My brother had a bicycle accident and broke a few teeth in the front. Decided to finally get them fixed in addition to fixing a tooth that was abscessed. The dentist quoted $3000 for a few extractions and a bridge or $5000 for full upper denture. Brother decided on $3000 option. Five appts, 5 extractions and so far $5000 later we don't have the bridge. The Dentist says that still more teeth need to be pulled (not many left). Obviously he has stopped going and asked for his medical records but the Dentist wanted to withhold the records until full payment was made and he's charging for them. He has already billed the insurance $1100(plus $5000). I am very confused by this whole situation. This Dentist was referred do to my brother's insurance carrier but at this cost he could have gone to my Dentist without insurance and paid less! We will get further dental care with someone that is not so abusive financially and emotionally. Could we do more though? Thanks _ Toothless Grin
You really are not giving enough information for someone to give you acurate advice. There are usually 2 sides, and trust me, the dentists side in very different. I will tell you my opinion, however with limited information I can not possibly tell you who is right in this case. I have seen patients who were given a treatment plan and estimate of what a specific list of dental procedures will cost them, and after they recieved this treatment plan, they asked that additional things be done, not taking into consideration that these additional services will be an additional expense. Such as, having an unexpected abcess or toothache come up and asking the dentist to go ahead and pull that tooth out. Obviously, that would be one reason why a treatment plan amount would change. Some dentists quote what they think a treatment plan would cost, and if during the procedure unexpected things come up (example: tooth on bridge needing a rootcanal, that was not anticipated), they bill the patient for the work. Others eat the cost, because it was not previously planned for. Again, this is real difficult to say if he has a case. As far as the records go? Every state is different, and you should call the state dental board to know what your state says, but sometimes a dentist can withhold records if their is a balance on a patients account. They do have the right to charge a duplication fee, however. This is probably what the charge that you refer to is. You do realize, that your brother will be getting a copy of the records, and not the actual record, don't you? A dentist, at least in my state, is required to keep the actual record for 7 years. Anyways, if you want to e-mail me and give me a little more details, I will help you if I can.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Dental assistance?
Hi, I have dental insurance through work and they cover most proceedures. However, they don't cover anything that could have been prevented. Is there a plan that will help to reduce the costs of extra proceedures such as root canal, fillings, crowns, etc? It doesn't have to be free, just something that saves when getting an extra proceedure. Thanks.
The problem with dental insurance is that they usually have a maximum allowance of about $1500 a year. And even if they do cover crowns or root canals it is only at a certain percentage. Try going on-line with Blue Cross Blue Shield or Met life to see if they offer individual coverage that may pay more then what you have now. The best thing to do is have your dentist give you a treatment plan that tells you what you need and how much it will cost. Then evaluate your insurance plan to see how much you pay a month for the coverage and how much you will have to pay out of pocket.
The problem with dental insurance is that they usually have a maximum allowance of about $1500 a year. And even if they do cover crowns or root canals it is only at a certain percentage. Try going on-line with Blue Cross Blue Shield or Met life to see if they offer individual coverage that may pay more then what you have now. The best thing to do is have your dentist give you a treatment plan that tells you what you need and how much it will cost. Then evaluate your insurance plan to see how much you pay a month for the coverage and how much you will have to pay out of pocket.
Dental braces at boston?
I am 25yrs old.I had and appointment with a orthodentist yesterday, and quoted up to 5600$.Its far more than my budget.I dont have dental insurance.I kindly request evrybody to provide information about the dentists or plans where I could get braces done for low rates in BOSTON . THANKYOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP!!!
Wow, that's expensive! The dental plans at should cover braces as they cover orthodontic costs and you should save a few thousand. There's a review at You should be able to find a dentist in your own area quite easily as there's over 100,000 participating dentists.
Wow, that's expensive! The dental plans at should cover braces as they cover orthodontic costs and you should save a few thousand. There's a review at You should be able to find a dentist in your own area quite easily as there's over 100,000 participating dentists.
Quit my job, insurance question?
and I'm getting my teeth fixed before I go. I'm going to dental school for assisting in the fall, but as of now, I have to move to find a job closer to school which means losing my dental by the end of the month. Is there a way to extend dental insurance for a couple of months? My HR mgr is gone for the week, and I really need to know now. Otherwise, is there an affordable dental insurance I might be able to find. I need the insurance badly and my last appointments are in Feb. Thanks for your time.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
-------------------- - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.
