I have no insurance and need dental work, and need the name and location of dental schools that can provide these services
Dental schools provide services at a discounted rate, but not for free. They still need to cover off the cost of the materials the students use (people don't realize that the dental supply companies are really the ones who get rich) as well as the other costs of running the facility. Unfortunately, nothing is free. Your best bet is to see if there are any social programs in your area that can help you pay for the care you need.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
How much are procedures at The Hills Dental Spa?
I have a big fear of the dentist, and I need a root canal done. I was wondering how much a root canal would be at a dental spa without insurance. I don't mind spending money fixing my tooth, I just don't want to be caught off guard. Thanks!!
By calling them, and if they know which tooth it is, and how difficult it will be, they will be able to quote you a price. Good luck.
By calling them, and if they know which tooth it is, and how difficult it will be, they will be able to quote you a price. Good luck.
anyone tried the VCU Dental School services before?
Me just want to get some filling and cleaning done but I haven't got any dental insurance. was checking out the website and it seems like I need a 3hr screening process before accepting me as a patient. Do they just do cleaning and filling? Any idea abt the prices?
Virginia is a top rate dental school. The process for getting treatment at any school is slow, thats because they are students and why you dont pay as much. I went to Connecticut and our costs were about 25% of private practices. A great bargain, but you pay for it in time spent. If you have the time, dental schools generally do great work at a steep discout.
Virginia is a top rate dental school. The process for getting treatment at any school is slow, thats because they are students and why you dont pay as much. I went to Connecticut and our costs were about 25% of private practices. A great bargain, but you pay for it in time spent. If you have the time, dental schools generally do great work at a steep discout.
I am in the need of SEVERE dental work in my mouth, someone had told me that if your job requires a good smile
That you can recieve free dental work through the state. I live in New Jersey..has anyone heard of anything like this. I am without dental insurance and live on very low budget, with children.
Hi, I live in NJ also. Here is some info that may help you. Sorry it's not free help, but this was that best I could do. It's an affordable dental discount plan for your entire household with savings up to 80% for only $19.95/ month. The package includes dental, vision, prescription, and chiropractic services. There is also a plan that offers medical and dental for $39.95/month. Here is the website. Check it out. http://www.Deliveringonthepromise.com/JR… All the best. ~Juanita~
Hi, I live in NJ also. Here is some info that may help you. Sorry it's not free help, but this was that best I could do. It's an affordable dental discount plan for your entire household with savings up to 80% for only $19.95/ month. The package includes dental, vision, prescription, and chiropractic services. There is also a plan that offers medical and dental for $39.95/month. Here is the website. Check it out. http://www.Deliveringonthepromise.com/JR… All the best. ~Juanita~
What are some health insurance that is affordable?
I am a 17 year old female and i want to know what are some affordable insurance that include dental, eyes, and a regular doctor.
If you are currently uninsured and you're only looking for the coverages you describe, then you might want to check into a limited benefit plan. Such coverage wouldn't offer the same benefit maximums as a traditional medical insurance policy, but the premiums are affordable for basic care.
If you are currently uninsured and you're only looking for the coverages you describe, then you might want to check into a limited benefit plan. Such coverage wouldn't offer the same benefit maximums as a traditional medical insurance policy, but the premiums are affordable for basic care.
dental work/no insurance.?
I will no longer have insurance in August. I need a lot of work done on my teeth. Is there any way that I can get insurance? I'm almost nineteen years old and i'm not a full time student yet, if that matters. I'm so scared to go because the costs are going to be sky-high.
