I have been on my job for just about 5 months now and still have no benefits. the reasons are very complicated and unfortunate so i have decided that i want to start looking at medical, dental, vision plans on my own, mostly medical. This is my first job, i am 18 and am also very new to all of this, are there any shopping tips or pointers i should consider? or may i have some of your own personal stories about your endevour through this little subject i present to you?
There are many things to consider. One being look for a job that will give you better benefits, but I am guessing that may be hard to do for you. I would also consider getting on one of your parent's medical health plans via their job. Typically, you can be covered as long as you prove you are a student working full-time up until the age of 24 or 25. If you are a student, you can look at the options for health insurance via the college or university you are going to. If thats not possible, you can always try to get independant quotes for insurances like United Healthcare, Aetna, Unicare (not very good). Overall, I must add, it will be VERY, VERY expensive for you to get private insurance. Best of luck.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Do Insurance Cover Braces?
I have Delta Dental. I have Delta Care USA. Just if you know please answer. Thanks if you have any additional info you can also say it
If you have orthodontic benefits, it should. Ask the insurance coordinator at your orthodontist's office. Most likely they will have all the information you need. Or you can call your insurance company yourself to verify your benefits. Generally insurance will pay half, UP TO a certain amount. Most cases we see pay up to $1000-$1500. If they pay more than that then you have some phenomenal insurance.
If you have orthodontic benefits, it should. Ask the insurance coordinator at your orthodontist's office. Most likely they will have all the information you need. Or you can call your insurance company yourself to verify your benefits. Generally insurance will pay half, UP TO a certain amount. Most cases we see pay up to $1000-$1500. If they pay more than that then you have some phenomenal insurance.
Important question about my dental work???
Yesterday i had 2 fillings ,both on the top of my mouth and not sure if they were deep but i image so bc in my whole 25 yrs of life i have never been 2 the dentist bc of not having health insurance and mother was a single mother but anyway the fillings are a little sensitive, if i drink something cold it tingles just a bit, I have not chewed on that side yet, is this normal???
It is very common for teeth to be sensitive to hot and cold for a few days following dental work.
It is very common for teeth to be sensitive to hot and cold for a few days following dental work.
Can I use a Night Guard as a retainer?
I recent broke my retainer and I wanted to know if the Doctors Night Guard (the type you can get at any store) could function as a retainer. I dont think I intend to use it forever, just long enough to find a dental provider who can make a new retainer at a more reasonable price (My orthodontist wants to charge me $500 for a replacement and insurance covers none of it). Will it work?
I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com
I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com
is this terrible?
Long story short my husband & i were together 3 yrs he got his greencard last spring and left two months later mother day. He begged me not to divorce him while we were seperated now i know to bide his tiime since he wouldn't be able to get into military if we divorced before 2 yr anniversary in oct Well he left for military july and changed he wouldn't hug me goodbye the night before he left! said he would be judas it would be fake but he had been coming over to my house twice a week going out and sleeping with me while we were seprated for a month and a half. Then we he goes in miltary never calls gets a call ever week in basic didn't get one! i call the red cross because of my tooth and my insurance won't cover a rootcanal till next yr. i beg him to buy dental insurance he never does i loose my tooth it is infected! Never calls his two yr old or 7 yr old previous marriage. Sends the lowest legal amount of bah allowed tells everyone we are seperated even though he begged me
Long story short for me just drop him and I hope this is a LEARNING EXPERIENCE to you in getting in this situation. Enjoy your turkey today.
Long story short for me just drop him and I hope this is a LEARNING EXPERIENCE to you in getting in this situation. Enjoy your turkey today.
Which would be least expensive for straightening two front teeth?
A brief background: I graduate college in the spring of 2011 so I have a limited amount of time to save cash to get my two front teeth straightened. These two teeth are so crooked that one covers the other tooth by about 50% and it's pushed outward as well. I avoid smiling but I'm going to need to be able to smile during interviews or I risk giving a wrong impression. As we all know, the first impression can make or break an interview. Once I have a job in my field (Health Information Technology), I'll have good dental insurance, but for now, I'm on my own. I realize that cost can vary dramatically from one area to another but in general, what would be more cost effective - braces of some kind, veneers, dental implants, or something else? I'm in the U.S.
Implants are too costly and extreme for this situation. It would not only require you to remove 2 perfectly healthy teeth, but would take 6 months to complete. Around $2,500 per tooth. Veneers are for simpler cases where the teeth may not be so overlapped. Around $900 per tooth. With the kind of crowding you're describing, I believe the quickest and simplest way to correct your problem would be 2 crowns. I think the average cost is $900-1,200 per crown. This would take 2 weeks to complete. Again, you still need to consult with a dentist to make sure this is the best treatment possible for your situation. E-mail me if you could benefit from a referral in the Salt Lake or San Francisco area. If not, make sure you search for an LVI(Las Vegas Institute) trained dentist in your area to receive the best treatment.