Can I get my wisdom teeth removed while pregnant?
I have a serious problem. Right around the time I got pregnant, my two top wisdom teeth began to rot. I wasn't on insurance, so I didn't go see a dentist. I now have dental insurance, am 20 weeks pregnant, and my wisdom teeth have gotten even worse. One is almost completely rotted away, and the other is almost there. I know I'd have to have major dental surgery, and the rotting teeth makes me worry about a blood infection that could affect my baby. What should I do?
After the first trimester most dental procedures can be performed without consequences to the baby or yourself provided you are having a normal pregnancy without complications. The dentist more than likely will need to confer with your physician(obstetrician) prior to any treatment. And I agree with a previous answer it is imperative to keep the teeth clean! However if you are not having any pain or infection from the decayed teeth it is possible that the extraction could be delayed until after your delivery. It is imperative for you to be careful with any analgesics(pain meds) taken for pain without consulting with your physician because they could be harmful to both you and your baby.
After the first trimester most dental procedures can be performed without consequences to the baby or yourself provided you are having a normal pregnancy without complications. The dentist more than likely will need to confer with your physician(obstetrician) prior to any treatment. And I agree with a previous answer it is imperative to keep the teeth clean! However if you are not having any pain or infection from the decayed teeth it is possible that the extraction could be delayed until after your delivery. It is imperative for you to be careful with any analgesics(pain meds) taken for pain without consulting with your physician because they could be harmful to both you and your baby.
My fiancé is being difficult with dental work!?
My fiancé and I have been together for 2 years now, and we've known each other for much longer. I've only seen his teeth I think about twice, and those were hardly good looks. From what I've seen, his teeth are very yellow and in terrible condition because his braces as a kid really weakened his enamel and now probably has about a bazillion cavities. I've been pressuring him to get his teeth cleaned before the wedding, but HE WON'T BUDGE! He says it's too embarrassing to go the dentist, and money isn't a problem since we have dental insurance. How can I get this guy to budge! I keep telling him the dentist will be able to assess the damage done to his teeth and fix it! His hair is already falling out at the age of 21, I want him to at least keep his teeth! Every time we talk about it, he avoids the topic, or tries to make me feel bad for reminding him he has bad teeth. Really what he's doing is making me feel guilty for caring.
He and you do not know how serious it is that his mouth is in such terrible condition!!! With the yellowing an cavities -it shows that his mouth is overcome -saturated -with bacteria!! -EXTREMELY harmful bacteria!! It is now known and recognized -especially by the established medical community that this bacteria will travel throughout his body and can in most cases be the cause of such diseases as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease besides a host of cancers due to the toxin overload!! Cleaning and taking care of the teeth is basic to health !! His hair loss -since he has been in this condition for a while -is most likely due to the toxin overload -once again- that the body is forced to endure!! Hair and skin are the first victims of poor health!! The embarrassement excuse is just that and perhaps an " don't care attitude" !!! He had better care since bacteria being as it is can and will affect his prostrate and may and will affect his gonads creating early impotence and perhaps sterility or even birth defects on your progeny ( kids)! There is more ,of course, but I will spare you any more!!! If this knowledge does make him swallow his pride and go to the dentist and strive for even the most average health then.......!!!!
He and you do not know how serious it is that his mouth is in such terrible condition!!! With the yellowing an cavities -it shows that his mouth is overcome -saturated -with bacteria!! -EXTREMELY harmful bacteria!! It is now known and recognized -especially by the established medical community that this bacteria will travel throughout his body and can in most cases be the cause of such diseases as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease besides a host of cancers due to the toxin overload!! Cleaning and taking care of the teeth is basic to health !! His hair loss -since he has been in this condition for a while -is most likely due to the toxin overload -once again- that the body is forced to endure!! Hair and skin are the first victims of poor health!! The embarrassement excuse is just that and perhaps an " don't care attitude" !!! He had better care since bacteria being as it is can and will affect his prostrate and may and will affect his gonads creating early impotence and perhaps sterility or even birth defects on your progeny ( kids)! There is more ,of course, but I will spare you any more!!! If this knowledge does make him swallow his pride and go to the dentist and strive for even the most average health then.......!!!!
