I'm 25, haven't been to the dentist in 10 years because of severe anxiety. My wisdom teeth are starting to bother me and 3 are probably impacted, all are through the gum though. They all started to hurt at the same time so I plan on getting them out a.s.a.p. I think I have cavities on all the teeth next to the wisdoms because they're too close together. Anyway, I have no dental insurance and I'm on a limited budget. I have $1,000 in Care Credit and can save $200 a month in cash for dental work. I know my wisdoms need to come out NOW, but I have just enough money to go straight to the oral surgeon's for my xrays, consultation and removal. I spoke to them and got the max. total cost. I am wondering if I should go to the dentist's first instead and have him do the xrays and refer me to the surgeon. Is that the normal way of doing this and would it save me any money to do it this way? Because if I spend the money on a dentist's appt. (he can't pull them because he doesn't do sedation) I may not have enough for the surgery and I can't take it much longer. I do need my cavities fixed though before I end up needing root canals which I just cannot have with my anxiety/lack of money :(
well i dont think u have the luxury of time to wait or waste more time..u should straight away go to a dental surgeon..he will do the xrays for u and give u consultation and the removal with one straight shot and without the need of having 2 opinions which can also be a hazarad. and its probably the safe shot to do this because wisdom teeth are usually prefered to be removed anyways..fixing them required continuse care and alot of money waste (like i did) and it can also be dameging to ur other teeth.. take care and all the luck in ur surgeory
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Is this common in New York?
Couple of the lines on my divorce summons: "Judgment directing Defendant to maintain life insurance coverage on Defendant's life with Plaintiff to be designated as irrevocable beneficiary." "Judgment directing Defendant to maintain medical and dental insurance coverage for the benefit of the Plaintiff" Me=Defendant Wife=Plaintiff I have my reservations about those so I wanted to see if anyone had already had some sort of experience with these two. Thank you, JM
Being in NY has nothing to do with it. Your wife obviously just had a better lawyer. Get a decent lawyer and contest the terms, just make sure you have valid, logical reasons for not covering her insurance and letting her have your life insurance benefits. If she has been dependant on you--i.e. you were sole provider--she has a case, but you can definitely maintain that she is a grown woman and can provide these things for herself. Do you have children? If so, benefits should go to them. If not, you can give your benefits to someone else.
Being in NY has nothing to do with it. Your wife obviously just had a better lawyer. Get a decent lawyer and contest the terms, just make sure you have valid, logical reasons for not covering her insurance and letting her have your life insurance benefits. If she has been dependant on you--i.e. you were sole provider--she has a case, but you can definitely maintain that she is a grown woman and can provide these things for herself. Do you have children? If so, benefits should go to them. If not, you can give your benefits to someone else.
Do cavities cause bad breath?
I have two cavities that got worse and as a result, I had to get a root canal done for both teeth. But I notice a bad odor coming from those two particular teeth. How do I stop this? What's the best remedy? I know I need to go visit the dentist, but I have no money or health/dental insurance. I want permanent results, not temporary masks. I know I have halitosis because whenever I talk to people, they back away from me. It's really embarassing. I don't mean to offend anyone. This is why I feel insecure talking face to face with people. Yes, I do floss and brush at least twice a day. No matter what I do, it doesn't go away. I want to be confident talking to others. One dentist told me I have the early signs of periodonal disease, so can that be it too? Damn it, I don't understand how I have so much dental problems when I take care of my teeth very well. Yes, I have a sweet tooth and I ate a lot of junk food in the past, but I always brush my teeth afterward. WTH?
Try rinsing your mouth with peroxide and eat mints. That is all you can do in your situation unless you go to a dentist where they can open your gums and drain the pus out or drill the rotten part out of your teeth and recap them getting rid of the odors. THey seem infected. I don't know what state you live in, but most places have low cost or free dentists. Like Mercy College in Mi. Call around to colleges in your area. They may have dental colleges with students willing to clean and repair your teeth for almost free or a grade for them. I had my teeth done for free by a student and he did ok. Call around now.
Try rinsing your mouth with peroxide and eat mints. That is all you can do in your situation unless you go to a dentist where they can open your gums and drain the pus out or drill the rotten part out of your teeth and recap them getting rid of the odors. THey seem infected. I don't know what state you live in, but most places have low cost or free dentists. Like Mercy College in Mi. Call around to colleges in your area. They may have dental colleges with students willing to clean and repair your teeth for almost free or a grade for them. I had my teeth done for free by a student and he did ok. Call around now.
Where should I start first? Dentist or Periodontist? Advice?
