My back teeth on the left side have been throbbing for three days now. I'm six weeks pregnant, which rules out any major pain relievers, and my dental insurance doesn't kick in for another month. My doc gave me permission to use ibuprofin, but it only works for an hour or so. I've tried salt rinse, baking soda, ground clove, vanilla, heat, ice - nothing seems to work. I'm going on less than two hours of sleep a night. Does anyone have ANYTHING that might help? I've got a husband who works all day, a six year old with a thousand questions, and an eighteen month old - I have to get some relief. Any suggestions, no matter how strange, would be a great help. Thanks!
whoa-first of all i would not use ibuprofin! it can cause bleeding while pregant! and i would also go see a dentist for sure-if you are in this much pain you probably have a tooth that is infected-get it checked soon! other than that- it seems that you have tried just about everything! you probably need antibiotics and a root canal treatment or extraction. good luck, and im sorry your in so much pain.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Toothache pain relief?
I have a tooth that is starting to cause ALOT of pain during work and at night. I have been taking Ibuprofen constantly and it only works for a couple hours then the pain is back again. I have tried the numbing ointments (that taste aweful and only last about 30 minutes) nothing has worked good enough. my dad has said something about putting clover oil on the tooth or something like that?? WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO RELIEVE TOOTHACHE PAIN?? I am waiting for my dental insurance to go into effect so I can go to a dentist to get this fixed so I need relief until then...
Save 80% at licensed Dental Providers in the US. Call their number, 210-542-2468. My friend Melissa saw a dentist 30 minutes after signing up and saved over 50%. She had to get two teeth pulled one of which was broken down to the gum.
Save 80% at licensed Dental Providers in the US. Call their number, 210-542-2468. My friend Melissa saw a dentist 30 minutes after signing up and saved over 50%. She had to get two teeth pulled one of which was broken down to the gum.
i need help finding a dentist?
My mother is a great mom and a wonderful Grandmother. It kills me her youngest daughter to see her in pain. She has bad teeth and some of them and have even broke off. She cant eat certain meats because of this,and unfortunately she cant afford any kind of dental insurance. I was wondering if someone could suggest some kind of service like medicaid or something to that nature,a free clinic, she needs a substantial amount of work done and my older sister and I can help with payments or something, I don't know and cant stand to see her in pain. PLEASE any suggestions will be Help. Thank you
You didn't say where she's located but there are dental schools in almost every state. They do excellent treatment and the fees are reasonable, as the students do the work. This may be your best bet although the treatments take time to be accomplished. There are also clinics, usually privately funded with donations, that do treatments at reduced rates. Each large town usually will have something like this.
You didn't say where she's located but there are dental schools in almost every state. They do excellent treatment and the fees are reasonable, as the students do the work. This may be your best bet although the treatments take time to be accomplished. There are also clinics, usually privately funded with donations, that do treatments at reduced rates. Each large town usually will have something like this.
What is the cheapest way to restore tooth enamel?
I'm looking for a relatively low-cost way to restore tooth enamel. I know that all of those toothpastes and mouthwashes out there simply strengthen tooth enamel. So, what's the cheapest way, preferably safe and/or through a dentist, that I can restore tooth enamel? I only have minor wear on the ends of my eight front teeth. Generally, veneers, caps, crowns, etc. are thousands of dollars to get. If that's my only option, can anyone give me a price range, per tooth, for any of these options? I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical and Dental insurance, so if you do too and have had similar procedures, I'd especially appreciate your advice. Thanks!
tip: try to drink from a straw as much as possible. this will help to refrain from losing tooth enamel. find some time and go to your nearest store; try finding a toothpaste and a mouthwash or anything else you can find that says they help strengthen your tooth enamel (Crest has some). look for 'fluoride' in them. there are 3 types and all 3 are good. refrain from using whitening toothpastes; they don't work and weaken your enamel. hope this works! :]
tip: try to drink from a straw as much as possible. this will help to refrain from losing tooth enamel. find some time and go to your nearest store; try finding a toothpaste and a mouthwash or anything else you can find that says they help strengthen your tooth enamel (Crest has some). look for 'fluoride' in them. there are 3 types and all 3 are good. refrain from using whitening toothpastes; they don't work and weaken your enamel. hope this works! :]
3-weeks post partem and got my wisdom teeth removed? was it a mistake?
bc I have a newborn to tend to and have horrible numbness now for 4 hrs still from the novocaine and I hate it. but my dental insurance expires aug1 so that's why i had 2 get it done and 2 morrow is my b-day and didn't want2 spend my bday like that. so tell me, was it a dumb thing 2 do? I will be 25 tommorow and should've had them removed at 16 like most ppl, but they weren't impacted or anything just wanted 2 get rid of them.