Do I have to pay dentist for something my insurance denied?
So my friend went to the dentist for a cleaning and was told she needed a crown. She agreed and got it. She then got a notice from her dental insurance saying the procedure was denied bc to be approved, there needed to be evidence that a filling wouldn't fix the problem and it would get worse...more technical than that, but close enough. She called the dentist and they said she had to pay the close to 500 dollar bill. Her insurance told her that the dentist should have gotten pre-approved for the procedure and she didn't have to pay. The dentist is telling her she owes the money and in thirty more days, they will turn it over to collection. Who is right, does she have to pay it, or how can she fight it? If it helps, it's United Concordia, military dental.
You have a contract with the insurance company. Your dentist has nothing to do with their polices. He was doing what was best for you and what your tooth needed. The insurance company is just trying to get out of paying the claim so as to add to their profit. This is a game they play. There is no legal requirement for a dentist to need approval of an insurance company to do any procedure. The people in the insurance company are not even dentists and wouldn't know how to look at an x-ray. Who do you want telling you what treatment you should have? Your gripe should be with the insurance company rat finks and not with the dentist. You will need to pay the dentist and fight with them.
You have a contract with the insurance company. Your dentist has nothing to do with their polices. He was doing what was best for you and what your tooth needed. The insurance company is just trying to get out of paying the claim so as to add to their profit. This is a game they play. There is no legal requirement for a dentist to need approval of an insurance company to do any procedure. The people in the insurance company are not even dentists and wouldn't know how to look at an x-ray. Who do you want telling you what treatment you should have? Your gripe should be with the insurance company rat finks and not with the dentist. You will need to pay the dentist and fight with them.
how successful are dental implants with demineralization occurring?
4yr post gastric-bypass surgery.. with resulting severe hypoglycemia.. dental changes started 2yr ago.. very much like diabetic complications.. receding gums, increased sensitivity.. researching options to preserve what i have as well as plan for eventual loss or replacement of all teeth.. implants vs full dentures.. i am 53yr.. currently no insurance.. that is why i am just researching options at this time..
Not very. The main problem with periodontitis (the reason teeth are lost) is loss of bone in your jaws. This happens because the tissue reacts to plaque and bacteria that builds up on the teeth and under the gumline. Taking the teeth out will stop this process, but putting implants in will just mean going through the same thing all over again. Implants are also a lot harder to take care of than dentures, which you just have to pop out and clean whereas implants have to be taken care of just like real teeth. What you should do now is focus on keeping the teeth you have, and your condition should improve. Make sure your diet doesn't include a lot of sugary or sticky foods (which sit on the teeth and under the gums and create hives of acid-producing bacteria.) It would also be a good idea to see a doctor or dietician to get your hypoglycemia under control. Studies show that periodontal conditions improve in well-controlled diabetics vs. poorly controlled diabetics, although how this works isn't known. Brushing 2-3 times per day is CRUCIAL, as is flossing. If you don't do this, you might as well have your teeth out now while you still have enough bone to hold a denture. You should also go for regular cleanings every 3-6 months to have a deeper root cleaning. If you can find a dental hygiene or dental school close to you, this is very inexpensive. With all of those factors in check, there is no reason for your teeth to be lost. It's much more functional and cheaper for you in the long run to preserve them, although it may take a bit of work.
Not very. The main problem with periodontitis (the reason teeth are lost) is loss of bone in your jaws. This happens because the tissue reacts to plaque and bacteria that builds up on the teeth and under the gumline. Taking the teeth out will stop this process, but putting implants in will just mean going through the same thing all over again. Implants are also a lot harder to take care of than dentures, which you just have to pop out and clean whereas implants have to be taken care of just like real teeth. What you should do now is focus on keeping the teeth you have, and your condition should improve. Make sure your diet doesn't include a lot of sugary or sticky foods (which sit on the teeth and under the gums and create hives of acid-producing bacteria.) It would also be a good idea to see a doctor or dietician to get your hypoglycemia under control. Studies show that periodontal conditions improve in well-controlled diabetics vs. poorly controlled diabetics, although how this works isn't known. Brushing 2-3 times per day is CRUCIAL, as is flossing. If you don't do this, you might as well have your teeth out now while you still have enough bone to hold a denture. You should also go for regular cleanings every 3-6 months to have a deeper root cleaning. If you can find a dental hygiene or dental school close to you, this is very inexpensive. With all of those factors in check, there is no reason for your teeth to be lost. It's much more functional and cheaper for you in the long run to preserve them, although it may take a bit of work.