Right now I'm pretty sure I have a form of periodontitis. I'm also pregnant and I haven't seen a dentist in a few years. I have no dental insurance, but I did talk to a dentists office that said something about AmeriPlan dental and they got me interested in them. Anyways, I'm confused as to where to start. I know if I have periodontitis, my dentist will refer me to a periodontist, so I'm worried about signing up for the Ameriplan if they won't even take it. Where should I start? Should I get a consultation visit with a dentist or a periodontist?
Start off by seeing a general dentist first. Unless your gum problems are very advanced and severe, they will not refer you to a periodontist. Most gum treatment can be handled in your family dentist's office. It will also be less expensive if a specialist isn't needed. good luck.
Start off by seeing a general dentist first. Unless your gum problems are very advanced and severe, they will not refer you to a periodontist. Most gum treatment can be handled in your family dentist's office. It will also be less expensive if a specialist isn't needed. good luck.
Fix teeth or try to conceive?
I have been trying to get pregnant for 5 years now. We have a 6 yr old. Tried 3 tries with clomid, first one worked, but ended in miscarriage in January. Now I have a stronger dose of clomid to try, but got bad news from my dentist when I went for the first time in 7 years. I have pretty bad teeth. 12 cavities, and one of those needs a root canal. The root canal will cost about $2000 and to fix the rest of my cavities will be about $2000 so I'm looking at about $4000. We don't have any dental insurance. We have health insurance that covers big things (like pregnancies) after a 2500 deductable. We can use the money in our HSA for things like the dentist, but it doesn't come off of the deductable. So, all but $2500 of a pregnancy will be covered, but the dentist is coming straight from our pockets. I've signed up with CareCredit which helps, but just got 2 teeth fixed and now have a $42 a month bill ( $433 total) which we can pay off in 2-3 months so that's not a problem. I can only charge up to $3000 on it and each time I go is another per month bill. Like $42 + $42(if I were to get the same amount of work done), so my bill would be $84 per month. Our money in our HSA is gone due to all the dentist appts for me and my family plus all my doctor appts and hospital bills(miscarriage, lab work, and ultrasound). We have $44 a week going into the HSA. I just don't know if I should get my teeth fixed first ( which could very likely take me a full year or two to afford) or ttc first which may or may not work. My root canal appt isn't until the end of Sept., but that might have to get pushed back due to money issues. My aunt ( who is 7 yrs younger than me - long story) is going to start ttc her 3rd in october and I know that's totally going to depress me since it happens right away for her without even trying. I'm not getting any younger ( 32 in September) so it's only going to get harder. But I wonder how much longer these teeth can go without getting filled? Obviously waiting 7 years led to at least one root canal. I was going to get them filled 7 years ago, but go pregnant with my son after getting 2 filled. Then just never had the money to get them fixed after. What would you do?
Get on a supplemental plan with no waiting periods asap and fix your teeth. I recommend dentalservice4less.com
Get on a supplemental plan with no waiting periods asap and fix your teeth. I recommend dentalservice4less.com
Where should I start first? Dentist or Periodontist? Advice?
Right now I'm pretty sure I have a form of periodontitis. I'm also pregnant and I haven't seen a dentist in a few years. I have no dental insurance, but I did talk to a dentists office that said something about AmeriPlan dental and they got me interested in them. Anyways, I'm confused as to where to start. I know if I have periodontitis, my dentist will refer me to a periodontist, so I'm worried about signing up for the Ameriplan if they won't even take it. Where should I start? Should I get a consultation visit with a dentist or a periodontist?
Start off by seeing a general dentist first. Unless your gum problems are very advanced and severe, they will not refer you to a periodontist. Most gum treatment can be handled in your family dentist's office. It will also be less expensive if a specialist isn't needed. good luck.
Start off by seeing a general dentist first. Unless your gum problems are very advanced and severe, they will not refer you to a periodontist. Most gum treatment can be handled in your family dentist's office. It will also be less expensive if a specialist isn't needed. good luck.
Do I need jaw realignment?
In the past two years, I have removed 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth. I never thought I needed to removed them, because they were growing in straight and were not affecting anything else, but I removed them anyway. Now, I still have one wisdom tooth left but my jaw feels unaligned. My back molars no longer meet like they used to, and when I wake up every morning my jaw aches, sometimes all day, and sometimes results in headaches. For example, if I set my jaw down in a position that only one side of my molars meet then I am unable to open my jaw all the way, but if I realign it to set down on the opposite side, I can move it freely. The issue is that I'm a student about to graduate college with only the military Tricare Standard insurance for dependents, which does not cover dental insurance. So I need to know if I need any procedure done, or just a simple night guard to help the sleep discomfort.
you should visit the dentist if he thinks that your teeth are not meeting properly and they need adjustment, he will do that or he will give you the night guard. it looks like from your symptoms that you are having the problem of bruxism. for more information on bruxism you can visit the following link http://www.identalhub.com/ArticleSubCate…
you should visit the dentist if he thinks that your teeth are not meeting properly and they need adjustment, he will do that or he will give you the night guard. it looks like from your symptoms that you are having the problem of bruxism. for more information on bruxism you can visit the following link http://www.identalhub.com/ArticleSubCate…
For anyone on great lakes health insurance...?