No, sounds like you did the right thing to me! Numbness is more bearable than pain...besides it will be over soon,had you not gotten them removed,they'd still be causing you pain and you'd have no insurance to cover it! Have a great Birthday :)!!!!!!!! p.s. I would stay away from the high dose meds, they can leave you too groggy and aren't recommended while breast feeding.....Tylenol is still you best bet! (source: my doc)
No, sounds like you did the right thing to me! Numbness is more bearable than pain...besides it will be over soon,had you not gotten them removed,they'd still be causing you pain and you'd have no insurance to cover it! Have a great Birthday :)!!!!!!!! p.s. I would stay away from the high dose meds, they can leave you too groggy and aren't recommended while breast feeding.....Tylenol is still you best bet! (source: my doc)
Doctor or dentist for this pain?
Here's the story... I went to the dentist last Wednesday for a filling. This time it was for the 2nd to the last molar, about 3 weeks ago I went for a filling for the last molar. Thursday morning when I woke up I felt this horrible pain on the gum-line of my last molar and it looked redder than the rest of my mouth. I took motrin for the pain and brushed my teeth after every meal & rinsed with Listerine and it works as a temporary fix but the discomfort comes back. I was hoping it would go away by doing all these things. Well, it's Monday now & the pain feels weird. It feels like the pain goes down my throat and my ear aches a little. When I touch that part of the gum with my tongue it burns. My question is, should I go to the dentist or can I go to my doctor? I don't have any dental insurance.
You will need to go back to the dentist. You should call them and explain what is going on. They may agree to look at it for free since they did the work on it. I had problem with a filling I got a while back and my dentist agreed to see me and fix the problem at no charge.
You will need to go back to the dentist. You should call them and explain what is going on. They may agree to look at it for free since they did the work on it. I had problem with a filling I got a while back and my dentist agreed to see me and fix the problem at no charge.
Would you be upset with ex if....?
My ex is very much a control freak. I have taken my children (boy 8 , girl 12) to my dentist the past 3 years and have not requested for her to pay her portion (52%) of the bill. I took them the other day, and have to take them back to have cavaties filled. My son may require seeing an orthodontist in the future. I carry their dental insurance. My ex is upset with me because I took them without her knowledge. She told my son that it was "her job" to take them to all appointments. My question is: Would you be upset if your ex took the kids to the dentist and did not ask you to pay your portion?..
You said it right Jeff, it's just a control thing with her and she may be mad still about the divorce or by who you're dating now etc..I think it's great you take them to the dentist and spring for the bill. Keep up the good work my man. I'm a child support paying dad too and I got ripped off in court but who cares. I can look my kids in the eyes and know I've been there for them. Take care...
You said it right Jeff, it's just a control thing with her and she may be mad still about the divorce or by who you're dating now etc..I think it's great you take them to the dentist and spring for the bill. Keep up the good work my man. I'm a child support paying dad too and I got ripped off in court but who cares. I can look my kids in the eyes and know I've been there for them. Take care...
Fillings in baby teeth?
I Need Opinions!! My son just turned 3 and we went to the dentist for his first check-up and found out the he needs a filling and they want to cap his front two teeth because there is a huge cavity between them. Along with a few other things, the bill will be $1,700 for teeth that will fall out in 2 years. We don't have dental insurance (you bet though I will be taking it out by the end of today). A lot of people I have spoke with have said I should just leave his teeth since they are baby teeth, but I am not sure I am comfortable with this. What do you think if it was your child?
My six year old son had to have his top four teeth pulled out when he was two because of cavities. He had a partial to keep his teeth from shifting and we have had to have this put back in several times. Some children just get the short end of the stick when it comes to the teeth which is caused by hereditary genes. If you do not have the caps put on he will end up with a major cavity causing the tooth to need to be removed and a partial put in. In fact my now 3 year old had two silver caps on his top front teeth.
My six year old son had to have his top four teeth pulled out when he was two because of cavities. He had a partial to keep his teeth from shifting and we have had to have this put back in several times. Some children just get the short end of the stick when it comes to the teeth which is caused by hereditary genes. If you do not have the caps put on he will end up with a major cavity causing the tooth to need to be removed and a partial put in. In fact my now 3 year old had two silver caps on his top front teeth.
Root canal question...?
I saw a dentist last week and I was told I need a root canal on my top left front tooth. I had my front teeth knocked out when I was 16 and I've had an abscess above the top left front tooth ever since! It never caused me any problems, so I didn't think anything of it and never had it looked at. My husband just got dental insurance, so I decided to go in and have it looked at. The dentist said I needed a root canal and that it would have been draining this whole time, but in the 8 YEARS that I've had this, I've never once seen it drain. I think I would have noticed this. It only hurts when it's pushed on and the tooth can be sensitive at times. Also, I'm pregnant, so I would obviously love to avoid having a root canal if at all possible. Besides, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain. ;) What do you think? Help! Thank you.
It could have drained when eating, drinking, sleeping, pretty much whenever and it's possible that you wouldn't notice. It does sound like you need a root canal if there is an abscess. It's not good to be pregnant with an abscess either. Having infection in you is bad for the baby so you really should have it done to get it cleared up.