Implants are too costly and extreme for this situation. It would not only require you to remove 2 perfectly healthy teeth, but would take 6 months to complete. Around $2,500 per tooth. Veneers are for simpler cases where the teeth may not be so overlapped. Around $900 per tooth. With the kind of crowding you're describing, I believe the quickest and simplest way to correct your problem would be 2 crowns. I think the average cost is $900-1,200 per crown. This would take 2 weeks to complete. Again, you still need to consult with a dentist to make sure this is the best treatment possible for your situation. E-mail me if you could benefit from a referral in the Salt Lake or San Francisco area. If not, make sure you search for an LVI(Las Vegas Institute) trained dentist in your area to receive the best treatment.
Can a person survive forever on milk, fruit juice and water.?
Can a person survive only drinking milk, water, fruit juice and beef or chicken broth. I am asking this question b/c my grandma has no teeth and she can't afford dental implant.( she is living in a poor country where there isn't dental insurance). Thanks in advance for your answers.
definetly not...there would be many, many nutrient deficiencies in that diet that would ultimately cause premature death
definetly not...there would be many, many nutrient deficiencies in that diet that would ultimately cause premature death
I have made an appointment to see a dentist next week ?
I have made an appointment to see a dentist next week and I need to know about finances. I do not have dental insurance. I was told they accept dental fee plan and care credit? Can anyone tell me about these programs? I have been in pain and I really need to fix my tooth. I think I have a abscessed tooth. I do not have much money and will differently need a payment plan. DO these plans I listed above involve good credit?
When you go the the DDS, after they take a look at the tooth they will tell you what needs to be done. They will give you a treatment plan (cost and what needs to be done) and you may decide what to do from there. Care credit can be done right there in the office and they will let you know if you are accepted or declined. I know people w/ bad credit that have been accepted. But they will let you know, don't worry.
When you go the the DDS, after they take a look at the tooth they will tell you what needs to be done. They will give you a treatment plan (cost and what needs to be done) and you may decide what to do from there. Care credit can be done right there in the office and they will let you know if you are accepted or declined. I know people w/ bad credit that have been accepted. But they will let you know, don't worry.
Please give me your advice, Thanks!!!?
I have been working at a small company more than 3 months, but my employer haven't give me medical/dental insurance yet. I have asked many times but my employer comes up with different reasons any time I ask. My health isn't good but I don't have medical insurance to go to doctor. What should I do? If I am suddently sick or have to go to emergency, who would be responsible for my hopital' costs? My spouse has a job, but her income isn't even high enough to spend for our expenses. Please give me your advice to my questions. Thank you very much.
look for a better job ... your employer is CHEAP
look for a better job ... your employer is CHEAP
Pediatric dentist cost?
My 6 years old son has cavity, took him to pediatric dentist, and my wife brought me treatment cost estimate. this paper shows he has 6 teeth treatment. We don't have dental insurance. I want to someone look at this cost details. 1st visit: ? Resin 2surf post child, T#: A, Surfs: MO Fee: $189 ? Primary StSteelCr, T#: B, Fee: $267 ? TherapPulpotomy T#: B, Fee: $192 ? Primary StSteelCr, T#: S, Fee: $267 ? TherapPulpotomy T#: S, Fee: $192 ? Resin 2surf post child, T#: S, Surfs: MO Fee: $189 ? Premedication in Office Fee: $199 2nd visit ? Primary StSteelCr, T#: I, Fee: $267 ? TherapPulpotomy T#: I, Fee: $192 ? Resin 2surf post child, T#: J, Surfs: MO Fee: $189 ? Premedication in Office Fee: $199 Total Cost $2,342.00 Is this fair cost? I feel overcharged because I had a tooth extraction last month, and that cost was $185 without insurance. My son has just starting to change front teeth. Those bad teeth goes away anyway right? Also I don't understand what's the terms of "Resin 2surf post child", "Primary StSteelCr", "TherapPulpotomy", "Premedication in Office" Anybody explain to me? Thank you for your help.
The fees are on the high end but specialists do charge about 25% more than general dentists do and their fee is justified. To answer your questions Resin 2surf post child This is a white bonded filling covering the top and going between the tooth. Primary StSteelCr This is a stainless steel crown on a baby molar. TherapPulpotomy This is a root canal on the baby tooth. Premedication in Office This will be some kind of sedation given to the child for relaxation. You should really discuss any of these questions you may have with the dentist or a staff member. Good luck to your son.
The fees are on the high end but specialists do charge about 25% more than general dentists do and their fee is justified. To answer your questions Resin 2surf post child This is a white bonded filling covering the top and going between the tooth. Primary StSteelCr This is a stainless steel crown on a baby molar. TherapPulpotomy This is a root canal on the baby tooth. Premedication in Office This will be some kind of sedation given to the child for relaxation. You should really discuss any of these questions you may have with the dentist or a staff member. Good luck to your son.
free or low income dentist?
