice plus ive used up all of my insurance with this. thanks for any input.
It sounds like the Dentist wants to help you until you are satisfied. If the first Partial dosent fit right they will do what they can till it does. If not they should give you a new partial at no charge. One other thing was this an immediate partial or the permanant one. If it was the immediate they took a guess at how it would fit until the permanant one is made.
It sounds like the Dentist wants to help you until you are satisfied. If the first Partial dosent fit right they will do what they can till it does. If not they should give you a new partial at no charge. One other thing was this an immediate partial or the permanant one. If it was the immediate they took a guess at how it would fit until the permanant one is made.
Is there a separate insurance or coverage I can get for Orthodontics? 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!?
I have dental coverage through Delta Dental, but it only covers orthodontics on eligible dependents up to age 19. It won't cover orthodontics for me. I'm 21. I know I need braces because I guess I have a bilateral crossbite or something like that and plus I have a canine tooth that is impacted or something. It was extracted in 2005, I didn't know I still had baby teeth, and the adult tooth started growing in, but then stopped halfway through and has been like that for a while now. So I do want braces, but I know it'll be WAY more expensive without insurance. So is there some kind of separate insurance or coverage I can get for JUST orthodontics?
It's cheaper to pay out of pocket then pay for a dental insurance plan JUST for the orthodontic benefits. They're usually limited to about $600/year (which is $50/month). Just get braces and a payment plan.
It's cheaper to pay out of pocket then pay for a dental insurance plan JUST for the orthodontic benefits. They're usually limited to about $600/year (which is $50/month). Just get braces and a payment plan.
help. I don;t know what insurance plan choose?
Hi. I am full-time student who goes to major university at Chicago (DEPAUL). Should I get Aetna IL Preventitive and Hospitalization plan for $48 per month ($1250 deductible, coin 20%, coin max $2500) or IL 5000 ($5000 deductible, but has copays for doctors and specialist before deductible for $49 per month, same coin and coin max). Or should I get BCBSIL for $43 per m ($2500 deductible, 20%, but only $1000 out-of packet max). I am with no health insurance- I only have health plan provided by my school ($80 per quarter) that covers the visit to internal medicine doctor (no refferals to specialists). My parents don't have insurance. I am currently 19 and work part-time (little dangerous job as I work at stockroom with heavy lifts sometimes). I already have from Aetna provided by my schoo lcheap vision dental discount plan. And by the way can I apply for medicaid on my own or I must as family? I am still depentent and live with parents.
I work for a student insrance company so I may can help you here. Based on the information you have provided, I would say out of these choices, the BCBSIL due to the 1000 out of pocket man. Still, the high deductibles will be a killer with you being a student. Not sure about the rates but the company I work for also offers short term insurance. Since we do not do the student insrance for your school, you could still check out our site at www.studentinsurance.com......look down the blue side bar to the left and click on short term insurance. This will link you to the Assurant Health site. Just fill out the form for a quote. Hope I have helped you.
I work for a student insrance company so I may can help you here. Based on the information you have provided, I would say out of these choices, the BCBSIL due to the 1000 out of pocket man. Still, the high deductibles will be a killer with you being a student. Not sure about the rates but the company I work for also offers short term insurance. Since we do not do the student insrance for your school, you could still check out our site at www.studentinsurance.com......look down the blue side bar to the left and click on short term insurance. This will link you to the Assurant Health site. Just fill out the form for a quote. Hope I have helped you.
I need dental help.?
We have insurance, but it is a $300 copay and a $1000 maximum. I live in far South Austin, Tx. I had a back tooth break off a year ago and never can afford dental treatment. It is so painful now. I think it is infected. My parents never took us to the dentist when we were kids and now I am terrified to go. But if I don't go I know I will loose my teeth. The bottom front are starting to hurt. I can not afford all this. My credit is not good enough for credit due to a student loan in default that should be out of default in 4 months and I can not wait that long. It is very painful and I do not want to loose my teeth. I believe the broken tooth is already down to bone. Can someone please help.
Antibiotics to start. You do have an infection and most likely need this tooth pulled. If the tooth is broken off at the gumline, there probably isn't much you can do to save it at this point. Go to a dentist. Request a problem focused exam. The dentist will then be able to at least give you antibiotics which will help with the pain and buy you some time while you save up some money. Abscesses are serious business and should be treated as such. These infections, if left untreated, can enter your bloodstream and kill you.
Antibiotics to start. You do have an infection and most likely need this tooth pulled. If the tooth is broken off at the gumline, there probably isn't much you can do to save it at this point. Go to a dentist. Request a problem focused exam. The dentist will then be able to at least give you antibiotics which will help with the pain and buy you some time while you save up some money. Abscesses are serious business and should be treated as such. These infections, if left untreated, can enter your bloodstream and kill you.
Husband needs dental work - how to pay for it?
My husband lost a front tooth a few years ago and he literally has a tooth that's sort of glued into place there. The tooth falls out frequently and he needs to get a better fix. Problem is insurance will not cover it at all and it seems all possible fixes cost between $2500 and $3500. With 4 kids, a mortgage and all our other expenses - we cannot afford that. Is there anyway to get help with a dental issue like this. He's a Supervisor in a school district and walking around with no front tooth is not an option. Any ideas?
Talk to the dentist's office manager. See if you can work out an extended payment plan. It's so much less embarrassing than passing the hat.
Talk to the dentist's office manager. See if you can work out an extended payment plan. It's so much less embarrassing than passing the hat.
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