It could have drained when eating, drinking, sleeping, pretty much whenever and it's possible that you wouldn't notice. It does sound like you need a root canal if there is an abscess. It's not good to be pregnant with an abscess either. Having infection in you is bad for the baby so you really should have it done to get it cleared up.
job interview questions for school project. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
I need to do a school project on a job interview. And write an essay on the job, so I was hoping to ask who ever answers this question about the job you do. The job has to be interesting because I have to write about the job. Please answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. And leave your name or make a believable name up if you don't want me to have your real name. Feel free to add any other details about your job. Thanks in advanced. first please state you job. 1. What are your daily job duties and responsibilities? What is your favorite part of the job? Least favorite? Anything you would change? 2. Did you choose this job? If so, what influenced this decision? Does anyone else in your family do this work? 3. Did you at any point consider a different career path? If so why? Do you see yourself doing this work until you retire? 4. What were hardships, difficulties you had to face getting the job you have now? Such as school, money,etc. (If there are any) 5. Did your family support your decision to do this work? 6. Is the job what you expected it to be? Is it better than you imagined, or not what you hoped for? Tell me why? 7. Would you recommend others to this line of work? Is the pay good? Do you have benefits? Pension? 401K? Health/Dental Insurance? 8. Did you do anything else before you did the job your doing now? (Name your previous jobs) Would you ever consider doing any of these jobs again? Anyway that's it. Thanks for helping, and please leave anything about your job that is interesting, and tips on how you think I should write my essay about you. The more info the better! I might have to contact you. For more info, if I don't have enough for my paper...sorry if that would be annoying. (Just say so if you don't want me contacting you through yahoo anymore)
1. I teach 19 third graders. My duties include: teaching them language arts (reading/writing), English (their first language is Spanish) and math. I also need to teach them basic life skills like manners, respect, how to get along with eachother and responsibility. I also strive to keep them safe. My job includes a lot of paperwork and meetings. My favorite part of my job is when I get to really talk to the kids, especially one on one after school/ at recess, etc. Very rarely do I actually get to know them because the school day is so busy. My least favorite part of my job is the grading and report cards, etc. We don't get paid for all of this extra after school stuff. 2. I did choose this job. I told my mom I wanted to be a teacher when I was in the first grade. I really admired and looked up to my teachers and wanted to be one. No one else in my family does this job. 3. I have considered other career paths and may still try them out one day. I believe teaching is a very stressful job with very long hours. Sometimes I just want a job that I can leave at work. 4. I had to go to school for four years. I took out student loans and received grants for my schooling. I am still paying back my loans and it is very difficult financially right now. 5. Yes, my family respects my profession. My mom always buys me children's books at garage sales for my classroom library. :) 6. It is the job I expected it to be. I never thought it was going to be easy. I guess I never realized that it was going to have so many politics involved. There are a lot of arguements about the best way of doing things, etc. It also tends to sometimes be competitive. Those are things I didn't expect. 7. I would recommend others to this line of work if they really had a passion for it. If you don't have a passion for it, it won't be worth it. My pay is okay. I have great benefits including health and dental insurance. I have a retirement set up. 8. I started teaching straight out of college, but I did do lots of little jobs while in college and in the summers including: working in the mail room at my college, working in human resources at my college, working as a counselor at a summer camp, working as a recreational leader at a city park. I hope this helps! :) Good luck!!!
1. I teach 19 third graders. My duties include: teaching them language arts (reading/writing), English (their first language is Spanish) and math. I also need to teach them basic life skills like manners, respect, how to get along with eachother and responsibility. I also strive to keep them safe. My job includes a lot of paperwork and meetings. My favorite part of my job is when I get to really talk to the kids, especially one on one after school/ at recess, etc. Very rarely do I actually get to know them because the school day is so busy. My least favorite part of my job is the grading and report cards, etc. We don't get paid for all of this extra after school stuff. 2. I did choose this job. I told my mom I wanted to be a teacher when I was in the first grade. I really admired and looked up to my teachers and wanted to be one. No one else in my family does this job. 3. I have considered other career paths and may still try them out one day. I believe teaching is a very stressful job with very long hours. Sometimes I just want a job that I can leave at work. 4. I had to go to school for four years. I took out student loans and received grants for my schooling. I am still paying back my loans and it is very difficult financially right now. 5. Yes, my family respects my profession. My mom always buys me children's books at garage sales for my classroom library. :) 6. It is the job I expected it to be. I never thought it was going to be easy. I guess I never realized that it was going to have so many politics involved. There are a lot of arguements about the best way of doing things, etc. It also tends to sometimes be competitive. Those are things I didn't expect. 7. I would recommend others to this line of work if they really had a passion for it. If you don't have a passion for it, it won't be worth it. My pay is okay. I have great benefits including health and dental insurance. I have a retirement set up. 8. I started teaching straight out of college, but I did do lots of little jobs while in college and in the summers including: working in the mail room at my college, working in human resources at my college, working as a counselor at a summer camp, working as a recreational leader at a city park. I hope this helps! :) Good luck!!!
I just found out I have to get a tooth pulled by an oral surgeon. Anyone know how much this would cost?
Yesterday, my dentist told me that one of my back molars will have to be pulled by an oral surgeon. She gave me a couple of referrals, but before I make the calls, can anyone out there tell me an approximate cost? I do not yet know if it can be done with a local or general anesthetic, and I (sadly) do not have dental insurance.