I need a dentist. My husband and I live in MA and we struggle from paycheck to paycheck to just keep the bills paid and food on the table. MA is very expensive so, even with our meager existence, we make "too much money" to get any sort of assistance for rent or food. We have medical insurance through my work, but we don't have dental insurance. I lost a filling and my tooth really hurts, but we cant afford a dentist. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help? (we have no children, if it matters)
Dental College
Dental College
Severe tooth infection... need help immediately!?
So a few days ago I was eating something with pepper and a couple of the grains of pepper got stuck between my upper lateral and central incisors (which are decaying due to a cavity). Well, I got them out after about 2 hours of eating the peppered food. The next day, I woke up and noticed how my teeth were painful. Then 2 days ago, it started effecting my sinuses and the pain traveled and intensified until it was covering the left side of my nose, my left eye, my lip, and a small section of my cheek. It was like that yesterday too. But this morning I woke up, and my left eye is halfway swollen shut, the entire left side of my face looks like it had botox injections because it is so severely swollen. I can't close my mouth all the way (that's how swollen my upper lip is). I am in agonizing pain. All I wanna do is just die. I don't have money and I certainly don't have dental insurance. I'm thinking about going to the emergency room, but I know they won't do anything but give me antibiotics. Does anyone know of anything that I can do!? This is killing me! I heard that severe enough tooth infections could lead to death! I'm just so upset because did you know that if you're an inmate in a prison, that you get dental care, health care, prescriptions, and all kinds of other health-related care!? It's sad that if I were to go murder and rape a child, I'd be able to finally get my mouth taken care of. Should I go to the ER?
The ER won't do much. How old is your child? Usually,if you get pregnancy medicaid,they cover you for a year after. I would go to the ER,and they may give you pain medicine/antibiotics. I had to have all my teeth remvoed at the age of 21. It sucked...so yes,i wear dentures now. I had to have them removed bc of infection and whatnot,due to a bad pregnancy and a car accident.
The ER won't do much. How old is your child? Usually,if you get pregnancy medicaid,they cover you for a year after. I would go to the ER,and they may give you pain medicine/antibiotics. I had to have all my teeth remvoed at the age of 21. It sucked...so yes,i wear dentures now. I had to have them removed bc of infection and whatnot,due to a bad pregnancy and a car accident.
Questions for a dentist (Serious replies only please)?
I have dental anxiety and have not been to the dentist in over ten years. I am now in my late 20's and getting married next year and would like to get my teeth taken care of. I have many loose and missing fillings and teeth and decay. My teeth effect my everyday life in a negative way. I have pain (on average every month or so), I can no longer eat certain foods (anything crunchy, hard or chewy) due to the enamel breaking more and I always smile with my mouth closed. I've actually had someone tell me that I'd be a pretty girl if it wasn't for my smile. I need help, I can't take the pain and embarrassment anymore. I don't have much money, but I do have dental insurance. What should I expect as far as cost and repair and does anyone know if any good dentists in the Florissant, Missouri area?
I am 38, and yesterday went in for the first of several months of treatment for the same problem as you described. I had many cracked and broken teeth and enamel loss on most of the remainder. I had not smiled in well over 15 years and my last dental visit before this was 10 years ago. The best thing to do is shop around, and you need to judge not only the price, but how you feel that dentist is looking out for your best interests. I have listed all the pricing from my shopping around below. After my first dental appointment i was told that i definitely needed to see a prosthodontic specialist since the damage was far to sever for repair. I finally went with Dentist #4, as he actually seemed to care the most about my long term health. Edit: Forgot to tell you, some dentists will treat you like you are an idiot child and will speak down to you. If they do, get up and walk out. You are going to be giving them A LOT of money. 3 out of 4 i found were very caring, but i had a couple that were downright hostile and making rude comments during the evaluation, and one i walked out in tears. Rough breakdown of the estimates i received for cost (i do not have insurance so these are the total costs for me) Dentist #1 Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 -$3025.00 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 -$3025.000 Immediate Denture Top and Bottom -$3400 Relining of Immediate Denture after healing -$1100.00 Total: $10,550.00 Dentist #2 Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14 -$3375.00 Root Canal therapy #5,12 -$1700.00 Post attachment #5,12 -$1950.00 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,23,24,25,26,28,29 -$3375.00 Root Canal therapy #22,27 -$1500.00 Post attachment #22,27 -$1950.00 Denture for top and bottom -$3500 Total: $20,850.00 Dentist #3 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 4 or 5 implants in lower jaw (can not tell until CAT scan) Bone Graft to lower jaw in foreseen problem areas Temporary Denture (while implants heal) Porcelain Bridge Total: $24,000 (approx) Upper Jaw Option 1: Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Denture Total: $6,000 (approx) Upper Jaw Option 2: Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 5 or 6 Implants (to stop bone loss) Denture Total: $14,000 (approx) Upper Jaw Option 3: Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 5 or 6 implants in upper jaw (can not tell until cat scan) Bone Graft to upper jaw in foreseen problem areas Temporary Denture (while implants heal) Porcelain Bridge Total: $26,000 (approx) Dentist #4 Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14 -$3375.00 Root Canal therapy #5,12 -$1700.00 Post attachment #5,12 -$1950.00 Denture for Upper Jaw -$1750.00 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,23,24,25,26,28,29 -$3375.00 6-8 Implants in lower Jaw: $10,000 Porcelian Bridge: $10,000 Temporary Denture while healing: $1750 Total: $35,900 (approx) I had all the extraction done in one sitting yesterday.... Today i feel 100% better then i have for the last 10 years. I was also told that since there were a few low grade infections that in the next couple weeks i might get more energy and just have an overall sense of feeling better. Price is a huge factor in all this and no dental insurance will probably cover all this depending on the extent of the work you need to do. But do it....even if you do a bit at a time, or decide to just pull them all and put in dentures (see if they can do some root canal posts to hold the dentures in place) You will feel so much better once it starts, but it will not be a short process. Mine will be finished sometime in December (9 months from now) if all goes well. Oh...one last piece of advice i have been told over and over....if you have to make a choice...put the most money into your lower jaw, a dentures on the top is not that bad compared to the lower. Edit#2: Almost forgot.... Since you are only 28, you probably have a long life ahead of you. Getting full dentures will cause bone loss down the road, and could lead to serious problems down the road. If the dentist can do some root canals sheared to the gumline with studs to hold the denture in place, it also helps keep the bone from deterioration as well. Implants will do the same thing, but the root canals are a bit cheaper and faster. Best of luck to you. Feel free to email me if you want to chat.
I am 38, and yesterday went in for the first of several months of treatment for the same problem as you described. I had many cracked and broken teeth and enamel loss on most of the remainder. I had not smiled in well over 15 years and my last dental visit before this was 10 years ago. The best thing to do is shop around, and you need to judge not only the price, but how you feel that dentist is looking out for your best interests. I have listed all the pricing from my shopping around below. After my first dental appointment i was told that i definitely needed to see a prosthodontic specialist since the damage was far to sever for repair. I finally went with Dentist #4, as he actually seemed to care the most about my long term health. Edit: Forgot to tell you, some dentists will treat you like you are an idiot child and will speak down to you. If they do, get up and walk out. You are going to be giving them A LOT of money. 3 out of 4 i found were very caring, but i had a couple that were downright hostile and making rude comments during the evaluation, and one i walked out in tears. Rough breakdown of the estimates i received for cost (i do not have insurance so these are the total costs for me) Dentist #1 Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 -$3025.00 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 -$3025.000 Immediate Denture Top and Bottom -$3400 Relining of Immediate Denture after healing -$1100.00 Total: $10,550.00 Dentist #2 Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14 -$3375.00 Root Canal therapy #5,12 -$1700.00 Post attachment #5,12 -$1950.00 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,23,24,25,26,28,29 -$3375.00 Root Canal therapy #22,27 -$1500.00 Post attachment #22,27 -$1950.00 Denture for top and bottom -$3500 Total: $20,850.00 Dentist #3 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 4 or 5 implants in lower jaw (can not tell until CAT scan) Bone Graft to lower jaw in foreseen problem areas Temporary Denture (while implants heal) Porcelain Bridge Total: $24,000 (approx) Upper Jaw Option 1: Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Denture Total: $6,000 (approx) Upper Jaw Option 2: Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 5 or 6 Implants (to stop bone loss) Denture Total: $14,000 (approx) Upper Jaw Option 3: Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 5 or 6 implants in upper jaw (can not tell until cat scan) Bone Graft to upper jaw in foreseen problem areas Temporary Denture (while implants heal) Porcelain Bridge Total: $26,000 (approx) Dentist #4 Extraction of teeth in upper jaw #4,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14 -$3375.00 Root Canal therapy #5,12 -$1700.00 Post attachment #5,12 -$1950.00 Denture for Upper Jaw -$1750.00 Extraction of teeth in lower jaw #19,20,21,23,24,25,26,28,29 -$3375.00 6-8 Implants in lower Jaw: $10,000 Porcelian Bridge: $10,000 Temporary Denture while healing: $1750 Total: $35,900 (approx) I had all the extraction done in one sitting yesterday.... Today i feel 100% better then i have for the last 10 years. I was also told that since there were a few low grade infections that in the next couple weeks i might get more energy and just have an overall sense of feeling better. Price is a huge factor in all this and no dental insurance will probably cover all this depending on the extent of the work you need to do. But do it....even if you do a bit at a time, or decide to just pull them all and put in dentures (see if they can do some root canal posts to hold the dentures in place) You will feel so much better once it starts, but it will not be a short process. Mine will be finished sometime in December (9 months from now) if all goes well. Oh...one last piece of advice i have been told over and over....if you have to make a choice...put the most money into your lower jaw, a dentures on the top is not that bad compared to the lower. Edit#2: Almost forgot.... Since you are only 28, you probably have a long life ahead of you. Getting full dentures will cause bone loss down the road, and could lead to serious problems down the road. If the dentist can do some root canals sheared to the gumline with studs to hold the denture in place, it also helps keep the bone from deterioration as well. Implants will do the same thing, but the root canals are a bit cheaper and faster. Best of luck to you. Feel free to email me if you want to chat.