I want to know how to find a free or low cost Medical/Dental clinic?
My mother has social security as her sole sorce of income which is eaten up by rent, utilities and groceries with not much left over. She is 64 and does not have insurance. She has severe arthritis and diabetes and needs to be seen by a doctor. She also is in need of dentures. Any suggestions?
If you live near Mexico or Canada go there. Otherwise do a web search by typing the name of your state and department of public health. It should list some free and low cost clinics for you. For the dental, I suggest a dental school.
If you live near Mexico or Canada go there. Otherwise do a web search by typing the name of your state and department of public health. It should list some free and low cost clinics for you. For the dental, I suggest a dental school.
broken front tooth!!! confused on how to file with insurance?
i opened my cabinet above my stove to get out a pan and another pan fell out hitting me in the mouth breaking my top front tooth! i have been told by a friend that dental insurance will not cover the cost due to it being an accident... the other thing that i am worried about is my dental and medical insurance doesn't take effect until next month so i don't know what the normal procedures are and if i will be covered! i did find the broken piece is there anyway to safetly bond it back until i can get to the dentist?
A dentist will not bond the piece of broken tooth back on. They'll probably use a composite to replace the missing piece or offer a veneer. If your dental insurance isn't effective yet it probably won't cover the tooth. In most cases they won't cover a pre-existing condition. If they do, the dentist should file the insurance claim and your insurance will pay for what they feel they need to pay for and you'll be responsible for the rest. Remember, most offices will work out a payment plan. Also, in most cities there are low cost dental clinics. Here, dentists volunteer their time to help people that can't afford dental treatment. It can't hurt to check your local yellow pages for a dental clinic.
A dentist will not bond the piece of broken tooth back on. They'll probably use a composite to replace the missing piece or offer a veneer. If your dental insurance isn't effective yet it probably won't cover the tooth. In most cases they won't cover a pre-existing condition. If they do, the dentist should file the insurance claim and your insurance will pay for what they feel they need to pay for and you'll be responsible for the rest. Remember, most offices will work out a payment plan. Also, in most cities there are low cost dental clinics. Here, dentists volunteer their time to help people that can't afford dental treatment. It can't hurt to check your local yellow pages for a dental clinic.
NEED to get my teeth pulled [NO INSURANCE!!]?
I live in San Diego,California and currently do not have dental insurance. I really need to get my top wisdom teeth pulled out asap because they are both breaking away and sometimes hurt really afraid i cant afford insurance right now,so i was wondering how the dentists were in mexico..because i heard its a lot cheaper..are they clean? did you have any complications before,during and/or after? how much cheaper is it? and would you suggest i go to mexico to get my teeth pulled? or what else can you suggest i do? do you guys know of any realllllllllllllly cheap insurance,or know of any cheap dentist who accept none insured patients? thankyou in advance :)
I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 3 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars. From Fillings, xrays, exams, extractions...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Orthodontics and cosmentic surgery also. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps out.
I would encourage you to visit this site: I signed up online over 3 years ago now and they have saved me thousands of dollars. From Fillings, xrays, exams, extractions...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. Orthodontics and cosmentic surgery also. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use it the very same day. Hope this helps out.
Any idea about Health Insurance helping pay?
I have suffered from extremely bad headaches for years. Also, at times I have bad earaches too. My teeth I have been told are most of the cause. I visited the dentist to check out getting Invisalign (braces are not an option, I'm 20, not having them in college!) and the price as expected was high. My parents nor I was approved for financing. But, they do have health and dental insurance. Does anyone have any idea, that if I have written consent from my doctor that I need this and it will help me, that my insurance may help in paying?