The dental school is a good way but I wouldn't trust them for anything major. You can get dental coverage, your age and student status has nothing to do with it. You have three options with dental. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. $50 deductible, annual maximum of $750 - $1500, waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$10 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
The dental school is a good way but I wouldn't trust them for anything major. You can get dental coverage, your age and student status has nothing to do with it. You have three options with dental. Insurance - Depending upon the policy: cost $30-$60 per month. $50 deductible, annual maximum of $750 - $1500, waiting period up to 18 months for major work and then you're paying 50% of the charges. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With insurance you pay $414 after paying 18 months of premium (around $800 or $900). Advantage - you can use any dentist with most plans. Discount plans - Cost - $5-$10 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Also, hardly any dentists will accept the plan and when they do you MIGHT get a 10% discount, which is about the same discount you can get by paying cash. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With discount plans you pay around $746. Fee for Service discount plans - Cost $7-$15 per month. No deductible, no annual maximum and no waiting periods. Many dentist will accept the plan (check providers first before signing up with any plan). When you use the plan there is a set fee that the dentist will charge you. Example - average cost for a root canal in my area is $829. With fee for service plans you pay as little as $404. I'm an insurance agent and my personal plan is the fee for service plan. I got mine here http://www.dpbrokers.com/default.aspx?lo… specifically the Aetna Dental Access plan but which one you get depends upon your area and comparing the fee schedule to find the best for what you need covered.
My husband and I are getting divorced. Will our baby be taken off his insurance?
So my husband and I are getting a divorce and he has incredible insurance (medical, dental, life, and vision) through his job. Currently, both me and our 4-month-old are on his insurance. I know I will probably be taken off, but will our daughter be taken off as well? I'm a little scared because she still needs her medical care and as a single mom, going to school full-time, and currently trying to find a job, I don't know if I'll be able to afford to buy her medical insurance.
No. Your baby should not be taken off his insurance. Most courts will demand that one of the parents (usually the father) provide medical coverage. There is no reason the baby should be taken off because though you are splitting, it is still his baby. Hope you find happiness.
No. Your baby should not be taken off his insurance. Most courts will demand that one of the parents (usually the father) provide medical coverage. There is no reason the baby should be taken off because though you are splitting, it is still his baby. Hope you find happiness.
My question is how does someone without insurance, or money get needed dental work done? ADA gave me no help.
Indiviual is on medicare but no other insurance. Has no other financial rescource. Plus she is disabled and not near any dental school which still costs alot and long waiting lists. She has 2 artificial knees so infection is an issue, also. I am also disablied and not able to help with money.
If your state association does not work with a charity care program (some do - some don't), try your local United Way as a clearing house to direct you to some possible resource for your care. Personally, I had a few bad experiences with my state's charity care screening and I dropped out after about 20 years participation. To replace that, I choose one person a year to get charity care at "up to" 100% reduction in fee. No, I don't have the ability to do a financial review the way they do, but I decided that I can do a better job in my own community of knowing who needs and deserves help and who doesn't. MAYBE you can find a dentist near you with the same attitude. Unfortunately, you might be to "well off" for Medicaid, but it is worth looking into. Side bar: The "final straw" with me and our charity program was when they sent me a patient was was covered by Medicaid, but didn't think she wanted to trust a "Medicaid dentist" with her mouth. She kind of missed the point... The one before that was a resident of a nursing home 45 minutes from me. In my state, the nursing home is required BY LAW to provide dental care for their residents, but the family had heard of me, blah, blah, blah, and found out I was on the charity list and asked if they could be referred to me.
If your state association does not work with a charity care program (some do - some don't), try your local United Way as a clearing house to direct you to some possible resource for your care. Personally, I had a few bad experiences with my state's charity care screening and I dropped out after about 20 years participation. To replace that, I choose one person a year to get charity care at "up to" 100% reduction in fee. No, I don't have the ability to do a financial review the way they do, but I decided that I can do a better job in my own community of knowing who needs and deserves help and who doesn't. MAYBE you can find a dentist near you with the same attitude. Unfortunately, you might be to "well off" for Medicaid, but it is worth looking into. Side bar: The "final straw" with me and our charity program was when they sent me a patient was was covered by Medicaid, but didn't think she wanted to trust a "Medicaid dentist" with her mouth. She kind of missed the point... The one before that was a resident of a nursing home 45 minutes from me. In my state, the nursing home is required BY LAW to provide dental care for their residents, but the family had heard of me, blah, blah, blah, and found out I was on the charity list and asked if they could be referred to me.