A few questions for members of the Air Force?
Right now I'm trying to loose weight to go into the Air Force, I want to have lost the weight I need by the end of August or September. Can you current members just answer a few of my questions and tell me anything else you'd like to share? Are you happy in the Air Force? What was basic like for you? What are some good jobs that you would recomend someone trying to get into? How is dental insurance/care done? Do you think it is worth the insurance, benefits, salary, retirement package and almost free housing on base? How is base housing? How hard is it to get where you want to go (as far as where you'd like to be stationed) and how long must you stay there before you can get moved to another base? I have about 2 years college currently, if I join active this summer, can I ever get the last 2 years?
Are you happy in the Air Force? Absolutely! They'll have to drag me out kicking and screaming. What was basic like for you? A long time ago...I'll let one of our younger Airmen answer this one for you. What are some good jobs that you would recomend someone trying to get into? If you enlist, do it for your country and answer the call of a field that is currently hard to fill or undermanned. Your recruiter can point you in the right direction...and your nation will appreciate you thinking about service before self! How is dental insurance/care done? 100% for you...a plan for family members. Most major installations have a dental clinic that takes care of military members...everything from routine cleanings to complex oral surgery; it's all covered. Do you think it is worth the insurance, benefits, salary, retirement package and almost free housing on base? Yes. How is base housing? Most if it in the continental US has been privatized, but housing on base is relatively good. Once you find out what base you are going to, ask that question again because it varies by base. How hard is it to get where you want to go (as far as where you'd like to be stationed) and how long must you stay there before you can get moved to another base? The Air Force will consider your preferences and if you are flexible and enjoy serving where the Air Force needs you, you will love any base you go to! Tour lengths depend on location. Most first bases in the US are about 2-3 years. Overseas will be 1-4 years depending on location. I have about 2 years college currently, if I join active this summer, can I ever get the last 2 years? Yes. Your first year+ will be pretty busy with training and career-field focus as you learn your job. After that you will be encouraged to finish your degree...and lots of help is available to do so. Once you achieve your 5 skill level (journeyman) ask your supervisor and education office about classes. Good luck with your fitness push this summer. I know you can do whatever you put your mind to. Airmen have done amazing things to join our Air Force--I sincerely hope you follow their lead! Teachme
Are you happy in the Air Force? Absolutely! They'll have to drag me out kicking and screaming. What was basic like for you? A long time ago...I'll let one of our younger Airmen answer this one for you. What are some good jobs that you would recomend someone trying to get into? If you enlist, do it for your country and answer the call of a field that is currently hard to fill or undermanned. Your recruiter can point you in the right direction...and your nation will appreciate you thinking about service before self! How is dental insurance/care done? 100% for you...a plan for family members. Most major installations have a dental clinic that takes care of military members...everything from routine cleanings to complex oral surgery; it's all covered. Do you think it is worth the insurance, benefits, salary, retirement package and almost free housing on base? Yes. How is base housing? Most if it in the continental US has been privatized, but housing on base is relatively good. Once you find out what base you are going to, ask that question again because it varies by base. How hard is it to get where you want to go (as far as where you'd like to be stationed) and how long must you stay there before you can get moved to another base? The Air Force will consider your preferences and if you are flexible and enjoy serving where the Air Force needs you, you will love any base you go to! Tour lengths depend on location. Most first bases in the US are about 2-3 years. Overseas will be 1-4 years depending on location. I have about 2 years college currently, if I join active this summer, can I ever get the last 2 years? Yes. Your first year+ will be pretty busy with training and career-field focus as you learn your job. After that you will be encouraged to finish your degree...and lots of help is available to do so. Once you achieve your 5 skill level (journeyman) ask your supervisor and education office about classes. Good luck with your fitness push this summer. I know you can do whatever you put your mind to. Airmen have done amazing things to join our Air Force--I sincerely hope you follow their lead! Teachme
How do I get my bf to go to the dentist?
He is disgusting. He didn't have dental insurance for a few years so he pretty much stopped going to the dentist. Then he wound up with a huge dental debt after he decided to go again. So now he just won't go. He had one emergency where they had to pull out an infected tooth that they couldn't save. I made all the phone calls and did all the leg work to get him into see a dentist on a Saturday. He was not the least bit phased by losing a tooth. I was like doesn't it bother your that you are losing part of yourself??? He doesn't even care.