I would encourage you to visit this website: I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental work and they have saved me thousands throughout the years. From Extractions, xray, exams, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use the same day. Good Luck.
I would encourage you to visit this website: I signed up online about 3 years ago now for all my dental work and they have saved me thousands throughout the years. From Extractions, xray, exams, cleanings...etc. All services are included in this very affordable plan. They even had my benefits active in 2 hours and was able to use the same day. Good Luck.
How can I help my horrible toothache?
I have had the worst toothache since 8pm, and it's now 7 in the morning. It woke me up when I was napping, and has been hurting since. I've tried everything from brushing my teeth, to make sure nothing was caught in there, to using mouthwash, swishing salt water, taking advil, and using a numbing gel. Nothing is seeming to help. The pain will die down for a bit, but then it comes right back. I don't have enough money for a dentist appointment right now (no dental insurance), so I am kind of screwed. The pain is so excruciating that it's making me feel a little dizzy, and I was having a mini-panic attack. Any suggestions as to what I could do to at least sooth this thing until I get a hold of some cash for a dentist appointment?
Well it sounds to me like you have done everything! But you can try one more thing and that is applying heat. Sometimes that can work wonders! Also if you don't have a heating pad you can use a washcloth, wet it, and put it in the microwave. Usually 20-25 secs will do it, but be careful to not burn yourself because they can get really hot really fast. Hoped this helped!
Well it sounds to me like you have done everything! But you can try one more thing and that is applying heat. Sometimes that can work wonders! Also if you don't have a heating pad you can use a washcloth, wet it, and put it in the microwave. Usually 20-25 secs will do it, but be careful to not burn yourself because they can get really hot really fast. Hoped this helped!
another wisdom tooth possible?!?
i had a wisdom tooth pulled last august. for about a week now, i noticed that part of my gum really sensitive and recently becoming painful and swollen. i put my finger in the back of my mouth and i felt the top part of a tooth poke through. now, a week after i noticed that, u can actually see a tooth there, i had my mom and husband look, and they can see the tooth half way out of my gum. i thought once they get pulled its done...i didnt think it was possible to get another one, is it? i have new dental insurance, so its going to be at least 2 months before a dentist can see me, anything i can do for the pain of the tooth? orajel helps a little, but not long enough
Prior to removing the wisdom teeth, your dentist/oral surgeon would have taken dental x-rays to ensure they removed the teeth successfully. It's highly unlikely that they left a tooth behind. What it sounds like is a sequestrum - a remaining fragment of bone that was dislodged when the teeth were extracted which is now working it's way out of your mouth. I'd call the office just to let your Dr. know what's going on - he'd definitely have some recommendations as to how to handle the discomfort.
Prior to removing the wisdom teeth, your dentist/oral surgeon would have taken dental x-rays to ensure they removed the teeth successfully. It's highly unlikely that they left a tooth behind. What it sounds like is a sequestrum - a remaining fragment of bone that was dislodged when the teeth were extracted which is now working it's way out of your mouth. I'd call the office just to let your Dr. know what's going on - he'd definitely have some recommendations as to how to handle the discomfort.
I'm having pain in just 1 tooth....?
Ok so, this morning while taking a shower, one of my teeth on the bottom just started hurting really bad. Then right before I got out I spit some blood out of my mouth, I went and looked in the bathroom mirror and I couldn't see where the blood was coming from but it wasn't the tooth, but I spit blood about 3 more times. My tooth is really hurting right now. I haven't been to the Dentist in years, because we can't afford it (and I don't have dental insurance) and I'm 19. What could it be? A cavity? Thanks, Cory
hey not fun, I agree with the other poster, you really need a dentist. It could be evidence of gum disease, an abcess in the tooth/gums, sign of cavity and it also could be evidence of something more sinister. You should def. get it checked out, You probably need a check up and possibly most likely need a course of antibiotics. Don't let it get any worse, please go and get it looked at ASAP.
hey not fun, I agree with the other poster, you really need a dentist. It could be evidence of gum disease, an abcess in the tooth/gums, sign of cavity and it also could be evidence of something more sinister. You should def. get it checked out, You probably need a check up and possibly most likely need a course of antibiotics. Don't let it get any worse, please go and get it looked at ASAP.
Are under bites so bad?
I'm 16 and have had an under bite for as long as i can remember. i went to the dentist for the first time ever about 3 months ago (We weren't able to get dental insurance until then) and after taking an X ray he automatically starts talking about how I have to get jaw surgery. But is this really necessary? Nothing in life is hindered by my under bite, so whats the point in spending all that money on a surgery that seems pointless? it seems like he just wants to suck more and more money out of my parents!
Let's put it this one has ever died because their teeth and jaws didn't line up perfectly. However, in today's world, people strive towards perfection a lot. Who knows, perhaps you are the next Heidi Montag or Spencer Pratt (God help you and us!). So, if your teeth and jaws don't line up perfectly, you can have surgery to line them up. Teeth are meant to interdigitate in a certain way. If they don't you can develop things like Temperomandibular joint problems or abnormal tooth wear. Some people would like to prevent such problems down the road if they could. So it really isn't a matter of your dentist trying to "suck more and more money out of my parents!". It is more a matter of, jaw surgery is possible, and it is his or her job as your dentist to present you with your treament options.