can you whiten a permanent dental bridge? does anyone know were the cheapest dental is?
i live in southern maryland but even with dental insurance it is tooo expensive. i need alot of dental work...neone know anything bout dental
When you whiten, only natural tooth will get lighter. No crowns, fillings, bonding or bridges will lighten,just your own tooth. As far as cheaper dental work....beware! You get what you pay for. I know that good quality dental work is expensive, but it is worth it in the long run. Cheap dental work is made possible by using lesser quality materials that just won't holds up as well as the better materials. Just like anything else.Many offices will let you make payments over time or perhaps third party financing is an option for you. Talk to your dental office, they can possibly make things workable for you! Good luck.
When you whiten, only natural tooth will get lighter. No crowns, fillings, bonding or bridges will lighten,just your own tooth. As far as cheaper dental work....beware! You get what you pay for. I know that good quality dental work is expensive, but it is worth it in the long run. Cheap dental work is made possible by using lesser quality materials that just won't holds up as well as the better materials. Just like anything else.Many offices will let you make payments over time or perhaps third party financing is an option for you. Talk to your dental office, they can possibly make things workable for you! Good luck.
Average cost for dental bonding per tooth?
I know it depends on how much work needs to be done but say you already have good teeth and not much work needs to be done and you're just getting them to change the tooth shape or whatever... roughly how much would it cost in that case? I don't have dental insurance through my work yet... can I pay with cash or is that not allowed?
A cosmetic bonding procedure to change the shape of a tooth will run between 3 and 4 hundred dollars. You can pay cash as many insurance companies may consider this as cosmetic and would not pay anyway. Good luck.
A cosmetic bonding procedure to change the shape of a tooth will run between 3 and 4 hundred dollars. You can pay cash as many insurance companies may consider this as cosmetic and would not pay anyway. Good luck.
Taxes: can I write of my dental expenses?
I had a root canal and a crown put in last year that cost me over a grand. I'm a full time student with a full time job. I work with a temp agency so I don't get dental insurance. Can I write this off? I was in major pain and without the dental work wouldn't of been able to go to school or work.
A little late now, but in the future, if your employer offers a cafeteria plan, you can put money each pay period pre-tax and have it reimbursed to you following a procedure. Of course, this plan is use-it-or-lose-it, so a little foresight is required - don't just dump hard-earned money into it if you don't anticipate any medical bills in the same tax year. Once your expenses are reimbursed to you, that's it. Uncle Sam doesn't even look at it. As for this year, you would have to itemize, and you can only deduct expenses above a percentage of your taxable wages. Best of luck.
A little late now, but in the future, if your employer offers a cafeteria plan, you can put money each pay period pre-tax and have it reimbursed to you following a procedure. Of course, this plan is use-it-or-lose-it, so a little foresight is required - don't just dump hard-earned money into it if you don't anticipate any medical bills in the same tax year. Once your expenses are reimbursed to you, that's it. Uncle Sam doesn't even look at it. As for this year, you would have to itemize, and you can only deduct expenses above a percentage of your taxable wages. Best of luck.
where can i get decent dental work done that doesn't cost a fortune?
any ideas. my teeth are starting to suffer. i have no dental insurance at all.
Check local colleges; if they have dentistry or dental hygienists training, they need people to work on; ie dental work at a lower cost. Don't worry, they have supervision. Most have waiting lists- so check their procedures. You can look at the college/university web site, sometimes they will have patient information, services provided, pricing and hours listed there. Hope this helps.