I know somebody like that. It doesn't seem to be a priority for them either. I think you just have to tell him that your concerned about his health. Because it could lead to more problems & $$$$ isn't the issue anymore ;) Good Luck :)
I know somebody like that. It doesn't seem to be a priority for them either. I think you just have to tell him that your concerned about his health. Because it could lead to more problems & $$$$ isn't the issue anymore ;) Good Luck :)
My crown fell off. It was broken from the gum level yesterday.?
My crown was broken from the gum level yesterday, when I started eating a ciabata sandwitch. I think that it is less than three or four years old. There is no pain. This crown has a tiny pink dot in the middle of the real tooth of mine which is small in the middle. All my crowns were done by my dentist in CO, but now I am in CA. I do not have a dental insurnace right now but can buy it. I would like to know what kind of coverage that I should get from my dental insurance considering the treatment that I need to get from this. This broken crown has much empty space around the side and broken almost very evenly leveled. What do I need to do, until I find a dentist in SF? Any advice would help me a lot. Thanks.
are there grants for women?
Is there any kind of grant out there for women who worked hard and had children and didnt get child support and struggled and payed thier bills and worked and didnt have dental insurance and had to let thier teeth go un fixed to help thier keds ? so now the kids are good and her teeth are a reck . dont suggest low cost dental they dont cover what i need and i dont have ANY money for even low cost are i need alot of work....and i worked hard to take care of my daughter. her teeth are perfect
yeah it's called child costudy.
yeah it's called child costudy.
Can I sue for broken tooth? Was eating a Soft SlimJim.?
Can I actually sue for atleast the Cost after breaking my tooth while eating a slim jim? Ok, I was out of town at a friends house and sitting around the other night watching movies. After just getting back from the store, buying a snack package of Slim Jims. After biting into one of the Slim Jims I bit into something, Super hard, like a bone or a rock. I heard the Crack, horrible sound, and felt the immediate pain to follow. So I spit out what was in my mouth onto a papertowel. And out came part of my tooth. We found what seems to look like a small peice of bone. This was at 1030 at night. So nothing I could do. The following morning, after trying to sleep with this uncomfortable pain. Not excrutiating, but very uncomfortable. I was able to get ahold of a dentist pretty early. Then I proceeded to contact ConAgra foods and let them know of what had happened. The woman I was on the phone with, offerd me 4 free coupons, and a $30 check. I knew I had a serious tooth problem, so I declined their offer and said I wanted to file a complaint. So they transferred me to another department. They took all my information, not asking me too many questions about what happened. And then told me that they cant discuss further with me until I have written them a letter, either by Email or fax. I went to the Dentist, The back half of my tooth was gone, I only found a small portion of my tooth and a peice of (something red and hard) after breaking my tooth. Xrays were done, and I was told that I needed a crowning done on my tooth. So, I had to agree, my tooth was so broken and tore up, that throughout the night, it also had made my tonge sore and raw just from talking. After the Dental work was completed (5.5 hours) And thank goodness I have dental insurance. I have to go back in 3 weeks and have a permanent crown put on it the place of this temporary crown. The work all together cost $1900. With $250 of it is from my out of pocket expense. Is there anything that can be done? I mean I have the fragments from whatever was in that darned slimjim. And this really sucks, I cant eat on that side of my mouth yet, its super sensitive and sore. This isnt the first time Ive had a problem with Slim Jims in the past month. Recently we had bought a package, and over half of them were bad. Some of the small packages inside, werent even sealed all the way. And some were covered in salt granules. So I called them then, and they sent me a coupon to replace the package. But I dont want my package replaced, I want reimbursed for atleast my tooth being worked on. Some kind of compensation would be great. This isnt fun, by all means. Sorry this is so long, But can anyone tell me if I will get any justice out of this? I have decent teeth. No gum disease, ive never even had as much as a cracked tooth. Though I do have 2 fillings. Ive taken pretty good care of my teeth.
I don't think so. It's a pretty stupid reason to sue. Sounds like you just want some cash from it. :\
I don't think so. It's a pretty stupid reason to sue. Sounds like you just want some cash from it. :\
Dentist tells me I have early stages periodontal disease. Now what?