Let's put it this one has ever died because their teeth and jaws didn't line up perfectly. However, in today's world, people strive towards perfection a lot. Who knows, perhaps you are the next Heidi Montag or Spencer Pratt (God help you and us!). So, if your teeth and jaws don't line up perfectly, you can have surgery to line them up. Teeth are meant to interdigitate in a certain way. If they don't you can develop things like Temperomandibular joint problems or abnormal tooth wear. Some people would like to prevent such problems down the road if they could. So it really isn't a matter of your dentist trying to "suck more and more money out of my parents!". It is more a matter of, jaw surgery is possible, and it is his or her job as your dentist to present you with your treament options.
gap between teeth, looks prominent after scaling.also overbite problem.?
My cousin has her tartars removed for the first time in her life, it is clean now. but the front 2 teeth on the lower jaw quite not straight and aligned parallel to each other , causing a big gap in between. the gap became so prominent after scaling,she feels very shy and depressed.her denist said that he would just lace another tooth in between!! I guess he was talking about artifical removable tooth. she is just in her mid twenties, is it really a good idea? what kinna orthodontic treatment she needs to fill the gap for years or to implant a tooth.she is on budget now and can't afford any expensive procedure.please suggest some good methods for her with cost.she is in India, no dental insurance. Secondly what kinna procedures are required to fix gaps between all the frontal teeth and also reducing overbite to make both the jaws proportionate.
The overbite can only be corrected with braces. However, the main problem is the huge gap, which had been there all along. You just couldn't see it because it was covered by the tartar. Unfortunately, she has a lot of bone loss already, which is irreversible. It is also harmful to go for the braces with existing gum disease. So, the best thing will be to treat the gum condition first and then decide the course of action.
The overbite can only be corrected with braces. However, the main problem is the huge gap, which had been there all along. You just couldn't see it because it was covered by the tartar. Unfortunately, she has a lot of bone loss already, which is irreversible. It is also harmful to go for the braces with existing gum disease. So, the best thing will be to treat the gum condition first and then decide the course of action.
(my) left canine on the top is still a baby...?
i am sixteen years old. i have most of my very back teeth, too, no wisdom teeth, and my top left canine has never came out. it looks SO small in comparison. no dental insurance, otherwise i'd go to the dentist to see wtf was going on up there, but i was just wondering if there might be anything wrong with it? like is there a possibilty that there just... is not an adult tooth to push it out, so its been chillin out up there for the past decade and a half? i think that might be the case with a few of my molars, too. they had to extract the two back molars last year because of cavities. any advice?
Oh I totally know what you are talking about. My lateral incisor (tooth one over from the cannine) is like that. I was unlucky enough to get really crappy teeth genes and so I never had an adult tooth to push out the baby tooth. Also, the baby tooth's root resorbed, so it was just hanging by a thread by the time I got it out. My pedodontist knew about the problem from the time I got my first panorex, because it was obvious that there was no adult tooth bud. So I was like 4 or 5 and my parents allready knew to start saving for my implants (ha, the've gone down in cost so much that you don't really need to save like you did :) So yeah, that is totally possible. The most common tooth to be missing congenitally is both lateral incisors, and all the anterior teeth are pretty commonly missing too. I'm getting an implant for my tooth. I've just had a bone graft because I didn't really use my baby tooth and the bone under it resorbed, and after that settles I will get the implant! I reccomend talking to your dentist ASAP, because your bone can resorb and then you will have to go through another surgery and cost before you are able to get implated. Or, you can go with a bridge. There are two types, one is not as invasive, but the traditional bridge makes the two teeth enxt to the missing one have to be cut down dramatically and crowned. I think it actually costs about the same to get a bridge or a implant (simple case, no grafting or anything). Good luck!
Oh I totally know what you are talking about. My lateral incisor (tooth one over from the cannine) is like that. I was unlucky enough to get really crappy teeth genes and so I never had an adult tooth to push out the baby tooth. Also, the baby tooth's root resorbed, so it was just hanging by a thread by the time I got it out. My pedodontist knew about the problem from the time I got my first panorex, because it was obvious that there was no adult tooth bud. So I was like 4 or 5 and my parents allready knew to start saving for my implants (ha, the've gone down in cost so much that you don't really need to save like you did :) So yeah, that is totally possible. The most common tooth to be missing congenitally is both lateral incisors, and all the anterior teeth are pretty commonly missing too. I'm getting an implant for my tooth. I've just had a bone graft because I didn't really use my baby tooth and the bone under it resorbed, and after that settles I will get the implant! I reccomend talking to your dentist ASAP, because your bone can resorb and then you will have to go through another surgery and cost before you are able to get implated. Or, you can go with a bridge. There are two types, one is not as invasive, but the traditional bridge makes the two teeth enxt to the missing one have to be cut down dramatically and crowned. I think it actually costs about the same to get a bridge or a implant (simple case, no grafting or anything). Good luck!