Is dental covered with it?? I am on Great Lakes and I thought dental wasn't covered but my aunt has the same thing and she said she gets her dental cleanings, ect. for free... so what is up with that? Anyone know?
?? Yes, I know ?? Great Lakes has several different plans. Some include dental. Some include vision and glasses. Some don't have anything other than straight in-hospital coverage. You can call your company to verify, but I'm sure this is correct.
?? Yes, I know ?? Great Lakes has several different plans. Some include dental. Some include vision and glasses. Some don't have anything other than straight in-hospital coverage. You can call your company to verify, but I'm sure this is correct.
UCLA dental school .... good idea or not?
I need to have a lot of work done. I need an implant on one tooth and a crown on another. I am currently a student with little money, but luckily I am insured under my parents. But still, with insurance, this will be very expensive if I go to a private practice and I know UCLA takes my insurance. So is it worth it to go and have UCLA students work on my teeth? Also how much cheaper is it? Please anyone who has done this before I could use some advice. Thank you.
Visiting a respected dental school such as the dental school at UCLA shouldn't be a problem. The students are under constant supervision, and if they're actually working on your teeth, then they should already have their liscense. (At least I'm sure that's the case here in Virginia) Depending on the case, then you may be able to get a discount on the procedure, especially if it's for educational purposes.
Visiting a respected dental school such as the dental school at UCLA shouldn't be a problem. The students are under constant supervision, and if they're actually working on your teeth, then they should already have their liscense. (At least I'm sure that's the case here in Virginia) Depending on the case, then you may be able to get a discount on the procedure, especially if it's for educational purposes.
plz help! get it pulled?
one of my teeth had a filling a few years ago and always bothered me, very sensative and i thought i might have cracked it when eating hard candy months later but my dentist couldn't find anything wrong....so i lived with the pain and later went to another dentist who said i needed a root canal right away! so i did but after that it still hurt (it's been a year since root canal) and now it has had like a hard bubble above it for months...now today the skin on my gum looks white and red and it's peeling!!! so i put hydrogyn poroxide on it...should i just get it pulled? i can't afford to get all the bridge work or crown cuz i don't have dental insurance! it's kinda in the back so you wouln't notice much if i just got it pulled...
You should avoid having the tooth pulled if at all possible. The problem with this is that all of your teeth will start to shift, to fill the space, if the tooth isn't there. You NEED to go back to the dentist who did the root canal...He clearly didn't do his job right, because a root canal is supposed to take out all of the things that would allow you to feel pain from that tooth. He should fix this, and he should not charge you for the work, considering you've already paid for the root canal. Also, if it ends up being something more involved, check with your county or state offices, as they can often provide "emergency", short-term insurance for things like this.
You should avoid having the tooth pulled if at all possible. The problem with this is that all of your teeth will start to shift, to fill the space, if the tooth isn't there. You NEED to go back to the dentist who did the root canal...He clearly didn't do his job right, because a root canal is supposed to take out all of the things that would allow you to feel pain from that tooth. He should fix this, and he should not charge you for the work, considering you've already paid for the root canal. Also, if it ends up being something more involved, check with your county or state offices, as they can often provide "emergency", short-term insurance for things like this.
i am 12 and i need braces bad we make enough to afford them and i have a gap in between my two frount teeth and one of them is chipped but i dnt have dental insurance so i am willing to work and pay for them how much do i have to make to pay for them
awww omg i think ur such a strong person and u must really care about your appearance and i really salute you for wanted to work to pay for them well i dont no what country you are from but im from england n we hav a service called the nhs and if you are under 16 you get then free hav a look at the type of services you can find if there is any as you may be entitled to them bein free... i really hope it works out for you as you seem such a luvly person xxxxxxx
awww omg i think ur such a strong person and u must really care about your appearance and i really salute you for wanted to work to pay for them well i dont no what country you are from but im from england n we hav a service called the nhs and if you are under 16 you get then free hav a look at the type of services you can find if there is any as you may be entitled to them bein free... i really hope it works out for you as you seem such a luvly person xxxxxxx
how much does a basic white filling cost?
without insurance? Just a ballpark estimate. I have western dental and its like $250 and i hate them :( i had a small cavity and they drilled out half my freakin tooth!!
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - health-quotes.talk4fun.net
Constant bleeding gums! Help!?