I'm 22 and I went to the dentist on one of those "introductory" visit offers. It was only 59 dollars for a cleaning, exam and x-ray. The girl cleaning my teeth said I had plaque or tartar or something so large that it was showing up on x-ray. It had been a while since my last cleaning, and I don't floss anymore because it hurts so much, so I could believe that. They tell me they recommend that I get this 670 dollar treatment done over the next four months. With doctor visits that's around 830 dollars. I have no dental insurance. My question is, should I be skeptical of the advice this new dentist is giving me? I don't have a regular dentist and I always just go with whoever has the cheapest prices. I'm thinking maybe they're trying to just hook another customer. They told me I had pockets up to 4 and 5 mm and they don't want to see anything under 3mm. I asked them why my last dentist didn't tell me about this (Same deal. Introductory cleaning, x-ray and exam) and they just said they didn't want to bad-mouth another office, but they probably just weren't as aggressive about it as the new office was. The dentist came in when my surface cleaning was over and said for me to think that over, and just in the meantime brush my gums and use Listerine. What's the deal here? Do I really have anything to worry about? Hell, the girl that cleaned my teeth said 80% of the population had some form of periodontal disease. Dental care is a luxury for me. I would rather eat and have a place to live than have perfect pearly white teeth (which isn't gonna happen anyway). Anybody have any advice for me that won't cost me an arm and a leg?
Brush at least twice a day using Colgate Total as it has been proven to prevent gingivitis. Floss daily and after flossing rinse Listerine, which has also been proven to prevent gingivitis.
Brush at least twice a day using Colgate Total as it has been proven to prevent gingivitis. Floss daily and after flossing rinse Listerine, which has also been proven to prevent gingivitis.
Just found out today that my 2 yr old is tongue tied, but they don't want to do surgery due to his age.?
My husband is getting out of the military in 5 months. We have solid insurance until then. We just found out that our 2 year old son is tongue tied, like his father, treated at birth, and like his uncle, treated at 4 (Had bad speech impediment). The dentist wants to wait, due to his age and anesthesia (Around 3-4yrs) and that is bad!!!!!! My heart says, "YOUNG CHILDREN UNDERGO ANESTHESIA ALL OVER THE WORLD EVERY DAY"! We have a guarantee 5 months of dental insurance! Lets go for it! He will bounce back! This would prevent him from having a MAJOR speech impediment later on in life and the sooner treated the better, right?
I would do it now. Here is link to article with answer from doctor on almost same question (and dr did not say to wait for risks of anesthesia) http://parenting.ivillage.com/newborn/nh… I would also watch out for possible speech issues. If your son has any, he would have to be assessed for free early intervention services by age 3. So if you wait to cut frenulum until he's three, if he has lingering issues, you are out of the box on that too. Perhaps the dentist is not comfortable with administering general anesthesia to a young child though. I have only heard of this procedure being done by an MD. A doctor might be more comfortable with doing the anesthesia. lots of articles on tongue tie linked from here http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/bfh…
I would do it now. Here is link to article with answer from doctor on almost same question (and dr did not say to wait for risks of anesthesia) http://parenting.ivillage.com/newborn/nh… I would also watch out for possible speech issues. If your son has any, he would have to be assessed for free early intervention services by age 3. So if you wait to cut frenulum until he's three, if he has lingering issues, you are out of the box on that too. Perhaps the dentist is not comfortable with administering general anesthesia to a young child though. I have only heard of this procedure being done by an MD. A doctor might be more comfortable with doing the anesthesia. lots of articles on tongue tie linked from here http://www.kellymom.com/babyconcerns/bfh…
Need Advice Regarding Child Support for Adult Child?
My husband has been paying child support for two kids and turned 18 prior to graduating high school. We continued to pay tchild support hrough graduation (Louisiana requirement). My stepkid wanted to attend college away but changed mind and decided to stay w/custodial parent and attend college in hometown. The mom is now upset because the child support was reduced to include only the minor child. She thought my husband would continue to pay child support for the 18 y/o because of the decision to stay home. She is now threatening my husband with taking him back to court to return the support order to the previous amount for the one child. Now, my husband voluntarily doubled his support because of the ex's inability to meet financial obligations; he maintains health, life, & dental insurance for both kids; purchased a car for the 18 y/o and pays auto insurance; buys clothing, pays for cell phone service, etc. He even purchased an expensive laptop, wireless printer for their home, etc. for graduation gift. I could go on but I won't. The ex stated she can't pay rent if my husband doesn't return the child support to the previous amount. The ex works full time as a nurse, my stepchild works and will receive TOPS and a Pell Grant, which is more than enough to cover tuition, books, etc. The ex has another minor child that she is maintaining a home for and that child's father pays no support. According to an attorney Family Court doesn't care about any expenses my husband continues to pay or will pay for the "adult" child b/c 18 is an adult in Louisiana. I'm fed up with this ex because it's always something. Regardless of how much he gives, it's just never enough! We have a child together as well and it seems as though she cares less. I'm about to walk! What Would You Do?
Your husband is concern about the kids not so much his ex. If his ex can't take care of the kids what do you think will happen? He'll have to take them in under your roof and that might cause problems to become worse. As for him paying on the 18 year old. By law in most all states now, if not by all states, as long as the child goes to school up to being 21 years old normally child support continues. Or they pay for the college all four years. Which do you think is cheaper, child support or college? Leaving him because of this is wrong on your part. You knew of his children when you married him or what ever he is to you. There's always problems when there is an ex involved. It comes with the territory. What you need to do is decide if you love him enough to continue to deal with this. And if you want to receive child support too for the next several years or be a family.