Check local colleges; if they have dentistry or dental hygienists training, they need people to work on; ie dental work at a lower cost. Don't worry, they have supervision. Most have waiting lists- so check their procedures. You can look at the college/university web site, sometimes they will have patient information, services provided, pricing and hours listed there. Hope this helps.
My fiance has dental hygiene issues and I need help?
We have been together for two and a half years. We have not set our wedding date because of this and another health issue he has. He rarely brushes his teeth or flosses. His gums are red and he has bad breath all the time. Almost every day I tell him to brush, floss, and use mouthwash. I think he has periodontal disease. He won't find out what his dental insurance coverage is through his work though I have asked him to do this and go see a dentist for two years now. I'm at my wit's end! What more can I do? How can I get him to listen?
wow...you are in a mess...he sounds like he has more issues than his teeth....there must be a hidden reason why he is not taking care of his health. You also are at risk, can you imagine the germs he is carrying around and they can be passed on to you. In my opinion, call your city health dept. and see what services they would suggest. We have a dental school at our junior college and they have students who work under supervision on the patients. I believe the prices are very reasonable. If that is what is keeping him from going the money. His dental health affects not just his mouth but his whole body. Just think if you were married to him? If he is not taking care of himself now..what do you think he will do then. I'd give a lot of thought before I said...I do..to someone who says...I won't!
wow...you are in a mess...he sounds like he has more issues than his teeth....there must be a hidden reason why he is not taking care of his health. You also are at risk, can you imagine the germs he is carrying around and they can be passed on to you. In my opinion, call your city health dept. and see what services they would suggest. We have a dental school at our junior college and they have students who work under supervision on the patients. I believe the prices are very reasonable. If that is what is keeping him from going the money. His dental health affects not just his mouth but his whole body. Just think if you were married to him? If he is not taking care of himself now..what do you think he will do then. I'd give a lot of thought before I said...I do..to someone who says...I won't!
What is a good choice for insurance. I live in West Texas and need a good insurance?
I am 26 yrs old, female and live in Texas. I need a good insurance that covers dental, vision, prescriptions and general doc visits and ER and hospital stuff. What is a good one? Thanks.
Why not talk to a health insurance broker? A broker works with several insurers and can find the best plan, rates and coverage for you. To find a broker, log on to a website like http://www.healthinsurancewiz.com and fill out a form requesting a free quote. Your information will be sent to a broker in your area who will contact you.
Why not talk to a health insurance broker? A broker works with several insurers and can find the best plan, rates and coverage for you. To find a broker, log on to a website like http://www.healthinsurancewiz.com and fill out a form requesting a free quote. Your information will be sent to a broker in your area who will contact you.
My brother needs major dental surgery and braces, are there any help out there?
We can't afford dental insurance and his teeth is bleeding and probably has a lot of cavities. His teeth is really crooked also but we don't have any money to afford a major fix up. Are there any assistance out there or good dental insurance that will cover everything?
Most major urban areas have free or nearly free dental clinics serving the needy. These types of clinics will get a patient out of pain but won't do much in the way of treatment. Dental schools are a good way but again, they won't do the treatment entirely for free. Your best bet is to visit your local dentists and present your case to them. Tell them you can't afford treatment but are willing to ________________. I've done dental treatment in exchange for a number of products and services that the patient was willing to barter with; including sporting goods, cleaning services, haircuts, tailored clothing, plumbing, construction, etc. Most dentists have a big heart, they just don't want the patient to be the one who decides who gets the free dentistry.
Most major urban areas have free or nearly free dental clinics serving the needy. These types of clinics will get a patient out of pain but won't do much in the way of treatment. Dental schools are a good way but again, they won't do the treatment entirely for free. Your best bet is to visit your local dentists and present your case to them. Tell them you can't afford treatment but are willing to ________________. I've done dental treatment in exchange for a number of products and services that the patient was willing to barter with; including sporting goods, cleaning services, haircuts, tailored clothing, plumbing, construction, etc. Most dentists have a big heart, they just don't want the patient to be the one who decides who gets the free dentistry.