My teeth are horrible....?
Ok I am 16 and I basically have horrible teeth. I haven't been to the dentist in over a year because I guess its not on the top of my family's priority list. Yeah I also really really need braces but I have only been to the orthodontist once and that was 3 years ago. I also have a horrible time with brushing my teeth too, I am lucky if I brush them once a day but I have gone without brushing them for 2+ days before. This is beacuse brushing my teeth makes me cough and gag really bad... Ugh I feel horrible and I know that I what I am doing is terrible. Any suggestions how I can talk my parents into taking me to the dentist (we have dental insurance) or how I can talk them into how important braces are or with brushing my teeth in general?? I have already talked to my parents and I have even printed them off articles but they are just like yeah ok eventaually we will get to it...
owch they look painful, i had a tooth sticking up in the middle of my mouth and i thought that was bad before they removed it. My advice would be to talk to them again, just tell them how much it means to you, and mention that once you have been to the dentist and orthodontist and they have signed the papers they don't have to come with you any more (once you get the appointment for the braces and they have signed everything there's nothing that they need to do) Tell them that it ill take about a hour of their time and then you will be happy. (i didn't go to the orthodontist for about 6 years as first time i went they told me i couldn't be treated as i had too many baby teeth left) just keep on at them until they give in and tell them that it is impossible to brush them as they are (i know how you feel cause i found it hard to brush before i got my braces) With the coughing and gagging is it because you have to push the tooth brush in too far (if so i can't help that only a dentist can) or is it because the toothpaste if horrible and gets down your throat (if that's the case just ask your parents if you can try a different brand, even if it is just for you to use)
owch they look painful, i had a tooth sticking up in the middle of my mouth and i thought that was bad before they removed it. My advice would be to talk to them again, just tell them how much it means to you, and mention that once you have been to the dentist and orthodontist and they have signed the papers they don't have to come with you any more (once you get the appointment for the braces and they have signed everything there's nothing that they need to do) Tell them that it ill take about a hour of their time and then you will be happy. (i didn't go to the orthodontist for about 6 years as first time i went they told me i couldn't be treated as i had too many baby teeth left) just keep on at them until they give in and tell them that it is impossible to brush them as they are (i know how you feel cause i found it hard to brush before i got my braces) With the coughing and gagging is it because you have to push the tooth brush in too far (if so i can't help that only a dentist can) or is it because the toothpaste if horrible and gets down your throat (if that's the case just ask your parents if you can try a different brand, even if it is just for you to use)
Are under bites so bad?
I'm 16 and have had an under bite for as long as i can remember. i went to the dentist for the first time ever about 3 months ago (We weren't able to get dental insurance until then) and after taking an X ray he automatically starts talking about how I have to get jaw surgery. But is this really necessary? Nothing in life is hindered by my under bite, so whats the point in spending all that money on a surgery that seems pointless? it seems like he just wants to suck more and more money out of my parents!
Let's put it this one has ever died because their teeth and jaws didn't line up perfectly. However, in today's world, people strive towards perfection a lot. Who knows, perhaps you are the next Heidi Montag or Spencer Pratt (God help you and us!). So, if your teeth and jaws don't line up perfectly, you can have surgery to line them up. Teeth are meant to interdigitate in a certain way. If they don't you can develop things like Temperomandibular joint problems or abnormal tooth wear. Some people would like to prevent such problems down the road if they could. So it really isn't a matter of your dentist trying to "suck more and more money out of my parents!". It is more a matter of, jaw surgery is possible, and it is his or her job as your dentist to present you with your treament options.
Let's put it this one has ever died because their teeth and jaws didn't line up perfectly. However, in today's world, people strive towards perfection a lot. Who knows, perhaps you are the next Heidi Montag or Spencer Pratt (God help you and us!). So, if your teeth and jaws don't line up perfectly, you can have surgery to line them up. Teeth are meant to interdigitate in a certain way. If they don't you can develop things like Temperomandibular joint problems or abnormal tooth wear. Some people would like to prevent such problems down the road if they could. So it really isn't a matter of your dentist trying to "suck more and more money out of my parents!". It is more a matter of, jaw surgery is possible, and it is his or her job as your dentist to present you with your treament options.
(my) left canine on the top is still a baby...?
i am sixteen years old. i have most of my very back teeth, too, no wisdom teeth, and my top left canine has never came out. it looks SO small in comparison. no dental insurance, otherwise i'd go to the dentist to see wtf was going on up there, but i was just wondering if there might be anything wrong with it? like is there a possibilty that there just... is not an adult tooth to push it out, so its been chillin out up there for the past decade and a half? i think that might be the case with a few of my molars, too. they had to extract the two back molars last year because of cavities. any advice?