Your husband is concern about the kids not so much his ex. If his ex can't take care of the kids what do you think will happen? He'll have to take them in under your roof and that might cause problems to become worse. As for him paying on the 18 year old. By law in most all states now, if not by all states, as long as the child goes to school up to being 21 years old normally child support continues. Or they pay for the college all four years. Which do you think is cheaper, child support or college? Leaving him because of this is wrong on your part. You knew of his children when you married him or what ever he is to you. There's always problems when there is an ex involved. It comes with the territory. What you need to do is decide if you love him enough to continue to deal with this. And if you want to receive child support too for the next several years or be a family.
Is a deep cleaning really necessary?
I had a free comprehensive exam today at Aspen Dental. I have not seen a dentist in 10 years due to my fear and a very bad experience when I was a child. I need quite a bit of work done, but that doesn't shock me. The dentist insisted greatly that I need to have a deep cleaning on all quadrants. She did mention that my front teeth have weakened enamel and a deep cleaning will help prevent future cavities. They want to use Arestin as well. She did not measure the pockets or anything like that (I did a little bit of research on deep cleaning). Unfortunately I do not have dental insurance and they priced the three visits of my teeth cleaning at $2,236! I was blown away at that price...The receptionist told me that I should get it done and the dentist would not request it if she didn't think it was necessary. So I am unsure what to do. I currently live in Connecticut. Should I try to contact the student clinic at UCONN and see if they could do this procedure cheaper?
Have friends/family send your xrays to their dentist for a second opinion. If they all agree you need the procedure, go ahead and do it. If some think it's not necessary, then your dentist is most likely ripping you off. Dentists ALWAYS rip patients off.
Have friends/family send your xrays to their dentist for a second opinion. If they all agree you need the procedure, go ahead and do it. If some think it's not necessary, then your dentist is most likely ripping you off. Dentists ALWAYS rip patients off.
Who Wants to Sue Pepsi With Me???....Is this even possible???
okay so i went to the dentist and had to get 8 cavities filled one which needed a crown and two others he suggested crowns, but i had maxed out my dental insurance for the year. now he said the cause of my problems could possibly be from poor brushing flossing habits, but then he said something about drinkin a lot of soda...which i drink about 12 to 36 oz of Pepsi products in a day. Well I believe that Pepsi Cola should put some type of warning label on their beverages stating that over consumption may cause teeth decay and discoloration...they always have such beautiful celebrities with pearly white teeth in their commericals, just blatantly misleading the general public...so I want to sue for the cost of my dental bill about $1,600 and pain and suffering (because they intentionally make products with addicting drug like caffiene so you have to keep drinking the dang on soda and i tried caffiene free pop but im hooked to the regular soda) so my grand total is about say $101,600.
The judge will toss it out with in moments... In the US, I know they have dental health classes in school, so that kills your excuse about the teeth decay. Caffine isn't recognized as an addictive drug by the courts... so there goes that reason... $100,000 for pain and suffering ?? ANOTHER reason for TORT reform.
The judge will toss it out with in moments... In the US, I know they have dental health classes in school, so that kills your excuse about the teeth decay. Caffine isn't recognized as an addictive drug by the courts... so there goes that reason... $100,000 for pain and suffering ?? ANOTHER reason for TORT reform.
How to keep gingivitis bacteria low with major tooth decay, during pregnancy to avoid preterm labor?
Gingivitis, tooth decay, gum disease, the bacterias from these diseases/ conditions are known for causing pre-term labor and low birth weight babies. I want my child to be healthy, I also want to stop the pain in my mouth/ teeth. I dont have dental insurance, but I will be going to the dentist within 1 month to get some help. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to keep these bacterias at bay, so that they do not cause harm to my unborn child? I can not floss, due to tooth decay near the gums of my teeth, the floss just gets stuck and I have a hard time getting it back out, there is no way for me to floss with dental floss. I have tried to use the water pic to floss, this used to work, but I have a couple exposed nerves and it hurts so bad when the water pic sends water hitting into the nerve. I have covered most of the exposed nerves with temorin, over the counter temporary cavity filler. I think I will try to use the water pic again now that the nerves are not so exposed. Other than this what can keep these bacterias from going crazy and causing more harm? Gargling salt water? Listerine? Brushing 2 times a day. What else can I do? Thanks in advance, best wishes to you all, and God bless you.
you are doing exactly the same tips that will be given by a dentist & you should be doing great with that. the problem is due to the already damage teeth which is causing the problems. second trimester is the best time for any dental treatment.
you are doing exactly the same tips that will be given by a dentist & you should be doing great with that. the problem is due to the already damage teeth which is causing the problems. second trimester is the best time for any dental treatment.
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