Does Medi-Cal (public assistance health/dental coverage) pay for braces if my child needs them?
I was recently laid off and I can not afford to pay for continued health/dental insurance through my former employers cobra plan but my daughter desperately needs braces. If I apply for medi-cal and am approved does this cover braces or only general dentistry? Thanks for your help!
Can you please add what state you are in? Are you married, divorced or single? Although intrusive, these are the questions they will ask you. When will your daughter turn 18? I will assume you are single/divorced but if you are married, it will be a completely different set of rules but still possible. I am a government worker and am familiar mostly with foster child benefits which may differ a bit. You will have trouble if they find out you are entitled to Cobra benefits. Whatever you do, make sure that they know this or it could be considered fraud. I don't know your financial situation but the extended benefits Cobra offers are so terribly expensive that I suggest you reject the policy altogether if you cannot afford it based on inability to pay and opt for strait Medi-Cal/Medi-Caid or risk depleting your savings (if you even have one) in order to "spend - down" your budget. If you have been laid off, you don't need this burden anyway. Also, where is your daughters father? They will ask this too. If you are not married and depending on your circumstance, he can be liable and court ordered to pay for half the cost of the treatment depending on the severity of your daughters need. 18 is the cut off age unless they are foster children, illegal immigrants, or your daughter becomes pregnant (which I doubt you would want to happen)! - then the cut off age is 19-21 depending on those factors. My son needs braces too and I have dental insurance that I pay a hefty premium for but the co-pay is so high that it will take 2 tax refunds (two years) to save for it. The most Medi-Cal can tell you is "no" in which isn't quite the end of the world just yet... they MUST send you what is called a "Notice of Action" on the back of that notice you will be offered a chance to appeal the decision within 30 day's - do it no matter what and be prepared to provide documentation relevant to her need. If that doesn't work - I don't know how your credit is...sometimes when we struggle it isn't perfect but many places will offer payment plans with less than stellar credit. I don't think braces should be considered "cosmetic" since abnormally placed teeth can cause other dental problems including TMJ and social/ socioeconomic problems later in life - like obtaining employment. Afterall - Medi-Care pays for Viagra. In which I may be greatful for in another 20 years lol ;) Good luck to you and my sympathies go out to you for your job loss. Please keep posted. I am curious to find out what happens. Sorry so long...I would have e-mailed it but you don't accept email. I believe every child and adult should have access to dental/health treatment regardless of income or employment status. Gets me to talking/typing too much girl!
Can you please add what state you are in? Are you married, divorced or single? Although intrusive, these are the questions they will ask you. When will your daughter turn 18? I will assume you are single/divorced but if you are married, it will be a completely different set of rules but still possible. I am a government worker and am familiar mostly with foster child benefits which may differ a bit. You will have trouble if they find out you are entitled to Cobra benefits. Whatever you do, make sure that they know this or it could be considered fraud. I don't know your financial situation but the extended benefits Cobra offers are so terribly expensive that I suggest you reject the policy altogether if you cannot afford it based on inability to pay and opt for strait Medi-Cal/Medi-Caid or risk depleting your savings (if you even have one) in order to "spend - down" your budget. If you have been laid off, you don't need this burden anyway. Also, where is your daughters father? They will ask this too. If you are not married and depending on your circumstance, he can be liable and court ordered to pay for half the cost of the treatment depending on the severity of your daughters need. 18 is the cut off age unless they are foster children, illegal immigrants, or your daughter becomes pregnant (which I doubt you would want to happen)! - then the cut off age is 19-21 depending on those factors. My son needs braces too and I have dental insurance that I pay a hefty premium for but the co-pay is so high that it will take 2 tax refunds (two years) to save for it. The most Medi-Cal can tell you is "no" in which isn't quite the end of the world just yet... they MUST send you what is called a "Notice of Action" on the back of that notice you will be offered a chance to appeal the decision within 30 day's - do it no matter what and be prepared to provide documentation relevant to her need. If that doesn't work - I don't know how your credit is...sometimes when we struggle it isn't perfect but many places will offer payment plans with less than stellar credit. I don't think braces should be considered "cosmetic" since abnormally placed teeth can cause other dental problems including TMJ and social/ socioeconomic problems later in life - like obtaining employment. Afterall - Medi-Care pays for Viagra. In which I may be greatful for in another 20 years lol ;) Good luck to you and my sympathies go out to you for your job loss. Please keep posted. I am curious to find out what happens. Sorry so long...I would have e-mailed it but you don't accept email. I believe every child and adult should have access to dental/health treatment regardless of income or employment status. Gets me to talking/typing too much girl!