Invisalign is not covered by ins. I have many friends that used it, and they all had to pay out of pocket. it's considered "cosmetic"...but i do know that some medical health ins. plans will cover some dental work...they consider it preventive care. I know for example Cigna Health care (medical plan) will play for @ least a cleaning. All i can say it depends on your insurance plan. Call them up, and tell them that u have the letter from you dentist and that it's causing medical issues and see what they say. Now-a-days insurance plans are so strict though...good luck. Hope it will work out for you
Invisalign is not covered by ins. I have many friends that used it, and they all had to pay out of pocket. it's considered "cosmetic"...but i do know that some medical health ins. plans will cover some dental work...they consider it preventive care. I know for example Cigna Health care (medical plan) will play for @ least a cleaning. All i can say it depends on your insurance plan. Call them up, and tell them that u have the letter from you dentist and that it's causing medical issues and see what they say. Now-a-days insurance plans are so strict though...good luck. Hope it will work out for you
could you have 2 dental plans and how much does it usually cost?
i braces but aetna(my insurance company) doesnt cover it. So that means that i have to pay for them...when i went to the ortho. he said its 1,500 down pay. i dont habe that money right...and recently ran across this commerical for western dental and they said they do no down payement but there only one catch i habe to pay for the dental plan.. so does anyone know much much a dental plan for westen dental cost
No only one legally
No only one legally
Im not sure what to do? Dental help!?
So I have this huge black cavity hole on one of my molars along with little black dots on the top of my molar and last night, I felt the first nasty pain of a toothache. I know I should have gone to the dentist a long time ago but I AM going soon. In 2 weeks because my dental insurance will finally kick in then! In the meantime, what should I do and NOT do to keep this toothache from happening/going away? Last night, I brushed my teeth about 5 times and used Listerine to wash out the toothache. It helped a LITTLE but barely! Please advise me! I don't want to starve myself because im too scared eating will only worsen it =(
You can try taking pain killers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to take away the ache. Brush after you eat. EVERY TIME. Stay away from products high in sugar. Not only is this food for the bacteria that leaves their waste product, plaque, in your mouth, it will also cause a rise in acidity which will weaken the enamel. Also, I've seen several people in need of root canals stating that their teeth hurt when they eat sugary foods. My best advice, though, is just to go into the dental office and let them know your insurance situation. Depending on the office, they may cut you a break on the cost when you tell them your insurance hasn't gone into effect.
You can try taking pain killers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to take away the ache. Brush after you eat. EVERY TIME. Stay away from products high in sugar. Not only is this food for the bacteria that leaves their waste product, plaque, in your mouth, it will also cause a rise in acidity which will weaken the enamel. Also, I've seen several people in need of root canals stating that their teeth hurt when they eat sugary foods. My best advice, though, is just to go into the dental office and let them know your insurance situation. Depending on the office, they may cut you a break on the cost when you tell them your insurance hasn't gone into effect.
Can a hygienist put on a dental crown?
I felt a little uncomfortable with the 80lb hygienist practically laying on top of me, trying to put a crown back on my tooth. (I had the crown removed for a root canal.) I don't understand why, after paying so much money, the dentist couldn't put it in for me. The one who was supposed to put it in had to get the other hygienist to come in and help because she appeared to not know what she was doing. I live in Alabama, I have great dental insurance, and the dentist office appears to be one of the best in city. It seems like the dentist should put the crown in. Right?
Definitely not! I believe the dental hygienist was outside of his or her scope of practice when putting the crown back on. Normally, The primary duties of the dental hygienist include cleaning and polishing teeth, instructing patients in good oral hygiene habits and after care for dental treatments rendered, and providing other preventative dental care, and work chairside as needed, with the dentist during examinations and treatments. They may also: •take X-rays •make molds for crowns and dental prosthetics •remove sutures •polish fillings and other metal restorations •take and record medical history and medication lists You should definitely get it checked to be sure it was done correctly!
Definitely not! I believe the dental hygienist was outside of his or her scope of practice when putting the crown back on. Normally, The primary duties of the dental hygienist include cleaning and polishing teeth, instructing patients in good oral hygiene habits and after care for dental treatments rendered, and providing other preventative dental care, and work chairside as needed, with the dentist during examinations and treatments. They may also: •take X-rays •make molds for crowns and dental prosthetics •remove sutures •polish fillings and other metal restorations •take and record medical history and medication lists You should definitely get it checked to be sure it was done correctly!
Is my extreme embarassment and fear of the dentist rational?
I am 23 years old and have never been to the dentist bc of the low income of my parents. Recently, I recieved a good job, with dental insurance. I also noticed discoloration of my molars and one tooth in general is putting me in a lot of pain. My problem comes from the fear and embarassment I feel about going for the first time. Insurance only pays 50% for things such as filling, root canals, also. I am making myself sick over going. I feel like a total loser. Any advice that could make it seem better would be appreciated.