Oh I totally know what you are talking about. My lateral incisor (tooth one over from the cannine) is like that. I was unlucky enough to get really crappy teeth genes and so I never had an adult tooth to push out the baby tooth. Also, the baby tooth's root resorbed, so it was just hanging by a thread by the time I got it out. My pedodontist knew about the problem from the time I got my first panorex, because it was obvious that there was no adult tooth bud. So I was like 4 or 5 and my parents allready knew to start saving for my implants (ha, the've gone down in cost so much that you don't really need to save like you did :) So yeah, that is totally possible. The most common tooth to be missing congenitally is both lateral incisors, and all the anterior teeth are pretty commonly missing too. I'm getting an implant for my tooth. I've just had a bone graft because I didn't really use my baby tooth and the bone under it resorbed, and after that settles I will get the implant! I reccomend talking to your dentist ASAP, because your bone can resorb and then you will have to go through another surgery and cost before you are able to get implated. Or, you can go with a bridge. There are two types, one is not as invasive, but the traditional bridge makes the two teeth enxt to the missing one have to be cut down dramatically and crowned. I think it actually costs about the same to get a bridge or a implant (simple case, no grafting or anything). Good luck!
Oh I totally know what you are talking about. My lateral incisor (tooth one over from the cannine) is like that. I was unlucky enough to get really crappy teeth genes and so I never had an adult tooth to push out the baby tooth. Also, the baby tooth's root resorbed, so it was just hanging by a thread by the time I got it out. My pedodontist knew about the problem from the time I got my first panorex, because it was obvious that there was no adult tooth bud. So I was like 4 or 5 and my parents allready knew to start saving for my implants (ha, the've gone down in cost so much that you don't really need to save like you did :) So yeah, that is totally possible. The most common tooth to be missing congenitally is both lateral incisors, and all the anterior teeth are pretty commonly missing too. I'm getting an implant for my tooth. I've just had a bone graft because I didn't really use my baby tooth and the bone under it resorbed, and after that settles I will get the implant! I reccomend talking to your dentist ASAP, because your bone can resorb and then you will have to go through another surgery and cost before you are able to get implated. Or, you can go with a bridge. There are two types, one is not as invasive, but the traditional bridge makes the two teeth enxt to the missing one have to be cut down dramatically and crowned. I think it actually costs about the same to get a bridge or a implant (simple case, no grafting or anything). Good luck!
Fillings in baby teeth?
I Need Opinions!! My son just turned 3 and we went to the dentist for his first check-up and found out the he needs a filling and they want to cap his front two teeth because there is a huge cavity between them. Along with a few other things, the bill will be $1,700 for teeth that will fall out in 2 years. We don't have dental insurance (you bet though I will be taking it out by the end of today). A lot of people I have spoke with have said I should just leave his teeth since they are baby teeth, but I am not sure I am comfortable with this. What do you think if it was your child?
My six year old son had to have his top four teeth pulled out when he was two because of cavities. He had a partial to keep his teeth from shifting and we have had to have this put back in several times. Some children just get the short end of the stick when it comes to the teeth which is caused by hereditary genes. If you do not have the caps put on he will end up with a major cavity causing the tooth to need to be removed and a partial put in. In fact my now 3 year old had two silver caps on his top front teeth.
My six year old son had to have his top four teeth pulled out when he was two because of cavities. He had a partial to keep his teeth from shifting and we have had to have this put back in several times. Some children just get the short end of the stick when it comes to the teeth which is caused by hereditary genes. If you do not have the caps put on he will end up with a major cavity causing the tooth to need to be removed and a partial put in. In fact my now 3 year old had two silver caps on his top front teeth.
Home remedies for tooth/gum pain?
My back teeth on the left side have been throbbing for three days now. I'm six weeks pregnant, which rules out any major pain relievers, and my dental insurance doesn't kick in for another month. My doc gave me permission to use ibuprofin, but it only works for an hour or so. I've tried salt rinse, baking soda, ground clove, vanilla, heat, ice - nothing seems to work. I'm going on less than two hours of sleep a night. Does anyone have ANYTHING that might help? I've got a husband who works all day, a six year old with a thousand questions, and an eighteen month old - I have to get some relief. Any suggestions, no matter how strange, would be a great help. Thanks!
whoa-first of all i would not use ibuprofin! it can cause bleeding while pregant! and i would also go see a dentist for sure-if you are in this much pain you probably have a tooth that is infected-get it checked soon! other than that- it seems that you have tried just about everything! you probably need antibiotics and a root canal treatment or extraction. good luck, and im sorry your in so much pain.
whoa-first of all i would not use ibuprofin! it can cause bleeding while pregant! and i would also go see a dentist for sure-if you are in this much pain you probably have a tooth that is infected-get it checked soon! other than that- it seems that you have tried just about everything! you probably need antibiotics and a root canal treatment or extraction. good luck, and im sorry your in so much pain.
I had filling in my left molar and the filling came out a while ago. At first the pain was unimaginable for ab?
out a week. I just took the pain the best I could and took Tylenol because I didn't have dental insurance nor knew what to do. The tooth started to cause bad breath and eventually started breaking off. Well now the tooth has broken off completely but the roots are still in. Some of the tooth is visible but not enough to grab for pulling. There has been no pain in the tooth for a while, probably the reason for me letting it go for so long. I have a dentist appointment at a free clinic now, is it worth going? What will the dentists do? And I can still smell the smell from the tooth, will it go away?