Look at my paycheck and answer my questions please: Insurance related?
FICA deducation = 240$ PRE-TAX MED INS = 134$ PRE TAX FSA = 90$ 1. what is FICA, where does the money go, and why wont i ever see it again? 2. Estimate annual premieum my health insurance charges my employer and explain why its taken out of my paycheck. 3. Why dont i purchase dental insurance?
1. FICA is Social Security and Medicare payroll tax. You do not "get it back" but you will be eligible for those benefits in the future. 2. The full cost of the premium cannot be estimated based on the information you provide because we don't know what your cost share (%) of the premium is. 3. You tell us. Why don't you purchase dental insurance?
1. FICA is Social Security and Medicare payroll tax. You do not "get it back" but you will be eligible for those benefits in the future. 2. The full cost of the premium cannot be estimated based on the information you provide because we don't know what your cost share (%) of the premium is. 3. You tell us. Why don't you purchase dental insurance?
Cigna Dental/Vision Insurance?
ok, my husband and I got a dental & vision through his employer(pizza hut) with Cigna and we pay almost $60 a month and we don't really understand how all of this works. The papers we got say its a $25 deductible per person, per policy year. Does that mean its like a co=payment that we have to pay when we go to our appointment? And then it lists the services and how much they pay for each. Like $17 for a oral exam every 6 months. we found a dentist in the network. so basically how does all this work and what does it mean when we go to the dentist and eye doctor? please anyone help that has been thru this before. and is there any other plans or companies that offer something better? am i getting a good deal. thank you for your time.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
healthquotes.awardspace.info - I switched to this health insurance from them, cause it gives much cheaper rates for m?.
are there any celeberties willing to help people with dental bills?
I would like to get dental implants. My dental insurance only pays 1000.00 per year. I can not afford the cost on my own
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It appears that the question period has expired. If you have received an answer that meets your needs, please choose one of those as a 'best answer.' If you haven't received a good answer for your question, you may want to consider the following, 1) Re-post your question. Newer questions get more activity on Yahoo! Answers than old ones. 2) If you do re-post your question, consider why it wasn't answered the first time. Could it be more specific? Could it be worded better? Were there grammatical or spelling errors? Was it in the best category? If it doesn't seem likely that re-posting your question will help you, then here's a listing of my favorite 'answer sites'. Maybe one of them will help you. Answers.com http://www.answers.com/ Bartleby http://www.bartleby.com/ Yahoo Reference http://education.yahoo.com/reference/ HowStuffWorks http://www.howstuffworks.com/ Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Since I really haven't answered your question, it is not necessary to give me any points. Regards.
How much Milan Dental Clinic Boise Charges ?
I dont have dental insurance and was wondering how much Milan Dental charges ?? Can anybody help here
Charge for what? here's an idea--Why don't you call them and ask?