Everyone has been in your position at some time or another. I didn't go for 5 years and was terrified. Now I go every 6 months and I still get nervous. Call them and book the earliest appt they have available. It'll give you less time to worry or dread. Tell yourself to,"Get it over with!" Esp when you feel scared. Make plans for after the dentist. I planned a movie fest w/friends. That way, I looked forward to the plans and the dentist was something I had to do before then. Once I got there, I told everyone that I was really scared. My dentist was super gentle and nice. Once in the chair, close your eyes. Play with your ring or your bracelet or bring a mp3 player to listen to. Take a look at a calendar. Two months from now, so much stuff will have happened or will happen that the dental appt was just something you had to do. No, you're not a loser. Everyone's scared. Tell yourself,"what's the worse that can happen?" I would think of the most absurd thing. I thought I was going to be wheeled out and can't be worked on. Then I would laugh at how that would never happen. And if it did and they were mean, I could just walk out. Remind yourself that they've studied teeth for over a decade. So they really want to help ppl. And trust me, waiting and wondering was much worse for me. I start to think too much. Once you're done, you'll feel so proud that you overcame your fear. Good luck! =)
Everyone has been in your position at some time or another. I didn't go for 5 years and was terrified. Now I go every 6 months and I still get nervous. Call them and book the earliest appt they have available. It'll give you less time to worry or dread. Tell yourself to,"Get it over with!" Esp when you feel scared. Make plans for after the dentist. I planned a movie fest w/friends. That way, I looked forward to the plans and the dentist was something I had to do before then. Once I got there, I told everyone that I was really scared. My dentist was super gentle and nice. Once in the chair, close your eyes. Play with your ring or your bracelet or bring a mp3 player to listen to. Take a look at a calendar. Two months from now, so much stuff will have happened or will happen that the dental appt was just something you had to do. No, you're not a loser. Everyone's scared. Tell yourself,"what's the worse that can happen?" I would think of the most absurd thing. I thought I was going to be wheeled out and can't be worked on. Then I would laugh at how that would never happen. And if it did and they were mean, I could just walk out. Remind yourself that they've studied teeth for over a decade. So they really want to help ppl. And trust me, waiting and wondering was much worse for me. I start to think too much. Once you're done, you'll feel so proud that you overcame your fear. Good luck! =)
any dentists or dental professionals, please help?
i have a problem with my teeth, numbers 4&5 i believe. number 5 i had a root canal on several years ago, but never crowned it & it started to decay so my dentist put a filling in it to "tide me over". last year # 4 started to hurt badly and he sent me to an endodlogist who took xrays and said that the filling was really close to the nerve, but didn't mention that there was any abscess-and offered to do a root canal. I don't have dental insurance to pay for a root canal and 2 crowns, so i was going to get a partial, but my dentist wouldn't pull them because he said i was too young to be missing so many teeth. i woke up this morning and my gums and cheek are swollen around that area and it is very painful to bite down and chew-i can only assume that it is an abscess on # 4 i do have antibiotics-because i know that they won't perform anything until the infection is cured, but what should i do once it goes away? bridge, partial, or take out a loan for the root canal & crowns? thanks!
As a dentist myself it sounds like you have a very serious problem on your hands. Most likely you do have an abscess, although we usually like to treat these teeth after antibiotics have had time to start working you might want to consider calling your regular dentist (or a new dentist) for an emergency appointment- you will still need to be placed on antibiotic therapy, but if the tooth needs to be extracted then your dentist might want go ahead and pull the tooth immediately (depending on how bad the situation is). For your situation it sounds like you might need a new dentist, we do usually like for a person to keep as many natural teeth as possible, but sometimes finances etc play a big part in the decision and your dentist should listen to YOU and how you are feeling. If you can't get an appointment with your dentist then you might should consider a trip to your local ER until you can see him/her, this way the ER physician will be able to begin you on antibiotics until you can been seen by your dentist. Until then try taking Motrin (ibuprofen) for pain, this will help reduce and swelling and will also help relieve pain. Also use cold compresses, NEVER use hot/warm compresses as this can cause a possible infection to worsen and spread more rapidly. Good luck and PLEASE see a dentist or ER doctor as soon as possible as an abscess is a very serious and possibly life threatening condition if not treated.