I'm 22 and haven't been able to go to a dentist since I was 16 due to lack of dental insurance. I brush regularly and also floss but I haven't had my wisdom teeth pulled out (I believe almost all 4 are almost completely grown in or partly) and it seems as though my gums are receding very badly in the front. The past year I haven't been able to brush w/o my gums bleeding at least a little bit and sometimes they will bleed for no reason. I'm very worried about my teeth and what will happen to them, I even have dreams that they are falling out! I'm curious what I should do about my problem or what may be happening to me.
If there is a dental school in your area, try going there for dental treatment. Their fees are usually half of what a private dentist charges. Hope this helps!
If there is a dental school in your area, try going there for dental treatment. Their fees are usually half of what a private dentist charges. Hope this helps!
Braces?! Some Questions...?
I need to get braces & here are some of the things I was wondering... I'm 13, & I live in Ohio 1: On average, WITHOUT dental insurance... how much do they cost? 2: On average, how much are you required to pay a month? 3: What's the average down payment on them? 4: Tell me important details about them? Thanks a ton!
1. $4500 in total w/out insurance. 2. $135 per month 3. $1100 down payment 4. your payments will be for around 23 months. The figures I gave you are just estimates. Each orthodontist is different.
1. $4500 in total w/out insurance. 2. $135 per month 3. $1100 down payment 4. your payments will be for around 23 months. The figures I gave you are just estimates. Each orthodontist is different.
Dentist committed fraud?!?
Okay .. kind of a long story, but i had several crowns done at a local dentist. He told me they would be porcelain crowns, NOT porcelain fused to metal. He wanted to charge me the full fees, but part of my PPO dental insurance plan states that since he is a participating dentist, I only have to pay the fee schedule amounts. The dentist submitted the claim to insurance as a porcelain crown (and charged me the corresponding fee schedule amount). I have since discovered they actually put on porcelain fused to metal crowns (the line is already showing). Is this not insurance fraud? I'm very upset about this and considering legal action. Mind you, I have spent over $6,000 on these crowns.
This is not fraud, it's miscommunication. (a dentist will NOT lose his license for this--geez). Porcelain fused to metal crowns have been the norm for quite some time, it was that or gold. There have been a lot of advances in the last few years on all porcelain crowns. They do look better and DO cost a little more than PFM's but not a huge difference. The metal on PFM's usually doesn't show when they are first placed but birthdays and poor hygiene can cause the gums to recede and expose the metal. Just because the metal shows doesn't mean that it isn't protecting your tooth underneath. X-rays will show if it has good margins (edges) or decay underneath. I doubt they were trying to decieve you with what they submitted unless they submitted all porcelain and placed PFM. It's just a 4 digit code number. PFM'S have one and all porcelain has one. Make sure they submitted what was put on you. Most insurances that cover "major" dental work--which includes crowns--will pay 50% of the crown. Participating dentists adjust their fees according to their contract with the insurance company. The billing person at your dental office can explain your EOB (explanation of benefits) to you. The doctor can replace them but it doesn't have to be at his expense unless you have a written treatment plan that states they were to be all porcelain crowns and he or the lab made a mistake. Removing PFM's isn't the easiest thing to do either. I don't think you have much recourse legally but if you want to spend more money trying, it's your choice. ASK QUESTIONS PEOPLE! Too many people just bumble along blindly. You have to take responsibilty for your own health care these days and be informed on what is being done to you. Whether it's your dentist, doctor, surgeon, pharmacist............ASK QUESTIONS!
This is not fraud, it's miscommunication. (a dentist will NOT lose his license for this--geez). Porcelain fused to metal crowns have been the norm for quite some time, it was that or gold. There have been a lot of advances in the last few years on all porcelain crowns. They do look better and DO cost a little more than PFM's but not a huge difference. The metal on PFM's usually doesn't show when they are first placed but birthdays and poor hygiene can cause the gums to recede and expose the metal. Just because the metal shows doesn't mean that it isn't protecting your tooth underneath. X-rays will show if it has good margins (edges) or decay underneath. I doubt they were trying to decieve you with what they submitted unless they submitted all porcelain and placed PFM. It's just a 4 digit code number. PFM'S have one and all porcelain has one. Make sure they submitted what was put on you. Most insurances that cover "major" dental work--which includes crowns--will pay 50% of the crown. Participating dentists adjust their fees according to their contract with the insurance company. The billing person at your dental office can explain your EOB (explanation of benefits) to you. The doctor can replace them but it doesn't have to be at his expense unless you have a written treatment plan that states they were to be all porcelain crowns and he or the lab made a mistake. Removing PFM's isn't the easiest thing to do either. I don't think you have much recourse legally but if you want to spend more money trying, it's your choice. ASK QUESTIONS PEOPLE! Too many people just bumble along blindly. You have to take responsibilty for your own health care these days and be informed on what is being done to you. Whether it's your dentist, doctor, surgeon, pharmacist............ASK QUESTIONS!
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