Charge for what? here's an idea--Why don't you call them and ask?
i paid my dental bill in full but they still filed the claim to my insurance company and got reimbursement che
i paid my dental bill in full but the dentist still filed on my insurance. my reimbursement check was sent to the dentist also. isnt that a crime? why should they even file the claim if they have already been paid. i told them i would file for my reimbursement myself. i feel like they are ripping me off and getting paid twice
If you paid your bill in full, and your dental insurance paid it's share, you should have a credit balance on your account, which should be refunded to you. While submitting insurance claims is time-consuming and can be frustrating at times, there is no reason your benefits should have been assigned to the denist....unless of course your signature was forged. Get a copy of the EOB (explanation of benefits) from the dental office and request a check in full for the amount due you.... it should match the EOB amount, so you won't be ripped off a second time. If the claim was submitted electronically, someone still had to be sitting at the keyboard and hit 'go', so it's not a standard submission. Whoever did it needs to pay more attention to what they're doing......... Best of luck!
If you paid your bill in full, and your dental insurance paid it's share, you should have a credit balance on your account, which should be refunded to you. While submitting insurance claims is time-consuming and can be frustrating at times, there is no reason your benefits should have been assigned to the denist....unless of course your signature was forged. Get a copy of the EOB (explanation of benefits) from the dental office and request a check in full for the amount due you.... it should match the EOB amount, so you won't be ripped off a second time. If the claim was submitted electronically, someone still had to be sitting at the keyboard and hit 'go', so it's not a standard submission. Whoever did it needs to pay more attention to what they're doing......... Best of luck!
I have a cavity and no insureance . Do dental offices take payment plans ?
Im 23 and make very little the most i could pay out is like 25 bucks a week and I have a cavity in my upper tooth towards the back. Do you know of a dental office or dental insurance place that will work with me ? Please help me.
Call around to local dentists in your area to find out what they charge and whether or not you can make monthly payments. Most dentists will accept monthly installments instead of requiring an upfront payment. Sometimes they may add a small fee for allowing you to pay out your balance over time. Filling a cavity in one tooth should not be that expensive anyway. My dentist charges about $60 per filling. Don't just get the tooth pulled, though, unless the dentist tells you that the tooth cannot be saved. It is sometimes (not always) cheaper to have it pulled but removing a permanent tooth can cause your other teeth to shift or bone deterioration in your jawbone where the tooth was removed, and especially at your age, you don't want that. Definitely let the dentist check it out and make a recommendation as to what you should do. Then make a decision based on what you can afford.
Call around to local dentists in your area to find out what they charge and whether or not you can make monthly payments. Most dentists will accept monthly installments instead of requiring an upfront payment. Sometimes they may add a small fee for allowing you to pay out your balance over time. Filling a cavity in one tooth should not be that expensive anyway. My dentist charges about $60 per filling. Don't just get the tooth pulled, though, unless the dentist tells you that the tooth cannot be saved. It is sometimes (not always) cheaper to have it pulled but removing a permanent tooth can cause your other teeth to shift or bone deterioration in your jawbone where the tooth was removed, and especially at your age, you don't want that. Definitely let the dentist check it out and make a recommendation as to what you should do. Then make a decision based on what you can afford.
The pain in my mouth is the worst I've ever felt... I have lost my dental insurance...?
I've never felt worse pain in my life! Three years ago the dentist put three fillings in. Two went great. One didn't. He put it in and over the course of two weeks it fell out four times. I had to have my tooth filled four times in two weeks. Well, three years later ALL my fillings fall out. one doesn't bother me too bad. But the one that they had to keep redoing is giving me pass out for a while type of pain. My body is too beautiful to have disgusting teeth. I need serious help and I don't know what to do. SOmeone mentioned a dental clinic?
yeah my dog has cancer too
yeah my dog has cancer too
Son has cavity but no dental insurance...?
Would i have to pay upfront? Or could i make a payment plan? I'm not sure how much it would cost anyways but i'm afraid if i don't get him somewhere soon his teeth will get worse!!
check around your area and see if there is a dental college nearby. they can do the same work at a fraction of the cost
check around your area and see if there is a dental college nearby. they can do the same work at a fraction of the cost
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