As a dentist myself it sounds like you have a very serious problem on your hands. Most likely you do have an abscess, although we usually like to treat these teeth after antibiotics have had time to start working you might want to consider calling your regular dentist (or a new dentist) for an emergency appointment- you will still need to be placed on antibiotic therapy, but if the tooth needs to be extracted then your dentist might want go ahead and pull the tooth immediately (depending on how bad the situation is). For your situation it sounds like you might need a new dentist, we do usually like for a person to keep as many natural teeth as possible, but sometimes finances etc play a big part in the decision and your dentist should listen to YOU and how you are feeling. If you can't get an appointment with your dentist then you might should consider a trip to your local ER until you can see him/her, this way the ER physician will be able to begin you on antibiotics until you can been seen by your dentist. Until then try taking Motrin (ibuprofen) for pain, this will help reduce and swelling and will also help relieve pain. Also use cold compresses, NEVER use hot/warm compresses as this can cause a possible infection to worsen and spread more rapidly. Good luck and PLEASE see a dentist or ER doctor as soon as possible as an abscess is a very serious and possibly life threatening condition if not treated.
a dental question from a co-worker?
ok my co-worker has no insurance and he was asking me, how much would it cost to get his teeth right, or at least ok. here's his current problems: overjet aka overbite a few gaps in the frontal area cavities and now a cavity is takin a pain effect i told ill see whats going on, should he hurry up and get dental insurance? is it worth it, most jobs have sorry dental plans. how much would it cost him without insurance? his problems are pretty common. so on a serious note, what shall he do?
He needs to prioritize: the decay needs fixed immediately. Even if he needs to do one filling at a time for financial reasons. If he can get insurance right away, that would be great, but you're right... it is limiting and in the US usually only covers a maximum of $1,000/year. Fillings are less when they are little and can grow fast....chu-ching! chu-ching! One surface of a tooth (you can have decay on mulitple surfaces) can cost anywhere from $100-300. The longer he waits, the bigger they get, the more they cost. In addition, if the decay is moving quickly, it can reach the pulp tissue (nerve) inside the tooth and cause irreversible damage resulting in the need for a root canal to save the tooth. Those run anywhere from $900-2000 A TOOTH (depending on where you are in the world of course)! Then it would likely need to be fully covered by a crown to protect it... those cost another $800-2500 per tooth. If there is one tooth in which the decay is deep or large, tell him not to wait until he has insurance or decides what to do with the other ones! Also, overjets and overbites are two different issues. In certain cases, if the molars and premolars in the back function properly together (group function) it is POSSIBLE he may be a candidate for porcelain laminate veneers or porcelain crowns to straighten the teeth and make them appear to be in a more normal position but a dentist would have to evaluate him. Obviously orthodontics are his best option. Tell him to google invisalign, only an orthodontist could tell him if he a good candidate. Either way he needs the decay fixed. One more thing to think about: if the decay is large and covers multiple surfaces, he could be looking at $500 or more per tooth to repair it. If this is the scenario... he should consider porcelain veneers or crowns, these could potentially cover the defect from the decay and fix his smile at the same time. Long shot but worth the conversation. If he has allot of decay everywhere, I suggest he dedicates himself to brushing and flossing and ask his dentist about a prescription toothpaste called Prevident. Good luck to your friend!
He needs to prioritize: the decay needs fixed immediately. Even if he needs to do one filling at a time for financial reasons. If he can get insurance right away, that would be great, but you're right... it is limiting and in the US usually only covers a maximum of $1,000/year. Fillings are less when they are little and can grow fast....chu-ching! chu-ching! One surface of a tooth (you can have decay on mulitple surfaces) can cost anywhere from $100-300. The longer he waits, the bigger they get, the more they cost. In addition, if the decay is moving quickly, it can reach the pulp tissue (nerve) inside the tooth and cause irreversible damage resulting in the need for a root canal to save the tooth. Those run anywhere from $900-2000 A TOOTH (depending on where you are in the world of course)! Then it would likely need to be fully covered by a crown to protect it... those cost another $800-2500 per tooth. If there is one tooth in which the decay is deep or large, tell him not to wait until he has insurance or decides what to do with the other ones! Also, overjets and overbites are two different issues. In certain cases, if the molars and premolars in the back function properly together (group function) it is POSSIBLE he may be a candidate for porcelain laminate veneers or porcelain crowns to straighten the teeth and make them appear to be in a more normal position but a dentist would have to evaluate him. Obviously orthodontics are his best option. Tell him to google invisalign, only an orthodontist could tell him if he a good candidate. Either way he needs the decay fixed. One more thing to think about: if the decay is large and covers multiple surfaces, he could be looking at $500 or more per tooth to repair it. If this is the scenario... he should consider porcelain veneers or crowns, these could potentially cover the defect from the decay and fix his smile at the same time. Long shot but worth the conversation. If he has allot of decay everywhere, I suggest he dedicates himself to brushing and flossing and ask his dentist about a prescription toothpaste called Prevident. Good luck to your friend!