It no longer hurts because you have killed the root. I would go to the denatl appointment as you will need the root removing as that could get infected and you really dont want that. You could end up with an abscess. Good luck :)
It no longer hurts because you have killed the root. I would go to the denatl appointment as you will need the root removing as that could get infected and you really dont want that. You could end up with an abscess. Good luck :)
job interview questions for school project. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
I need to do a school project on a job interview. And write an essay on the job, so I was hoping to ask who ever answers this question about the job you do. The job has to be interesting because I have to write about the job. Please answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. And leave your name or make a believable name up if you don't want me to have your real name. Feel free to add any other details about your job. Thanks in advanced. first please state you job. 1. What are your daily job duties and responsibilities? What is your favorite part of the job? Least favorite? Anything you would change? 2. Did you choose this job? If so, what influenced this decision? Does anyone else in your family do this work? 3. Did you at any point consider a different career path? If so why? Do you see yourself doing this work until you retire? 4. What were hardships, difficulties you had to face getting the job you have now? Such as school, money,etc. (If there are any) 5. Did your family support your decision to do this work? 6. Is the job what you expected it to be? Is it better than you imagined, or not what you hoped for? Tell me why? 7. Would you recommend others to this line of work? Is the pay good? Do you have benefits? Pension? 401K? Health/Dental Insurance? 8. Did you do anything else before you did the job your doing now? (Name your previous jobs) Would you ever consider doing any of these jobs again? Anyway that's it. Thanks for helping, and please leave anything about your job that is interesting, and tips on how you think I should write my essay about you. The more info the better! I might have to contact you. For more info, if I don't have enough for my paper...sorry if that would be annoying. (Just say so if you don't want me contacting you through yahoo anymore)
1. I teach 19 third graders. My duties include: teaching them language arts (reading/writing), English (their first language is Spanish) and math. I also need to teach them basic life skills like manners, respect, how to get along with eachother and responsibility. I also strive to keep them safe. My job includes a lot of paperwork and meetings. My favorite part of my job is when I get to really talk to the kids, especially one on one after school/ at recess, etc. Very rarely do I actually get to know them because the school day is so busy. My least favorite part of my job is the grading and report cards, etc. We don't get paid for all of this extra after school stuff. 2. I did choose this job. I told my mom I wanted to be a teacher when I was in the first grade. I really admired and looked up to my teachers and wanted to be one. No one else in my family does this job. 3. I have considered other career paths and may still try them out one day. I believe teaching is a very stressful job with very long hours. Sometimes I just want a job that I can leave at work. 4. I had to go to school for four years. I took out student loans and received grants for my schooling. I am still paying back my loans and it is very difficult financially right now. 5. Yes, my family respects my profession. My mom always buys me children's books at garage sales for my classroom library. :) 6. It is the job I expected it to be. I never thought it was going to be easy. I guess I never realized that it was going to have so many politics involved. There are a lot of arguements about the best way of doing things, etc. It also tends to sometimes be competitive. Those are things I didn't expect. 7. I would recommend others to this line of work if they really had a passion for it. If you don't have a passion for it, it won't be worth it. My pay is okay. I have great benefits including health and dental insurance. I have a retirement set up. 8. I started teaching straight out of college, but I did do lots of little jobs while in college and in the summers including: working in the mail room at my college, working in human resources at my college, working as a counselor at a summer camp, working as a recreational leader at a city park. I hope this helps! :) Good luck!!!
1. I teach 19 third graders. My duties include: teaching them language arts (reading/writing), English (their first language is Spanish) and math. I also need to teach them basic life skills like manners, respect, how to get along with eachother and responsibility. I also strive to keep them safe. My job includes a lot of paperwork and meetings. My favorite part of my job is when I get to really talk to the kids, especially one on one after school/ at recess, etc. Very rarely do I actually get to know them because the school day is so busy. My least favorite part of my job is the grading and report cards, etc. We don't get paid for all of this extra after school stuff. 2. I did choose this job. I told my mom I wanted to be a teacher when I was in the first grade. I really admired and looked up to my teachers and wanted to be one. No one else in my family does this job. 3. I have considered other career paths and may still try them out one day. I believe teaching is a very stressful job with very long hours. Sometimes I just want a job that I can leave at work. 4. I had to go to school for four years. I took out student loans and received grants for my schooling. I am still paying back my loans and it is very difficult financially right now. 5. Yes, my family respects my profession. My mom always buys me children's books at garage sales for my classroom library. :) 6. It is the job I expected it to be. I never thought it was going to be easy. I guess I never realized that it was going to have so many politics involved. There are a lot of arguements about the best way of doing things, etc. It also tends to sometimes be competitive. Those are things I didn't expect. 7. I would recommend others to this line of work if they really had a passion for it. If you don't have a passion for it, it won't be worth it. My pay is okay. I have great benefits including health and dental insurance. I have a retirement set up. 8. I started teaching straight out of college, but I did do lots of little jobs while in college and in the summers including: working in the mail room at my college, working in human resources at my college, working as a counselor at a summer camp, working as a recreational leader at a city park. I hope this helps! :) Good luck!!!
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