Where can I get orthodontist supplement insurance?
I have basic dental coverage but no Ortho care. I need a supplement for orthodontist work for my children. Any suggestions for great companies would be awesome! Websites would help also that explain benefits and prices.
I was quoted $4500 for mine, But only paid $2200 because of this great plan I have. Then I worked out a payment plan with the orthodontist to make it affordable for me. I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services since.. From extractions , xrays, exams, fillings, cleanings..etc Though prices may vary where you live but the savings are still incredible. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
I was quoted $4500 for mine, But only paid $2200 because of this great plan I have. Then I worked out a payment plan with the orthodontist to make it affordable for me. I would encourage you to visit this great site: I signed up online over 5 years ago and they have saved me thousands of dollars on all services since.. From extractions , xrays, exams, fillings, cleanings..etc Though prices may vary where you live but the savings are still incredible. They even had my affordable benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use them the very same day. Good luck and hope this helps.
Affordable Dental Care In PA?
Hello...I am writing in regards to finding any affordable dental care or dentists who accept payment plans in PA? My mother needs alot of work to fix older bridges, fillings, etc... Unfortunately she has no dental insurance or health insurance for that matter, due to her employer not offering insurance (she's a waitress). I have been searching non stop for any help what so ever and so far I've come up with just about nothing. Paying in full upfront is not an option, due to not having much in savings and the normal everyday expense of living. I feel horrible for her and I know she is embarrassed and scared. I wish I could help financially but unfortunately I don't have much to spare either. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks so much for your time!
As far as my knowing,it is a question with various answers,it is definitely depending on the your mind ,providing a great resource here… for reference though.
As far as my knowing,it is a question with various answers,it is definitely depending on the your mind ,providing a great resource here… for reference though.
Can someone give me an estimate of what to expect on my tax return?
Single mother, head of household 3 children Full time college student (5,970 Unsub loans this year, 3,482 Sub loans) Full time employment (10,640 true gross) Medical Insurance (2,874 this year) Dental Insurance (224 this year) I was hoping someone could give me a ballpark figure of what to anticipate. Thank you in advance for your time and mathematical skills!
Probably $4781 for EIC, $400 for the Making Work Pay credit. maybe $3000 for the additional child tax credit if the kids are all under age 17, and something for the American Opportunity credit if your tuition and fees were paid from the loans and not grants. Plus anything back that was withheld for federal income tax.
Probably $4781 for EIC, $400 for the Making Work Pay credit. maybe $3000 for the additional child tax credit if the kids are all under age 17, and something for the American Opportunity credit if your tuition and fees were paid from the loans and not grants. Plus anything back that was withheld for federal income tax.
How did you straighten your teeth?
So I have an overjet. Although braces, and invaslign are an option, I can't consider them right now since they are costly and I have no dental insurance. This question goes out to the people who had a similiar dental problem, but the question is if they had bad teeth before, how did they fix it? Someone told me before that using your thumb to push them back will work......any other suggestions? Thanks!
Don't do anything foolish, as you mentioned. If your teeth are not straight, wearing braces is the only answer. If you feel you can't afford them, look into some programs that may offer some financial assistance and even consider a loan. A smile is worth a thousand words... so why not make yours a nice smile! It says A LOT about you! Good luck! ;)
Don't do anything foolish, as you mentioned. If your teeth are not straight, wearing braces is the only answer. If you feel you can't afford them, look into some programs that may offer some financial assistance and even consider a loan. A smile is worth a thousand words... so why not make yours a nice smile! It says A LOT about you! Good luck! ;)
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